//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#ifdef GAME_DLL
// this gets compiled in for HL2 + Ep(X) only
#if ( defined( HL2_DLL ) || defined( HL2_EPISODIC ) ) && ( !defined ( PORTAL ) )
#include "baseachievement.h"
#include "prop_combine_ball.h"
#include "combine_mine.h"
#include "basegrenade_shared.h"
#include "basehlcombatweapon_shared.h"
#include "ammodef.h"
class CAchievementHLXKillWithPhysicsObjects : public CBaseAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_LISTEN_PLAYER_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS | ACH_SAVE_WITH_GAME ); SetInflictorFilter( "prop_physics" ); SetGoal( 30 ); if ( IsPC() ) { // only in Ep2 for PC. (Shared across HLX for X360.)
SetGameDirFilter( "ep2" ); } }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { int iDamageBits = event->GetInt( "damagebits" ); // was victim killed with crushing damage?
if ( iDamageBits & DMG_CRUSH ) { IncrementCount(); } }
class CAchievementHLXKillWithHopper : public CBaseAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_LISTEN_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS | ACH_SAVE_WITH_GAME ); SetAttackerFilter( "combine_mine" ); SetGoal( 1 );
if ( IsPC() ) { // only in Ep2 for PC. (Shared across HLX for X360.)
SetGameDirFilter( "ep2" ); } }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { // If we get here, a combine mine has killed a player enemy. Now check and see if the player planted it
CBounceBomb *pBounceBomb = dynamic_cast<CBounceBomb *>( pAttacker ); if ( pBounceBomb && pBounceBomb->IsPlayerPlaced() ) { IncrementCount(); } } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementHLXKillWithHopper, ACHIEVEMENT_HLX_KILL_ENEMY_WITHHOPPERMINE, "HLX_KILL_ENEMY_WITHHOPPERMINE", 5 );
class CAchievementHLXKillWithManhack : public CBaseAchievement { void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_LISTEN_PLAYER_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS | ACH_SAVE_WITH_GAME ); SetInflictorFilter( "npc_manhack" ); SetGoal( 5 );
if ( IsPC() ) { // only in HL2 for PC. (Shared across HLX for X360.)
SetGameDirFilter( "hl2" ); } }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { // We've already filtered to only get called when a player enemy gets killed with a manhack. Now just check for the
// case of player smashing manhack into something, in which case the manhack is both the victim and inflictor.
// If that's not the case, this is a player kill w/manhack.
if ( pVictim != pInflictor ) { IncrementCount(); } } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementHLXKillWithManhack, ACHIEVEMENT_HLX_KILL_ENEMIES_WITHMANHACK, "HLX_KILL_ENEMIES_WITHMANHACK", 5 );
class CAchievementHLXKillSoldierWithOwnGrenade : public CBaseAchievement { protected: void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_LISTEN_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS | ACH_SAVE_WITH_GAME ); SetInflictorFilter( "npc_grenade_frag" ); SetVictimFilter( "npc_combine_s" ); SetGoal( 1 );
if ( IsPC() ) { // only in Ep2 for PC. (Shared across HLX for X360.)
SetGameDirFilter( "ep2" ); } }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { CBaseGrenade *pGrenade = dynamic_cast<CBaseGrenade *>( pInflictor ); if ( pGrenade ) { CBaseEntity *pThrower = pGrenade->GetThrower(); CBaseEntity *pOriginalThrower = pGrenade->GetOriginalThrower(); CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer(); // check if player was most recent thrower, but the victim was the original thrower
if ( ( pPlayer == pThrower ) && ( pOriginalThrower == pVictim ) ) { IncrementCount(); } } } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementHLXKillSoldierWithOwnGrenade, ACHIEVEMENT_HLX_KILL_SOLDIER_WITHHISGRENADE, "HLX_KILL_SOLDIER_WITHHISGRENADE", 10 );
class CAchievementHLXKillWithOneEnergyBall : public CBaseAchievement { protected: virtual void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_LISTEN_PLAYER_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS | ACH_SAVE_WITH_GAME ); SetInflictorFilter( "prop_combine_ball" ); SetGoal( 1 ); m_pLastInflictor = NULL; m_iLocalCount = 0;
if ( IsPC() ) { // only in Ep1 for PC. (Shared across HLX for X360.)
SetGameDirFilter( "episodic" ); } }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { // to count # of kills with same energy ball, keep track of previous inflictor
if ( m_pLastInflictor != NULL && pInflictor != m_pLastInflictor ) { // new inflictor, start the count over at 1
m_iLocalCount = 1; } else { // same inflictor, keep counting
m_iLocalCount++; if ( 5 == m_iLocalCount ) { IncrementCount(); } } // keep track of last inflictor
m_pLastInflictor = pInflictor; } CBaseEntity *m_pLastInflictor; int m_iLocalCount; }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementHLXKillWithOneEnergyBall, ACHIEVEMENT_HLX_KILL_ENEMIES_WITHONEENERGYBALL, "HLX_KILL_ENEMIES_WITHONEENERGYBALL", 5 );
class CAchievementHLXKillEliteSoldierWithOwnEnergyBall : public CBaseAchievement { protected: virtual void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_LISTEN_PLAYER_KILL_ENEMY_EVENTS | ACH_SAVE_WITH_GAME ); SetInflictorFilter( "prop_combine_ball" ); SetVictimFilter( "npc_combine_s" ); SetGoal( 1 );
if ( IsPC() ) { // only in Ep2 for PC. (Shared across HLX for X360.)
SetGameDirFilter( "episodic" ); } }
virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) { CPropCombineBall *pBall = dynamic_cast<CPropCombineBall *>( pInflictor ); if ( pBall ) { // determine original owner of this ball
CBaseEntity *pOriginalOwner = pBall->GetOriginalOwner(); // see if original owner is the victim
if ( pOriginalOwner && ( pOriginalOwner == pVictim ) ) { IncrementCount(); } } } }; DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( CAchievementHLXKillEliteSoldierWithOwnEnergyBall, ACHIEVEMENT_HLX_KILL_ELITESOLDIER_WITHHISENERGYBALL, "HLX_KILL_ELITESOLDIER_WITHHISENERGYBALL", 10 );
// Purpose: Counts the accumulated # of primary and secondary attacks from all
// weapons (except grav gun). If bBulletOnly is true, only counts
// attacks with ammo that does bullet damage.
int CalcPlayerAttacks( bool bBulletOnly ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer(); CAmmoDef *pAmmoDef = GetAmmoDef(); if ( !pPlayer || !pAmmoDef ) return 0;
int iTotalAttacks = 0; int iWeapons = pPlayer->WeaponCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < iWeapons; i++ ) { CBaseHLCombatWeapon *pWeapon = dynamic_cast<CBaseHLCombatWeapon *>( pPlayer->GetWeapon( i ) ); if ( pWeapon ) { // add primary attacks if we were asked for all attacks, or only if it uses bullet ammo if we were asked to count bullet attacks
if ( !bBulletOnly || ( pAmmoDef->m_AmmoType[pWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType()].nDamageType == DMG_BULLET ) ) { iTotalAttacks += pWeapon->m_iPrimaryAttacks; } // add secondary attacks if we were asked for all attacks, or only if it uses bullet ammo if we were asked to count bullet attacks
if ( !bBulletOnly || ( pAmmoDef->m_AmmoType[pWeapon->GetSecondaryAmmoType()].nDamageType == DMG_BULLET ) ) { iTotalAttacks += pWeapon->m_iSecondaryAttacks; } } } return iTotalAttacks; }
#endif // ( defined( HL2_DLL ) || defined( HL2_EPISODIC ) ) && ( !defined ( PORTAL ) )
#endif // GAME_DLL