//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Controls the loading, parsing and creation of the entities from the BSP.
#include "cbase.h"
#include "entitylist.h"
#include "mapentities_shared.h"
#include "soundent.h"
#include "TemplateEntities.h"
#include "point_template.h"
#include "ai_initutils.h"
#include "lights.h"
#include "mapentities.h"
#include "wcedit.h"
#include "stringregistry.h"
#include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
#include "world.h"
#include "toolframework/iserverenginetools.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
struct HierarchicalSpawnMapData_t { const char *m_pMapData; int m_iMapDataLength; };
static CStringRegistry *g_pClassnameSpawnPriority = NULL; extern edict_t *g_pForceAttachEdict;
// creates an entity by string name, but does not spawn it
CBaseEntity *CreateEntityByName( const char *className, int iForceEdictIndex ) { if ( iForceEdictIndex != -1 ) { g_pForceAttachEdict = engine->CreateEdict( iForceEdictIndex ); if ( !g_pForceAttachEdict ) Error( "CreateEntityByName( %s, %d ) - CreateEdict failed.", className, iForceEdictIndex ); }
IServerNetworkable *pNetwork = EntityFactoryDictionary()->Create( className ); g_pForceAttachEdict = NULL;
if ( !pNetwork ) return NULL;
CBaseEntity *pEntity = pNetwork->GetBaseEntity(); Assert( pEntity ); return pEntity; }
CBaseNetworkable *CreateNetworkableByName( const char *className ) { IServerNetworkable *pNetwork = EntityFactoryDictionary()->Create( className ); if ( !pNetwork ) return NULL;
CBaseNetworkable *pNetworkable = pNetwork->GetBaseNetworkable(); Assert( pNetworkable ); return pNetworkable; }
void FreeContainingEntity( edict_t *ed ) { if ( ed ) { CBaseEntity *ent = GetContainingEntity( ed ); if ( ent ) { ed->SetEdict( NULL, false ); CBaseEntity::PhysicsRemoveTouchedList( ent ); CBaseEntity::PhysicsRemoveGroundList( ent ); UTIL_RemoveImmediate( ent ); } } }
// parent name may have a , in it to include an attachment point
string_t ExtractParentName(string_t parentName) { if ( !strchr(STRING(parentName), ',') ) return parentName;
char szToken[256]; nexttoken(szToken, STRING(parentName), ','); return AllocPooledString(szToken); }
// Purpose: Callback function for qsort, used to sort entities by their depth
// in the movement hierarchy.
// Input : pEnt1 -
// pEnt2 -
// Output : Returns -1, 0, or 1 per qsort spec.
static int __cdecl CompareSpawnOrder(HierarchicalSpawn_t *pEnt1, HierarchicalSpawn_t *pEnt2) { if (pEnt1->m_nDepth == pEnt2->m_nDepth) { if ( g_pClassnameSpawnPriority ) { int o1 = pEnt1->m_hEntity ? g_pClassnameSpawnPriority->GetStringID( pEnt1->m_hEntity->GetClassname() ) : -1; int o2 = pEnt2->m_hEntity ? g_pClassnameSpawnPriority->GetStringID( pEnt2->m_hEntity->GetClassname() ) : -1; if ( o1 < o2 ) return 1; if ( o2 < o1 ) return -1; } return 0; }
if (pEnt1->m_nDepth > pEnt2->m_nDepth) return 1;
return -1; }
// Computes the hierarchical depth of the entities to spawn..
static int ComputeSpawnHierarchyDepth_r( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { if ( !pEntity ) return 1;
if (pEntity->m_iParent == NULL_STRING) return 1;
CBaseEntity *pParent = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, ExtractParentName(pEntity->m_iParent) ); if (!pParent) return 1; if (pParent == pEntity) { Warning( "LEVEL DESIGN ERROR: Entity %s is parented to itself!\n", pEntity->GetDebugName() ); return 1; }
return 1 + ComputeSpawnHierarchyDepth_r( pParent ); }
static void ComputeSpawnHierarchyDepth( int nEntities, HierarchicalSpawn_t *pSpawnList ) { // NOTE: This isn't particularly efficient, but so what? It's at the beginning of time
// I did it this way because it simplified the parent setting in hierarchy (basically
// eliminated questions about whether you should transform origin from global to local or not)
int nEntity; for (nEntity = 0; nEntity < nEntities; nEntity++) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = pSpawnList[nEntity].m_hEntity; if (pEntity && !pEntity->IsDormant()) { pSpawnList[nEntity].m_nDepth = ComputeSpawnHierarchyDepth_r( pEntity ); } else { pSpawnList[nEntity].m_nDepth = 1; } } }
static void SortSpawnListByHierarchy( int nEntities, HierarchicalSpawn_t *pSpawnList ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); g_pClassnameSpawnPriority = new CStringRegistry; // this will cause the entities to be spawned in the indicated order
// Highest string ID spawns first. String ID is spawn priority.
// by default, anything not in this list has priority -1
g_pClassnameSpawnPriority->AddString( "func_wall", 10 ); g_pClassnameSpawnPriority->AddString( "scripted_sequence", 9 ); g_pClassnameSpawnPriority->AddString( "phys_hinge", 8 ); g_pClassnameSpawnPriority->AddString( "phys_ballsocket", 8 ); g_pClassnameSpawnPriority->AddString( "phys_slideconstraint", 8 ); g_pClassnameSpawnPriority->AddString( "phys_constraint", 8 ); g_pClassnameSpawnPriority->AddString( "phys_pulleyconstraint", 8 ); g_pClassnameSpawnPriority->AddString( "phys_lengthconstraint", 8 ); g_pClassnameSpawnPriority->AddString( "phys_ragdollconstraint", 8 ); g_pClassnameSpawnPriority->AddString( "info_mass_center", 8 ); // spawn these before physbox/prop_physics
g_pClassnameSpawnPriority->AddString( "trigger_vphysics_motion", 8 ); // spawn these before physbox/prop_physics
g_pClassnameSpawnPriority->AddString( "prop_physics", 7 ); g_pClassnameSpawnPriority->AddString( "prop_ragdoll", 7 ); // Sort the entities (other than the world) by hierarchy depth, in order to spawn them in
// that order. This insures that each entity's parent spawns before it does so that
// it can properly set up anything that relies on hierarchy.
#ifdef _WIN32
qsort(&pSpawnList[0], nEntities, sizeof(pSpawnList[0]), (int (__cdecl *)(const void *, const void *))CompareSpawnOrder); #elif POSIX
qsort(&pSpawnList[0], nEntities, sizeof(pSpawnList[0]), (int (*)(const void *, const void *))CompareSpawnOrder); #endif
delete g_pClassnameSpawnPriority; g_pClassnameSpawnPriority = NULL; }
void SetupParentsForSpawnList( int nEntities, HierarchicalSpawn_t *pSpawnList ) { int nEntity; for (nEntity = nEntities - 1; nEntity >= 0; nEntity--) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = pSpawnList[nEntity].m_hEntity; if ( pEntity ) { if ( strchr(STRING(pEntity->m_iParent), ',') ) { char szToken[256]; const char *pAttachmentName = nexttoken(szToken, STRING(pEntity->m_iParent), ','); pEntity->m_iParent = AllocPooledString(szToken); CBaseEntity *pParent = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, pEntity->m_iParent );
// setparent in the spawn pass instead - so the model will have been set & loaded
pSpawnList[nEntity].m_pDeferredParent = pParent; pSpawnList[nEntity].m_pDeferredParentAttachment = pAttachmentName; } else { CBaseEntity *pParent = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, pEntity->m_iParent );
if ((pParent != NULL) && (pParent->edict() != NULL)) { pEntity->SetParent( pParent ); } } } } }
// this is a hook for edit mode
void RememberInitialEntityPositions( int nEntities, HierarchicalSpawn_t *pSpawnList ) { for (int nEntity = 0; nEntity < nEntities; nEntity++) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = pSpawnList[nEntity].m_hEntity;
if ( pEntity ) { NWCEdit::RememberEntityPosition( pEntity ); } } }
void SpawnAllEntities( int nEntities, HierarchicalSpawn_t *pSpawnList, bool bActivateEntities ) { int nEntity; for (nEntity = 0; nEntity < nEntities; nEntity++) { VPROF( "MapEntity_ParseAllEntities_Spawn"); CBaseEntity *pEntity = pSpawnList[nEntity].m_hEntity;
if ( pSpawnList[nEntity].m_pDeferredParent ) { // UNDONE: Promote this up to the root of this function?
MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION(); CBaseEntity *pParent = pSpawnList[nEntity].m_pDeferredParent; int iAttachment = -1; CBaseAnimating *pAnim = pParent->GetBaseAnimating(); if ( pAnim ) { iAttachment = pAnim->LookupAttachment(pSpawnList[nEntity].m_pDeferredParentAttachment); } pEntity->SetParent( pParent, iAttachment ); } if ( pEntity ) { if (DispatchSpawn(pEntity) < 0) { for ( int i = nEntity+1; i < nEntities; i++ ) { // this is a child object that will be deleted now
if ( pSpawnList[i].m_hEntity && pSpawnList[i].m_hEntity->IsMarkedForDeletion() ) { pSpawnList[i].m_hEntity = NULL; } } // Spawn failed.
gEntList.CleanupDeleteList(); // Remove the entity from the spawn list
pSpawnList[nEntity].m_hEntity = NULL; } } }
if ( bActivateEntities ) { VPROF( "MapEntity_ParseAllEntities_Activate"); bool bAsyncAnims = mdlcache->SetAsyncLoad( MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK, false ); for (nEntity = 0; nEntity < nEntities; nEntity++) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = pSpawnList[nEntity].m_hEntity;
if ( pEntity ) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION(); pEntity->Activate(); } } mdlcache->SetAsyncLoad( MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK, bAsyncAnims ); } }
// Purpose: Only called on BSP load. Parses and spawns all the entities in the BSP.
// Input : pMapData - Pointer to the entity data block to parse.
void MapEntity_ParseAllEntities(const char *pMapData, IMapEntityFilter *pFilter, bool bActivateEntities) { VPROF("MapEntity_ParseAllEntities");
HierarchicalSpawnMapData_t *pSpawnMapData = new HierarchicalSpawnMapData_t[NUM_ENT_ENTRIES]; HierarchicalSpawn_t *pSpawnList = new HierarchicalSpawn_t[NUM_ENT_ENTRIES];
CUtlVector< CPointTemplate* > pPointTemplates; int nEntities = 0;
char szTokenBuffer[MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH];
// Allow the tools to spawn different things
if ( serverenginetools ) { pMapData = serverenginetools->GetEntityData( pMapData ); }
// Loop through all entities in the map data, creating each.
for ( ; true; pMapData = MapEntity_SkipToNextEntity(pMapData, szTokenBuffer) ) { //
// Parse the opening brace.
char token[MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH]; pMapData = MapEntity_ParseToken( pMapData, token );
// Check to see if we've finished or not.
if (!pMapData) break;
if (token[0] != '{') { Error( "MapEntity_ParseAllEntities: found %s when expecting {", token); continue; }
// Parse the entity and add it to the spawn list.
CBaseEntity *pEntity; const char *pCurMapData = pMapData; pMapData = MapEntity_ParseEntity(pEntity, pMapData, pFilter); if (pEntity == NULL) continue;
if (pEntity->IsTemplate()) { // It's a template entity. Squirrel away its keyvalue text so that we can
// recreate the entity later via a spawner. pMapData points at the '}'
// so we must add one to include it in the string.
Templates_Add(pEntity, pCurMapData, (pMapData - pCurMapData) + 2);
// Remove the template entity so that it does not show up in FindEntityXXX searches.
UTIL_Remove(pEntity); gEntList.CleanupDeleteList(); continue; }
// To
if ( dynamic_cast<CWorld*>( pEntity ) ) { VPROF( "MapEntity_ParseAllEntities_SpawnWorld");
pEntity->m_iParent = NULL_STRING; // don't allow a parent on the first entity (worldspawn)
DispatchSpawn(pEntity); continue; }
CNodeEnt *pNode = dynamic_cast<CNodeEnt*>(pEntity); if ( pNode ) { VPROF( "MapEntity_ParseAllEntities_SpawnTransients");
// We overflow the max edicts on large maps that have lots of entities.
// Nodes & Lights remove themselves immediately on Spawn(), so dispatch their
// spawn now, to free up the slot inside this loop.
// NOTE: This solution prevents nodes & lights from being used inside point_templates.
// NOTE: Nodes spawn other entities (ai_hint) if they need to have a persistent presence.
// To ensure keys are copied over into the new entity, we pass the mapdata into the
// node spawn function.
if ( pNode->Spawn( pCurMapData ) < 0 ) { gEntList.CleanupDeleteList(); } continue; }
if ( dynamic_cast<CLight*>(pEntity) ) { VPROF( "MapEntity_ParseAllEntities_SpawnTransients");
// We overflow the max edicts on large maps that have lots of entities.
// Nodes & Lights remove themselves immediately on Spawn(), so dispatch their
// spawn now, to free up the slot inside this loop.
// NOTE: This solution prevents nodes & lights from being used inside point_templates.
if (DispatchSpawn(pEntity) < 0) { gEntList.CleanupDeleteList(); } continue; }
// Build a list of all point_template's so we can spawn them before everything else
CPointTemplate *pTemplate = dynamic_cast< CPointTemplate* >(pEntity); if ( pTemplate ) { pPointTemplates.AddToTail( pTemplate ); } else { // Queue up this entity for spawning
pSpawnList[nEntities].m_hEntity = pEntity; pSpawnList[nEntities].m_nDepth = 0; pSpawnList[nEntities].m_pDeferredParentAttachment = NULL; pSpawnList[nEntities].m_pDeferredParent = NULL;
pSpawnMapData[nEntities].m_pMapData = pCurMapData; pSpawnMapData[nEntities].m_iMapDataLength = (pMapData - pCurMapData) + 2; nEntities++; } }
// Now loop through all our point_template entities and tell them to make templates of everything they're pointing to
int iTemplates = pPointTemplates.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < iTemplates; i++ ) { VPROF( "MapEntity_ParseAllEntities_SpawnTemplates"); CPointTemplate *pPointTemplate = pPointTemplates[i];
// First, tell the Point template to Spawn
if ( DispatchSpawn(pPointTemplate) < 0 ) { UTIL_Remove(pPointTemplate); gEntList.CleanupDeleteList(); continue; }
// Now go through all it's templates and turn the entities into templates
int iNumTemplates = pPointTemplate->GetNumTemplateEntities(); for ( int iTemplateNum = 0; iTemplateNum < iNumTemplates; iTemplateNum++ ) { // Find it in the spawn list
CBaseEntity *pEntity = pPointTemplate->GetTemplateEntity( iTemplateNum ); for ( int iEntNum = 0; iEntNum < nEntities; iEntNum++ ) { if ( pSpawnList[iEntNum].m_hEntity == pEntity ) { // Give the point_template the mapdata
pPointTemplate->AddTemplate( pEntity, pSpawnMapData[iEntNum].m_pMapData, pSpawnMapData[iEntNum].m_iMapDataLength );
if ( pPointTemplate->ShouldRemoveTemplateEntities() ) { // Remove the template entity so that it does not show up in FindEntityXXX searches.
UTIL_Remove(pEntity); gEntList.CleanupDeleteList();
// Remove the entity from the spawn list
pSpawnList[iEntNum].m_hEntity = NULL; } break; } } }
pPointTemplate->FinishBuildingTemplates(); }
SpawnHierarchicalList( nEntities, pSpawnList, bActivateEntities );
delete [] pSpawnMapData; delete [] pSpawnList; }
void SpawnHierarchicalList( int nEntities, HierarchicalSpawn_t *pSpawnList, bool bActivateEntities ) { // Compute the hierarchical depth of all entities hierarchically attached
ComputeSpawnHierarchyDepth( nEntities, pSpawnList );
// Sort the entities (other than the world) by hierarchy depth, in order to spawn them in
// that order. This insures that each entity's parent spawns before it does so that
// it can properly set up anything that relies on hierarchy.
SortSpawnListByHierarchy( nEntities, pSpawnList );
// save off entity positions if in edit mode
if ( engine->IsInEditMode() ) { RememberInitialEntityPositions( nEntities, pSpawnList ); } // Set up entity movement hierarchy in reverse hierarchy depth order. This allows each entity
// to use its parent's world spawn origin to calculate its local origin.
SetupParentsForSpawnList( nEntities, pSpawnList );
// Spawn all the entities in hierarchy depth order so that parents spawn before their children.
SpawnAllEntities( nEntities, pSpawnList, bActivateEntities ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pEntData -
void MapEntity_PrecacheEntity( const char *pEntData, int &nStringSize ) { CEntityMapData entData( (char*)pEntData, nStringSize ); char className[MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH]; if (!entData.ExtractValue("classname", className)) { Error( "classname missing from entity!\n" ); }
// Construct via the LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS factory.
CBaseEntity *pEntity = CreateEntityByName(className);
// Set up keyvalues, which can set the model name, which is why we don't just do UTIL_PrecacheOther here...
if ( pEntity != NULL ) { pEntity->ParseMapData(&entData); pEntity->Precache(); UTIL_RemoveImmediate( pEntity ); } }
// Purpose: Takes a block of character data as the input
// Input : pEntity - Receives the newly constructed entity, NULL on failure.
// pEntData - Data block to parse to extract entity keys.
// Output : Returns the current position in the entity data block.
const char *MapEntity_ParseEntity(CBaseEntity *&pEntity, const char *pEntData, IMapEntityFilter *pFilter) { CEntityMapData entData( (char*)pEntData ); char className[MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH]; if (!entData.ExtractValue("classname", className)) { Error( "classname missing from entity!\n" ); }
pEntity = NULL; if ( !pFilter || pFilter->ShouldCreateEntity( className ) ) { //
// Construct via the LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS factory.
if ( pFilter ) pEntity = pFilter->CreateNextEntity( className ); else pEntity = CreateEntityByName(className);
// Set up keyvalues.
if (pEntity != NULL) { pEntity->ParseMapData(&entData); } else { Warning("Can't init %s\n", className); } } else { // Just skip past all the keys.
char keyName[MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH]; char value[MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH]; if ( entData.GetFirstKey(keyName, value) ) { do { } while ( entData.GetNextKey(keyName, value) ); } }
// Return the current parser position in the data block
return entData.CurrentBufferPosition(); }