//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "hud.h"
#include "hudelement.h"
#include "hud_macros.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include "hl1_c_player.h"
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>
#define MIN_ALPHA 100
class CHudFlashlight : public CHudElement, public vgui::Panel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CHudFlashlight, vgui::Panel );
public: CHudFlashlight( const char *pElementName );
private: void Paint( void ); void ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme);
private: CHudTexture *icon_flash_empty; CHudTexture *icon_flash_full; CHudTexture *icon_flash_beam; Color m_clrReddish; };
// Purpose: Constructor
CHudFlashlight::CHudFlashlight( const char *pElementName ) : CHudElement( pElementName ), BaseClass(NULL, "HudFlashlight") { vgui::Panel *pParent = g_pClientMode->GetViewport(); SetParent( pParent );
void CHudFlashlight::Paint( void ) { int r, g, b, a, nUnused; int x, y; bool bIsOn; Color clrFlash;
C_HL1_Player *pPlayer = ToHL1Player( C_HL1_Player::GetLocalPlayer() ); if ( !pPlayer ) return;
if ( !icon_flash_empty ) { icon_flash_empty = gHUD.GetIcon( "flash_empty" ); }
if ( !icon_flash_full ) { icon_flash_full = gHUD.GetIcon( "flash_full" ); }
if ( !icon_flash_beam ) { icon_flash_beam = gHUD.GetIcon( "flash_beam" ); }
if ( !icon_flash_empty || !icon_flash_full || !icon_flash_beam ) { return; }
bIsOn = pPlayer->IsEffectActive( EF_DIMLIGHT );
if ( bIsOn ) a = 225; else a = MIN_ALPHA;
if ( pPlayer->m_nFlashBattery < 20 ) { m_clrReddish.GetColor( r, g, b, nUnused ); } else { (gHUD.m_clrYellowish).GetColor( r, g, b, nUnused ); }
clrFlash.SetColor( r, g, b, a );
y = icon_flash_empty->Height() / 2; x = GetWide() - ( icon_flash_empty->Width() * 1.5 );
// Draw the flashlight casing
icon_flash_empty->DrawSelf( x, y, clrFlash );
if ( bIsOn ) { // draw the flashlight beam
x = GetWide() - icon_flash_empty->Width() / 2;
icon_flash_beam->DrawSelf( x, y, clrFlash ); }
// draw the flashlight energy level
x = GetWide() - ( icon_flash_empty->Width() * 1.5 );
int nOffset = icon_flash_empty->Width() * ( 1.0 - ( (float)pPlayer->m_nFlashBattery / 100.0 ) ); if ( nOffset < icon_flash_empty->Width() ) { icon_flash_full->DrawSelfCropped( x + nOffset, y, nOffset, 0, icon_flash_full->Width() - nOffset, icon_flash_full->Height(), clrFlash ); } }
void CHudFlashlight::ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings(pScheme); SetPaintBackgroundEnabled(false);
m_clrReddish = pScheme->GetColor( "Reddish", Color( 255, 16, 16, 255 ) ); }