//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "vcollide_parse.h"
#include "vehicle_base.h"
#include "npc_vehicledriver.h"
#include "in_buttons.h"
#include "engine/IEngineSound.h"
#include "soundenvelope.h"
#include "SoundEmitterSystem/isoundemittersystembase.h"
#include "saverestore_utlvector.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"
#include "studio.h"
#include "bone_setup.h"
#include "collisionutils.h"
#include "animation.h"
#include "env_player_surface_trigger.h"
#include "rumble_shared.h"
#ifdef HL2_DLL
#include "hl2_player.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
ConVar g_debug_vehiclesound( "g_debug_vehiclesound", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar g_debug_vehicleexit( "g_debug_vehicleexit", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar sv_vehicle_autoaim_scale("sv_vehicle_autoaim_scale", "8");
bool ShouldVehicleIgnoreEntity( CBaseEntity *pVehicle, CBaseEntity *pCollide );
#define HITBOX_SET 2
// Save/load
BEGIN_DATADESC_NO_BASE( vehicle_gear_t )
BEGIN_DATADESC_NO_BASE( vehiclesounds_t )
// These are reset every time by the constructor of the owning class
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_pDrivableVehicle; ??? ),
// Controls
// We're going to reparse this data from file in Precache
DEFINE_EMBEDDED( m_vehicleSounds ),
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_EntryAnimations, CUtlVector ),
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_ExitAnimations, CUtlVector ),
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_bParsedAnimations, FIELD_BOOLEAN ),
// Purpose: Base class for drivable vehicle handling. Contain it in your
// drivable vehicle.
CBaseServerVehicle::CBaseServerVehicle( void ) { m_pVehicle = NULL; m_pDrivableVehicle = NULL; m_nNPCButtons = 0; m_nPrevNPCButtons = 0; m_flTurnDegrees = 0;
m_bParsedAnimations = false; m_iCurrentExitAnim = 0; m_vecCurrentExitEndPoint = vec3_origin;
m_flVehicleVolume = 0.5; m_iSoundGear = 0; m_pStateSound = NULL; m_pStateSoundFade = NULL; m_soundState = SS_NONE; m_flSpeedPercentage = 0; m_bUseLegacyExitChecks = false;
m_vehicleSounds.Init(); }
// Purpose:
CBaseServerVehicle::~CBaseServerVehicle( void ) { SoundShutdown(0); }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::Precache( void ) { int i; // Precache our other sounds
for ( i = 0; i < VS_NUM_SOUNDS; i++ ) { if ( m_vehicleSounds.iszSound[i] != NULL_STRING ) { CBaseEntity::PrecacheScriptSound( STRING(m_vehicleSounds.iszSound[i]) ); } } for ( i = 0; i < m_vehicleSounds.crashSounds.Count(); i++ ) { if ( m_vehicleSounds.crashSounds[i].iszCrashSound != NULL_STRING ) { CBaseEntity::PrecacheScriptSound( STRING(m_vehicleSounds.crashSounds[i].iszCrashSound) ); } }
for ( i = 0; i < SS_NUM_STATES; i++ ) { if ( m_vehicleSounds.iszStateSounds[i] != NULL_STRING ) { CBaseEntity::PrecacheScriptSound( STRING(m_vehicleSounds.iszStateSounds[i]) ); } } }
// Purpose: Parses the vehicle's script for the vehicle sounds
bool CBaseServerVehicle::Initialize( const char *pScriptName ) { // Attempt to parse our vehicle script
if ( PhysFindOrAddVehicleScript( pScriptName, NULL, &m_vehicleSounds ) == false ) return false;
return true; }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::SetVehicle( CBaseEntity *pVehicle ) { m_pVehicle = pVehicle; m_pDrivableVehicle = dynamic_cast<IDrivableVehicle*>(m_pVehicle); Assert( m_pDrivableVehicle ); }
// Purpose:
IDrivableVehicle *CBaseServerVehicle::GetDrivableVehicle( void ) { Assert( m_pDrivableVehicle ); return m_pDrivableVehicle; }
// Purpose: Returns the driver. Unlike GetPassenger(VEHICLE_ROLE_DRIVER), it will return
// the NPC driver if it has one.
CBaseEntity *CBaseServerVehicle::GetDriver( void ) { return GetPassenger( VEHICLE_ROLE_DRIVER ); }
// Purpose:
CBaseCombatCharacter *CBaseServerVehicle::GetPassenger( int nRole ) { Assert( nRole == VEHICLE_ROLE_DRIVER ); CBaseEntity *pDriver = GetDrivableVehicle()->GetDriver();
if ( pDriver == NULL ) return NULL;
return pDriver->MyCombatCharacterPointer(); }
// Purpose:
int CBaseServerVehicle::GetPassengerRole( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger ) { if ( pPassenger == GetDrivableVehicle()->GetDriver() ) return VEHICLE_ROLE_DRIVER;
// Purpose: Adds a passenger to the vehicle
// Input : nSeat - seat to sit in
// *pPassenger - character to enter
bool CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_AddPassenger( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger, string_t strRoleName, int nSeat ) { // Players cannot yet use this code! - jdw
Assert( pPassenger != NULL && pPassenger->IsPlayer() == false ); if ( pPassenger == NULL || pPassenger->IsPlayer() ) return false;
// Find our role
int nRole = FindRoleIndexByName( strRoleName ); if ( nRole == -1 ) return false;
// Cannot evict a passenger already in this position
CBaseCombatCharacter *pCurrentPassenger = NPC_GetPassengerInSeat( nRole, nSeat ); if ( pCurrentPassenger == pPassenger ) return true;
// If we weren't the same passenger, we need to be empty
if ( pCurrentPassenger != NULL ) return false;
// Find the seat
for ( int i = 0; i < m_PassengerInfo.Count(); i++ ) { if ( m_PassengerInfo[i].GetSeat() == nSeat && m_PassengerInfo[i].GetRole() == nRole ) { m_PassengerInfo[i].m_hPassenger = pPassenger; return true; } }
return false; }
// Purpose: Removes a passenger from the vehicle
// Input : *pPassenger - Passenger to remove
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_RemovePassenger( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger ) { // Players cannot yet use this code! - jdw
Assert( pPassenger != NULL && pPassenger->IsPlayer() == false ); if ( pPassenger == NULL || pPassenger->IsPlayer() ) return false;
// Find the seat
for ( int i = 0; i < m_PassengerInfo.Count(); i++ ) { if ( m_PassengerInfo[i].m_hPassenger == pPassenger ) { m_PassengerInfo[i].m_hPassenger = NULL; return true; } }
return false; }
// Purpose: Returns the attachment point index for the passenger's seat
// Input : *pPassenger - Passenger in the seat
// Output : int - Attachment point index for the vehicle
int CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_GetPassengerSeatAttachment( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger ) { // Get the role and seat the the supplied passenger
for ( int i = 0; i < m_PassengerInfo.Count(); i++ ) { // If this is the passenger, get the attachment it'll be at
if ( m_PassengerInfo[i].m_hPassenger == pPassenger ) { // The seat is the attachment point
int nSeat = m_PassengerInfo[i].GetSeat(); int nRole = m_PassengerInfo[i].GetRole(); return m_PassengerRoles[nRole].m_PassengerSeats[nSeat].GetAttachmentID(); } }
return -1; }
// Purpose: Get the worldspace position and angles of the specified seat
// Input : *pPassenger - Passenger's seat to use
bool CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_GetPassengerSeatPosition( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger, Vector *vecResultPos, QAngle *vecResultAngles ) { // Get our attachment point
int nSeatAttachment = NPC_GetPassengerSeatAttachment( pPassenger ); if ( nSeatAttachment == -1 ) return false;
// Figure out which entrypoint hitbox the player is in
CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = dynamic_cast< CBaseAnimating * >( m_pVehicle ); if ( pAnimating == NULL ) return false;
Vector vecPos; QAngle vecAngles; pAnimating->GetAttachment( nSeatAttachment, vecPos, vecAngles );
if ( vecResultPos != NULL ) { *vecResultPos = vecPos; }
if ( vecResultAngles != NULL ) { *vecResultAngles = vecAngles; }
return true; }
// Purpose: Get the localspace position and angles of the specified seat
// Input : *pPassenger - Passenger's seat to use
bool CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_GetPassengerSeatPositionLocal( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger, Vector *vecResultPos, QAngle *vecResultAngles ) { // Get our attachment point
int nSeatAttachment = NPC_GetPassengerSeatAttachment( pPassenger ); if ( nSeatAttachment == -1 ) return false;
// Figure out which entrypoint hitbox the player is in
CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = m_pVehicle->GetBaseAnimating(); if ( pAnimating == NULL ) return false;
Vector vecPos; QAngle vecAngles; pAnimating->InvalidateBoneCache(); // NOTE: We're moving with velocity, so we're almost always out of date
pAnimating->GetAttachmentLocal( nSeatAttachment, vecPos, vecAngles );
if ( vecResultPos != NULL ) { *vecResultPos = vecPos; }
if ( vecResultAngles != NULL ) { *vecResultAngles = vecAngles; }
return true; }
// Purpose: Retrieves a list of animations used to enter/exit the seat occupied by the passenger
// Input : *pPassenger - Passenger who's seat anims to retrieve
// nType - which set of animations to retrieve
const PassengerSeatAnims_t *CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_GetPassengerSeatAnims( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger, PassengerSeatAnimType_t nType ) { // Get the role and seat the the supplied passenger
for ( int i = 0; i < m_PassengerInfo.Count(); i++ ) { if ( m_PassengerInfo[i].m_hPassenger == pPassenger ) { int nSeat = m_PassengerInfo[i].GetSeat(); int nRole = m_PassengerInfo[i].GetRole(); switch( nType ) { case PASSENGER_SEAT_ENTRY: return &m_PassengerRoles[nRole].m_PassengerSeats[nSeat].m_EntryTransitions; break;
case PASSENGER_SEAT_EXIT: return &m_PassengerRoles[nRole].m_PassengerSeats[nSeat].m_ExitTransitions; break;
default: return NULL; break; } } }
return NULL; }
// Purpose: Get and set the current driver. Use PassengerRole_t enum in shareddefs.h for adding passengers
void CBaseServerVehicle::SetPassenger( int nRole, CBaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger ) { // Baseclass only handles vehicles with a single passenger
Assert( nRole == VEHICLE_ROLE_DRIVER );
if ( pPassenger != NULL && pPassenger->IsPlayer() == false ) { // Use NPC_AddPassenger() for NPCs at the moment, these will all be collapsed into one system -- jdw
Assert( 0 ); return; }
// Getting in? or out?
if ( pPassenger != NULL ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( pPassenger ); if ( pPlayer != NULL ) { m_savedViewOffset = pPlayer->GetViewOffset(); pPlayer->SetViewOffset( vec3_origin ); pPlayer->ShowCrosshair( false );
GetDrivableVehicle()->EnterVehicle( pPassenger );
#ifdef HL2_DLL
// Stop the player sprint and flashlight.
CHL2_Player *pHL2Player = dynamic_cast<CHL2_Player*>( pPlayer ); if ( pHL2Player ) { if ( pHL2Player->IsSprinting() ) { pHL2Player->StopSprinting(); }
if ( pHL2Player->FlashlightIsOn() ) { pHL2Player->FlashlightTurnOff(); } } #endif
} } else { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( GetDriver() ); if ( pPlayer ) { // Restore the exiting player's view offset
pPlayer->SetViewOffset( m_savedViewOffset ); pPlayer->ShowCrosshair( true ); }
GetDrivableVehicle()->ExitVehicle( nRole ); GetDrivableVehicle()->SetVehicleEntryAnim( false ); UTIL_Remove( m_hExitBlocker ); } } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Get a position in *world space* inside the vehicle for the player to start at
void CBaseServerVehicle::GetPassengerSeatPoint( int nRole, Vector *pPoint, QAngle *pAngles ) { Assert( nRole == VEHICLE_ROLE_DRIVER );
CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = dynamic_cast<CBaseAnimating *>(m_pVehicle); if ( pAnimating ) { char pAttachmentName[32]; Q_snprintf( pAttachmentName, sizeof( pAttachmentName ), "vehicle_feet_passenger%d", nRole ); int nFeetAttachmentIndex = pAnimating->LookupAttachment(pAttachmentName); int nIdleSequence = pAnimating->SelectWeightedSequence( ACT_IDLE ); if ( nFeetAttachmentIndex > 0 && nIdleSequence != -1 ) { // FIXME: This really wants to be a faster query than this implementation!
Vector vecOrigin; QAngle vecAngles; if ( GetLocalAttachmentAtTime( nIdleSequence, nFeetAttachmentIndex, 0.0f, &vecOrigin, &vecAngles ) ) { UTIL_ParentToWorldSpace( pAnimating, vecOrigin, vecAngles ); if ( pPoint ) { *pPoint = vecOrigin; }
if ( pAngles ) { *pAngles = vecAngles; }
return; } } }
// Couldn't find the attachment point, so just use the origin
if ( pPoint ) { *pPoint = m_pVehicle->GetAbsOrigin(); }
if ( pAngles ) { *pAngles = m_pVehicle->GetAbsAngles(); } }
// Check Exit Point for leaving vehicle.
// Input: yaw/roll from vehicle angle to check for exit
// distance from origin to drop player (allows for different shaped vehicles
// Output: returns true if valid location, pEndPoint
// updated with actual exit point
bool CBaseServerVehicle::CheckExitPoint( float yaw, int distance, Vector *pEndPoint ) { QAngle vehicleAngles = m_pVehicle->GetLocalAngles(); Vector vecStart = m_pVehicle->GetAbsOrigin(); Vector vecDir; vecStart.z += 12; // always 12" from ground
vehicleAngles[YAW] += yaw; AngleVectors( vehicleAngles, NULL, &vecDir, NULL ); // Vehicles are oriented along the Y axis
vecDir *= -1; *pEndPoint = vecStart + vecDir * distance; trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceHull( vecStart, *pEndPoint, VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, m_pVehicle, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
if ( tr.fraction < 1.0 ) return false; return true; }
// Purpose: Where does this passenger exit the vehicle?
bool CBaseServerVehicle::GetPassengerExitPoint( int nRole, Vector *pExitPoint, QAngle *pAngles ) { Assert( nRole == VEHICLE_ROLE_DRIVER );
// First, see if we've got an attachment point
CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = dynamic_cast<CBaseAnimating *>(m_pVehicle); if ( pAnimating ) { Vector vehicleExitOrigin; QAngle vehicleExitAngles; if ( pAnimating->GetAttachment( "vehicle_driver_exit", vehicleExitOrigin, vehicleExitAngles ) ) { // Make sure it's clear
trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceHull( vehicleExitOrigin + Vector(0, 0, 12), vehicleExitOrigin, VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, m_pVehicle, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); if ( !tr.startsolid ) { *pAngles = vehicleExitAngles; *pExitPoint = tr.endpos; return true; } } }
// left side
if( CheckExitPoint( 90, 90, pExitPoint ) ) // angle from car, distance from origin, actual exit point
return true;
// right side
if( CheckExitPoint( -90, 90, pExitPoint ) ) return true;
// front
if( CheckExitPoint( 0, 100, pExitPoint ) ) return true;
// back
if( CheckExitPoint( 180, 170, pExitPoint ) ) return true;
// All else failed, try popping them out the top.
Vector vecWorldMins, vecWorldMaxs; m_pVehicle->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceAABB( &vecWorldMins, &vecWorldMaxs ); pExitPoint->x = (vecWorldMins.x + vecWorldMaxs.x) * 0.5f; pExitPoint->y = (vecWorldMins.y + vecWorldMaxs.y) * 0.5f; pExitPoint->z = vecWorldMaxs.z + 50.0f;
// Make sure it's clear
trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceHull( m_pVehicle->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceCenter(), *pExitPoint, VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, m_pVehicle, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); if ( !tr.startsolid ) { return true; }
// No clear exit point available!
return false; }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::ParseExitAnim( KeyValues *pkvExitList, bool bEscapeExit ) { // Look through the entry animations list
KeyValues *pkvExitAnim = pkvExitList->GetFirstSubKey(); while ( pkvExitAnim ) { // Add 'em to our list
int iIndex = m_ExitAnimations.AddToTail(); Q_strncpy( m_ExitAnimations[iIndex].szAnimName, pkvExitAnim->GetName(), sizeof(m_ExitAnimations[iIndex].szAnimName) ); m_ExitAnimations[iIndex].bEscapeExit = bEscapeExit; if ( !Q_strncmp( pkvExitAnim->GetString(), "upsidedown", 10 ) ) { m_ExitAnimations[iIndex].bUpright = false; } else { m_ExitAnimations[iIndex].bUpright = true; }
pkvExitAnim = pkvExitAnim->GetNextKey(); } }
// Purpose: Parse the transition information
// Input : *pTransitionKeyValues - key values to parse
void CBaseServerVehicle::ParseNPCSeatTransition( KeyValues *pTransitionKeyValues, CPassengerSeatTransition *pTransition ) { // Store it
const char *lpszAnimName = pTransitionKeyValues->GetString( "animation" ); pTransition->m_strAnimationName = AllocPooledString( lpszAnimName ); pTransition->m_nPriority = pTransitionKeyValues->GetInt( "priority" ); }
// Purpose: Sorting function for vehicle seat animation priorities
typedef CPassengerSeatTransition SortSeatPriorityType; int __cdecl SeatPrioritySort( const SortSeatPriorityType *s1, const SortSeatPriorityType *s2 ) { return ( s1->GetPriority() > s2->GetPriority() ); }
// Purpose: Parse one set of entry/exit data
// Input : *pSetKeyValues - Key values for this set
void CBaseServerVehicle::ParseNPCPassengerSeat( KeyValues *pSetKeyValues, CPassengerSeat *pSeat ) { CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = (CBaseAnimating *) m_pVehicle;
// Get our attachment name
const char *lpszAttachmentName = pSetKeyValues->GetString( "target_attachment" ); int nAttachmentID = pAnimating->LookupAttachment( lpszAttachmentName ); pSeat->m_nAttachmentID = nAttachmentID; pSeat->m_strSeatName = AllocPooledString( lpszAttachmentName );
KeyValues *pKey = pSetKeyValues->GetFirstSubKey(); while ( pKey != NULL ) { const char *lpszName = pKey->GetName();
if ( Q_stricmp( lpszName, "entry" ) == 0 ) { int nIndex = pSeat->m_EntryTransitions.AddToTail(); Assert( pSeat->m_EntryTransitions.IsValidIndex( nIndex ) );
ParseNPCSeatTransition( pKey, &pSeat->m_EntryTransitions[nIndex] ); } else if ( Q_stricmp( lpszName, "exit" ) == 0 ) { int nIndex = pSeat->m_ExitTransitions.AddToTail(); Assert( pSeat->m_ExitTransitions.IsValidIndex( nIndex ) );
ParseNPCSeatTransition( pKey, &pSeat->m_ExitTransitions[nIndex] ); }
// Advance
pKey = pKey->GetNextKey(); }
// Sort the seats based on their priority
pSeat->m_EntryTransitions.Sort( SeatPrioritySort ); pSeat->m_ExitTransitions.Sort( SeatPrioritySort ); }
// Purpose: Find a passenger role (by name), or create a new one of that names
// Input : strName - name of the role
// : *nIndex - the index into the CUtlBuffer where this role resides
// Output : CPassengerRole * - Role found or created
CPassengerRole *CBaseServerVehicle::FindOrCreatePassengerRole( string_t strName, int *nIndex ) { // Try to find an already created container of the same name
for ( int i = 0; i < m_PassengerRoles.Count(); i++ ) { // If we match, return it
if ( FStrEq( STRING( m_PassengerRoles[i].m_strName ), STRING( strName ) ) ) { // Supply the index, if requested
if ( nIndex != NULL ) { *nIndex = i; }
return &m_PassengerRoles[i]; } }
// Create a new container
int nNewIndex = m_PassengerRoles.AddToTail(); Assert( m_PassengerRoles.IsValidIndex( nNewIndex ) ); m_PassengerRoles[nNewIndex].m_strName = strName; // Supply the index, if requested
if ( nIndex != NULL ) { *nIndex = nNewIndex; } return &m_PassengerRoles[nNewIndex]; }
ConVar g_debug_npc_vehicle_roles( "g_debug_npc_vehicle_roles", "0" );
// Purpose: Parse NPC entry and exit anim data
// Input : *pModelKeyValues - Key values from the vehicle model
void CBaseServerVehicle::ParseNPCRoles( KeyValues *pkvPassengerList ) { // Get the definition section
if ( pkvPassengerList == NULL ) return;
// Get our animating class
CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = dynamic_cast<CBaseAnimating *>(m_pVehicle); Assert( pAnimating != NULL ); if ( pAnimating == NULL ) return;
// For attachment polling
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = pAnimating->GetModelPtr(); Assert( pStudioHdr != NULL ); if ( pStudioHdr == NULL ) return;
// Parse all subkeys
int nRoleIndex; KeyValues *pkvPassengerKey = pkvPassengerList->GetFirstSubKey(); while ( pkvPassengerKey != NULL ) { string_t strRoleName = AllocPooledString( pkvPassengerKey->GetName() );
// Find or create the container
CPassengerRole *pRole = FindOrCreatePassengerRole( strRoleName, &nRoleIndex ); if ( pRole == NULL ) continue;
// Add a new role
int nSeatIndex = pRole->m_PassengerSeats.AddToTail(); Assert( pRole->m_PassengerSeats.IsValidIndex( nSeatIndex ) );
// Parse the information
ParseNPCPassengerSeat( pkvPassengerKey, &pRole->m_PassengerSeats[nSeatIndex] ); // Add a matching entry into our passenger manifest
int nPassengerIndex = m_PassengerInfo.AddToTail(); m_PassengerInfo[nPassengerIndex].m_hPassenger = NULL; m_PassengerInfo[nPassengerIndex].m_nSeat = nSeatIndex; m_PassengerInfo[nPassengerIndex].m_nRole = nRoleIndex; // The following are used for index fix-ups after save game restoration
m_PassengerInfo[nPassengerIndex].m_strRoleName = strRoleName; m_PassengerInfo[nPassengerIndex].m_strSeatName = pRole->m_PassengerSeats[nSeatIndex].m_strSeatName;
// Advance to the next key
pkvPassengerKey = pkvPassengerKey->GetNextKey(); }
// ======================================================================================================
// Debug print
if ( g_debug_npc_vehicle_roles.GetBool() ) { Msg("Passenger Roles Parsed:\t%d\n\n", m_PassengerRoles.Count() ); for ( int i = 0; i < m_PassengerRoles.Count(); i++ ) { Msg("\tPassenger Role:\t%s (%d seats)\n", STRING(m_PassengerRoles[i].m_strName), m_PassengerRoles[i].m_PassengerSeats.Count() ); // Iterate through all information sets under this name
for ( int j = 0; j < m_PassengerRoles[i].m_PassengerSeats.Count(); j++ ) { Msg("\t\tAttachment: %d\n", m_PassengerRoles[i].m_PassengerSeats[j].m_nAttachmentID ); // Entries
Msg("\t\tEntries:\t%d\n", m_PassengerRoles[i].m_PassengerSeats[j].m_EntryTransitions.Count() ); Msg("\t\t=====================\n" );
for ( int nEntry = 0; nEntry < m_PassengerRoles[i].m_PassengerSeats[j].m_EntryTransitions.Count(); nEntry++ ) { Msg("\t\t\tAnimation:\t%s\t(Priority %d)\n", STRING(m_PassengerRoles[i].m_PassengerSeats[j].m_EntryTransitions[nEntry].m_strAnimationName), m_PassengerRoles[i].m_PassengerSeats[j].m_EntryTransitions[nEntry].m_nPriority ); } Msg("\n");
// Exits
Msg("\t\tExits:\t%d\n", m_PassengerRoles[i].m_PassengerSeats[j].m_ExitTransitions.Count() ); Msg("\t\t=====================\n" );
for ( int nExits = 0; nExits < m_PassengerRoles[i].m_PassengerSeats[j].m_ExitTransitions.Count(); nExits++ ) { Msg("\t\t\tAnimation:\t%s\t(Priority %d)\n", STRING(m_PassengerRoles[i].m_PassengerSeats[j].m_ExitTransitions[nExits].m_strAnimationName), m_PassengerRoles[i].m_PassengerSeats[j].m_ExitTransitions[nExits].m_nPriority ); } }
Msg("\n"); } }
// ======================================================================================================
} //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Get an attachment point at a specified time in its cycle (note: not exactly a speedy query, use sparingly!)
// Input : nSequence - sequence to test
// nAttachmentIndex - attachment to test
// flCyclePoint - 0.0 - 1.0
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CBaseServerVehicle::GetLocalAttachmentAtTime( int nQuerySequence, int nAttachmentIndex, float flCyclePoint, Vector *vecOriginOut, QAngle *vecAnglesOut ) { CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = m_pVehicle->GetBaseAnimating(); if ( pAnimating == NULL ) return false;
// TODO: It's annoying to stomp and restore this off each time when we're just going to stomp it again later, but the function
// should really leave the car in an acceptable state to run this query -- jdw
// Store this off for restoration later
int nOldSequence = pAnimating->GetSequence(); float flOldCycle = pAnimating->GetCycle();
// Setup the model for the query
pAnimating->SetSequence( nQuerySequence ); pAnimating->SetCycle( flCyclePoint ); pAnimating->InvalidateBoneCache();
// Query for the point
Vector vecOrigin; QAngle vecAngles; pAnimating->GetAttachmentLocal( nAttachmentIndex, vecOrigin, vecAngles );
if ( vecOriginOut != NULL ) { *vecOriginOut = vecOrigin; }
if ( vecAnglesOut != NULL ) { *vecAnglesOut = vecAngles; }
// Restore the model after the query
pAnimating->SetSequence( nOldSequence ); pAnimating->SetCycle( flOldCycle ); pAnimating->InvalidateBoneCache();
return true; }
// Purpose: Get an attachment point at a specified time in its cycle (note: not exactly a speedy query, use sparingly!)
// Input : lpszAnimName - name of the sequence to test
// nAttachmentIndex - attachment to test
// flCyclePoint - 0.0 - 1.0
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CBaseServerVehicle::GetLocalAttachmentAtTime( const char *lpszAnimName, int nAttachmentIndex, float flCyclePoint, Vector *vecOriginOut, QAngle *vecAnglesOut ) { CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = m_pVehicle->GetBaseAnimating(); if ( pAnimating == NULL ) return false;
int nQuerySequence = pAnimating->LookupSequence( lpszAnimName ); if ( nQuerySequence < 0 ) return false;
return GetLocalAttachmentAtTime( nQuerySequence, nAttachmentIndex, flCyclePoint, vecOriginOut, vecAnglesOut ); }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::CacheEntryExitPoints( void ) { CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = m_pVehicle->GetBaseAnimating(); if ( pAnimating == NULL ) return;
int nAttachment = pAnimating->LookupAttachment( "vehicle_driver_eyes" ); // For each exit animation, determine where the end point is and cache it
for ( int i = 0; i < m_ExitAnimations.Count(); i++ ) { if ( GetLocalAttachmentAtTime( m_ExitAnimations[i].szAnimName, nAttachment, 1.0f, &m_ExitAnimations[i].vecExitPointLocal, &m_ExitAnimations[i].vecExitAnglesLocal ) == false ) { Warning("Exit animation %s failed to cache target points properly!\n", m_ExitAnimations[i].szAnimName ); }
if ( g_debug_vehicleexit.GetBool() ) { Vector vecExitPoint = m_ExitAnimations[i].vecExitPointLocal; QAngle vecExitAngles = m_ExitAnimations[i].vecExitAnglesLocal; UTIL_ParentToWorldSpace( pAnimating, vecExitPoint, vecExitAngles );
NDebugOverlay::Box( vecExitPoint, -Vector(8,8,8), Vector(8,8,8), 0, 255, 0, 0, 20.0f ); NDebugOverlay::Axis( vecExitPoint, vecExitAngles, 8.0f, true, 20.0f ); } } }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::ParseEntryExitAnims( void ) { // Try and find the right animation to play in the model's keyvalues
KeyValues *modelKeyValues = new KeyValues(""); if ( modelKeyValues->LoadFromBuffer( modelinfo->GetModelName( m_pVehicle->GetModel() ), modelinfo->GetModelKeyValueText( m_pVehicle->GetModel() ) ) ) { // Do we have an entry section?
KeyValues *pkvEntryList = modelKeyValues->FindKey("vehicle_entry"); if ( pkvEntryList ) { // Look through the entry animations list
KeyValues *pkvEntryAnim = pkvEntryList->GetFirstSubKey(); while ( pkvEntryAnim ) { // Add 'em to our list
int iIndex = m_EntryAnimations.AddToTail(); Q_strncpy( m_EntryAnimations[iIndex].szAnimName, pkvEntryAnim->GetName(), sizeof(m_EntryAnimations[iIndex].szAnimName) ); m_EntryAnimations[iIndex].iHitboxGroup = pkvEntryAnim->GetInt();
pkvEntryAnim = pkvEntryAnim->GetNextKey(); } }
// Do we have an exit section?
KeyValues *pkvExitList = modelKeyValues->FindKey("vehicle_exit"); if ( pkvExitList ) { ParseExitAnim( pkvExitList, false ); }
// Do we have an exit section?
pkvExitList = modelKeyValues->FindKey("vehicle_escape_exit"); if ( pkvExitList ) { ParseExitAnim( pkvExitList, true ); }
// Parse the NPC vehicle roles as well
KeyValues *pkvPassengerList = modelKeyValues->FindKey( "vehicle_npc_passengers" ); if ( pkvPassengerList ) { ParseNPCRoles( pkvPassengerList ); } }
// Determine the entry and exit points for the
CacheEntryExitPoints(); }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::HandlePassengerEntry( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger, bool bAllowEntryOutsideZone ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( pPassenger ); if ( pPlayer != NULL ) { // Find out which hitbox the player's eyepoint is within
int iEntryAnim = GetEntryAnimForPoint( pPlayer->EyePosition() );
// Get this interface for animation queries
CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = dynamic_cast<CBaseAnimating *>(m_pVehicle); if ( !pAnimating ) return;
// Are we in an entrypoint zone?
if ( iEntryAnim == ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE ) { // Normal get in refuses to allow entry
if ( !bAllowEntryOutsideZone ) return;
// We failed to find a valid entry anim, but we've got to get back in because the player's
// got stuck exiting the vehicle. For now, just use the first get in anim
// UNDONE: We need a better solution for this.
iEntryAnim = pAnimating->LookupSequence( m_EntryAnimations[0].szAnimName ); }
// Check to see if this vehicle can be controlled or if it's locked
if ( GetDrivableVehicle()->CanEnterVehicle( pPlayer ) ) { // Make sure the passenger can get in as well
if ( pPlayer->CanEnterVehicle( this, VEHICLE_ROLE_DRIVER ) ) { // Setup the "enter" vehicle sequence and skip the animation if it isn't present.
pAnimating->SetCycle( 0 ); pAnimating->m_flAnimTime = gpGlobals->curtime; pAnimating->ResetSequence( iEntryAnim ); pAnimating->ResetClientsideFrame(); pAnimating->InvalidateBoneCache(); // This is necessary because we need to query attachment points this frame for blending!
GetDrivableVehicle()->SetVehicleEntryAnim( true );
pPlayer->GetInVehicle( this, VEHICLE_ROLE_DRIVER ); } } } else { // NPCs handle transitioning themselves, they should NOT call this function
Assert( 0 ); } }
// Purpose:
bool CBaseServerVehicle::HandlePassengerExit( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( pPassenger ); if ( pPlayer != NULL ) { // Clear hud hints
UTIL_HudHintText( pPlayer, "" );
vbs_sound_update_t params; InitSoundParams(params); params.bExitVehicle = true; SoundState_Update( params );
// Find the right exit anim to use based on available exit points.
Vector vecExitPoint; bool bAllPointsBlocked; int iSequence = GetExitAnimToUse( vecExitPoint, bAllPointsBlocked );
// If all exit points were blocked and this vehicle doesn't allow exiting in
// these cases, bail.
Vector vecNewPos = pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(); QAngle angNewAngles = pPlayer->GetAbsAngles();
int nRole = GetPassengerRole( pPlayer ); if ( ( bAllPointsBlocked ) || ( iSequence == ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE ) ) { // Animation-driven exit points are all blocked, or we have none. Fall back to the more simple static exit points.
if ( !GetPassengerExitPoint( nRole, &vecNewPos, &angNewAngles ) && !GetDrivableVehicle()->AllowBlockedExit( pPlayer, nRole ) ) return false;
// At this point, the player has exited the vehicle but did so without playing an animation. We need to give the vehicle a
// chance to do any post-animation clean-up it may need to perform.
HandleEntryExitFinish( false, true ); }
// Now we either have an exit sequence to play, a valid static exit position, or we don't care
// whether we're blocked or not. We're getting out, one way or another.
GetDrivableVehicle()->PreExitVehicle( pPlayer, nRole );
if ( iSequence > ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE ) { CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = dynamic_cast<CBaseAnimating *>(m_pVehicle); if ( pAnimating ) { pAnimating->SetCycle( 0 ); pAnimating->m_flAnimTime = gpGlobals->curtime; pAnimating->ResetSequence( iSequence ); pAnimating->ResetClientsideFrame(); GetDrivableVehicle()->SetVehicleExitAnim( true, vecExitPoint );
// Re-deploy our weapon
if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->IsAlive() ) { if ( pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon() ) { pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon()->Deploy(); pPlayer->ShowCrosshair( true ); } }
// To prevent anything moving into the volume the player's going to occupy at the end of the exit
// NOTE: Set the player as the blocker's owner so the player is allowed to intersect it
Vector vecExitFeetPoint = vecExitPoint - VEC_VIEW; m_hExitBlocker = CEntityBlocker::Create( vecExitFeetPoint, VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX, pPlayer, true );
// We may as well stand where we're going to get out at and stop being parented
pPlayer->SetAbsOrigin( vecExitFeetPoint ); pPlayer->SetParent( NULL );
return true; } }
// Couldn't find an animation, so exit immediately
pPlayer->LeaveVehicle( vecNewPos, angNewAngles ); return true; } else { // NPCs handle transitioning themselves, they should NOT call this function
Assert( 0 ); }
return false; }
// Purpose:
int CBaseServerVehicle::GetEntryAnimForPoint( const Vector &vecEyePoint ) { // Parse the vehicle animations the first time they get in the vehicle
if ( !m_bParsedAnimations ) { // Load the entry/exit animations from the vehicle
ParseEntryExitAnims(); m_bParsedAnimations = true; }
// No entry anims? Vehicles with no entry anims are always enterable.
if ( !m_EntryAnimations.Count() ) return 0;
// Figure out which entrypoint hitbox the player is in
CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = dynamic_cast<CBaseAnimating *>(m_pVehicle); if ( !pAnimating ) return 0;
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = pAnimating->GetModelPtr(); if (!pStudioHdr) return 0; int iHitboxSet = FindHitboxSetByName( pStudioHdr, "entryboxes" ); mstudiohitboxset_t *set = pStudioHdr->pHitboxSet( iHitboxSet ); if ( !set || !set->numhitboxes ) return 0;
// Loop through the hitboxes and find out which one we're in
for ( int i = 0; i < set->numhitboxes; i++ ) { mstudiobbox_t *pbox = set->pHitbox( i );
Vector vecPosition; QAngle vecAngles; pAnimating->GetBonePosition( pbox->bone, vecPosition, vecAngles );
// Build a rotation matrix from orientation
matrix3x4_t fRotateMatrix; AngleMatrix( vecAngles, vecPosition, fRotateMatrix);
Vector localEyePoint; VectorITransform( vecEyePoint, fRotateMatrix, localEyePoint ); if ( IsPointInBox( localEyePoint, pbox->bbmin, pbox->bbmax ) ) { // Find the entry animation for this hitbox
int iCount = m_EntryAnimations.Count(); for ( int entry = 0; entry < iCount; entry++ ) { if ( m_EntryAnimations[entry].iHitboxGroup == pbox->group ) { // Get the sequence for the animation
return pAnimating->LookupSequence( m_EntryAnimations[entry].szAnimName ); } } } }
// Fail
// Purpose: Find an exit animation that'll get the player to a valid position
// Input : vecEyeExitEndpoint - Returns with the final eye position after exiting.
// bAllPointsBlocked - Returns whether all exit points were found to be blocked.
// Output :
int CBaseServerVehicle::GetExitAnimToUse( Vector &vecEyeExitEndpoint, bool &bAllPointsBlocked ) { bAllPointsBlocked = false; // Parse the vehicle animations the first time they get in the vehicle
if ( !m_bParsedAnimations ) { // Load the entry/exit animations from the vehicle
ParseEntryExitAnims(); m_bParsedAnimations = true; }
// No exit anims?
if ( !m_ExitAnimations.Count() ) return ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE;
// Figure out which entrypoint hitbox the player is in
CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = dynamic_cast<CBaseAnimating *>(m_pVehicle); if ( !pAnimating ) return ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE;
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = pAnimating->GetModelPtr(); if (!pStudioHdr) return ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE;
bool bUpright = IsVehicleUpright();
// Loop through the exit animations and find one that ends in a clear position
// Also attempt to choose the animation which brings you closest to your view direction.
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( GetDriver() ); if ( pPlayer == NULL ) return ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE;
int nRole = GetPassengerRole( pPlayer );
int nBestExitAnim = -1; bool bBestExitIsEscapePoint = true; Vector vecViewDirection, vecViewOrigin, vecBestExitPoint( 0, 0, 0 ); vecViewOrigin = pPlayer->EyePosition(); pPlayer->EyeVectors( &vecViewDirection ); vecViewDirection.z = 0.0f; VectorNormalize( vecViewDirection );
float flMaxCosAngleDelta = -2.0f;
int iCount = m_ExitAnimations.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < iCount; i++ ) { if ( m_ExitAnimations[i].bUpright != bUpright ) continue;
// Don't use an escape point if we found a non-escape point already
if ( !bBestExitIsEscapePoint && m_ExitAnimations[i].bEscapeExit ) continue; Vector vehicleExitOrigin; QAngle vehicleExitAngles;
// NOTE: HL2 and Ep1 used a method that relied on the animators to place attachment points in the model which marked where
// the player would exit to. This was rendered unnecessary in Ep2, but the choreo vehicles of these older products
// did not have proper exit animations and relied on the exact queries that were happening before. For choreo vehicles,
// we now just allow them to perform those older queries to keep those products happy. - jdw
// Get the position we think we're going to end up at
if ( m_bUseLegacyExitChecks ) { pAnimating->GetAttachment( m_ExitAnimations[i].szAnimName, vehicleExitOrigin, vehicleExitAngles ); } else { vehicleExitOrigin = m_ExitAnimations[i].vecExitPointLocal; vehicleExitAngles = m_ExitAnimations[i].vecExitAnglesLocal; UTIL_ParentToWorldSpace( pAnimating, vehicleExitOrigin, vehicleExitAngles ); }
// Don't bother checking points which are farther from our view direction.
Vector vecDelta; VectorSubtract( vehicleExitOrigin, vecViewOrigin, vecDelta ); vecDelta.z = 0.0f; VectorNormalize( vecDelta ); float flCosAngleDelta = DotProduct( vecDelta, vecViewDirection );
// But always check non-escape exits if our current best exit is an escape exit.
if ( !bBestExitIsEscapePoint || m_ExitAnimations[i].bEscapeExit ) { if ( flCosAngleDelta < flMaxCosAngleDelta ) continue; }
// The attachment points are where the driver's eyes will end up, so we subtract the view offset
// to get the actual exit position.
vehicleExitOrigin -= VEC_VIEW;
Vector vecMove(0,0,64); Vector vecStart = vehicleExitOrigin + vecMove; Vector vecEnd = vehicleExitOrigin - vecMove;
// Starting at the exit point, trace a flat plane down until we hit ground
// NOTE: The hull has no vertical span because we want to test the lateral constraints against the ground, not height (yet)
trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceHull( vecStart, vecEnd, VEC_HULL_MIN, Vector( VEC_HULL_MAX.x, VEC_HULL_MAX.y, VEC_HULL_MIN.z ), MASK_PLAYERSOLID, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); if ( g_debug_vehicleexit.GetBool() ) { NDebugOverlay::SweptBox( vecStart, vecEnd, VEC_HULL_MIN, Vector( VEC_HULL_MAX.x, VEC_HULL_MAX.y, VEC_HULL_MIN.y ), vec3_angle, 255, 255, 255, 8.0f, 20.0f ); } if ( tr.fraction < 1.0f ) { // If we hit the ground, try to now "stand up" at that point to see if we'll fit
UTIL_TraceHull( tr.endpos, tr.endpos, VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); // See if we're unable to stand at this space
if ( tr.startsolid ) { if ( g_debug_vehicleexit.GetBool() ) { NDebugOverlay::Box( tr.endpos, VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX, 255, 0, 0, 8.0f, 20.0f ); } continue; }
if ( g_debug_vehicleexit.GetBool() ) { NDebugOverlay::Box( tr.endpos, VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX, 0, 255, 0, 8.0f, 20.0f ); } } else if ( tr.allsolid || ( ( tr.fraction == 1.0 ) && !GetDrivableVehicle()->AllowMidairExit( pPlayer, nRole ) ) ) { if ( g_debug_vehicleexit.GetBool() ) { NDebugOverlay::Box( tr.endpos, VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX, 255,0,0, 64, 10 ); } continue; } // Calculate the exit endpoint & viewpoint
Vector vecExitEndPoint = tr.endpos;
// Make sure we can trace to the center of the exit point
UTIL_TraceLine( vecViewOrigin, vecExitEndPoint, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, pAnimating, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
if ( tr.fraction != 1.0 ) { #ifdef HL2_EPISODIC
if ( ShouldVehicleIgnoreEntity( GetVehicleEnt(), tr.m_pEnt ) == false ) #endif //HL2_EPISODIC
{ if ( g_debug_vehicleexit.GetBool() ) { NDebugOverlay::Line( vecViewOrigin, vecExitEndPoint, 255,0,0, true, 10 ); } continue; } }
bBestExitIsEscapePoint = m_ExitAnimations[i].bEscapeExit; vecBestExitPoint = vecExitEndPoint; nBestExitAnim = i; flMaxCosAngleDelta = flCosAngleDelta; }
if ( nBestExitAnim >= 0 ) { m_vecCurrentExitEndPoint = vecBestExitPoint;
if ( g_debug_vehicleexit.GetBool() ) { NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( m_vecCurrentExitEndPoint, 16, 0, 255, 0, true, 10 ); NDebugOverlay::Box( m_vecCurrentExitEndPoint, VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX, 255,255,255, 8, 10 ); }
vecEyeExitEndpoint = vecBestExitPoint + VEC_VIEW; m_iCurrentExitAnim = nBestExitAnim; return pAnimating->LookupSequence( m_ExitAnimations[m_iCurrentExitAnim].szAnimName ); }
// Fail, all exit points were blocked.
bAllPointsBlocked = true; return ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE; }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::HandleEntryExitFinish( bool bExitAnimOn, bool bResetAnim ) { // Parse the vehicle animations. This is needed because they may have
// saved, and loaded during exit anim, which would clear the exit anim.
if ( !m_bParsedAnimations ) { // Load the entry/exit animations from the vehicle
ParseEntryExitAnims(); m_bParsedAnimations = true; }
// Figure out which entrypoint hitbox the player is in
CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = m_pVehicle->GetBaseAnimating(); if ( !pAnimating ) return; // Did the entry anim just finish?
if ( bExitAnimOn ) { // The exit animation just finished
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( GetDriver() ); if ( pPlayer != NULL ) { Vector vecEyes; QAngle vecEyeAng; if ( m_iCurrentExitAnim >= 0 && m_iCurrentExitAnim < m_ExitAnimations.Count() ) { // Convert our offset points to worldspace ones
vecEyes = m_ExitAnimations[m_iCurrentExitAnim].vecExitPointLocal; vecEyeAng = m_ExitAnimations[m_iCurrentExitAnim].vecExitAnglesLocal; UTIL_ParentToWorldSpace( pAnimating, vecEyes, vecEyeAng );
// Use the endpoint we figured out when we exited
vecEyes = m_vecCurrentExitEndPoint; } else { pAnimating->GetAttachment( "vehicle_driver_eyes", vecEyes, vecEyeAng ); }
if ( g_debug_vehicleexit.GetBool() ) { NDebugOverlay::Box( vecEyes, -Vector(2,2,2), Vector(2,2,2), 255,0,0, 64, 10.0 ); }
// If the end point isn't clear, get back in the vehicle
trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceHull( vecEyes, vecEyes, VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX, MASK_SOLID, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); if ( tr.startsolid && tr.fraction < 1.0 ) { pPlayer->LeaveVehicle( vecEyes, vecEyeAng ); m_pVehicle->Use( pPlayer, pPlayer, USE_TOGGLE, 1 ); return; } */
pPlayer->LeaveVehicle( vecEyes, vecEyeAng ); } }
// Only reset the animation if we're told to
if ( bResetAnim ) { // Start the vehicle idling again
int iSequence = pAnimating->SelectWeightedSequence( ACT_IDLE ); if ( iSequence > ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE ) { pAnimating->SetCycle( 0 ); pAnimating->m_flAnimTime = gpGlobals->curtime; pAnimating->ResetSequence( iSequence ); pAnimating->ResetClientsideFrame(); } }
GetDrivableVehicle()->SetVehicleEntryAnim( false ); GetDrivableVehicle()->SetVehicleExitAnim( false, vec3_origin ); }
// Purpose: Where does the passenger see from?
void CBaseServerVehicle::GetVehicleViewPosition( int nRole, Vector *pAbsOrigin, QAngle *pAbsAngles, float *pFOV /*= NULL*/ ) { Assert( nRole == VEHICLE_ROLE_DRIVER ); CBaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger = GetPassenger( VEHICLE_ROLE_DRIVER ); Assert( pPassenger );
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( pPassenger ); if ( pPlayer != NULL ) { // Call through the player to resolve the actual position (if available)
if ( pAbsOrigin != NULL ) { *pAbsOrigin = pPlayer->EyePosition(); } if ( pAbsAngles != NULL ) { *pAbsAngles = pPlayer->EyeAngles(); }
if ( pFOV ) { *pFOV = pPlayer->GetFOV(); } } else { // NPCs are not supported
Assert( 0 ); } }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::SetupMove( CBasePlayer *player, CUserCmd *ucmd, IMoveHelper *pHelper, CMoveData *move ) { GetDrivableVehicle()->SetupMove( player, ucmd, pHelper, move ); }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::ProcessMovement( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CMoveData *pMoveData ) { GetDrivableVehicle()->ProcessMovement( pPlayer, pMoveData );
trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceLine( pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(), pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin() - Vector( 0, 0, 256 ), MASK_PLAYERSOLID, GetVehicleEnt(), COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
// If our gamematerial has changed, tell any player surface triggers that are watching
IPhysicsSurfaceProps *physprops = MoveHelper()->GetSurfaceProps(); const surfacedata_t *pSurfaceProp = physprops->GetSurfaceData( tr.surface.surfaceProps ); char cCurrGameMaterial = pSurfaceProp->game.material;
// Changed?
if ( m_chPreviousTextureType != cCurrGameMaterial ) { CEnvPlayerSurfaceTrigger::SetPlayerSurface( pPlayer, cCurrGameMaterial ); }
m_chPreviousTextureType = cCurrGameMaterial; }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::FinishMove( CBasePlayer *player, CUserCmd *ucmd, CMoveData *move ) { GetDrivableVehicle()->FinishMove( player, ucmd, move ); }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::ItemPostFrame( CBasePlayer *player ) { Assert( player == GetDriver() );
GetDrivableVehicle()->ItemPostFrame( player );
if ( player->m_afButtonPressed & IN_USE ) { if ( GetDrivableVehicle()->CanExitVehicle(player) ) { if ( !HandlePassengerExit( player ) && ( player != NULL ) ) { player->PlayUseDenySound(); } } } }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_ThrottleForward( void ) { m_nNPCButtons |= IN_FORWARD; m_nNPCButtons &= ~IN_BACK; m_nNPCButtons &= ~IN_JUMP; }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_ThrottleReverse( void ) { m_nNPCButtons |= IN_BACK; m_nNPCButtons &= ~IN_FORWARD; m_nNPCButtons &= ~IN_JUMP; }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_ThrottleCenter( void ) { m_nNPCButtons &= ~IN_FORWARD; m_nNPCButtons &= ~IN_BACK; m_nNPCButtons &= ~IN_JUMP; }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_Brake( void ) { m_nNPCButtons &= ~IN_FORWARD; m_nNPCButtons &= ~IN_BACK; m_nNPCButtons |= IN_JUMP; }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_TurnLeft( float flDegrees ) { m_nNPCButtons |= IN_MOVELEFT; m_nNPCButtons &= ~IN_MOVERIGHT; m_flTurnDegrees = -flDegrees; }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_TurnRight( float flDegrees ) { m_nNPCButtons |= IN_MOVERIGHT; m_nNPCButtons &= ~IN_MOVELEFT; m_flTurnDegrees = flDegrees; }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_TurnCenter( void ) { m_nNPCButtons &= ~IN_MOVERIGHT; m_nNPCButtons &= ~IN_MOVELEFT; }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_PrimaryFire( void ) { m_nNPCButtons |= IN_ATTACK; }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_SecondaryFire( void ) { m_nNPCButtons |= IN_ATTACK2; }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::Weapon_PrimaryRanges( float *flMinRange, float *flMaxRange ) { *flMinRange = 64; *flMaxRange = 1024; }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::Weapon_SecondaryRanges( float *flMinRange, float *flMaxRange ) { *flMinRange = 64; *flMaxRange = 1024; }
// Purpose: Return the time at which this vehicle's primary weapon can fire again
float CBaseServerVehicle::Weapon_PrimaryCanFireAt( void ) { return gpGlobals->curtime; }
// Purpose: Return the time at which this vehicle's secondary weapon can fire again
float CBaseServerVehicle::Weapon_SecondaryCanFireAt( void ) { return gpGlobals->curtime; }
static int SoundStateIndexFromName( const char *pName ) { for ( int i = 0; i < SS_NUM_STATES; i++ ) { Assert( i < ARRAYSIZE(pSoundStateNames) ); if ( !strcmpi( pSoundStateNames[i], pName ) ) return i; } return -1; }
static const char *SoundStateNameFromIndex( int index ) { index = clamp(index, 0, SS_NUM_STATES-1 ); return pSoundStateNames[index]; }
void CBaseServerVehicle::PlaySound( const char *pSound ) { if ( !pSound || !pSound[0] ) return;
if ( g_debug_vehiclesound.GetInt() ) { Msg("Playing non-looping vehicle sound: %s\n", pSound ); } m_pVehicle->EmitSound( pSound ); }
void CBaseServerVehicle::StopLoopingSound( float fadeTime ) { CSoundEnvelopeController &controller = CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController(); if ( m_pStateSoundFade ) { controller.SoundDestroy( m_pStateSoundFade ); m_pStateSoundFade = NULL; } if ( m_pStateSound ) { m_pStateSoundFade = m_pStateSound; m_pStateSound = NULL; controller.SoundFadeOut( m_pStateSoundFade, fadeTime, false ); } }
void CBaseServerVehicle::PlayLoopingSound( const char *pSoundName ) { CSoundEnvelopeController &controller = CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController();
CPASAttenuationFilter filter( m_pVehicle ); CSoundPatch *pNewSound = NULL; if ( pSoundName && pSoundName[0] ) { pNewSound = controller.SoundCreate( filter, m_pVehicle->entindex(), CHAN_STATIC, pSoundName, ATTN_NORM ); }
if ( m_pStateSound && pNewSound && controller.SoundGetName( pNewSound ) == controller.SoundGetName( m_pStateSound ) ) { // if the sound is the same, don't play this, just re-use the old one
controller.SoundDestroy( pNewSound ); pNewSound = m_pStateSound; controller.SoundChangeVolume( pNewSound, 1.0f, 0.0f ); m_pStateSound = NULL; } else if ( g_debug_vehiclesound.GetInt() ) { const char *pStopSound = m_pStateSound ? controller.SoundGetName( m_pStateSound ).ToCStr() : "NULL"; const char *pStartSound = pNewSound ? controller.SoundGetName( pNewSound ).ToCStr() : "NULL"; Msg("Stop %s, start %s\n", pStopSound, pStartSound ); }
StopLoopingSound(); m_pStateSound = pNewSound; if ( m_pStateSound ) { controller.Play( m_pStateSound, 1.0f, 100 ); } }
static sound_states MapGearToState( vbs_sound_update_t ¶ms, int gear ) { switch( gear ) { case 0: return params.bReverse ? SS_REVERSE : SS_GEAR_0; case 1: return SS_GEAR_1; case 2: return SS_GEAR_2; case 3: return SS_GEAR_3; default:case 4: return SS_GEAR_4; } }
static sound_states MapGearToMidState( vbs_sound_update_t ¶ms, int gear ) { switch( gear ) { case 0: return params.bReverse ? SS_REVERSE : SS_GEAR_0_RESUME; case 1: return SS_GEAR_1_RESUME; case 2: return SS_GEAR_2_RESUME; case 3: return SS_GEAR_3_RESUME; default:case 4: return SS_GEAR_4_RESUME; } }
bool CBaseServerVehicle::PlayCrashSound( float speed ) { int i; float delta = 0; float absSpeed = fabs(speed); float absLastSpeed = fabs(m_lastSpeed); if ( absLastSpeed > absSpeed ) { delta = fabs(m_lastSpeed - speed); } float rumble = delta / 8.0f;
if( rumble > 60.0f ) rumble = 60.0f;
if( rumble > 5.0f ) { if ( GetDriver() ) { UTIL_ScreenShake( GetDriver()->GetAbsOrigin(), rumble, 150.0f, 1.0f, 240.0f, SHAKE_START_RUMBLEONLY, true ); } }
for ( i = 0; i < m_vehicleSounds.crashSounds.Count(); i++ ) { const vehicle_crashsound_t &crash = m_vehicleSounds.crashSounds[i]; if ( !crash.gearLimit ) continue;
if ( m_iSoundGear <= crash.gearLimit ) { if ( delta > crash.flMinDeltaSpeed && absLastSpeed > crash.flMinSpeed ) { PlaySound( crash.iszCrashSound.ToCStr() ); return true; } } }
for ( i = m_vehicleSounds.crashSounds.Count()-1; i >= 0; --i ) { const vehicle_crashsound_t &crash = m_vehicleSounds.crashSounds[i]; if ( delta > crash.flMinDeltaSpeed && absLastSpeed > crash.flMinSpeed ) { PlaySound( crash.iszCrashSound.ToCStr() ); return true; } } return false; }
bool CBaseServerVehicle::CheckCrash( vbs_sound_update_t ¶ms ) { if ( params.bVehicleInWater ) return false;
bool bCrashed = PlayCrashSound( params.flWorldSpaceSpeed ); if ( bCrashed ) { if ( g_debug_vehiclesound.GetInt() ) { Msg("Crashed!: speed %.2f, lastSpeed %.2f\n", params.flWorldSpaceSpeed, m_lastSpeed ); } } m_lastSpeed = params.flWorldSpaceSpeed; return bCrashed; }
sound_states CBaseServerVehicle::SoundState_ChooseState( vbs_sound_update_t ¶ms ) { float timeInState = gpGlobals->curtime - m_soundStateStartTime; bool bInStateForMinTime = timeInState > m_vehicleSounds.minStateTime[m_soundState] ? true : false;
sound_states stateOut = m_soundState;
// exit overrides everything else
if ( params.bExitVehicle ) { switch ( m_soundState ) { case SS_NONE: case SS_SHUTDOWN: case SS_SHUTDOWN_WATER: return m_soundState; } return SS_SHUTDOWN; }
// check global state in states that don't mask them
switch( m_soundState ) { // global states masked for these states.
case SS_NONE: case SS_START_IDLE: case SS_SHUTDOWN: break; case SS_START_WATER: case SS_SHUTDOWN_WATER: if ( !params.bVehicleInWater ) return SS_START_IDLE; break;
case SS_TURBO: if ( params.bVehicleInWater ) return SS_SHUTDOWN_WATER; if ( CheckCrash(params) ) return SS_IDLE; break; case SS_IDLE: if ( params.bVehicleInWater ) return SS_SHUTDOWN_WATER; break;
case SS_REVERSE: case SS_GEAR_0: case SS_GEAR_1: case SS_GEAR_2: case SS_GEAR_3: case SS_GEAR_4: case SS_SLOWDOWN: case SS_SLOWDOWN_HIGHSPEED: case SS_GEAR_0_RESUME: case SS_GEAR_1_RESUME: case SS_GEAR_2_RESUME: case SS_GEAR_3_RESUME: case SS_GEAR_4_RESUME: if ( params.bVehicleInWater ) { return SS_SHUTDOWN_WATER; } if ( params.bTurbo ) { return SS_TURBO; } if ( CheckCrash(params) ) return SS_IDLE; break; }
switch( m_soundState ) { case SS_START_IDLE: if ( bInStateForMinTime || params.bThrottleDown ) return SS_IDLE; break; case SS_IDLE: if ( bInStateForMinTime && params.bThrottleDown ) { if ( params.bTurbo ) return SS_TURBO; return params.bReverse ? SS_REVERSE : SS_GEAR_0; } break;
case SS_GEAR_0_RESUME: case SS_GEAR_0: if ( (bInStateForMinTime && !params.bThrottleDown) || params.bReverse ) { return SS_IDLE; } if ( m_iSoundGear > 0 ) { return SS_GEAR_1; } break; case SS_GEAR_1_RESUME: case SS_GEAR_1: if ( bInStateForMinTime ) { if ( !params.bThrottleDown ) return SS_SLOWDOWN; } if ( m_iSoundGear != 1 ) return MapGearToState( params, m_iSoundGear); break;
case SS_GEAR_2_RESUME: case SS_GEAR_2: if ( bInStateForMinTime ) { if ( !params.bThrottleDown ) return SS_SLOWDOWN; else if ( m_iSoundGear != 2 ) return MapGearToState(params, m_iSoundGear); } break;
case SS_GEAR_3_RESUME: case SS_GEAR_3: if ( bInStateForMinTime ) { if ( !params.bThrottleDown ) return SS_SLOWDOWN; else if ( m_iSoundGear != 3 ) return MapGearToState(params, m_iSoundGear); } break;
case SS_GEAR_4_RESUME: case SS_GEAR_4: if ( bInStateForMinTime && !params.bThrottleDown ) { return SS_SLOWDOWN; } if ( m_iSoundGear != 4 ) { return MapGearToMidState(params, m_iSoundGear); } break; case SS_REVERSE: if ( bInStateForMinTime && !params.bReverse ) { return SS_SLOWDOWN; } break;
case SS_SLOWDOWN_HIGHSPEED: case SS_SLOWDOWN: if ( params.bThrottleDown ) { // map gears
return MapGearToMidState(params, m_iSoundGear); } if ( m_iSoundGear == 0 ) { return SS_IDLE; } break;
case SS_NONE: stateOut = params.bVehicleInWater ? SS_START_WATER : SS_START_IDLE; break; case SS_TURBO: if ( bInStateForMinTime && !params.bTurbo ) { return MapGearToMidState(params, m_iSoundGear); } break; default: break; }
return stateOut; }
const char *CBaseServerVehicle::StateSoundName( sound_states state ) { return m_vehicleSounds.iszStateSounds[state].ToCStr(); }
void CBaseServerVehicle::SoundState_OnNewState( sound_states lastState ) { if ( g_debug_vehiclesound.GetInt() ) { int index = m_soundState; Msg("Switched to state: %d (%s)\n", m_soundState, SoundStateNameFromIndex(index) ); }
switch ( m_soundState ) { case SS_SHUTDOWN: case SS_SHUTDOWN_WATER: case SS_START_WATER: StopLoopingSound(); PlaySound( StateSoundName(m_soundState) ); break; case SS_IDLE: m_lastSpeed = -1; PlayLoopingSound( StateSoundName(m_soundState) ); break; case SS_START_IDLE: case SS_REVERSE: case SS_GEAR_0: case SS_GEAR_0_RESUME: case SS_GEAR_1: case SS_GEAR_1_RESUME: case SS_GEAR_2: case SS_GEAR_2_RESUME: case SS_GEAR_3: case SS_GEAR_3_RESUME: case SS_GEAR_4: case SS_GEAR_4_RESUME: case SS_TURBO: PlayLoopingSound( StateSoundName(m_soundState) ); break;
case SS_SLOWDOWN_HIGHSPEED: case SS_SLOWDOWN: if ( m_iSoundGear < 2 ) { PlayLoopingSound( StateSoundName( SS_SLOWDOWN ) ); } else { PlayLoopingSound( StateSoundName( SS_SLOWDOWN_HIGHSPEED ) ); } break; default:break; }
m_soundStateStartTime = gpGlobals->curtime; }
void CBaseServerVehicle::SoundState_Update( vbs_sound_update_t ¶ms ) { sound_states newState = SoundState_ChooseState( params ); if ( newState != m_soundState ) { sound_states lastState = m_soundState; m_soundState = newState; SoundState_OnNewState( lastState ); }
switch( m_soundState ) { case SS_SHUTDOWN: case SS_SHUTDOWN_WATER: case SS_START_WATER: case SS_START_IDLE: case SS_IDLE: case SS_REVERSE: case SS_GEAR_0: case SS_GEAR_4: case SS_SLOWDOWN_HIGHSPEED: case SS_SLOWDOWN: case SS_GEAR_0_RESUME: case SS_GEAR_4_RESUME: break; default:break; } }
void CBaseServerVehicle::InitSoundParams( vbs_sound_update_t ¶ms ) { params.Defaults(); params.bVehicleInWater = IsVehicleBodyInWater(); }
// Purpose: Vehicle Sound Start
void CBaseServerVehicle::SoundStart() { StartEngineRumble();
m_soundState = SS_NONE; vbs_sound_update_t params; InitSoundParams(params);
SoundState_Update( params ); }
// vehicle is starting up disabled, but in some cases you still want to play a sound
// HACK: handle those here.
void CBaseServerVehicle::SoundStartDisabled() { m_soundState = SS_NONE; vbs_sound_update_t params; InitSoundParams(params); sound_states newState = SoundState_ChooseState( params );
switch( newState ) { case SS_START_WATER: PlaySound( StateSoundName(newState) ); break; } }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::SoundShutdown( float flFadeTime ) { StopEngineRumble();
// Stop any looping sounds that may be running, as the following stop sound may not exist
// and thus leave a looping sound playing after the user gets out.
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_SOUNDS_TO_STOP_ON_EXIT; i++ ) { StopSound( g_iSoundsToStopOnExit[i] ); }
CSoundEnvelopeController &controller = CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController(); if ( m_pStateSoundFade ) { controller.SoundFadeOut( m_pStateSoundFade, flFadeTime, true ); m_pStateSoundFade = NULL; } if ( m_pStateSound ) { controller.SoundFadeOut( m_pStateSound, flFadeTime, true ); m_pStateSound = NULL; } }
// Purpose:
void CBaseServerVehicle::SoundUpdate( vbs_sound_update_t ¶ms ) { if ( g_debug_vehiclesound.GetInt() > 1 ) { Msg("Throttle: %s, Reverse: %s\n", params.bThrottleDown?"on":"off", params.bReverse?"on":"off" ); }
float flCurrentSpeed = params.flCurrentSpeedFraction; if ( g_debug_vehiclesound.GetInt() > 1 ) { Msg("CurrentSpeed: %.3f ", flCurrentSpeed ); }
// Figure out our speed for the purposes of sound playing.
// We slow the transition down a little to make the gear changes slower.
if ( m_vehicleSounds.pGears.Count() > 0 ) { if ( flCurrentSpeed > m_flSpeedPercentage ) { // don't accelerate when the throttle isn't down
if ( !params.bThrottleDown ) { flCurrentSpeed = m_flSpeedPercentage; } flCurrentSpeed = Approach( flCurrentSpeed, m_flSpeedPercentage, params.flFrameTime * m_vehicleSounds.pGears[m_iSoundGear].flSpeedApproachFactor ); } } m_flSpeedPercentage = clamp( flCurrentSpeed, 0.0f, 1.0f );
if ( g_debug_vehiclesound.GetInt() > 1 ) { Msg("Sound Speed: %.3f\n", m_flSpeedPercentage ); }
// Only do gear changes when the throttle's down
RecalculateSoundGear( params );
SoundState_Update( params ); }
// Purpose: Play a non-gear based vehicle sound
void CBaseServerVehicle::PlaySound( vehiclesound iSound ) { if ( m_vehicleSounds.iszSound[iSound] != NULL_STRING ) { CPASAttenuationFilter filter( m_pVehicle );
EmitSound_t ep; ep.m_nChannel = CHAN_VOICE; ep.m_pSoundName = STRING(m_vehicleSounds.iszSound[iSound]); ep.m_flVolume = m_flVehicleVolume; ep.m_SoundLevel = SNDLVL_NORM;
CBaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, m_pVehicle->entindex(), ep ); if ( g_debug_vehiclesound.GetInt() ) { Msg("Playing vehicle sound: %s\n", ep.m_pSoundName ); } } }
// Purpose: Stop a non-gear based vehicle sound
void CBaseServerVehicle::StopSound( vehiclesound iSound ) { if ( m_vehicleSounds.iszSound[iSound] != NULL_STRING ) { CBaseEntity::StopSound( m_pVehicle->entindex(), CHAN_VOICE, STRING(m_vehicleSounds.iszSound[iSound]) ); } }
// Purpose: Calculate the gear we should be in based upon the vehicle's current speed
void CBaseServerVehicle::RecalculateSoundGear( vbs_sound_update_t ¶ms ) { int iNumGears = m_vehicleSounds.pGears.Count(); for ( int i = (iNumGears-1); i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( m_flSpeedPercentage > m_vehicleSounds.pGears[i].flMinSpeed ) { m_iSoundGear = i; break; } }
// If we're going in reverse, we want to stay in first gear
if ( params.bReverse ) { m_iSoundGear = 0; } }
void CBaseServerVehicle::StartEngineRumble() { return; }
void CBaseServerVehicle::StopEngineRumble() { return; }
// Purpose: Find the passenger in the given seat of the vehicle
// Input : nSeatID - seat ID to check
// Output : CBaseCombatCharacter - character in the seat
CBaseCombatCharacter *CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_GetPassengerInSeat( int nRoleID, int nSeatID ) { // Search all passengers in the vehicle
for ( int i = 0; i < m_PassengerInfo.Count(); i++ ) { // If the seat ID matches, return the entity in that seat
if ( m_PassengerInfo[i].GetSeat() == nSeatID && m_PassengerInfo[i].GetRole() == nRoleID ) return m_PassengerInfo[i].m_hPassenger; }
return NULL; }
// Purpose: Find the first available seat (ranked by priority)
// Input : nRoleID - Role index
// Output : int - Seat by index
int CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_GetAvailableSeat_Any( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger, int nRoleID ) { // Look through all available seats
for ( int i = 0; i < m_PassengerRoles[nRoleID].m_PassengerSeats.Count(); i++ ) { // See if anyone is already in this seat
CBaseCombatCharacter *pCurrentPassenger = NPC_GetPassengerInSeat( nRoleID, i ); if ( pCurrentPassenger != NULL && pCurrentPassenger != pPassenger ) continue;
// This seat is open
return i; }
// Nothing found
return -1; }
// Purpose: Find the seat with the nearest entry point to the querier
// Input : *pPassenger - Terget to be nearest to
// nRoleID - Role index
// Output : int - Seat by index
int CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_GetAvailableSeat_Nearest( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger, int nRoleID ) { // Not yet implemented
Assert( 0 ); return -1; }
// Purpose: Get a seat in the vehicle based on our role and criteria
// Input : *pPassenger - Entity attempting to find a seat
// strRoleName - Role the seat must serve
// nQueryType - Method for choosing the best seat (if multiple)
// Output : int - Seat by unique ID
int CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_GetAvailableSeat( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger, string_t strRoleName, VehicleSeatQuery_e nQueryType ) { // Parse the vehicle animations the first time they get in the vehicle
if ( m_bParsedAnimations == false ) { // Load the entry/exit animations from the vehicle
ParseEntryExitAnims(); m_bParsedAnimations = true; }
// Get the role index
int nRole = FindRoleIndexByName( strRoleName ); if ( m_PassengerRoles.IsValidIndex( nRole ) == false ) return -1;
switch( nQueryType ) { case VEHICLE_SEAT_ANY: return NPC_GetAvailableSeat_Any( pPassenger, nRole ); break;
case VEHICLE_SEAT_NEAREST: return NPC_GetAvailableSeat_Nearest( pPassenger, nRole ); break;
default: Assert( 0 ); break; };
return -1; }
// Purpose: Determine if there's an available seat of a given role name
// Input : strRoleName - name of the role
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CBaseServerVehicle::NPC_HasAvailableSeat( string_t strRoleName ) { return ( NPC_GetAvailableSeat( NULL, strRoleName, VEHICLE_SEAT_ANY ) != -1 ); }
// Purpose: Find a role index by name
// Input : strRoleName - name of the role
int CBaseServerVehicle::FindRoleIndexByName( string_t strRoleName ) { // Search through all our known roles
for ( int i = 0; i < m_PassengerRoles.Count(); i++ ) { // Return the index if the name matches
if ( FStrEq( STRING( m_PassengerRoles[i].GetName() ), STRING( strRoleName ) ) ) return i; }
return -1; }
// Purpose: Find a seat index by its name
// Input : strSeatName - name of the seat
int CBaseServerVehicle::FindSeatIndexByName( int nRoleIndex, string_t strSeatName ) { // Role must be valid
if ( m_PassengerRoles.IsValidIndex( nRoleIndex ) == false ) return -1;
// Used for attachment polling
CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = dynamic_cast<CBaseAnimating *>(GetVehicleEnt()); if ( pAnimating == NULL ) return -1;
// Get the index of the named attachment in the model
int nAttachmentID = pAnimating->LookupAttachment( STRING( strSeatName ) );
// Look through the roles for this seat attachment ID
for ( int i = 0; i < m_PassengerRoles[nRoleIndex].m_PassengerSeats.Count(); i++ ) { // Return that index if found
if ( m_PassengerRoles[nRoleIndex].m_PassengerSeats[i].GetAttachmentID() == nAttachmentID ) return i; }
return -1; }
// Purpose: Called after loading a saved game
void CBaseServerVehicle::RestorePassengerInfo( void ) { // If there is passenger information, then we have passengers in the vehicle
if ( m_PassengerInfo.Count() != 0 && m_bParsedAnimations == false ) { // Load the entry/exit animations from the vehicle
ParseEntryExitAnims(); m_bParsedAnimations = true; }
// FIXME: If a passenger cannot fix-up its indices, it must be removed from the vehicle!
// Fix-up every passenger with updated indices
for ( int i = 0; i < m_PassengerInfo.Count(); i++ ) { // Fix up the role first
int nRoleIndex = FindRoleIndexByName( m_PassengerInfo[i].m_strRoleName ); if ( m_PassengerRoles.IsValidIndex( nRoleIndex ) ) { // New role index
m_PassengerInfo[i].m_nRole = nRoleIndex; // Then fix up the seat via attachment name
int nSeatIndex = FindSeatIndexByName( nRoleIndex, m_PassengerInfo[i].m_strSeatName ); if ( m_PassengerRoles[nRoleIndex].m_PassengerSeats.IsValidIndex( nSeatIndex ) ) { // New seat index
m_PassengerInfo[i].m_nSeat = nSeatIndex; } else { // The seat attachment was not found. This most likely means that the seat attachment name has changed
// in the target vehicle and the NPC passenger is now stranded!
Assert( 0 ); } } else { // The role was not found. This most likely means that the role names have changed
// in the target vehicle and the NPC passenger is now stranded!
Assert( 0 ); } } }
void CBaseServerVehicle::ReloadScript() { if ( m_pDrivableVehicle ) { string_t script = m_pDrivableVehicle->GetVehicleScriptName(); IPhysicsVehicleController *pController = GetVehicleController(); vehicleparams_t *pVehicleParams = pController ? &(pController->GetVehicleParamsForChange()) : NULL; PhysFindOrAddVehicleScript( script.ToCStr(), pVehicleParams, &m_vehicleSounds ); if ( pController ) { pController->VehicleDataReload(); } } }
// Purpose: Passes this call down into the server vehicle where the tests are done
bool CBaseServerVehicle::PassengerShouldReceiveDamage( CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { if ( GetDrivableVehicle() ) return GetDrivableVehicle()->PassengerShouldReceiveDamage( info );
return true; }
// Vehicle Sounds
// These are sounds that are to be automatically stopped whenever the vehicle's driver leaves it
vehiclesound g_iSoundsToStopOnExit[] = { VS_ENGINE2_START, VS_ENGINE2_STOP, };
const char *vehiclesound_parsenames[VS_NUM_SOUNDS] = { "skid_lowfriction", "skid_normalfriction", "skid_highfriction", "engine2_start", "engine2_stop", "misc1", "misc2", "misc3", "misc4", };
CVehicleSoundsParser::CVehicleSoundsParser( void ) { // UNDONE: Revisit this pattern - move sub-block processing ideas into the parser architecture
m_iCurrentGear = -1; m_iCurrentState = -1; m_iCurrentCrashSound = -1; }
// Purpose:
void CVehicleSoundsParser::ParseKeyValue( void *pData, const char *pKey, const char *pValue ) { vehiclesounds_t *pSounds = (vehiclesounds_t *)pData; // New gear?
if ( !strcmpi( pKey, "gear" ) ) { // Create, initialize, and add a new gear to our list
int iNewGear = pSounds->pGears.AddToTail(); pSounds->pGears[iNewGear].flMaxSpeed = 0; pSounds->pGears[iNewGear].flSpeedApproachFactor = 1.0;
// Set our min speed to the previous gear's max
if ( iNewGear == 0 ) { // First gear, so our minspeed is 0
pSounds->pGears[iNewGear].flMinSpeed = 0; } else { pSounds->pGears[iNewGear].flMinSpeed = pSounds->pGears[iNewGear-1].flMaxSpeed; }
// Remember which gear we're reading data from
m_iCurrentGear = iNewGear; } else if ( !strcmpi( pKey, "state" ) ) { m_iCurrentState = 0; } else if ( !strcmpi( pKey, "crashsound" ) ) { m_iCurrentCrashSound = pSounds->crashSounds.AddToTail(); pSounds->crashSounds[m_iCurrentCrashSound].flMinSpeed = 0; pSounds->crashSounds[m_iCurrentCrashSound].flMinDeltaSpeed = 0; pSounds->crashSounds[m_iCurrentCrashSound].iszCrashSound = NULL_STRING; } else { int i;
// Are we currently in a gear block?
if ( m_iCurrentGear >= 0 ) { Assert( m_iCurrentGear < pSounds->pGears.Count() );
// Check gear keys
if ( !strcmpi( pKey, "max_speed" ) ) { pSounds->pGears[m_iCurrentGear].flMaxSpeed = atof(pValue); return; } if ( !strcmpi( pKey, "speed_approach_factor" ) ) { pSounds->pGears[m_iCurrentGear].flSpeedApproachFactor = atof(pValue); return; } } // We're done reading a gear, so stop checking them.
m_iCurrentGear = -1;
if ( m_iCurrentState >= 0 ) { if ( !strcmpi( pKey, "name" ) ) { m_iCurrentState = SoundStateIndexFromName( pValue ); pSounds->iszStateSounds[m_iCurrentState] = NULL_STRING; pSounds->minStateTime[m_iCurrentState] = 0.0f; return; } else if ( !strcmpi( pKey, "sound" ) ) { pSounds->iszStateSounds[m_iCurrentState] = AllocPooledString(pValue); return; } else if ( !strcmpi( pKey, "min_time" ) ) { pSounds->minStateTime[m_iCurrentState] = atof(pValue); return; } } //
m_iCurrentState = -1;
if ( m_iCurrentCrashSound >= 0 ) { if ( !strcmpi( pKey, "min_speed" ) ) { pSounds->crashSounds[m_iCurrentCrashSound].flMinSpeed = atof(pValue); return; } else if ( !strcmpi( pKey, "sound" ) ) { pSounds->crashSounds[m_iCurrentCrashSound].iszCrashSound = AllocPooledString(pValue); return; } else if ( !strcmpi( pKey, "min_speed_change" ) ) { pSounds->crashSounds[m_iCurrentCrashSound].flMinDeltaSpeed = atof(pValue); return; } else if ( !strcmpi( pKey, "gear_limit" ) ) { pSounds->crashSounds[m_iCurrentCrashSound].gearLimit = atoi(pValue); return; } } m_iCurrentCrashSound = -1;
for ( i = 0; i < VS_NUM_SOUNDS; i++ ) { if ( !strcmpi( pKey, vehiclesound_parsenames[i] ) ) { pSounds->iszSound[i] = AllocPooledString(pValue); return; } } } }
// Purpose:
void CVehicleSoundsParser::SetDefaults( void *pData ) { vehiclesounds_t *pSounds = (vehiclesounds_t *)pData; pSounds->Init(); }