//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Client side stat tracking
#include "cbase.h"
#include "c_tf_gamestats.h"
#include <vgui_controls/Controls.h>
#include "vgui/ISystem.h"
#include "steam/steam_api.h"
#include "steamworks_gamestats.h"
#include "c_tf_player.h"
#include "tf_hud_statpanel.h"
#include "econ_item_system.h"
#include "econ_ui.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Must run with -gamestats to be able to turn on/off stats with ConVar below.
static ConVar tf_stats_track( "tf_stats_track", #ifdef _DEBUG
"0", #else
"1", #endif
FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Turn on//off tf stats tracking." );
ConVar tf_matchmaking_ogs_odds( "tf_matchmaking_ogs_odds", "0.05", FCVAR_HIDDEN, "Percentage (0...1) of quickplay queries that will report to OGS" );
const char *g_ItemEventNames[] = { // STORE EVENTS
"store_entered", "store_exited", "store_tab_changed", "store_item_selected", "store_item_previewed", "store_item_added_to_cart", "store_item_removed_from_cart", "store_checkout_attempt", "store_checkout_failure", "store_checkout_success", "store_checkout_item",
"loadout_entered", "loadout_exited",
"trading_entered", "trading_exited", "trading_went_to_armory", "trading_returned_from_armory", "trading_request_sent", "trading_request_received", "trading_request_rejected", "trading_request_accepted", "trading_trade_negotiated", "trading_trade_success", "trading_trade_failure", "trading_item_given", "trading_item_received", "trading_item_gifted",
"crafting_entered", "crafting_exited", "crafting_went_to_armory", "crafting_returned_from_armory", "crafting_view_blueprints", "crafting_timeout", "crafting_failure", "crafting_success", "crafting_no_recipe_match", "crafting_attempt", "crafting_recipe_found",
"armory_entered", "armory_exited", "armory_select_item", "armory_browse_wiki", "armory_change_filter",
"item_received", "item_discarded", "item_deleted", "item_used_tool", "item_used_consumable", "item_removed_attrib", "item_changed_style"
"store2_entered", // This gets written *in addition* to IE_STORE_ENTERED
"item_reset_counters", "item_put_into_collection",
"" // IE_COUNT
C_CTFGameStats C_CTF_GameStats;
static bool WeaponInfoLessFunc( const int& e1, const int&e2 ) { return e1 < e2; }
// Purpose: Constructor
// Input : -
C_CTFGameStats::C_CTFGameStats() { m_ulExperimentValue = (uint64) ~0;
gamestats = this; Clear();
m_mapWeaponInfo.SetLessFunc( WeaponInfoLessFunc ); }
// Purpose: Destructor
// Input : -
C_CTFGameStats::~C_CTFGameStats() { }
// Purpose: Sets all game stats to their default value
// Input : -
void C_CTFGameStats::Clear( void ) { V_strncpy( m_szCountryCode, "unknown", ARRAYSIZE( m_szCountryCode ) ); V_strncpy( m_szAudioLanguage, "unknown", ARRAYSIZE( m_szAudioLanguage ) ); V_strncpy( m_szTextLanguage, "unknown", ARRAYSIZE( m_szTextLanguage ) );
m_bRoundActive = false; m_bIsDisconnecting = false; }
// Purpose: Adds our data to the gamestats data that gets uploaded.
// Returns true if we added data, false if we didn't
bool C_CTFGameStats::AddDataForSend( KeyValues *pKV, StatSendType_t sendType ) { // we only have data to send at level shutdown
if ( sendType != STATSEND_APPSHUTDOWN || 0 == tf_stats_track.GetInt() ) { return false; }
KeyValues *pKVData = new KeyValues( "tf_configdata" );
if ( NULL == pKVData ) { Clear(); return false; }
static ConVarRef sb_quick_list_bit_field( "sb_quick_list_bit_field" ); if ( sb_quick_list_bit_field.IsValid() ) { pKVData->SetInt( "QuickListBitField", sb_quick_list_bit_field.GetInt() ); } else { pKVData->SetInt( "QuickListBitField", -1 ); } pKVData->SetString( "TextLanguage", m_szTextLanguage ); pKVData->SetString( "AudioLanguage", m_szAudioLanguage ); pKVData->SetString( "CountryCode", m_szCountryCode );
// Add our tf_configdata as a subkey to the main stat key
pKV->AddSubKey( pKVData );
return true; }
// Purpose: Since this is a very lean client stat reporter, we can grab all the info
// that we need right in the init call
bool C_CTFGameStats::Init( void ) { // If we are on the PC and have access to all the interfaces we need
if ( !IsX360() && engine && vgui::system() && steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamUtils() ) { // We want to track the country code to help with localization. The countrycode is empty when testing on SteamBeta, so we won't get
// data until users in the wild play
const char * countryCode = steamapicontext->SteamUtils()->GetIPCountry(); if ( countryCode != NULL ) { V_strncpy( m_szCountryCode, countryCode, ARRAYSIZE( m_szCountryCode ) ); }
// Now lets get the text language that Steam is in (If the game supports the language, then the UI is changed to that language).
engine->GetUILanguage( m_szTextLanguage, sizeof( m_szTextLanguage ) ); V_strcpy_safe( m_szAudioLanguage, steamapicontext->SteamApps()->GetCurrentGameLanguage() );
m_currentSession.m_SessionStart = GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().GetTimeSinceEpoch();
ListenForGameEvent( "server_spawn" ); // ListenForGameEvent( "host_quit" );
ListenForGameEvent( "player_stats_updated" ); ListenForGameEvent( "teamplay_round_win" ); ListenForGameEvent( "teamplay_round_active" ); ListenForGameEvent( "player_changeclass" ); ListenForGameEvent( "player_hurt" ); ListenForGameEvent( "client_disconnect" );
// A client session lasts from when the application starts to when it is exited.
GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().StartSession(); }
return true; }
// Purpose: This system is shutting down.
void C_CTFGameStats::Shutdown() { if ( !steamapicontext ) return; if ( !steamapicontext->SteamUser() ) return;
SW_GameStats_WriteClientSessionSummary(); SW_GameStats_WriteClientWeapons();
GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().EndSession(); }
// Purpose:
void C_CTFGameStats::Event_LevelInit( void ) { m_currentMap.Init( engine->GetLevelName(), engine->GetLevelVersion(), 0, 0, GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().GetTimeSinceEpoch() ); m_currentRound.m_iNumRounds = 0; m_currentSession.m_iMapsPlayed++; }
// Purpose:
void C_CTFGameStats::Event_LevelShutdown( float flElapsed ) { if ( !m_bIsDisconnecting ) { SW_GameStats_WriteClientRound( 0, 0, RE_SERVER_MAP_CHANGE ); }
SW_GameStats_WriteClientMap(); }
// Purpose: Called when the server shuts down or the client disconnects from the server.
void C_CTFGameStats::ClientDisconnect( int iReason ) { m_bIsDisconnecting = true; SW_GameStats_WriteClientRound( 0, 0, iReason ); }
// Purpose:
void C_CTFGameStats::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) { const char *pEventName = event->GetName(); if ( FStrEq( "server_spawn", pEventName ) ) { if ( m_currentSession.m_FirstConnect == 0 ) { m_currentSession.m_FirstConnect = GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().GetTimeSinceEpoch(); }
// In case we join a round that is active, stuff the current time as the round start time.
m_currentRound.m_iRoundStartTime = GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().GetTimeSinceEpoch(); m_currentMap.m_iRoundStartTime = GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().GetTimeSinceEpoch();
m_bIsDisconnecting = false; } else if ( FStrEq( "host_quit", pEventName ) ) { // We need this event because client_disconnect is called after the level unloads
// when we're dealing with the client-host of a listen server. Frustrating exception to
// the normal disconnect/shutdown rules.
ClientDisconnect( RE_CLIENT_QUIT ); } else if ( FStrEq( "client_disconnect", pEventName ) ) { ClientDisconnect( RE_CLIENT_DISCONNECT ); } else if ( FStrEq( "teamplay_round_win", pEventName ) ) { int winningTeam = event->GetInt( "team" ); float roundTime = event->GetFloat( "round_time" ); int fullRound = event->GetInt( "full_round" ); Event_RoundEnd( winningTeam, roundTime, fullRound ); } else if ( FStrEq( "teamplay_round_active", pEventName ) ) { Event_RoundActive(); } else if ( FStrEq( "player_changeclass", pEventName ) ) { int userid = event->GetInt( "userid" ); int classid = event->GetInt( "class" ); Event_PlayerChangeClass( userid, classid ); } else if ( FStrEq( "player_hurt", pEventName ) ) { Event_PlayerHurt( event ); } }
// Purpose:
void C_CTFGameStats::Event_RoundActive() { m_currentRound.m_iRoundStartTime = GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().GetTimeSinceEpoch(); m_currentMap.m_iRoundStartTime = GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().GetTimeSinceEpoch(); m_bRoundActive = true; }
// Purpose:
void C_CTFGameStats::Event_RoundEnd( int winningTeam, float roundTime, int fullRound ) { SW_GameStats_WriteClientRound( winningTeam, fullRound, RE_ROUND_END ); }
// Purpose:
void C_CTFGameStats::Event_PlayerChangeClass( int userid, int classid ) { C_TFPlayer *pTFPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer(); if ( !pTFPlayer ) return;
if ( pTFPlayer != UTIL_PlayerByIndex( engine->GetPlayerForUserID( userid ) ) ) return;
m_currentSession.m_ClassesPlayed.Set( classid ); }
// Purpose:
void C_CTFGameStats::Event_PlayerHurt( IGameEvent* event /*player_hurt*/ ) { C_TFPlayer *pTFPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer(); if ( !pTFPlayer ) return;
int attackerid = event->GetInt( "attacker" ); if ( pTFPlayer != UTIL_PlayerByIndex( engine->GetPlayerForUserID( attackerid ) ) ) return;
if ( !m_bRoundActive ) return;
// My kingdom for a proper damage effects system.
// We need to ignore DOTS in some stats.
int custom = event->GetInt( "custom" ); bool bIsDamageOverTime = IsDOTDmg( custom ); bool bIsTauntDamage = IsTauntDmg( custom );
// Update weapon info with this hit.
int weaponid = event->GetInt( "weaponid" ); int damageamount = event->GetInt( "damageamount" );
TF_Gamestats_WeaponInfo_t info;
int idx = m_mapWeaponInfo.Find( weaponid ); if ( idx == m_mapWeaponInfo.InvalidIndex() ) { info.weaponID = weaponid; idx = m_mapWeaponInfo.Insert( weaponid, info ); } else { info = m_mapWeaponInfo[idx]; }
info.totalDamage += damageamount;
if ( !bIsDamageOverTime && !bIsTauntDamage && (gpGlobals->curtime != info.lastUpdateTime) ) { bool crit = event->GetInt( "crit" ); if ( crit ) { info.critHits++; } info.shotsHit++; info.shotsMissed--; }
if ( info.shotsHit ) { info.avgDamage = info.totalDamage / info.shotsHit; } else { info.avgDamage = 0; }
info.lastUpdateTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
m_mapWeaponInfo[idx] = info; }
// Purpose:
void C_CTFGameStats::Event_PlayerFiredWeapon( C_TFPlayer *pPlayer, bool bCritical ) { C_TFPlayer *pTFPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer(); if ( !pPlayer || (pTFPlayer != pPlayer) ) return;
if ( !m_bRoundActive ) return;
CTFWeaponBase *pTFWeapon = pPlayer->GetActiveTFWeapon(); if ( pTFWeapon ) { // all shots are assumed to be misses until they hit
int iWeaponID = pTFWeapon->GetWeaponID();
TF_Gamestats_WeaponInfo_t info;
int idx = m_mapWeaponInfo.Find( iWeaponID ); if ( idx == m_mapWeaponInfo.InvalidIndex() ) { info.weaponID = iWeaponID; idx = m_mapWeaponInfo.Insert( iWeaponID, info ); } else { info = m_mapWeaponInfo[idx]; }
info.shotsFired++; info.shotsMissed++; if ( bCritical ) { info.critsFired++; }
m_mapWeaponInfo[idx] = info; } }
// Purpose: New Steamworks Database Client Data
// Sends the client's session summary report.
void C_CTFGameStats::SW_GameStats_WriteClientSessionSummary() { #if !defined(NO_STEAM)
KeyValues* pKVData = new KeyValues( "TF2ClientSessionDetails" );
pKVData->SetUint64( "AccountID", steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID().ConvertToUint64() );
RTime32 currentClock = GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().GetTimeSinceEpoch();
pKVData->SetInt( "StartTime", m_currentSession.m_SessionStart ); pKVData->SetInt( "EndTime", currentClock );
if ( GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().GetNumServerConnects() > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "ServerConnects", GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().GetNumServerConnects() ); }
ConVarRef sb_firstopentime( "sb_firstopentime" );
if ( m_currentSession.m_FirstConnect > 0 ) { int iTimeFromStartToJoin = m_currentSession.m_FirstConnect - m_currentSession.m_SessionStart; pKVData->SetInt( "TimeFromStartToJoin", iTimeFromStartToJoin ); }
if ( sb_firstopentime.GetInt() > 0 && m_currentSession.m_FirstConnect > 0 ) { int iTimeFromBrowseToJoin = m_currentSession.m_FirstConnect - sb_firstopentime.GetInt(); if ( iTimeFromBrowseToJoin > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "TimeFromBrowseToJoin", iTimeFromBrowseToJoin ); } }
if ( sb_firstopentime.GetInt() > 0 ) { int iTimeFromStartToBrowse = sb_firstopentime.GetInt() - m_currentSession.m_SessionStart; pKVData->SetInt( "TimeFromStartToBrowse", iTimeFromStartToBrowse ); }
ConVarRef sb_numtimesopened( "sb_numtimesopened" ); pKVData->SetInt( "TimesOpenedServerBrowser", sb_numtimesopened.GetInt() );
int iClassesPlayed = 0; for ( int i=TF_FIRST_NORMAL_CLASS; i<TF_LAST_NORMAL_CLASS; ++i ) { if ( m_currentSession.m_ClassesPlayed.IsBitSet( i ) ) { iClassesPlayed++; } }
if ( iClassesPlayed > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "ClassesPlayed", iClassesPlayed ); }
if ( m_currentSession.m_iMapsPlayed > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "MapsPlayed", m_currentSession.m_iMapsPlayed ); }
if ( m_currentSession.m_iRoundsPlayed > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "RoundsPlayed", m_currentSession.m_iRoundsPlayed ); }
FavoriteClass FavoriteWeapon FavoriteMap */
if ( m_currentSession.m_Summary.iKills > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Kills", m_currentSession.m_Summary.iKills ); }
if ( m_currentSession.m_Summary.iDeaths > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Deaths", m_currentSession.m_Summary.iDeaths ); }
if ( m_currentSession.m_Summary.iSuicides > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Suicides", m_currentSession.m_Summary.iSuicides ); }
if ( m_currentSession.m_Summary.iAssists > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Assists", m_currentSession.m_Summary.iAssists ); }
if ( m_currentSession.m_Summary.iBuildingsBuilt > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "BuildingsBuilt", m_currentSession.m_Summary.iBuildingsBuilt ); }
if ( m_currentSession.m_Summary.iBuildingsDestroyed > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "BuildingsDestroyed", m_currentSession.m_Summary.iBuildingsDestroyed ); }
if ( m_currentSession.m_Summary.iHeadshots > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Headshots", m_currentSession.m_Summary.iHeadshots ); }
if ( m_currentSession.m_Summary.iDominations > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Dominations", m_currentSession.m_Summary.iDominations ); }
if ( m_currentSession.m_Summary.iRevenges > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Revenges", m_currentSession.m_Summary.iRevenges ); }
if ( m_currentSession.m_Summary.iInvulns > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Invulns", m_currentSession.m_Summary.iInvulns ); }
if ( m_currentSession.m_Summary.iTeleports > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Teleports", m_currentSession.m_Summary.iTeleports ); }
if ( m_currentSession.m_Summary.iDamageDone > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "DamageDone", m_currentSession.m_Summary.iDamageDone ); }
if ( m_currentSession.m_Summary.iHealingDone > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "HealingDone", m_currentSession.m_Summary.iHealingDone ); }
if ( m_currentSession.m_Summary.iCrits > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Crits", m_currentSession.m_Summary.iCrits ); }
if ( m_currentSession.m_Summary.iBackstabs > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Backstabs", m_currentSession.m_Summary.iBackstabs ); }
if ( m_currentSession.m_Summary.iAchievementsEarned > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "AchievementsEarned", m_currentSession.m_Summary.iAchievementsEarned ); }
GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().AddStatsForUpload( pKVData ); #endif
extern CBaseGameStats_Driver CBGSDriver;
// Purpose: New Steamworks Database Client Map Data
void C_CTFGameStats::SW_GameStats_WriteClientMap() { #if !defined(NO_STEAM)
KeyValues* pKVData = new KeyValues( "TF2ClientMaps" );
pKVData->SetInt( "MapIndex", m_currentSession.m_iMapsPlayed ); pKVData->SetInt( "StartTime", m_currentMap.m_iMapStartTime ); pKVData->SetInt( "EndTime", GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().GetTimeSinceEpoch() ); pKVData->SetString( "MapID", m_currentMap.m_Header.m_szMapName );
const char* pszGameTypeID = GetGameTypeID(); if ( pszGameTypeID ) { pKVData->SetString( "GameTypeID", pszGameTypeID ); }
pKVData->SetInt( "RoundsPlayed", m_currentMap.m_Header.m_iRoundsPlayed ); pKVData->SetInt( "MapVersion", m_currentMap.m_Header.m_nMapRevision );
GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().AddStatsForUpload( pKVData ); #endif
// Purpose: New Steamworks Database Client Round Data
void C_CTFGameStats::SW_GameStats_WriteClientRound( int winningTeam, int fullRound, int endReason ) { if ( !m_bRoundActive ) return;
m_bRoundActive = false;
m_currentSession.m_iRoundsPlayed++; m_currentMap.m_Header.m_iRoundsPlayed++;
#if !defined(NO_STEAM)
KeyValues* pKVData = new KeyValues( "TF2ClientRounds" );
C_TFPlayer *pTFPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer(); if ( !pTFPlayer ) return;
localplayerscoring_t *pData = pTFPlayer->m_Shared.GetRoundScoringData(); if ( !pData ) return;
pKVData->SetInt( "MapIndex", m_currentSession.m_iMapsPlayed ); pKVData->SetInt( "RoundIndex", m_currentMap.m_Header.m_iRoundsPlayed ); pKVData->SetInt( "StartTime", m_currentRound.m_iRoundStartTime ); pKVData->SetInt( "EndTime", GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().GetTimeSinceEpoch() );
pKVData->SetString( "EndReason", ClampedArrayElement( g_aRoundEndReasons, endReason ) );
winningTeam = clamp( winningTeam, 0, TF_TEAM_COUNT - 1 ); pKVData->SetString( "WinningTeam", ClampedArrayElement( g_aTeamNames, winningTeam ) );
if ( fullRound > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "FullRound", fullRound ); }
if ( pData->m_iPoints > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "PointsScored", pData->m_iPoints ); }
if ( pData->m_iBonusPoints > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "BonusPointsScored", pData->m_iBonusPoints ); }
if ( pData->m_iKills > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Kills", pData->m_iKills ); }
if ( pData->m_iDeaths > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Deaths", pData->m_iDeaths ); }
if ( pData->m_iSuicides > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Suicides", pData->m_iSuicides ); }
if ( pData->m_iKillAssists > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Assists", pData->m_iKillAssists ); }
if ( pData->m_iBuildingsBuilt > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "BuildingsBuilt", pData->m_iBuildingsBuilt ); }
if ( pData->m_iBuildingsDestroyed > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "BuildingsDestroyed", pData->m_iBuildingsDestroyed ); }
if ( pData->m_iHeadshots > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Headshots", pData->m_iHeadshots ); }
if ( pData->m_iDominations > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Dominations", pData->m_iDominations ); }
if ( pData->m_iRevenge > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Revenges", pData->m_iRevenge ); }
if ( pData->m_iInvulns > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Invulns", pData->m_iInvulns ); }
if ( pData->m_iTeleports > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Teleports", pData->m_iTeleports ); }
if ( pData->m_iDamageDone > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "DamageDone", pData->m_iDamageDone ); }
if ( pData->m_iHealPoints > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "HealingDone", pData->m_iHealPoints ); }
if ( pData->m_iCrits > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Crits", pData->m_iCrits ); }
if ( pData->m_iBackstabs > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Backstabs", pData->m_iBackstabs ); }
// Add totals to the current session.
m_currentSession.m_Summary.iKills += pData->m_iKills; m_currentSession.m_Summary.iDeaths += pData->m_iDeaths; m_currentSession.m_Summary.iSuicides += pData->m_iSuicides; m_currentSession.m_Summary.iAssists += pData->m_iKillAssists; m_currentSession.m_Summary.iBuildingsBuilt += pData->m_iBuildingsBuilt; m_currentSession.m_Summary.iBuildingsDestroyed += pData->m_iBuildingsDestroyed; m_currentSession.m_Summary.iHeadshots += pData->m_iHeadshots; m_currentSession.m_Summary.iDominations += pData->m_iDominations; m_currentSession.m_Summary.iRevenges += pData->m_iRevenge; m_currentSession.m_Summary.iInvulns += pData->m_iInvulns; m_currentSession.m_Summary.iTeleports += pData->m_iTeleports; m_currentSession.m_Summary.iDamageDone += pData->m_iDamageDone; m_currentSession.m_Summary.iHealingDone += pData->m_iHealPoints; m_currentSession.m_Summary.iCrits += pData->m_iCrits; m_currentSession.m_Summary.iBackstabs += pData->m_iBackstabs;
m_currentRound.Reset(); // Not used anymore?
GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().AddStatsForUpload( pKVData ); #endif
// Purpose: New Steamworks Database Weapons Data
void C_CTFGameStats::SW_GameStats_WriteClientWeapons() { #if !defined(NO_STEAM)
for ( unsigned int i=0; i<m_mapWeaponInfo.Count(); ++i ) { KeyValues* pKVData = new KeyValues( "TF2ClientWeapons" );
TF_Gamestats_WeaponInfo_t info = m_mapWeaponInfo[i];
pKVData->SetString( "WeaponID", ClampedArrayElement( g_aWeaponNames, info.weaponID ) );
if ( info.shotsFired > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "ShotsFired", info.shotsFired ); }
if ( info.shotsHit > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "ShotsHit", info.shotsHit ); }
if ( info.shotsMissed > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "ShotsMissed", info.shotsMissed ); }
if ( info.critsFired > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "CritsFired", info.critsFired ); }
if ( info.critHits > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "CritHits", info.critHits ); }
if ( info.avgDamage > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "AvgDamage", info.avgDamage ); }
if ( info.totalDamage > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "TotalDamage", info.totalDamage ); }
GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().AddStatsForUpload( pKVData ); } #endif
// Purpose: Records client achievement events for reporting to steam.
void C_CTFGameStats::Event_AchievementProgress( int achievementID, const char* achievementName ) { TF_Gamestats_AchievementEvent_t event( achievementID, achievementName ); m_vecAchievementEvents.AddToTail( event );
KeyValues* pKVData = new KeyValues( "TF2ClientAchievements" ); pKVData->SetInt( "TimeEarned", event.eventTime ); pKVData->SetInt( "AchievementNum", event.achievementNum ); pKVData->SetString( "AchievementID", event.achievementID ); GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().AddStatsForUpload( pKVData ); }
// Purpose: Weapon stats
TF_Gamestats_WeaponInfo_t::TF_Gamestats_WeaponInfo_t() { weaponID = 0; critsFired = 0; shotsFired = 0; shotsHit = 0; shotsMissed = 0; avgDamage = 0; totalDamage = 0; critHits = 0; lastUpdateTime = 0; }
// Purpose: Achievement progress recorder.
TF_Gamestats_AchievementEvent_t::TF_Gamestats_AchievementEvent_t( int in_achievementNum, const char* in_achievementID ) { eventTime = GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().GetTimeSinceEpoch(); achievementNum = in_achievementNum; achievementID = in_achievementID; }
// Purpose:
TF_Gamestats_ClientSession_t::TF_Gamestats_ClientSession_t() { Reset(); }
// Purpose: Reset the client session data.
void TF_Gamestats_ClientSession_t::Reset() { Q_memset( &m_Summary, 0, sizeof( m_Summary ) ); m_SessionStart = 0; m_FirstConnect = 0; m_iMapsPlayed = 0; m_iRoundsPlayed = 0; m_ClassesPlayed.ClearAll(); }
// Purpose: Item event recorder.
TF_Gamestats_ItemEvent::TF_Gamestats_ItemEvent( int in_eventNum, CEconItemView* in_item ) { static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_SupplyCrateSeries( "set supply crate series" );
bUseNameBuf = false;
eventTime = GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().GetTimeSinceEpoch(); eventNum = in_eventNum; eventID = g_ItemEventNames[eventNum];
if ( in_item ) { itemDefIndex = in_item->GetItemDefIndex(); itemID = in_item->GetItemID(); itemName = in_item->GetStaticData()->GetDefinitionName();
// If this is a crate, quality is the series.
float fSeries; if ( FindAttribute_UnsafeBitwiseCast<attrib_value_t>( in_item, pAttrDef_SupplyCrateSeries, &fSeries ) ) { bUseNameBuf = true; Q_snprintf( itemNameBuf, sizeof( itemNameBuf ), "%s, Series %i", itemName, (int)fSeries ); } } else { itemDefIndex = 0; itemID = 0; itemName = NULL; } }
// Purpose: Records a catalog event for reporting.
void C_CTFGameStats::Event_Catalog( int eventID, const char* filter, CEconItemView* item ) { TF_Gamestats_CatalogEvent event( eventID, item, filter ); m_vecCatalogEvents.AddToTail( event );
KeyValues* pKVData = new KeyValues( "TF2ClientCatalogEvents" ); pKVData->SetUint64( "AccountID", steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID().ConvertToUint64() ); pKVData->SetInt( "EventCount", m_vecCatalogEvents.Count() ); pKVData->SetInt( "EventTime", event.eventTime ); pKVData->SetString( "ItemEventID", event.eventID ); if ( event.catalogFilter ) { pKVData->SetString( "CatFilterID", event.catalogFilter ); } if ( event.itemID > 0 ) { pKVData->SetUint64( "GlobalIndex", event.itemID ); } if ( event.itemDefIndex > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "DefIndex", event.itemDefIndex ); } if ( event.GetItemName() != NULL ) { pKVData->SetString( "ItemNameID", event.GetItemName() ); }
GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().AddStatsForUpload( pKVData ); }
// Purpose: Catalog event recorder.
TF_Gamestats_CatalogEvent::TF_Gamestats_CatalogEvent( int in_eventNum, CEconItemView* in_item, const char* filter ) : TF_Gamestats_ItemEvent( in_eventNum, in_item ) { catalogFilter = filter; }
// Purpose: Records a catalog event for reporting.
void C_CTFGameStats::Event_Crafting( int eventID, CEconItemView* item, int numAttempts, int recipeFound ) { TF_Gamestats_CraftingEvent event( eventID, item, numAttempts, recipeFound ); m_vecCraftingEvents.AddToTail( event );
KeyValues* pKVData = new KeyValues( "TF2ClientCraftingEvents" ); pKVData->SetUint64( "AccountID", steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID().ConvertToUint64() ); pKVData->SetInt( "EventCount", m_vecCraftingEvents.Count() ); pKVData->SetInt( "EventTime", event.eventTime ); pKVData->SetString( "ItemEventID", event.eventID );
if ( event.itemID > 0 ) { pKVData->SetUint64( "GlobalIndex", event.itemID ); } if ( event.itemDefIndex > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "DefIndex", event.itemDefIndex ); } if ( event.GetItemName() != NULL ) { pKVData->SetString( "ItemNameID", event.GetItemName() ); }
if ( event.numAttempts > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "CraftAttemptNum", event.numAttempts ); }
if ( event.recipeFound > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "RecipeFound", event.recipeFound ); }
GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().AddStatsForUpload( pKVData ); }
// Purpose: Crafting event recorder.
TF_Gamestats_CraftingEvent::TF_Gamestats_CraftingEvent( int in_eventNum, CEconItemView* in_item, int in_numAttempts, int in_recipe ) : TF_Gamestats_ItemEvent( in_eventNum, in_item ) { numAttempts = in_numAttempts; recipeFound = in_recipe; }
// Purpose: Records a store event for reporting.
void C_CTFGameStats::Event_Store( int eventID, CEconItemView* item, const char* panelName, int classId, const cart_item_t* cartItem, int checkoutAttempts, const char* storeError, int totalPrice, int currencyCode ) { TF_Gamestats_StoreEvent event( eventID, item, panelName, classId, cartItem, checkoutAttempts, storeError, totalPrice, currencyCode ); m_vecStoreEvents.AddToTail( event );
KeyValues* pKVData = new KeyValues( "TF2ClientStoreEvents" ); pKVData->SetUint64( "AccountID", steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID().ConvertToUint64() ); pKVData->SetInt( "EventCount", m_vecStoreEvents.Count() ); pKVData->SetInt( "EventTime", event.eventTime ); pKVData->SetString( "ItemEventID", event.eventID );
if ( event.eventNum == IE_STORE_ENTERED || event.eventNum == IE_STORE2_ENTERED ) { if ( m_ulExperimentValue != ((int64) ~0) ) { pKVData->SetUint64( "GlobalIndex", m_ulExperimentValue ); } } else { if ( event.itemID > 0 ) { pKVData->SetUint64( "GlobalIndex", event.itemID ); } }
if ( event.itemDefIndex > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "DefIndex", event.itemDefIndex ); } if ( event.GetItemName() != NULL ) { pKVData->SetString( "ItemNameID", event.GetItemName() ); }
if ( event.panelName != NULL ) { pKVData->SetString( "StorePanelID", event.panelName ); } if ( event.classId > 0 ) { int iClass = clamp( event.classId, 0, TF_CLASS_COUNT-1 ); pKVData->SetString( "ClassID", g_aPlayerClassNames_NonLocalized[iClass] ); } if ( event.cartQuantity > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "NewQuantity", event.cartQuantity ); } if ( event.cartItemCost > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "Price", event.cartItemCost ); } if ( event.currencyCode > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "CurrencyCode", event.currencyCode-1 ); } if ( event.checkoutAttempt > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "CheckoutAttemptNum", event.checkoutAttempt ); } if ( event.storeError != NULL ) { pKVData->SetString( "StoreErrorID", event.storeError ); }
GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().AddStatsForUpload( pKVData ); }
// Purpose: Store event recorder.
TF_Gamestats_StoreEvent::TF_Gamestats_StoreEvent( int in_eventNum, CEconItemView* in_item, const char* in_panelName, int in_classId, const cart_item_t* in_cartItem, int in_checkoutAttempts, const char* in_storeError, int in_totalPrice, int in_currencyCode ) : TF_Gamestats_ItemEvent( in_eventNum, in_item ) { classId = in_classId;
checkoutAttempt = in_checkoutAttempts;
storeError = NULL; if ( in_storeError ) { storeError = in_storeError; }
panelName = NULL; if ( in_panelName ) { panelName = in_panelName; }
cartQuantity = 0; cartItemCost = 0; currencyCode = in_currencyCode;
if ( in_cartItem ) { CEconItemDefinition *pItemDef = ItemSystem()->GetStaticDataForItemByDefIndex( in_cartItem->pEntry->GetItemDefinitionIndex() ); if ( pItemDef ) { itemDefIndex = in_cartItem->pEntry->GetItemDefinitionIndex(); itemName = pItemDef->GetDefinitionName(); cartQuantity = in_cartItem->iQuantity; cartItemCost = in_cartItem->pEntry->GetCurrentPrice( (ECurrency)in_currencyCode ); } }
if ( in_eventNum == IE_STORE_CHECKOUT_SUCCESS && in_totalPrice > 0 ) { cartItemCost = in_totalPrice; } }
// Purpose: Records a general item transaction event.
void C_CTFGameStats::Event_ItemTransaction( int eventID, CEconItemView* item, const char* pszReason, int iQuality ) { TF_Gamestats_ItemTransactionEvent event( eventID, item, pszReason, iQuality ); m_vecItemTransactionEvents.AddToTail( event );
KeyValues* pKVData = new KeyValues( "TF2ClientItemTransactionEvents" ); pKVData->SetUint64( "AccountID", steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID().ConvertToUint64() ); pKVData->SetInt( "EventCount", m_vecItemTransactionEvents.Count() ); pKVData->SetInt( "EventTime", event.eventTime ); pKVData->SetString( "ItemEventID", event.eventID ); if ( event.itemID > 0 ) { pKVData->SetUint64( "GlobalIndex", event.itemID ); } if ( event.itemDefIndex > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "DefIndex", event.itemDefIndex ); } if ( event.GetItemName() != NULL ) { pKVData->SetString( "ItemNameID", event.GetItemName() ); } if ( event.reason ) { pKVData->SetString( "ItemTransReasonID", event.reason ); }
if ( event.itemQuality > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "ItemQuality", event.itemQuality ); }
GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().AddStatsForUpload( pKVData ); }
// Purpose: Transaction event recorder.
TF_Gamestats_ItemTransactionEvent::TF_Gamestats_ItemTransactionEvent( int in_eventNum, CEconItemView* in_item, const char* in_reason, int in_quality ) : TF_Gamestats_ItemEvent( in_eventNum, in_item ) { static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_SupplyCrateSeries( "set supply crate series" );
reason = in_reason; if ( in_item ) { itemQuality = in_item->GetItemQuality();
// If this is a crate, quality is the series.
float fSeries; if ( FindAttribute_UnsafeBitwiseCast<attrib_value_t>( in_item, pAttrDef_SupplyCrateSeries, &fSeries ) ) { in_quality = fSeries; } }
if ( in_quality > 0 ) { // For crates, indicates the series.
itemQuality = in_quality; } }
void C_CTFGameStats::Event_Trading( TF_Gamestats_TradeEvent& event ) { KeyValues* pKVData = new KeyValues( "TF2ClientTradeEvents" ); pKVData->SetUint64( "AccountID", steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID().ConvertToUint64() ); pKVData->SetInt( "EventCount", m_vecTradeEvents.Count() ); pKVData->SetInt( "EventTime", event.eventTime ); pKVData->SetString( "ItemEventID", event.eventID );
if ( event.itemID > 0 ) { pKVData->SetUint64( "GlobalIndex", event.itemID ); } if ( event.itemDefIndex > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "DefIndex", event.itemDefIndex ); } if ( event.GetItemName() != NULL ) { pKVData->SetString( "ItemNameID", event.GetItemName() ); }
if ( event.localPlayerPartyMatters ) { pKVData->SetInt( "IsLocalPlayerPartyA", event.localPlayerIsPartyA ); }
if ( event.steamIDPartyA > 0 ) { pKVData->SetUint64( "SteamIDPartyA", event.steamIDPartyA ); }
if ( event.steamIDPartyB > 0 ) { pKVData->SetUint64( "SteamIDPartyB", event.steamIDPartyB ); }
if ( event.steamIDRequested > 0 ) { pKVData->SetUint64( "RequestedTradeWithSteamID", event.steamIDRequested ); }
if ( event.tradeRequests > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "TradeRequestIndex", event.tradeRequests ); }
if ( event.tradeAttempts > 0 ) { pKVData->SetInt( "TradeAttemptIndex", event.tradeAttempts ); }
if ( event.reason ) { pKVData->SetString( "TradeReasonID", event.reason ); }
GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().AddStatsForUpload( pKVData ); }
// Purpose: Records an item trade event.
void C_CTFGameStats::Event_Trading( int eventID, CEconItemView* item, bool localPlayerIsPartyA, uint64 steamIDPartyA, uint64 steamIDPartyB, int iTradeRequests, int iTradeAttempts ) { TF_Gamestats_TradeEvent event( eventID, item, localPlayerIsPartyA, steamIDPartyA, steamIDPartyB, iTradeRequests, iTradeAttempts ); m_vecTradeEvents.AddToTail( event );
Event_Trading( event ); }
void C_CTFGameStats::Event_Trading( int eventID, uint64 steamIDRequested, int iTradeRequests, int iTradeAttempts ) { TF_Gamestats_TradeEvent event( eventID, steamIDRequested, iTradeRequests, iTradeAttempts ); m_vecTradeEvents.AddToTail( event );
Event_Trading( event ); }
void C_CTFGameStats::Event_Trading( int eventID, int iTradeRequests, const char* reason, int iTradeAttempts ) { TF_Gamestats_TradeEvent event( eventID, iTradeRequests, reason, iTradeAttempts ); m_vecTradeEvents.AddToTail( event );
Event_Trading( event ); }
// Purpose: Trade event recorder.
TF_Gamestats_TradeEvent::TF_Gamestats_TradeEvent( int in_eventNum, CEconItemView* in_item, bool in_localPlayerIsPartyA, uint64 in_steamIDPartyA, uint64 in_steamIDPartyB, int in_tradeRequests, int in_tradeAttempts ) : TF_Gamestats_ItemEvent( in_eventNum, in_item ) { localPlayerPartyMatters = true; localPlayerIsPartyA = in_localPlayerIsPartyA; steamIDPartyA = in_steamIDPartyA; steamIDPartyB = in_steamIDPartyB;
steamIDRequested = 0; tradeRequests = in_tradeRequests; tradeAttempts = in_tradeAttempts;
reason = NULL; }
TF_Gamestats_TradeEvent::TF_Gamestats_TradeEvent( int in_eventNum, uint64 in_steamIDRequested, int in_tradeRequests, int in_tradeAttempts ) : TF_Gamestats_ItemEvent( in_eventNum, NULL ) { localPlayerPartyMatters = false; localPlayerIsPartyA = false; steamIDPartyA = 0; steamIDPartyB = 0;
steamIDRequested = in_steamIDRequested; tradeRequests = in_tradeRequests; tradeAttempts = in_tradeAttempts;
reason = NULL; }
TF_Gamestats_TradeEvent::TF_Gamestats_TradeEvent( int in_eventNum, int in_tradeRequests, const char* in_reason, int in_tradeAttempts ) : TF_Gamestats_ItemEvent( in_eventNum, NULL ) { localPlayerPartyMatters = false; localPlayerIsPartyA = false; steamIDPartyA = 0; steamIDPartyB = 0;
steamIDRequested = 0; tradeRequests = in_tradeRequests; tradeAttempts = in_tradeAttempts;
reason = in_reason; }
// Purpose: Interface stats recorder.
static const bool g_bRecordClientInterfaceEventsToOGS = false;
/*static*/ void C_CTFGameStats::ImmediateWriteInterfaceEvent( const char *pszEventType, const char *pszEventDesc ) { if ( !g_bRecordClientInterfaceEventsToOGS ) return;
static uint32 s_unEventCount = 0;
KeyValues* pKVData = new KeyValues( "TF2UIEvents" ); pKVData->SetInt( "EventCounter", s_unEventCount++ ); if ( pszEventType ) { pKVData->SetString( "EventTypeID", pszEventType ); } if ( pszEventDesc ) { pKVData->SetString( "EventDescID", pszEventDesc ); }
GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().AddStatsForUpload( pKVData ); }
// Purpose: post results from first step of quickplay
int g_iQuickplaySessionIndex = 0;
void C_CTFGameStats::QuickplayResults( const TF_Gamestats_QuickPlay_t &info ) {
// Update index
// Determine sampling rate
float odds = tf_matchmaking_ogs_odds.GetFloat(); Assert( odds >= 0.0f && odds <= 1.0f ); if ( GetUniverse() != k_EUniversePublic ) { odds = 1.0f; }
// Send full or abbreviated stats?
float r = RandomFloat(); int iDetailLevel = ( r < odds ) ? TF_Gamestats_QuickPlay_t::k_Server_Ineligible : TF_Gamestats_QuickPlay_t::k_Server_Pinged;
// Count up servers that meet various criteria
int nServersResponded = info.m_vecServers.Count(); int nServersEligible = 0; int nServersSentToGC = 0; int nServersScoredByGC = 0; int nServersPinged = 0; for ( int i = 0 ; i < info.m_vecServers.Count() ; ++i ) { const TF_Gamestats_QuickPlay_t::eServerStatus &s = info.m_vecServers[i].m_eStatus; if ( s >= TF_Gamestats_QuickPlay_t::k_Server_Eligible ) { ++nServersEligible; } if ( s >= TF_Gamestats_QuickPlay_t::k_Server_RequestedScore ) { ++nServersSentToGC; } if ( s >= TF_Gamestats_QuickPlay_t::k_Server_Scored && info.m_vecServers[i].m_fScoreGC > -999.0f ) { ++nServersScoredByGC; } if ( s >= TF_Gamestats_QuickPlay_t::k_Server_Pinged ) { ++nServersPinged; } }
KeyValues* pKVData = new KeyValues( "TF2QuickPlaySession" ); pKVData->SetInt( "QuickPlaySessionID", g_iQuickplaySessionIndex ); pKVData->SetFloat( "UserHoursPlayed", info.m_fUserHoursPlayed ); pKVData->SetString( "TF2GameModeIDSearched", info.m_sUserGameMode ); pKVData->SetInt( "Result", info.m_eResultCode ); pKVData->SetInt( "ReportDetail", iDetailLevel ); pKVData->SetFloat( "SearchTime", info.m_fSearchTime ); pKVData->SetInt( "ExperimentGroup", info.m_iExperimentGroup ); pKVData->SetInt( "ServersResponded", nServersResponded ); pKVData->SetInt( "ServersEligible", nServersEligible ); pKVData->SetInt( "ServersSentToGC", nServersSentToGC ); pKVData->SetInt( "ServersScoredByGC", nServersScoredByGC ); pKVData->SetInt( "ServersPinged", nServersPinged );
GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().AddStatsForUpload( pKVData );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < info.m_vecServers.Count() ; ++i ) { const TF_Gamestats_QuickPlay_t::Server_t &s = info.m_vecServers[i];
// Check if he's not important enough to report
if ( s.m_eStatus < iDetailLevel ) { continue; }
pKVData = new KeyValues( "TF2QuickPlayResult" ); pKVData->SetInt( "QuickPlaySessionID", g_iQuickplaySessionIndex ); pKVData->SetInt( "ServerIP", s.m_ip ); pKVData->SetInt( "ServerPort", s.m_port ); pKVData->SetInt( "Status", s.m_eStatus ); pKVData->SetInt( "ServerIsRegistered", s.m_bRegistered ? 1 : 0 ); pKVData->SetInt( "ServerIsValve", s.m_bValve ? 1 : 0 ); pKVData->SetInt( "ServerMapIsNewUserFriendly", s.m_bMapIsNewUserFriendly ? 1 : 0 ); pKVData->SetInt( "ServerMapIsQuickPlayOK", s.m_bMapIsQuickPlayOK ? 1 : 0 ); pKVData->SetInt( "ServerIsSecure", s.m_bSecure ? 1 : 0 ); pKVData->SetInt( "ServerPlayers", s.m_nPlayers ); pKVData->SetInt( "ServerMaxPlayers", s.m_nMaxPlayers ); pKVData->SetString( "MapID", s.m_sMapName ); pKVData->SetInt( "Ping", s.m_iPing ); pKVData->SetFloat( "ScoreServer", s.m_fScoreServer ); pKVData->SetFloat( "ScoreClient", s.m_fScoreClient ); if ( s.m_eStatus >= TF_Gamestats_QuickPlay_t::k_Server_Scored && s.m_fScoreGC > -999.0f ) { pKVData->SetFloat( "ScoreGC", s.m_fScoreGC ); } pKVData->SetString( "TF2ServerTagsID", s.m_sTags ); GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().AddStatsForUpload( pKVData ); } }