//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "tf_party.h"
#include "vgui_controls/PropertySheet.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ScrollableEditablePanel.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include <vgui_controls/AnimationController.h>
#include "tf_lobbypanel_casual.h"
#include "tf_lobby_container_frame_casual.h"
#include "tf_matchmaking_shared.h"
#include "tf_hud_mainmenuoverride.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
extern Color s_colorChallengeForegroundEnabled; extern Color s_colorChallengeForegroundDisabled; extern Color s_colorChallengeHeader;
extern const char *s_pszMatchGroups[];
ConVar tf_show_maps_details_explanation_session( "tf_show_maps_details_explanation_session", "0", FCVAR_HIDDEN ); ConVar tf_show_maps_details_explanation_count( "tf_show_maps_details_explanation_count", "2", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_HIDDEN );
class CLobbyPanel_Casual;
class CCasualCategory : public CExpandablePanel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CCasualCategory, CExpandablePanel );
public: CCasualCategory( Panel *parent, const char *panelName, EGameCategory eCategory, Panel* pSignalHandler ) : BaseClass( parent, panelName ) , m_eCategory( eCategory ) , pToggleButton( NULL ) , m_mapMapPanels( DefLessFunc( uint32 ) ) , m_pSignalHandler( pSignalHandler ) {}
~CCasualCategory() { // Clear out the old map entries
ClearMapEntries(); }
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme ) OVERRIDE { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
LoadControlSettings( "resource/ui/MatchmakingCategoryPanel.res" );
const SchemaGameCategory_t* pCategory = GetItemSchema()->GetGameCategory( m_eCategory ); Assert( pCategory ); if ( !pCategory ) return;
EditablePanel* pTopContainer = FindControl< EditablePanel >( "TopContainer", true ); if ( pTopContainer ) { // Set our dialog variables
pTopContainer->SetDialogVariable( "title_token", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pCategory->m_pszLocalizedName ) ); pTopContainer->SetDialogVariable( "desc_token", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pCategory->m_pszLocalizedDesc ) ); }
ImagePanel* pImagePanel = FindControl< ImagePanel >( "BGImage", true ); if ( pImagePanel && pCategory && pCategory->m_pszListImage ) { pImagePanel->SetImage( pCategory->m_pszListImage ); }
// Clear out the old map entries
EditablePanel* pMapsContainer = FindControl< EditablePanel >( "MapsContainer", true );
if ( pMapsContainer ) { int nYPos = 16;
FOR_EACH_VEC( pCategory->m_vecEnabledMaps, i ) { const MapDef_t* pMap = pCategory->m_vecEnabledMaps[ i ];
// Load control settings
EditablePanel* pMapEntry = new EditablePanel( pMapsContainer, "MatchmakingCategoryMapPanel" ); pMapEntry->LoadControlSettings( "resource/ui/MatchmakingCategoryMapPanel.res" ); pMapEntry->SetAutoDelete( false );
CExCheckButton* pCheckButton = pMapEntry->FindControl< CExCheckButton >( "MapCheckbutton" ); if ( pCheckButton ) { KeyValues* pKVData = new KeyValues( "data" ); pKVData->SetInt( "map_index", pMap->m_nDefIndex ); pCheckButton->SetData( pKVData ); pCheckButton->AddActionSignalTarget( m_pSignalHandler ); }
// Add to map so we can look it up
m_mapMapPanels.Insert( pMap->m_nDefIndex, pMapEntry );
// Update label
pMapEntry->SetDialogVariable( "title_token", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pMap->pszMapNameLocKey ) );
bool bOdd = i % 2 == 1; int nXPos = bOdd ? GetWide() * 0.5f : 0; pMapEntry->SetPos( nXPos, nYPos ); nYPos += bOdd || i == pCategory->m_vecEnabledMaps.Count() - 1 ? pMapEntry->GetTall() : 0; }
pMapsContainer->SetTall( nYPos + 10 ); pMapsContainer->SetAutoResize( PIN_BOTTOMRIGHT, Panel::AUTORESIZE_NO, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); // We want to be able to expand to this height
m_nExpandedHeight = nYPos + m_nCollapsedHeight; }
// Snag the button for later
pToggleButton = FindControl< CExImageButton >( "EntryToggleButton", true ); }
virtual void OnToggleCollapse( bool bIsExpanded ) OVERRIDE { if ( bIsExpanded && !tf_show_maps_details_explanation_session.GetBool() && tf_show_maps_details_explanation_count.GetInt() > 0 ) { tf_show_maps_details_explanation_count.SetValue( tf_show_maps_details_explanation_count.GetInt() - 1 ); tf_show_maps_details_explanation_session.SetValue( true );
// I dont care anymore
GetParent()->GetParent()->GetParent()->GetParent()->GetParent()->GetParent()->OnCommand( "show_maps_details_explanation" ); }
BaseClass::OnToggleCollapse( bIsExpanded ); }
virtual void PerformLayout() OVERRIDE { BaseClass::PerformLayout();
SetControlVisible( "EntryToggleButtonCollapsed", !BIsExpanded(), true ); SetControlVisible( "EntryToggleButtonExpanded", BIsExpanded(), true );
if ( pToggleButton ) { pToggleButton->SetImageArmed( BIsExpanded() ? "/pve/sell_selected" : "/pve/buy_selected" ); pToggleButton->SetImageDefault( BIsExpanded() ? "/pve/sell_disabled" : "/pve/buy_disabled" ); }
// Update progress bars
FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( m_mapMapPanels, i ) { int nMapIndex = m_mapMapPanels.Key( i ); auto healthData = GTFGCClientSystem()->GetHealthDataForMap( nMapIndex );
// Update bars with latest health data
ProgressBar* pProgress = m_mapMapPanels[ i ]->FindControl< ProgressBar >( "HealthProgressBar", true ); if ( pProgress ) { pProgress->SetProgress( healthData.m_flRatio ); pProgress->SetFgColor( healthData.m_colorBar ); } } }
void SetCheckButtonState( uint32 nMapDefIndex, bool bSelected, bool bClickable ) { auto idx = m_mapMapPanels.Find( nMapDefIndex ); if ( idx != m_mapMapPanels.InvalidIndex() ) { EditablePanel* pMapEntry = m_mapMapPanels[ idx ]; CExCheckButton* pMapCheckButton = pMapEntry->FindControl< CExCheckButton >( "MapCheckbutton", true ); if ( pMapCheckButton ) { // Update button state without sending signals
pMapCheckButton->SetSilentMode( true ); pMapCheckButton->SetCheckButtonCheckable( true ); pMapCheckButton->SetSelected( bSelected ); pMapCheckButton->SetCheckButtonCheckable( bClickable ); pMapCheckButton->SetSilentMode( false ); }
if ( g_pClientMode && g_pClientMode->GetViewport() ) { if ( bSelected ) { g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StopAnimationSequence( pMapEntry, "HealthProgressBar_NotSelected" ); g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( pMapEntry, "HealthProgressBar_Selected" ); } else { g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StopAnimationSequence( pMapEntry, "HealthProgressBar_Selected" ); g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( pMapEntry, "HealthProgressBar_NotSelected" ); } } } }
private: void ClearMapEntries() { // Clear out the old map entries
FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( m_mapMapPanels, i ) { m_mapMapPanels[ i ]->MarkForDeletion(); } m_mapMapPanels.Purge(); }
const EGameCategory m_eCategory; CExImageButton* pToggleButton; Panel* m_pSignalHandler; CUtlMap< uint32, EditablePanel* > m_mapMapPanels; };
static void GetPlayerNameForSteamID( wchar_t *wCharPlayerName, int nBufSizeBytes, const CSteamID &steamID ) { const char *pszName = steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->GetFriendPersonaName( steamID ); V_UTF8ToUnicode( pszName, wCharPlayerName, nBufSizeBytes ); }
CLobbyPanel_Casual::CLobbyPanel_Casual( vgui::Panel *pParent, CBaseLobbyContainerFrame* pLobbyContainer ) : CBaseLobbyPanel( pParent, pLobbyContainer ) , m_fontCategoryListItem( 0 ) , m_fontGroupHeader( 0 ) , m_flCompetitiveRankProgress( -1.f ) , m_flCompetitiveRankPrevProgress( -1.f ) , m_flRefreshPlayerListTime( -1.f ) , m_bCompetitiveRankChangePlayedSound( false ) , m_mapGroupPanels( DefLessFunc( EMatchmakingGroupType ) ) , m_mapCategoryPanels( DefLessFunc( EGameCategory ) ) , m_flNextCasualStatsUpdateTime( 0.f ) , m_bCriteriaDirty( true ) { GTFGCClientSystem()->LoadCasualSearchCriteria();
ListenForGameEvent( "matchmaker_stats_updated" ); }
CLobbyPanel_Casual::~CLobbyPanel_Casual() { delete m_pImageList; m_pImageList = NULL; }
bool CLobbyPanel_Casual::ShouldShowLateJoin() const { return false; // We force the option on, so no need to show the checkbox
void CLobbyPanel_Casual::ApplyChatUserSettings( const CBaseLobbyPanel::LobbyPlayerInfo &player, KeyValues *pKV ) const { pKV->SetInt( "has_ticket", 0 ); pKV->SetInt( "squad_surplus", 0 ); }
void CLobbyPanel_Casual::WriteGameSettingsControls() { BaseClass::WriteGameSettingsControls();
// Make sure we want to be in matchmaking. (If we don't, the frame should hide us pretty quickly.)
// We might get an event or something right at the transition point occasionally when the UI should
// not be visible
if ( GTFGCClientSystem()->GetMatchmakingUIState() == eMatchmakingUIState_Inactive ) { return; }
TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep eWizardStep = GTFGCClientSystem()->GetWizardStep();
m_bCriteriaDirty = true;
// competitive
SetControlVisible( "GameModesContainer", eWizardStep == TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_CASUAL );
--m_iWritingPanel; }
// Purpose:
EMatchGroup CLobbyPanel_Casual::GetMatchGroup( void ) const { return k_nMatchGroup_Casual_12v12; // Force to 12v12 for now
// Purpose:
void CLobbyPanel_Casual::OnThink() { BaseClass::OnThink();
if ( Plat_FloatTime() > m_flNextCasualStatsUpdateTime ) { m_flNextCasualStatsUpdateTime = Plat_FloatTime() + 60.f; GTFGCClientSystem()->RequestMatchMakerStats(); }
if ( m_bCriteriaDirty ) { WriteCategories(); } }
void CLobbyPanel_Casual::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) { if ( FStrEq( event->GetName(), "matchmaker_stats_updated" ) ) { m_bCriteriaDirty = true;
return; }
BaseClass::FireGameEvent( event ); }
void CLobbyPanel_Casual::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout();
CHudMainMenuOverride *pMMOverride = (CHudMainMenuOverride*)( gViewPortInterface->FindPanelByName( PANEL_MAINMENUOVERRIDE ) ); if ( pMMOverride ) { CLobbyContainerFrame_Casual *pCasualFrame = pMMOverride->GetCasualLobbyPanel(); if ( pCasualFrame ) { CMainMenuToolTip *pToolTip = pCasualFrame->GetTooltipPanel(); if ( pToolTip ) { CExImageButton *pButton = FindControl<CExImageButton>( "RestoreCasualSearchCriteria", true ); if ( pButton ) { pButton->SetTooltip( pToolTip, "#TF_Casual_Tip_Restore" ); }
pButton = FindControl<CExImageButton>( "SaveCasualSearchCriteria", true ); if ( pButton ) { pButton->SetTooltip( pToolTip, "#TF_Casual_Tip_Save" ); } } } } }
void CLobbyPanel_Casual::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { m_mapGroupPanels.Purge(); m_mapCategoryPanels.Purge();
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
int nAvatarWidth = ( ( m_iAvatarWidth * 5 / 4 ) + 1 ); int nExtraWidth = ( m_pChatPlayerList->GetWide() - ( 2 * nAvatarWidth ) - m_iPlayerNameWidth - m_iBannedWidth );
m_pChatPlayerList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "avatar", "#TF_Players", vgui::SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_IMAGE, nAvatarWidth ); m_pChatPlayerList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "name", "", 0, m_iPlayerNameWidth + nExtraWidth ); m_pChatPlayerList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "is_banned", "", vgui::SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_IMAGE | vgui::SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_CENTER, m_iBannedWidth ); m_pChatPlayerList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "rank", "", vgui::SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_IMAGE | vgui::SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_CENTER, nAvatarWidth ); m_pChatPlayerList->SetDrawHeaders( false ); m_fontCategoryListItem = pScheme->GetFont( "HudFontSmallest", true ); m_fontGroupHeader = pScheme->GetFont( "HudFontSmallestBold", true ); }
void SelectCategory( EGameCategory eCategory, bool bSelected ) { auto pCat = GetItemSchema()->GetGameCategory( eCategory ); if ( pCat ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( pCat->m_vecEnabledMaps, i ) { if ( pCat->m_vecEnabledMaps[ i ] ) { GTFGCClientSystem()->SelectCasualMap( pCat->m_vecEnabledMaps[ i ]->m_nDefIndex, bSelected ); } } } }
void SelectGroup( EMatchmakingGroupType eGroup, bool bSelected ) { auto pGroup = GetItemSchema()->GetMMGroup( eGroup ); if ( pGroup ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( pGroup->m_vecModes, i ) { SelectCategory( pGroup->m_vecModes[ i ]->m_eGameCategory, bSelected ); } } }
// Purpose: A check box got checked! Search criteria
void CLobbyPanel_Casual::OnCheckButtonChecked( vgui::Panel* panel ) { if ( m_iWritingPanel > 0 ) return;
CExCheckButton* pCheckButton = dynamic_cast< CExCheckButton* >( panel ); if ( pCheckButton ) { bool bSelected = pCheckButton->IsSelected();
pCheckButton->RemoveActionSignalTarget( this ); pCheckButton->SetSelected( false ); pCheckButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
if ( BIsPartyLeader() && BIsPartyInUIState() ) { int nMapIndex = pCheckButton->GetData()->GetInt( "map_index", -1 ); int nCategoryIndex = pCheckButton->GetData()->GetInt( "category_index", -1 ); int nGroupIndex = pCheckButton->GetData()->GetInt( "group_index", -1 ); Assert( nCategoryIndex >= 0 || nGroupIndex >= 0 || nMapIndex >= 0 ); if ( nGroupIndex >= 0 ) { EMatchmakingGroupType eGroup = EMatchmakingGroupType( nGroupIndex ); SelectGroup( eGroup, bSelected ); } else if ( nCategoryIndex >= 0 ) { EGameCategory eCategory = EGameCategory( nCategoryIndex ); SelectCategory( eCategory, bSelected ); } else if ( nMapIndex >= 0 ) { GTFGCClientSystem()->SelectCasualMap( nMapIndex, bSelected ); } }
m_bCriteriaDirty = true; } BaseClass::OnCheckButtonChecked( panel ); }
// Purpose: Write all the category controls settings
void CLobbyPanel_Casual::WriteCategories( void ) { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ );
if ( !m_bCriteriaDirty ) return;
m_bCriteriaDirty = false;
bool bLeader = BIsPartyLeader(); bool bInUIState = BIsPartyInUIState(); bool bClickable = bLeader && bInUIState; m_bHasAMapSelected = false;
CScrollableList* pScrollableList = FindControl< CScrollableList >( "GameModesList", true ); if ( !pScrollableList ) return;
CUtlVector< const MapDef_t* > vecSelectedMaps;
pScrollableList->SetMouseInputEnabled( true );
const MMGroupMap_t& mapMMGroups = GetItemSchema()->GetMMGroupMap();
int nCategory = 0; // Go through every MM group, and create a label for it and all its categories underneath
FOR_EACH_MAP( mapMMGroups, i ) { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s - FOR_EACH_MAP( mapMMGroups, i )", __FUNCTION__ );
const SchemaMMGroup_t* pCat = mapMMGroups[ i ]; if ( !pCat->m_bitsValidMMGroups.IsBitSet( GetMatchGroup() ) ) { continue; }
if ( !pCat->IsCategoryValid() ) { continue; }
bool bGroupSelected = false;
EditablePanel* pGroupPanel = NULL; CExCheckButton* pTitleLabel = NULL; auto idx = m_mapGroupPanels.Find( pCat->m_eMMGroup ); // Create the check button/label if not created yet
if ( idx == m_mapGroupPanels.InvalidIndex() ) { pGroupPanel = new EditablePanel( pScrollableList, "MatchmakingGroupPanel" ); pGroupPanel->LoadControlSettings( "resource/ui/MatchMakingGroupPanel.res" ); pTitleLabel = pGroupPanel->FindControl< CExCheckButton >( "Checkbutton" ); pTitleLabel->SetText( pCat->m_pszLocalizedName );
KeyValues* pKVData = new KeyValues( "data" ); pKVData->SetInt( "group_index", pCat->m_eMMGroup ); pTitleLabel->SetData( pKVData );
pScrollableList->AddPanel( pGroupPanel, nCategory > 1 ? 2 : -4 ); m_mapGroupPanels.Insert( pCat->m_eMMGroup, pGroupPanel ); } else { pGroupPanel = (EditablePanel*)m_mapGroupPanels[ idx ]; pTitleLabel = pGroupPanel->FindControl< CExCheckButton >( "Checkbutton" ); }
// Category items.
FOR_EACH_VEC( pCat->m_vecModes, j ) { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s - FOR_EACH_VEC( pCat->m_vecModes, j )", __FUNCTION__ );
const SchemaGameCategory_t* pCategory = pCat->m_vecModes[ j ];
if ( !pCategory->PassesRestrictions() ) { continue; }
CCasualCategory* pListEntry = NULL; auto idxCat = m_mapCategoryPanels.Find( pCategory->m_eGameCategory ); // Create the entry if it doesnt exist yet
if ( idxCat == m_mapCategoryPanels.InvalidIndex() ) { pListEntry = new CCasualCategory( pScrollableList, "MatchmakingCategoryPanel", pCategory->m_eGameCategory, this ); pListEntry->MakeReadyForUse();
pScrollableList->AddPanel( pListEntry, j > 0 ? 5 : 0 ); m_mapCategoryPanels.Insert( pCategory->m_eGameCategory, pListEntry ); } else { pListEntry = (CCasualCategory*)m_mapCategoryPanels[ idxCat ]; }
bool bCatSelected = false;
FOR_EACH_VEC( pCategory->m_vecEnabledMaps, k ) { bool bMapSelected = GTFGCClientSystem()->IsCasualMapSelected( pCategory->m_vecEnabledMaps[ k ]->m_nDefIndex ); m_bHasAMapSelected |= bMapSelected; bCatSelected = bCatSelected | bMapSelected; bGroupSelected = bGroupSelected | bCatSelected;
// Update map check button state
pListEntry->SetCheckButtonState( pCategory->m_vecEnabledMaps[ k ]->m_nDefIndex, bMapSelected, bLeader );
// We're going to use this to setup the tooltip for total selected maps
if ( bMapSelected ) { vecSelectedMaps.AddToTail( pCategory->m_vecEnabledMaps[ k ] ); } }
if ( bCatSelected ) { g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StopAnimationSequence( pListEntry, "CasualCategory_NotSelected" ); g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( pListEntry, "CasualCategory_Selected" ); } else { g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StopAnimationSequence( pListEntry, "CasualCategory_Selected" ); g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( pListEntry, "CasualCategory_NotSelected" ); }
// Update the check button within the list entry
CExCheckButton* pCheckButton = pListEntry->FindControl< CExCheckButton >( "CheckButton", true ); if ( pCheckButton ) { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s - if ( pCheckButton )", __FUNCTION__ );
pCheckButton->RemoveActionSignalTarget( this ); // So we dont endlessly loop by checking
pCheckButton->SetCheckButtonCheckable( true ); // So we can potentially check it on the next line
pCheckButton->SetSelected( bCatSelected ); pCheckButton->SetCheckButtonCheckable( bLeader ); pCheckButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); // So that we get user check messages
KeyValues* pKVData = new KeyValues( "data" ); pKVData->SetInt( "category_index", pCategory->m_eGameCategory ); pCheckButton->SetData( pKVData ); pCheckButton->SetMouseInputEnabled( bClickable ); } }
// Update check button state
pTitleLabel->RemoveActionSignalTarget( this ); pTitleLabel->SetCheckButtonCheckable( true ); pTitleLabel->SetSelected( bGroupSelected ); pTitleLabel->SetCheckButtonCheckable( bLeader ); pTitleLabel->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); pGroupPanel->SetMouseInputEnabled( bClickable ); pTitleLabel->SetMouseInputEnabled( bClickable ); // Update clickability
EditablePanel* pPlayListPanel = FindControl< EditablePanel >( "PlaylistBGPanel", true ); if ( pPlayListPanel ) { // Setup the "X maps selected" label
const char* pszToken = vecSelectedMaps.Count() == 1 ? "TF_Casual_SelectedMaps_Singular" : "TF_Casual_SelectedMaps_Plural"; pPlayListPanel->SetDialogVariable( "selected_maps_count", LocalizeNumberWithToken( pszToken, vecSelectedMaps.Count() ) ); }
m_pContainer->SetNextButtonEnabled( m_bHasAMapSelected ); }