//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "cbase.h"
#include "tf_hud_saxxycontest.h"
#include "econ_item_inventory.h"
#include "econ/confirm_dialog.h"
#include "econ/econ_controls.h"
#include "vgui/IVGui.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "vgui/IInput.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "vgui_controls/TextEntry.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ComboBox.h"
#include "ienginevgui.h"
#include "replaybrowsermainpanel.h"
#include "gc_clientsystem.h"
#include "rtime.h"
#include "tf_gcmessages.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
static void SaxxyAwards_ShowSubmitForm();
int CSaxxyAwardsPanel::sm_nShowCounter = -1;
#define FOR_EACH_FLASH( i_ ) for ( int i_ = 0; i_ < MAX_FLASHES; ++i_ )
#define FOR_EACH_GLOW( i_ ) for ( int i_ = 0; i_ < MAX_GLOWS; ++i_ )
#define FOR_EACH_CLAP( i_ ) for ( int i_ = 0; i_ < MAX_CLAPS; ++i_ )
inline float SCurve( float t ) { t = clamp( t, 0.0f, 1.0f ); return t * t * (3 - 2*t); }
inline float LerpScale( float flIn, float flInMin, float flInMax, float flOutMin, float flOutMax ) { float flDenom = flInMax - flInMin; if ( flDenom == 0.0f ) return 0.0f;
float t = clamp( ( flIn - flInMin ) / flDenom, 0.0f, 1.0f ); return Lerp( t, flOutMin, flOutMax ); }
CSaxxyAwardsPanel::CSaxxyAwardsPanel( Panel *pParent, const char *pName ) : EditablePanel( pParent, pName ), m_pCameraFlashKv( NULL ) { ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel(), 17 );
++sm_nShowCounter; }
CSaxxyAwardsPanel::~CSaxxyAwardsPanel() { ivgui()->RemoveTickSignal( GetVPanel() ); }
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::Init() { m_flShowTime = GetCurrentTime();
m_vDialogsParent = (VPANEL)-1; m_nNumTargetFlashes = 0; m_flLastTickTime = 0.0f; m_flEarliestNextFlashTime = 0.0f; m_flGlowFade = 0.0f; m_flNextPanelTestTime = 0.0f; m_pBackgroundPanel = NULL; m_pSaxxyModelPanel = NULL; m_pStageBgPanel = NULL; m_pSubmitButton = NULL; m_pInfoLabel = NULL; m_pCurtainPanel = NULL; m_pContestOverLabel = NULL; m_pSpotlightPanel = NULL;
m_flCurtainStartAnimTime = -1.0f;
FOR_EACH_CLAP( i ) { m_aClapPlayTimes[i] = 0.0f; }
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) { m_aFilteredMousePos[i][0] = ScreenWidth() / 2; m_aFilteredMousePos[i][1] = ScreenHeight() / 2; }
FOR_EACH_FLASH( i ) { CFmtStr fmtPanelName( "FlashPanel_%i", i ); FlashInfo_t *pCurFlashInfo = &m_aFlashes[ i ]; pCurFlashInfo->m_pPanel = new ImagePanel( NULL, fmtPanelName.Access() ); pCurFlashInfo->m_bInUse = false; }
m_angModelRot.Init(); m_vSaxxyDefaultPos.Init(); }
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::ApplySettings( KeyValues *pInResourceData ) { BaseClass::ApplySettings( pInResourceData );
// Delete old KeyValues
if ( m_pCameraFlashKv ) { m_pCameraFlashKv->deleteThis(); m_pCameraFlashKv = NULL; }
// Copy camera flash keyvalues for creating instances
KeyValues *pCameraFlash = pInResourceData->FindKey( "CameraFlashSettings" ); Assert( pCameraFlash ); if ( pCameraFlash ) { m_pCameraFlashKv = pCameraFlash->MakeCopy(); } }
bool CSaxxyAwardsPanel::CreateFlash() { if ( GetActiveFlashCount() == MAX_FLASHES ) return false;
const int iUnusedSlot = GetUnusedFlashSlot(); Assert( iUnusedSlot >= 0 && iUnusedSlot < MAX_FLASHES );
if ( iUnusedSlot < 0 ) return false; // Should never happen, since GetActiveFlashCount() didn't return 0
FlashInfo_t *pFlashInfo = &m_aFlashes[ iUnusedSlot ]; ImagePanel *pPanel = pFlashInfo->m_pPanel;
// Apply base settings
if ( !m_pCameraFlashKv ) return false;
pPanel->ApplySettings( m_pCameraFlashKv );
// Set the image to a random image
const int iImage = 1 + rand() % NUM_FLASH_MATERIALS; CFmtStr fmtImageName( "../models/effects/camera_flash/camera_flash_%02i", iImage ); pPanel->SetImage( fmtImageName.Access() );
pFlashInfo->m_flStartTime = GetCurrentTime(); pFlashInfo->m_flLifeLength = FRand( m_flFlashLifeLengthMin, m_flFlashLifeLengthMax ); pFlashInfo->m_bInUse = true;
// Put the flash at a random position in the "flash bounds"
pFlashInfo->m_nCenterX = (int)FRand( m_nFlashBoundsX, m_nFlashBoundsX + m_nFlashBoundsW ); pFlashInfo->m_nCenterY = (int)FRand( m_nFlashBoundsY, m_nFlashBoundsY + m_nFlashBoundsH );
pFlashInfo->m_nMinSize = (int)Lerp( FRand( 0.0f, 1.0f ), m_nFlashStartSizeMin, m_nFlashStartSizeMax ); pFlashInfo->m_nMaxSize = pFlashInfo->m_nMinSize * FRand( .5f * m_flFlashMaxScale, m_flFlashMaxScale );
Assert( pFlashInfo->m_nMaxSize > pFlashInfo->m_nMinSize );
pFlashInfo->m_nCurW = pFlashInfo->m_nMinSize; pFlashInfo->m_nCurH = pFlashInfo->m_nMinSize;
PlaceFlash( pFlashInfo ); // Setup visibility
pPanel->SetAlpha( 0 ); pPanel->SetVisible( true );
// Play a random flash sound
int iSound = rand() % NUM_FLASH_SOUNDS + 1; Assert( iSound >= 1 && iSound <= NUM_FLASH_SOUNDS ); CFmtStr fmtSoundFilename( "misc/tf_camera_%02i.wav", iSound ); surface()->PlaySound( fmtSoundFilename.Access() ); return true; }
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::PlaceFlash( FlashInfo_t *pFlashInfo ) { pFlashInfo->m_pPanel->SetBounds( pFlashInfo->m_nCenterX - pFlashInfo->m_nCurW / 2, pFlashInfo->m_nCenterY - pFlashInfo->m_nCurH / 2, pFlashInfo->m_nCurW, pFlashInfo->m_nCurH ); }
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/MainMenu_SaxxyAwards.res" );
m_vDialogsParent = GetDialogsParent();
m_pBackgroundPanel = dynamic_cast< EditablePanel * >( FindChildByName( "Background" ) ); m_pSubmitButton = dynamic_cast< CExButton *>( FindChildByName( "SubmitButton" ) ); m_pInfoLabel = FindChildByName( "InfoLabel" ); m_pContestOverLabel = FindChildByName( "ContestOverLabel" ); m_pSpotlightPanel = dynamic_cast< ImagePanel * >( FindChildByName( "SpotlightPanel" ) );
m_pStageBgPanel = dynamic_cast< ImagePanel * >( FindChildByName( "StageBackground" ) ); m_pCurtainPanel = dynamic_cast< EditablePanel * >( FindChildByName( "CurtainsPanel" ) ); if ( m_pCurtainPanel ) { m_Curtains[0].m_pPanel = dynamic_cast< ImagePanel * >( m_pCurtainPanel->FindChildByName( "CurtainsLeft" ) ); m_Curtains[1].m_pPanel = dynamic_cast< ImagePanel * >( m_pCurtainPanel->FindChildByName( "CurtainsRight" ) );
// Hide curtains if this isn't the first view
if ( sm_nShowCounter > 0 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) { if ( !m_Curtains[i].m_pPanel ) continue; m_Curtains[i].m_pPanel->SetVisible( false ); } }
// Set all flash parents to background panel
if ( m_pBackgroundPanel ) { FOR_EACH_FLASH( i ) { m_aFlashes[ i ].m_pPanel->SetParent( m_pStageBgPanel ); } }
// Setup Saxxy model
m_pSaxxyModelPanel = dynamic_cast< CBaseModelPanel * >( m_pCurtainPanel->FindChildByName( "SaxxyModelPanel" ) ); if ( m_pSaxxyModelPanel ) { MDLHandle_t hModel = mdlcache->FindMDL( "models/effects/saxxy_flash/saxxy_flash.mdl" ); m_pSaxxyModelPanel->SetMDL( hModel ); m_pSaxxyModelPanel->SetSequence( ACT_RESET ); mdlcache->Release( hModel ); // counterbalance addref from within FindMDL
m_pSaxxyModelPanel->InvalidateLayout( true, true ); // Updates player position
m_vSaxxyDefaultPos = m_pSaxxyModelPanel->GetPlayerPos(); } } }
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout(); }
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::Refresh() { Init(); InvalidateLayout( true, true ); }
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::OnCommand( const char *pCommand ) { if ( FStrEq( pCommand, "viewdetails" ) ) { if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamFriends() ) { steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->ActivateGameOverlayToWebPage( "http://www.teamfortress.com/saxxyawards/" ); } } else if ( FStrEq( pCommand, "submit" ) ) { SaxxyAwards_ShowSubmitForm(); } else { BaseClass::OnCommand( pCommand ); } }
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::OnTick() { if ( C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() ) return;
if ( ReplayUI_GetBrowserPanel() && ReplayUI_GetBrowserPanel()->IsVisible() ) return;
if ( !IsVisible() ) return;
// Calculate elapsed
const float flCurTime = GetCurrentTime(); const float flElapsed = clamp( flCurTime - m_flLastTickTime, 0, 0.1f ); m_flLastTickTime = flCurTime;
// Msg( "initial freakout? %s\n", InInitialFreakoutPeriod() ? "yes" : "no" );
const bool bOtherPanelsOpen = AreOtherPanelsOpen( flCurTime );
UpdateMousePos( flElapsed ); CurtainsThink(); RotateModel( flElapsed ); FlashThink( bOtherPanelsOpen ); SpotlightThink(); ClapsThink( flCurTime, flElapsed, bOtherPanelsOpen );
SetupContestPanels(); }
bool CSaxxyAwardsPanel::AreOtherPanelsOpen( float flCurTime ) { static bool s_bOtherPanelsOpen = false;
if ( flCurTime < m_flNextPanelTestTime ) return s_bOtherPanelsOpen;
// Setup next think time
m_flNextPanelTestTime = flCurTime + 2.0f;
// Do tests to see if other panels are open
bool bOtherPanelsOpen = false; { const int nNumGameUICarePanels = 4; const char *pCarePanels[nNumGameUICarePanels] = { "GameConsole", "character_info", "store_panel", "BugUIPanel" }; bOtherPanelsOpen = bOtherPanelsOpen || AreNonMainMenuPanelsOpen( enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_GAMEUIDLL ), pCarePanels, nNumGameUICarePanels ); }
// Msg( "-----\n" );
if ( m_vDialogsParent != (VPANEL)-1 ) { const int nNumCarePanels = 2; const char *pCarePanels[nNumCarePanels] = { "CServerBrowserDialog", "OptionsDialog" };
bOtherPanelsOpen = bOtherPanelsOpen || AreNonMainMenuPanelsOpen( m_vDialogsParent, pCarePanels, nNumCarePanels ); }
// Cache so we don't have to think every frame
s_bOtherPanelsOpen = bOtherPanelsOpen;
return bOtherPanelsOpen; }
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::PaintBackground() { BaseClass::PaintBackground(); }
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::UpdateMousePos( float flElapsed ) { // Set target mouse pos
int x, y; input()->GetCursorPos( x, y ); m_aFilteredMousePos[1][0] = x; m_aFilteredMousePos[1][1] = y;
// Move towards target
const float t = flElapsed * 1.5f; m_aFilteredMousePos[0][0] = Lerp( t, m_aFilteredMousePos[0][0], m_aFilteredMousePos[1][0] ); m_aFilteredMousePos[0][1] = Lerp( t, m_aFilteredMousePos[0][1], m_aFilteredMousePos[1][1] );
// Msg( "mouse pos: current=(%f %f) target=(%f %f)\n", m_aFilteredMousePos[0][0], m_aFilteredMousePos[0][1],
// m_aFilteredMousePos[1][0], m_aFilteredMousePos[1][1] );
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::CurtainsThink() { if ( !m_Curtains[0].m_pPanel || !m_Curtains[1].m_pPanel ) return;
// Has enough time passed? Only open the curtains m_flOpenCurtainsTime seconds after m_flShowTime.
const float flElapsedSinceShowTime = GetCurrentTime() - m_flShowTime; if ( flElapsedSinceShowTime < m_flOpenCurtainsTime ) return;
// Start animating now?
if ( CurtainsClosed() ) { m_flCurtainStartAnimTime = GetCurrentTime();
// Play crowd the first time the menu is shown
if ( sm_nShowCounter == 0 ) { surface()->PlaySound( "misc/boring_applause_1.wav" ); }
// Init positions to those set in res file
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) { m_Curtains[i].m_pPanel->GetPos( m_Curtains[i].m_aInitialPos[0], m_Curtains[i].m_aInitialPos[1] ); } } else // Already animating?
{ // Set updated positions for both curtains
const float flCurTime = GetCurrentTime(); for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) { CurtainInfo_t *pCurCurtain = &m_Curtains[i]; Panel *pPanel = pCurCurtain->m_pPanel;
const int nSign = i == 0 ? -1 : 1; const float t = SCurve( clamp( ( flCurTime - m_flCurtainStartAnimTime ) / m_flCurtainAnimDuration, 0.0f, 1.0f ) ); int aCurPos[2] = { Lerp( t, pCurCurtain->m_aInitialPos[0], pCurCurtain->m_aInitialPos[0] + nSign * pPanel->GetWide() ), pCurCurtain->m_aInitialPos[1] }; m_Curtains[i].m_pPanel->SetPos( aCurPos[0], aCurPos[1] ); } } }
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::RotateModel( float flElapsed ) { if ( m_pSaxxyModelPanel ) { const float flOsc = .28f * sinf( .5f * GetCurrentTime() ); const Vector vCurPos( Lerp( m_flGlowFade, m_vSaxxyDefaultPos.x, m_vSaxxyDefaultPos.x - 8.0f ), m_vSaxxyDefaultPos.y, Lerp( m_flGlowFade, m_vSaxxyDefaultPos.z, m_vSaxxyDefaultPos.z - 3.0f ) + flOsc ); m_angModelRot.y += flElapsed * 45 * 0.5f * Lerp( m_flGlowFade, 0.5f, 1.0f ); m_pSaxxyModelPanel->SetModelAnglesAndPosition( m_angModelRot, vCurPos ); } }
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::FlashThink( bool bOtherPanelsOpen ) { if ( !m_pSaxxyModelPanel ) return;
// Set the target number of flashes based on how far the mouse is from the saxxy
int aModelBounds[4]; m_pSaxxyModelPanel->GetSize( aModelBounds[2], aModelBounds[3] ); ipanel()->GetAbsPos( m_pSaxxyModelPanel->GetVPanel(), aModelBounds[0], aModelBounds[1] ); const float flDistX = aModelBounds[0] + aModelBounds[2]/2.0f - m_aFilteredMousePos[0][0]; const float flDistY = aModelBounds[1] + aModelBounds[3]/2.0f - m_aFilteredMousePos[0][1]; const float flDistanceToSaxxy = sqrtf( flDistX * flDistX + flDistY * flDistY ); // Msg( "xdist: %f ydist: %f distance: %f\n", flDistX, flDistY, flDistanceToSaxxy );
const float flMaxDistance = 750.0f; m_flGlowFade = clamp( 1.0f - clamp( flDistanceToSaxxy / flMaxDistance, 0.0f, 1.0f ), 0.0f, 1.0f ); // Msg( "glow fade: %f\n", m_flGlowFade );
const float flCurTime = GetCurrentTime();
// Set alpha for active flashes, kill any that are done animating, update positions of actives
FOR_EACH_FLASH( i ) { FlashInfo_t *pCurFlashInfo = &m_aFlashes[ i ]; if ( !pCurFlashInfo->m_bInUse ) continue;
const float t = ( flCurTime - pCurFlashInfo->m_flStartTime ) / pCurFlashInfo->m_flLifeLength; if ( t >= 1.0f ) { ClearFlash( pCurFlashInfo ); } else { // Set opacity
const float flPhase = M_PI * t; const float flFade = clamp( sinf( flPhase ), 0.0f, 1.0f ); pCurFlashInfo->m_pPanel->SetAlpha( 255 * flFade );
// Update size
pCurFlashInfo->m_nCurW = (int)Lerp( flFade, pCurFlashInfo->m_nMinSize, pCurFlashInfo->m_nMaxSize ); pCurFlashInfo->m_nCurH = pCurFlashInfo->m_nCurW;
// Update position/size
PlaceFlash( pCurFlashInfo ); } }
// Create new flashes / freak out
const bool bEnoughTimeHasPassed = flCurTime >= m_flEarliestNextFlashTime; if ( !bOtherPanelsOpen && bEnoughTimeHasPassed && FlashingStartTimePassed() && GetUnusedFlashCount() ) { CreateFlash();
const bool bFreakout = InInitialFreakoutPeriod() || InFreakoutMode(); const float flOffset = bFreakout ? FRand( .1f, .2f ) : FRand( 2.0f, 5.0f ); m_flEarliestNextFlashTime = flCurTime + flOffset; } }
VPANEL CSaxxyAwardsPanel::GetDialogsParent() { VPANEL vGameUI = enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_GAMEUIDLL ); const int nNumChildren = ipanel()->GetChildCount( vGameUI );
for ( int i = 0; i < nNumChildren; ++i ) { VPANEL vChild = ipanel()->GetChild( vGameUI, i ); const char *pDlgName = ipanel()->GetName( vChild ); if ( FStrEq( pDlgName, "BaseGameUIPanel" ) ) { return vChild; } }
return (VPANEL)-1; }
bool CSaxxyAwardsPanel::AreNonMainMenuPanelsOpen( VPANEL vRoot, const char **pCarePanels, int nNumCarePanels ) { int nNumChildren = ipanel()->GetChildCount( vRoot ); for ( int i = 0; i < nNumChildren; ++i ) { VPANEL vChild = ipanel()->GetChild( vRoot, i ); const char *pDlgName = ipanel()->GetName( vChild ); bool bCare = false; for ( int j = 0; j < nNumCarePanels; ++j ) { if ( FStrEq( pCarePanels[j], pDlgName ) ) { // Msg( "CARE: %s\n", pDlgName );
bCare = true; break; } } if ( !bCare ) { // Msg( "DONT CARE: %s\n", pDlgName );
continue; }
if ( ipanel()->IsVisible( vChild ) ) return true; }
return false; }
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::SpotlightThink() { if ( !m_pSpotlightPanel ) return;
const float flOscillateAmount = 0.10f; const float flSpeed = 0.7f; const float flFade = .1f + flOscillateAmount * ( .5f + .5f * cosf( flSpeed * GetCurrentTime() ) ); m_pSpotlightPanel->SetAlpha( 255 * flFade ); }
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::PlaySomeClaps() { // Play each clap offset by a bit
const float flCurTime = GetCurrentTime(); FOR_EACH_CLAP( i ) { // If this sound is already playing, continue
float &flCurClapPlayTime = m_aClapPlayTimes[i];
const bool bAlreadyPlaying = flCurClapPlayTime != 0.0f; if ( bAlreadyPlaying ) continue;
// Some chance that not all claps will be played
if ( rand() % 100 < 30 ) { SetNextPossibleClapTime( &flCurClapPlayTime ); continue; }
flCurClapPlayTime = flCurTime + LerpScale( FRand( 0.0f, 1.0f ), 0.0f, 1.0f, .3f, 1.5f ); } }
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::ClapsThink( float flCurTime, float flElapsed, bool bOtherPanelsOpen ) { if ( !bOtherPanelsOpen && InFreakoutMode() && !InInitialFreakoutPeriod() ) { PlaySomeClaps(); }
FOR_EACH_CLAP( i ) { float &flCurClapTime = m_aClapPlayTimes[i]; // Msg( "clap %i: %f\n", i, flCurClapTime );
if ( flCurClapTime < 0.0f ) { // Once enough time has elapsed, this slot will be > 0 and available again.
flCurClapTime = MIN( flCurClapTime + flElapsed, 0.0f ); continue; }
// Start playing now?
if ( flCurClapTime <= flCurTime && flCurClapTime != 0.0f ) { // Play.
CFmtStr fmtSound( "misc/clap_single_%i.wav", i + 1 ); surface()->PlaySound( fmtSound.Access() );
SetNextPossibleClapTime( &flCurClapTime ); } } }
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::SetNextPossibleClapTime( float *pClapTime ) { // Set the next possible time to the duration of the sound + some randomn offset
const float flExtraOffset = LerpScale( FRand( 0.0f, 1.0f ), 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 5.0f ); *pClapTime = -( m_flClapSoundDuration + flExtraOffset ); }
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::ClearFlash( FlashInfo_t *pFlashInfo ) { pFlashInfo->m_bInUse = false; pFlashInfo->m_pPanel->SetAlpha( 0 ); pFlashInfo->m_pPanel->SetVisible( false ); }
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::ClearFlashes() { FOR_EACH_FLASH( i ) { ClearFlash( &m_aFlashes[i] ); } }
int CSaxxyAwardsPanel::GetActiveFlashCount() const { int nResult = 0; FOR_EACH_FLASH( i ) { if ( m_aFlashes[ i ].m_bInUse ) ++nResult; } return nResult; }
int CSaxxyAwardsPanel::GetUnusedFlashCount() const { return MAX_FLASHES - GetActiveFlashCount(); }
int CSaxxyAwardsPanel::GetUnusedFlashSlot() const { FOR_EACH_FLASH( i ) { if ( !m_aFlashes[ i ].m_bInUse ) return i; } return -1; }
float CSaxxyAwardsPanel::GetCurrentTime() const { return gpGlobals->curtime; }
bool CSaxxyAwardsPanel::InInitialFreakoutPeriod() const { return ( GetCurrentTime() - m_flShowTime ) <= m_flInitialFreakoutDuration; }
bool CSaxxyAwardsPanel::InFreakoutMode() const { return m_flGlowFade > FREAKOUT_THRESHOLD; }
bool CSaxxyAwardsPanel::CurtainsClosed() const { return m_flCurtainStartAnimTime < 0.0f; }
bool CSaxxyAwardsPanel::FlashingStartTimePassed() const { return ( GetCurrentTime() - m_flShowTime ) >= m_flFlashStartTime; }
void CSaxxyAwardsPanel::SetupContestPanels() { CRTime now; now.SetToCurrentTime(); now.SetToGMT( true );
CRTime deadline = CRTime::RTime32FromString( "2011-05-21 00:00:00" ); deadline.SetToGMT( true );
if ( now > deadline ) { if ( m_pInfoLabel && m_pInfoLabel->IsVisible() ) { m_pInfoLabel->SetVisible( false ); } if ( m_pSubmitButton && m_pSubmitButton->IsVisible() ) { m_pSubmitButton->SetVisible( false ); } if ( m_pContestOverLabel && !m_pContestOverLabel->IsVisible() ) { m_pContestOverLabel->SetVisible( true ); } } }
CSaxxyAwardsSubmitForm::CSaxxyAwardsSubmitForm( Panel *pParent ) : BaseClass( pParent, "SaxxySubmitForm" ), m_pURLInput( NULL ), m_pCategoryCombo( NULL ) { }
void CSaxxyAwardsSubmitForm::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme ) { // Link in TF scheme
extern IEngineVGui *enginevgui; vgui::HScheme pTFScheme = vgui::scheme()->LoadSchemeFromFileEx( enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_CLIENTDLL ), "resource/ClientScheme.res", "ClientScheme" ); SetScheme( pTFScheme ); SetProportional( true );
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::scheme()->GetIScheme( pTFScheme ) );
LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/SaxxyAwards_SubmitForm.res" );
m_pURLInput = dynamic_cast< TextEntry * >( FindChildByName( "URLInput" ) ); if ( m_pURLInput ) { m_pURLInput->SetText( "#Replay_YouTubeURL" ); }
m_pCategoryCombo = dynamic_cast< ComboBox * >( FindChildByName( "CategoryCombo" ) ); if ( m_pCategoryCombo ) { // Add "Categories" text
const int nDefaultItemID = m_pCategoryCombo->AddItem( "#Replay_Category", NULL ); m_pCategoryCombo->ActivateItem( nDefaultItemID );
// Add all categories
const wchar_t *pCategoryText = L""; int i = 0; while ( true ) { CFmtStr fmtCategoryToken( "#Replay_Contest_Category%i", i++ ); pCategoryText = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( fmtCategoryToken.Access() ); if ( !pCategoryText || !pCategoryText[0] ) break; m_pCategoryCombo->AddItem( pCategoryText, NULL ); }
m_pCategoryCombo->SetNumberOfEditLines( i ); } }
void CSaxxyAwardsSubmitForm::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout(); }
void CSaxxyAwardsSubmitForm::OnCommand( const char *pCommand ) { if ( FStrEq( pCommand, "submit" ) ) { // need a category
if ( m_pCategoryCombo->GetActiveItem() == 0 ) { ShowMessageBox( "#Replay_Contest_StatusTitle", "#Replay_Contest_ChooseCategory", "#GameUI_OK" ); return; }
// need a non-empty string
char szText[256]; m_pURLInput->GetText( szText, sizeof( szText ) ); if ( Q_strlen( szText ) == 0 ) { ShowMessageBox( "#Replay_Contest_StatusTitle", "#Replay_Contest_EnterURL", "#GameUI_OK" ); return; }
// waiting dialog
ShowWaitingDialog( new CGenericWaitingDialog( this ), "#Replay_Contest_Waiting", true, true, 30.0f );
// send the url
GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg< CMsgReplaySubmitContestEntry > msg( k_EMsgGCReplay_SubmitContestEntry ); msg.Body().set_youtube_url( szText ); msg.Body().set_category( m_pCategoryCombo->GetActiveItem() - 1 ); GCClientSystem()->GetGCClient()->BSendMessage( msg );
// close the submit dialog
Close(); } else if ( FStrEq( pCommand, "cancel" ) ) { Close(); } else if ( FStrEq( pCommand, "rules" ) ) { if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamFriends() ) { steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->ActivateGameOverlayToWebPage( "http://www.teamfortress.com/saxxyawards/#rules" ); } } else { BaseClass::OnCommand( pCommand ); } }
void CSaxxyAwardsSubmitForm::Close() { TFModalStack()->PopModal( this ); MarkForDeletion(); }
void CSaxxyAwardsSubmitForm::OnKeyCodeTyped( vgui::KeyCode nCode ) { if ( nCode == KEY_ESCAPE ) { Close(); } else { BaseClass::OnKeyCodeTyped( nCode ); } }
static void SaxxyAwards_ShowSubmitForm() { CSaxxyAwardsSubmitForm *pSubmitDialog = vgui::SETUP_PANEL( new CSaxxyAwardsSubmitForm( NULL ) );
pSubmitDialog->SetVisible( true ); pSubmitDialog->MakePopup(); pSubmitDialog->MoveToFront(); pSubmitDialog->SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( true ); pSubmitDialog->SetMouseInputEnabled( true ); TFModalStack()->PushModal( pSubmitDialog ); }
// Purpose: Refresh the saxxy awards portion of the main menu
class CGC_Replay_SubmitContestEntryResponse_Status : public GCSDK::CGCClientJob { public: CGC_Replay_SubmitContestEntryResponse_Status( GCSDK::CGCClient *pClient ) : GCSDK::CGCClientJob( pClient ) {} virtual bool BYieldingRunGCJob( GCSDK::IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket ) { GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg< CMsgReplaySubmitContestEntryResponse > msg( pNetPacket );
if ( msg.Body().success() ) { ShowMessageBox( "#Replay_Contest_StatusTitle", "#Replay_Contest_StatusSuccess", "#GameUI_OK" ); } else { ShowMessageBox( "#Replay_Contest_StatusTitle", "#Replay_Contest_StatusFailure", "#GameUI_OK" ); }
return true; } protected: }; GC_REG_JOB( GCSDK::CGCClient, CGC_Replay_SubmitContestEntryResponse_Status, "CGC_Replay_SubmitContestEntryResponse_Status", k_EMsgGCReplay_SubmitContestEntryResponse, GCSDK::k_EServerTypeGCClient ); #endif // #ifdef SAXXYMAINMENU_ENABLED