//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef WEAPON_RPG_H
#define WEAPON_RPG_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "basehlcombatweapon.h"
#include "Sprite.h"
#include "npcevent.h"
#include "beam_shared.h"
class CWeaponRPG; class CLaserDot; class RocketTrail; //###########################################################################
// >> CMissile (missile launcher class is below this one!)
class CMissile : public CBaseCombatCharacter { DECLARE_CLASS( CMissile, CBaseCombatCharacter );
public: static const int EXPLOSION_RADIUS = 200;
CMissile(); ~CMissile();
#ifdef HL1_DLL
Class_T Classify( void ) { return CLASS_NONE; } #else
Class_T Classify( void ) { return CLASS_MISSILE; } #endif
void Spawn( void ); void Precache( void ); void MissileTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ); void Explode( void ); void ShotDown( void ); void AccelerateThink( void ); void AugerThink( void ); void IgniteThink( void ); void SeekThink( void ); void DumbFire( void ); void SetGracePeriod( float flGracePeriod );
int OnTakeDamage_Alive( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); void Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); virtual float GetDamage() { return m_flDamage; } virtual void SetDamage(float flDamage) { m_flDamage = flDamage; }
unsigned int PhysicsSolidMaskForEntity( void ) const;
CHandle<CWeaponRPG> m_hOwner;
static CMissile *Create( const Vector &vecOrigin, const QAngle &vecAngles, edict_t *pentOwner );
void CreateDangerSounds( bool bState ){ m_bCreateDangerSounds = bState; }
static void AddCustomDetonator( CBaseEntity *pEntity, float radius, float height = -1 ); static void RemoveCustomDetonator( CBaseEntity *pEntity );
protected: virtual void DoExplosion(); virtual void ComputeActualDotPosition( CLaserDot *pLaserDot, Vector *pActualDotPosition, float *pHomingSpeed ); virtual int AugerHealth() { return m_iMaxHealth - 20; }
// Creates the smoke trail
void CreateSmokeTrail( void );
// Gets the shooting position
void GetShootPosition( CLaserDot *pLaserDot, Vector *pShootPosition );
CHandle<RocketTrail> m_hRocketTrail; float m_flAugerTime; // Amount of time to auger before blowing up anyway
float m_flMarkDeadTime; float m_flDamage;
struct CustomDetonator_t { EHANDLE hEntity; float radiusSq; float halfHeight; };
static CUtlVector<CustomDetonator_t> gm_CustomDetonators;
private: float m_flGracePeriodEndsAt; bool m_bCreateDangerSounds;
// Laser dot control
CBaseEntity *CreateLaserDot( const Vector &origin, CBaseEntity *pOwner, bool bVisibleDot ); void SetLaserDotTarget( CBaseEntity *pLaserDot, CBaseEntity *pTarget ); void EnableLaserDot( CBaseEntity *pLaserDot, bool bEnable );
// Specialized mizzizzile
class CAPCMissile : public CMissile { DECLARE_CLASS( CMissile, CMissile ); DECLARE_DATADESC();
public: static CAPCMissile *Create( const Vector &vecOrigin, const QAngle &vecAngles, const Vector &vecVelocity, CBaseEntity *pOwner );
CAPCMissile(); ~CAPCMissile(); void IgniteDelay( void ); void AugerDelay( float flDelayTime ); void ExplodeDelay( float flDelayTime ); void DisableGuiding(); #if defined( HL2_DLL )
virtual Class_T Classify ( void ) { return CLASS_COMBINE; } #endif
void AimAtSpecificTarget( CBaseEntity *pTarget ); void SetGuidanceHint( const char *pHintName );
void APCSeekThink( void );
CAPCMissile *m_pNext;
protected: virtual void DoExplosion(); virtual void ComputeActualDotPosition( CLaserDot *pLaserDot, Vector *pActualDotPosition, float *pHomingSpeed ); virtual int AugerHealth();
private: void Init(); void ComputeLeadingPosition( const Vector &vecShootPosition, CBaseEntity *pTarget, Vector *pLeadPosition ); void BeginSeekThink(); void AugerStartThink(); void ExplodeThink(); void APCMissileTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther );
float m_flReachedTargetTime; float m_flIgnitionTime; bool m_bGuidingDisabled; float m_flLastHomingSpeed; EHANDLE m_hSpecificTarget; string_t m_strHint; };
// Finds apc missiles in cone
CAPCMissile *FindAPCMissileInCone( const Vector &vecOrigin, const Vector &vecDirection, float flAngle );
// RPG
class CWeaponRPG : public CBaseHLCombatWeapon { DECLARE_CLASS( CWeaponRPG, CBaseHLCombatWeapon ); public:
CWeaponRPG(); ~CWeaponRPG();
void Precache( void );
void PrimaryAttack( void ); virtual float GetFireRate( void ) { return 1; }; void ItemPostFrame( void );
void Activate( void ); void DecrementAmmo( CBaseCombatCharacter *pOwner );
bool Deploy( void ); bool Holster( CBaseCombatWeapon *pSwitchingTo = NULL ); bool Reload( void ); bool WeaponShouldBeLowered( void ); bool Lower( void );
virtual void Drop( const Vector &vecVelocity );
int GetMinBurst() { return 1; } int GetMaxBurst() { return 1; } float GetMinRestTime() { return 4.0; } float GetMaxRestTime() { return 4.0; }
bool WeaponLOSCondition( const Vector &ownerPos, const Vector &targetPos, bool bSetConditions ); int WeaponRangeAttack1Condition( float flDot, float flDist );
void Operator_HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent, CBaseCombatCharacter *pOperator ); void StartGuiding( void ); void StopGuiding( void ); void ToggleGuiding( void ); bool IsGuiding( void );
void NotifyRocketDied( void );
bool HasAnyAmmo( void );
void SuppressGuiding( bool state = true );
void CreateLaserPointer( void ); void UpdateLaserPosition( Vector vecMuzzlePos = vec3_origin, Vector vecEndPos = vec3_origin ); Vector GetLaserPosition( void ); void StartLaserEffects( void ); void StopLaserEffects( void ); void UpdateLaserEffects( void );
// NPC RPG users cheat and directly set the laser pointer's origin
void UpdateNPCLaserPosition( const Vector &vecTarget ); void SetNPCLaserPosition( const Vector &vecTarget ); const Vector &GetNPCLaserPosition( void );
int CapabilitiesGet( void ) { return bits_CAP_WEAPON_RANGE_ATTACK1; }
virtual const Vector& GetBulletSpread( void ) { static Vector cone = VECTOR_CONE_3DEGREES; return cone; } CBaseEntity *GetMissile( void ) { return m_hMissile; }
bool m_bInitialStateUpdate; bool m_bGuiding; bool m_bHideGuiding; //User to override the player's wish to guide under certain circumstances
Vector m_vecNPCLaserDot; CHandle<CLaserDot> m_hLaserDot; CHandle<CMissile> m_hMissile; CHandle<CSprite> m_hLaserMuzzleSprite; CHandle<CBeam> m_hLaserBeam; };
#endif // WEAPON_RPG_H