//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "hud.h"
#include "hud_macros.h"
#include "c_tf_player.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include "ienginevgui.h"
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
#include <vgui_controls/EditablePanel.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Label.h>
#include "tf_shareddefs.h"
#include "tf_hud_notification_panel.h"
#include "tf_hud_freezepanel.h"
#include <filesystem.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace vgui;
ConVar tf_hud_notification_duration( "tf_hud_notification_duration", "3.0", 0, "How long to display hud notification panels before fading them" ); ConVar tf_hud_notification_show_count_kart_controls( "tf_hud_notification_show_count_kart_controls", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); ConVar tf_hud_notification_show_count_ghost_controls( "tf_hud_notification_show_count_ghost_controls", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); ConVar tf_hud_notification_show_count_ghost_controls_no_respawn( "tf_hud_notification_show_count_ghost_controls_no_respawn", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
DECLARE_HUDELEMENT( CHudNotificationPanel );
DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudNotificationPanel, HudNotify ); DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudNotificationPanel, HudNotifyCustom );
// Purpose:
CHudNotificationPanel::CHudNotificationPanel( const char *pElementName ) : CHudElement( pElementName ), BaseClass( NULL, "NotificationPanel" ) { Panel *pParent = g_pClientMode->GetViewport(); SetParent( pParent );
vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel() );
m_flFadeTime = 0;
// listen for one version that just passes an int, for prebuilt notifications
// and another that takes a res file to load
m_pText = new Label( this, "Notification_Label", "" ); m_pIcon = new CIconPanel( this, "Notification_Icon" ); m_pBackground = new ImagePanel( this, "Notification_Background" );
RegisterForRenderGroup( "mid" ); RegisterForRenderGroup( "commentary" );
LoadManifest(); m_mapShowCounts.SetLessFunc( DefLessFunc( int ) ) ; m_mapShowCounts.Insert( HUD_NOTIFY_HOW_TO_CONTROL_GHOST, ShowCount_t( 3, 300.f, &tf_hud_notification_show_count_ghost_controls ) ); m_mapShowCounts.Insert( HUD_NOTIFY_HOW_TO_CONTROL_KART, ShowCount_t( 3, 300.f, &tf_hud_notification_show_count_kart_controls ) ); m_mapShowCounts.Insert( HUD_NOTIFY_HOW_TO_CONTROL_GHOST_NO_RESPAWN, ShowCount_t( 3, 300.f, &tf_hud_notification_show_count_ghost_controls_no_respawn ) ); }
// Purpose:
void CHudNotificationPanel::Init( void ) { CHudElement::Init();
HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudNotificationPanel, HudNotify ); HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudNotificationPanel, HudNotifyCustom ); }
// Purpose:
void CHudNotificationPanel::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme ) { // load control settings...
LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/notifications/base_notification.res" );
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); }
// Purpose:
void CHudNotificationPanel::MsgFunc_HudNotify( bf_read &msg ) { int iType = msg.ReadByte(); bool bForceShow = msg.ReadByte();
// Ignore notifications in minmode
if ( !bForceShow ) { ConVarRef cl_hud_minmode( "cl_hud_minmode", true ); if ( cl_hud_minmode.IsValid() && cl_hud_minmode.GetBool() ) return; }
float flDuration = tf_hud_notification_duration.GetFloat();
// Check if we're only supposed to show a limited number of times
auto idx = m_mapShowCounts.Find( iType ); if ( m_mapShowCounts.IsValidIndex( idx ) ) { auto& showCount = m_mapShowCounts[ idx ]; // Stop here if we've met our max show count, or it's too soon
if ( showCount.m_pConVar->GetInt() >= showCount.m_nMaxShowCount || showCount.m_flNextAllowedTime > Plat_FloatTime() ) { return; }
// Increment show count
showCount.m_pConVar->SetValue( showCount.m_pConVar->GetInt() + 1 ); // Set next time we're allowed to show
showCount.m_flNextAllowedTime = Plat_FloatTime() + showCount.m_flCooldown; } InvalidateLayout( true, true ); LoadControlSettings( GetNotificationByType( iType, flDuration ) ); // set up the fade time
m_flFadeTime = gpGlobals->curtime + flDuration; }
// Purpose:
void CHudNotificationPanel::MsgFunc_HudNotifyCustom( bf_read &msg ) { // Ignore notifications in minmode
ConVarRef cl_hud_minmode( "cl_hud_minmode", true ); if ( cl_hud_minmode.IsValid() && cl_hud_minmode.GetBool() ) return;
// Reload the base
LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/notifications/base_notification.res" );
char szText[256]; char szIcon[256];
msg.ReadString( szText, sizeof(szText) ); msg.ReadString( szIcon, sizeof(szIcon) ); int iBackgroundTeam = msg.ReadByte();
SetupNotifyCustom( szText, szIcon, iBackgroundTeam ); }
// Purpose:
void CHudNotificationPanel::SetupNotifyCustom( const char *pszText, const char *pszIcon, int iBackgroundTeam ) { // Reload the base
LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/notifications/base_notification.res" );
m_pIcon->SetIcon( pszIcon ); m_pText->SetText( pszText );
if ( iBackgroundTeam == TF_TEAM_RED ) { m_pBackground->SetImage( "../hud/score_panel_red_bg" ); } else if ( iBackgroundTeam == TF_TEAM_BLUE ) { m_pBackground->SetImage( "../hud/score_panel_blue_bg" ); } else { m_pBackground->SetImage( "../hud/notification_black" ); }
// set up the fade time
m_flFadeTime = gpGlobals->curtime + tf_hud_notification_duration.GetFloat();
InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose:
void CHudNotificationPanel::SetupNotifyCustom( const wchar_t *pszText, const char *pszIcon, int iBackgroundTeam ) { // Reload the base
LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/notifications/base_notification.res" );
m_pIcon->SetIcon( pszIcon ); m_pText->SetText( pszText );
if ( iBackgroundTeam == TF_TEAM_RED ) { m_pBackground->SetImage( "../hud/score_panel_red_bg" ); } else if ( iBackgroundTeam == TF_TEAM_BLUE ) { m_pBackground->SetImage( "../hud/score_panel_blue_bg" ); } else { m_pBackground->SetImage( "../hud/notification_black" ); }
// set up the fade time
m_flFadeTime = gpGlobals->curtime + tf_hud_notification_duration.GetFloat();
InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose:
void CHudNotificationPanel::SetupNotifyCustom( const wchar_t *pszText, HudNotification_t type, float overrideDuration ) { float flDuration = tf_hud_notification_duration.GetFloat();
// Reload the base
LoadControlSettings( GetNotificationByType( type, flDuration ) );
m_pText->SetText( pszText );
// set up the fade time
m_flFadeTime = gpGlobals->curtime + ( overrideDuration > 0.f ? overrideDuration : flDuration );
InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose:
void CHudNotificationPanel::PerformLayout( void ) { BaseClass::PerformLayout();
// re-layout the panel manually so we fit the length of the string!
// **** this is super yucky, i'm going to cry myself to sleep tonight ****
int iTextWide, iTextTall; m_pText->GetContentSize( iTextWide, iTextTall );
m_pText->SetSize( iTextWide, m_pText->GetTall() );
float flTextWide = m_pText->GetWide(); float flIconWide = m_pIcon->GetWide();
float flSpacer = XRES( 5 ); float flEndSpacer = XRES( 8 ) + XRES( 3 ) * ( flTextWide / 184 ); // total hackery
float flTotalWidth = flEndSpacer + flIconWide + flSpacer + flTextWide + flEndSpacer;
float flLeftSide = ( GetWide() - flTotalWidth ) * 0.5f;
// resize and position background
m_pBackground->SetPos( flLeftSide, 0 );
m_pBackground->SetWide( flTotalWidth );
// reposition icon
int iIconXPos, iIconYPos; m_pIcon->GetPos( iIconXPos, iIconYPos );
m_pIcon->SetPos( flLeftSide + flEndSpacer, iIconYPos );
// reposition text
int iTextXPos, iTextYPos; m_pText->GetPos( iTextXPos, iTextYPos );
m_pText->SetPos( flLeftSide + flEndSpacer + flIconWide + flSpacer, iTextYPos );
const unsigned short tempBufSize = 2048; wchar_t tempBufIn[tempBufSize]; wchar_t tempBufOut[tempBufSize]; m_pText->GetText( tempBufIn, tempBufSize ); UTIL_ReplaceKeyBindings( tempBufIn, tempBufSize, tempBufOut, tempBufSize ); m_pText->SetText( tempBufOut ); }
// Purpose:
bool CHudNotificationPanel::ShouldDraw( void ) { // only if we have a valid message to draw
if ( m_flFadeTime < gpGlobals->curtime ) return false;
if ( IsTakingAFreezecamScreenshot() ) return false;
return CHudElement::ShouldDraw(); }
// Purpose:
void CHudNotificationPanel::OnTick( void ) { // set alpha based on time left
// do this if we can fade the icons and the background
float flLifeTime = m_flFadeTime - gpGlobals->curtime;
if ( flLifeTime >= 1 ) { SetAlpha( 255 ); } else { SetAlpha( (float)( 255.0f * flLifeTime ) ); } */ }
// Purpose:
const char *CHudNotificationPanel::GetNotificationByType( int iType, float& flDuration ) { bool bOnBlueTeam = false;
C_TFPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();
if ( pLocalPlayer ) { bOnBlueTeam = ( pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_BLUE ); }
const char *pszResult = "";
switch ( iType ) { case HUD_NOTIFY_YOUR_FLAG_TAKEN: if ( bOnBlueTeam ) { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_your_flag_taken_blue.res"; } else { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_your_flag_taken_red.res"; } break; case HUD_NOTIFY_YOUR_FLAG_DROPPED: if ( bOnBlueTeam ) { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_your_flag_dropped_blue.res"; } else { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_your_flag_dropped_red.res"; } break; case HUD_NOTIFY_YOUR_FLAG_RETURNED: if ( bOnBlueTeam ) { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_your_flag_returned_blue.res"; } else { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_your_flag_returned_red.res"; } break; case HUD_NOTIFY_YOUR_FLAG_CAPTURED: if ( bOnBlueTeam ) { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_your_flag_captured_blue.res"; } else { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_your_flag_captured_red.res"; } break; case HUD_NOTIFY_ENEMY_FLAG_TAKEN: if ( bOnBlueTeam ) { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_enemy_flag_taken_blue.res"; } else { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_enemy_flag_taken_red.res"; } break; case HUD_NOTIFY_ENEMY_FLAG_DROPPED: if ( bOnBlueTeam ) { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_enemy_flag_dropped_blue.res"; } else { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_enemy_flag_dropped_red.res"; } break; case HUD_NOTIFY_ENEMY_FLAG_RETURNED: if ( bOnBlueTeam ) { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_enemy_flag_returned_blue.res"; } else { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_enemy_flag_returned_red.res"; } break; case HUD_NOTIFY_ENEMY_FLAG_CAPTURED: if ( bOnBlueTeam ) { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_enemy_flag_captured_blue.res"; } else { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_enemy_flag_captured_red.res"; } break;
case HUD_NOTIFY_TOUCHING_ENEMY_CTF_CAP: if ( bOnBlueTeam ) { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_touching_enemy_ctf_cap_blue.res"; } else { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_touching_enemy_ctf_cap_red.res"; } break;
case HUD_NOTIFY_NO_INVULN_WITH_FLAG: if ( bOnBlueTeam ) { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_no_invuln_with_flag_blue.res"; } else { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_no_invuln_with_flag_red.res"; } break;
case HUD_NOTIFY_NO_TELE_WITH_FLAG: if ( bOnBlueTeam ) { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_no_tele_with_flag_blue.res"; } else { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_no_tele_with_flag_red.res"; } break;
case HUD_NOTIFY_SPECIAL: pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_special.res"; break;
case HUD_NOTIFY_GOLDEN_WRENCH: pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_golden_wrench.res"; break;
case HUD_NOTIFY_RD_ROBOT_UNDER_ATTACK: if ( bOnBlueTeam ) { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_rd_robot_attacked_blue.res"; } else { pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_rd_robot_attacked_red.res"; } break;
case HUD_NOTIFY_HOW_TO_CONTROL_GHOST: pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_how_to_control_ghost.res"; flDuration = 10.f; break;
case HUD_NOTIFY_HOW_TO_CONTROL_KART: pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_how_to_control_kart.res"; flDuration = 10.f; break;
case HUD_NOTIFY_HOW_TO_CONTROL_GHOST_NO_RESPAWN: pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_how_to_control_ghost_no_respawn.res"; flDuration = 10.f; break;
// Passtime
case HUD_NOTIFY_PASSTIME_HOWTO: pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_passtime_howto.res"; flDuration = 10.f; break;
case HUD_NOTIFY_PASSTIME_NO_TELE: pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_passtime_no_tele.res"; break;
case HUD_NOTIFY_PASSTIME_NO_CARRY: pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_passtime_no_carry.res"; break;
case HUD_NOTIFY_PASSTIME_NO_INVULN: pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_passtime_no_invuln.res"; break;
case HUD_NOTIFY_PASSTIME_NO_DISGUISE: pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_passtime_no_disguise.res"; break;
case HUD_NOTIFY_PASSTIME_NO_CLOAK: pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_passtime_no_cloak.res"; break;
case HUD_NOTIFY_PASSTIME_NO_OOB: pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_passtime_no_oob.res"; break;
case HUD_NOTIFY_PASSTIME_NO_HOLSTER: pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_passtime_no_holster.res"; break;
case HUD_NOTIFY_PASSTIME_NO_TAUNT: pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_passtime_no_taunt.res"; break;
// Competitive
case HUD_NOTIFY_COMPETITIVE_GC_DOWN: pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_competitive_gc_down.res"; flDuration = 20.f; break;
case HUD_NOTIFY_TRUCE_START: pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_truce_start.res"; flDuration = 10.f; break;
case HUD_NOTIFY_TRUCE_END: pszResult = "resource/UI/notifications/notify_truce_end.res"; flDuration = 10.f; break;
default: break; }
return pszResult; }
// Purpose:
bool CHudNotificationPanel::LoadManifest( void ) { const char *pszManifestFile = "resource/UI/notifications/notification_manifest.txt"; KeyValues *manifest = new KeyValues( pszManifestFile ); if ( manifest->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, pszManifestFile, "GAME" ) == false ) { manifest->deleteThis(); return false; }
// Load each file defined in the text
for ( KeyValues *sub = manifest->GetFirstSubKey(); sub != NULL; sub = sub->GetNextKey() ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( sub->GetName(), "file" ) ) { if ( BuildGroup::PrecacheResFile( sub->GetString() ) == false ) { Warning("Failed to load notification res file '%s' specified in %s.\n", sub->GetString(), pszManifestFile ); } } }
manifest->deleteThis(); return true; }