//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "fx.h"
#include "particlemgr.h"
#include "particle_prototype.h"
#include "particle_util.h"
#include "c_te_particlesystem.h"
#include "particles_ez.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#define DUST_ENDSIZE 48
#define DUST_RADIUS 32.0f
#define DUST_STARTALPHA 0.3f
#define DUST_ENDALPHA 0.0f
#define DUST_LIFETIME 2.0f
static Vector g_AntlionDustColor( 0.3f, 0.25f, 0.2f );
extern IPhysicsSurfaceProps *physprops;
class CAntlionDustEmitter : public CSimpleEmitter { public: static CAntlionDustEmitter *Create( const char *debugname ) { return new CAntlionDustEmitter( debugname ); }
void UpdateVelocity( SimpleParticle *pParticle, float timeDelta ) { //FIXME: Incorrect
pParticle->m_vecVelocity *= 0.9f; }
private: CAntlionDustEmitter( const char *pDebugName ) : CSimpleEmitter( pDebugName ) {} CAntlionDustEmitter( const CAntlionDustEmitter & ); // not defined, not accessible
// C_TEAntlionDust
class C_TEAntlionDust: public C_TEParticleSystem { public:
C_TEAntlionDust(); virtual ~C_TEAntlionDust();
public: virtual void PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType ); virtual bool ShouldDraw() { return true; }
public: virtual void RenderParticles( CParticleRenderIterator *pIterator ); virtual void SimulateParticles( CParticleSimulateIterator *pIterator );
public: PMaterialHandle m_MaterialHandle;
Vector m_vecOrigin; QAngle m_vecAngles; bool m_bBlockedSpawner;
protected: void GetDustColor( Vector &color ); };
// Expose to the particle app.
EXPOSE_PROTOTYPE_EFFECT( AntlionDust, C_TEAntlionDust );
IMPLEMENT_CLIENTCLASS_EVENT_DT( C_TEAntlionDust, DT_TEAntlionDust, CTEAntlionDust ) RecvPropVector(RECVINFO( m_vecOrigin )), RecvPropVector(RECVINFO( m_vecAngles )), RecvPropBool(RECVINFO( m_bBlockedSpawner )), END_RECV_TABLE()
// C_TEAntlionDust
C_TEAntlionDust::C_TEAntlionDust() { m_MaterialHandle = INVALID_MATERIAL_HANDLE; m_vecOrigin.Init(); m_vecAngles.Init(); m_bBlockedSpawner = false; }
C_TEAntlionDust::~C_TEAntlionDust() { }
// Purpose:
// Input : bNewEntity - whether or not to start a new entity
void C_TEAntlionDust::PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType ) { // This style of creating dust emitters is now deprecated; we use the simple particle singleton exclusively.
CSmartPtr<CAntlionDustEmitter> pDustEmitter = CAntlionDustEmitter::Create( "TEAntlionDust" ); Assert( pDustEmitter ); if ( pDustEmitter == NULL ) return;
pDustEmitter->SetSortOrigin( m_vecOrigin ); pDustEmitter->SetNearClip( 32, 64 ); pDustEmitter->GetBinding().SetBBox( m_vecOrigin - Vector( 32, 32, 32 ), m_vecOrigin + Vector( 32, 32, 32 ) ); */
Vector offset; Vector vecColor; GetDustColor( vecColor );
int iParticleCount = 16;
if ( m_bBlockedSpawner == true ) { iParticleCount = 8; }
//Spawn the dust
SimpleParticle particle; for ( int i = 0; i < iParticleCount; i++ ) { //Offset this dust puff's origin
offset[0] = random->RandomFloat( -DUST_RADIUS, DUST_RADIUS ); offset[1] = random->RandomFloat( -DUST_RADIUS, DUST_RADIUS ); offset[2] = random->RandomFloat( -16, 8 ); offset += m_vecOrigin;
particle.m_Pos = offset; particle.m_flDieTime = random->RandomFloat( 0.75f, 1.25f ); particle.m_flLifetime = 0.0f; Vector dir = particle.m_Pos - m_vecOrigin; particle.m_vecVelocity = dir * random->RandomFloat( 0.5f, 1.0f ); dir.z = fabs(dir.z);
float colorRamp = random->RandomFloat( 0.5f, 1.0f ); Vector color = vecColor*colorRamp;
color[0] = clamp( color[0], 0.0f, 1.0f ); color[1] = clamp( color[1], 0.0f, 1.0f ); color[2] = clamp( color[2], 0.0f, 1.0f );
color *= 255;
particle.m_uchColor[0] = color[0]; particle.m_uchColor[1] = color[1]; particle.m_uchColor[2] = color[2];
particle.m_uchStartAlpha= random->RandomFloat( 64, 128 ); particle.m_uchEndAlpha = 0;
particle.m_uchStartSize = random->RandomInt( 16, 32 ); particle.m_uchEndSize = particle.m_uchStartSize * 3; particle.m_flRoll = random->RandomInt( 0, 360 ); particle.m_flRollDelta = random->RandomFloat( -0.2f, 0.2f );
// Though it appears there are two particle handle entries in g_Mat_DustPuff, in fact
// only the one present at index 0 actually draws. Trying to spawn a particle with
// the other material will give you no particle at all. Therefore while instead of this:
// AddSimpleParticle( &particle, g_Mat_DustPuff[random->RandomInt(0,1) );
// we have to do this:
AddSimpleParticle( &particle, g_Mat_DustPuff[0] ); } }
void GetColorForSurface( trace_t *trace, Vector *color );
// Purpose:
// Input : &color -
void C_TEAntlionDust::GetDustColor( Vector &color ) { trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceLine( m_vecOrigin+Vector(0,0,1), m_vecOrigin+Vector(0,0,-32), MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
if ( tr.fraction < 1.0f ) { GetColorForSurface( &tr, &color ); } else { //Fill in a fallback
color = g_AntlionDustColor; } }
void C_TEAntlionDust::RenderParticles( CParticleRenderIterator *pIterator ) { }
void C_TEAntlionDust::SimulateParticles( CParticleSimulateIterator *pIterator ) { }