//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "hudelement.h"
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include "clientmode.h"
#include "c_tf_player.h"
#include "tf_hud_crosshair.h"
#include "hud_crosshair.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterial.h"
#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h"
#include "VGuiMatSurface/IMatSystemSurface.h"
#include "tf_logic_halloween_2014.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
ConVar cl_crosshair_red( "cl_crosshair_red", "200", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); ConVar cl_crosshair_green( "cl_crosshair_green", "200", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); ConVar cl_crosshair_blue( "cl_crosshair_blue", "200", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
ConVar cl_crosshair_file( "cl_crosshair_file", "", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
ConVar cl_crosshair_scale( "cl_crosshair_scale", "32.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
using namespace vgui;
// Everything else is expecting to find "CHudCrosshair"
// Purpose:
CHudTFCrosshair::CHudTFCrosshair( const char *pName ) : CHudCrosshair ( pName ) { m_szPreviousCrosshair[0] = '\0'; m_iCrosshairTextureID = -1; m_flTimeToHideUntil = -1.f;
ListenForGameEvent( "restart_timer_time" ); }
// Purpose:
CHudTFCrosshair::~CHudTFCrosshair( void ) { if ( vgui::surface() && m_iCrosshairTextureID != -1 ) { vgui::surface()->DestroyTextureID( m_iCrosshairTextureID ); m_iCrosshairTextureID = -1; } }
// Purpose:
bool CHudTFCrosshair::ShouldDraw( void ) { // turn off for the minigames
if ( CTFMinigameLogic::GetMinigameLogic() && CTFMinigameLogic::GetMinigameLogic()->GetActiveMinigame() ) return false;
if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->ShowMatchSummary() ) return false;
// turn off if the local player is a ghost
C_TFPlayer *pPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer(); if ( pPlayer ) { if ( pPlayer->m_Shared.InCond( TF_COND_HALLOWEEN_GHOST_MODE ) ) return false;
if ( pPlayer->IsTaunting() ) return false; }
if ( m_flTimeToHideUntil > gpGlobals->curtime ) return false;
return BaseClass::ShouldDraw(); }
// Purpose:
void CHudTFCrosshair::LevelShutdown( void ) { m_szPreviousCrosshair[0] = '\0';
if ( m_pCrosshairMaterial ) { delete m_pCrosshairMaterial; m_pCrosshairMaterial = NULL; } m_flTimeToHideUntil = -1.f; }
// Purpose:
void CHudTFCrosshair::Init() { if ( m_iCrosshairTextureID == -1 ) { m_iCrosshairTextureID = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID(); }
m_flTimeToHideUntil = -1.f; }
// Purpose:
void CHudTFCrosshair::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent * event ) { if ( FStrEq( "restart_timer_time", event->GetName() ) ) { if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsCompetitiveMode() ) { int nTime = event->GetInt( "time" ); if ( ( nTime <= 10 ) && ( nTime > 0 ) ) { m_flTimeToHideUntil = gpGlobals->curtime + nTime; return; } } }
m_flTimeToHideUntil = -1.f; }
// Purpose:
void CHudTFCrosshair::Paint() { C_TFPlayer *pPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();
if( !pPlayer ) return;
const char *crosshairfile = cl_crosshair_file.GetString(); if ( ( crosshairfile == NULL ) || ( Q_stricmp( m_szPreviousCrosshair, crosshairfile ) != 0 ) ) { char buf[256]; Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "vgui/crosshairs/%s", crosshairfile );
if ( m_iCrosshairTextureID != -1 ) { vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( m_iCrosshairTextureID, buf, true, false ); }
if ( m_pCrosshairMaterial ) { delete m_pCrosshairMaterial; }
m_pCrosshairMaterial = vgui::surface()->DrawGetTextureMatInfoFactory( m_iCrosshairTextureID );
if ( !m_pCrosshairMaterial ) return;
// save the name to compare with the cvar in the future
Q_strncpy( m_szPreviousCrosshair, crosshairfile, sizeof(m_szPreviousCrosshair) ); }
if ( m_szPreviousCrosshair[0] == '\0' ) { return BaseClass::Paint(); }
// This is somewhat cut'n'paste from CHudCrosshair::Paint(). Would be nice to unify them some more.
float x, y; bool bBehindCamera; GetDrawPosition ( &x, &y, &bBehindCamera );
if( bBehindCamera ) return;
float flWeaponScale = 1.f; int iTextureW = 32; int iTextureH = 32; C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon(); if ( pWeapon ) { pWeapon->GetWeaponCrosshairScale( flWeaponScale ); }
float flPlayerScale = 1.0f; #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL
Color clr( cl_crosshair_red.GetInt(), cl_crosshair_green.GetInt(), cl_crosshair_blue.GetInt(), 255 ); flPlayerScale = cl_crosshair_scale.GetFloat() / 32.0f; // the player can change the scale in the options/multiplayer tab
Color clr = m_clrCrosshair; #endif
float flWidth = flWeaponScale * flPlayerScale * (float)iTextureW; float flHeight = flWeaponScale * flPlayerScale * (float)iTextureH; int iWidth = (int)( flWidth + 0.5f ); int iHeight = (int)( flHeight + 0.5f ); int iX = (int)( x + 0.5f ); int iY = (int)( y + 0.5f );
vgui::ISurface *pSurf = vgui::surface(); pSurf->DrawSetColor( clr ); pSurf->DrawSetTexture( m_iCrosshairTextureID ); pSurf->DrawTexturedRect( iX-iWidth, iY-iHeight, iX+iWidth, iY+iHeight ); pSurf->DrawSetTexture(0); }