//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "ai_basenpc.h"
#include "trains.h"
#include "ndebugoverlay.h"
#include "entitylist.h"
#include "engine/IEngineSound.h"
#include "hl1_ents.h"
#include "doors.h"
#include "soundent.h"
#include "hl1_basegrenade.h"
#include "shake.h"
#include "globalstate.h"
#include "soundscape.h"
#include "buttons.h"
#include "Sprite.h"
#include "actanimating.h"
#include "npcevent.h"
#include "func_break.h"
#include "hl1_shareddefs.h"
#include "eventqueue.h"
// TRIGGERS: trigger_auto, trigger_relay, multimanager: replaced in src by logic_auto and logic_relay
// This trigger will fire when the level spawns (or respawns if not fire once)
// It will check a global state before firing.
#define SF_AUTO_FIREONCE 0x0001
class CAutoTrigger : public CBaseEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CAutoTrigger, CBaseEntity ); public: void Spawn( void ); void Precache( void ); void Think( void );
int ObjectCaps( void ) { return BaseClass::ObjectCaps() & ~FCAP_ACROSS_TRANSITION; }
COutputEvent m_OnTrigger; string_t m_globalstate; }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( trigger_auto, CAutoTrigger );
BEGIN_DATADESC( CAutoTrigger ) DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_globalstate, FIELD_STRING, "globalstate" ),
// Outputs
DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnTrigger, "OnTrigger"), END_DATADESC()
void CAutoTrigger::Spawn( void ) { Precache(); }
void CAutoTrigger::Precache( void ) { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); }
// Purpose: Checks the global state and fires targets if the global state is set.
void CAutoTrigger::Think( void ) { if ( !m_globalstate || GlobalEntity_GetState( m_globalstate ) == GLOBAL_ON ) { m_OnTrigger.FireOutput(NULL, this);
if ( m_spawnflags & SF_AUTO_FIREONCE ) UTIL_Remove( this ); } }
#define SF_RELAY_FIREONCE 0x0001
class CTriggerRelay : public CBaseEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CTriggerRelay, CBaseEntity ); public:
CTriggerRelay( void );
bool KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ); void Spawn( void ); void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ); void RefireThink( void );
int ObjectCaps( void ) { return BaseClass::ObjectCaps() & ~FCAP_ACROSS_TRANSITION; }
private: USE_TYPE triggerType; float m_flRefireInterval; float m_flRefireDuration; float m_flTimeRefireDone;
USE_TYPE m_TargetUseType; float m_flTargetValue;
COutputEvent m_OnTrigger; }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( trigger_relay, CTriggerRelay );
BEGIN_DATADESC( CTriggerRelay ) DEFINE_FIELD( triggerType, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flRefireInterval, FIELD_FLOAT, "repeatinterval" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flRefireDuration, FIELD_FLOAT, "repeatduration" ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flTimeRefireDone, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_TargetUseType, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flTargetValue, FIELD_FLOAT ),
// Function Pointers
// Outputs
DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnTrigger, "OnTrigger"), END_DATADESC()
CTriggerRelay::CTriggerRelay( void ) { m_flRefireInterval = -1; m_flRefireDuration = -1; m_flTimeRefireDone = -1; }
bool CTriggerRelay::KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ) { if (FStrEq(szKeyName, "triggerstate")) { int type = atoi( szValue ); switch( type ) { case 0: triggerType = USE_OFF; break; case 2: triggerType = USE_TOGGLE; break; default: triggerType = USE_ON; break; } } else { return BaseClass::KeyValue( szKeyName, szValue ); }
return true; }
void CTriggerRelay::Spawn( void ) { }
void CTriggerRelay::RefireThink( void ) { // sending this as Activator and Caller right now. Seems the safest thing
// since whatever fired the relay the first time may no longer exist.
Use( this, this, m_TargetUseType, m_flTargetValue );
if( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flTimeRefireDone ) { UTIL_Remove( this ); } else { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + m_flRefireInterval ); } }
void CTriggerRelay::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ) { m_OnTrigger.FireOutput(pActivator, this); if ( m_spawnflags & SF_RELAY_FIREONCE ) { UTIL_Remove( this ); }
else if( m_flRefireDuration != -1 && m_flTimeRefireDone == -1 ) { // Set up to refire this target automatically
m_TargetUseType = useType; m_flTargetValue = value;
m_flTimeRefireDone = gpGlobals->curtime + m_flRefireDuration; SetThink( &CTriggerRelay::RefireThink ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + m_flRefireInterval ); } }
// The Multimanager Entity - when fired, will fire up to 16 targets
// at specified times.
class CMultiManager : public CPointEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CMultiManager, CPointEntity ); public:
bool KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ); void Spawn ( void ); void ManagerThink ( void ); void ManagerUse ( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
#if _DEBUG
void ManagerReport( void ); #endif
bool HasTarget( string_t targetname ); int ObjectCaps( void ) { return BaseClass::ObjectCaps() & ~FCAP_ACROSS_TRANSITION; }
int m_cTargets; // the total number of targets in this manager's fire list.
int m_index; // Current target
float m_flWait; EHANDLE m_hActivator; float m_startTime;// Time we started firing
string_t m_iTargetName [ MAX_MULTI_TARGETS ];// list if indexes into global string array
float m_flTargetDelay [ MAX_MULTI_TARGETS ];// delay (in seconds) from time of manager fire to target fire
COutputEvent m_OnTrigger;
void InputManagerTrigger( inputdata_t &data ); }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( multi_manager, CMultiManager );
// Global Savedata for multi_manager
// Function Pointers
DEFINE_FUNCTION( ManagerThink ), DEFINE_FUNCTION( ManagerUse ), #if _DEBUG
DEFINE_FUNCTION( ManagerReport ), #endif
// Outputs
DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnTrigger, "OnTrigger"), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "Trigger", InputManagerTrigger ), END_DATADESC()
void CMultiManager::InputManagerTrigger( inputdata_t &data ) { ManagerUse ( NULL, NULL, USE_TOGGLE, 0 ); }
bool CMultiManager::KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ) { if ( BaseClass::KeyValue( szKeyName, szValue ) ) { return true; } else // add this field to the target list
{ // this assumes that additional fields are targetnames and their values are delay values.
if ( m_cTargets < MAX_MULTI_TARGETS ) { char tmp[128];
UTIL_StripToken( szKeyName, tmp, Q_ARRAYSIZE( tmp ) ); m_iTargetName [ m_cTargets ] = AllocPooledString( tmp ); m_flTargetDelay [ m_cTargets ] = atof (szValue); m_cTargets++; } else { return false; } }
return true; }
void CMultiManager::Spawn( void ) { SetSolid( SOLID_NONE ); SetUse ( &CMultiManager::ManagerUse ); SetThink ( &CMultiManager::ManagerThink);
// Sort targets
// Quick and dirty bubble sort
int swapped = 1;
while ( swapped ) { swapped = 0; for ( int i = 1; i < m_cTargets; i++ ) { if ( m_flTargetDelay[i] < m_flTargetDelay[i-1] ) { // Swap out of order elements
string_t name = m_iTargetName[i]; float delay = m_flTargetDelay[i]; m_iTargetName[i] = m_iTargetName[i-1]; m_flTargetDelay[i] = m_flTargetDelay[i-1]; m_iTargetName[i-1] = name; m_flTargetDelay[i-1] = delay; swapped = 1; } } } }
bool CMultiManager::HasTarget( string_t targetname ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_cTargets; i++ ) if ( FStrEq(STRING(targetname), STRING(m_iTargetName[i])) ) return true; return false; }
// Designers were using this to fire targets that may or may not exist --
// so I changed it to use the standard target fire code, made it a little simpler.
void CMultiManager::ManagerThink ( void ) { float t;
t = gpGlobals->curtime - m_startTime;
while ( m_index < m_cTargets && m_flTargetDelay[ m_index ] <= t ) { FireTargets( STRING( m_iTargetName[ m_index ] ), m_hActivator, this, USE_TOGGLE, 0 ); m_index++; }
if ( m_index >= m_cTargets )// have we fired all targets?
{ SetThink( NULL ); SetUse ( &CMultiManager::ManagerUse );// allow manager re-use
} else { SetNextThink( m_startTime + m_flTargetDelay[ m_index ] ); } }
// The USE function builds the time table and starts the entity thinking.
void CMultiManager::ManagerUse ( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ) { m_hActivator = pActivator; m_index = 0; m_startTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
m_OnTrigger.FireOutput(pActivator, this); // Calculate the time to re-enable the multimanager - just after the last output is fired.
// dvsents2: need to disable multimanager until last output is fired
//m_fEnableTime = gpGlobals->curtime + m_OnTrigger.GetMaxDelay();
SetUse( NULL );// disable use until all targets have fired
SetThink ( &CMultiManager::ManagerThink ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime ); }
#if _DEBUG
void CMultiManager::ManagerReport ( void ) { int cIndex;
for ( cIndex = 0 ; cIndex < m_cTargets ; cIndex++ ) { Msg( "%s %f\n", STRING(m_iTargetName[cIndex]), m_flTargetDelay[cIndex] ); } } #endif
// Pendulum
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( func_pendulum, CPendulum );
void CPendulum::Spawn( void ) { CBaseToggle::AxisDir();
m_flDamp *= 0.001; if ( FBitSet ( m_spawnflags, SF_DOOR_PASSABLE ) ) SetSolid( SOLID_NONE ); else SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX );
SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_PUSH ); SetModel( STRING(GetModelName()) );
if ( m_flMoveDistance != 0 ) { if ( m_flSpeed == 0 ) m_flSpeed = 100;
m_flAccel = ( m_flSpeed * m_flSpeed ) / ( 2 * fabs( m_flMoveDistance )); // Calculate constant acceleration from speed and distance
m_flMaxSpeed = m_flSpeed; m_vStart = GetAbsAngles(); m_vCenter = GetAbsAngles() + ( m_flMoveDistance * 0.05 ) * m_vecMoveAng;
if ( FBitSet( m_spawnflags, SF_BRUSH_ROTATE_START_ON ) ) { SetThink( &CBaseEntity::SUB_CallUseToggle ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); }
m_flSpeed = 0; SetUse( &CPendulum::PendulumUse );
VPhysicsInitShadow( false, false ); ///VPhysicsGetObject()->SetPosition( GetAbsOrigin(), pev->absangles );
if ( FBitSet( m_spawnflags, SF_PENDULUM_SWING ) ) { SetTouch ( &CPendulum::RopeTouch ); } }
void CPendulum::PendulumUse( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ) { if ( m_flSpeed ) // Pendulum is moving, stop it and auto-return if necessary
{ if ( FBitSet( m_spawnflags, SF_BRUSH_ROTATE_START_ON ) ) { float delta;
delta = CBaseToggle::AxisDelta( m_spawnflags, GetAbsAngles(), m_vStart );
SetLocalAngularVelocity( m_flMaxSpeed * m_vecMoveAng ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + delta / m_flMaxSpeed); SetThink( &CPendulum::Stop ); } else { m_flSpeed = 0; // Dead stop
SetThink( NULL ); SetLocalAngularVelocity( QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ) ); } } else { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); // Start the pendulum moving
m_flTime = gpGlobals->curtime; // Save time to calculate dt
SetThink( &CPendulum::Swing ); m_flDampSpeed = m_flMaxSpeed; } }
void CPendulum::InputActivate( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); // Start the pendulum moving
m_flTime = gpGlobals->curtime; // Save time to calculate dt
SetThink( &CPendulum::Swing ); m_flDampSpeed = m_flMaxSpeed; }
void CPendulum::Stop( void ) { SetAbsAngles( m_vStart ); m_flSpeed = 0; SetThink( NULL ); SetLocalAngularVelocity( QAngle ( 0, 0, 0 ) ); }
void CPendulum::Blocked( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { m_flTime = gpGlobals->curtime; }
void CPendulum::Swing( void ) { float delta, dt; delta = CBaseToggle::AxisDelta( m_spawnflags, GetAbsAngles(), m_vCenter ); dt = gpGlobals->curtime - m_flTime; // How much time has passed?
m_flTime = gpGlobals->curtime; // Remember the last time called
if ( delta > 0 && m_flAccel > 0 ) m_flSpeed -= m_flAccel * dt; // Integrate velocity
else m_flSpeed += m_flAccel * dt;
if ( m_flSpeed > m_flMaxSpeed ) m_flSpeed = m_flMaxSpeed; else if ( m_flSpeed < -m_flMaxSpeed ) m_flSpeed = -m_flMaxSpeed;
// scale the destdelta vector by the time spent traveling to get velocity
SetLocalAngularVelocity( m_flSpeed * m_vecMoveAng );
// Call this again
SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); SetMoveDoneTime( 0.1 ); if ( m_flDamp ) { m_flDampSpeed -= m_flDamp * m_flDampSpeed * dt; if ( m_flDampSpeed < 30.0 ) { SetAbsAngles( m_vCenter ); m_flSpeed = 0; SetThink( NULL ); SetLocalAngularVelocity( QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ) ); } else if ( m_flSpeed > m_flDampSpeed ) m_flSpeed = m_flDampSpeed; else if ( m_flSpeed < -m_flDampSpeed ) m_flSpeed = -m_flDampSpeed; } }
void CPendulum::Touch ( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { if ( m_flBlockDamage <= 0 ) return;
// we can't hurt this thing, so we're not concerned with it
if ( !pOther->m_takedamage ) return;
// calculate damage based on rotation speed
float damage = m_flBlockDamage * m_flSpeed * 0.01;
if ( damage < 0 ) damage = -damage;
pOther->TakeDamage( CTakeDamageInfo( this, this, damage, DMG_CRUSH ) ); Vector vNewVel = (pOther->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin()); VectorNormalize( vNewVel );
pOther->SetAbsVelocity( vNewVel * damage ); }
void CPendulum::RopeTouch ( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { if ( !pOther->IsPlayer() ) {// not a player!
DevMsg ( 2, "Not a client\n" ); return; }
if ( pOther == GetEnemy() ) return; m_hEnemy = pOther; pOther->SetAbsVelocity( Vector ( 0, 0, 0 ) ); pOther->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE ); }
class CFuncMortarField : public CBaseToggle { DECLARE_CLASS( CFuncMortarField, CBaseToggle ); public: void Spawn( void ); void Precache( void ); void KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd );
// Bmodels don't go across transitions
virtual int ObjectCaps( void ) { return CBaseToggle::ObjectCaps() & ~FCAP_ACROSS_TRANSITION; }
/* virtual int Save( CSave &save );
virtual int Restore( CRestore &restore );
static TYPEDESCRIPTION m_SaveData[];*/
//void EXPORT FieldUse( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
void InputTrigger ( inputdata_t &inputdata );
string_t m_iszXController; string_t m_iszYController; float m_flSpread; int m_iCount; int m_fControl; };
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( func_mortar_field, CFuncMortarField );
BEGIN_DATADESC( CFuncMortarField ) DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszXController, FIELD_STRING, "m_iszXController" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszYController, FIELD_STRING, "m_iszYController" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flSpread, FIELD_FLOAT, "m_flSpread" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iCount, FIELD_INTEGER, "m_iCount" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_fControl, FIELD_INTEGER, "m_fControl" ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "Trigger", InputTrigger ), END_DATADESC()
// Drop bombs from above
void CFuncMortarField::Spawn( void ) { SetSolid( SOLID_NONE ); SetModel( STRING(GetModelName()) ); // set size and link into world
SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE ); AddEffects( EF_NODRAW ); // SetUse( FieldUse );
Precache(); }
void CFuncMortarField::Precache( void ) { PrecacheModel( "sprites/lgtning.vmt" );
PrecacheScriptSound( "MortarField.Trigger" ); }
void CFuncMortarField::InputTrigger( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { Vector vecStart; CollisionProp()->RandomPointInBounds( Vector( 0, 0, 1 ), Vector( 1, 1, 1 ), &vecStart );
switch( m_fControl ) { case 0: // random
break; case 1: // Trigger Activator
if (inputdata.pActivator != NULL) { vecStart.x = inputdata.pActivator->GetAbsOrigin().x; vecStart.y = inputdata.pActivator->GetAbsOrigin().y; } break; case 2: // table
{ CBaseEntity *pController;
if ( m_iszXController != NULL_STRING ) { pController = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, STRING(m_iszXController) ); if (pController != NULL) { if ( FClassnameIs( pController, "momentary_rot_button" ) ) { CMomentaryRotButton *pXController = static_cast<CMomentaryRotButton*>( pController ); Vector vecNormalizedPos( pXController->GetPos( pXController->GetLocalAngles() ), 0.0f, 0.0f ); Vector vecWorldSpace; CollisionProp()->NormalizedToWorldSpace( vecNormalizedPos, &vecWorldSpace ); vecStart.x = vecWorldSpace.x; } else { DevMsg( "func_mortarfield has X controller that isn't a momentary_rot_button.\n" ); } } } if ( m_iszYController != NULL_STRING ) { pController = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, STRING(m_iszYController) ); if (pController != NULL) { if ( FClassnameIs( pController, "momentary_rot_button" ) ) { CMomentaryRotButton *pYController = static_cast<CMomentaryRotButton*>( pController ); Vector vecNormalizedPos( 0.0f, pYController->GetPos( pYController->GetLocalAngles() ), 0.0f ); Vector vecWorldSpace; CollisionProp()->NormalizedToWorldSpace( vecNormalizedPos, &vecWorldSpace ); vecStart.y = vecWorldSpace.y; } else { DevMsg( "func_mortarfield has Y controller that isn't a momentary_rot_button.\n" ); } } } } break; }
CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this, ATTN_NONE ); EmitSound( filter, entindex(), "MortarField.Trigger" );
float t = 2.5; for (int i = 0; i < m_iCount; i++) { Vector vecSpot = vecStart; vecSpot.x += random->RandomFloat( -m_flSpread, m_flSpread ); vecSpot.y += random->RandomFloat( -m_flSpread, m_flSpread );
trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceLine( vecSpot, vecSpot + Vector( 0, 0, -1 ) * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH, MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
CBaseEntity *pMortar = Create( "monster_mortar", tr.endpos, QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ), inputdata.pActivator ); pMortar->SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + t ); t += random->RandomFloat( 0.2, 0.5 );
if (i == 0) CSoundEnt::InsertSound ( SOUND_DANGER, tr.endpos, 400, 0.3 ); } }
#ifdef HL1_DLL
class CMortar : public CHL1BaseGrenade { DECLARE_CLASS( CMortar, CHL1BaseGrenade );
public: void Spawn( void ); void Precache( void );
void MortarExplode( void );
int m_spriteTexture;
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( monster_mortar, CMortar );
void CMortar::Spawn( ) { SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE ); SetSolid( SOLID_NONE );
SetDamage( 200 ); SetDamageRadius( GetDamage() * 2.5 );
SetThink( &CMortar::MortarExplode ); SetNextThink( TICK_NEVER_THINK );
Precache( ); }
void CMortar::Precache( ) { m_spriteTexture = PrecacheModel( "sprites/lgtning.vmt" ); }
void CMortar::MortarExplode( void ) { Vector vecStart = GetAbsOrigin(); Vector vecEnd = vecStart; vecEnd.z += 1024;
UTIL_Beam( vecStart, vecEnd, m_spriteTexture, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 4.0, 4.0, 100, 0, 255, 160, 100, 128, 0 );
trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, 1024 ), GetAbsOrigin() - Vector( 0, 0, 1024 ), MASK_ALL, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
Explode( &tr, DMG_BLAST | DMG_MISSILEDEFENSE ); UTIL_ScreenShake( tr.endpos, 25.0, 150.0, 1.0, 750, SHAKE_START ); }
// Dead HEV suit prop
class CNPC_DeadHEV : public CAI_BaseNPC { DECLARE_CLASS( CNPC_DeadHEV, CAI_BaseNPC ); public: void Spawn( void ); Class_T Classify ( void ) { return CLASS_NONE; } float MaxYawSpeed( void ) { return 8.0f; }
bool KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue );
int m_iPose;// which sequence to display -- temporary, don't need to save
static char *m_szPoses[4]; };
char *CNPC_DeadHEV::m_szPoses[] = { "deadback", "deadsitting", "deadstomach", "deadtable" };
bool CNPC_DeadHEV::KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ) { if ( FStrEq( szKeyName, "pose" ) ) m_iPose = atoi( szValue ); else CAI_BaseNPC::KeyValue( szKeyName, szValue );
return true; }
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( monster_hevsuit_dead, CNPC_DeadHEV );
// ********** DeadHEV SPAWN **********
void CNPC_DeadHEV::Spawn( void ) { PrecacheModel("models/player.mdl"); SetModel( "models/player.mdl" );
ClearEffects(); SetSequence( 0 ); m_nBody = 1; m_bloodColor = BLOOD_COLOR_RED;
SetSequence( LookupSequence( m_szPoses[m_iPose] ) );
if ( GetSequence() == -1 ) { Msg ( "Dead hevsuit with bad pose\n" ); SetSequence( 0 ); ClearEffects(); AddEffects( EF_BRIGHTLIGHT ); }
// Corpses have less health
m_iHealth = 8;
NPCInitDead(); }
// Render parameters trigger
// This entity will copy its render parameters (renderfx, rendermode, rendercolor, renderamt)
// to its targets when triggered.
// Flags to indicate masking off various render parameters that are normally copied to the targets
#define SF_RENDER_MASKFX (1<<0)
#define SF_RENDER_MASKAMT (1<<1)
#define SF_RENDER_MASKMODE (1<<2)
#define SF_RENDER_MASKCOLOR (1<<3)
class CRenderFxManager : public CBaseEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CRenderFxManager, CBaseEntity ); public: void Spawn( void ); void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
// Input handlers.
void InputActivate( inputdata_t &inputdata );
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( env_render, CRenderFxManager );
void CRenderFxManager::Spawn( void ) { AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ); SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE ); AddEffects( EF_NODRAW ); }
void CRenderFxManager::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ) { if ( m_target != NULL_STRING ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL; while ( ( pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByName( pEntity, STRING( m_target ) ) ) != NULL ) { if ( !HasSpawnFlags( SF_RENDER_MASKFX ) ) pEntity->m_nRenderFX = m_nRenderFX; if ( !HasSpawnFlags( SF_RENDER_MASKAMT ) ) pEntity->SetRenderColorA( GetRenderColor().a ); if ( !HasSpawnFlags( SF_RENDER_MASKMODE ) ) pEntity->m_nRenderMode = m_nRenderMode; if ( !HasSpawnFlags( SF_RENDER_MASKCOLOR ) ) pEntity->m_clrRender = m_clrRender; } } }
void CRenderFxManager::InputActivate( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { Use( inputdata.pActivator, inputdata.pCaller, USE_ON, 0 ); }
// Link env_sound to soundscape system
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( env_sound, CEnvSoundscape );
#define XEN_PLANT_GLOW_SPRITE "sprites/flare3.spr"
class CXenPLight : public CActAnimating { DECLARE_CLASS( CXenPLight, CActAnimating );
void Spawn( void ); void Precache( void ); void Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther ); void Think( void );
void LightOn( void ); void LightOff( void );
float m_flDmgTime;
private: CSprite *m_pGlow; };
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( xen_plantlight, CXenPLight );
void CXenPLight::Spawn( void ) { Precache();
SetModel( "models/light.mdl" );
UTIL_SetSize( this, Vector(-80,-80,0), Vector(80,80,32)); SetActivity( ACT_IDLE ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1 ); SetCycle( random->RandomFloat(0,1) );
m_pGlow = CSprite::SpriteCreate( XEN_PLANT_GLOW_SPRITE, GetLocalOrigin() + Vector(0,0,(WorldAlignMins().z+WorldAlignMaxs().z)*0.5), FALSE ); m_pGlow->SetTransparency( kRenderGlow, GetRenderColor().r, GetRenderColor().g, GetRenderColor().b, GetRenderColor().a, m_nRenderFX ); m_pGlow->SetAttachment( this, 1 ); }
void CXenPLight::Precache( void ) { PrecacheModel( "models/light.mdl" ); PrecacheModel( XEN_PLANT_GLOW_SPRITE ); }
void CXenPLight::Think( void ) { StudioFrameAdvance(); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1 );
switch( GetActivity() ) { case ACT_CROUCH: if ( IsSequenceFinished() ) { SetActivity( ACT_CROUCHIDLE ); LightOff(); } break;
case ACT_CROUCHIDLE: if ( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flDmgTime ) { SetActivity( ACT_STAND ); LightOn(); } break;
case ACT_STAND: if ( IsSequenceFinished() ) SetActivity( ACT_IDLE ); break;
case ACT_IDLE: default: break; } }
void CXenPLight::Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { if ( pOther->IsPlayer() ) { m_flDmgTime = gpGlobals->curtime + XEN_PLANT_HIDE_TIME; if ( GetActivity() == ACT_IDLE || GetActivity() == ACT_STAND ) { SetActivity( ACT_CROUCH ); } } }
void CXenPLight::LightOn( void ) { variant_t Value; g_EventQueue.AddEvent( STRING( m_target ), "TurnOn", Value, 0, this, this );
if ( m_pGlow ) m_pGlow->RemoveEffects( EF_NODRAW ); }
void CXenPLight::LightOff( void ) { variant_t Value; g_EventQueue.AddEvent( STRING( m_target ), "TurnOff", Value, 0, this, this );
if ( m_pGlow ) m_pGlow->AddEffects( EF_NODRAW ); }
class CXenHair : public CActAnimating { DECLARE_CLASS( CXenHair, CActAnimating ); public: void Spawn( void ); void Precache( void ); void Think( void ); };
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( xen_hair, CXenHair );
#define SF_HAIR_SYNC 0x0001
void CXenHair::Spawn( void ) { Precache(); SetModel( "models/hair.mdl" ); UTIL_SetSize( this, Vector(-4,-4,0), Vector(4,4,32)); SetSequence( 0 ); if ( !HasSpawnFlags( SF_HAIR_SYNC ) ) { SetCycle( random->RandomFloat( 0,1) ); m_flPlaybackRate = random->RandomFloat( 0.7, 1.4 ); } ResetSequenceInfo( );
SetSolid( SOLID_NONE ); SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat( 0.1, 0.4 ) ); // Load balance these a bit
void CXenHair::Think( void ) { StudioFrameAdvance(); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1 ); }
void CXenHair::Precache( void ) { PrecacheModel( "models/hair.mdl" ); }
class CXenTreeTrigger : public CBaseEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CXenTreeTrigger, CBaseEntity ); public: void Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther ); static CXenTreeTrigger *TriggerCreate( CBaseEntity *pOwner, const Vector &position ); }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( xen_ttrigger, CXenTreeTrigger );
CXenTreeTrigger *CXenTreeTrigger::TriggerCreate( CBaseEntity *pOwner, const Vector &position ) { CXenTreeTrigger *pTrigger = CREATE_ENTITY( CXenTreeTrigger, "xen_ttrigger" ); pTrigger->SetAbsOrigin( position );
pTrigger->SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX ); pTrigger->AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_TRIGGER | FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ); pTrigger->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE ); pTrigger->SetOwnerEntity( pOwner );
return pTrigger; }
void CXenTreeTrigger::Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { if ( GetOwnerEntity() ) { GetOwnerEntity()->Touch( pOther ); } }
#define TREE_AE_ATTACK 1
class CXenTree : public CActAnimating { DECLARE_CLASS( CXenTree, CActAnimating ); public: void Spawn( void ); void Precache( void ); void Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther ); void Think( void ); int OnTakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { Attack(); return 0; } void HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent ); void Attack( void ); Class_T Classify( void ) { return CLASS_ALIEN_PREDATOR; }
private: CXenTreeTrigger *m_pTrigger; };
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( xen_tree, CXenTree );
void CXenTree::Spawn( void ) { Precache();
SetModel( "models/tree.mdl" ); SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE ); SetSolid ( SOLID_BBOX );
m_takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
UTIL_SetSize( this, Vector(-30,-30,0), Vector(30,30,188)); SetActivity( ACT_IDLE ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1 ); SetCycle( random->RandomFloat( 0,1 ) ); m_flPlaybackRate = random->RandomFloat( 0.7, 1.4 );
Vector triggerPosition, vForward;
AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &vForward ); triggerPosition = GetAbsOrigin() + (vForward * 64); // Create the trigger
m_pTrigger = CXenTreeTrigger::TriggerCreate( this, triggerPosition ); UTIL_SetSize( m_pTrigger, Vector( -24, -24, 0 ), Vector( 24, 24, 128 ) ); }
void CXenTree::Precache( void ) { PrecacheModel( "models/tree.mdl" ); PrecacheModel( XEN_PLANT_GLOW_SPRITE );
PrecacheScriptSound( "XenTree.AttackMiss" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "XenTree.AttackHit" ); }
void CXenTree::Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { if ( !pOther->IsPlayer() && FClassnameIs( pOther, "monster_bigmomma" ) ) return;
Attack(); }
void CXenTree::Attack( void ) { if ( GetActivity() == ACT_IDLE ) { SetActivity( ACT_MELEE_ATTACK1 ); m_flPlaybackRate = random->RandomFloat( 1.0, 1.4 );
CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this ); EmitSound( filter, entindex(), "XenTree.AttackMiss" ); } }
void CXenTree::HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent ) { switch( pEvent->event ) { case TREE_AE_ATTACK: { CBaseEntity *pList[8]; BOOL sound = FALSE; int count = UTIL_EntitiesInBox( pList, 8, m_pTrigger->GetAbsOrigin() + m_pTrigger->WorldAlignMins(), m_pTrigger->GetAbsOrigin() + m_pTrigger->WorldAlignMaxs(), FL_NPC|FL_CLIENT );
Vector forward; AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &forward );
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if ( pList[i] != this ) { if ( pList[i]->GetOwnerEntity() != this ) { sound = true; pList[i]->TakeDamage( CTakeDamageInfo(this, this, 25, DMG_CRUSH | DMG_SLASH ) ); pList[i]->ViewPunch( QAngle( 15, 0, 18 ) );
pList[i]->SetAbsVelocity( pList[i]->GetAbsVelocity() + forward * 100 ); } } } if ( sound ) { CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this ); EmitSound( filter, entindex(), "XenTree.AttackHit" ); } } return; }
BaseClass::HandleAnimEvent( pEvent ); }
void CXenTree::Think( void ) { StudioFrameAdvance(); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1 ); DispatchAnimEvents( this );
switch( GetActivity() ) { case ACT_MELEE_ATTACK1: if ( IsSequenceFinished() ) { SetActivity( ACT_IDLE ); m_flPlaybackRate = random->RandomFloat( 0.6f, 1.4f ); } break;
default: case ACT_IDLE: break;
} }
class CXenSpore : public CActAnimating { DECLARE_CLASS( CXenSpore, CActAnimating ); public: void Spawn( void ); void Precache( void ); void Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther ); // void HandleAnimEvent( MonsterEvent_t *pEvent );
void Attack( void ) {}
static const char *pModelNames[]; };
class CXenSporeSmall : public CXenSpore { DECLARE_CLASS( CXenSporeSmall, CXenSpore ); void Spawn( void ); };
class CXenSporeMed : public CXenSpore { DECLARE_CLASS( CXenSporeMed, CXenSpore ); void Spawn( void ); };
class CXenSporeLarge : public CXenSpore { DECLARE_CLASS( CXenSporeLarge, CXenSpore ); void Spawn( void );
static const Vector m_hullSizes[]; };
// Fake collision box for big spores
class CXenHull : public CPointEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CXenHull, CPointEntity ); public: static CXenHull *CreateHull( CBaseEntity *source, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, const Vector &offset ); Class_T Classify( void ) { return CLASS_ALIEN_PREDATOR; } };
CXenHull *CXenHull::CreateHull( CBaseEntity *source, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, const Vector &offset ) { CXenHull *pHull = CREATE_ENTITY( CXenHull, "xen_hull" );
UTIL_SetOrigin( pHull, source->GetAbsOrigin() + offset ); pHull->SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX ); pHull->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE ); pHull->SetOwnerEntity( source ); UTIL_SetSize( pHull, mins, maxs ); pHull->SetRenderColorA( 0 ); pHull->m_nRenderMode = kRenderTransTexture; return pHull; }
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( xen_spore_small, CXenSporeSmall ); LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( xen_spore_medium, CXenSporeMed ); LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( xen_spore_large, CXenSporeLarge ); LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( xen_hull, CXenHull );
void CXenSporeSmall::Spawn( void ) { m_nSkin = 0; CXenSpore::Spawn(); UTIL_SetSize( this, Vector(-16,-16,0), Vector(16,16,64)); } void CXenSporeMed::Spawn( void ) { m_nSkin = 1; CXenSpore::Spawn(); UTIL_SetSize( this, Vector(-40,-40,0), Vector(40,40,120)); }
// I just eyeballed these -- fill in hulls for the legs
const Vector CXenSporeLarge::m_hullSizes[] = { Vector( 90, -25, 0 ), Vector( 25, 75, 0 ), Vector( -15, -100, 0 ), Vector( -90, -35, 0 ), Vector( -90, 60, 0 ), };
void CXenSporeLarge::Spawn( void ) { m_nSkin = 2; CXenSpore::Spawn(); UTIL_SetSize( this, Vector(-48,-48,110), Vector(48,48,240)); Vector forward, right;
AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &forward, &right, NULL );
// Rotate the leg hulls into position
for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(m_hullSizes); i++ ) { CXenHull::CreateHull( this, Vector(-12, -12, 0 ), Vector( 12, 12, 120 ), (m_hullSizes[i].x * forward) + (m_hullSizes[i].y * right) ); } }
void CXenSpore::Spawn( void ) { Precache();
SetModel( pModelNames[m_nSkin] ); SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE ); SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX ); m_takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
// SetActivity( ACT_IDLE );
SetSequence( 0 ); SetCycle( random->RandomFloat( 0.0f, 1.0f ) ); m_flPlaybackRate = random->RandomFloat( 0.7f, 1.4f ); ResetSequenceInfo( ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat( 0.1f, 0.4f ) ); // Load balance these a bit
const char *CXenSpore::pModelNames[] = { "models/fungus(small).mdl", "models/fungus.mdl", "models/fungus(large).mdl", };
void CXenSpore::Precache( void ) { PrecacheModel( (char *)pModelNames[m_nSkin] ); }
void CXenSpore::Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { }
// WaitTillLand - in order to emit their meaty scent from
// the proper location, gibs should wait until they stop
// bouncing to emit their scent. That's what this function
// does.
void CHL1Gib::WaitTillLand ( void ) { if ( !IsInWorld() ) { UTIL_Remove( this ); return; }
if ( GetAbsVelocity() == vec3_origin ) { /* SetRenderColorA( 255 );
m_nRenderMode = kRenderTransTexture; AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );*/ SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + m_lifeTime ); SetThink ( &CBaseEntity::SUB_FadeOut );
// If you bleed, you stink!
/* if ( m_bloodColor != DONT_BLEED )
{ // ok, start stinkin!
CSoundEnt::InsertSound ( bits_SOUND_MEAT, pev->origin, 384, 25 ); }*/ } else { // wait and check again in another half second.
SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5 ); } }
// Gib bounces on the ground or wall, sponges some blood down, too!
void CHL1Gib::BounceGibTouch ( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { Vector vecSpot; trace_t tr; if ( GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND) { SetAbsVelocity( GetAbsVelocity() * 0.9 );
SetAbsAngles( QAngle( 0, GetAbsAngles().y, 0 ) ); SetLocalAngularVelocity( QAngle( 0, GetLocalAngularVelocity().y, 0 ) ); } else { if ( m_cBloodDecals > 0 && m_bloodColor != DONT_BLEED ) { vecSpot = GetAbsOrigin() + Vector ( 0 , 0 , 8 );//move up a bit, and trace down.
UTIL_TraceLine ( vecSpot, vecSpot + Vector ( 0, 0, -24 ), MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr);
UTIL_BloodDecalTrace( &tr, m_bloodColor );
m_cBloodDecals--; }
if ( m_material != matNone && random->RandomInt( 0, 2 ) == 0 ) { float volume; float zvel = fabs( GetAbsVelocity().z ); volume = 0.8 * MIN(1.0, ((float)zvel) / 450.0);
CBreakable::MaterialSoundRandom( entindex(), (Materials)m_material, volume ); } } }
// Sticky gib puts blood on the wall and stays put.
void CHL1Gib::StickyGibTouch ( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { Vector vecSpot; trace_t tr; SetThink ( &CHL1Gib::SUB_Remove ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 10 );
if ( !FClassnameIs( pOther, "worldspawn" ) ) { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime ); return; }
UTIL_TraceLine ( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + GetAbsVelocity() * 32, MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
UTIL_BloodDecalTrace( &tr, m_bloodColor );
SetAbsVelocity( tr.plane.normal * -1 );
QAngle qAngle;
VectorAngles( GetAbsVelocity(), qAngle ); SetAbsAngles( qAngle );
SetAbsVelocity( vec3_origin ); SetLocalAngularVelocity( QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ) ); SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE ); }
// Throw a chunk
void CHL1Gib::Spawn( const char *szGibModel ) { SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_FLYGRAVITY, MOVECOLLIDE_FLY_BOUNCE );
SetFriction( 0.55 ); // deading the bounce a bit
// sometimes an entity inherits the edict from a former piece of glass,
// and will spawn using the same render FX or rendermode! bad!
SetRenderColorA( 255 ); m_nRenderMode = kRenderNormal; m_nRenderFX = kRenderFxNone; SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX ); AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_STANDABLE ); SetClassname( "gib" );
SetModel( szGibModel ); UTIL_SetSize( this, Vector( 0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 0, 0));
SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 4 );
m_lifeTime = 25;
SetThink ( &CHL1Gib::WaitTillLand ); SetTouch ( &CHL1Gib::BounceGibTouch );
m_material = matNone; m_cBloodDecals = 5;// how many blood decals this gib can place (1 per bounce until none remain).
BEGIN_DATADESC( CHL1Gib ) // Function Pointers
DEFINE_FUNCTION( BounceGibTouch ), DEFINE_FUNCTION( StickyGibTouch ), DEFINE_FUNCTION( WaitTillLand ),
class CTriggerEndSection : public CBaseEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CTriggerEndSection, CBaseEntity );
public: void Spawn( void ); void InputEndSection( inputdata_t &data ); DECLARE_DATADESC(); };
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( trigger_endsection, CTriggerEndSection );
BEGIN_DATADESC( CTriggerEndSection ) DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "EndSection", InputEndSection ), END_DATADESC()
void CTriggerEndSection::Spawn( void ) { if ( gpGlobals->deathmatch ) { UTIL_Remove( this ); return; } }
void CTriggerEndSection::InputEndSection( inputdata_t &data ) { CBaseEntity *pPlayer = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer();
if ( pPlayer ) { //HACKY MCHACK - This works, but it's nasty. Alfred is going to fix a
//bug in gameui that prevents you from dropping to the main menu after
// calling disconnect.
engine->ClientCommand ( pPlayer->edict(), "toggleconsole;disconnect\n"); }
UTIL_Remove( this ); }