//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// Author: Michael S. Booth ([email protected]), 2003
#pragma warning( disable : 4530 ) // STL uses exceptions, but we are not compiling with them - ignore warning
#include "cbase.h"
#include "cs_bot.h"
#include "nav_area.h"
#include "cs_gamerules.h"
#include "shared_util.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma warning (disable:4701) // disable warning that variable *may* not be initialized
CBotManager *TheBots = NULL;
bool CCSBotManager::m_isMapDataLoaded = false;
int g_nClientPutInServerOverrides = 0;
void DrawOccupyTime( void ); ConVar bot_show_occupy_time( "bot_show_occupy_time", "0", FCVAR_GAMEDLL | FCVAR_CHEAT, "Show when each nav area can first be reached by each team." );
void DrawBattlefront( void ); ConVar bot_show_battlefront( "bot_show_battlefront", "0", FCVAR_GAMEDLL | FCVAR_CHEAT, "Show areas where rushing players will initially meet." );
int UTIL_CSSBotsInGame( void );
ConVar bot_join_delay( "bot_join_delay", "0", FCVAR_GAMEDLL, "Prevents bots from joining the server for this many seconds after a map change." );
* Determine whether bots can be used or not */ inline bool AreBotsAllowed() { // If they pass in -nobots, don't allow bots. This is for people who host servers, to
// allow them to disallow bots to enforce CPU limits.
const char *nobots = CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-nobots" ); if ( nobots ) { return false; }
return true; }
void InstallBotControl( void ) { if ( TheBots != NULL ) delete TheBots;
TheBots = new CCSBotManager; }
void RemoveBotControl( void ) { if ( TheBots != NULL ) delete TheBots;
TheBots = NULL; }
CBasePlayer* ClientPutInServerOverride_Bot( edict_t *pEdict, const char *playername ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = TheBots->AllocateAndBindBotEntity( pEdict ); if ( pPlayer ) { pPlayer->SetPlayerName( playername ); } ++g_nClientPutInServerOverrides;
return pPlayer; }
// Constructor
CCSBotManager::CCSBotManager() { m_zoneCount = 0; SetLooseBomb( NULL ); m_serverActive = false;
m_isBombPlanted = false; m_bombDefuser = NULL; m_roundStartTimestamp = 0.0f;
m_eventListenersEnabled = true; m_commonEventListeners.AddToTail( &m_PlayerFootstepEvent ); m_commonEventListeners.AddToTail( &m_PlayerRadioEvent ); m_commonEventListeners.AddToTail( &m_PlayerFallDamageEvent ); m_commonEventListeners.AddToTail( &m_BombBeepEvent ); m_commonEventListeners.AddToTail( &m_DoorMovingEvent ); m_commonEventListeners.AddToTail( &m_BreakPropEvent ); m_commonEventListeners.AddToTail( &m_BreakBreakableEvent ); m_commonEventListeners.AddToTail( &m_WeaponFireEvent ); m_commonEventListeners.AddToTail( &m_WeaponFireOnEmptyEvent ); m_commonEventListeners.AddToTail( &m_WeaponReloadEvent ); m_commonEventListeners.AddToTail( &m_WeaponZoomEvent ); m_commonEventListeners.AddToTail( &m_BulletImpactEvent ); m_commonEventListeners.AddToTail( &m_GrenadeBounceEvent ); m_commonEventListeners.AddToTail( &m_NavBlockedEvent );
TheBotPhrases = new BotPhraseManager; TheBotProfiles = new BotProfileManager; }
* Invoked when a new round begins */ void CCSBotManager::RestartRound( void ) { // extend
SetLooseBomb( NULL ); m_isBombPlanted = false; m_earliestBombPlantTimestamp = gpGlobals->curtime + RandomFloat( 10.0f, 30.0f ); // 60
m_bombDefuser = NULL;
m_lastSeenEnemyTimestamp = -9999.9f;
m_roundStartTimestamp = gpGlobals->curtime + mp_freezetime.GetFloat();
// randomly decide if defensive team wants to "rush" as a whole
const float defenseRushChance = 33.3f; // 25.0f;
m_isDefenseRushing = (RandomFloat( 0.0f, 100.0f ) <= defenseRushChance) ? true : false;
m_isRoundOver = false; }
void UTIL_DrawBox( Extent *extent, int lifetime, int red, int green, int blue ) { int darkRed = red/2; int darkGreen = green/2; int darkBlue = blue/2;
Vector v[8]; v[0].x = extent->lo.x; v[0].y = extent->lo.y; v[0].z = extent->lo.z; v[1].x = extent->hi.x; v[1].y = extent->lo.y; v[1].z = extent->lo.z; v[2].x = extent->hi.x; v[2].y = extent->hi.y; v[2].z = extent->lo.z; v[3].x = extent->lo.x; v[3].y = extent->hi.y; v[3].z = extent->lo.z; v[4].x = extent->lo.x; v[4].y = extent->lo.y; v[4].z = extent->hi.z; v[5].x = extent->hi.x; v[5].y = extent->lo.y; v[5].z = extent->hi.z; v[6].x = extent->hi.x; v[6].y = extent->hi.y; v[6].z = extent->hi.z; v[7].x = extent->lo.x; v[7].y = extent->hi.y; v[7].z = extent->hi.z;
static int edge[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, -1, 5, 6, 7, 8, -5, 1, -5, 2, -6, 3, -7, 4, -8, 0 };
Vector from, to; bool restart = true; for( int i=0; edge[i] != 0; ++i ) { if (restart) { to = v[ edge[i]-1 ]; restart = false; continue; } from = to;
int index = edge[i]; if (index < 0) { restart = true; index = -index; }
to = v[ index-1 ];
NDebugOverlay::Line( from, to, darkRed, darkGreen, darkBlue, true, 0.1f ); NDebugOverlay::Line( from, to, red, green, blue, false, 0.15f ); } }
void CCSBotManager::EnableEventListeners( bool enable ) { if ( m_eventListenersEnabled == enable ) { return; }
m_eventListenersEnabled = enable;
// enable/disable the most frequent event listeners, to improve performance when no bots are present.
for ( int i=0; i<m_commonEventListeners.Count(); ++i ) { if ( enable ) { gameeventmanager->AddListener( m_commonEventListeners[i], m_commonEventListeners[i]->GetEventName(), true ); } else { gameeventmanager->RemoveListener( m_commonEventListeners[i] ); } } }
* Called each frame */ void CCSBotManager::StartFrame( void ) { if ( !AreBotsAllowed() ) { EnableEventListeners( false ); return; }
MaintainBotQuota(); EnableEventListeners( UTIL_CSSBotsInGame() > 0 );
// debug zone extent visualization
if (cv_bot_debug.GetInt() == 5) { for( int z=0; z<m_zoneCount; ++z ) { Zone *zone = &m_zone[z];
if ( zone->m_isBlocked ) { UTIL_DrawBox( &zone->m_extent, 1, 255, 0, 200 ); } else { UTIL_DrawBox( &zone->m_extent, 1, 255, 100, 0 ); } } }
if (bot_show_occupy_time.GetBool()) { DrawOccupyTime(); }
if (bot_show_battlefront.GetBool()) { DrawBattlefront(); }
if ( m_checkTransientAreasTimer.IsElapsed() && !nav_edit.GetBool() ) { CUtlVector< CNavArea * >& transientAreas = TheNavMesh->GetTransientAreas(); for ( int i=0; i<transientAreas.Count(); ++i ) { CNavArea *area = transientAreas[i]; if ( area->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_TRANSIENT ) { area->UpdateBlocked(); } }
m_checkTransientAreasTimer.Start( 2.0f ); } }
* Return true if the bot can use this weapon */ bool CCSBotManager::IsWeaponUseable( const CWeaponCSBase *weapon ) const { if (weapon == NULL) return false;
if (weapon->IsA( WEAPON_C4 )) return true;
if ((!AllowShotguns() && weapon->IsKindOf( WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN )) || (!AllowMachineGuns() && weapon->IsKindOf( WEAPONTYPE_MACHINEGUN )) || (!AllowRifles() && weapon->IsKindOf( WEAPONTYPE_RIFLE )) || (!AllowShotguns() && weapon->IsKindOf( WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN )) || (!AllowSnipers() && weapon->IsKindOf( WEAPONTYPE_SNIPER_RIFLE )) || (!AllowSubMachineGuns() && weapon->IsKindOf( WEAPONTYPE_SUBMACHINEGUN )) || (!AllowPistols() && weapon->IsKindOf( WEAPONTYPE_PISTOL )) || (!AllowGrenades() && weapon->IsKindOf( WEAPONTYPE_GRENADE ))) { return false; }
return true; }
* Return true if this player is on "defense" */ bool CCSBotManager::IsOnDefense( const CCSPlayer *player ) const { switch (GetScenario()) { case SCENARIO_DEFUSE_BOMB: return (player->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_CT);
case SCENARIO_RESCUE_HOSTAGES: return (player->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_TERRORIST);
case SCENARIO_ESCORT_VIP: return (player->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_TERRORIST); }
return false; }
* Return true if this player is on "offense" */ bool CCSBotManager::IsOnOffense( const CCSPlayer *player ) const { return !IsOnDefense( player ); }
* Invoked when a map has just been loaded */ void CCSBotManager::ServerActivate( void ) { m_isMapDataLoaded = false;
// load the database of bot radio chatter
TheBotPhrases->Reset(); TheBotPhrases->Initialize( "BotChatter.db", 0 );
TheBotProfiles->Reset(); TheBotProfiles->FindVoiceBankIndex( "BotChatter.db" ); // make sure default voice bank is first
const char *filename; if ( false ) // g_engfuncs.pfnIsCareerMatch() )
{ filename = "MissionPacks/BotPackList.db"; } else { filename = "BotPackList.db"; }
// read in the list of bot profile DBs
FileHandle_t file = filesystem->Open( filename, "r" );
if ( !file ) { TheBotProfiles->Init( "BotProfile.db" ); } else { int dataLength = filesystem->Size( filename ); char *dataPointer = new char[ dataLength ];
filesystem->Read( dataPointer, dataLength, file ); filesystem->Close( file );
const char *dataFile = SharedParse( dataPointer ); const char *token;
while ( dataFile ) { token = SharedGetToken(); char *clone = CloneString( token ); TheBotProfiles->Init( clone ); delete[] clone; dataFile = SharedParse( dataFile ); }
delete [] dataPointer; }
// Now that we've parsed all the profiles, we have a list of the voice banks they're using.
// Go back and parse the custom voice speakables.
const BotProfileManager::VoiceBankList *voiceBanks = TheBotProfiles->GetVoiceBanks(); for ( int i=1; i<voiceBanks->Count(); ++i ) { TheBotPhrases->Initialize( (*voiceBanks)[i], i ); }
// tell the Navigation Mesh system what CS spawn points are named
TheNavMesh->SetPlayerSpawnName( "info_player_terrorist" );
m_serverActive = true; }
void CCSBotManager::ServerDeactivate( void ) { m_serverActive = false; }
void CCSBotManager::ClientDisconnect( CBaseEntity *entity ) { /*
if ( FBitSet( entity->GetFlags(), FL_FAKECLIENT ) ) { FREE_PRIVATE( entity ); } */
// make sure voice feedback is turned off
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = (CBasePlayer *)CBaseEntity::Instance( pEntity ); if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->IsBot() ) { CCSBot *pBot = static_cast<CCSBot *>(pPlayer); if (pBot) { pBot->EndVoiceFeedback( true ); } } */ }
* Parses out bot name/template/etc params from the current ConCommand */ void BotArgumentsFromArgv( const CCommand &args, const char **name, CSWeaponType *weaponType, BotDifficultyType *difficulty, int *team = NULL, bool *all = NULL ) { static char s_name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH];
s_name[0] = 0; *name = s_name; *difficulty = NUM_DIFFICULTY_LEVELS; if ( team ) { *team = TEAM_UNASSIGNED; } if ( all ) { *all = false; }
for ( int arg=1; arg<args.ArgC(); ++arg ) { bool found = false;
const char *token = args[arg]; if ( all && FStrEq( token, "all" ) ) { *all = true; found = true; } else if ( team && FStrEq( token, "t" ) ) { *team = TEAM_TERRORIST; found = true; } else if ( team && FStrEq( token, "ct" ) ) { *team = TEAM_CT; found = true; }
for( int i=0; i<NUM_DIFFICULTY_LEVELS && !found; ++i ) { if (!stricmp( BotDifficultyName[i], token )) { *difficulty = (BotDifficultyType)i; found = true; } }
if ( !found ) { *weaponType = WeaponClassFromString( token ); if ( *weaponType != WEAPONTYPE_UNKNOWN ) { found = true; } }
if ( !found ) { Q_strncpy( s_name, token, sizeof( s_name ) ); } } }
CON_COMMAND_F( bot_add, "bot_add <t|ct> <type> <difficulty> <name> - Adds a bot matching the given criteria.", FCVAR_GAMEDLL ) { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return;
const char *name; BotDifficultyType difficulty; CSWeaponType weaponType; int team; BotArgumentsFromArgv( args, &name, &weaponType, &difficulty, &team ); TheCSBots()->BotAddCommand( team, FROM_CONSOLE, name, weaponType, difficulty ); }
CON_COMMAND_F( bot_add_t, "bot_add_t <type> <difficulty> <name> - Adds a terrorist bot matching the given criteria.", FCVAR_GAMEDLL ) { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return;
const char *name; BotDifficultyType difficulty; CSWeaponType weaponType; BotArgumentsFromArgv( args, &name, &weaponType, &difficulty ); TheCSBots()->BotAddCommand( TEAM_TERRORIST, FROM_CONSOLE, name, weaponType, difficulty ); }
CON_COMMAND_F( bot_add_ct, "bot_add_ct <type> <difficulty> <name> - Adds a Counter-Terrorist bot matching the given criteria.", FCVAR_GAMEDLL ) { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return;
const char *name; BotDifficultyType difficulty; CSWeaponType weaponType; BotArgumentsFromArgv( args, &name, &weaponType, &difficulty ); TheCSBots()->BotAddCommand( TEAM_CT, FROM_CONSOLE, name, weaponType, difficulty ); }
* Collects all bots matching the given criteria (player name, profile template name, difficulty, and team) */ class CollectBots { public: CollectBots( const char *name, CSWeaponType weaponType, BotDifficultyType difficulty, int team ) { m_name = name; m_difficulty = difficulty; m_team = team; m_weaponType = weaponType; }
bool operator() ( CBasePlayer *player ) { if ( !player->IsBot() ) { return true; }
CCSBot *bot = dynamic_cast< CCSBot * >(player); if ( !bot || !bot->GetProfile() ) { return true; }
if ( m_name && *m_name ) { // accept based on name
if ( FStrEq( m_name, bot->GetProfile()->GetName() ) ) { m_bots.RemoveAll(); m_bots.AddToTail( bot ); return false; }
// Reject based on profile template name
if ( !bot->GetProfile()->InheritsFrom( m_name ) ) { return true; } }
// reject based on difficulty
if ( m_difficulty != NUM_DIFFICULTY_LEVELS ) { if ( !bot->GetProfile()->IsDifficulty( m_difficulty ) ) { return true; } }
// reject based on team
if ( m_team == TEAM_CT || m_team == TEAM_TERRORIST ) { if ( bot->GetTeamNumber() != m_team ) { return true; } }
// reject based on weapon preference
if ( m_weaponType != WEAPONTYPE_UNKNOWN ) { if ( !bot->GetProfile()->GetWeaponPreferenceCount() ) { return true; }
if ( m_weaponType != WeaponClassFromWeaponID( (CSWeaponID)bot->GetProfile()->GetWeaponPreference( 0 ) ) ) { return true; } }
// A match!
m_bots.AddToTail( bot );
return true; }
CUtlVector< CCSBot * > m_bots;
private: const char *m_name; CSWeaponType m_weaponType; BotDifficultyType m_difficulty; int m_team; };
CON_COMMAND_F( bot_kill, "bot_kill <all> <t|ct> <type> <difficulty> <name> - Kills a specific bot, or all bots, matching the given criteria.", FCVAR_GAMEDLL ) { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return;
const char *name; BotDifficultyType difficulty; CSWeaponType weaponType; int team; bool all;
BotArgumentsFromArgv( args, &name, &weaponType, &difficulty, &team, &all ); if ( (!name || !*name) && team == TEAM_UNASSIGNED && difficulty == NUM_DIFFICULTY_LEVELS ) { all = true; }
CollectBots collector( name, weaponType, difficulty, team ); ForEachPlayer( collector );
for ( int i=0; i<collector.m_bots.Count(); ++i ) { CCSBot *bot = collector.m_bots[i]; if ( !bot->IsAlive() ) continue;
bot->CommitSuicide(); if ( !all ) { return; } } }
CON_COMMAND_F( bot_kick, "bot_kick <all> <t|ct> <type> <difficulty> <name> - Kicks a specific bot, or all bots, matching the given criteria.", FCVAR_GAMEDLL ) { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return;
const char *name; BotDifficultyType difficulty; CSWeaponType weaponType; int team; bool all;
BotArgumentsFromArgv( args, &name, &weaponType, &difficulty, &team, &all ); if ( (!name || !*name) && team == TEAM_UNASSIGNED && difficulty == NUM_DIFFICULTY_LEVELS ) { all = true; }
CollectBots collector( name, weaponType, difficulty, team ); ForEachPlayer( collector );
for ( int i=0; i<collector.m_bots.Count(); ++i ) { CCSBot *bot = collector.m_bots[i]; engine->ServerCommand( UTIL_VarArgs( "kick \"%s\"\n", bot->GetPlayerName() ) ); if ( !all ) { // adjust bot quota so kicked bot is not immediately added back in
int newQuota = cv_bot_quota.GetInt() - 1; cv_bot_quota.SetValue( clamp( newQuota, 0, cv_bot_quota.GetInt() ) ); return; } }
// adjust bot quota so kicked bot is not immediately added back in
if ( all && (!name || !*name) && team == TEAM_UNASSIGNED && difficulty == NUM_DIFFICULTY_LEVELS ) { cv_bot_quota.SetValue( 0 ); } else { int newQuota = cv_bot_quota.GetInt() - collector.m_bots.Count(); cv_bot_quota.SetValue( clamp( newQuota, 0, cv_bot_quota.GetInt() ) ); } }
CON_COMMAND_F( bot_knives_only, "Restricts the bots to only using knives", FCVAR_GAMEDLL ) { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return;
cv_bot_allow_pistols.SetValue( 0 ); cv_bot_allow_shotguns.SetValue( 0 ); cv_bot_allow_sub_machine_guns.SetValue( 0 ); cv_bot_allow_rifles.SetValue( 0 ); cv_bot_allow_machine_guns.SetValue( 0 ); cv_bot_allow_grenades.SetValue( 0 ); cv_bot_allow_snipers.SetValue( 0 ); #ifdef CS_SHIELD_ENABLED
cv_bot_allow_shield.SetValue( 0 ); #endif // CS_SHIELD_ENABLED
CON_COMMAND_F( bot_pistols_only, "Restricts the bots to only using pistols", FCVAR_GAMEDLL ) { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return;
cv_bot_allow_pistols.SetValue( 1 ); cv_bot_allow_shotguns.SetValue( 0 ); cv_bot_allow_sub_machine_guns.SetValue( 0 ); cv_bot_allow_rifles.SetValue( 0 ); cv_bot_allow_machine_guns.SetValue( 0 ); cv_bot_allow_grenades.SetValue( 0 ); cv_bot_allow_snipers.SetValue( 0 ); #ifdef CS_SHIELD_ENABLED
cv_bot_allow_shield.SetValue( 0 ); #endif // CS_SHIELD_ENABLED
CON_COMMAND_F( bot_snipers_only, "Restricts the bots to only using sniper rifles", FCVAR_GAMEDLL ) { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return;
cv_bot_allow_pistols.SetValue( 0 ); cv_bot_allow_shotguns.SetValue( 0 ); cv_bot_allow_sub_machine_guns.SetValue( 0 ); cv_bot_allow_rifles.SetValue( 0 ); cv_bot_allow_machine_guns.SetValue( 0 ); cv_bot_allow_grenades.SetValue( 0 ); cv_bot_allow_snipers.SetValue( 1 ); #ifdef CS_SHIELD_ENABLED
cv_bot_allow_shield.SetValue( 0 ); #endif // CS_SHIELD_ENABLED
CON_COMMAND_F( bot_all_weapons, "Allows the bots to use all weapons", FCVAR_GAMEDLL ) { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return;
cv_bot_allow_pistols.SetValue( 1 ); cv_bot_allow_shotguns.SetValue( 1 ); cv_bot_allow_sub_machine_guns.SetValue( 1 ); cv_bot_allow_rifles.SetValue( 1 ); cv_bot_allow_machine_guns.SetValue( 1 ); cv_bot_allow_grenades.SetValue( 1 ); cv_bot_allow_snipers.SetValue( 1 ); #ifdef CS_SHIELD_ENABLED
cv_bot_allow_shield.SetValue( 1 ); #endif // CS_SHIELD_ENABLED
CON_COMMAND_F( bot_goto_mark, "Sends a bot to the selected nav area (useful for testing navigation meshes)", FCVAR_GAMEDLL | FCVAR_CHEAT ) { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return;
// tell the first bot we find to go to our marked area
CNavArea *area = TheNavMesh->GetMarkedArea(); if (area) { for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i ) { CBasePlayer *player = static_cast<CBasePlayer *>( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) );
if (player == NULL) continue; if (player->IsBot()) { CCSBot *bot = dynamic_cast<CCSBot *>( player );
if ( bot ) { bot->MoveTo( area->GetCenter(), FASTEST_ROUTE ); }
break; } } } }
#if 0
CON_COMMAND_F( bot_memory_usage, "Reports on the bots' memory usage", FCVAR_GAMEDLL ) { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return;
Msg( "Memory usage:\n" );
Msg( " %d bytes per bot\n", sizeof(CCSBot) );
Msg( " %d Navigation Areas @ %d bytes each = %d bytes\n", TheNavMesh->GetNavAreaCount(), sizeof( CNavArea ), TheNavMesh->GetNavAreaCount() * sizeof( CNavArea ) );
Msg( " %d Hiding Spots @ %d bytes each = %d bytes\n", TheHidingSpotList.Count(), sizeof( HidingSpot ), TheHidingSpotList.Count() * sizeof( HidingSpot ) );
unsigned int encounterMem = 0; FOR_EACH_LL( TheNavAreaList, it ) { CNavArea *area = TheNavAreaList[ it ];
FOR_EACH_LL( area->m_spotEncounterList, it ) { SpotEncounter *se = area->m_spotEncounterList[ it ];
encounterMem += sizeof( SpotEncounter ); encounterMem += se->spotList.Count() * sizeof( SpotOrder ); } }
Msg( " Encounter Spot data = %d bytes\n", encounterMem ); */ } #endif
bool CCSBotManager::ServerCommand( const char *cmd ) { return false; }
bool CCSBotManager::ClientCommand( CBasePlayer *player, const CCommand &args ) { return false; }
* Process the "bot_add" console command */ bool CCSBotManager::BotAddCommand( int team, bool isFromConsole, const char *profileName, CSWeaponType weaponType, BotDifficultyType difficulty ) { if ( !TheNavMesh->IsLoaded() ) { // If there isn't a Navigation Mesh in memory, create one
if ( !TheNavMesh->IsGenerating() ) { if ( !m_isMapDataLoaded ) { TheNavMesh->BeginGeneration(); m_isMapDataLoaded = true; } return false; } }
// dont allow bots to join if the Navigation Mesh is being generated
if (TheNavMesh->IsGenerating()) return false;
const BotProfile *profile = NULL;
if ( !isFromConsole ) { profileName = NULL; difficulty = GetDifficultyLevel(); } else { if ( difficulty == NUM_DIFFICULTY_LEVELS ) { difficulty = GetDifficultyLevel(); }
// if team not specified, check bot_join_team cvar for preference
if (team == TEAM_UNASSIGNED) { if (!stricmp( cv_bot_join_team.GetString(), "T" )) team = TEAM_TERRORIST; else if (!stricmp( cv_bot_join_team.GetString(), "CT" )) team = TEAM_CT; else team = CSGameRules()->SelectDefaultTeam(); } }
if ( profileName && *profileName ) { // in career, ignore humans, since we want to add anyway
bool ignoreHumans = CSGameRules()->IsCareer(); if (UTIL_IsNameTaken( profileName, ignoreHumans )) { if ( isFromConsole ) { Msg( "Error - %s is already in the game.\n", profileName ); } return true; }
// try to add a bot by name
profile = TheBotProfiles->GetProfile( profileName, team ); if ( !profile ) { // try to add a bot by template
profile = TheBotProfiles->GetProfileMatchingTemplate( profileName, team, difficulty ); if ( !profile ) { if ( isFromConsole ) { Msg( "Error - no profile for '%s' exists.\n", profileName ); } return true; } } } else { // if team not specified, check bot_join_team cvar for preference
if (team == TEAM_UNASSIGNED) { if (!stricmp( cv_bot_join_team.GetString(), "T" )) team = TEAM_TERRORIST; else if (!stricmp( cv_bot_join_team.GetString(), "CT" )) team = TEAM_CT; else team = CSGameRules()->SelectDefaultTeam(); }
profile = TheBotProfiles->GetRandomProfile( difficulty, team, weaponType ); if (profile == NULL) { if ( isFromConsole ) { Msg( "All bot profiles at this difficulty level are in use.\n" ); } return true; } }
if (team == TEAM_UNASSIGNED || team == TEAM_SPECTATOR) { if ( isFromConsole ) { Msg( "Could not add bot to the game: The game is full\n" ); } return false; }
if (CSGameRules()->TeamFull( team )) { if ( isFromConsole ) { Msg( "Could not add bot to the game: Team is full\n" ); } return false; }
if (CSGameRules()->TeamStacked( team, TEAM_UNASSIGNED )) { if ( isFromConsole ) { Msg( "Could not add bot to the game: Team is stacked (to disable this check, set mp_autoteambalance to zero, increase mp_limitteams, and restart the round).\n" ); } return false; }
// create the actual bot
CCSBot *bot = CreateBot<CCSBot>( profile, team );
if (bot == NULL) { if ( isFromConsole ) { Msg( "Error: CreateBot() failed.\n" ); } return false; }
if (isFromConsole) { // increase the bot quota to account for manually added bot
cv_bot_quota.SetValue( cv_bot_quota.GetInt() + 1 ); }
return true; }
int UTIL_CSSBotsInGame() { int count = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i ) { CCSBot *player = dynamic_cast<CCSBot *>(UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ));
if ( player == NULL ) continue;
count++; }
return count; }
bool UTIL_CSSKickBotFromTeam( int kickTeam ) { int i;
// try to kick a dead bot first
for ( i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i ) { CCSBot *player = dynamic_cast<CCSBot *>( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) );
if (player == NULL) continue;
if (!player->IsAlive() && player->GetTeamNumber() == kickTeam) { // its a bot on the right team - kick it
engine->ServerCommand( UTIL_VarArgs( "kick \"%s\"\n", player->GetPlayerName() ) );
return true; } }
// no dead bots, kick any bot on the given team
for ( i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i ) { CCSBot *player = dynamic_cast<CCSBot *>( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) );
if (player == NULL) continue;
if (player->GetTeamNumber() == kickTeam) { // its a bot on the right team - kick it
engine->ServerCommand( UTIL_VarArgs( "kick \"%s\"\n", player->GetPlayerName() ) );
return true; } }
return false; }
* Keep a minimum quota of bots in the game */ void CCSBotManager::MaintainBotQuota( void ) { if ( !AreBotsAllowed() ) return;
if (TheNavMesh->IsGenerating()) return;
int totalHumansInGame = UTIL_HumansInGame(); int humanPlayersInGame = UTIL_HumansInGame( IGNORE_SPECTATORS );
// don't add bots until local player has been registered, to make sure he's player ID #1
if (!engine->IsDedicatedServer() && totalHumansInGame == 0) return;
// new players can't spawn immediately after the round has been going for some time
if ( !CSGameRules() || !TheCSBots() ) { return; }
int desiredBotCount = cv_bot_quota.GetInt(); int botsInGame = UTIL_CSSBotsInGame();
/// isRoundInProgress is true if the round has progressed far enough that new players will join as dead.
bool isRoundInProgress = CSGameRules()->m_bFirstConnected && !TheCSBots()->IsRoundOver() && ( CSGameRules()->GetRoundElapsedTime() >= 20.0f );
if ( FStrEq( cv_bot_quota_mode.GetString(), "fill" ) ) { // If bot_quota_mode is 'fill', we want the number of bots and humans together to equal bot_quota
// unless the round is already in progress, in which case we play with what we've been dealt
if ( !isRoundInProgress ) { desiredBotCount = MAX( 0, desiredBotCount - humanPlayersInGame ); } else { desiredBotCount = botsInGame; } } else if ( FStrEq( cv_bot_quota_mode.GetString(), "match" ) ) { // If bot_quota_mode is 'match', we want the number of bots to be bot_quota * total humans
// unless the round is already in progress, in which case we play with what we've been dealt
if ( !isRoundInProgress ) { desiredBotCount = (int)MAX( 0, cv_bot_quota.GetFloat() * humanPlayersInGame ); } else { desiredBotCount = botsInGame; } }
// wait for a player to join, if necessary
if (cv_bot_join_after_player.GetBool()) { if (humanPlayersInGame == 0) desiredBotCount = 0; }
// wait until the map has been loaded for a bit, to allow players to transition across
// the transition without missing the pistol round
if ( bot_join_delay.GetInt() > CSGameRules()->GetMapElapsedTime() ) { desiredBotCount = 0; }
// if bots will auto-vacate, we need to keep one slot open to allow players to join
if (cv_bot_auto_vacate.GetBool()) desiredBotCount = MIN( desiredBotCount, gpGlobals->maxClients - (humanPlayersInGame + 1) ); else desiredBotCount = MIN( desiredBotCount, gpGlobals->maxClients - humanPlayersInGame );
// Try to balance teams, if we are in the first 20 seconds of a round and bots can join either team.
if ( botsInGame > 0 && desiredBotCount == botsInGame && CSGameRules()->m_bFirstConnected ) { if ( CSGameRules()->GetRoundElapsedTime() < 20.0f ) // new bots can still spawn during this time
{ if ( mp_autoteambalance.GetBool() ) { int numAliveTerrorist; int numAliveCT; int numDeadTerrorist; int numDeadCT; CSGameRules()->InitializePlayerCounts( numAliveTerrorist, numAliveCT, numDeadTerrorist, numDeadCT );
if ( !FStrEq( cv_bot_join_team.GetString(), "T" ) && !FStrEq( cv_bot_join_team.GetString(), "CT" ) ) { if ( numAliveTerrorist > CSGameRules()->m_iNumCT + 1 ) { if ( UTIL_KickBotFromTeam( TEAM_TERRORIST ) ) return; } else if ( numAliveCT > CSGameRules()->m_iNumTerrorist + 1 ) { if ( UTIL_KickBotFromTeam( TEAM_CT ) ) return; } } } } }
// add bots if necessary
if (desiredBotCount > botsInGame) { // don't try to add a bot if all teams are full
if (!CSGameRules()->TeamFull( TEAM_TERRORIST ) || !CSGameRules()->TeamFull( TEAM_CT )) TheCSBots()->BotAddCommand( TEAM_UNASSIGNED ); } else if (desiredBotCount < botsInGame) { // kick a bot to maintain quota
// first remove any unassigned bots
if (UTIL_CSSKickBotFromTeam( TEAM_UNASSIGNED )) return;
int kickTeam;
// remove from the team that has more players
if (CSGameRules()->m_iNumTerrorist > CSGameRules()->m_iNumCT) { kickTeam = TEAM_TERRORIST; } else if (CSGameRules()->m_iNumTerrorist < CSGameRules()->m_iNumCT) { kickTeam = TEAM_CT; }
// remove from the team that's winning
else if (CSGameRules()->m_iNumTerroristWins > CSGameRules()->m_iNumCTWins) { kickTeam = TEAM_TERRORIST; } else if (CSGameRules()->m_iNumCTWins > CSGameRules()->m_iNumTerroristWins) { kickTeam = TEAM_CT; } else { // teams and scores are equal, pick a team at random
kickTeam = (RandomInt( 0, 1 ) == 0) ? TEAM_CT : TEAM_TERRORIST; }
// attempt to kick a bot from the given team
if (UTIL_CSSKickBotFromTeam( kickTeam )) return;
// if there were no bots on the team, kick a bot from the other team
if (kickTeam == TEAM_TERRORIST) UTIL_CSSKickBotFromTeam( TEAM_CT ); else UTIL_CSSKickBotFromTeam( TEAM_TERRORIST ); } }
* Collect all nav areas that overlap the given zone */ class CollectOverlappingAreas { public: CollectOverlappingAreas( CCSBotManager::Zone *zone ) { m_zone = zone;
zone->m_areaCount = 0; }
bool operator() ( CNavArea *area ) { Extent areaExtent; area->GetExtent(&areaExtent);
if (areaExtent.hi.x >= m_zone->m_extent.lo.x && areaExtent.lo.x <= m_zone->m_extent.hi.x && areaExtent.hi.y >= m_zone->m_extent.lo.y && areaExtent.lo.y <= m_zone->m_extent.hi.y && areaExtent.hi.z >= m_zone->m_extent.lo.z && areaExtent.lo.z <= m_zone->m_extent.hi.z) { // area overlaps m_zone
m_zone->m_area[ m_zone->m_areaCount++ ] = area; if (m_zone->m_areaCount == CCSBotManager::MAX_ZONE_NAV_AREAS) { return false; } }
return true; }
private: CCSBotManager::Zone *m_zone; };
* Search the map entities to determine the game scenario and define important zones. */ void CCSBotManager::ExtractScenarioData( void ) { if (!TheNavMesh->IsLoaded()) return;
m_zoneCount = 0; m_gameScenario = SCENARIO_DEATHMATCH;
// Search all entities in the map and set the game type and
// store all zones (bomb target, etc).
CBaseEntity *entity; int i; for( i=1; i<gpGlobals->maxEntities; ++i ) { entity = CBaseEntity::Instance( engine->PEntityOfEntIndex( i ) );
if (entity == NULL) continue;
bool found = false; bool isLegacy = false;
if (FClassnameIs( entity, "func_bomb_target" )) { m_gameScenario = SCENARIO_DEFUSE_BOMB; found = true; isLegacy = false; } else if (FClassnameIs( entity, "info_bomb_target" )) { m_gameScenario = SCENARIO_DEFUSE_BOMB; found = true; isLegacy = true; } else if (FClassnameIs( entity, "func_hostage_rescue" )) { m_gameScenario = SCENARIO_RESCUE_HOSTAGES; found = true; isLegacy = false; } else if (FClassnameIs( entity, "info_hostage_rescue" )) { m_gameScenario = SCENARIO_RESCUE_HOSTAGES; found = true; isLegacy = true; } else if (FClassnameIs( entity, "hostage_entity" )) { // some very old maps (ie: cs_assault) use info_player_start
// as rescue zones, so set the scenario if there are hostages
// in the map
m_gameScenario = SCENARIO_RESCUE_HOSTAGES; } else if (FClassnameIs( entity, "func_vip_safetyzone" )) { m_gameScenario = SCENARIO_ESCORT_VIP; found = true; isLegacy = false; }
if (found) { if (m_zoneCount < MAX_ZONES) { Vector absmin, absmax; entity->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceAABB( &absmin, &absmax );
m_zone[ m_zoneCount ].m_isBlocked = false; m_zone[ m_zoneCount ].m_center = (isLegacy) ? entity->GetAbsOrigin() : (absmin + absmax)/2.0f; m_zone[ m_zoneCount ].m_isLegacy = isLegacy; m_zone[ m_zoneCount ].m_index = m_zoneCount; m_zone[ m_zoneCount++ ].m_entity = entity; } else Msg( "Warning: Too many zones, some will be ignored.\n" ); } }
// If there are no zones and the scenario is hostage rescue,
// use the info_player_start entities as rescue zones.
if (m_zoneCount == 0 && m_gameScenario == SCENARIO_RESCUE_HOSTAGES) { for( entity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "info_player_start" ); entity && !FNullEnt( entity->edict() ); entity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( entity, "info_player_start" ) ) { if (m_zoneCount < MAX_ZONES) { m_zone[ m_zoneCount ].m_isBlocked = false; m_zone[ m_zoneCount ].m_center = entity->GetAbsOrigin(); m_zone[ m_zoneCount ].m_isLegacy = true; m_zone[ m_zoneCount ].m_index = m_zoneCount; m_zone[ m_zoneCount++ ].m_entity = entity; } else { Msg( "Warning: Too many zones, some will be ignored.\n" ); } } }
// Collect nav areas that overlap each zone
for( i=0; i<m_zoneCount; ++i ) { Zone *zone = &m_zone[i];
if (zone->m_isLegacy) { const float legacyRange = 256.0f; zone->m_extent.lo.x = zone->m_center.x - legacyRange; zone->m_extent.lo.y = zone->m_center.y - legacyRange; zone->m_extent.lo.z = zone->m_center.z - legacyRange; zone->m_extent.hi.x = zone->m_center.x + legacyRange; zone->m_extent.hi.y = zone->m_center.y + legacyRange; zone->m_extent.hi.z = zone->m_center.z + legacyRange; } else { Vector absmin, absmax; zone->m_entity->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceAABB( &absmin, &absmax );
zone->m_extent.lo = absmin; zone->m_extent.hi = absmax; }
// ensure Z overlap
const float zFudge = 50.0f; zone->m_extent.lo.z -= zFudge; zone->m_extent.hi.z += zFudge;
// build a list of nav areas that overlap this zone
CollectOverlappingAreas collector( zone ); TheNavMesh->ForAllAreas( collector ); } }
* Return the zone that contains the given position */ const CCSBotManager::Zone *CCSBotManager::GetZone( const Vector &pos ) const { for( int z=0; z<m_zoneCount; ++z ) { if (m_zone[z].m_extent.Contains( pos )) { return &m_zone[z]; } }
return NULL; }
* Return the closest zone to the given position */ const CCSBotManager::Zone *CCSBotManager::GetClosestZone( const Vector &pos ) const { const Zone *close = NULL; float closeRangeSq = 999999999.9f;
for( int z=0; z<m_zoneCount; ++z ) { if ( m_zone[z].m_isBlocked ) continue;
float rangeSq = (m_zone[z].m_center - pos).LengthSqr();
if (rangeSq < closeRangeSq) { closeRangeSq = rangeSq; close = &m_zone[z]; } }
return close; }
* Return a random position inside the given zone */ const Vector *CCSBotManager::GetRandomPositionInZone( const Zone *zone ) const { static Vector pos;
if (zone == NULL) return NULL;
if (zone->m_areaCount == 0) return NULL;
// pick a random overlapping area
CNavArea *area = GetRandomAreaInZone(zone);
// pick a location inside both the nav area and the zone
/// @todo Randomize this
if (zone->m_isLegacy) { /// @todo It is possible that the radius might not overlap this area at all...
area->GetClosestPointOnArea( zone->m_center, &pos ); } else { Extent areaExtent; area->GetExtent(&areaExtent); Extent overlap; overlap.lo.x = MAX( areaExtent.lo.x, zone->m_extent.lo.x ); overlap.lo.y = MAX( areaExtent.lo.y, zone->m_extent.lo.y ); overlap.hi.x = MIN( areaExtent.hi.x, zone->m_extent.hi.x ); overlap.hi.y = MIN( areaExtent.hi.y, zone->m_extent.hi.y );
pos.x = (overlap.lo.x + overlap.hi.x)/2.0f; pos.y = (overlap.lo.y + overlap.hi.y)/2.0f; pos.z = area->GetZ( pos ); }
return &pos; }
* Return a random area inside the given zone */ CNavArea *CCSBotManager::GetRandomAreaInZone( const Zone *zone ) const { int areaCount = zone->m_areaCount; if( areaCount == 0 ) { assert( false && "CCSBotManager::GetRandomAreaInZone: No areas for this zone" ); return NULL; }
// Random, but weighted. Jump areas score zero, since you aren't ever meant to stop on one of those.
// Avoid areas score 1 to a normal area's 20 because pathfinding treats Avoid as a 20x penalty.
int totalWeight = 0; for( int areaIndex = 0; areaIndex < areaCount; areaIndex++ ) { CNavArea *currentArea = zone->m_area[areaIndex]; if( currentArea->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_JUMP ) totalWeight += 0; else if( currentArea->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_AVOID ) totalWeight += 1; else totalWeight += 20; }
if( totalWeight == 0 ) { assert( false && "CCSBotManager::GetRandomAreaInZone: No real areas for this zone" ); return NULL; }
int randomPick = RandomInt( 1, totalWeight );
for( int areaIndex = 0; areaIndex < areaCount; areaIndex++ ) { CNavArea *currentArea = zone->m_area[areaIndex]; if( currentArea->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_JUMP ) randomPick -= 0; else if( currentArea->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_AVOID ) randomPick -= 1; else randomPick -= 20;
if( randomPick <= 0 ) return currentArea; }
// Won't ever get here, but the compiler will cry without it.
return zone->m_area[0]; }
void CCSBotManager::OnServerShutdown( IGameEvent *event ) { if ( !engine->IsDedicatedServer() ) { // Since we're a listenserver, save some config info for the next time we start up
static const char *botVars[] = { "bot_quota", "bot_difficulty", "bot_chatter", "bot_prefix", "bot_join_team", "bot_defer_to_human", #ifdef CS_SHIELD_ENABLED
"bot_allow_shield", #endif // CS_SHIELD_ENABLED
"bot_join_after_player", "bot_allow_rogues", "bot_allow_pistols", "bot_allow_shotguns", "bot_allow_sub_machine_guns", "bot_allow_machine_guns", "bot_allow_rifles", "bot_allow_snipers", "bot_allow_grenades" }; KeyValues *data = new KeyValues( "ServerConfig" );
// load the config data
if (data) { data->LoadFromFile( filesystem, "ServerConfig.vdf", "GAME" ); for ( int i=0; i<sizeof(botVars)/sizeof(botVars[0]); ++i ) { const char *varName = botVars[i]; if ( varName ) { ConVar *var = cvar->FindVar( varName ); if ( var ) { data->SetString( varName, var->GetString() ); } } } data->SaveToFile( filesystem, "ServerConfig.vdf", "GAME" ); data->deleteThis(); } return; } }
void CCSBotManager::OnPlayerFootstep( IGameEvent *event ) { CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnPlayerFootstep, event ); }
void CCSBotManager::OnPlayerRadio( IGameEvent *event ) { // if it's an Enemy Spotted radio, update our enemy spotted timestamp
if ( event->GetInt( "slot" ) == RADIO_ENEMY_SPOTTED ) { // to have some idea of when a human Player has seen an enemy
SetLastSeenEnemyTimestamp(); }
void CCSBotManager::OnPlayerDeath( IGameEvent *event ) { CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnPlayerDeath, event ); }
void CCSBotManager::OnPlayerFallDamage( IGameEvent *event ) { CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnPlayerFallDamage, event ); }
void CCSBotManager::OnBombPickedUp( IGameEvent *event ) { // bomb no longer loose
SetLooseBomb( NULL );
void CCSBotManager::OnBombPlanted( IGameEvent *event ) { m_isBombPlanted = true; m_bombPlantTimestamp = gpGlobals->curtime;
void CCSBotManager::OnBombBeep( IGameEvent *event ) { CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnBombBeep, event ); }
void CCSBotManager::OnBombDefuseBegin( IGameEvent *event ) { m_bombDefuser = static_cast<CCSPlayer *>( UTIL_PlayerByUserId( event->GetInt( "userid" ) ) );
CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnBombDefuseBegin, event ); }
void CCSBotManager::OnBombDefused( IGameEvent *event ) { m_isBombPlanted = false; m_bombDefuser = NULL;
void CCSBotManager::OnBombDefuseAbort( IGameEvent *event ) { m_bombDefuser = NULL;
CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnBombDefuseAbort, event ); }
void CCSBotManager::OnBombExploded( IGameEvent *event ) { CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnBombExploded, event ); }
void CCSBotManager::OnRoundEnd( IGameEvent *event ) { m_isRoundOver = true;
void CCSBotManager::OnRoundStart( IGameEvent *event ) { RestartRound();
static CBaseEntity * SelectSpawnSpot( const char *pEntClassName ) { CBaseEntity* pSpot = NULL;
// Find the next spawn spot.
pSpot = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pSpot, pEntClassName );
if ( pSpot == NULL ) // skip over the null point
pSpot = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pSpot, pEntClassName );
CBaseEntity *pFirstSpot = pSpot; do { if ( pSpot ) { // check if pSpot is valid
if ( pSpot->GetAbsOrigin() == Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ) { pSpot = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pSpot, pEntClassName ); continue; }
// if so, go to pSpot
return pSpot; } // increment pSpot
pSpot = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pSpot, pEntClassName ); } while ( pSpot != pFirstSpot ); // loop if we're not back to the start
return NULL; }
* Pathfind from each zone to a spawn point to ensure it is valid. Assumes that every spawn can pathfind to * every other spawn. */ void CCSBotManager::CheckForBlockedZones( void ) { CBaseEntity *pSpot = SelectSpawnSpot( "info_player_counterterrorist" ); if ( !pSpot ) pSpot = SelectSpawnSpot( "info_player_terrorist" );
if ( !pSpot ) return;
Vector spawnPos = pSpot->GetAbsOrigin(); CNavArea *spawnArea = TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( spawnPos ); if ( !spawnArea ) return;
ShortestPathCost costFunc;
for( int i=0; i<m_zoneCount; ++i ) { if (m_zone[i].m_areaCount == 0) continue;
// just use the first overlapping nav area as a reasonable approximation
float dist = NavAreaTravelDistance( spawnArea, m_zone[i].m_area[0], costFunc ); m_zone[i].m_isBlocked = (dist < 0.0f );
if ( cv_bot_debug.GetInt() == 5 ) { if ( m_zone[i].m_isBlocked ) DevMsg( "%.1f: Zone %d, area %d (%.0f %.0f %.0f) is blocked from spawn area %d (%.0f %.0f %.0f)\n", gpGlobals->curtime, i, m_zone[i].m_area[0]->GetID(), m_zone[i].m_area[0]->GetCenter().x, m_zone[i].m_area[0]->GetCenter().y, m_zone[i].m_area[0]->GetCenter().z, spawnArea->GetID(), spawnPos.x, spawnPos.y, spawnPos.z ); } } }
void CCSBotManager::OnRoundFreezeEnd( IGameEvent *event ) { bool reenableEvents = m_NavBlockedEvent.IsEnabled();
m_NavBlockedEvent.Enable( false ); // don't listen to nav_blocked events - there could be several, and we don't have bots pathing
CUtlVector< CNavArea * >& transientAreas = TheNavMesh->GetTransientAreas(); for ( int i=0; i<transientAreas.Count(); ++i ) { CNavArea *area = transientAreas[i]; if ( area->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_TRANSIENT ) { area->UpdateBlocked(); } } if ( reenableEvents ) { m_NavBlockedEvent.Enable( true ); }
CheckForBlockedZones(); }
void CCSBotManager::OnNavBlocked( IGameEvent *event ) { CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnNavBlocked, event ); CheckForBlockedZones(); }
void CCSBotManager::OnDoorMoving( IGameEvent *event ) { CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnDoorMoving, event ); }
* Check all nav areas inside the breakable's extent to see if players would now fall through */ class CheckAreasOverlappingBreakable { public: CheckAreasOverlappingBreakable( CBaseEntity *breakable ) { m_breakable = breakable; ICollideable *collideable = breakable->GetCollideable(); collideable->WorldSpaceSurroundingBounds( &m_breakableExtent.lo, &m_breakableExtent.hi );
const float expand = 10.0f; m_breakableExtent.lo += Vector( -expand, -expand, -expand ); m_breakableExtent.hi += Vector( expand, expand, expand ); }
bool operator() ( CNavArea *area ) { Extent areaExtent; area->GetExtent(&areaExtent);
if (areaExtent.hi.x >= m_breakableExtent.lo.x && areaExtent.lo.x <= m_breakableExtent.hi.x && areaExtent.hi.y >= m_breakableExtent.lo.y && areaExtent.lo.y <= m_breakableExtent.hi.y && areaExtent.hi.z >= m_breakableExtent.lo.z && areaExtent.lo.z <= m_breakableExtent.hi.z) { // area overlaps the breakable
area->CheckFloor( m_breakable ); }
return true; }
private: Extent m_breakableExtent; CBaseEntity *m_breakable; };
void CCSBotManager::OnBreakBreakable( IGameEvent *event ) { CheckAreasOverlappingBreakable collector( UTIL_EntityByIndex( event->GetInt( "entindex" ) ) ); TheNavMesh->ForAllAreas( collector );
CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnBreakBreakable, event ); }
void CCSBotManager::OnBreakProp( IGameEvent *event ) { CheckAreasOverlappingBreakable collector( UTIL_EntityByIndex( event->GetInt( "entindex" ) ) ); TheNavMesh->ForAllAreas( collector );
void CCSBotManager::OnHostageFollows( IGameEvent *event ) { CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnHostageFollows, event ); }
void CCSBotManager::OnHostageRescuedAll( IGameEvent *event ) { CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnHostageRescuedAll, event ); }
void CCSBotManager::OnWeaponFire( IGameEvent *event ) { CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnWeaponFire, event ); }
void CCSBotManager::OnWeaponFireOnEmpty( IGameEvent *event ) { CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnWeaponFireOnEmpty, event ); }
void CCSBotManager::OnWeaponReload( IGameEvent *event ) { CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnWeaponReload, event ); }
void CCSBotManager::OnWeaponZoom( IGameEvent *event ) { CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnWeaponZoom, event ); }
void CCSBotManager::OnBulletImpact( IGameEvent *event ) { CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnBulletImpact, event ); }
void CCSBotManager::OnHEGrenadeDetonate( IGameEvent *event ) { CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnHEGrenadeDetonate, event ); }
void CCSBotManager::OnFlashbangDetonate( IGameEvent *event ) { CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnFlashbangDetonate, event ); }
void CCSBotManager::OnSmokeGrenadeDetonate( IGameEvent *event ) { CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnSmokeGrenadeDetonate, event ); }
void CCSBotManager::OnGrenadeBounce( IGameEvent *event ) { CCSBOTMANAGER_ITERATE_BOTS( OnGrenadeBounce, event ); }
* Get the time remaining before the planted bomb explodes */ float CCSBotManager::GetBombTimeLeft( void ) const { return (mp_c4timer.GetFloat() - (gpGlobals->curtime - m_bombPlantTimestamp)); }
void CCSBotManager::SetLooseBomb( CBaseEntity *bomb ) { m_looseBomb = bomb;
if (bomb) { m_looseBombArea = TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( bomb->GetAbsOrigin() ); } else { m_looseBombArea = NULL; } }
* Return true if player is important to scenario (VIP, bomb carrier, etc) */ bool CCSBotManager::IsImportantPlayer( CCSPlayer *player ) const { switch (GetScenario()) { case SCENARIO_DEFUSE_BOMB: { if (player->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_TERRORIST && player->HasC4()) return true;
/// @todo TEAM_CT's defusing the bomb are important
return false; }
case SCENARIO_ESCORT_VIP: { if (player->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_CT && player->IsVIP()) return true;
return false; }
case SCENARIO_RESCUE_HOSTAGES: { /// @todo TEAM_CT's escorting hostages are important
return false; } }
// everyone is equally important in a deathmatch
return false; }
* Return priority of player (0 = max pri) */ unsigned int CCSBotManager::GetPlayerPriority( CBasePlayer *player ) const { const unsigned int lowestPriority = 0xFFFFFFFF;
if (!player->IsPlayer()) return lowestPriority;
// human players have highest priority
if (!player->IsBot()) return 0;
CCSBot *bot = dynamic_cast<CCSBot *>( player );
if ( !bot ) return 0;
// bots doing something important for the current scenario have high priority
switch (GetScenario()) { case SCENARIO_DEFUSE_BOMB: { // the bomb carrier has high priority
if (bot->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_TERRORIST && bot->HasC4()) return 1;
break; }
case SCENARIO_ESCORT_VIP: { // the VIP has high priority
if (bot->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_CT && bot->m_bIsVIP) return 1;
break; }
case SCENARIO_RESCUE_HOSTAGES: { // TEAM_CT's rescuing hostages have high priority
if (bot->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_CT && bot->GetHostageEscortCount()) return 1;
break; } }
// everyone else is ranked by their unique ID (which cannot be zero)
return 1 + bot->GetID(); }
* Returns a random spawn point for the given team (no arg means use both team spawnpoints) */ CBaseEntity *CCSBotManager::GetRandomSpawn( int team ) const { CUtlVector< CBaseEntity * > spawnSet; CBaseEntity *spot;
if (team == TEAM_TERRORIST || team == TEAM_MAXCOUNT) { // collect T spawns
for( spot = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "info_player_terrorist" ); spot; spot = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( spot, "info_player_terrorist" ) ) { spawnSet.AddToTail( spot ); } }
if (team == TEAM_CT || team == TEAM_MAXCOUNT) { // collect CT spawns
for( spot = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "info_player_counterterrorist" ); spot; spot = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( spot, "info_player_counterterrorist" ) ) { spawnSet.AddToTail( spot ); } }
if (spawnSet.Count() == 0) { return NULL; }
// select one at random
int which = RandomInt( 0, spawnSet.Count()-1 ); return spawnSet[ which ]; }
* Return the last time the given radio message was sent for given team * 'teamID' can be TEAM_CT or TEAM_TERRORIST */ float CCSBotManager::GetRadioMessageTimestamp( RadioType event, int teamID ) const { int i = (teamID == TEAM_TERRORIST) ? 0 : 1;
if (event > RADIO_START_1 && event < RADIO_END) return m_radioMsgTimestamp[ event - RADIO_START_1 ][ i ];
return 0.0f; }
* Return the interval since the last time this message was sent */ float CCSBotManager::GetRadioMessageInterval( RadioType event, int teamID ) const { int i = (teamID == TEAM_TERRORIST) ? 0 : 1;
if (event > RADIO_START_1 && event < RADIO_END) return gpGlobals->curtime - m_radioMsgTimestamp[ event - RADIO_START_1 ][ i ];
return 99999999.9f; }
* Set the given radio message timestamp. * 'teamID' can be TEAM_CT or TEAM_TERRORIST */ void CCSBotManager::SetRadioMessageTimestamp( RadioType event, int teamID ) { int i = (teamID == TEAM_TERRORIST) ? 0 : 1;
if (event > RADIO_START_1 && event < RADIO_END) m_radioMsgTimestamp[ event - RADIO_START_1 ][ i ] = gpGlobals->curtime; }
* Reset all radio message timestamps */ void CCSBotManager::ResetRadioMessageTimestamps( void ) { for( int t=0; t<2; ++t ) { for( int m=0; m<(RADIO_END - RADIO_START_1); ++m ) m_radioMsgTimestamp[ m ][ t ] = 0.0f; } }
* Display nav areas as they become reachable by each team */ void DrawOccupyTime( void ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it ) { CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
int r, g, b; if (TheCSBots()->GetElapsedRoundTime() > area->GetEarliestOccupyTime( TEAM_TERRORIST )) { if (TheCSBots()->GetElapsedRoundTime() > area->GetEarliestOccupyTime( TEAM_CT )) { r = 255; g = 0; b = 255; } else { r = 255; g = 0; b = 0; } } else if (TheCSBots()->GetElapsedRoundTime() > area->GetEarliestOccupyTime( TEAM_CT )) { r = 0; g = 0; b = 255; } else { continue; }
const Vector &nw = area->GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ); const Vector &ne = area->GetCorner( NORTH_EAST ); const Vector &sw = area->GetCorner( SOUTH_WEST ); const Vector &se = area->GetCorner( SOUTH_EAST );
NDebugOverlay::Line( nw, ne, r, g, b, true, 0.1f ); NDebugOverlay::Line( nw, sw, r, g, b, true, 0.1f ); NDebugOverlay::Line( se, sw, r, g, b, true, 0.1f ); NDebugOverlay::Line( se, ne, r, g, b, true, 0.1f ); } }
* Display areas where players will likely have initial battles */ void DrawBattlefront( void ) { const float epsilon = 1.0f; int r = 255, g = 50, b = 0; FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it ) { CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
if ( fabs(area->GetEarliestOccupyTime( TEAM_TERRORIST ) - area->GetEarliestOccupyTime( TEAM_CT )) > epsilon ) { continue; }
const Vector &nw = area->GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ); const Vector &ne = area->GetCorner( NORTH_EAST ); const Vector &sw = area->GetCorner( SOUTH_WEST ); const Vector &se = area->GetCorner( SOUTH_EAST );
NDebugOverlay::Line( nw, ne, r, g, b, true, 0.1f ); NDebugOverlay::Line( nw, sw, r, g, b, true, 0.1f ); NDebugOverlay::Line( se, sw, r, g, b, true, 0.1f ); NDebugOverlay::Line( se, ne, r, g, b, true, 0.1f ); } }
static bool CheckAreaAgainstAllZoneAreas(CNavArea *queryArea) { // A marked area means they just want to double check this one spot
int goalZoneCount = TheCSBots()->GetZoneCount();
for( int zoneIndex = 0; zoneIndex < goalZoneCount; zoneIndex++ ) { const CCSBotManager::Zone *currentZone = TheCSBots()->GetZone(zoneIndex);
int zoneAreaCount = currentZone->m_areaCount; for( int areaIndex = 0; areaIndex < zoneAreaCount; areaIndex++ ) { CNavArea *zoneArea = currentZone->m_area[areaIndex]; // We need to be connected to every area in the zone, since we don't know what other code might pick for an area
ShortestPathCost cost; if( NavAreaTravelDistance(queryArea, zoneArea, cost) == -1.0f ) { Msg( "Area #%d is disconnected from goal area #%d.\n", queryArea->GetID(), zoneArea->GetID() ); return false; } }
} return true; }
CON_COMMAND_F( nav_check_connectivity, "Checks to be sure every (or just the marked) nav area can get to every goal area for the map (hostages or bomb site).", FCVAR_CHEAT ) { //Nav command in here since very CS specific.
if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return;
if ( TheNavMesh->GetMarkedArea() ) { CNavArea *markedArea = TheNavMesh->GetMarkedArea(); bool fine = CheckAreaAgainstAllZoneAreas( markedArea ); if( fine ) { Msg( "Area #%d is connected to all goal areas.\n", markedArea->GetID() ); } } else { // Otherwise, loop through every area, and make sure they can all get to the goal.
float start = engine->Time(); FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, nit ) { CheckAreaAgainstAllZoneAreas(TheNavAreas[ nit ]); }
float end = engine->Time(); float time = (end - start) * 1000.0f; Msg( "nav_check_connectivity took %2.2f ms\n", time ); } }