//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Rich Presence support
#include "cbase.h"
#include "tf_tips.h"
#include "tier3/tier3.h"
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include "cdll_util.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "tf_hud_statpanel.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
// Purpose: constructor
CTFTips::CTFTips() : CAutoGameSystem( "CTFTips" ) { Q_memset( m_iTipCount, 0, sizeof( m_iTipCount ) ); m_iTipCountAll = 0; m_iCurrentClassTip = 0; m_bInited = false; }
// Purpose: Initializer
bool CTFTips::Init() { if ( !m_bInited ) { // count how many tips there are for each class and in total
m_iTipCountAll = 0; for ( int iClass = TF_FIRST_NORMAL_CLASS; iClass <= TF_LAST_NORMAL_CLASS; iClass++ ) { // tip count per class is stored in resource file
wchar_t *wzTipCount = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( CFmtStr( "Tip_%d_Count", iClass ) ); int iClassTipCount = wzTipCount ? _wtoi( wzTipCount ) : 0; m_iTipCount[iClass] = iClassTipCount; m_iTipCountAll += iClassTipCount;
m_iArenaTipCount = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "Tip_arena_Count" ) ? _wtoi( g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "Tip_arena_Count" ) ) : 0; }
// Captain Canteen mascot parts!
m_CaptainCanteenBody.RemoveAll(); m_CaptainCanteenMisc.RemoveAll(); m_CaptainCanteenHat.RemoveAll();
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "cpncntn" ); KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete_key( kv );
if ( kv->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, "scripts/cpncntn.txt", "MOD" ) ) { for ( KeyValues *pSubKey = kv->GetFirstTrueSubKey(); pSubKey; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextTrueSubKey() ) { // Figure out which bucket it goes in
CUtlVector< CaptainCanteenAsset_t > *pAssetBucket = NULL;
if ( V_stricmp( pSubKey->GetName(), "body" ) == 0 ) { pAssetBucket = &m_CaptainCanteenBody; } else if ( V_stricmp( pSubKey->GetName(), "misc" ) == 0 ) { pAssetBucket = &m_CaptainCanteenMisc; } else if ( V_stricmp( pSubKey->GetName(), "hat" ) == 0 ) { pAssetBucket = &m_CaptainCanteenHat; }
if ( pAssetBucket ) { // Added more assets to that bucket
for ( KeyValues *pAssetKey = pSubKey->GetFirstSubKey(); pAssetKey; pAssetKey = pAssetKey->GetNextKey() ) { int nNewAsset = pAssetBucket->AddToTail(); V_strncpy( (*pAssetBucket)[ nNewAsset ].szImage, pAssetKey->GetName(), sizeof( (*pAssetBucket)[ nNewAsset ].szImage ) ); (*pAssetBucket)[ nNewAsset ].flRarity = ( 1.0f / pAssetKey->GetFloat() ); } } } }
m_bInited = true; }
return true; }
// Purpose: Returns a random tip, selected from tips for all classes,
// fills in iClassUsed with the class the tip is for
const wchar_t *CTFTips::GetRandomTip( int &iClassUsed ) { Init();
// Chance of reminding players about the Abuse Reporter.
// The chance is very high for the first 20 hours of play since newbies get picked on a lot.
int abuseHintChance = 3;
if ( CTFStatPanel::GetTotalHoursPlayed() < 20.0f ) { abuseHintChance = 33; }
if ( RandomInt( 1, 100 ) <= abuseHintChance ) { iClassUsed = RandomInt( TF_FIRST_NORMAL_CLASS, TF_LAST_NORMAL_CLASS ); return GetAbuseReportTip(); }
// pick a random tip
int iTip = RandomInt( 0, m_iTipCountAll-1 ); // walk through each class until we find the class this tip lands in
for ( int iClass = TF_FIRST_NORMAL_CLASS; iClass <= TF_LAST_NORMAL_CLASS; iClass++ ) { Assert( iTip >= 0 ); int iClassTipCount = m_iTipCount[iClass]; if ( iTip < iClassTipCount ) { iClassUsed = iClass;
// return the tip
return GetTip( iClass, iTip+1 ); } iTip -= iClassTipCount; } Assert( false ); // shouldn't hit this
iClassUsed = TF_CLASS_UNDEFINED; return L""; }
// Purpose: Returns the next tip for specified class
const wchar_t *CTFTips::GetNextClassTip( int iClass ) { int iTipClass = TF_CLASS_UNDEFINED;
// OK to call this function with TF_CLASS_UNDEFINED or TF_CLASS_RANDOM, just return a random tip for any class in that case
if ( iClass < TF_FIRST_NORMAL_CLASS || iClass > TF_LAST_NORMAL_CLASS ) return GetRandomTip( iTipClass );
if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsInArenaMode() == true ) { return GetArenaTip(); } int iClassTipCount = m_iTipCount[iClass]; Assert( 0 != iClassTipCount ); if ( 0 == iClassTipCount ) return L""; // wrap the tip index to the valid range for this class
if ( m_iCurrentClassTip >= iClassTipCount ) { m_iCurrentClassTip %= iClassTipCount; }
// return the tip
const wchar_t *wzTip = GetTip( iClass, m_iCurrentClassTip+1 ); m_iCurrentClassTip++;
return wzTip; }
// Purpose: Returns specified tip index for arena
const wchar_t *CTFTips::GetArenaTip( void ) { int iClassTipCount = m_iArenaTipCount; Assert( 0 != iClassTipCount );
if ( 0 == iClassTipCount ) return L"";
// wrap the tip index to the valid range for this class
if ( m_iCurrentClassTip >= iClassTipCount ) { m_iCurrentClassTip %= iClassTipCount; }
// return the tip
const wchar_t *wzFmt = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( CFmtStr( "#Tip_arena_%d", m_iCurrentClassTip+1 ) ); static wchar_t wzTip[512] = L"";
// replace any commands with their bound keys
UTIL_ReplaceKeyBindings( wzFmt, 0, wzTip, sizeof( wzTip ) );
return wzTip;
// Purpose: Returns specified tip index for specified class
const wchar_t *CTFTips::GetTip( int iClass, int iTip ) { static wchar_t wzTip[512] = L"";
// get the tip
const wchar_t *wzFmt = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( CFmtStr( "#Tip_%d_%d", iClass, iTip ) ); // replace any commands with their bound keys
UTIL_ReplaceKeyBindings( wzFmt, 0, wzTip, sizeof( wzTip ) );
return wzTip; }
// Purpose: Returns tip about using the Abuse Reporter
const wchar_t *CTFTips::GetAbuseReportTip( void ) { static wchar_t wzAbuseTip[512] = L"";
// replace any commands with their bound keys
const wchar_t *wzFmt = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "Tip_Abuse_Report" ); UTIL_ReplaceKeyBindings( wzFmt, 0, wzAbuseTip, sizeof( wzAbuseTip ) );
return wzAbuseTip; }
// Purpose: Returns tip related to MvM
const wchar_t *CTFTips::GetRandomMvMTip( int &iClassUsed ) { Init();
static wchar_t wzMvMTip[512] = L""; static int iPrevMvMClass = -1;
if ( iClassUsed == iPrevMvMClass ) { iClassUsed = ( iClassUsed + 1 ) % TF_LAST_NORMAL_CLASS; } iPrevMvMClass = iClassUsed;
// Get Tip Count
CFmtStr fmtTipCount("Tip_MvM_%d_Count", iClassUsed ); int iMvMTipCount = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( fmtTipCount ) ? _wtoi( g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( fmtTipCount ) ) : 1;
int iTip = RandomInt( 1, iMvMTipCount );
// replace any commands with their bound keys
const wchar_t *wzFmt = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( CFmtStr( "#Tip_MvM_%d_%d", iClassUsed, iTip ) ); UTIL_ReplaceKeyBindings( wzFmt, 0, wzMvMTip, sizeof( wzMvMTip ) );
iPrevMvMClass = iClassUsed; return wzMvMTip; }
void CTFTips::GetRandomCaptainCanteenImages( const char **ppchBody, const char **ppchMisc, const char **ppchHat ) { // Select and copy over all 3 parts
*ppchBody = GetRandomCaptainCanteenAsset( &m_CaptainCanteenBody ); *ppchMisc = GetRandomCaptainCanteenAsset( &m_CaptainCanteenMisc ); *ppchHat = GetRandomCaptainCanteenAsset( &m_CaptainCanteenHat ); }
const char *CTFTips::GetRandomCaptainCanteenAsset( CUtlVector< CaptainCanteenAsset_t > *pAssetBucket ) { // If there's nothing in the bucket, bail out
if ( pAssetBucket->Count() <= 0 ) { return ""; }
if ( pAssetBucket->Count() == 1 ) { // Easy out if there's only 1 choice
return (*pAssetBucket)[ 0 ].szImage; }
// Get the total scale of selection possibilities
float flSelectionTotal = 0.0f;
for ( int i = 0; i < pAssetBucket->Count(); ++i ) { flSelectionTotal += (*pAssetBucket)[ i ].flRarity; }
if ( flSelectionTotal > 0.0f ) { // Pick a number from 0 to 1
float flRand = RandomFloat();
// Loop through to figure out which asset we've chosen
float flCurrentPosition = 0.0f;
for ( int i = 0; i < pAssetBucket->Count(); ++i ) { flCurrentPosition += (*pAssetBucket)[ i ].flRarity / flSelectionTotal;
if ( flRand <= flCurrentPosition ) { // We landed on this random asset
return (*pAssetBucket)[ i ].szImage; } } }
// Something went wrong... just return the first choice
return (*pAssetBucket)[ 0 ].szImage; }
// global instance
CTFTips g_TFTips;