//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
#include "materialsystem/itexture.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "replay/iclientreplaycontext.h"
#include "replay/ireplayscreenshotmanager.h"
#include "replay_screenshot.h"
#include "view.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "view_shared.h"
#include "iviewrender.h"
#include "fasttimer.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern IClientReplayContext *g_pClientReplayContext; ITexture *CReplayScreenshotTaker::m_pScreenshotTarget;
// Purpose:
CReplayScreenshotTaker::CReplayScreenshotTaker( IViewRender *pViewRender, CViewSetup &viewSetup ) : m_pViewRender( pViewRender ), m_View( viewSetup ) { m_pUnpaddedPixels = NULL; m_pPaddedPixels = NULL; m_pVTFPixels = NULL;
m_pVTFTexture = NULL;
m_pBuffer = NULL;
if ( !m_pScreenshotTarget ) return;
m_aPaddedDims[ 0 ] = m_pScreenshotTarget->GetActualWidth(); m_aPaddedDims[ 1 ] = m_pScreenshotTarget->GetActualHeight();
g_pClientReplayContext->GetScreenshotManager()->GetUnpaddedScreenshotSize( m_aUnpaddedDims[ 0 ], m_aUnpaddedDims[ 1 ] );
// Calculate sizes
int nUnpaddedSize = 3 * m_aUnpaddedDims[ 0 ] * m_aUnpaddedDims[ 1 ]; int nPaddedSize = 3 * m_aPaddedDims[ 0 ] * m_aPaddedDims[ 1 ]; // Allocate for padded & unpadded pixel data
m_pUnpaddedPixels = new uint8[ nUnpaddedSize ]; m_pPaddedPixels = new uint8[ nPaddedSize ];
// White out the entire padded image
V_memset( m_pPaddedPixels, 255, nPaddedSize );
// Create the VTF
#ifndef _X360
IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture = CreateVTFTexture(); const int nFlags = TEXTUREFLAGS_NOMIP | TEXTUREFLAGS_NOLOD | TEXTUREFLAGS_SRGB; if ( !pVTFTexture->Init( m_aPaddedDims[ 0 ], m_aPaddedDims[ 1 ], 1, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888, nFlags, 1, 1 ) ) return;
m_pVTFTexture = pVTFTexture; #else
m_pVTFTexture = NULL; #endif // _X360
// Allocate pixels for the output buffer
int nVTFSize = 1024 + ( 3 * m_aPaddedDims[ 0 ] * m_aPaddedDims[ 1 ] ); m_pVTFPixels = new uint8[ nVTFSize ]; m_pBuffer = new CUtlBuffer( m_pVTFPixels, nVTFSize ); }
// Purpose:
CReplayScreenshotTaker::~CReplayScreenshotTaker() { delete [] m_pUnpaddedPixels; delete [] m_pPaddedPixels; delete [] m_pVTFPixels;
#ifndef _X360
DestroyVTFTexture( m_pVTFTexture ); #endif // _X360
delete m_pBuffer; }
// Purpose: takes a screenshot for the replay system
void CReplayScreenshotTaker::TakeScreenshot( WriteReplayScreenshotParams_t ¶ms ) { if ( !m_pViewRender ) return;
CFastTimer timer; ConVarRef replay_debug( "replay_debug" ); bool bDbg = replay_debug.IsValid() && replay_debug.GetBool();
int width = params.m_nWidth; int height = params.m_nHeight;
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix();
extern bool g_bRenderingScreenshot; g_bRenderingScreenshot = true;
// Push back buffer on the stack with small viewport
pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( m_pScreenshotTarget, 0, 0, width, height );
// setup the view to render
CViewSetup viewSetup = m_View; viewSetup.x = 0; viewSetup.y = 0; viewSetup.width = width; viewSetup.height = height; viewSetup.fov = ScaleFOVByWidthRatio( m_View.fov, ( (float)width / (float)height ) / ( 4.0f / 3.0f ) ); viewSetup.m_bRenderToSubrectOfLargerScreen = true;
// Setup view origin/angles
if ( params.m_pOrigin ) { viewSetup.origin = *params.m_pOrigin; } if ( params.m_pAngles ) { viewSetup.angles = *params.m_pAngles; }
timer.Start(); // draw out the scene - don't draw the HUD or the viewmodel
m_pViewRender->RenderView( viewSetup, VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH | VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR, 0 );
timer.End(); if ( bDbg ) Warning( "Screenshot RenderView(): %.4f s\n", timer.GetDuration().GetSeconds() );
// Get Bits from the material system
pRenderContext->ReadPixels( 0, 0, width, height, m_pUnpaddedPixels, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888 );
timer.End(); if ( bDbg ) Warning( "Screenshot ReadPixels(): %.4f s\n", timer.GetDuration().GetSeconds() );
// Some stuff to be setup dependent on padded vs. not padded
int nSrcWidth, nSrcHeight; unsigned char *pSrcImage;
// Setup dimensions as needed
int nPaddedWidth = m_aPaddedDims[0]; int nPaddedHeight = m_aPaddedDims[1];
// Allocate
unsigned char *pUnpaddedImage = m_pUnpaddedPixels; unsigned char *pPaddedImage = m_pPaddedPixels; timer.Start(); // Copy over each row individually
for ( int nRow = 0; nRow < height; ++nRow ) { unsigned char *pDst = pPaddedImage + 3 * ( nRow * nPaddedWidth ); const unsigned char *pSrc = pUnpaddedImage + 3 * ( nRow * width ); V_memcpy( pDst, pSrc, 3 * width ); } timer.End(); if ( bDbg ) Warning( "Screenshot copy image: %.4f s\n", timer.GetDuration().GetSeconds() );
// Setup source data
nSrcWidth = nPaddedWidth; nSrcHeight = nPaddedHeight; pSrcImage = pPaddedImage;
if ( !m_pVTFTexture ) return;
// Copy the image data over to the VTF
unsigned char *pDestBits = m_pVTFTexture->ImageData(); int nDstSize = nSrcWidth * nSrcHeight * 3; V_memcpy( pDestBits, pSrcImage, nDstSize );
bool bWriteResult = true;
// Reset put
m_pBuffer->SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 );
timer.Start(); // Serialize to the buffer
bWriteResult = m_pVTFTexture->Serialize( *m_pBuffer ); timer.End(); if ( bDbg ) Warning( "Screenshot VTF->Serialize(): %.4f s\n", timer.GetDuration().GetSeconds() ); if ( !bWriteResult ) { Warning( "Couldn't write Replay screenshot.\n" ); bWriteResult = false;
return; }
// async write to disk (this will take ownership of the memory)
char szPathedFileName[_MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( szPathedFileName, sizeof(szPathedFileName), "//MOD/%s", params.m_pFilename );
timer.Start(); filesystem->AsyncWrite( szPathedFileName, m_pBuffer->Base(), m_pBuffer->TellPut(), false ); timer.End(); if ( bDbg ) Warning( "Screenshot AsyncWrite(): %.4f s\n", timer.GetDuration().GetSeconds() );
// restore our previous state
pRenderContext->PopRenderTargetAndViewport(); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix(); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix();
g_bRenderingScreenshot = false; }
void CReplayScreenshotTaker::CreateRenderTarget( IMaterialSystem *pMaterialSystem ) { m_pScreenshotTarget = pMaterialSystem->CreateNamedRenderTargetTextureEx2( "rt_ReplayScreenshot", 0, 0, RT_SIZE_REPLAY_SCREENSHOT, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888, MATERIAL_RT_DEPTH_SEPARATE ); m_pScreenshotTarget->AddRef(); // we will leak this ref, but only at shutdown of the app, which will be cleaned up then