//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Functions and data pertaining to the NPCs' AI scheduling system.
// Implements default NPC tasks and schedules.
#include "cbase.h"
#include "ai_default.h"
#include "animation.h"
#include "scripted.h"
#include "soundent.h"
#include "entitylist.h"
#include "basecombatweapon.h"
#include "bitstring.h"
#include "ai_task.h"
#include "ai_network.h"
#include "ai_schedule.h"
#include "ai_hull.h"
#include "ai_node.h"
#include "ai_motor.h"
#include "ai_hint.h"
#include "ai_memory.h"
#include "ai_navigator.h"
#include "ai_tacticalservices.h"
#include "ai_moveprobe.h"
#include "ai_squadslot.h"
#include "ai_squad.h"
#include "ai_speech.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "IEffects.h"
#include "vstdlib/random.h"
#include "ndebugoverlay.h"
#include "tier0/vcrmode.h"
#include "env_debughistory.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern ConVar ai_task_pre_script; extern ConVar ai_use_efficiency; extern ConVar ai_use_think_optimizations; #define ShouldUseEfficiency() ( ai_use_think_optimizations.GetBool() && ai_use_efficiency.GetBool() )
ConVar ai_simulate_task_overtime( "ai_simulate_task_overtime", "0" );
#define MAX_TASKS_RUN 10
struct TaskTimings { const char *pszTask; CFastTimer selectSchedule; CFastTimer startTimer; CFastTimer runTimer; };
TaskTimings g_AITaskTimings[MAX_TASKS_RUN]; int g_nAITasksRun;
void CAI_BaseNPC::DumpTaskTimings() { DevMsg(" Tasks timings:\n" ); for ( int i = 0; i < g_nAITasksRun; ++i ) { DevMsg( " %32s -- select %5.2f, start %5.2f, run %5.2f\n", g_AITaskTimings[i].pszTask, g_AITaskTimings[i].selectSchedule.GetDuration().GetMillisecondsF(), g_AITaskTimings[i].startTimer.GetDuration().GetMillisecondsF(), g_AITaskTimings[i].runTimer.GetDuration().GetMillisecondsF() ); } }
// FHaveSchedule - Returns true if NPC's GetCurSchedule()
// is anything other than NULL.
bool CAI_BaseNPC::FHaveSchedule( void ) { if ( GetCurSchedule() == NULL ) { return false; }
return true; }
// ClearSchedule - blanks out the caller's schedule pointer
// and index.
void CAI_BaseNPC::ClearSchedule( const char *szReason ) { if (szReason && m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_TASK_TEXT_BIT) { DevMsg( this, AIMF_IGNORE_SELECTED, " Schedule cleared: %s\n", szReason ); }
if ( szReason ) { ADD_DEBUG_HISTORY( HISTORY_AI_DECISIONS, UTIL_VarArgs( "%s(%d): Schedule cleared: %s\n", GetDebugName(), entindex(), szReason ) ); }
m_ScheduleState.timeCurTaskStarted = m_ScheduleState.timeStarted = 0; m_ScheduleState.bScheduleWasInterrupted = true; SetTaskStatus( TASKSTATUS_NEW ); m_IdealSchedule = SCHED_NONE; m_pSchedule = NULL; ResetScheduleCurTaskIndex(); m_InverseIgnoreConditions.SetAll(); }
// FScheduleDone - Returns true if the caller is on the
// last task in the schedule
bool CAI_BaseNPC::FScheduleDone ( void ) { Assert( GetCurSchedule() != NULL ); if ( GetScheduleCurTaskIndex() == GetCurSchedule()->NumTasks() ) { return true; }
return false; }
bool CAI_BaseNPC::SetSchedule( int localScheduleID ) { CAI_Schedule *pNewSchedule = GetScheduleOfType( localScheduleID ); if ( pNewSchedule ) { // ken: I'm don't know of any remaining cases, but if you find one, hunt it down as to why the schedule is getting slammed while they're in the middle of script
if (m_hCine != NULL) { if (!(localScheduleID == SCHED_SLEEP || localScheduleID == SCHED_WAIT_FOR_SCRIPT || localScheduleID == SCHED_SCRIPTED_WALK || localScheduleID == SCHED_SCRIPTED_RUN || localScheduleID == SCHED_SCRIPTED_CUSTOM_MOVE || localScheduleID == SCHED_SCRIPTED_WAIT || localScheduleID == SCHED_SCRIPTED_FACE) ) { Assert( 0 ); // ExitScriptedSequence();
} }
m_IdealSchedule = GetGlobalScheduleId( localScheduleID ); SetSchedule( pNewSchedule ); return true; } return false; }
// SetSchedule - replaces the NPC's schedule pointer
// with the passed pointer, and sets the ScheduleIndex back
// to 0
void CAI_BaseNPC::SetSchedule( CAI_Schedule *pNewSchedule ) { Assert( pNewSchedule != NULL ); m_ScheduleState.timeCurTaskStarted = m_ScheduleState.timeStarted = gpGlobals->curtime; m_ScheduleState.bScheduleWasInterrupted = false; m_pSchedule = pNewSchedule ; ResetScheduleCurTaskIndex(); SetTaskStatus( TASKSTATUS_NEW ); m_failSchedule = SCHED_NONE; bool bCondInPVS = HasCondition( COND_IN_PVS ); m_Conditions.ClearAll(); if ( bCondInPVS ) SetCondition( COND_IN_PVS ); m_bConditionsGathered = false; GetNavigator()->ClearGoal(); m_InverseIgnoreConditions.SetAll(); Forget( bits_MEMORY_TURNING );
#if _DEBUG
if ( !ScheduleFromName( pNewSchedule->GetName() ) ) { DevMsg( "Schedule %s not in table!!!\n", pNewSchedule->GetName() ); } #endif
*/ // this is very useful code if you can isolate a test case in a level with a single NPC. It will notify
// you of every schedule selection the NPC makes.
if (m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_TASK_TEXT_BIT) { DevMsg(this, AIMF_IGNORE_SELECTED, "Schedule: %s (time: %.2f)\n", pNewSchedule->GetName(), gpGlobals->curtime ); }
ADD_DEBUG_HISTORY( HISTORY_AI_DECISIONS, UTIL_VarArgs("%s(%d): Schedule: %s (time: %.2f)\n", GetDebugName(), entindex(), pNewSchedule->GetName(), gpGlobals->curtime ) );
if( m_bSelected ) { AIScheduleChoice_t choice; choice.m_flTimeSelected = gpGlobals->curtime; choice.m_pScheduleSelected = pNewSchedule; m_ScheduleHistory.AddToHead(choice);
if( m_ScheduleHistory.Count() > SCHEDULE_HISTORY_SIZE ) { m_ScheduleHistory.Remove( SCHEDULE_HISTORY_SIZE ); }
assert( m_ScheduleHistory.Count() <= SCHEDULE_HISTORY_SIZE );
// No analysis until the vector is full!
if( m_ScheduleHistory.Count() == SCHEDULE_HISTORY_SIZE ) { int iNumSelections = m_ScheduleHistory.Count(); float flTimeSpan = m_ScheduleHistory.Head().m_flTimeSelected - m_ScheduleHistory.Tail().m_flTimeSelected; float flSelectionsPerSecond = ((float)iNumSelections) / flTimeSpan;
Msg( "%d selections in %f seconds (avg. %f selections per second)\n", iNumSelections, flTimeSpan, flSelectionsPerSecond );
if( flSelectionsPerSecond >= 8.0f ) { DevMsg("\n\n %s is thrashing schedule selection:\n", GetDebugName() );
for( int i = 0 ; i < m_ScheduleHistory.Count() ; i++ ) { AIScheduleChoice_t choice = m_ScheduleHistory[i]; Msg("--%s %f\n", choice.m_pScheduleSelected->GetName(), choice.m_flTimeSelected ); }
CAI_BaseNPC::m_nDebugBits |= bits_debugDisableAI; } } } #endif//AI_MONITOR_FOR_OSCILLATION
// NextScheduledTask - increments the ScheduleIndex
void CAI_BaseNPC::NextScheduledTask ( void ) { Assert( GetCurSchedule() != NULL );
SetTaskStatus( TASKSTATUS_NEW ); IncScheduleCurTaskIndex();
if ( FScheduleDone() ) { // Reset memory of failed schedule
m_failedSchedule = NULL; m_interuptSchedule = NULL;
// just completed last task in schedule, so make it invalid by clearing it.
SetCondition( COND_SCHEDULE_DONE ); } }
// Purpose: This function allows NPCs to modify the interrupt mask for the
// current schedule. This enables them to use base schedules but with
// different interrupt conditions. Implement this function in your
// derived class, and Set or Clear condition bits as you please.
// NOTE: Always call the base class in your implementation, but be
// aware of the difference between changing the bits before vs.
// changing the bits after calling the base implementation.
// Input : pBitString - Receives the updated interrupt mask.
void CAI_BaseNPC::BuildScheduleTestBits( void ) { //NOTENOTE: Always defined in the leaf classes
// IsScheduleValid - returns true as long as the current
// schedule is still the proper schedule to be executing,
// taking into account all conditions
bool CAI_BaseNPC::IsScheduleValid() { if ( GetCurSchedule() == NULL || GetCurSchedule()->NumTasks() == 0 ) { return false; }
//Start out with the base schedule's set interrupt conditions
GetCurSchedule()->GetInterruptMask( &m_CustomInterruptConditions );
// Let the leaf class modify our interrupt test bits, but:
// - Don't allow any modifications when scripted
// - Don't modify interrupts for Schedules that set the COND_NO_CUSTOM_INTERRUPTS bit.
if ( m_NPCState != NPC_STATE_SCRIPT && !IsInLockedScene() && !m_CustomInterruptConditions.IsBitSet( COND_NO_CUSTOM_INTERRUPTS ) ) { BuildScheduleTestBits(); }
//Any conditions set here will always be forced on the interrupt conditions
SetCustomInterruptCondition( COND_NPC_FREEZE );
// This is like: m_CustomInterruptConditions &= m_Conditions;
CAI_ScheduleBits testBits; m_CustomInterruptConditions.And( m_Conditions, &testBits );
if (!testBits.IsAllClear()) { // If in developer mode save the interrupt text for debug output
if (g_pDeveloper->GetInt()) { // Reset memory of failed schedule
m_failedSchedule = NULL; m_interuptSchedule = GetCurSchedule();
// Find the first non-zero bit
for (int i=0;i<MAX_CONDITIONS;i++) { if (testBits.IsBitSet(i)) { m_interruptText = ConditionName( AI_RemapToGlobal( i ) ); if (!m_interruptText) { m_interruptText = "(UNKNOWN CONDITION)"; /*
static const char *pError = "ERROR: Unknown condition!"; DevMsg("%s (%s)\n", pError, GetDebugName()); m_interruptText = pError; */ }
if (m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_TASK_TEXT_BIT) { DevMsg( this, AIMF_IGNORE_SELECTED, " Break condition -> %s\n", m_interruptText ); }
ADD_DEBUG_HISTORY( HISTORY_AI_DECISIONS, UTIL_VarArgs("%s(%d): Break condition -> %s\n", GetDebugName(), entindex(), m_interruptText ) );
break; } } if ( HasCondition( COND_NEW_ENEMY ) ) { if (m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_TASK_TEXT_BIT) { DevMsg( this, AIMF_IGNORE_SELECTED, " New enemy: %s\n", GetEnemy() ? GetEnemy()->GetDebugName() : "<NULL>" ); } ADD_DEBUG_HISTORY( HISTORY_AI_DECISIONS, UTIL_VarArgs("%s(%d): New enemy: %s\n", GetDebugName(), entindex(), GetEnemy() ? GetEnemy()->GetDebugName() : "<NULL>" ) ); } }
return false; }
if ( HasCondition(COND_SCHEDULE_DONE) || HasCondition(COND_TASK_FAILED) ) { #ifdef DEBUG
if ( HasCondition ( COND_TASK_FAILED ) && m_failSchedule == SCHED_NONE ) { // fail! Send a visual indicator.
DevWarning( 2, "Schedule: %s Failed\n", GetCurSchedule()->GetName() );
Vector tmp; CollisionProp()->NormalizedToWorldSpace( Vector( 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f ), &tmp ); tmp.z += 16;
g_pEffects->Sparks( tmp ); } #endif // DEBUG
// some condition has interrupted the schedule, or the schedule is done
return false; } return true; }
// Purpose: Determines whether or not SelectIdealState() should be called before
// a NPC selects a new schedule.
// NOTE: This logic was a source of pure, distilled trouble in Half-Life.
// If you change this function, please supply good comments.
// Output : Returns true if yes, false if no
bool CAI_BaseNPC::ShouldSelectIdealState( void ) { /*
HERE's the old Half-Life code that used to control this.
if ( m_IdealNPCState != NPC_STATE_DEAD && (m_IdealNPCState != NPC_STATE_SCRIPT || m_IdealNPCState == m_NPCState) ) { if ( (m_afConditions && !HasConditions(bits_COND_SCHEDULE_DONE)) || (GetCurSchedule() && (GetCurSchedule()->iInterruptMask & bits_COND_SCHEDULE_DONE)) || ((m_NPCState == NPC_STATE_COMBAT) && (GetEnemy() == NULL)) ) { GetIdealState(); } } */ // Don't get ideal state if you are supposed to be dead.
if ( m_IdealNPCState == NPC_STATE_DEAD ) return false;
// If I'm supposed to be in scripted state, but i'm not yet, do not allow
// SelectIdealState() to be called, because it doesn't know how to determine
// that a NPC should be in SCRIPT state and will stomp it with some other
// state. (Most likely ALERT)
if ( (m_IdealNPCState == NPC_STATE_SCRIPT) && (m_NPCState != NPC_STATE_SCRIPT) ) return false;
// If the NPC has any current conditions, and one of those conditions indicates
// that the previous schedule completed successfully, then don't run SelectIdealState().
// Paths between states only exist for interrupted schedules, or when a schedule
// contains a task that suggests that the NPC change state.
if ( !HasCondition(COND_SCHEDULE_DONE) ) return true;
// This seems like some sort of hack...
// Currently no schedule that I can see in the AI uses this feature, but if a schedule
// interrupt mask contains bits_COND_SCHEDULE_DONE, then force a call to SelectIdealState().
// If we want to keep this feature, I suggest we create a new condition with a name that
// indicates exactly what it does.
if ( GetCurSchedule() && GetCurSchedule()->HasInterrupt(COND_SCHEDULE_DONE) ) return true;
// Don't call SelectIdealState if a NPC in combat state has a valid enemy handle. Otherwise,
// we need to change state immediately because something unexpected happened to the enemy
// entity (it was blown apart by someone else, for example), and we need the NPC to change
// state. THE REST OF OUR CODE should be robust enough that this can go away!!
if ( (m_NPCState == NPC_STATE_COMBAT) && (GetEnemy() == NULL) ) return true;
if ( (m_NPCState == NPC_STATE_IDLE || m_NPCState == NPC_STATE_ALERT) && (GetEnemy() != NULL) ) return true;
return false; }
// Purpose: Returns a new schedule based on current condition bits.
CAI_Schedule *CAI_BaseNPC::GetNewSchedule( void ) { int scheduleType;
// Schedule selection code here overrides all leaf schedule selection.
if (HasCondition(COND_NPC_FREEZE)) { scheduleType = SCHED_NPC_FREEZE; } else { // I dunno how this trend got started, but we need to find the problem.
// You may not be in combat state with no enemy!!! (sjb) 11/4/03
if( m_NPCState == NPC_STATE_COMBAT && !GetEnemy() ) { DevMsg("**ERROR: Combat State with no enemy! slamming to ALERT\n"); SetState( NPC_STATE_ALERT ); }
if ( m_NPCState == NPC_STATE_SCRIPT || m_NPCState == NPC_STATE_DEAD || m_iInteractionState == NPCINT_MOVING_TO_MARK ) { scheduleType = CAI_BaseNPC::SelectSchedule(); } else { scheduleType = SelectSchedule(); }
m_IdealSchedule = GetGlobalScheduleId( scheduleType );
return GetScheduleOfType( scheduleType ); }
CAI_Schedule *CAI_BaseNPC::GetFailSchedule( void ) { int prevSchedule; int failedTask;
if ( GetCurSchedule() ) prevSchedule = GetLocalScheduleId( GetCurSchedule()->GetId() ); else prevSchedule = SCHED_NONE; const Task_t *pTask = GetTask(); if ( pTask ) failedTask = pTask->iTask; else failedTask = TASK_INVALID;
Assert( AI_IdIsLocal( prevSchedule ) ); Assert( AI_IdIsLocal( failedTask ) );
int scheduleType = SelectFailSchedule( prevSchedule, failedTask, m_ScheduleState.taskFailureCode ); return GetScheduleOfType( scheduleType ); }
// MaintainSchedule - does all the per-think schedule maintenance.
// ensures that the NPC leaves this function with a valid
// schedule!
static bool ShouldStopProcessingTasks( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC, int taskTime, int timeLimit ) { #ifdef DEBUG
if( ai_simulate_task_overtime.GetBool() ) return true; #endif
// Always stop processing if we've queued up a navigation query on the last task
if ( pNPC->IsNavigationDeferred() ) return true;
if ( AIStrongOpt() ) { bool bInScript = ( pNPC->GetState() == NPC_STATE_SCRIPT || pNPC->IsCurSchedule( SCHED_SCENE_GENERIC, false ) ); // We ran a costly task, don't do it again!
if ( pNPC->HasMemory( bits_MEMORY_TASK_EXPENSIVE ) && bInScript == false ) return true; }
if ( taskTime > timeLimit ) { if ( ShouldUseEfficiency() || pNPC->IsMoving() || ( pNPC->GetIdealActivity() != ACT_RUN && pNPC->GetIdealActivity() != ACT_WALK ) ) { return true; } } return false; }
void CAI_BaseNPC::MaintainSchedule ( void ) { AI_PROFILE_SCOPE(CAI_BaseNPC_RunAI_MaintainSchedule); extern CFastTimer g_AIMaintainScheduleTimer; CTimeScope timeScope(&g_AIMaintainScheduleTimer);
CAI_Schedule *pNewSchedule; int i; bool runTask = true;
#if defined( VPROF_ENABLED )
bool bDebugTaskNames = ( developer.GetBool() || ( VProfAI() && g_VProfCurrentProfile.IsEnabled() ) ); #else
bool bDebugTaskNames = true; #endif
bool bDebugTaskNames = false; #endif
memset( g_AITaskTimings, 0, sizeof(g_AITaskTimings) ); g_nAITasksRun = 0; const int timeLimit = ( IsDebug() ) ? 16 : 8; int taskTime = Plat_MSTime();
// Reset this at the beginning of the frame
// UNDONE: Tune/fix this MAX_TASKS_RUN... This is just here so infinite loops are impossible
bool bStopProcessing = false; for ( i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS_RUN && !bStopProcessing; i++ ) { if ( GetCurSchedule() != NULL && TaskIsComplete() ) { // Schedule is valid, so advance to the next task if the current is complete.
// If we finished the current schedule, clear our ignored conditions so they
// aren't applied to the next schedule selection.
if ( HasCondition( COND_SCHEDULE_DONE ) ) { // Put our conditions back the way they were after GatherConditions,
// but add in COND_SCHEDULE_DONE.
m_Conditions = m_ConditionsPreIgnore; SetCondition( COND_SCHEDULE_DONE );
m_InverseIgnoreConditions.SetAll(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------
// If debug stepping advance when I complete a task
// --------------------------------------------------------
if (CAI_BaseNPC::m_nDebugBits & bits_debugStepAI) { m_nDebugCurIndex++; return; } } int curTiming = g_nAITasksRun; g_nAITasksRun++;
// validate existing schedule
if ( !IsScheduleValid() || m_NPCState != m_IdealNPCState ) { // Notify the NPC that his schedule is changing
m_ScheduleState.bScheduleWasInterrupted = true; OnScheduleChange();
if ( !HasCondition(COND_NPC_FREEZE) && ( !m_bConditionsGathered || m_bSkippedChooseEnemy ) ) { // occurs if a schedule is exhausted within one think
GatherConditions(); }
if ( ShouldSelectIdealState() ) { NPC_STATE eIdealState = SelectIdealState(); SetIdealState( eIdealState ); }
if ( HasCondition( COND_TASK_FAILED ) && m_NPCState == m_IdealNPCState ) { // Get a fail schedule if the previous schedule failed during execution and
// the NPC is still in its ideal state. Otherwise, the NPC would immediately
// select the same schedule again and fail again.
if (m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_TASK_TEXT_BIT) { DevMsg( this, AIMF_IGNORE_SELECTED, " (failed)\n" ); }
ADD_DEBUG_HISTORY( HISTORY_AI_DECISIONS, UTIL_VarArgs("%s(%d): (failed)\n", GetDebugName(), entindex() ) );
pNewSchedule = GetFailSchedule(); m_IdealSchedule = pNewSchedule->GetId(); DevWarning( 2, "(%s) Schedule (%s) Failed at %d!\n", STRING( GetEntityName() ), GetCurSchedule() ? GetCurSchedule()->GetName() : "GetCurSchedule() == NULL", GetScheduleCurTaskIndex() ); SetSchedule( pNewSchedule ); } else { // If the NPC is supposed to change state, it doesn't matter if the previous
// schedule failed or completed. Changing state means selecting an entirely new schedule.
SetState( m_IdealNPCState ); g_AITaskTimings[curTiming].selectSchedule.Start();
pNewSchedule = GetNewSchedule();
SetSchedule( pNewSchedule ); } }
if (!GetCurSchedule()) { g_AITaskTimings[curTiming].selectSchedule.Start(); pNewSchedule = GetNewSchedule(); g_AITaskTimings[curTiming].selectSchedule.End();
if (pNewSchedule) { SetSchedule( pNewSchedule ); } }
if ( !GetCurSchedule() || GetCurSchedule()->NumTasks() == 0 ) { DevMsg("ERROR: Missing or invalid schedule!\n"); SetActivity ( ACT_IDLE ); return; } AI_PROFILE_SCOPE_BEGIN_( CAI_BaseNPC::GetSchedulingSymbols()->ScheduleIdToSymbol( GetCurSchedule()->GetId() ) );
if ( GetTaskStatus() == TASKSTATUS_NEW ) { if ( GetScheduleCurTaskIndex() == 0 ) { int globalId = GetCurSchedule()->GetId(); int localId = GetLocalScheduleId( globalId ); // if localId == -1, then it came from a behavior
OnStartSchedule( (localId != -1)? localId : globalId ); }
g_AITaskTimings[curTiming].startTimer.Start(); const Task_t *pTask = GetTask(); const char *pszTaskName = ( bDebugTaskNames ) ? TaskName( pTask->iTask ) : "ai_task"; Assert( pTask != NULL ); g_AITaskTimings[i].pszTask = pszTaskName;
if (m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_TASK_TEXT_BIT) { DevMsg(this, AIMF_IGNORE_SELECTED, " Task: %s\n", pszTaskName ); }
ADD_DEBUG_HISTORY( HISTORY_AI_DECISIONS, UTIL_VarArgs("%s(%d): Task: %s\n", GetDebugName(), entindex(), pszTaskName ) );
OnStartTask(); m_ScheduleState.taskFailureCode = NO_TASK_FAILURE; m_ScheduleState.timeCurTaskStarted = gpGlobals->curtime; AI_PROFILE_SCOPE_BEGIN_( pszTaskName ); AI_PROFILE_SCOPE_BEGIN(CAI_BaseNPC_StartTask);
StartTask( pTask );
if ( TaskIsRunning() && !HasCondition(COND_TASK_FAILED) ) StartTaskOverlay();
g_AITaskTimings[curTiming].startTimer.End(); // DevMsg( "%.2f StartTask( %s )\n", gpGlobals->curtime, m_pTaskSR->GetStringText( pTask->iTask ) );
// UNDONE: Twice?!!!
MaintainActivity(); AI_PROFILE_SCOPE_BEGIN_( CAI_BaseNPC::GetSchedulingSymbols()->ScheduleIdToSymbol( GetCurSchedule()->GetId() ) );
if ( !TaskIsComplete() && GetTaskStatus() != TASKSTATUS_NEW ) { if ( TaskIsRunning() && !HasCondition(COND_TASK_FAILED) && runTask ) { const Task_t *pTask = GetTask(); const char *pszTaskName = ( bDebugTaskNames ) ? TaskName( pTask->iTask ) : "ai_task"; Assert( pTask != NULL ); g_AITaskTimings[i].pszTask = pszTaskName; // DevMsg( "%.2f RunTask( %s )\n", gpGlobals->curtime, m_pTaskSR->GetStringText( pTask->iTask ) );
int j; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { RunTask( pTask );
if ( GetTaskInterrupt() == 0 || TaskIsComplete() || HasCondition(COND_TASK_FAILED) ) break;
if ( ShouldUseEfficiency() && ShouldStopProcessingTasks( this, Plat_MSTime() - taskTime, timeLimit ) ) { bStopProcessing = true; break; } } AssertMsg( j < 8, "Runaway task interrupt\n" ); AI_PROFILE_SCOPE_END(); AI_PROFILE_SCOPE_END();
if ( TaskIsRunning() && !HasCondition(COND_TASK_FAILED) ) { if ( IsCurTaskContinuousMove() ) Remember( bits_MEMORY_MOVED_FROM_SPAWN ); RunTaskOverlay(); }
// don't do this again this frame
// FIXME: RunTask() should eat some of the clock, depending on what it has done
// runTask = false;
if ( !TaskIsComplete() ) { bStopProcessing = true; } } else { bStopProcessing = true; } }
// Decide if we should continue on this frame
if ( !bStopProcessing && ShouldStopProcessingTasks( this, Plat_MSTime() - taskTime, timeLimit ) ) bStopProcessing = true; }
// UNDONE: We have to do this so that we have an animation set to blend to if RunTask changes the animation
// RunTask() will always change animations at the end of a script!
// Don't do this twice
// --------------------------------------------------------
// If I'm stopping to debug step, don't animate unless
// I'm in motion
// --------------------------------------------------------
if (CAI_BaseNPC::m_nDebugBits & bits_debugStepAI) { if (!GetNavigator()->IsGoalActive() && m_nDebugCurIndex >= CAI_BaseNPC::m_nDebugPauseIndex) { m_flPlaybackRate = 0; } } }
bool CAI_BaseNPC::FindCoverPos( CBaseEntity *pEntity, Vector *pResult ) { AI_PROFILE_SCOPE(CAI_BaseNPC_FindCoverPos);
if ( !GetTacticalServices()->FindLateralCover( pEntity->EyePosition(), 0, pResult ) ) { if ( !GetTacticalServices()->FindCoverPos( pEntity->GetAbsOrigin(), pEntity->EyePosition(), 0, CoverRadius(), pResult ) ) { return false; } } return true; }
bool CAI_BaseNPC::FindCoverPosInRadius( CBaseEntity *pEntity, const Vector &goalPos, float coverRadius, Vector *pResult ) { AI_PROFILE_SCOPE(CAI_BaseNPC_FindCoverPosInRadius);
if ( pEntity == NULL ) { // Find cover from self if no enemy available
pEntity = this; }
Vector coverPos = vec3_invalid; CAI_TacticalServices * pTacticalServices = GetTacticalServices(); const Vector & enemyPos = pEntity->GetAbsOrigin(); Vector enemyEyePos = pEntity->EyePosition();
if( ( !GetSquad() || GetSquad()->GetFirstMember() == this ) && IsCoverPosition( enemyEyePos, goalPos + GetViewOffset() ) && IsValidCover( goalPos, NULL ) ) { coverPos = goalPos; } else if ( !pTacticalServices->FindCoverPos( goalPos, enemyPos, enemyEyePos, 0, coverRadius * 0.5, &coverPos ) ) { if ( !pTacticalServices->FindLateralCover( goalPos, enemyEyePos, 0, coverRadius * 0.5, 3, &coverPos ) ) { if ( !pTacticalServices->FindCoverPos( goalPos, enemyPos, enemyEyePos, coverRadius * 0.5 - 0.1, coverRadius, &coverPos ) ) { pTacticalServices->FindLateralCover( goalPos, enemyEyePos, 0, coverRadius, 5, &coverPos ); } } } if ( coverPos == vec3_invalid ) return false; *pResult = coverPos; return true; }
bool CAI_BaseNPC::FindCoverPos( CSound *pSound, Vector *pResult ) { if ( !GetTacticalServices()->FindCoverPos( pSound->GetSoundReactOrigin(), pSound->GetSoundReactOrigin(), MIN( pSound->Volume(), 120.0 ), CoverRadius(), pResult ) ) { return GetTacticalServices()->FindLateralCover( pSound->GetSoundReactOrigin(), MIN( pSound->Volume(), 60.0 ), pResult ); }
return true; }
// Start task - selects the correct activity and performs
// any necessary calculations to start the next task on the
// schedule.
void CAI_BaseNPC::StartTurn( float flDeltaYaw ) { float flCurrentYaw; flCurrentYaw = UTIL_AngleMod( GetLocalAngles().y ); GetMotor()->SetIdealYaw( UTIL_AngleMod( flCurrentYaw + flDeltaYaw ) ); SetTurnActivity(); }
void CAI_BaseNPC::ClearHintNode( float reuseDelay ) { if ( m_pHintNode ) { if ( m_pHintNode->IsLockedBy(this) ) m_pHintNode->Unlock(reuseDelay); m_pHintNode = NULL; } }
void CAI_BaseNPC::SetHintNode( CAI_Hint *pHintNode ) { m_pHintNode = pHintNode; }
bool CAI_BaseNPC::FindCoverFromEnemy( bool bNodesOnly, float flMinDistance, float flMaxDistance ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = GetEnemy();
// Find cover from self if no enemy available
if ( pEntity == NULL ) pEntity = this;
Vector coverPos = vec3_invalid;
ClearHintNode(); if ( bNodesOnly ) { if ( flMaxDistance == FLT_MAX ) flMaxDistance = CoverRadius(); if ( !GetTacticalServices()->FindCoverPos( pEntity->GetAbsOrigin(), pEntity->EyePosition(), flMinDistance, flMaxDistance, &coverPos ) ) return false; } else { if ( !FindCoverPos( pEntity, &coverPos ) ) return false; }
if ( !GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal ) ) return false; // FIXME: add to goal
if (GetHintNode()) { GetNavigator()->SetArrivalActivity( GetCoverActivity( GetHintNode() ) ); GetNavigator()->SetArrivalDirection( GetHintNode()->GetDirection() ); } return true; }
bool CAI_BaseNPC::FindCoverFromBestSound( Vector *pCoverPos ) { CSound *pBestSound;
pBestSound = GetBestSound();
if (pBestSound) { // UNDONE: Back away if cover fails? Grunts do this.
return FindCoverPos( pBestSound, pCoverPos ); } else { DevMsg( 2, "Attempting to find cover from best sound, but best sound not founc.\n" ); } return false; }
float CAI_BaseNPC::CalcReasonableFacing( bool bIgnoreOriginalFacing ) { float flReasonableYaw;
if( !bIgnoreOriginalFacing && !HasMemory( bits_MEMORY_MOVED_FROM_SPAWN ) && !HasCondition( COND_SEE_ENEMY) ) { flReasonableYaw = m_flOriginalYaw; } else { // If I'm facing a wall, change my original yaw and try to find a good direction to face.
trace_t tr; Vector forward; QAngle angles( 0, 0, 0 );
float idealYaw = GetMotor()->GetIdealYaw(); flReasonableYaw = idealYaw; // Try just using the facing we have
const float MIN_DIST = GetReasonableFacingDist(); float longestTrace = 0; // Early out if we're overriding reasonable facing
if ( !MIN_DIST ) return flReasonableYaw;
// Otherwise, scan out back and forth until something better is found
const float SLICES = 8.0f; const float SIZE_SLICE = 360.0 / SLICES; const int SEARCH_MAX = (int)SLICES / 2;
float zEye = GetAbsOrigin().z + m_vDefaultEyeOffset.z; // always use standing eye so as to not screw with crouch cover
for( int i = 0 ; i <= SEARCH_MAX; i++ ) { float offset = i * SIZE_SLICE; for ( int j = -1; j <= 1; j += 2) { angles.y = idealYaw + ( offset * j ); AngleVectors( angles, &forward, NULL, NULL ); float curTrace; if( ( curTrace = LineOfSightDist( forward, zEye ) ) > longestTrace && IsValidReasonableFacing(forward, curTrace) ) { // Take this one.
flReasonableYaw = angles.y; longestTrace = curTrace; } if ( longestTrace > MIN_DIST) // found one
if ( i == 0 || i == SEARCH_MAX) // if trying forwards or backwards, skip the check of the other side...
break; } if ( longestTrace > MIN_DIST ) // found one
break; } } return flReasonableYaw; }
float CAI_BaseNPC::GetReasonableFacingDist( void ) { if ( GetTask() && GetTask()->iTask == TASK_FACE_ENEMY ) { const float dist = 3.5*12; if ( GetEnemy() ) { float distEnemy = ( GetEnemy()->GetAbsOrigin().AsVector2D() - GetAbsOrigin().AsVector2D() ).Length() - 1.0; return MIN( distEnemy, dist ); }
return dist; } return 5*12; }
void CAI_BaseNPC::StartScriptMoveToTargetTask( int task ) { Activity newActivity;
if ( m_hTargetEnt == NULL) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_TARGET); } else if ( (m_hTargetEnt->GetAbsOrigin() - GetLocalOrigin()).Length() < 1 ) { TaskComplete(); } else { //
// Select the appropriate activity.
if ( task == TASK_SCRIPT_WALK_TO_TARGET ) { newActivity = ACT_WALK; } else if ( task == TASK_SCRIPT_RUN_TO_TARGET ) { newActivity = ACT_RUN; } else { newActivity = GetScriptCustomMoveActivity(); }
if ( ( newActivity != ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_MOVE ) && TranslateActivity( newActivity ) == ACT_INVALID ) { // This NPC can't do this!
Assert( 0 ); } else { if (m_hTargetEnt == NULL) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_TARGET); } else {
AI_NavGoal_t goal( GOALTYPE_TARGETENT, newActivity ); if ( GetState() == NPC_STATE_SCRIPT && ( m_ScriptArrivalActivity != AIN_DEF_ACTIVITY || m_strScriptArrivalSequence != NULL_STRING ) ) { if ( m_ScriptArrivalActivity != AIN_DEF_ACTIVITY ) { goal.arrivalActivity = m_ScriptArrivalActivity; } else { goal.arrivalSequence = LookupSequence( m_strScriptArrivalSequence.ToCStr() ); } } if (!GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal, AIN_DISCARD_IF_FAIL )) { if ( GetNavigator()->GetNavFailCounter() == 0 ) { // no path was built, but OnNavFailed() did something so that next time it may work
DevWarning("%s %s failed Urgent Movement, retrying\n", GetDebugName(), TaskName( task ) ); return; }
// FIXME: scripted sequences don't actually know how to handle failure, but we're failing. This is serious
DevWarning("%s %s failed Urgent Movement, abandoning schedule\n", GetDebugName(), TaskName( task ) ); TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ROUTE); } else { GetNavigator()->SetArrivalDirection( m_hTargetEnt->GetAbsAngles() ); } } } }
m_ScriptArrivalActivity = AIN_DEF_ACTIVITY; m_strScriptArrivalSequence = NULL_STRING;
TaskComplete(); }
// Start task!
void CAI_BaseNPC::StartTask( const Task_t *pTask ) { int task = pTask->iTask; switch ( pTask->iTask ) { case TASK_RESET_ACTIVITY: m_Activity = ACT_RESET; TaskComplete(); break;
case TASK_CREATE_PENDING_WEAPON: Assert( m_iszPendingWeapon != NULL_STRING ); GiveWeapon( m_iszPendingWeapon ); m_iszPendingWeapon = NULL_STRING; TaskComplete(); break;
case TASK_RANDOMIZE_FRAMERATE: { float newRate = GetPlaybackRate(); float percent = pTask->flTaskData / 100.0f;
newRate += ( newRate * random->RandomFloat(-percent, percent) );
TaskComplete(); } break;
case TASK_DEFER_DODGE: m_flNextDodgeTime = gpGlobals->curtime + pTask->flTaskData; TaskComplete(); break;
// Default case just completes. Override in sub-classes
// to play sound / animation / or pause
case TASK_ANNOUNCE_ATTACK: TaskComplete(); break;
case TASK_TURN_RIGHT: StartTurn( -pTask->flTaskData ); break;
case TASK_TURN_LEFT: StartTurn( pTask->flTaskData ); break;
case TASK_REMEMBER: Remember ( (int)pTask->flTaskData ); TaskComplete(); break;
case TASK_FORGET: Forget ( (int)pTask->flTaskData ); TaskComplete(); break;
case TASK_FIND_HINTNODE: case TASK_FIND_LOCK_HINTNODE: { if (!GetHintNode()) { SetHintNode( CAI_HintManager::FindHint( this, HINT_NONE, pTask->flTaskData, 2000 ) ); } if (GetHintNode()) { TaskComplete(); } else { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_HINT_NODE); } if ( task == TASK_FIND_HINTNODE ) break; } // Fall through on TASK_FIND_LOCK_HINTNODE...
case TASK_LOCK_HINTNODE: { if (!GetHintNode()) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_HINT_NODE); } else if( GetHintNode()->Lock(this) ) { TaskComplete(); } else { TaskFail(FAIL_ALREADY_LOCKED); SetHintNode( NULL ); } break; }
case TASK_STORE_LASTPOSITION: m_vecLastPosition = GetLocalOrigin(); TaskComplete(); break;
case TASK_CLEAR_LASTPOSITION: m_vecLastPosition = vec3_origin; TaskComplete(); break;
case TASK_STORE_POSITION_IN_SAVEPOSITION: m_vSavePosition = GetLocalOrigin(); TaskComplete(); break;
case TASK_STORE_BESTSOUND_IN_SAVEPOSITION: { CSound *pBestSound = GetBestSound(); if ( pBestSound ) { m_vSavePosition = pBestSound->GetSoundOrigin(); CBaseEntity *pSoundEnt = pBestSound->m_hOwner; if ( pSoundEnt ) { Vector vel; pSoundEnt->GetVelocity( &vel, NULL ); // HACKHACK: run away from cars in the right direction
m_vSavePosition += vel * 2; // add in 2 seconds of velocity
} TaskComplete(); } else { TaskFail("No Sound!"); return; } } break;
case TASK_STORE_BESTSOUND_REACTORIGIN_IN_SAVEPOSITION: { CSound *pBestSound = GetBestSound(); if ( pBestSound ) { m_vSavePosition = pBestSound->GetSoundReactOrigin(); TaskComplete(); } else { TaskFail("No Sound!"); return; } } break;
case TASK_STORE_ENEMY_POSITION_IN_SAVEPOSITION: if ( GetEnemy() != NULL ) { m_vSavePosition = GetEnemy()->GetAbsOrigin(); TaskComplete(); } else { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ENEMY); } break;
case TASK_CLEAR_HINTNODE: ClearHintNode(pTask->flTaskData); TaskComplete(); break;
case TASK_STOP_MOVING: if ( ( GetNavigator()->IsGoalSet() && GetNavigator()->IsGoalActive() ) || GetNavType() == NAV_JUMP ) { DbgNavMsg( this, "Start TASK_STOP_MOVING\n" ); if ( pTask->flTaskData == 1 ) { DbgNavMsg( this, "Initiating stopping path\n" ); GetNavigator()->StopMoving( false ); } else { GetNavigator()->ClearGoal(); }
// E3 Hack
if ( HasPoseMoveYaw() ) { SetPoseParameter( m_poseMove_Yaw, 0 ); } } else { if ( pTask->flTaskData == 1 && GetNavigator()->SetGoalFromStoppingPath() ) { DbgNavMsg( this, "Start TASK_STOP_MOVING\n" ); DbgNavMsg( this, "Initiating stopping path\n" ); } else { GetNavigator()->ClearGoal(); SetIdealActivity( GetStoppedActivity() ); TaskComplete(); } } break;
case TASK_ADD_GESTURE_WAIT: { int iLayer = AddGesture( (Activity)(int)pTask->flTaskData ); if (iLayer > 0) { float flDuration = GetLayerDuration( iLayer ); SetWait( flDuration ); } else { TaskFail( "Unable to allocate gesture" ); } break; }
case TASK_ADD_GESTURE: { AddGesture( (Activity)(int)pTask->flTaskData ); TaskComplete(); break; }
case TASK_PLAY_HINT_ACTIVITY: if ( GetHintNode()->HintActivityName() != NULL_STRING ) { Activity hintActivity = (Activity)CAI_BaseNPC::GetActivityID( STRING(GetHintNode()->HintActivityName()) ); if ( hintActivity != ACT_INVALID ) { SetIdealActivity( GetHintActivity(GetHintNode()->HintType(), hintActivity) ); } else { int iSequence = LookupSequence(STRING(GetHintNode()->HintActivityName())); if ( iSequence > ACT_INVALID ) { SetSequenceById( iSequence ); // ???
SetIdealActivity( ACT_DO_NOT_DISTURB ); } else SetIdealActivity( ACT_IDLE ); } } else { SetIdealActivity( ACT_IDLE ); } break;
case TASK_SET_SCHEDULE: if ( !SetSchedule( pTask->flTaskData ) ) TaskFail(FAIL_SCHEDULE_NOT_FOUND); break;
case TASK_FIND_BACKAWAY_FROM_SAVEPOSITION: { if ( GetEnemy() != NULL ) { Vector backPos; if ( !GetTacticalServices()->FindBackAwayPos( m_vSavePosition, &backPos ) ) { // no place to backaway
TaskFail(FAIL_NO_BACKAWAY_NODE); } else { if (GetNavigator()->SetGoal( AI_NavGoal_t( backPos, ACT_RUN ) ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else { // no place to backaway
TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ROUTE); } } } else { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ENEMY); } } break;
case TASK_FIND_NEAR_NODE_COVER_FROM_ENEMY: case TASK_FIND_FAR_NODE_COVER_FROM_ENEMY: case TASK_FIND_NODE_COVER_FROM_ENEMY: case TASK_FIND_COVER_FROM_ENEMY: { bool bNodeCover = ( task != TASK_FIND_COVER_FROM_ENEMY ); float flMinDistance = ( task == TASK_FIND_FAR_NODE_COVER_FROM_ENEMY ) ? pTask->flTaskData : 0.0; float flMaxDistance = ( task == TASK_FIND_NEAR_NODE_COVER_FROM_ENEMY ) ? pTask->flTaskData : FLT_MAX; if ( FindCoverFromEnemy( bNodeCover, flMinDistance, flMaxDistance ) ) { if ( task == TASK_FIND_COVER_FROM_ENEMY ) m_flMoveWaitFinished = gpGlobals->curtime + pTask->flTaskData; TaskComplete(); } else TaskFail(FAIL_NO_COVER); } break;
case TASK_FIND_COVER_FROM_ORIGIN: { Vector coverPos;
if ( GetTacticalServices()->FindCoverPos( GetLocalOrigin(), EyePosition(), 0, CoverRadius(), &coverPos ) ) { AI_NavGoal_t goal(coverPos, ACT_RUN, AIN_HULL_TOLERANCE); GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal );
m_flMoveWaitFinished = gpGlobals->curtime + pTask->flTaskData; } else { // no coverwhatsoever.
TaskFail(FAIL_NO_COVER); } }
case TASK_FACE_HINTNODE: // If the yaw is locked, this function will not act correctly
Assert( GetMotor()->IsYawLocked() == false );
GetMotor()->SetIdealYaw( GetHintNode()->Yaw() ); GetMotor()->SetIdealYaw( CalcReasonableFacing( true ) ); // CalcReasonableFacing() is based on previously set ideal yaw
if ( FacingIdeal() ) TaskComplete(); else SetTurnActivity(); break; case TASK_FACE_LASTPOSITION: GetMotor()->SetIdealYawToTarget( m_vecLastPosition ); GetMotor()->SetIdealYaw( CalcReasonableFacing( true ) ); // CalcReasonableFacing() is based on previously set ideal yaw
SetTurnActivity(); break;
case TASK_FACE_SAVEPOSITION: GetMotor()->SetIdealYawToTarget( m_vSavePosition ); GetMotor()->SetIdealYaw( CalcReasonableFacing( true ) ); // CalcReasonableFacing() is based on previously set ideal yaw
SetTurnActivity(); break;
case TASK_FACE_AWAY_FROM_SAVEPOSITION: GetMotor()->SetIdealYawToTarget( m_vSavePosition, 0, 180.0 ); GetMotor()->SetIdealYaw( CalcReasonableFacing( true ) ); // CalcReasonableFacing() is based on previously set ideal yaw
SetTurnActivity(); break;
case TASK_SET_IDEAL_YAW_TO_CURRENT: GetMotor()->SetIdealYaw( UTIL_AngleMod( GetLocalAngles().y ) ); TaskComplete(); break;
case TASK_FACE_TARGET: if ( m_hTargetEnt != NULL ) { GetMotor()->SetIdealYawToTarget( m_hTargetEnt->GetAbsOrigin() ); SetTurnActivity(); } else { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_TARGET); } break; case TASK_FACE_PLAYER: // track head to the client for a while.
SetWait( pTask->flTaskData ); break;
case TASK_FACE_ENEMY: { Vector vecEnemyLKP = GetEnemyLKP(); if (!FInAimCone( vecEnemyLKP )) { GetMotor()->SetIdealYawToTarget( vecEnemyLKP ); GetMotor()->SetIdealYaw( CalcReasonableFacing( true ) ); // CalcReasonableFacing() is based on previously set ideal yaw
SetTurnActivity(); } else { float flReasonableFacing = CalcReasonableFacing( true ); if ( fabsf( flReasonableFacing - GetMotor()->GetIdealYaw() ) < 1 ) TaskComplete(); else { GetMotor()->SetIdealYaw( flReasonableFacing ); SetTurnActivity(); } } break; }
case TASK_FACE_IDEAL: SetTurnActivity(); break;
case TASK_FACE_REASONABLE: GetMotor()->SetIdealYaw( CalcReasonableFacing() ); SetTurnActivity(); break;
case TASK_FACE_PATH: { if (!GetNavigator()->IsGoalActive()) { DevWarning( 2, "No route to face!\n"); TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ROUTE); } else { const float NPC_TRIVIAL_TURN = 15; // (Degrees). Turns this small or smaller, don't bother with a transition.
GetMotor()->SetIdealYawToTarget( GetNavigator()->GetCurWaypointPos());
if( fabs( GetMotor()->DeltaIdealYaw() ) <= NPC_TRIVIAL_TURN ) { // This character is already facing the path well enough that
// moving will look fairly natural. Don't bother with a transitional
// turn animation.
TaskComplete(); break; } SetTurnActivity(); } } break;
// don't do anything.
// set a future time that tells us when the wait is over.
case TASK_WAIT: case TASK_WAIT_FACE_ENEMY: SetWait( pTask->flTaskData ); break;
// set a future time that tells us when the wait is over.
case TASK_WAIT_RANDOM: case TASK_WAIT_FACE_ENEMY_RANDOM: SetWait( 0, pTask->flTaskData ); break;
case TASK_MOVE_TO_TARGET_RANGE: case TASK_MOVE_TO_GOAL_RANGE: { // Identical tasks, except that target_range uses m_hTargetEnt,
// and Goal range uses the nav goal
CBaseEntity *pTarget = NULL; if ( task == TASK_MOVE_TO_GOAL_RANGE ) { pTarget = GetNavigator()->GetGoalTarget(); } if ( !pTarget ) { pTarget = m_hTargetEnt.Get(); }
if ( pTarget == NULL) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_TARGET); } else if ( (pTarget->GetAbsOrigin() - GetLocalOrigin()).Length() < 1 ) { TaskComplete(); }
if (GetNavigator()->GetGoalType() == GOALTYPE_NONE) { TaskComplete(); GetNavigator()->ClearGoal(); // Clear residual state
} else { // set that we're probably going to stop before the goal
GetNavigator()->SetArrivalDistance( pTask->flTaskData ); }
break; }
case TASK_WAIT_UNTIL_NO_DANGER_SOUND: if( !HasCondition( COND_HEAR_DANGER ) ) { TaskComplete(); } break;
case TASK_TARGET_PLAYER: { CBaseEntity *pPlayer = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, "!player" ); if ( pPlayer ) { SetTarget( pPlayer ); TaskComplete(); } else TaskFail( FAIL_NO_PLAYER ); break; }
case TASK_CLEAR_MOVE_WAIT: m_flMoveWaitFinished = gpGlobals->curtime; TaskComplete(); break;
case TASK_MELEE_ATTACK1: SetLastAttackTime( gpGlobals->curtime ); ResetIdealActivity( ACT_MELEE_ATTACK1 ); break;
case TASK_MELEE_ATTACK2: SetLastAttackTime( gpGlobals->curtime ); ResetIdealActivity( ACT_MELEE_ATTACK2 ); break;
case TASK_RANGE_ATTACK1: SetLastAttackTime( gpGlobals->curtime ); ResetIdealActivity( ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1 ); break;
case TASK_RANGE_ATTACK2: SetLastAttackTime( gpGlobals->curtime ); ResetIdealActivity( ACT_RANGE_ATTACK2 ); break;
case TASK_RELOAD: ResetIdealActivity( ACT_RELOAD ); break;
case TASK_SPECIAL_ATTACK1: ResetIdealActivity( ACT_SPECIAL_ATTACK1 ); break;
case TASK_SPECIAL_ATTACK2: ResetIdealActivity( ACT_SPECIAL_ATTACK2 ); break;
case TASK_SET_ACTIVITY: { Activity goalActivity = (Activity)((int)pTask->flTaskData); if (goalActivity != ACT_RESET) { SetIdealActivity( goalActivity ); } else { m_Activity = ACT_RESET; } break; } case TASK_GET_CHASE_PATH_TO_ENEMY: { CBaseEntity *pEnemy = GetEnemy(); if ( !pEnemy ) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ROUTE); return; }
if ( ( pEnemy->GetAbsOrigin() - GetEnemyLKP() ).LengthSqr() < Square(pTask->flTaskData) ) { ChainStartTask( TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY ); } else { ChainStartTask( TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LKP ); }
if ( !TaskIsComplete() && !HasCondition(COND_TASK_FAILED) ) TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ROUTE); break; }
case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LKP: { CBaseEntity *pEnemy = GetEnemy(); if (!pEnemy || IsUnreachable(pEnemy)) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ROUTE); return; } AI_NavGoal_t goal( GetEnemyLKP() );
TranslateNavGoal( pEnemy, goal.dest );
if ( GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal, AIN_CLEAR_TARGET ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else { // no way to get there =(
DevWarning( 2, "GetPathToEnemyLKP failed!!\n" ); RememberUnreachable(GetEnemy()); TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ROUTE); } break; }
case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_INTERACTION_PARTNER: { if ( !m_hForcedInteractionPartner || IsUnreachable(m_hForcedInteractionPartner) ) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ROUTE); return; }
// Calculate the position we need to be at to start the interaction.
AI_NavGoal_t goal( m_vecForcedWorldPosition ); TranslateNavGoal( m_hForcedInteractionPartner, goal.dest );
if ( GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal, AIN_CLEAR_TARGET ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else { DevWarning( 2, "GetPathToInteractionPartner failed!!\n" ); RememberUnreachable(m_hForcedInteractionPartner); TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ROUTE); } break; }
case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_RANGE_ENEMY_LKP_LOS: { if ( GetEnemy() ) { // Find out which range to use (either innately or a held weapon)
float flRange = -1.0f; if ( CapabilitiesGet() & (bits_CAP_INNATE_RANGE_ATTACK1|bits_CAP_INNATE_RANGE_ATTACK2) ) { flRange = InnateRange1MaxRange(); } else if ( GetActiveWeapon() ) { flRange = MAX( GetActiveWeapon()->m_fMaxRange1, GetActiveWeapon()->m_fMaxRange2 ); } else { // You can't call this task without either innate range attacks or a weapon!
Assert( 0 ); TaskFail( FAIL_NO_ROUTE ); }
// Clamp to the specified range, if supplied
if ( pTask->flTaskData != 0 && pTask->flTaskData < flRange ) flRange = pTask->flTaskData; // For now, just try running straight at enemy
float dist = EnemyDistance( GetEnemy() ); if ( dist <= flRange || GetNavigator()->SetVectorGoalFromTarget( GetEnemy()->GetAbsOrigin(), dist - flRange ) ) { TaskComplete(); break; } }
TaskFail( FAIL_NO_ROUTE ); break; } case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LOS: case TASK_GET_FLANK_RADIUS_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LOS: case TASK_GET_FLANK_ARC_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LOS: case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LKP_LOS: { if ( GetEnemy() == NULL ) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ENEMY); return; } AI_PROFILE_SCOPE(CAI_BaseNPC_FindLosToEnemy); float flMaxRange = 2000; float flMinRange = 0; if ( GetActiveWeapon() ) { flMaxRange = MAX( GetActiveWeapon()->m_fMaxRange1, GetActiveWeapon()->m_fMaxRange2 ); flMinRange = MIN( GetActiveWeapon()->m_fMinRange1, GetActiveWeapon()->m_fMinRange2 ); } else if ( CapabilitiesGet() & bits_CAP_INNATE_RANGE_ATTACK1 ) { flMaxRange = InnateRange1MaxRange(); flMinRange = InnateRange1MinRange(); }
//Check against NPC's max range
if ( flMaxRange > m_flDistTooFar ) { flMaxRange = m_flDistTooFar; }
Vector vecEnemy = ( task != TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LKP ) ? GetEnemy()->GetAbsOrigin() : GetEnemyLKP(); Vector vecEnemyEye = vecEnemy + GetEnemy()->GetViewOffset();
Vector posLos; bool found = false;
if ( ( task != TASK_GET_FLANK_RADIUS_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LOS ) && ( task != TASK_GET_FLANK_ARC_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LOS ) ) { if ( GetTacticalServices()->FindLateralLos( vecEnemyEye, &posLos ) ) { float dist = ( posLos - vecEnemyEye ).Length(); if ( dist < flMaxRange && dist > flMinRange ) found = true; } } if ( !found ) { FlankType_t eFlankType = FLANKTYPE_NONE; Vector vecFlankRefPos = vec3_origin; float flFlankParam = 0; if ( task == TASK_GET_FLANK_RADIUS_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LOS ) { eFlankType = FLANKTYPE_RADIUS; vecFlankRefPos = m_vSavePosition; flFlankParam = pTask->flTaskData; } else if ( task == TASK_GET_FLANK_ARC_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LOS ) { eFlankType = FLANKTYPE_ARC; vecFlankRefPos = m_vSavePosition; flFlankParam = pTask->flTaskData; }
if ( GetTacticalServices()->FindLos( vecEnemy, vecEnemyEye, flMinRange, flMaxRange, 1.0, eFlankType, vecFlankRefPos, flFlankParam, &posLos ) ) { found = true; } }
if ( !found ) { TaskFail( FAIL_NO_SHOOT ); } else { // else drop into run task to offer an interrupt
m_vInterruptSavePosition = posLos; } } break;
switch ( (int) pTask->flTaskData ) { case GOAL_ENEMY: //Enemy
if ( GetEnemy() == NULL ) { TaskFail( FAIL_NO_ENEMY ); return; } //Setup our stored info
m_vecStoredPathGoal = GetEnemy()->GetAbsOrigin(); m_nStoredPathType = GOALTYPE_ENEMY; m_fStoredPathFlags = 0; m_hStoredPathTarget = GetEnemy(); GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity(ACT_RUN); break; case GOAL_ENEMY_LKP: //Enemy's last known position
if ( GetEnemy() == NULL ) { TaskFail( FAIL_NO_ENEMY ); return; } //Setup our stored info
m_vecStoredPathGoal = GetEnemyLKP(); m_nStoredPathType = GOALTYPE_LOCATION; m_fStoredPathFlags = 0; m_hStoredPathTarget = NULL; GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity(ACT_RUN); break; case GOAL_TARGET: //Target entity
if ( m_hTargetEnt == NULL ) { TaskFail( FAIL_NO_TARGET ); return; } //Setup our stored info
m_vecStoredPathGoal = m_hTargetEnt->GetAbsOrigin(); m_nStoredPathType = GOALTYPE_TARGETENT; m_fStoredPathFlags = 0; m_hStoredPathTarget = m_hTargetEnt; GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity(ACT_RUN); break;
case GOAL_SAVED_POSITION: //Saved position
//Setup our stored info
m_vecStoredPathGoal = m_vSavePosition; m_nStoredPathType = GOALTYPE_LOCATION; m_fStoredPathFlags = 0; m_hStoredPathTarget = NULL; GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity(ACT_RUN); break; }
case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_GOAL: { AI_NavGoal_t goal( m_nStoredPathType, AIN_DEF_ACTIVITY, AIN_HULL_TOLERANCE, AIN_DEF_FLAGS, m_hStoredPathTarget ); bool foundPath = false;
//Find our path
switch ( (int) pTask->flTaskData ) { case PATH_TRAVEL: //A land path to our goal
goal.dest = m_vecStoredPathGoal; foundPath = GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal ); break;
case PATH_LOS: //A path to get LOS to our goal
{ float flMaxRange = 2000.0f; float flMinRange = 0.0f;
if ( GetActiveWeapon() ) { flMaxRange = MAX( GetActiveWeapon()->m_fMaxRange1, GetActiveWeapon()->m_fMaxRange2 ); flMinRange = MIN( GetActiveWeapon()->m_fMinRange1, GetActiveWeapon()->m_fMinRange2 ); } else if ( CapabilitiesGet() & bits_CAP_INNATE_RANGE_ATTACK1 ) { flMaxRange = InnateRange1MaxRange(); flMinRange = InnateRange1MinRange(); }
// Check against NPC's max range
if ( flMaxRange > m_flDistTooFar ) { flMaxRange = m_flDistTooFar; }
Vector eyePosition = ( m_hStoredPathTarget != NULL ) ? m_hStoredPathTarget->EyePosition() : m_vecStoredPathGoal;
Vector posLos;
// See if we've found it
if ( GetTacticalServices()->FindLos( m_vecStoredPathGoal, eyePosition, flMinRange, flMaxRange, 1.0f, &posLos ) ) { goal.dest = posLos; foundPath = GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal ); } else { // No LOS to goal
TaskFail( FAIL_NO_SHOOT ); return; } } break;
case PATH_COVER: //Get a path to cover FROM our goal
{ CBaseEntity *pEntity = ( m_hStoredPathTarget == NULL ) ? this : m_hStoredPathTarget;
//Find later cover first
Vector coverPos;
if ( GetTacticalServices()->FindLateralCover( pEntity->EyePosition(), 0, &coverPos ) ) { AI_NavGoal_t goal( coverPos, ACT_RUN ); GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal, AIN_CLEAR_PREVIOUS_STATE ); //FIXME: What exactly is this doing internally?
m_flMoveWaitFinished = gpGlobals->curtime + pTask->flTaskData; TaskComplete(); return; } else { //Try any cover
if ( GetTacticalServices()->FindCoverPos( pEntity->GetAbsOrigin(), pEntity->EyePosition(), 0, CoverRadius(), &coverPos ) ) { //If we've found it, find a safe route there
AI_NavGoal_t coverGoal( GOALTYPE_COVER, coverPos, ACT_RUN, AIN_HULL_TOLERANCE, AIN_DEF_FLAGS, m_hStoredPathTarget ); foundPath = GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal );
m_flMoveWaitFinished = gpGlobals->curtime + pTask->flTaskData; } else { TaskFail( FAIL_NO_COVER ); } } }
break; }
//Now validate our try
if ( foundPath ) { TaskComplete(); } else { TaskFail( FAIL_NO_ROUTE ); } } break;
case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY: { if (IsUnreachable(GetEnemy())) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ROUTE); return; }
CBaseEntity *pEnemy = GetEnemy();
if ( pEnemy == NULL ) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ENEMY); return; } if ( GetNavigator()->SetGoal( GOALTYPE_ENEMY ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else { // no way to get there =(
DevWarning( 2, "GetPathToEnemy failed!!\n" ); RememberUnreachable(GetEnemy()); TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ROUTE); } break; } case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY_CORPSE: { Vector forward; AngleVectors( GetLocalAngles(), &forward ); Vector vecEnemyLKP = GetEnemyLKP();
GetNavigator()->SetGoal( vecEnemyLKP - forward * 64, AIN_CLEAR_TARGET); } break;
case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_PLAYER: { CBaseEntity *pPlayer = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, "!player" );
AI_NavGoal_t goal;
goal.type = GOALTYPE_LOCATION; goal.dest = pPlayer->WorldSpaceCenter(); goal.pTarget = pPlayer;
GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal ); break; }
case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_SAVEPOSITION_LOS: { if ( GetEnemy() == NULL ) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ENEMY); return; } float flMaxRange = 2000; float flMinRange = 0; if ( GetActiveWeapon() ) { flMaxRange = MAX(GetActiveWeapon()->m_fMaxRange1,GetActiveWeapon()->m_fMaxRange2); flMinRange = MIN(GetActiveWeapon()->m_fMinRange1,GetActiveWeapon()->m_fMinRange2); } else if ( CapabilitiesGet() & bits_CAP_INNATE_RANGE_ATTACK1 ) { flMaxRange = InnateRange1MaxRange(); flMinRange = InnateRange1MinRange(); }
// Check against NPC's max range
if (flMaxRange > m_flDistTooFar) { flMaxRange = m_flDistTooFar; }
Vector posLos;
if (GetTacticalServices()->FindLos(m_vSavePosition,m_vSavePosition, flMinRange, flMaxRange, 1.0, &posLos)) { GetNavigator()->SetGoal( AI_NavGoal_t( posLos, ACT_RUN, AIN_HULL_TOLERANCE ) ); } else { // no coverwhatsoever.
TaskFail(FAIL_NO_SHOOT); } break; }
case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_TARGET_WEAPON: { // Finds the nearest node within the leniency distances,
// whether the node can see the target or not.
const float XY_LENIENCY = 64.0; const float Z_LENIENCY = 72.0;
if (m_hTargetEnt == NULL) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_TARGET); } else { // Since this weapon MAY be on a table, we find the nearest node without verifying
// line-of-sight, since weapons on the table will not be able to see nodes very nearby.
int node = GetNavigator()->GetNetwork()->NearestNodeToPoint( this, m_hTargetEnt->GetAbsOrigin(), false ); CAI_Node *pNode = GetNavigator()->GetNetwork()->GetNode( node );
if( !pNode ) { TaskFail( FAIL_NO_ROUTE ); break; }
bool bHasPath = true; Vector vecNodePos;
vecNodePos = pNode->GetPosition( GetHullType() );
float flDistZ; flDistZ = fabs( vecNodePos.z - m_hTargetEnt->GetAbsOrigin().z ); if( flDistZ > Z_LENIENCY ) { // The gun is too far away from its nearest node on the Z axis.
TaskFail( "Target not within Z_LENIENCY!\n"); CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = dynamic_cast<CBaseCombatWeapon*>( m_hTargetEnt.Get() ); if( pWeapon ) { // Lock this weapon for a long time so no one else tries to get it.
pWeapon->Lock( 30.0f, pWeapon ); break; } }
if( flDistZ >= 16.0 ) { // The gun is higher or lower, but it's within reach. (probably on a table).
float flDistXY = ( vecNodePos - m_hTargetEnt->GetAbsOrigin() ).Length2D();
// This means we have to stand on the nearest node and still be able to
// reach the gun.
if( flDistXY > XY_LENIENCY ) { TaskFail( "Target not within XY_LENIENCY!\n" ); CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = dynamic_cast<CBaseCombatWeapon*>( m_hTargetEnt.Get() ); if( pWeapon ) { // Lock this weapon for a long time so no one else tries to get it.
pWeapon->Lock( 30.0f, pWeapon ); break; } }
AI_NavGoal_t goal( vecNodePos ); goal.pTarget = m_hTargetEnt; bHasPath = GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal ); } else { // The gun is likely just lying on the floor. Just pick it up.
AI_NavGoal_t goal( m_hTargetEnt->GetAbsOrigin() ); goal.pTarget = m_hTargetEnt; bHasPath = GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal ); }
if( !bHasPath ) { CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = dynamic_cast<CBaseCombatWeapon*>( m_hTargetEnt.Get() ); if( pWeapon ) { // Lock this weapon for a long time so no one else tries to get it.
pWeapon->Lock( 15.0f, pWeapon ); } } } } break;
case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_TARGET: { if (m_hTargetEnt == NULL) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_TARGET); } else { AI_NavGoal_t goal( static_cast<const Vector&>(m_hTargetEnt->EyePosition()) ); goal.pTarget = m_hTargetEnt; GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal ); } break; }
case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_HINTNODE:// for active idles!
{ if (!GetHintNode()) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_HINT_NODE); } else { Vector vHintPos; GetHintNode()->GetPosition(this, &vHintPos);
GetNavigator()->SetGoal( AI_NavGoal_t( vHintPos, ACT_RUN ) ); if ( pTask->flTaskData == 0 ) GetNavigator()->SetArrivalDirection( GetHintNode()->GetDirection() ); if ( GetHintNode()->HintActivityName() != NULL_STRING ) { Activity hintActivity = (Activity)CAI_BaseNPC::GetActivityID( STRING(GetHintNode()->HintActivityName()) ); if ( hintActivity != ACT_INVALID ) { GetNavigator()->SetArrivalActivity( GetHintActivity(GetHintNode()->HintType(), hintActivity) ); } else { int iSequence = LookupSequence(STRING(GetHintNode()->HintActivityName()));; if ( iSequence != ACT_INVALID ) GetNavigator()->SetArrivalSequence( iSequence ); }
} } break; }
case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_COMMAND_GOAL: { if (!GetNavigator()->SetGoal( m_vecCommandGoal )) { OnMoveToCommandGoalFailed(); TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ROUTE); } break; }
case TASK_MARK_COMMAND_GOAL_POS: // Start watching my position to detect whether another AI process has moved me from my mark.
m_CommandMoveMonitor.SetMark( this, COMMAND_GOAL_TOLERANCE ); TaskComplete(); break;
case TASK_CLEAR_COMMAND_GOAL: m_vecCommandGoal = vec3_invalid; TaskComplete(); break; case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_LASTPOSITION: { if (!GetNavigator()->SetGoal( m_vecLastPosition )) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ROUTE); } else { GetNavigator()->SetGoalTolerance( 48 ); } break; }
case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_SAVEPOSITION: { GetNavigator()->SetGoal( m_vSavePosition ); break; }
case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_RANDOM_NODE: // Task argument is lenth of path to build
{ if ( GetNavigator()->SetRandomGoal( pTask->flTaskData ) ) TaskComplete(); else TaskFail(FAIL_NO_REACHABLE_NODE); break; }
CSound *pSound = GetBestSound(); if (!pSound) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_SOUND); } else { GetNavigator()->SetGoal( pSound->GetSoundReactOrigin() ); } break; } case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_BESTSCENT: {
CSound *pScent = GetBestScent(); if (!pScent) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_SCENT); } else { GetNavigator()->SetGoal( pScent->GetSoundOrigin() ); } break; } case TASK_GET_PATH_AWAY_FROM_BEST_SOUND: { CSound *pBestSound = GetBestSound(); if ( !pBestSound ) { TaskFail("No Sound!"); break; }
GetMotor()->SetIdealYawToTarget( pBestSound->GetSoundOrigin() ); ChainStartTask( TASK_MOVE_AWAY_PATH, pTask->flTaskData ); LockBestSound(); break; } case TASK_MOVE_AWAY_PATH: { // Drop into run task to support interrupt
DesireStand(); } break;
case TASK_WEAPON_RUN_PATH: case TASK_ITEM_RUN_PATH: GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity(ACT_RUN); break;
case TASK_RUN_PATH: { // UNDONE: This is in some default AI and some NPCs can't run? -- walk instead?
if ( TranslateActivity( ACT_RUN ) != ACT_INVALID ) { GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity( ACT_RUN ); } else { GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity(ACT_WALK); } // Cover is void once I move
Forget( bits_MEMORY_INCOVER ); TaskComplete(); break; }
case TASK_WALK_PATH_FOR_UNITS: { GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity(ACT_WALK); break; } case TASK_RUN_PATH_FOR_UNITS: { GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity(ACT_RUN); break; } case TASK_WALK_PATH: { bool bIsFlying = (GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_FLY) || (GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_FLYGRAVITY); if ( bIsFlying && ( TranslateActivity( ACT_FLY ) != ACT_INVALID) ) { GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity(ACT_FLY); } else if ( TranslateActivity( ACT_WALK ) != ACT_INVALID ) { GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity(ACT_WALK); } else { GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity(ACT_RUN); } // Cover is void once I move
Forget( bits_MEMORY_INCOVER ); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_WALK_PATH_WITHIN_DIST: { GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity(ACT_WALK); // set that we're probably going to stop before the goal
GetNavigator()->SetArrivalDistance( pTask->flTaskData ); break; } case TASK_RUN_PATH_WITHIN_DIST: { GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity(ACT_RUN); // set that we're probably going to stop before the goal
GetNavigator()->SetArrivalDistance( pTask->flTaskData ); break; } case TASK_RUN_PATH_FLEE: { Vector vecDiff; vecDiff = GetLocalOrigin() - GetNavigator()->GetGoalPos();
if( vecDiff.Length() <= pTask->flTaskData ) { GetNavigator()->StopMoving(); TaskFail("Flee path shorter than task parameter"); } else { GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity(ACT_RUN); }
break; } case TASK_WALK_PATH_TIMED: { GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity(ACT_WALK); SetWait( pTask->flTaskData ); break; } case TASK_RUN_PATH_TIMED: { GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity(ACT_RUN); SetWait( pTask->flTaskData ); break; } case TASK_STRAFE_PATH: { Vector2D vec2DirToPoint; Vector2D vec2RightSide;
// to start strafing, we have to first figure out if the target is on the left side or right side
Vector right; AngleVectors( GetLocalAngles(), NULL, &right, NULL );
vec2DirToPoint = ( GetNavigator()->GetCurWaypointPos() - GetLocalOrigin() ).AsVector2D(); Vector2DNormalize(vec2DirToPoint); vec2RightSide = right.AsVector2D(); Vector2DNormalize(vec2RightSide);
if ( DotProduct2D ( vec2DirToPoint, vec2RightSide ) > 0 ) { // strafe right
GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity(ACT_STRAFE_RIGHT); } else { // strafe left
GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity(ACT_STRAFE_LEFT); } TaskComplete(); break; }
case TASK_WAIT_FOR_MOVEMENT_STEP: { if(!GetNavigator()->IsGoalActive()) { TaskComplete(); return; }
if ( IsActivityFinished() ) { TaskComplete(); return; } ValidateNavGoal(); break; }
case TASK_WAIT_FOR_MOVEMENT: { if (GetNavigator()->GetGoalType() == GOALTYPE_NONE) { TaskComplete(); GetNavigator()->ClearGoal(); // Clear residual state
} else if (!GetNavigator()->IsGoalActive()) { SetIdealActivity( GetStoppedActivity() ); } else { // Check validity of goal type
ValidateNavGoal(); } break; } case TASK_SMALL_FLINCH: { Remember(bits_MEMORY_FLINCHED); SetIdealActivity( GetFlinchActivity( false, false ) ); m_flNextFlinchTime = gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat( 3, 5 ); break; } case TASK_BIG_FLINCH: { Remember(bits_MEMORY_FLINCHED); SetIdealActivity( GetFlinchActivity( true, false ) ); m_flNextFlinchTime = gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat( 3, 5 ); break; } case TASK_DIE: { GetNavigator()->StopMoving(); SetIdealActivity( GetDeathActivity() ); m_lifeState = LIFE_DYING;
break; } case TASK_SOUND_WAKE: { AlertSound(); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_SOUND_DIE: { CTakeDamageInfo info; DeathSound( info ); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_SOUND_IDLE: { IdleSound(); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_SOUND_PAIN: { CTakeDamageInfo info; PainSound( info ); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_SOUND_ANGRY: { // sounds are complete as soon as we get here, cause we've already played them.
DevMsg( 2, "SOUND\n" ); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_SPEAK_SENTENCE: { SpeakSentence(pTask->flTaskData); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_WAIT_FOR_SPEAK_FINISH: { if ( !GetExpresser() ) TaskComplete(); else { // Are we waiting for our speech to end? Or for the mutex to be free?
if ( pTask->flTaskData ) { // Waiting for our speech to end
if ( GetExpresser()->CanSpeakAfterMyself() ) { TaskComplete(); } } else { // Waiting for the speech & the delay afterwards
if ( !GetExpresser()->IsSpeaking() ) { TaskComplete(); } } break;
} break; } case TASK_WAIT_FOR_SCRIPT: { if ( !m_hCine ) { DevMsg( "Scripted sequence destroyed while in use\n" ); TaskFail( FAIL_SCHEDULE_NOT_FOUND ); break; }
break; } case TASK_PUSH_SCRIPT_ARRIVAL_ACTIVITY: { if ( !m_hCine ) { DevMsg( "Scripted sequence destroyed while in use\n" ); TaskFail( FAIL_SCHEDULE_NOT_FOUND ); break; }
string_t iszArrivalText;
if ( m_hCine->m_iszEntry != NULL_STRING ) { iszArrivalText = m_hCine->m_iszEntry; } else if ( m_hCine->m_iszPlay != NULL_STRING ) { iszArrivalText = m_hCine->m_iszPlay; } else if ( m_hCine->m_iszPostIdle != NULL_STRING ) { iszArrivalText = m_hCine->m_iszPostIdle; } else iszArrivalText = NULL_STRING;
m_ScriptArrivalActivity = AIN_DEF_ACTIVITY; m_strScriptArrivalSequence = NULL_STRING;
if ( iszArrivalText != NULL_STRING ) { m_ScriptArrivalActivity = (Activity)GetActivityID( STRING( iszArrivalText ) ); if ( m_ScriptArrivalActivity == ACT_INVALID ) m_strScriptArrivalSequence = iszArrivalText; }
TaskComplete(); break; }
case TASK_PLAY_SCRIPT: { // Throw away any stopping paths we have saved, because we
// won't be able to resume them after the sequence.
if ( HasMovement( GetSequence() ) || m_hCine->m_bIgnoreGravity ) { AddFlag( FL_FLY ); SetGroundEntity( NULL ); }
if (m_hCine) { m_hCine->SynchronizeSequence( this ); } //
// Start playing a scripted sequence.
m_scriptState = SCRIPT_PLAYING; break; } case TASK_PLAY_SCRIPT_POST_IDLE: { //
// Start playing a scripted post idle.
m_scriptState = SCRIPT_POST_IDLE; break; }
// This is the first task of every schedule driven by a scripted_sequence.
// Delay starting the sequence until all actors have hit their marks.
case TASK_PRE_SCRIPT: { if ( !ai_task_pre_script.GetBool() ) { TaskComplete(); } else if ( !m_hCine ) { TaskComplete(); //DevMsg( "Scripted sequence destroyed while in use\n" );
} else { m_hCine->DelayStart( true ); TaskComplete(); } break; }
// Start waiting to play a script. Play the script's pre idle animation if one
// is specified, otherwise just go to our default idle activity.
if ( m_hCine->m_iszPreIdle != NULL_STRING ) { m_hCine->StartSequence( ( CAI_BaseNPC * )this, m_hCine->m_iszPreIdle, false ); if ( FStrEq( STRING( m_hCine->m_iszPreIdle ), STRING( m_hCine->m_iszPlay ) ) ) { m_flPlaybackRate = 0; } } else if ( m_scriptState != SCRIPT_CUSTOM_MOVE_TO_MARK ) { // FIXME: too many ss assume its safe to leave the npc is whatever sequence they were in before, so only slam their activity
// if they're playing a recognizable movement animation
// dvs: Check current activity rather than ideal activity. Since scripted NPCs early out in MaintainActivity,
// they'll never reach their ideal activity if it's different from their current activity.
if ( GetActivity() == ACT_WALK || GetActivity() == ACT_RUN || GetActivity() == ACT_WALK_AIM || GetActivity() == ACT_RUN_AIM ) { SetActivity( ACT_IDLE ); } #else
if ( GetIdealActivity() == ACT_WALK || GetIdealActivity() == ACT_RUN || GetIdealActivity() == ACT_WALK_AIM || GetIdealActivity() == ACT_RUN_AIM ) { SetActivity( ACT_IDLE ); } #endif // HL2_EPISODIC
} break; } case TASK_PLANT_ON_SCRIPT: { if ( m_hTargetEnt != NULL ) { SetLocalOrigin( m_hTargetEnt->GetAbsOrigin() ); // Plant on target
TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_FACE_SCRIPT: { if ( m_hTargetEnt != NULL ) { GetMotor()->SetIdealYaw( UTIL_AngleMod( m_hTargetEnt->GetLocalAngles().y ) ); }
if ( m_scriptState != SCRIPT_CUSTOM_MOVE_TO_MARK ) { SetTurnActivity(); // dvs: HACK: MaintainActivity won't do anything while scripted, so go straight there.
SetActivity( GetIdealActivity() ); }
GetNavigator()->StopMoving(); break; }
case TASK_PLAY_SCENE: { // inside a scene with movement and sequence commands
break; }
case TASK_SUGGEST_STATE: { SetIdealState( (NPC_STATE)(int)pTask->flTaskData ); TaskComplete(); break; }
case TASK_SET_FAIL_SCHEDULE: m_failSchedule = (int)pTask->flTaskData; TaskComplete(); break;
case TASK_SET_TOLERANCE_DISTANCE: GetNavigator()->SetGoalTolerance( (int)pTask->flTaskData ); TaskComplete(); break;
case TASK_SET_ROUTE_SEARCH_TIME: GetNavigator()->SetMaxRouteRebuildTime( (int)pTask->flTaskData ); TaskComplete(); break;
case TASK_CLEAR_FAIL_SCHEDULE: m_failSchedule = SCHED_NONE; TaskComplete(); break;
case TASK_WEAPON_FIND: { m_hTargetEnt = Weapon_FindUsable( Vector(1000,1000,1000) ); if (m_hTargetEnt) { TaskComplete(); } else { TaskFail(FAIL_ITEM_NO_FIND); } } break;
case TASK_ITEM_PICKUP: { SetIdealActivity( ACT_PICKUP_GROUND ); } break;
case TASK_WEAPON_PICKUP: { if( GetActiveWeapon() ) { Weapon_Drop( GetActiveWeapon() ); }
if( GetTarget() ) { CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = dynamic_cast<CBaseCombatWeapon*>(GetTarget()); if( pWeapon ) { if( Weapon_IsOnGround( pWeapon ) ) { // Squat down
SetIdealActivity( ACT_PICKUP_GROUND ); } else { // Reach and take this weapon from rack or shelf.
SetIdealActivity( ACT_PICKUP_RACK ); }
return; } }
TaskFail("Weapon went away!\n"); } break;
case TASK_WEAPON_CREATE: { if( !GetActiveWeapon() && GetTarget() ) { // Create a copy of the weapon this NPC is trying to pick up.
CBaseCombatWeapon *pTargetWeapon = dynamic_cast<CBaseCombatWeapon*>(GetTarget());
if( pTargetWeapon ) { CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = Weapon_Create( pTargetWeapon->GetClassname() ); if ( pWeapon ) { Weapon_Equip( pWeapon ); } } } SetTarget( NULL ); TaskComplete(); } break;
case TASK_USE_SMALL_HULL: { SetHullSizeSmall(); TaskComplete(); } break; case TASK_FALL_TO_GROUND: // Set a wait time to try to force a ground ent.
SetWait(4); break; case TASK_WANDER: { // This task really uses 2 parameters, so we have to extract
// them from a single integer. To send both parameters, the
// formula is MIN_DIST * 10000 + MAX_DIST
{ int iMinDist, iMaxDist, iParameter;
iParameter = pTask->flTaskData;
iMinDist = iParameter / 10000; iMaxDist = iParameter - (iMinDist * 10000);
if ( GetNavigator()->SetWanderGoal( iMinDist, iMaxDist ) ) TaskComplete(); else TaskFail(FAIL_NO_REACHABLE_NODE); } } break;
case TASK_FREEZE: m_flPlaybackRate = 0; break;
case TASK_GATHER_CONDITIONS: GatherConditions(); TaskComplete(); break;
case TASK_IGNORE_OLD_ENEMIES: m_flAcceptableTimeSeenEnemy = gpGlobals->curtime; if ( GetEnemy() && GetEnemyLastTimeSeen() < m_flAcceptableTimeSeenEnemy ) { CBaseEntity *pNewEnemy = BestEnemy();
Assert( pNewEnemy != GetEnemy() );
if( pNewEnemy != NULL ) { // New enemy! Clear the timers and set conditions.
SetEnemy( pNewEnemy ); SetState( NPC_STATE_COMBAT ); } else { SetEnemy( NULL ); ClearAttackConditions(); } } TaskComplete(); break;
case TASK_ADD_HEALTH: TakeHealth( (int)pTask->flTaskData, DMG_GENERIC ); TaskComplete(); break;
default: { DevMsg( "No StartTask entry for %s\n", TaskName( task ) ); } break; } }
void CAI_BaseNPC::StartTaskOverlay() { if ( IsCurTaskContinuousMove() ) { if ( ShouldMoveAndShoot() ) { m_MoveAndShootOverlay.StartShootWhileMove(); } else { m_MoveAndShootOverlay.NoShootWhileMove(); } } }
void CAI_BaseNPC::RunDieTask() { AutoMovement();
if ( IsActivityFinished() && GetCycle() >= 1.0f ) { m_lifeState = LIFE_DEAD; SetThink ( NULL ); StopAnimation();
if ( !BBoxFlat() ) { // a bit of a hack. If a corpses' bbox is positioned such that being left solid so that it can be attacked will
// block the player on a slope or stairs, the corpse is made nonsolid.
// SetSolid( SOLID_NOT );
UTIL_SetSize ( this, Vector ( -4, -4, 0 ), Vector ( 4, 4, 1 ) ); } else // !!!HACKHACK - put NPC in a thin, wide bounding box until we fix the solid type/bounding volume problem
UTIL_SetSize ( this, WorldAlignMins(), Vector ( WorldAlignMaxs().x, WorldAlignMaxs().y, WorldAlignMins().z + 1 ) ); } }
void CAI_BaseNPC::RunAttackTask( int task ) { AutoMovement( );
Vector vecEnemyLKP = GetEnemyLKP();
// If our enemy was killed, but I'm not done animating, the last known position comes
// back as the origin and makes the me face the world origin if my attack schedule
// doesn't break when my enemy dies. (sjb)
if( vecEnemyLKP != vec3_origin ) { if ( ( task == TASK_RANGE_ATTACK1 || task == TASK_RELOAD ) && ( CapabilitiesGet() & bits_CAP_AIM_GUN ) && FInAimCone( vecEnemyLKP ) ) { // Arms will aim, so leave body yaw as is
GetMotor()->SetIdealYawAndUpdate( GetMotor()->GetIdealYaw(), AI_KEEP_YAW_SPEED ); } else { GetMotor()->SetIdealYawToTargetAndUpdate( vecEnemyLKP, AI_KEEP_YAW_SPEED ); } }
if ( IsActivityFinished() ) { if ( task == TASK_RELOAD && GetShotRegulator() ) { GetShotRegulator()->Reset( false ); }
TaskComplete(); } }
// RunTask
void CAI_BaseNPC::RunTask( const Task_t *pTask ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "CAI_BaseNPC::RunTask", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_NPCS ); switch ( pTask->iTask ) { case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_RANDOM_NODE: { break; } case TASK_TURN_RIGHT: case TASK_TURN_LEFT: { // If the yaw is locked, this function will not act correctly
Assert( GetMotor()->IsYawLocked() == false );
if ( FacingIdeal() ) { TaskComplete(); } break; }
if ( pTask->iTask == TASK_PLAY_SEQUENCE_FACE_TARGET ) pTarget = m_hTargetEnt; else pTarget = GetEnemy(); if ( pTarget ) { GetMotor()->SetIdealYawAndUpdate( pTarget->GetAbsOrigin() - GetLocalOrigin() , AI_KEEP_YAW_SPEED ); }
if ( IsActivityFinished() ) { TaskComplete(); } } break;
case TASK_PLAY_HINT_ACTIVITY: { if (!GetHintNode()) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_HINT_NODE); }
// Put a debugging check in here
if (GetHintNode()->User() != this) { DevMsg("Hint node (%s) being used by non-owner!\n",GetHintNode()->GetDebugName()); }
if ( IsActivityFinished() ) { TaskComplete(); }
break; }
case TASK_STOP_MOVING: { if ( pTask->flTaskData == 1 ) { ChainRunTask( TASK_WAIT_FOR_MOVEMENT ); if ( GetTaskStatus() == TASKSTATUS_COMPLETE ) { DbgNavMsg( this, "TASK_STOP_MOVING Complete\n" ); } } else { // if they're jumping, wait until they land
if (GetNavType() == NAV_JUMP) { if (GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND) { DbgNavMsg( this, "Jump landed\n" ); SetNavType( NAV_GROUND ); // this assumes that NAV_JUMP only happens with npcs that use NAV_GROUND as base movement
} else if (GetSmoothedVelocity().Length() > 0.01) // use an EPSILON damnit!!
{ // wait until you land
break; } else { DbgNavMsg( this, "Jump stuck\n" ); // stopped and stuck!
SetNavType( NAV_GROUND ); TaskFail( FAIL_STUCK_ONTOP ); } }
// @TODO (toml 10-30-02): this is unacceptable, but needed until navigation can handle commencing
// a navigation while in the middle of a climb
if (GetNavType() == NAV_CLIMB) { // wait until you reach the end
break; }
DbgNavMsg( this, "TASK_STOP_MOVING Complete\n" ); SetIdealActivity( GetStoppedActivity() );
TaskComplete(); } break; }
case TASK_PLAY_SEQUENCE: case TASK_PLAY_PRIVATE_SEQUENCE: { AutoMovement( ); if ( IsActivityFinished() ) { TaskComplete(); } break; }
case TASK_ADD_GESTURE_WAIT: { if ( IsWaitFinished() ) { TaskComplete(); } break; }
case TASK_SET_ACTIVITY: { if ( IsActivityStarted() ) { TaskComplete(); } } break;
case TASK_FACE_ENEMY: { // If the yaw is locked, this function will not act correctly
Assert( GetMotor()->IsYawLocked() == false );
Vector vecEnemyLKP = GetEnemyLKP(); if (!FInAimCone( vecEnemyLKP )) { GetMotor()->SetIdealYawToTarget( vecEnemyLKP ); GetMotor()->SetIdealYaw( CalcReasonableFacing( true ) ); // CalcReasonableFacing() is based on previously set ideal yaw
} else { float flReasonableFacing = CalcReasonableFacing( true ); if ( fabsf( flReasonableFacing - GetMotor()->GetIdealYaw() ) > 1 ) GetMotor()->SetIdealYaw( flReasonableFacing ); }
GetMotor()->UpdateYaw(); if ( FacingIdeal() ) { TaskComplete(); } break; } case TASK_FACE_PLAYER: { // Get edict for one player
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = AI_GetSinglePlayer(); if ( pPlayer ) { GetMotor()->SetIdealYawToTargetAndUpdate( pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(), AI_KEEP_YAW_SPEED ); SetTurnActivity(); if ( IsWaitFinished() && GetMotor()->DeltaIdealYaw() < 10 ) { TaskComplete(); } } else { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_PLAYER); } } break;
case TASK_FIND_COVER_FROM_BEST_SOUND: { switch( GetTaskInterrupt() ) { case 0: { if ( !FindCoverFromBestSound( &m_vInterruptSavePosition ) ) TaskFail(FAIL_NO_COVER); else { GetNavigator()->IgnoreStoppingPath(); LockBestSound(); TaskInterrupt(); } } break;
case 1: { AI_NavGoal_t goal(m_vInterruptSavePosition, ACT_RUN, AIN_HULL_TOLERANCE);
CSound *pBestSound = GetBestSound(); if ( pBestSound ) goal.maxInitialSimplificationDist = pBestSound->Volume() * 0.5;
if ( GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal ) ) { m_flMoveWaitFinished = gpGlobals->curtime + pTask->flTaskData; } } break; } } break;
Assert( GetMotor()->IsYawLocked() == false );
GetMotor()->UpdateYaw(); if ( FacingIdeal() ) { TaskComplete(); } break; }
case TASK_FACE_REASONABLE: { // If the yaw is locked, this function will not act correctly
Assert( GetMotor()->IsYawLocked() == false );
if ( FacingIdeal() ) { TaskComplete(); } break; } case TASK_WAIT_PVS: { if ( ShouldAlwaysThink() || UTIL_FindClientInPVS(edict()) || ( GetState() == NPC_STATE_COMBAT && GetEnemy() && gpGlobals->curtime - GetEnemies()->LastTimeSeen( GetEnemy() ) < 15 ) ) { TaskComplete(); } break; } case TASK_WAIT_INDEFINITE: { // don't do anything.
break; } case TASK_WAIT: case TASK_WAIT_RANDOM: { if ( IsWaitFinished() ) { TaskComplete(); } break; } case TASK_WAIT_FACE_ENEMY: case TASK_WAIT_FACE_ENEMY_RANDOM: { Vector vecEnemyLKP = GetEnemyLKP(); if (!FInAimCone( vecEnemyLKP )) { GetMotor()->SetIdealYawToTargetAndUpdate( vecEnemyLKP , AI_KEEP_YAW_SPEED ); }
if ( IsWaitFinished() ) { TaskComplete(); } break; } case TASK_WAIT_UNTIL_NO_DANGER_SOUND: if( !HasCondition( COND_HEAR_DANGER ) ) { TaskComplete(); } break;
case TASK_MOVE_TO_TARGET_RANGE: case TASK_MOVE_TO_GOAL_RANGE: { // Identical tasks, except that target_range uses m_hTargetEnt,
// and Goal range uses the nav goal
CBaseEntity *pTarget = NULL; if ( pTask->iTask == TASK_MOVE_TO_GOAL_RANGE ) { pTarget = GetNavigator()->GetGoalTarget(); } if ( !pTarget ) { pTarget = m_hTargetEnt.Get(); }
float distance;
if ( pTarget == NULL ) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_TARGET); } else if (GetNavigator()->GetGoalType() == GOALTYPE_NONE) { TaskComplete(); GetNavigator()->ClearGoal(); // Clear residual state
} else { bool bForceRun = false;
// Check Z first, and only check 2d if we're within that
Vector vecGoalPos = GetNavigator()->GetGoalPos(); distance = fabs(vecGoalPos.z - GetLocalOrigin().z); if ( distance < pTask->flTaskData ) { distance = ( vecGoalPos - GetLocalOrigin() ).Length2D(); } else { // If the target is significantly higher or lower than me, I must run.
bForceRun = true; }
// If we're jumping, wait until we're finished to update our goal position.
if ( GetNavigator()->GetNavType() != NAV_JUMP ) { // Re-evaluate when you think your finished, or the target has moved too far
if ( (distance < pTask->flTaskData) || (vecGoalPos - pTarget->GetAbsOrigin()).Length() > pTask->flTaskData * 0.5 ) { distance = ( pTarget->GetAbsOrigin() - GetLocalOrigin() ).Length2D(); if ( !GetNavigator()->UpdateGoalPos( pTarget->GetAbsOrigin() ) ) { TaskFail( FAIL_NO_ROUTE ); break; } } } // Set the appropriate activity based on an overlapping range
// overlap the range to prevent oscillation
// BUGBUG: this is checking linear distance (ie. through walls) and not path distance or even visibility
if ( distance < pTask->flTaskData ) { TaskComplete(); #ifndef HL2_DLL
GetNavigator()->StopMoving(); // Stop moving
} else { // Pick the right movement activity.
Activity followActivity; if( bForceRun ) { followActivity = ACT_RUN; } else { followActivity = ( distance < 190 && m_NPCState != NPC_STATE_COMBAT ) ? ACT_WALK : ACT_RUN; }
// Don't confuse move and shoot by resetting the activity every think
Activity curActivity = GetNavigator()->GetMovementActivity(); switch( curActivity ) { case ACT_WALK_AIM: curActivity = ACT_WALK; break; case ACT_RUN_AIM: curActivity = ACT_RUN; break; }
if ( curActivity != followActivity ) { GetNavigator()->SetMovementActivity(followActivity); } GetNavigator()->SetArrivalDirection( pTarget ); } } break; } case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LOS: case TASK_GET_FLANK_RADIUS_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LOS: case TASK_GET_FLANK_ARC_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LOS: case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LKP_LOS: { if ( GetEnemy() == NULL ) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ENEMY); return; } if ( GetTaskInterrupt() > 0 ) { ClearTaskInterrupt();
Vector vecEnemy = ( pTask->iTask == TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LOS ) ? GetEnemy()->GetAbsOrigin() : GetEnemyLKP(); AI_NavGoal_t goal( m_vInterruptSavePosition, ACT_RUN, AIN_HULL_TOLERANCE );
GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal, AIN_CLEAR_TARGET ); GetNavigator()->SetArrivalDirection( vecEnemy - goal.dest ); } else TaskInterrupt(); } break;
case TASK_GET_PATH_AWAY_FROM_BEST_SOUND: { ChainRunTask( TASK_MOVE_AWAY_PATH, pTask->flTaskData ); if ( GetNavigator()->IsGoalActive() ) { Vector vecDest = GetNavigator()->GetGoalPos(); float flDist = ( GetAbsOrigin() - vecDest ).Length();
if( flDist < 10.0 * 12.0 ) { TaskFail("Path away from best sound too short!\n"); } } break; }
case TASK_MOVE_AWAY_PATH: { QAngle ang = GetLocalAngles(); ang.y = GetMotor()->GetIdealYaw() + 180; Vector move;
switch ( GetTaskInterrupt() ) { case 0: { if( IsPlayerAlly() ) { // Look for a move away hint node.
CAI_Hint *pHint; CHintCriteria hintCriteria;
hintCriteria.AddHintType( HINT_PLAYER_ALLY_MOVE_AWAY_DEST ); hintCriteria.SetFlag( bits_HINT_NODE_NEAREST ); hintCriteria.AddIncludePosition( GetAbsOrigin(), (20.0f * 12.0f) ); // 20 feet max
hintCriteria.AddExcludePosition( GetAbsOrigin(), 28.0f ); // don't plant on an hint that you start on
pHint = CAI_HintManager::FindHint( this, hintCriteria );
if( pHint ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = AI_GetSinglePlayer(); Vector vecGoal = pHint->GetAbsOrigin();
if( vecGoal.DistToSqr(GetAbsOrigin()) < vecGoal.DistToSqr(pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin()) ) { if( GetNavigator()->SetGoal(vecGoal) ) { pHint->DisableForSeconds( 0.1f ); // Force others to find their own.
TaskComplete(); break; } } } }
// See if we're moving away from a vehicle
CSound *pBestSound = GetBestSound( SOUND_MOVE_AWAY ); if ( pBestSound && pBestSound->m_hOwner && pBestSound->m_hOwner->GetServerVehicle() ) { // Move away from the vehicle's center, regardless of our facing
move = ( GetAbsOrigin() - pBestSound->m_hOwner->WorldSpaceCenter() ); VectorNormalize( move ); } else { // Use the first angles
AngleVectors( ang, &move ); } #else
AngleVectors( ang, &move ); #endif //HL2_EPISODIC
if ( GetNavigator()->SetVectorGoal( move, (float)pTask->flTaskData, MIN(36,pTask->flTaskData), true ) && IsValidMoveAwayDest( GetNavigator()->GetGoalPos() )) { TaskComplete(); } else { ang.y = GetMotor()->GetIdealYaw() + 91; AngleVectors( ang, &move );
if ( GetNavigator()->SetVectorGoal( move, (float)pTask->flTaskData, MIN(24,pTask->flTaskData), true ) && IsValidMoveAwayDest( GetNavigator()->GetGoalPos() ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else { TaskInterrupt(); } } } break;
case 1: { ang.y = GetMotor()->GetIdealYaw() + 271; AngleVectors( ang, &move );
if ( GetNavigator()->SetVectorGoal( move, (float)pTask->flTaskData, MIN(24,pTask->flTaskData), true ) && IsValidMoveAwayDest( GetNavigator()->GetGoalPos() ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else { ang.y = GetMotor()->GetIdealYaw() + 180; while (ang.y < 0) ang.y += 360; while (ang.y >= 360) ang.y -= 360; if ( ang.y < 45 || ang.y >= 315 ) ang.y = 0; else if ( ang.y < 135 ) ang.y = 90; else if ( ang.y < 225 ) ang.y = 180; else ang.y = 270;
AngleVectors( ang, &move );
if ( GetNavigator()->SetVectorGoal( move, (float)pTask->flTaskData, MIN(6,pTask->flTaskData), false ) && IsValidMoveAwayDest( GetNavigator()->GetGoalPos() ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else { TaskInterrupt(); } } } break;
case 2: { ClearTaskInterrupt(); Vector coverPos;
if ( GetTacticalServices()->FindCoverPos( GetLocalOrigin(), EyePosition(), 0, CoverRadius(), &coverPos ) && IsValidMoveAwayDest( GetNavigator()->GetGoalPos() ) ) { GetNavigator()->SetGoal( AI_NavGoal_t( coverPos, ACT_RUN ) ); m_flMoveWaitFinished = gpGlobals->curtime + 2; } else { // no coverwhatsoever.
TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ROUTE); } } break;
} } break;
case TASK_WEAPON_RUN_PATH: case TASK_ITEM_RUN_PATH: { CBaseEntity *pTarget = m_hTargetEnt; if ( pTarget ) { if ( pTarget->GetOwnerEntity() ) { TaskFail(FAIL_WEAPON_OWNED); } else if (GetNavigator()->GetGoalType() == GOALTYPE_NONE) { TaskComplete(); } } else { TaskFail(FAIL_ITEM_NO_FIND); } } break;
case TASK_WAIT_FOR_MOVEMENT_STEP: case TASK_WAIT_FOR_MOVEMENT: { bool fTimeExpired = ( pTask->flTaskData != 0 && pTask->flTaskData < gpGlobals->curtime - GetTimeTaskStarted() ); if (fTimeExpired || GetNavigator()->GetGoalType() == GOALTYPE_NONE) { TaskComplete(); GetNavigator()->StopMoving(); // Stop moving
} else if (!GetNavigator()->IsGoalActive()) { SetIdealActivity( GetStoppedActivity() ); } else { // Check validity of goal type
ValidateNavGoal(); } break; }
case TASK_DIE: RunDieTask(); break;
case TASK_WAIT_FOR_SPEAK_FINISH: Assert( GetExpresser() ); if ( GetExpresser() ) { // Are we waiting for our speech to end? Or for the mutex to be free?
if ( pTask->flTaskData ) { // Waiting for our speech to end
if ( GetExpresser()->CanSpeakAfterMyself() ) { TaskComplete(); } } else { // Waiting for the speech & the delay afterwards
if ( !GetExpresser()->IsSpeaking() ) { TaskComplete(); } } } break;
case TASK_SMALL_FLINCH: case TASK_BIG_FLINCH: { if ( IsActivityFinished() ) { TaskComplete(); } } break;
// Waiting to play a script. If the script is ready, start playing the sequence.
if ( m_hCine && m_hCine->IsTimeToStart() ) { TaskComplete(); m_hCine->OnBeginSequence();
// If we have an entry, we have to play it first
if ( m_hCine->m_iszEntry != NULL_STRING ) { m_hCine->StartSequence( (CAI_BaseNPC *)this, m_hCine->m_iszEntry, true ); } else { m_hCine->StartSequence( (CAI_BaseNPC *)this, m_hCine->m_iszPlay, true ); }
// StartSequence() can call CineCleanup(). If that happened, just exit schedule
if ( !m_hCine ) { ClearSchedule( "Waiting for script, but lost script!" ); }
m_flPlaybackRate = 1.0; //DevMsg( 2, "Script %s has begun for %s\n", STRING( m_hCine->m_iszPlay ), GetClassname() );
} else if (!m_hCine) { DevMsg( "Cine died!\n"); TaskComplete(); } else if ( IsRunningDynamicInteraction() ) { // If we've lost our partner, abort
if ( !m_hInteractionPartner ) { CineCleanup(); } } break; } case TASK_PLAY_SCRIPT: { //
// Playing a scripted sequence.
AutoMovement( );
if ( IsSequenceFinished() ) { // Check to see if we are done with the action sequence.
if ( m_hCine->FinishedActionSequence( this ) ) { // dvs: This is done in FixScriptNPCSchedule -- doing it here is too early because we still
// need to play our post-action idle sequence, which might also require FL_FLY.
// drop to ground if this guy is only marked "fly" because of the auto movement
/*if ( !(m_hCine->m_savedFlags & FL_FLY) )
{ if ( ( GetFlags() & FL_FLY ) && !m_hCine->m_bIgnoreGravity ) { RemoveFlag( FL_FLY ); } }*/
if (m_hCine) { m_hCine->SequenceDone( this ); }
TaskComplete(); } else if ( m_hCine && m_hCine->m_bForceSynch ) { m_hCine->SynchronizeSequence( this ); } } break; }
case TASK_PLAY_SCRIPT_POST_IDLE: { if ( !m_hCine ) { DevMsg( "Scripted sequence destroyed while in use\n" ); TaskFail( FAIL_SCHEDULE_NOT_FOUND ); break; }
// Playing a scripted post idle sequence. Quit early if another sequence has grabbed the NPC.
if ( IsSequenceFinished() || ( m_hCine->m_hNextCine != NULL ) ) { m_hCine->PostIdleDone( this ); } break; }
case TASK_ENABLE_SCRIPT: { if ( !m_hCine ) { DevMsg( "Scripted sequence destroyed while in use\n" ); TaskFail( FAIL_SCHEDULE_NOT_FOUND ); break; }
if (!m_hCine->IsWaitingForBegin()) { m_hCine->DelayStart( false ); TaskComplete(); } break; }
case TASK_PLAY_SCENE: { if (!IsInLockedScene()) { ClearSchedule( "Playing a scene, but not in a scene!" ); } if (GetNavigator()->GetGoalType() != GOALTYPE_NONE) { TaskComplete(); } break; } case TASK_RUN_PATH_FOR_UNITS: case TASK_WALK_PATH_FOR_UNITS: { float distance;
distance = (m_vecLastPosition - GetLocalOrigin()).Length2D();
// Walk path until far enough away
if ( distance > pTask->flTaskData || GetNavigator()->GetGoalType() == GOALTYPE_NONE ) { TaskComplete(); } break; } case TASK_RUN_PATH_FLEE: { Vector vecDiff; vecDiff = GetLocalOrigin() - GetNavigator()->GetGoalPos();
if( vecDiff.Length() <= pTask->flTaskData ) { TaskComplete(); } break; }
vecDiff = GetLocalOrigin() - GetNavigator()->GetGoalPos();
if( vecDiff.Length() <= pTask->flTaskData ) { TaskComplete(); } break; }
case TASK_WALK_PATH_TIMED: case TASK_RUN_PATH_TIMED: { if ( IsWaitFinished() || GetNavigator()->GetGoalType() == GOALTYPE_NONE ) { TaskComplete(); } } break;
case TASK_WEAPON_PICKUP: { if ( IsActivityFinished() ) { CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = dynamic_cast<CBaseCombatWeapon *>( (CBaseEntity *)m_hTargetEnt); CBaseCombatCharacter *pOwner = pWeapon->GetOwner(); if ( !pOwner ) { TaskComplete(); } else { TaskFail(FAIL_WEAPON_OWNED); } } break; } break;
case TASK_ITEM_PICKUP: { if ( IsActivityFinished() ) { TaskComplete(); } break; } break;
case TASK_FALL_TO_GROUND: if ( GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND ) { TaskComplete(); } else if( GetFlags() & FL_FLY ) { // We're never going to fall if we're FL_FLY.
RemoveFlag( FL_FLY ); } else { if( IsWaitFinished() ) { // After 4 seconds of trying to fall to ground, Assume that we're in a bad case where the NPC
// isn't actually falling, and make an attempt to slam the ground entity to whatever's under the NPC.
Vector maxs = WorldAlignMaxs() - Vector( .1, .1, .2 ); Vector mins = WorldAlignMins() + Vector( .1, .1, 0 ); Vector vecStart = GetAbsOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, .1 ); Vector vecDown = GetAbsOrigin(); vecDown.z -= 0.2;
trace_t trace; m_pMoveProbe->TraceHull( vecStart, vecDown, mins, maxs, MASK_NPCSOLID, &trace );
if( trace.m_pEnt ) { // Found something!
SetGroundEntity( trace.m_pEnt ); TaskComplete(); } else { // Try again in a few seconds.
SetWait(4); } } } break;
case TASK_WANDER: break;
case TASK_FREEZE: break;
default: { DevMsg( "No RunTask entry for %s\n", TaskName( pTask->iTask ) ); TaskComplete(); } break; } }
void CAI_BaseNPC::RunTaskOverlay() { if ( IsCurTaskContinuousMove() ) { m_MoveAndShootOverlay.RunShootWhileMove(); } }
void CAI_BaseNPC::EndTaskOverlay() { m_MoveAndShootOverlay.EndShootWhileMove(); }
// SetTurnActivity - measures the difference between the way
// the NPC is facing and determines whether or not to
// select one of the 180 turn animations.
void CAI_BaseNPC::SetTurnActivity ( void ) { if ( IsCrouching() ) { SetIdealActivity( ACT_IDLE ); // failure case
return; }
float flYD; flYD = GetMotor()->DeltaIdealYaw();
// FIXME: unknown case, update yaw should catch these
if (GetMotor()->AddTurnGesture( flYD )) { SetIdealActivity( ACT_IDLE ); Remember( bits_MEMORY_TURNING ); return; } */
if( flYD <= -80 && flYD >= -100 && SelectWeightedSequence( ACT_90_RIGHT ) != ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE ) { // 90 degree right.
Remember( bits_MEMORY_TURNING ); SetIdealActivity( ACT_90_RIGHT ); return; } if( flYD >= 80 && flYD <= 100 && SelectWeightedSequence( ACT_90_LEFT ) != ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE ) { // 90 degree left.
Remember( bits_MEMORY_TURNING ); SetIdealActivity( ACT_90_LEFT ); return; } if( fabs( flYD ) >= 160 && SelectWeightedSequence ( ACT_180_LEFT ) != ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE ) { Remember( bits_MEMORY_TURNING ); SetIdealActivity( ACT_180_LEFT ); return; }
if ( flYD <= -45 && SelectWeightedSequence ( ACT_TURN_RIGHT ) != ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE ) {// big right turn
SetIdealActivity( ACT_TURN_RIGHT ); return; } if ( flYD >= 45 && SelectWeightedSequence ( ACT_TURN_LEFT ) != ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE ) {// big left turn
SetIdealActivity( ACT_TURN_LEFT ); return; }
SetIdealActivity( ACT_IDLE ); // failure case
// Purpose: For a specific delta, add a turn gesture and set the yaw speed
// Input : yaw delta
bool CAI_BaseNPC::UpdateTurnGesture( void ) { float flYD = GetMotor()->DeltaIdealYaw(); return GetMotor()->AddTurnGesture( flYD ); }
// Purpose: For non-looping animations that may be replayed sequentially (like attacks)
// Set the activity to ACT_RESET if this is a replay, otherwise just set ideal activity
// Input : newIdealActivity - desired ideal activity
void CAI_BaseNPC::ResetIdealActivity( Activity newIdealActivity ) { if ( m_Activity == newIdealActivity ) { m_Activity = ACT_RESET; }
SetIdealActivity( newIdealActivity ); }
void CAI_BaseNPC::TranslateNavGoal( CBaseEntity *pEnemy, Vector &chasePosition ) { if ( GetNavType() == NAV_FLY ) { // UNDONE: Cache these per enemy instead?
Vector offset = pEnemy->EyePosition() - pEnemy->GetAbsOrigin(); chasePosition += offset; } }
// Purpose: Returns the custom movement activity for the script that this NPC
// is running.
// Output : Returns the activity, or ACT_INVALID is the sequence is unknown.
Activity CAI_BaseNPC::GetScriptCustomMoveActivity( void ) { Activity eActivity = ACT_WALK;
if ( ( m_hCine != NULL ) && ( m_hCine->m_iszCustomMove != NULL_STRING ) ) { // We have a valid script. Look up the custom movement activity.
eActivity = ( Activity )LookupActivity( STRING( m_hCine->m_iszCustomMove ) ); if ( eActivity == ACT_INVALID ) { // Not an activity, at least make sure it's a valid sequence.
if ( LookupSequence( STRING( m_hCine->m_iszCustomMove ) ) != ACT_INVALID ) { eActivity = ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_MOVE; } else { eActivity = ACT_WALK; } } } else if ( m_iszSceneCustomMoveSeq != NULL_STRING ) { eActivity = ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_MOVE; }
return eActivity; }
// Purpose:
// Output : int
int CAI_BaseNPC::GetScriptCustomMoveSequence( void ) { int iSequence = ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE;
// If we have a scripted sequence entity, use it's custom move
if ( m_hCine != NULL ) { iSequence = LookupSequence( STRING( m_hCine->m_iszCustomMove ) ); if ( iSequence == ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE ) { DevMsg( "SCRIPT_CUSTOM_MOVE: %s has no sequence:%s\n", GetClassname(), STRING(m_hCine->m_iszCustomMove) ); } } else if ( m_iszSceneCustomMoveSeq != NULL_STRING ) { // Otherwise, use the .vcd custom move
iSequence = LookupSequence( STRING( m_iszSceneCustomMoveSeq ) ); if ( iSequence == ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE ) { Warning( "SCRIPT_CUSTOM_MOVE: %s failed scripted custom move. Has no sequence called: %s\n", GetClassname(), STRING(m_iszSceneCustomMoveSeq) ); } }
// Failed? Use walk.
if ( iSequence == ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE ) { iSequence = SelectWeightedSequence( ACT_WALK ); }
return iSequence; }
// GetTask - returns a pointer to the current
// scheduled task. NULL if there's a problem.
const Task_t *CAI_BaseNPC::GetTask( void ) { int iScheduleIndex = GetScheduleCurTaskIndex(); if ( !GetCurSchedule() || iScheduleIndex < 0 || iScheduleIndex >= GetCurSchedule()->NumTasks() ) // iScheduleIndex is not within valid range for the NPC's current schedule.
return NULL;
return &GetCurSchedule()->GetTaskList()[ iScheduleIndex ]; }
bool CAI_BaseNPC::IsInterruptable() { if ( GetState() == NPC_STATE_SCRIPT ) { if ( m_hCine ) { if (!m_hCine->CanInterrupt() ) return false;
// are the in an script FL_FLY state?
if ((GetFlags() & FL_FLY ) && !(m_hCine->m_savedFlags & FL_FLY)) { return false; } } } return IsAlive(); }
// Purpose:
int CAI_BaseNPC::SelectInteractionSchedule( void ) { SetTarget( m_hForcedInteractionPartner );
// If we have an interaction, we're the initiator. Move to our interaction point.
if ( m_iInteractionPlaying != NPCINT_NONE ) return SCHED_INTERACTION_MOVE_TO_PARTNER;
// Otherwise, turn towards our partner and wait for him to reach us.
//m_iInteractionState = NPCINT_MOVING_TO_MARK;
// Idle schedule selection
int CAI_BaseNPC::SelectIdleSchedule() { if ( m_hForcedInteractionPartner ) return SelectInteractionSchedule();
int nSched = SelectFlinchSchedule(); if ( nSched != SCHED_NONE ) return nSched;
if ( HasCondition ( COND_HEAR_DANGER ) || HasCondition ( COND_HEAR_COMBAT ) || HasCondition ( COND_HEAR_WORLD ) || HasCondition ( COND_HEAR_BULLET_IMPACT ) || HasCondition ( COND_HEAR_PLAYER ) ) { return SCHED_ALERT_FACE_BESTSOUND; } // no valid route!
if (GetNavigator()->GetGoalType() == GOALTYPE_NONE) return SCHED_IDLE_STAND;
// valid route. Get moving
// Alert schedule selection
int CAI_BaseNPC::SelectAlertSchedule() { if ( m_hForcedInteractionPartner ) return SelectInteractionSchedule();
int nSched = SelectFlinchSchedule(); if ( nSched != SCHED_NONE ) return nSched;
// Scan around for new enemies
if ( HasCondition( COND_ENEMY_DEAD ) && SelectWeightedSequence( ACT_VICTORY_DANCE ) != ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE ) return SCHED_ALERT_SCAN;
if( IsPlayerAlly() && HasCondition(COND_HEAR_COMBAT) ) { return SCHED_ALERT_REACT_TO_COMBAT_SOUND; }
if ( HasCondition ( COND_HEAR_DANGER ) || HasCondition ( COND_HEAR_PLAYER ) || HasCondition ( COND_HEAR_WORLD ) || HasCondition ( COND_HEAR_BULLET_IMPACT ) || HasCondition ( COND_HEAR_COMBAT ) ) { return SCHED_ALERT_FACE_BESTSOUND; }
if ( gpGlobals->curtime - GetEnemies()->LastTimeSeen( AI_UNKNOWN_ENEMY ) < TIME_CARE_ABOUT_DAMAGE ) return SCHED_ALERT_FACE;
// Combat schedule selection
int CAI_BaseNPC::SelectCombatSchedule() { if ( m_hForcedInteractionPartner ) return SelectInteractionSchedule();
int nSched = SelectFlinchSchedule(); if ( nSched != SCHED_NONE ) return nSched;
if ( HasCondition(COND_NEW_ENEMY) && gpGlobals->curtime - GetEnemies()->FirstTimeSeen(GetEnemy()) < 2.0 ) { return SCHED_WAKE_ANGRY; } if ( HasCondition( COND_ENEMY_DEAD ) ) { // clear the current (dead) enemy and try to find another.
SetEnemy( NULL ); if ( ChooseEnemy() ) { ClearCondition( COND_ENEMY_DEAD ); return SelectSchedule(); }
SetState( NPC_STATE_ALERT ); return SelectSchedule(); } // If I'm scared of this enemy run away
if ( IRelationType( GetEnemy() ) == D_FR ) { if (HasCondition( COND_SEE_ENEMY ) || HasCondition( COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE )|| HasCondition( COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE )) { FearSound(); //ClearCommandGoal();
// If I've seen the enemy recently, cower. Ignore the time for unforgettable enemies.
AI_EnemyInfo_t *pMemory = GetEnemies()->Find( GetEnemy() ); if ( (pMemory && pMemory->bUnforgettable) || (GetEnemyLastTimeSeen() > (gpGlobals->curtime - 5.0)) ) { // If we're facing him, just look ready. Otherwise, face him.
if ( FInAimCone( GetEnemy()->EyePosition() ) ) return SCHED_COMBAT_STAND;
return SCHED_FEAR_FACE; } }
// Check if need to reload
if ( HasCondition( COND_LOW_PRIMARY_AMMO ) || HasCondition( COND_NO_PRIMARY_AMMO ) ) { return SCHED_HIDE_AND_RELOAD; }
// Can we see the enemy?
if ( !HasCondition(COND_SEE_ENEMY) ) { // enemy is unseen, but not occluded!
// turn to face enemy
// chase!
if ( GetShotRegulator()->IsInRestInterval() ) { if ( HasCondition(COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1) ) return SCHED_COMBAT_FACE; }
// we can see the enemy
if ( HasCondition(COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1) ) { if ( !UseAttackSquadSlots() || OccupyStrategySlotRange( SQUAD_SLOT_ATTACK1, SQUAD_SLOT_ATTACK2 ) ) return SCHED_RANGE_ATTACK1; return SCHED_COMBAT_FACE; }
if ( !HasCondition(COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1) && !HasCondition(COND_CAN_MELEE_ATTACK1) ) { // if we can see enemy but can't use either attack type, we must need to get closer to enemy
if ( GetActiveWeapon() ) return SCHED_MOVE_TO_WEAPON_RANGE;
// If we have an innate attack and we're too far (or occluded) then get line of sight
if ( HasCondition( COND_TOO_FAR_TO_ATTACK ) && ( CapabilitiesGet() & (bits_CAP_INNATE_RANGE_ATTACK1|bits_CAP_INNATE_RANGE_ATTACK2)) ) return SCHED_MOVE_TO_WEAPON_RANGE;
// if we can see enemy but can't use either attack type, we must need to get closer to enemy
DevWarning( 2, "No suitable combat schedule!\n" ); return SCHED_FAIL; }
// Dead schedule selection
int CAI_BaseNPC::SelectDeadSchedule() { if ( BecomeRagdollOnClient( vec3_origin ) ) { CleanupOnDeath(); return SCHED_DIE_RAGDOLL; }
// Adrian - Alread dead (by animation event maybe?)
// Is it safe to set it to SCHED_NONE?
if ( m_lifeState == LIFE_DEAD ) return SCHED_NONE;
CleanupOnDeath(); return SCHED_DIE; }
// Script schedule selection
int CAI_BaseNPC::SelectScriptSchedule() { Assert( m_hCine != NULL ); if ( m_hCine ) return SCHED_AISCRIPT;
DevWarning( 2, "Script failed for %s\n", GetClassname() ); CineCleanup(); return SCHED_IDLE_STAND; }
// Purpose: Select a gesture to play in response to damage we've taken
// Output : int
void CAI_BaseNPC::PlayFlinchGesture() { if ( !CanFlinch() ) return;
Activity iFlinchActivity = ACT_INVALID;
float flNextFlinch = random->RandomFloat( 0.5f, 1.0f );
// If I haven't flinched for a while, play the big flinch gesture
if ( !HasMemory(bits_MEMORY_FLINCHED) ) { iFlinchActivity = GetFlinchActivity( true, true );
if ( HaveSequenceForActivity( iFlinchActivity ) ) { RestartGesture( iFlinchActivity ); }
} else { iFlinchActivity = GetFlinchActivity( false, true ); if ( HaveSequenceForActivity( iFlinchActivity ) ) { RestartGesture( iFlinchActivity ); } }
if ( iFlinchActivity != ACT_INVALID ) { //Get the duration of the flinch and delay the next one by that (plus a bit more)
int iSequence = GetLayerSequence( FindGestureLayer( iFlinchActivity ) );
if ( iSequence != ACT_INVALID ) { flNextFlinch += SequenceDuration( iSequence ); }
m_flNextFlinchTime = gpGlobals->curtime + flNextFlinch; } }
// Purpose: See if we should flinch in response to damage we've taken
// Output : int
int CAI_BaseNPC::SelectFlinchSchedule() { if ( !HasCondition(COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE) ) return SCHED_NONE;
// If we've flinched recently, don't do it again. A gesture flinch will be played instead.
if ( HasMemory(bits_MEMORY_FLINCHED) ) return SCHED_NONE;
if ( !CanFlinch() ) return SCHED_NONE;
// Robin: This was in the original HL1 flinch code. Do we still want it?
//if ( fabs( GetMotor()->DeltaIdealYaw() ) < (1.0 - m_flFieldOfView) * 60 ) // roughly in the correct direction
// Heavy damage. Break out of my current schedule and flinch.
Activity iFlinchActivity = GetFlinchActivity( true, false ); if ( HaveSequenceForActivity( iFlinchActivity ) ) return SCHED_BIG_FLINCH;
// Not used anymore, because gesture flinches are played instead for heavy damage
// taken shortly after we've already flinched full.
iFlinchActivity = GetFlinchActivity( false, false ); if ( HaveSequenceForActivity( iFlinchActivity ) ) return SCHED_SMALL_FLINCH; */
return SCHED_NONE; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Decides which type of schedule best suits the NPC's current
// state and conditions. Then calls NPC's member function to get a pointer
// to a schedule of the proper type.
int CAI_BaseNPC::SelectSchedule( void ) { if ( HasCondition( COND_FLOATING_OFF_GROUND ) ) { SetGravity( 1.0 ); SetGroundEntity( NULL ); return SCHED_FALL_TO_GROUND; }
switch( m_NPCState ) { case NPC_STATE_NONE: DevWarning( 2, "NPC_STATE IS NONE!\n" ); break;
case NPC_STATE_IDLE: AssertMsgOnce( GetEnemy() == NULL, "NPC has enemy but is not in combat state?" ); return SelectIdleSchedule();
case NPC_STATE_ALERT: AssertMsgOnce( GetEnemy() == NULL, "NPC has enemy but is not in combat state?" ); return SelectAlertSchedule();
case NPC_STATE_COMBAT: return SelectCombatSchedule();
case NPC_STATE_DEAD: return SelectDeadSchedule();
case NPC_STATE_SCRIPT: return SelectScriptSchedule();
default: DevWarning( 2, "Invalid State for SelectSchedule!\n" ); break; }
return SCHED_FAIL; }
int CAI_BaseNPC::SelectFailSchedule( int failedSchedule, int failedTask, AI_TaskFailureCode_t taskFailCode ) { return ( m_failSchedule != SCHED_NONE ) ? m_failSchedule : SCHED_FAIL; }