//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "tf_shareddefs.h"
#include "tf_matchmaking_dashboard.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "ienginevgui.h"
#include "clientmode_tf.h"
#include "tf_hud_disconnect_prompt.h"
#include "tf_gc_client.h"
#include "tf_party.h"
#include "../vgui2/src/VPanel.h"
using namespace vgui; using namespace GCSDK;
ConVar tf_mm_dashboard_spew_enabled( "tf_mm_dashboard_spew_enabled", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); #define MMDashboardSpew(...) \
do { \ if ( tf_mm_dashboard_spew_enabled.GetBool() ) \ { \ ConColorMsg( Color( 187, 80, 255, 255 ), "MMDashboard:" __VA_ARGS__ ); \ } \ } while(false) \
extern ConVar tf_mm_next_map_vote_time;
ConVar tf_mm_dashboard_force_show( "tf_mm_dashboard_force_show", "0", 0, "Force the mm dashboard to show" ); ConVar tf_mm_popup_state_override( "tf_mm_popup_state_override", "", 0, "Force state on mm dashboard popup" ); #endif
bool BInEndOfMatch() { const bool bInEndOfMatch = TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->State_Get() == GR_STATE_GAME_OVER && GTFGCClientSystem()->BConnectedToMatchServer( false );
return bInEndOfMatch; }
// Purpose: Pnael that lives on the viewport that is a popup that we parent
// the MM dashboard panels to
class CMatchMakingHUDPopupContainer : public Panel { public: DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CMatchMakingHUDPopupContainer, Panel ); CMatchMakingHUDPopupContainer() : Panel( g_pClientMode->GetViewport(), "MMDashboardPopupContainer" ) { SetProportional( true ); SetBounds( 0, 0, g_pClientMode->GetViewport()->GetWide(), g_pClientMode->GetViewport()->GetTall() ); MakePopup(); SetMouseInputEnabled( true ); SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false ); // This can never be true
SetVisible( false ); ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel(), 100 ); }
virtual void OnTick() { BaseClass::OnThink();
bool bChildrenVisible = false; int nCount = GetChildCount(); for( int i=0; i < nCount && !bChildrenVisible; ++i ) { CExpandablePanel* pChild = assert_cast< CExpandablePanel* >( GetChild( i ) ); bChildrenVisible = bChildrenVisible || pChild->BIsExpanded() || ( !pChild->BIsExpanded() && pChild->GetPercentAnimated() != 1.f ); }
SetVisible( bChildrenVisible ); } };
CMMDashboardParentManager::CMMDashboardParentManager() : m_bAttachedToGameUI( false ) { ListenForGameEvent( "gameui_activated" ); ListenForGameEvent( "gameui_hidden" );
m_pHUDPopup = new CMatchMakingHUDPopupContainer(); }
// Purpose: Update who we need to parent the MM dashboard panels to
void CMMDashboardParentManager::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) { if ( FStrEq( event->GetName(), "gameui_activated" ) ) { m_bAttachedToGameUI = false; } else if ( FStrEq( event->GetName(), "gameui_hidden" ) ) { m_bAttachedToGameUI = true; }
UpdateParenting(); }
void CMMDashboardParentManager::AddPanel( CExpandablePanel* pPanel ) { m_vecPanels.Insert( pPanel ); UpdateParenting(); }
void CMMDashboardParentManager::RemovePanel( CExpandablePanel* pPanel ) { m_vecPanels.FindAndRemove( pPanel ); m_vecPanels.RedoSort(); UpdateParenting(); }
void CMMDashboardParentManager::PushModalFullscreenPopup( vgui::Panel* pPanel ) { m_vecFullscreenPopups.AddToTail( pPanel ); UpdateParenting(); }
void CMMDashboardParentManager::PopModalFullscreenPopup( vgui::Panel* pPanel ) { m_vecFullscreenPopups.FindAndRemove( pPanel ); UpdateParenting(); }
void CMMDashboardParentManager::UpdateParenting() { m_bAttachedToGameUI ? AttachToGameUI() : AttachToTopMostPopup(); }
// Purpose: Parent the MM dashboard panels to the right panels
void CMMDashboardParentManager::AttachToGameUI() { if ( !m_pHUDPopup ) { return; }
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecPanels, i ) { CExpandablePanel *pPanel = m_vecPanels[ i ]; bool bKBInput = pPanel->IsKeyBoardInputEnabled(); bool bMouseInput = pPanel->IsMouseInputEnabled();
pPanel->SetParent( (Panel*)m_pHUDPopup );
// Restore mouse, KV input sensitivity because MakePopup forces both to true
pPanel->SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( bKBInput ); pPanel->SetMouseInputEnabled( bMouseInput ); // Don't adopt the parent's proportionalness
pPanel->SetProportional( true ); } }
void CMMDashboardParentManager::AttachToTopMostPopup() { // Not being used. Hide it.
if ( m_pHUDPopup ) { m_pHUDPopup->SetVisible( false ); }
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecPanels, i ) { Panel *pPanel = m_vecPanels[ i ]; // No longer a popup
surface()->ReleasePanel( pPanel->GetVPanel() ); ((VPanel*)pPanel->GetVPanel())->SetPopup( false );
if ( m_vecFullscreenPopups.Count() ) { pPanel->SetParent( m_vecFullscreenPopups.Tail() ); } else { pPanel->SetParent( enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_GAMEUIDLL ) ); } pPanel->MoveToFront(); // Don't adopt the parent's proportionalness
pPanel->SetProportional( true ); } }
// Purpose: Snag the singleton CMMDashboardParentManager
CMMDashboardParentManager* GetMMDashboardParentManager() { static CMMDashboardParentManager* s_pParentManager = NULL; if ( !s_pParentManager ) { s_pParentManager = new CMMDashboardParentManager(); }
return s_pParentManager; }
void CTFMatchmakingPopup::OnEnter() { MMDashboardSpew( "Entering state %s\n", GetName() );
SetCollapsed( false ); }
void CTFMatchmakingPopup::OnUpdate() { }
void CTFMatchmakingPopup::OnExit() { MMDashboardSpew( "Exiting state %s\n", GetName() ); SetCollapsed( true ); }
void CTFMatchmakingPopup::Update() { }
// Purpose:
CTFMatchmakingPopup::CTFMatchmakingPopup( const char* pszName, const char* pszResFile ) : CExpandablePanel( NULL, pszName ) , m_pszResFile( pszResFile ) , m_bActive( false ) { vgui::HScheme scheme = vgui::scheme()->LoadSchemeFromFileEx( enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_CLIENTDLL ), "resource/ClientScheme.res", "ClientScheme"); SetScheme(scheme); ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel(), 100 );
GetMMDashboardParentManager()->AddPanel( this ); SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false );
SetProportional( true ); ListenForGameEvent( "rematch_failed_to_create" ); ListenForGameEvent( "party_updated" ); }
CTFMatchmakingPopup::~CTFMatchmakingPopup() { GetMMDashboardParentManager()->RemovePanel( this ); }
void CTFMatchmakingPopup::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
SetMouseInputEnabled( true ); LoadControlSettings( m_pszResFile );
// This cannot ever be true or else things get weird when in-game
SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false );
if ( m_bActive ) { OnEnter(); } else { OnExit(); }
GetMMDashboardParentManager()->UpdateParenting(); }
void CTFMatchmakingPopup::OnThink() { BaseClass::OnThink();
// Move us to be touching the bottom of the dashboard panel
// These panels have no relation whatsoever, so we're doing this manually
Panel* pDashboard = GetMMDashboard(); int nNewYPos = Max( pDashboard->GetYPos() + pDashboard->GetTall() - YRES(10), YRES(-5) ); SetPos( GetXPos(), nNewYPos );
if ( m_bActive ) { OnUpdate(); } }
void CTFMatchmakingPopup::OnTick() { BaseClass::OnTick();
bool bShouldBeActive = ShouldBeActve(); if ( bShouldBeActive != m_bActive ) { if ( bShouldBeActive ) { m_bActive = true; OnEnter(); } else { m_bActive = false; OnExit(); } }
SetMouseInputEnabled( ShouldBeActve() ); SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false ); // Never
void CTFMatchmakingPopup::OnCommand( const char *command ) { if ( FStrEq( "join_match", command ) ) { JoinMatch(); } else if ( FStrEq( "abandon_match", command ) ) { GTFGCClientSystem()->RejoinLobby( false ); } else if ( FStrEq( "leave_queue", command ) ) { // Only the leader can leave the queue
if ( GTFGCClientSystem()->BIsPartyLeader() ) { switch( GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchMode() ) { case TF_Matchmaking_LADDER: GTFGCClientSystem()->RequestSelectWizardStep( TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_LADDER ); break;
case TF_Matchmaking_CASUAL: GTFGCClientSystem()->RequestSelectWizardStep( TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_CASUAL ); break;
default: // Unhandled
Assert( false ); break; }; } } else if( FStrEq( "rematch", command ) ) { if ( !GTFGCClientSystem()->BIsPartyLeader() ) return;
engine->ClientCmd( "rematch_vote 2" ); } else if ( FStrEq( "new_match", command ) ) { if ( !GTFGCClientSystem()->BIsPartyLeader() ) return;
GTFGCClientSystem()->RequestSelectWizardStep( TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_SEARCHING ); engine->ClientCmd( "rematch_vote 1" ); } else if ( FStrEq( "leave_party", command ) ) { // Leave current party and create a new one!
GTFGCClientSystem()->SendExitMatchmaking( false ); return; } }
void CTFMatchmakingPopup::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *pEvent ) { if ( FStrEq( pEvent->GetName(), "rematch_failed_to_create" ) ) { // If the GC failed to create our rematch, then go ahead and requeue
if ( !GTFGCClientSystem()->BIsPartyLeader() ) return;
GTFGCClientSystem()->RequestSelectWizardStep( TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_SEARCHING ); } else if ( FStrEq( pEvent->GetName(), "party_updated" ) ) { if ( ShouldBeActve() ) { Update(); } } }
CON_COMMAND( reload_mm_popup, "Reload the mm popup panel. Pass any 2nd argument to recreate the panel." ) { bool bRecreate = false; if ( args.ArgC() == 2 ) { bRecreate = true; }
auto& vecPopups = CreateMMPopupPanels( bRecreate );
if ( !bRecreate ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( vecPopups, i ) { vecPopups[ i ]->InvalidateLayout( true, true ); } } }
CON_COMMAND( reload_mm_dashboard, "Reload the mm join panel." ) { GetMMDashboard()->InvalidateLayout( true, true ); } #endif
CTFMatchmakingDashboard::CTFMatchmakingDashboard() : CExpandablePanel( NULL, "MMDashboard" ) { SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false ); ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel(), 100 );
GetMMDashboardParentManager()->AddPanel( this );
vgui::HScheme scheme = vgui::scheme()->LoadSchemeFromFileEx( enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_CLIENTDLL ), "resource/ClientScheme.res", "ClientScheme"); SetScheme(scheme); SetProportional( true ); }
CTFMatchmakingDashboard::~CTFMatchmakingDashboard() { GetMMDashboardParentManager()->RemovePanel( this ); }
void CTFMatchmakingDashboard::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
SetMouseInputEnabled( true ); LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/MatchMakingDashboard.res" );
// This cannot ever be true or else things get weird when in-game
SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false );
GetMMDashboardParentManager()->UpdateParenting(); }
void CTFMatchmakingDashboard::OnCommand( const char *command ) { if ( FStrEq( command, "disconnect" ) ) { CTFParty* pParty = GTFGCClientSystem()->GetParty(); bool bInPartyOfMany = pParty && pParty->GetNumMembers() > 1;
const IMatchGroupDescription* pMatchDesc = GetMatchGroupDescription( TFGameRules()->GetCurrentMatchGroup() ); if ( pMatchDesc && pMatchDesc->BShouldAutomaticallyRequeueOnMatchEnd() && !bInPartyOfMany ) { // If this is an auto-requeue match type, then assume hitting the "Disconnect" button
// means you are done playing entirely with MM. Close out to the main menu.
bool bNoPenalty = ( GTFGCClientSystem()->GetAssignedMatchAbandonStatus() != k_EAbandonGameStatus_AbandonWithPenalty ); if ( bNoPenalty ) { GTFGCClientSystem()->EndMatchmaking( true ); } else { // Prompt if this would be considered an abandon with a penalty
CTFDisconnectConfirmDialog *pDialog = BuildDisconnectConfirmDialog(); if ( pDialog ) { pDialog->Show(); } } } else { // Go back to the MM screens. The party leader will request the right wizard state
switch( GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchMode() ) { case TF_Matchmaking_LADDER: if ( GTFGCClientSystem()->BIsPartyLeader() ) { GTFGCClientSystem()->RequestSelectWizardStep( TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_LADDER ); } engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "OpenMatchmakingLobby ladder" ); break;
case TF_Matchmaking_CASUAL: if ( GTFGCClientSystem()->BIsPartyLeader() ) { GTFGCClientSystem()->RequestSelectWizardStep( TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_CASUAL ); } engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "OpenMatchmakingLobby casual" ); break;
default: // Unhandled
GTFGCClientSystem()->EndMatchmaking(); Assert( false ); break; }; }
// Disconnect from the server
engine->DisconnectInternal(); } }
// Purpose: Figure out if we should be visible and require mouse input
void CTFMatchmakingDashboard::OnTick() { bool bInEndOfMatch = TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->State_Get() == GR_STATE_GAME_OVER;
const IMatchGroupDescription* pMatchDesc = GetMatchGroupDescription( TFGameRules() ? TFGameRules()->GetCurrentMatchGroup() : k_nMatchGroup_Invalid ); bool bShouldBeVisible = GTFGCClientSystem()->BConnectedToMatchServer( false ) && bInEndOfMatch && pMatchDesc && pMatchDesc->BUsesDashboard();
bShouldBeVisible |= tf_mm_dashboard_force_show.GetBool(); #endif
if ( BIsExpanded() && !bShouldBeVisible ) { SetCollapsed( true ); } else if ( !BIsExpanded() && bShouldBeVisible ) { SetCollapsed( false ); }
SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false ); SetMouseInputEnabled( BIsExpanded() ); }
CUtlVector< IMMPopupFactory* > IMMPopupFactory::s_vecPopupFactories;
// Purpose: Snag the singleton CTFMatchmakingPopup
CUtlVector< CTFMatchmakingPopup* >& CreateMMPopupPanels( bool bRecreate /*= false*/ ) { static CUtlVector< CTFMatchmakingPopup* > s_vecPopups;
if ( bRecreate && s_vecPopups.Count() ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( s_vecPopups, i ) { s_vecPopups[ i ]->MarkForDeletion(); } s_vecPopups.Purge(); }
if ( s_vecPopups.IsEmpty() ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( IMMPopupFactory::s_vecPopupFactories, i ) { s_vecPopups.AddToTail( IMMPopupFactory::s_vecPopupFactories[i]->Create() ); } }
return s_vecPopups; }
// Purpose: Snag the singleton CTFMatchmakingDashboard
CTFMatchmakingDashboard* GetMMDashboard() { static CTFMatchmakingDashboard* s_pDashboardPanel = NULL; if ( !s_pDashboardPanel ) { s_pDashboardPanel = new CTFMatchmakingDashboard(); }
return s_pDashboardPanel; }