//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Base combat character with no AI
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "ammodef.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Purpose: Return a pointer to the Ammo at the Index passed in
Ammo_t *CAmmoDef::GetAmmoOfIndex(int nAmmoIndex) { if ( nAmmoIndex >= m_nAmmoIndex ) return NULL;
return &m_AmmoType[ nAmmoIndex ]; }
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
int CAmmoDef::Index(const char *psz) { int i;
if (!psz) return -1;
for (i = 1; i < m_nAmmoIndex; i++) { if (stricmp( psz, m_AmmoType[i].pName ) == 0) return i; }
return -1; }
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
int CAmmoDef::PlrDamage(int nAmmoIndex) { if ( nAmmoIndex < 1 || nAmmoIndex >= m_nAmmoIndex ) return 0;
if ( m_AmmoType[nAmmoIndex].pPlrDmg == USE_CVAR ) { if ( m_AmmoType[nAmmoIndex].pPlrDmgCVar ) { return m_AmmoType[nAmmoIndex].pPlrDmgCVar->GetFloat(); }
return 0; } else { return m_AmmoType[nAmmoIndex].pPlrDmg; } }
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
int CAmmoDef::NPCDamage(int nAmmoIndex) { if ( nAmmoIndex < 1 || nAmmoIndex >= m_nAmmoIndex ) return 0;
if ( m_AmmoType[nAmmoIndex].pNPCDmg == USE_CVAR ) { if ( m_AmmoType[nAmmoIndex].pNPCDmgCVar ) { return m_AmmoType[nAmmoIndex].pNPCDmgCVar->GetFloat(); }
return 0; } else { return m_AmmoType[nAmmoIndex].pNPCDmg; } }
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
int CAmmoDef::MaxCarry(int nAmmoIndex) { if ( nAmmoIndex < 1 || nAmmoIndex >= m_nAmmoIndex ) return 0;
if ( m_AmmoType[nAmmoIndex].pMaxCarry == USE_CVAR ) { if ( m_AmmoType[nAmmoIndex].pMaxCarryCVar ) return m_AmmoType[nAmmoIndex].pMaxCarryCVar->GetFloat();
return 0; } else { return m_AmmoType[nAmmoIndex].pMaxCarry; } }
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
int CAmmoDef::DamageType(int nAmmoIndex) { if (nAmmoIndex < 1 || nAmmoIndex >= m_nAmmoIndex) return 0;
return m_AmmoType[nAmmoIndex].nDamageType; }
// Purpose:
int CAmmoDef::Flags(int nAmmoIndex) { if (nAmmoIndex < 1 || nAmmoIndex >= m_nAmmoIndex) return 0;
return m_AmmoType[nAmmoIndex].nFlags; }
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
int CAmmoDef::MinSplashSize(int nAmmoIndex) { if (nAmmoIndex < 1 || nAmmoIndex >= m_nAmmoIndex) return 4;
return m_AmmoType[nAmmoIndex].nMinSplashSize; }
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
int CAmmoDef::MaxSplashSize(int nAmmoIndex) { if (nAmmoIndex < 1 || nAmmoIndex >= m_nAmmoIndex) return 8;
return m_AmmoType[nAmmoIndex].nMaxSplashSize; }
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
int CAmmoDef::TracerType(int nAmmoIndex) { if (nAmmoIndex < 1 || nAmmoIndex >= m_nAmmoIndex) return 0;
return m_AmmoType[nAmmoIndex].eTracerType; }
float CAmmoDef::DamageForce(int nAmmoIndex) { if ( nAmmoIndex < 1 || nAmmoIndex >= m_nAmmoIndex ) return 0;
return m_AmmoType[nAmmoIndex].physicsForceImpulse; }
// Purpose: Create an Ammo type with the name, decal, and tracer.
// Does not increment m_nAmmoIndex because the functions below do so and
// are the only entry point.
bool CAmmoDef::AddAmmoType(char const* name, int damageType, int tracerType, int nFlags, int minSplashSize, int maxSplashSize ) { if (m_nAmmoIndex == MAX_AMMO_TYPES) return false;
int len = strlen(name); m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].pName = new char[len+1]; Q_strncpy(m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].pName, name,len+1); m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].nDamageType = damageType; m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].eTracerType = tracerType; m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].nMinSplashSize = minSplashSize; m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].nMaxSplashSize = maxSplashSize; m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].nFlags = nFlags;
return true; }
// Purpose: Add an ammo type with it's damage & carrying capability specified via cvars
void CAmmoDef::AddAmmoType(char const* name, int damageType, int tracerType, char const* plr_cvar, char const* npc_cvar, char const* carry_cvar, float physicsForceImpulse, int nFlags, int minSplashSize, int maxSplashSize) { if ( AddAmmoType( name, damageType, tracerType, nFlags, minSplashSize, maxSplashSize ) == false ) return;
if (plr_cvar) { m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].pPlrDmgCVar = cvar->FindVar(plr_cvar); if (!m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].pPlrDmgCVar) { Msg("ERROR: Ammo (%s) found no CVar named (%s)\n",name,plr_cvar); } m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].pPlrDmg = USE_CVAR; } if (npc_cvar) { m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].pNPCDmgCVar = cvar->FindVar(npc_cvar); if (!m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].pNPCDmgCVar) { Msg("ERROR: Ammo (%s) found no CVar named (%s)\n",name,npc_cvar); } m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].pNPCDmg = USE_CVAR; } if (carry_cvar) { m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].pMaxCarryCVar= cvar->FindVar(carry_cvar); if (!m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].pMaxCarryCVar) { Msg("ERROR: Ammo (%s) found no CVar named (%s)\n",name,carry_cvar); } m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].pMaxCarry = USE_CVAR; } m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].physicsForceImpulse = physicsForceImpulse; m_nAmmoIndex++; }
// Purpose: Add an ammo type with it's damage & carrying capability specified via integers
void CAmmoDef::AddAmmoType(char const* name, int damageType, int tracerType, int plr_dmg, int npc_dmg, int carry, float physicsForceImpulse, int nFlags, int minSplashSize, int maxSplashSize ) { if ( AddAmmoType( name, damageType, tracerType, nFlags, minSplashSize, maxSplashSize ) == false ) return;
m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].pPlrDmg = plr_dmg; m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].pNPCDmg = npc_dmg; m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].pMaxCarry = carry; m_AmmoType[m_nAmmoIndex].physicsForceImpulse = physicsForceImpulse;
m_nAmmoIndex++; }
// Purpose: Constructor
// Input :
// Output :
CAmmoDef::CAmmoDef(void) { // Start with an index of 1. Client assumes 0 is an invalid ammo type
m_nAmmoIndex = 1; memset( m_AmmoType, 0, sizeof( m_AmmoType ) ); }
CAmmoDef::~CAmmoDef( void ) { for ( int i = 1; i < MAX_AMMO_TYPES; i++ ) { delete[] m_AmmoType[ i ].pName; } }