//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Stun Stick- beating stick with a zappy end
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "npcevent.h"
#include "npc_metropolice.h"
#include "weapon_stunstick.h"
#include "IEffects.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
ConVar sk_plr_dmg_stunstick ( "sk_plr_dmg_stunstick","0"); ConVar sk_npc_dmg_stunstick ( "sk_npc_dmg_stunstick","0");
extern ConVar metropolice_move_and_melee;
// CWeaponStunStick
IMPLEMENT_SERVERCLASS_ST(CWeaponStunStick, DT_WeaponStunStick) SendPropInt( SENDINFO( m_bActive ), 1, SPROP_UNSIGNED ), END_SEND_TABLE()
#ifndef HL2MP
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( weapon_stunstick, CWeaponStunStick ); PRECACHE_WEAPON_REGISTER( weapon_stunstick ); #endif
acttable_t CWeaponStunStick::m_acttable[] = { { ACT_MELEE_ATTACK1, ACT_MELEE_ATTACK_SWING, true }, { ACT_IDLE_ANGRY, ACT_IDLE_ANGRY_MELEE, true }, };
BEGIN_DATADESC( CWeaponStunStick )
// Constructor
CWeaponStunStick::CWeaponStunStick( void ) { // HACK: Don't call SetStunState because this tried to Emit a sound before
// any players are connected which is a bug
m_bActive = false; }
void CWeaponStunStick::Spawn() { Precache();
BaseClass::Spawn(); AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_STANDABLE ); }
void CWeaponStunStick::Precache() { BaseClass::Precache();
PrecacheScriptSound( "Weapon_StunStick.Activate" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Weapon_StunStick.Deactivate" );
// Purpose: Get the damage amount for the animation we're doing
// Input : hitActivity - currently played activity
// Output : Damage amount
float CWeaponStunStick::GetDamageForActivity( Activity hitActivity ) { if ( ( GetOwner() != NULL ) && ( GetOwner()->IsPlayer() ) ) return sk_plr_dmg_stunstick.GetFloat(); return sk_npc_dmg_stunstick.GetFloat(); }
// Attempt to lead the target (needed because citizens can't hit manhacks with the crowbar!)
extern ConVar sk_crowbar_lead_time;
int CWeaponStunStick::WeaponMeleeAttack1Condition( float flDot, float flDist ) { // Attempt to lead the target (needed because citizens can't hit manhacks with the crowbar!)
CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC = GetOwner()->MyNPCPointer(); CBaseEntity *pEnemy = pNPC->GetEnemy(); if (!pEnemy) return COND_NONE;
Vector vecVelocity; AngularImpulse angVelocity; pEnemy->GetVelocity( &vecVelocity, &angVelocity );
// Project where the enemy will be in a little while, add some randomness so he doesn't always hit
float dt = sk_crowbar_lead_time.GetFloat(); dt += random->RandomFloat( -0.3f, 0.2f ); if ( dt < 0.0f ) dt = 0.0f;
Vector vecExtrapolatedPos; VectorMA( pEnemy->WorldSpaceCenter(), dt, vecVelocity, vecExtrapolatedPos );
Vector vecDelta; VectorSubtract( vecExtrapolatedPos, pNPC->WorldSpaceCenter(), vecDelta );
if ( fabs( vecDelta.z ) > 70 ) { return COND_TOO_FAR_TO_ATTACK; }
Vector vecForward = pNPC->BodyDirection2D( ); vecDelta.z = 0.0f; float flExtrapolatedDot = DotProduct2D( vecDelta.AsVector2D(), vecForward.AsVector2D() ); if ((flDot < 0.7) && (flExtrapolatedDot < 0.7)) { return COND_NOT_FACING_ATTACK; }
float flExtrapolatedDist = Vector2DNormalize( vecDelta.AsVector2D() );
if( pEnemy->IsPlayer() ) { //Vector vecDir = pEnemy->GetSmoothedVelocity();
//float flSpeed = VectorNormalize( vecDir );
// If player will be in front of me in one-half second, clock his arse.
Vector vecProjectEnemy = pEnemy->GetAbsOrigin() + (pEnemy->GetAbsVelocity() * 0.35); Vector vecProjectMe = GetAbsOrigin();
if( (vecProjectMe - vecProjectEnemy).Length2D() <= 48.0f ) { return COND_CAN_MELEE_ATTACK1; } } /*
if( metropolice_move_and_melee.GetBool() ) { if( pNPC->IsMoving() ) { flTargetDist *= 1.5f; } } */ float flTargetDist = 48.0f; if ((flDist > flTargetDist) && (flExtrapolatedDist > flTargetDist)) { return COND_TOO_FAR_TO_ATTACK; }
// Purpose:
void CWeaponStunStick::ImpactEffect( trace_t &traceHit ) { //Glowing spark effect for hit
//UTIL_DecalTrace( &m_trLineHit, "PlasmaGlowFade" );
//FIXME: need new decals
UTIL_ImpactTrace( &traceHit, DMG_CLUB ); }
void CWeaponStunStick::Operator_HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent, CBaseCombatCharacter *pOperator ) { switch( pEvent->event ) { case EVENT_WEAPON_MELEE_HIT: { // Trace up or down based on where the enemy is...
// But only if we're basically facing that direction
Vector vecDirection; AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &vecDirection );
CBaseEntity *pEnemy = pOperator->MyNPCPointer() ? pOperator->MyNPCPointer()->GetEnemy() : NULL; if ( pEnemy ) { Vector vecDelta; VectorSubtract( pEnemy->WorldSpaceCenter(), pOperator->Weapon_ShootPosition(), vecDelta ); VectorNormalize( vecDelta ); Vector2D vecDelta2D = vecDelta.AsVector2D(); Vector2DNormalize( vecDelta2D ); if ( DotProduct2D( vecDelta2D, vecDirection.AsVector2D() ) > 0.8f ) { vecDirection = vecDelta; } }
Vector vecEnd; VectorMA( pOperator->Weapon_ShootPosition(), 32, vecDirection, vecEnd ); // Stretch the swing box down to catch low level physics objects
CBaseEntity *pHurt = pOperator->CheckTraceHullAttack( pOperator->Weapon_ShootPosition(), vecEnd, Vector(-16,-16,-40), Vector(16,16,16), GetDamageForActivity( GetActivity() ), DMG_CLUB, 0.5f, false ); // did I hit someone?
if ( pHurt ) { // play sound
WeaponSound( MELEE_HIT );
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( pHurt );
CNPC_MetroPolice *pCop = dynamic_cast<CNPC_MetroPolice *>(pOperator); bool bFlashed = false;
if ( pCop != NULL && pPlayer != NULL ) { // See if we need to knock out this target
if ( pCop->ShouldKnockOutTarget( pHurt ) ) { float yawKick = random->RandomFloat( -48, -24 );
//Kick the player angles
pPlayer->ViewPunch( QAngle( -16, yawKick, 2 ) );
color32 white = {255,255,255,255}; UTIL_ScreenFade( pPlayer, white, 0.2f, 1.0f, FFADE_OUT|FFADE_PURGE|FFADE_STAYOUT ); bFlashed = true; pCop->KnockOutTarget( pHurt );
break; } else { // Notify that we've stunned a target
pCop->StunnedTarget( pHurt ); } } // Punch angles
if ( pPlayer != NULL && !(pPlayer->GetFlags() & FL_GODMODE) ) { float yawKick = random->RandomFloat( -48, -24 );
//Kick the player angles
pPlayer->ViewPunch( QAngle( -16, yawKick, 2 ) );
Vector dir = pHurt->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin();
// If the player's on my head, don't knock him up
if ( pPlayer->GetGroundEntity() == pOperator ) { dir = vecDirection; dir.z = 0; }
dir *= 500.0f;
//If not on ground, then don't make them fly!
if ( !(pPlayer->GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND ) ) dir.z = 0.0f;
//Push the target back
pHurt->ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse( dir );
if ( !bFlashed ) { color32 red = {128,0,0,128}; UTIL_ScreenFade( pPlayer, red, 0.5f, 0.1f, FFADE_IN ); } // Force the player to drop anyting they were holding
pPlayer->ForceDropOfCarriedPhysObjects(); } // do effect?
} else { WeaponSound( MELEE_MISS ); } } break; default: BaseClass::Operator_HandleAnimEvent( pEvent, pOperator ); break; } }
// Purpose: Sets the state of the stun stick
void CWeaponStunStick::SetStunState( bool state ) { m_bActive = state;
if ( m_bActive ) { //FIXME: START - Move to client-side
Vector vecAttachment;
GetAttachment( 1, vecAttachment ); g_pEffects->Sparks( vecAttachment );
//FIXME: END - Move to client-side
EmitSound( "Weapon_StunStick.Activate" ); } else { EmitSound( "Weapon_StunStick.Deactivate" ); } }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CWeaponStunStick::Deploy( void ) { SetStunState( true );
return BaseClass::Deploy(); }
// Purpose:
bool CWeaponStunStick::Holster( CBaseCombatWeapon *pSwitchingTo ) { if ( BaseClass::Holster( pSwitchingTo ) == false ) return false;
SetStunState( false );
return true; }
// Purpose:
// Input : &vecVelocity -
void CWeaponStunStick::Drop( const Vector &vecVelocity ) { SetStunState( false );
BaseClass::Drop( vecVelocity ); }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CWeaponStunStick::GetStunState( void ) { return m_bActive; }