//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "cbase.h"
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
#include "replayrenderer.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h"
#include "materialsystem/itexture.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialproxy.h"
#include "replay/vgui/replayrenderoverlay.h"
#include "replay/replay.h"
#include "replay/ireplaymoviemanager.h"
#include "replay/ireplayperformancecontroller.h"
#include "replay/ireplaymovie.h"
#include "replay/ireplaymanager.h"
#include "replay/ienginereplay.h"
#include "replay/iclientreplaycontext.h"
#include "view.h"
#include "iviewrender.h"
#include "view_shared.h"
#include "replay/replaycamera.h"
#include "bitmap/tgawriter.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "video/ivideoservices.h"
#define TMP_WAVE_FILENAME "tmpaudio"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
extern IReplayMovieManager *g_pReplayMovieManager; extern IReplayPerformanceController *g_pReplayPerformanceController;
// Map quality index to number of samples
static int s_DoFQualityToSamples[MAX_DOF_QUALITY+1] = {8, 16, 32};//, 64, 128 };
// 4-entry table of values in 2D -1 to +1 range using Poisson disk distribution
static Vector2D g_vJitterTable4[4] = { Vector2D (0.5318f, -0.6902f ), Vector2D (-0.5123f, 0.8362f ), Vector2D (-0.5193f, -0.2195f ), Vector2D (0.4749f, 0.3478f ) };
// 8-entry table of values in 2D -1 to +1 range using Poisson disk distribution
static Vector2D g_vJitterTable8[8] = { Vector2D (0.3475f, 0.0042f ),Vector2D (0.8806f, 0.3430f ),Vector2D (-0.0041f, -0.6197f ),Vector2D (0.0472f, 0.4964f ), Vector2D (-0.3730f, 0.0874f ),Vector2D (-0.9217f, -0.3177f ),Vector2D (-0.6289f, 0.7388f ),Vector2D (0.5744f, -0.7741f ) };
// 16-entry table of values in 2D -1 to +1 range using Poisson disk distribution (disk size 0.38f)
static Vector2D g_vJitterTable16[16] = { Vector2D (0.0747f, -0.8341f ),Vector2D (-0.9138f, 0.3251f ),Vector2D (0.8667f, -0.3029f ),Vector2D (-0.4642f, 0.2187f ), Vector2D (-0.1505f, 0.7320f ),Vector2D (0.7310f, -0.6786f ),Vector2D (0.2859f, -0.3254f ),Vector2D (-0.1311f, -0.2292f ), Vector2D (0.3518f, 0.6470f ),Vector2D (-0.7485f, -0.6307f ),Vector2D (0.1687f, 0.1873f ),Vector2D (-0.3604f, -0.7483f ), Vector2D (-0.5658f, -0.1521f ),Vector2D (0.7102f, 0.0536f ),Vector2D (-0.6056f, 0.7747f ),Vector2D (0.7793f, 0.6194f ) };
// 32-entry table of values in 2D -1 to +1 range using Poisson disk distribution (disk size 0.28f)
static Vector2D g_vJitterTable32[32] = { Vector2D (0.0854f, -0.0644f ),Vector2D (0.8744f, 0.1665f ),Vector2D (0.2329f, 0.3995f ),Vector2D (-0.7804f, 0.5482f ), Vector2D (-0.4577f, 0.7647f ),Vector2D (-0.1936f, 0.5564f ),Vector2D (0.4205f, -0.5768f ),Vector2D (-0.0304f, -0.9050f ), Vector2D (-0.5215f, 0.1854f ),Vector2D (0.3161f, -0.2954f ),Vector2D (0.0666f, -0.5564f ),Vector2D (-0.2137f, -0.0072f ), Vector2D (-0.4112f, -0.3311f ),Vector2D (0.6438f, -0.2484f ),Vector2D (-0.9055f, -0.0360f ),Vector2D (0.8323f, 0.5268f ), Vector2D (0.5592f, 0.3459f ),Vector2D (-0.6797f, -0.5201f ),Vector2D (-0.4325f, -0.8857f ),Vector2D (0.8768f, -0.4197f ), Vector2D (0.3090f, -0.8646f ),Vector2D (0.5034f, 0.8603f ),Vector2D (0.3752f, 0.0627f ),Vector2D (-0.0161f, 0.2627f ), Vector2D (0.0969f, 0.7054f ),Vector2D (-0.2291f, -0.6595f ),Vector2D (-0.5887f, -0.1100f ),Vector2D (0.7048f, -0.6528f ), Vector2D (-0.8438f, 0.2706f ),Vector2D (-0.5061f, 0.4653f ),Vector2D (-0.1245f, -0.3302f ),Vector2D (-0.1801f, 0.8486f )};
// Accumulation material proxy for ping-pong accumulation buffer imp.
struct AccumParams_t { ITexture *m_pTexture0; ITexture *m_pTexture1; float m_fSampleWeight; bool m_bClear; };
class CAccumBuffProxy : public IMaterialProxy { public: CAccumBuffProxy(); virtual ~CAccumBuffProxy(); virtual bool Init( IMaterial *pMaterial, KeyValues *pKeyValues ); virtual void OnBind( void *pC_BaseEntity ); virtual void Release( void ) { delete this; } virtual IMaterial *GetMaterial();
private: IMaterialVar *m_pTexture0; IMaterialVar *m_pTexture1; IMaterialVar *m_pAccumBuffWeights; };
CAccumBuffProxy::CAccumBuffProxy() { m_pTexture0 = NULL; m_pTexture1 = NULL; m_pAccumBuffWeights = NULL; }
CAccumBuffProxy::~CAccumBuffProxy() { }
bool CAccumBuffProxy::Init( IMaterial *pMaterial, KeyValues *pKeyValues ) { bool foundVar;
// Grab the Material variables for the accumulation shader
m_pTexture0 = pMaterial->FindVar( "$TEXTURE0", &foundVar, false ); if( !foundVar ) return false;
m_pTexture1 = pMaterial->FindVar( "$TEXTURE1", &foundVar, false ); if( !foundVar ) return false;
m_pAccumBuffWeights = pMaterial->FindVar( "$WEIGHTS", &foundVar, false ); if( !foundVar ) return false;
return true; }
void CAccumBuffProxy::OnBind( void *pC_BaseEntity ) { AccumParams_t *pAccumParams = (AccumParams_t *) pC_BaseEntity;
if( !m_pTexture0 || !m_pTexture1 || !m_pAccumBuffWeights ) { return; }
m_pTexture0->SetTextureValue( pAccumParams->m_pTexture0 ); m_pTexture1->SetTextureValue( pAccumParams->m_pTexture1 );
// If we're just using this material to do a clear to black...
if ( pAccumParams->m_bClear ) { m_pAccumBuffWeights->SetVecValue( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); } else { m_pAccumBuffWeights->SetVecValue( pAccumParams->m_fSampleWeight, 1.0f - pAccumParams->m_fSampleWeight, 0.0f, 0.0f ); } }
IMaterial *CAccumBuffProxy::GetMaterial() { return m_pAccumBuffWeights ? m_pAccumBuffWeights->GetOwningMaterial() : NULL; }
EXPOSE_INTERFACE( CAccumBuffProxy, IMaterialProxy, "accumbuff4sample" IMATERIAL_PROXY_INTERFACE_VERSION );
CReplayRenderer::CReplayRenderer( CReplayRenderOverlay *pOverlay ) : m_bIsAudioSyncFrame( false ), m_pRenderOverlay( pOverlay ), m_nCurrentPingPong( 0 ), m_nCurSample( 0 ), m_nTimeStep( 0 ), m_curSampleTime( 0 ), m_nFrame( 0 ), m_nNumJitterSamples( 0 ), m_iTgaFrame( 0 ), m_pLayoffBuf( NULL ), m_pMovie( NULL ), m_pMovieMaker( NULL ), m_pJitterTable( NULL ), m_pViewmodelFov( NULL ), m_pDefaultFov( NULL ), m_bCacheFullSceneState( false ), m_bShutterClosed( false ), m_bForceCheapDoF( false ) { }
CReplayRenderer::~CReplayRenderer() { }
const CReplayPerformance *CReplayRenderer::GetPerformance() const { CReplay *pReplay = g_pReplayManager->GetPlayingReplay(); if ( !pReplay ) return NULL;
return m_RenderParams.m_iPerformance >= 0 ? pReplay->GetPerformance( m_RenderParams.m_iPerformance ) : NULL; }
const char *CReplayRenderer::GetMovieFilename() const { if ( !m_pMovie ) return NULL;
return m_pMovie->GetMovieFilename(); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions used by audio engine to distinguish between sub-frames
// rendered for motion blur, and the actual frames being recorded
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
void CReplayRenderer::SetAudioSyncFrame( bool isSync ) { m_bIsAudioSyncFrame = isSync; }
bool CReplayRenderer::IsAudioSyncFrame() { return m_bIsAudioSyncFrame; }
float CReplayRenderer::GetRecordingFrameDuration() { double actualFPS = m_RenderParams.m_Settings.m_FPS.GetFPS(); if ( actualFPS <= 0.0 ) { Assert( false ); return 30.0f; } double interval = 1.0 / actualFPS; return (float) interval; }
bool CReplayRenderer::SetupRenderer( RenderMovieParams_t ¶ms, IReplayMovie *pMovie ) { // Cache render parameters
V_memcpy( &m_RenderParams, ¶ms, sizeof( params ) );
// Cache movie
m_pMovie = pMovie;
// Reset current frame
m_nFrame = 0; m_nTimeStep = 0; m_nCurSample = 0; m_iTgaFrame = 0; m_curSampleTime = DmeTime_t(0);
m_pViewmodelFov = ( ConVar * )cvar->FindVar( "viewmodel_fov" ); m_pDefaultFov = ( ConVar * )cvar->FindVar( "default_fov" );
InitBuffers( params );
// Record directly to a .wav file if desired via 'startmovie' and write out TGA's
if ( params.m_bExportRaw ) { // Create the temporary wave file
g_pEngineClientReplay->Wave_CreateTmpFile( TMP_WAVE_FILENAME );
// Create the path for the movie
m_fmtTgaRenderDirName = g_pClientReplayContext->GetMovieManager()->GetRawExportDir();
g_pFullFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( m_fmtTgaRenderDirName.Access() ); } else { // Record to a movie using video services.
if ( !g_pVideo ) return false;
m_pMovieMaker = g_pVideo->CreateVideoRecorder( VideoSystem::WEBM ); #else
m_pMovieMaker = g_pVideo->CreateVideoRecorder( VideoSystem::QUICKTIME ); #endif
if ( !m_pMovieMaker ) return false;
CFmtStr fmtMovieFullFilename( "%s%s", g_pReplayMovieManager->GetRenderDir(), pMovie->GetMovieFilename() ); bool bSuccess = false; if ( m_pMovieMaker->CreateNewMovieFile( fmtMovieFullFilename.Access(), true ) ) { const ReplayRenderSettings_t &Settings = params.m_Settings; #ifndef USE_WEBM_FOR_REPLAY
ConVarRef QTEncodeGamma( "video_quicktime_encode_gamma" ); VideoEncodeGamma_t encodeGamma = ( QTEncodeGamma.IsValid() ) ? (VideoEncodeGamma_t) QTEncodeGamma.GetInt() : VideoEncodeGamma::GAMMA_2_2; #else
VideoEncodeGamma_t encodeGamma = VideoEncodeGamma::GAMMA_2_2; #endif
if ( m_pMovieMaker->SetMovieVideoParameters( Settings.m_Codec, Settings.m_nEncodingQuality, (int)Settings.m_nWidth, (int)Settings.m_nHeight, Settings.m_FPS, encodeGamma ) ) { if ( m_pMovieMaker->SetMovieSourceImageParameters( VideoEncodeSourceFormat::BGRA_32BIT, (int)Settings.m_nWidth, (int)Settings.m_nHeight ) ) { AudioEncodeOptions_t audioOptions = AudioEncodeOptions::USE_AUDIO_ENCODE_GROUP_SIZE | AudioEncodeOptions::GROUP_SIZE_IS_VIDEO_FRAME | AudioEncodeOptions::LIMIT_AUDIO_TRACK_TO_VIDEO_DURATION | AudioEncodeOptions::PAD_AUDIO_WITH_SILENCE ; if ( m_pMovieMaker->SetMovieSourceAudioParameters( AudioEncodeSourceFormat::AUDIO_16BIT_PCMStereo, 44100, audioOptions ) ) { bSuccess = true; } } } } if ( !bSuccess ) { g_pVideo->DestroyVideoRecorder( m_pMovieMaker ); m_pMovieMaker = NULL; return false; } }
SetupJitterTable(); #endif
m_pRenderOverlay->Show(); return true; }
bool CReplayRenderer::SetupJitterTable() { const int nNumSamples = NumMotionBlurTimeSteps();
switch ( nNumSamples ) { case 4: m_pJitterTable = g_vJitterTable4; break; case 8: m_pJitterTable = g_vJitterTable8; break; case 16: m_pJitterTable = g_vJitterTable16; break; case 32: m_pJitterTable = g_vJitterTable32; break; // case 64: m_pJitterTable = g_vJitterTable64; break;
// case 128: m_pJitterTable = g_vJitterTable128; break;
default: return false; }
m_nNumJitterSamples = nNumSamples;
return true; }
void CReplayRenderer::InitBuffers( const RenderMovieParams_t ¶ms ) { const ReplayRenderSettings_t &Settings = params.m_Settings;
Assert( m_pLayoffBuf == NULL ); m_pLayoffBuf = new BGRA8888_t[ Settings.m_nWidth * Settings.m_nHeight ];
CFmtStr fmtHostFramerateCmd( "host_framerate %f\n", params.m_flEngineFps ); engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( fmtHostFramerateCmd.Access() );
g_pMaterialSystem->BeginRenderTargetAllocation(); // Begin allocating RTs which IFM can scribble into
// Offscreen surface for rendering individual samples
ImageFormat AccumSampleFormat = (g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() == HDR_TYPE_FLOAT) ? IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616F : g_pMaterialSystem->GetBackBufferFormat(); m_AccumBuffSample.Init( g_pMaterialSystem->CreateNamedRenderTargetTextureEx2( "_rt_Replay_Accum_Sample", Settings.m_nWidth, Settings.m_nHeight, RT_SIZE_OFFSCREEN, AccumSampleFormat, MATERIAL_RT_DEPTH_SHARED, TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPS | TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPT | TEXTUREFLAGS_POINTSAMPLE ) );
// Ping-Pong textures for accumulating result prior to final tone map
ImageFormat PingPongFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR888; m_AccumBuffPingPong[0].Init(g_pMaterialSystem->CreateNamedRenderTargetTextureEx2( "_rt_Replay_Ping", Settings.m_nWidth, Settings.m_nHeight, RT_SIZE_OFFSCREEN, PingPongFormat, MATERIAL_RT_DEPTH_NONE, TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPS | TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPT | TEXTUREFLAGS_POINTSAMPLE )); m_AccumBuffPingPong[1].Init(g_pMaterialSystem->CreateNamedRenderTargetTextureEx2( "_rt_Replay_Pong", Settings.m_nWidth, Settings.m_nHeight, RT_SIZE_OFFSCREEN, PingPongFormat, MATERIAL_RT_DEPTH_NONE, TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPS | TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPT | TEXTUREFLAGS_POINTSAMPLE ));
// LDR final result of either HDR or LDR rendering
m_LayoffResult.Init(g_pMaterialSystem->CreateNamedRenderTargetTextureEx2( "_rt_LayoffResult", Settings.m_nWidth, Settings.m_nHeight, RT_SIZE_OFFSCREEN, g_pMaterialSystem->GetBackBufferFormat(), MATERIAL_RT_DEPTH_SHARED, TEXTUREFLAGS_BORDER | TEXTUREFLAGS_POINTSAMPLE ));
g_pMaterialSystem->EndRenderTargetAllocation(); // Begin allocating RTs which IFM can scribble into
KeyValues *pVMTKeyValues = new KeyValues( "accumbuff4sample" ); pVMTKeyValues->SetString( "$TEXTURE0", m_AccumBuffSample->GetName() ); // Dummy
pVMTKeyValues->SetString( "$TEXTURE1", m_AccumBuffSample->GetName() ); // Dummy
pVMTKeyValues->SetString( "$TEXTURE2", m_AccumBuffSample->GetName() ); // Dummy
pVMTKeyValues->SetString( "$TEXTURE3", m_AccumBuffSample->GetName() ); // Dummy
pVMTKeyValues->SetString( "$WEIGHTS", "[0.25 0.75 0.0 0.0]" ); pVMTKeyValues->SetInt( "$nocull", 1 ); KeyValues *pProxiesKV = pVMTKeyValues->FindKey( "proxies", true ); // create a subkey
pProxiesKV->FindKey( "accumbuff4sample", true ); // create
m_FourSampleResolveMatRef.Init( "accumbuff4sample", pVMTKeyValues ); m_FourSampleResolveMatRef->Refresh(); }
void CReplayRenderer::ShutdownRenderer() { if ( m_LayoffResult.IsValid() ) { m_LayoffResult.Shutdown( true ); }
if ( m_AccumBuffSample.IsValid() ) { m_AccumBuffSample.Shutdown( true ); }
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) { if ( m_AccumBuffPingPong[i].IsValid() ) { m_AccumBuffPingPong[i].Shutdown( true ); } }
delete [] m_pLayoffBuf; m_pLayoffBuf = NULL;
if ( m_pMovieMaker ) { m_pMovieMaker->FinishMovie( true );
if ( g_pVideo ) { g_pVideo->DestroyVideoRecorder( m_pMovieMaker ); }
m_pMovieMaker = NULL; m_pRenderOverlay->Hide(); } else #endif
if ( m_RenderParams.m_bExportRaw ) { // Mimicking what "startmovie" does here.
g_pEngineClientReplay->Wave_FixupTmpFile( TMP_WAVE_FILENAME );
// Move the temp wave file to the destination dir
CFmtStr fmtTmpFilename( "%s%c%s.wav", engine->GetGameDirectory(), CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, TMP_WAVE_FILENAME ); CFmtStr fmtDstFilename( "%s%s", m_fmtTgaRenderDirName.Access(), "audio.wav" ); g_pFullFileSystem->RenameFile( fmtTmpFilename.Access(), fmtDstFilename.Access() ); }
// Reset framerate
engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "host_framerate 0" );
// Notify of performance end
g_pReplayPerformanceController->Stop(); }
void CReplayRenderer::DrawResolvingQuad( int nWidth, int nHeight ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); IMesh *pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh(); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder;
// Epsilons for 1:1 texel to pixel mapping
float fWidthEpsilon = IsOSX() ? 0.0f : 0.5f / ((float) nWidth); float fHeightEpsilon = IsOSX() ? 0.0f : 0.5f / ((float) nHeight);
meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, 1 );
meshBuilder.Position3f( -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f ); // Upper left
meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0.0f + fWidthEpsilon, 0.0f + fHeightEpsilon ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex();
meshBuilder.Position3f( -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.5f ); // Lower left
meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0.0f + fWidthEpsilon, 1.0f + fHeightEpsilon ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex();
meshBuilder.Position3f( 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.5f ); // Lower right
meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 1.0f + fWidthEpsilon, 1.0f + fHeightEpsilon ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex();
meshBuilder.Position3f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f ); // Upper right
meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 1.0f + fWidthEpsilon, 0.0f + fHeightEpsilon ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex();
meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); }
void CReplayRenderer::BeginRenderingSample( int nSample, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, float fTonemapScale ) { // Always start on ping-pong buffer zero
if ( nSample == 0 ) { m_nCurrentPingPong = 0; }
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( m_AccumBuffSample, x, y, nWidth, nHeight ); }
void CReplayRenderer::ResolveSamples( int nSample, DmeTime_t frametime, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, bool bLayoffResult, float flBloomScale ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
// Render resolving quad to current ping-pong buffer
AccumParams_t accParms = { m_AccumBuffSample, m_AccumBuffPingPong[ ( m_nCurrentPingPong + 1 ) % 2 ], 1.0f / (float)( nSample + 1 ), false }; pRenderContext->Bind( m_FourSampleResolveMatRef, &accParms ); pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( m_AccumBuffPingPong[m_nCurrentPingPong], x, y, nWidth, nHeight ); DrawResolvingQuad( nWidth, nHeight ); pRenderContext->PopRenderTargetAndViewport();
// If we want to show accumulated result to user...
if ( bLayoffResult ) { accParms.m_pTexture0 = m_AccumBuffPingPong[m_nCurrentPingPong]; accParms.m_pTexture1 = m_AccumBuffPingPong[m_nCurrentPingPong]; accParms.m_fSampleWeight = 1.0f; accParms.m_bClear = false; pRenderContext->Bind( m_FourSampleResolveMatRef, &accParms );
pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( m_LayoffResult, x, y, nWidth, nHeight ); DrawResolvingQuad( nWidth, nHeight ); pRenderContext->PopRenderTargetAndViewport(); }
m_nCurrentPingPong = (m_nCurrentPingPong + 1) % 2; // Flip the ping-pong buffers
bool CReplayRenderer::IsHDR() const { return g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() == HDR_TYPE_FLOAT; }
float CReplayRenderer::GetViewModelFOVOffset() { // float flVMDefaultFov = m_pViewmodelFov ? m_pViewmodelFov->GetFloat() : 54.0f;
float flVMDefaultFov = 54.0f; float flDefaultFov = m_pDefaultFov ? m_pDefaultFov->GetFloat() : 75.0f;
return flVMDefaultFov - flDefaultFov; }
void CReplayRenderer::SetupSampleView( int x, int y, int w, int h, int nSample, CViewSetup& viewSetup ) { // Frustum stuff
// FIXME: This currently matches the client DLL for HL2
// but we probably need a way of getting this state from the client DLL
viewSetup.zNear = 3; viewSetup.zFar = 16384.0f * 1.73205080757f; viewSetup.x = x; viewSetup.y = y; viewSetup.width = w; viewSetup.height = h; viewSetup.m_flAspectRatio = (float)viewSetup.width / (float)viewSetup.height;
const float fov = viewSetup.fov; float fHalfAngleRadians = DEG2RAD( 0.5f * fov ); float t = tan( fHalfAngleRadians ) * (viewSetup.m_flAspectRatio / ( 4.0f / 3.0f )); viewSetup.fov = RAD2DEG( 2.0f * atan( t ) );
viewSetup.fovViewmodel = viewSetup.fov + GetViewModelFOVOffset(); viewSetup.zNearViewmodel = 1; viewSetup.zFarViewmodel = viewSetup.zFar;
viewSetup.m_bOrtho = false; viewSetup.m_bRenderToSubrectOfLargerScreen = true;
SetupDOFMatrixSkewView( viewSetup.origin, viewSetup.angles, nSample, viewSetup ); // Sheared matrix method more comparable to image-space DoF approximation
// Only have the engine do bloom and tone mapping if not HDR
viewSetup.m_bDoBloomAndToneMapping = !IsHDR();
viewSetup.m_bCacheFullSceneState = m_bCacheFullSceneState; }
void CReplayRenderer::SetupDOFMatrixSkewView( const Vector &pos, const QAngle &angles, int nSample, CViewSetup& viewSetup ) { Vector vPosition = pos;
matrix3x4_t matViewMatrix; // Get transform
AngleMatrix( angles, matViewMatrix );
Vector vViewDirection, vViewLeft, vViewUp; MatrixGetColumn( matViewMatrix, 0, vViewDirection ); MatrixGetColumn( matViewMatrix, 1, vViewLeft ); MatrixGetColumn( matViewMatrix, 2, vViewUp );
// Be sure these are normalized
vViewDirection.NormalizeInPlace(); vViewLeft.NormalizeInPlace(); vViewUp.NormalizeInPlace();
// Set up a non-skewed off-center projection matrix to start with... (Posters already have this set up)
viewSetup.m_bOffCenter = true; viewSetup.m_flOffCenterBottom = 0.0f; viewSetup.m_flOffCenterTop = 1.0f; viewSetup.m_flOffCenterLeft = 0.0f; viewSetup.m_flOffCenterRight = 1.0f;
if ( IsAntialiasingEnabled() && !IsDepthOfFieldEnabled() && !m_bForceCheapDoF ) // AA jitter but no DoF
{ Vector2D vAAJitter = m_pJitterTable[nSample % m_nNumJitterSamples]; const float fHalfPixelRadius = 0.65; viewSetup.m_flOffCenterBottom += (vAAJitter.y / (float) viewSetup.height) * fHalfPixelRadius; viewSetup.m_flOffCenterTop += (vAAJitter.y / (float) viewSetup.height) * fHalfPixelRadius; viewSetup.m_flOffCenterLeft += (vAAJitter.x / (float) viewSetup.width) * fHalfPixelRadius; viewSetup.m_flOffCenterRight += (vAAJitter.x / (float) viewSetup.width) * fHalfPixelRadius;
viewSetup.origin = vPosition; }
#if 0
if ( IsDepthOfFieldEnabled() || m_bForceCheapDoF ) // DoF (independent of AA jitter)
{ // Try to match the amount of blurriness from legacy fulcrum method
const float flDoFHack = 0.0008f; Vector2D vDoFJitter = DepthOfFieldJitter( nSample ) * pCamera->GetAperture() * flDoFHack;
float fov43 = pCamera->GetFOVx(); float fHalfAngleRadians43 = DEG2RAD( 0.5f * fov43 ); float t = tan( fHalfAngleRadians43 ) * (viewSetup.m_flAspectRatio / ( 4.0f / 3.0f ));
float flZFocalWidth = t * pCamera->GetFocalDistance() * 2.0f; // Width of Viewport at Focal plane
Vector2D vFocalZJitter = vDoFJitter * flZFocalWidth;
viewSetup.m_flOffCenterBottom += vDoFJitter.y; viewSetup.m_flOffCenterTop += vDoFJitter.y; viewSetup.m_flOffCenterLeft += vDoFJitter.x; viewSetup.m_flOffCenterRight += vDoFJitter.x;
viewSetup.origin = vPosition + vViewLeft * vFocalZJitter.x - vViewUp * vFocalZJitter.y * (1.0f / viewSetup.m_flAspectRatio);
if ( !m_bForceCheapDoF ) { Vector2D vAAJitter = g_vJitterTable32[nSample % 32]; // Jitter in addition to DoF offset
const float fHalfPixelRadius = 0.6f; viewSetup.m_flOffCenterBottom += (vAAJitter.y / (float) viewSetup.height) * fHalfPixelRadius; viewSetup.m_flOffCenterTop += (vAAJitter.y / (float) viewSetup.height) * fHalfPixelRadius; viewSetup.m_flOffCenterLeft += (vAAJitter.x / (float) viewSetup.width) * fHalfPixelRadius; viewSetup.m_flOffCenterRight += (vAAJitter.x / (float) viewSetup.width) * fHalfPixelRadius; } } #endif
MatrixAngles( matViewMatrix, viewSetup.angles ); }
int CReplayRenderer::GetMotionBlurQuality() const { return m_RenderParams.m_Settings.m_nMotionBlurQuality; }
int CReplayRenderer::GetDepthOfFieldQuality() const { if ( !IsDepthOfFieldEnabled() ) return 0;
/*static*/ int CReplayRenderer::GetNumMotionBlurTimeSteps( int nQuality ) { Assert( nQuality >= 0 && nQuality <= MAX_MOTION_BLUR_QUALITY );
// Map {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} to {8, 16, 32, 64, 128 }
return (int) pow(2.0f, nQuality+2 ); }
int CReplayRenderer::NumMotionBlurTimeSteps() const { return ( IsMotionBlurEnabled() ) ? GetNumMotionBlurTimeSteps( GetMotionBlurQuality() ) : 1; }
bool CReplayRenderer::IsMotionBlurEnabled() const { return m_RenderParams.m_Settings.m_bMotionBlurEnabled; }
bool CReplayRenderer::IsDepthOfFieldEnabled() const { return false; }
bool CReplayRenderer::IsAntialiasingEnabled() const { return m_RenderParams.m_Settings.m_bAAEnabled; }
void CReplayRenderer::ComputeSampleCounts( int *pNSamplesPerTimeStep, int *pNTotalSamples ) const { *pNSamplesPerTimeStep = *pNTotalSamples = 1;
if ( IsMotionBlurEnabled() ) { *pNTotalSamples *= NumMotionBlurTimeSteps(); }
if ( IsDepthOfFieldEnabled() ) { *pNTotalSamples *= s_DoFQualityToSamples[GetDepthOfFieldQuality()]; *pNSamplesPerTimeStep *= s_DoFQualityToSamples[GetDepthOfFieldQuality()]; } }
float CReplayRenderer::GetFramerate() const { return m_RenderParams.m_Settings.m_FPS.GetFPS(); }
double CReplayRenderer::GetShutterSpeed() const { return 0.5 / m_RenderParams.m_Settings.m_FPS.GetFPS(); }
static int nFramesSent = 0; #endif
void CReplayRenderer::CompositeAndLayoffFrame( int nFrame ) { #ifdef TRACE_REPLAY_STATE_MACHINE
Msg("CompositeAndLayoffFrame( %3d ) TStep=%d ...... ", nFrame, m_nTimeStep ); #endif
const int nMotionBlurTimeSteps = NumMotionBlurTimeSteps(); bool bAppendToMovie = false; // Determine if this is a frame we handle audio on
bool AudioTrigger = (m_nTimeStep == 0) && !m_bShutterClosed; SetAudioSyncFrame( AudioTrigger );
// If we aren't doing motion blur, just render the frame and add it to the video
if ( !IsMotionBlurEnabled() ) { m_curSampleTime = DmeTime_t( nFrame, GetFramerate() ); #ifdef TRACE_REPLAY_STATE_MACHINE
Msg( "Rendering Frame at T=%.4f ", m_curSampleTime.GetSeconds() ); #endif
RenderLayoffFrame( m_curSampleTime, 0, 1 ); // Just get one frame
bAppendToMovie = true; goto render_to_video; }
// Shutter closed?
if ( m_bShutterClosed ) { m_nTimeStep++; #ifdef TRACE_REPLAY_STATE_MACHINE
Msg("Shutter Closed... TStep now %d", m_nTimeStep ); #endif
// If nMotionBlurTimeSteps subframes have passed, open the shutter for the next frame.
if ( m_nTimeStep >= nMotionBlurTimeSteps ) { Assert( m_nTimeStep == nMotionBlurTimeSteps ); m_nTimeStep = 0; m_bShutterClosed = false; #ifdef TRACE_REPLAY_STATE_MACHINE
Msg( ", Shutter OPENED, TStep=0"); #endif
ConVarRef HF( "host_framerate" ); float frameRate = HF.GetFloat(); Msg( ", DONE, ENgine FPS = %f\n", frameRate ); #endif
return; }
// scope to avoid compiler warnings
{ // Shutter is open, accumulate sub-frames
int nSamplesPerTimeStep = 1; int nNumTotalSamples = 1; ComputeSampleCounts( &nSamplesPerTimeStep, &nNumTotalSamples );
double frameTime = DmeTime_t( nFrame, GetFramerate() ).GetSeconds(); DmeTime_t timeStepSize( GetShutterSpeed() ); DmeTime_t remainderStepSize( DmeTime_t( 1, GetFramerate() ) - timeStepSize );
Assert( timeStepSize.GetSeconds() > 0.0 );
DmeTime_t curSampleTime( frameTime ); #ifdef TRACE_REPLAY_STATE_MACHINE
Msg("FrameT=%.4lf ", frameTime ); #endif
timeStepSize /= nMotionBlurTimeSteps; curSampleTime -= timeStepSize * ( nMotionBlurTimeSteps - 1 ) / 2.0f;
// Loop through all samples for the current timestep, jittering the camera if antialiasing is enabled.
Msg(" Shutter's Open, Rendering %d Sub-Frames ", nSamplesPerTimeStep ); Msg( "Frame %i: Laying off sub frame at time step %i \n", nFrame, m_nTimeStep ); #endif
RenderLayoffFrame( m_curSampleTime, m_nCurSample++, nNumTotalSamples );
++m_nTimeStep; m_curSampleTime += timeStepSize;
// Catch the very last motionblur timestep and append to movie
if ( m_nTimeStep == nMotionBlurTimeSteps ) { #ifdef TRACE_REPLAY_STATE_MACHINE
Msg( " TStep=Max, Append=TRUE ... "); #endif
m_nTimeStep = 0; m_nCurSample = 0; m_curSampleTime = curSampleTime; m_bShutterClosed = true; // Close or open the shutter for nMotionBlurTimeSteps subframes
bAppendToMovie = true; // Add a frame to the movie we've just closed the shutter
} }
render_to_video: // Append the frame to the movie?
if ( bAppendToMovie ) { #ifdef TRACE_REPLAY_STATE_MACHINE
Msg(" -- Appending Frame %d to Movie\n", nFramesSent ); nFramesSent++; #endif
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( m_LayoffResult );
// Add this frame to the movie
LayoffFrame( nFrame );
pRenderContext->PopRenderTargetAndViewport(); } #ifdef TRACE_REPLAY_STATE_MACHINE
Msg("\n"); #endif
void CReplayRenderer::LayoffFrame( int nFrame ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "CReplayRenderer::LayoffFrame", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_REPLAY ); // FIXME: This is somewhat of a hack to get layoff working again
// We're rendering into the full preview size, but stretching down to the actual size
Rect_t srcRect; srcRect.x = 0; srcRect.y = 0; srcRect.width = m_RenderParams.m_Settings.m_nWidth; srcRect.height = m_RenderParams.m_Settings.m_nHeight;
Rect_t dstRect; dstRect.x = 0; dstRect.y = 0; dstRect.width = m_RenderParams.m_Settings.m_nWidth; dstRect.height = m_RenderParams.m_Settings.m_nHeight;
Msg( "laying off movie frame %i\n", nFrame ); #endif
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); // pRenderContext->ReadPixelsAndStretch( &srcRect, &dstRect, (unsigned char*)m_pLayoffBuf,
// IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888, dstRect.width * ImageLoader::SizeInBytes( IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888 ) );
pRenderContext->ReadPixels( 0, 0, (int) m_RenderParams.m_Settings.m_nWidth, (int) m_RenderParams.m_Settings.m_nHeight, (unsigned char*)m_pLayoffBuf, IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888 );
static ConVarRef mat_queue_mode( "mat_queue_mode" );
// Encode the frame
if ( m_RenderParams.m_bExportRaw ) { CUtlBuffer bufOut; if ( TGAWriter::WriteToBuffer( (unsigned char *)m_pLayoffBuf, bufOut, m_RenderParams.m_Settings.m_nWidth, m_RenderParams.m_Settings.m_nHeight, IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888 ) ) { // Format filename and write the TGA
CFmtStr fmtFilename( "%sFrame_%04i.tga", m_fmtTgaRenderDirName.Access(), m_iTgaFrame++ );
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( fmtFilename.Access(), NULL, bufOut ) ) { Warning( "Couldn't write bitmap data snapshot to file %s.\n", fmtFilename.Access() ); } } } else if ( m_pMovieMaker ) { // can't run in any other mode
Assert( mat_queue_mode.GetInt() == 0 ); VPROF_BUDGET( "CReplayRenderer::LayoffFrame - AppendVideoFrame", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_REPLAY ); m_pMovieMaker->AppendVideoFrame( m_pLayoffBuf ); } #endif
void CReplayRenderer::GetViewSetup( CViewSetup &viewsetup ) { extern ConVar v_viewmodel_fov;
viewsetup = *view->GetPlayerViewSetup();
// HACK: Override the view - this will keep the view from popping if the user toggles the render preview checkbox.
ReplayCamera()->CalcView( viewsetup.origin, viewsetup.angles, viewsetup.fov ); viewsetup .fovViewmodel = ScaleFOVByWidthRatio( v_viewmodel_fov.GetFloat(), viewsetup.m_flAspectRatio / ( 4.0f / 3.0f ) ); }
void CReplayRenderer::RenderLayoffFrame( DmeTime_t time, int nCurSample, int nNumTotalSamples ) { CViewSetup viewSetup; GetViewSetup( viewSetup );
int x=0, y=0, w=m_RenderParams.m_Settings.m_nWidth, h=m_RenderParams.m_Settings.m_nHeight;
// FIXME: Using the preview size here is something of a hack
// to get layoff working again. We're actually going to stretch down from the preview size to layoff size
// during frame capture
float fTonemapScale = 0.28f; BeginRenderingSample( nCurSample, x, y, w, h, fTonemapScale);
// Initialize view setup for this sample
SetupSampleView( 0, 0, w, h, nCurSample, viewSetup ); const int flags = RENDERVIEW_DRAWVIEWMODEL;
// Tell the engine to tell the client to render the view (sans viewmodel)
view->RenderView( viewSetup, VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR | VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH, flags );
// Resolve the accumulation buffer samples for display this frame
float fBloomScale = 0.28f; bool bRenderFinalFrame = nCurSample == ( nNumTotalSamples - 1 ); ResolveSamples( nCurSample, time, 0, 0, w, h, bRenderFinalFrame, fBloomScale );
// Pop the target
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); pRenderContext->PopRenderTargetAndViewport(); }
void CReplayRenderer::EndRendering() { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); pRenderContext->PopRenderTargetAndViewport(); }
void CReplayRenderer::ClearToBlack( CTextureReference &buf, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
// Bind the resolving material
AccumParams_t accParms = { m_AccumBuffSample, m_AccumBuffSample, 0.0f, true }; // true to clear to black
pRenderContext->Bind( m_FourSampleResolveMatRef, &accParms );
// Render black quad to the layoff result
pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( buf, x, y, nWidth, nHeight ); DrawResolvingQuad( nWidth, nHeight ); pRenderContext->PopRenderTargetAndViewport(); }
void CReplayRenderer::RenderVideo() { #if _DEBUG
static ConVarRef replay_fake_render( "replay_fake_render" ); if ( replay_fake_render.IsValid() && replay_fake_render.GetBool() ) return; #endif
if ( !engine->IsInGame() ) return;
if ( !m_LayoffResult.IsValid() ) return;
CompositeAndLayoffFrame( m_nFrame++ ); }
void CReplayRenderer::RenderAudio( unsigned char *pBuffer, int nSize, int nNumSamples ) { #ifdef REPLAY_RECORDING_ENABLE
if ( m_RenderParams.m_bExportRaw ) { g_pEngineClientReplay->Wave_AppendTmpFile( TMP_WAVE_FILENAME, pBuffer, nNumSamples ); } else if ( m_pMovieMaker ) { m_pMovieMaker->AppendAudioSamples( pBuffer, (size_t)nSize ); } #endif