//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "ai_basenpc.h"
#include "player_pickup.h"
#include "particle_system.h"
//Turret states
//Eye states
enum eyeState_t { TURRET_EYE_SEE_TARGET, //Sees the target, bright and big
TURRET_EYE_SEEKING_TARGET, //Looking for a target, blinking (bright)
TURRET_EYE_DEAD, //Completely invisible
TURRET_EYE_DISABLED, //Turned off, must be reactivated before it'll deploy again (completely invisible)
TURRET_EYE_ALARM, // On side, but warning player to pick it back up
// BUG: These all stomp Base NPC spawnflags. Any Base NPC code called by this
// this class may have undesired side effects due to these being set.
#define SF_FLOOR_TURRET_OUT_OF_AMMO 0x00000100
#define SF_FLOOR_TURRET_CITIZEN 0x00000200 // Citizen modified turret
class CTurretTipController; class CBeam; class CSprite;
// Purpose: Floor turret
class CNPC_FloorTurret : public CNPCBaseInteractive<CAI_BaseNPC>, public CDefaultPlayerPickupVPhysics { DECLARE_CLASS( CNPC_FloorTurret, CNPCBaseInteractive<CAI_BaseNPC> ); public:
CNPC_FloorTurret( void );
virtual void Precache( void ); virtual void Spawn( void ); virtual void Activate( void ); virtual bool CreateVPhysics( void ); virtual void UpdateOnRemove( void ); virtual int OnTakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); virtual void PlayerPenetratingVPhysics( void ); virtual int VPhysicsTakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); virtual bool CanBecomeServerRagdoll( void ) { return false; }
// We don't want to be NPCSOLID because we'll collide with NPC clips
virtual unsigned int PhysicsSolidMaskForEntity( void ) const { return MASK_SOLID; } #endif // HL2_EPISODIC
// Player pickup
virtual void OnPhysGunPickup( CBasePlayer *pPhysGunUser, PhysGunPickup_t reason ); virtual void OnPhysGunDrop( CBasePlayer *pPhysGunUser, PhysGunDrop_t Reason ); virtual bool HasPreferredCarryAnglesForPlayer( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ); virtual QAngle PreferredCarryAngles( void ); virtual bool OnAttemptPhysGunPickup( CBasePlayer *pPhysGunUser, PhysGunPickup_t reason );
const char *GetTracerType( void ) { return "AR2Tracer"; }
bool ShouldSavePhysics() { return true; }
bool HandleInteraction( int interactionType, void *data, CBaseCombatCharacter *sourceEnt );
// Think functions
virtual void Retire( void ); virtual void Deploy( void ); virtual void ActiveThink( void ); virtual void SearchThink( void ); virtual void AutoSearchThink( void ); virtual void TippedThink( void ); virtual void InactiveThink( void ); virtual void SuppressThink( void ); virtual void DisabledThink( void ); virtual void SelfDestructThink( void ); virtual void BreakThink( void ); virtual void HackFindEnemy( void );
virtual float GetAttackDamageScale( CBaseEntity *pVictim ); virtual Vector GetAttackSpread( CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon, CBaseEntity *pTarget );
// Do we have a physics attacker?
CBasePlayer *HasPhysicsAttacker( float dt ); bool IsHeldByPhyscannon( ) { return VPhysicsGetObject() && (VPhysicsGetObject()->GetGameFlags() & FVPHYSICS_PLAYER_HELD); }
// Use functions
void ToggleUse( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
int ObjectCaps() { return BaseClass::ObjectCaps() | FCAP_IMPULSE_USE; }
void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( pActivator ); if ( pPlayer ) { pPlayer->PickupObject( this, false ); } }
// Inputs
void InputToggle( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputEnable( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputDisable( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputDepleteAmmo( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputRestoreAmmo( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSelfDestruct( inputdata_t &inputdata );
virtual bool IsValidEnemy( CBaseEntity *pEnemy ); bool CanBeAnEnemyOf( CBaseEntity *pEnemy ); bool IsBeingCarriedByPlayer( void ) { return m_bCarriedByPlayer; } bool WasJustDroppedByPlayer( void );
int BloodColor( void ) { return DONT_BLEED; } float MaxYawSpeed( void );
virtual Class_T Classify( void );
Vector EyePosition( void ) { UpdateMuzzleMatrix(); Vector vecOrigin; MatrixGetColumn( m_muzzleToWorld, 3, vecOrigin ); Vector vecForward; MatrixGetColumn( m_muzzleToWorld, 0, vecForward ); // Note: We back up into the model to avoid an edge case where the eyes clip out of the world and
// cause problems with the PVS calculations -- jdw
vecOrigin -= vecForward * 8.0f;
return vecOrigin; }
Vector EyeOffset( Activity nActivity ) { return Vector( 0, 0, 58 ); }
// Restore the turret to working operation after falling over
void ReturnToLife( void );
int DrawDebugTextOverlays( void );
// INPCInteractive Functions
virtual bool CanInteractWith( CAI_BaseNPC *pUser ) { return false; } // Disabled for now (sjb)
virtual bool HasBeenInteractedWith() { return m_bHackedByAlyx; } virtual void NotifyInteraction( CAI_BaseNPC *pUser ) { // For now, turn green so we can tell who is hacked.
SetRenderColor( 0, 255, 0 ); m_bHackedByAlyx = true; }
static float fMaxTipControllerVelocity; static float fMaxTipControllerAngularVelocity;
virtual bool PreThink( turretState_e state ); virtual void Shoot( const Vector &vecSrc, const Vector &vecDirToEnemy, bool bStrict = false ); virtual void SetEyeState( eyeState_t state ); void Ping( void ); void Toggle( void ); void Enable( void ); void Disable( void ); void SpinUp( void ); void SpinDown( void );
virtual bool OnSide( void );
bool IsCitizenTurret( void ) { return HasSpawnFlags( SF_FLOOR_TURRET_CITIZEN ); } bool UpdateFacing( void ); void DryFire( void ); void UpdateMuzzleMatrix();
protected: matrix3x4_t m_muzzleToWorld; int m_muzzleToWorldTick; int m_iAmmoType;
bool m_bAutoStart; bool m_bActive; //Denotes the turret is deployed and looking for targets
bool m_bBlinkState; bool m_bEnabled; //Denotes whether the turret is able to deploy or not
bool m_bNoAlarmSounds; bool m_bSelfDestructing; // Going to blow up
float m_flDestructStartTime; float m_flShotTime; float m_flLastSight; float m_flThrashTime; float m_flPingTime; float m_flNextActivateSoundTime; bool m_bCarriedByPlayer; bool m_bUseCarryAngles; float m_flPlayerDropTime; int m_iKeySkin;
CHandle<CBaseCombatCharacter> m_hLastNPCToKickMe; // Stores the last NPC who tried to knock me over
float m_flKnockOverFailedTime; // Time at which we should tell the NPC that he failed to knock me over
QAngle m_vecGoalAngles;
int m_iEyeAttachment; int m_iMuzzleAttachment; eyeState_t m_iEyeState; CHandle<CSprite> m_hEyeGlow; CHandle<CBeam> m_hLaser; CHandle<CTurretTipController> m_pMotionController;
CHandle<CParticleSystem> m_hFizzleEffect; Vector m_vecEnemyLKP;
// physics influence
CHandle<CBasePlayer> m_hPhysicsAttacker; float m_flLastPhysicsInfluenceTime;
static const char *m_pShotSounds[];
COutputEvent m_OnDeploy; COutputEvent m_OnRetire; COutputEvent m_OnTipped; COutputEvent m_OnPhysGunPickup; COutputEvent m_OnPhysGunDrop;
bool m_bHackedByAlyx; HSOUNDSCRIPTHANDLE m_ShotSounds;
// Tip controller
class CTurretTipController : public CPointEntity, public IMotionEvent { DECLARE_CLASS( CTurretTipController, CPointEntity ); DECLARE_DATADESC();
~CTurretTipController( void ); void Spawn( void ); void Activate( void ); void Enable( bool state = true ); void Suspend( float time ); float SuspendedTill( void );
bool Enabled( void );
static CTurretTipController *CreateTipController( CNPC_FloorTurret *pOwner ) { if ( pOwner == NULL ) return NULL;
CTurretTipController *pController = (CTurretTipController *) Create( "floorturret_tipcontroller", pOwner->GetAbsOrigin(), pOwner->GetAbsAngles() );
if ( pController != NULL ) { pController->m_pParentTurret = pOwner; }
return pController; }
// IMotionEvent
virtual simresult_e Simulate( IPhysicsMotionController *pController, IPhysicsObject *pObject, float deltaTime, Vector &linear, AngularImpulse &angular );
private: bool m_bEnabled; float m_flSuspendTime; Vector m_worldGoalAxis; Vector m_localTestAxis; IPhysicsMotionController *m_pController; float m_angularLimit; CNPC_FloorTurret *m_pParentTurret; };
#endif //#ifndef NPC_TURRET_FLOOR_H