//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: The TF Game rules object
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "teamplay_gamerules.h"
#include "convar.h"
#include "dod_shareddefs.h"
#include "gamevars_shared.h"
#include "weapon_dodbase.h"
#include "dod_round_timer.h"
#include "c_baseplayer.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "dod_player.h"
#include "utlqueue.h"
#include "playerclass_info_parse.h"
#include "voice_gamemgr.h"
#include "dod_gamestats.h"
#define CDODGameRules C_DODGameRules
#define CDODGameRulesProxy C_DODGameRulesProxy
extern IVoiceGameMgrHelper *g_pVoiceGameMgrHelper; extern IUploadGameStats *gamestatsuploader; #endif
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
class CSpawnPoint : public CPointEntity { public: bool IsDisabled() { return m_bDisabled; } void InputEnable( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_bDisabled = false; } void InputDisable( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_bDisabled = true; }
private: bool m_bDisabled; DECLARE_DATADESC(); };
class CDODGameRulesProxy : public CGameRulesProxy { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CDODGameRulesProxy, CGameRulesProxy ); DECLARE_NETWORKCLASS(); };
class CDODGameRules;
class CDODRoundStateInfo { public: DODRoundState m_iRoundState; const char *m_pStateName; void (CDODGameRules::*pfnEnterState)(); // Init and deinit the state.
void (CDODGameRules::*pfnLeaveState)(); void (CDODGameRules::*pfnThink)(); // Do a PreThink() in this state.
STARTROUND_FLAGS, } startround_voice_t; class CDODGamePlayRules { public: DECLARE_CLASS_NOBASE( CDODGamePlayRules ); DECLARE_EMBEDDED_NETWORKVAR();
CDODGamePlayRules() { Reset(); }
// This virtual method is necessary to generate a vtable in all cases
// (DECLARE_PREDICTABLE will generate a vtable also)!
virtual ~CDODGamePlayRules() {}
void Reset( void ) { //RespawnFactor
m_fAlliesRespawnFactor = 1.0f; m_fAxisRespawnFactor = 1.0f; } //Respawn Factors
float m_fAlliesRespawnFactor; //How delayed are respawning players
float m_fAxisRespawnFactor; //1.0 is normal, 2.0 is twice as long
int m_iAlliesStartRoundVoice; // Which voice to play at round start
int m_iAxisStartRoundVoice; };
//Mapper interface for gamerules
class CDODDetect : public CBaseEntity { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CDODDetect, CBaseEntity );
CDODDetect(); void Spawn( void ); virtual bool KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue );
bool IsMasteredOn( void );
inline CDODGamePlayRules *GetGamePlay() { return &m_GamePlayRules; } CDODGamePlayRules m_GamePlayRules;
private: // string_t m_sMaster;
class CDODViewVectors : public CViewVectors { public: CDODViewVectors( Vector vView, Vector vHullMin, Vector vHullMax, Vector vDuckHullMin, Vector vDuckHullMax, Vector vDuckView, Vector vObsHullMin, Vector vObsHullMax, Vector vDeadViewHeight, Vector vProneHullMin, Vector vProneHullMax ) : CViewVectors( vView, vHullMin, vHullMax, vDuckHullMin, vDuckHullMax, vDuckView, vObsHullMin, vObsHullMax, vDeadViewHeight ) { m_vProneHullMin = vProneHullMin; m_vProneHullMax = vProneHullMax; }
Vector m_vProneHullMin; Vector m_vProneHullMax; };
class CDODGameRules : public CTeamplayRules { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CDODGameRules, CTeamplayRules );
virtual bool ShouldCollide( int collisionGroup0, int collisionGroup1 );
inline DODRoundState State_Get( void ) { return m_iRoundState; }
int GetSubTeam( int team );
bool IsGameUnderTimeLimit( void ); int GetTimeLeft( void );
int GetReinforcementTimerSeconds( int team, float flSpawnEligibleTime );
bool IsFriendlyFireOn( void ); bool IsInBonusRound( void );
// Get the view vectors for this mod.
virtual const CViewVectors* GetViewVectors() const; virtual const CDODViewVectors *GetDODViewVectors() const; virtual const unsigned char *GetEncryptionKey( void ) { return (unsigned char *)"Wl0u5B3F"; }
bool AwaitingReadyRestart( void ) { return m_bAwaitingReadyRestart; } float GetRoundRestartTime( void ) { return m_flRestartRoundTime; }
bool IsInWarmup( void ) { return m_bInWarmup; }
bool IsBombingTeam( int team );
virtual bool IsConnectedUserInfoChangeAllowed( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
float GetPresentDropChance( void ); // holiday 2011, presents instead of ammo boxes
DECLARE_CLIENTCLASS_NOBASE(); // This makes datatables able to access our private vars.
void SetRoundState( int iRoundState ); float m_flLastRoundStateChangeTime;
DECLARE_SERVERCLASS_NOBASE(); // This makes datatables able to access our private vars.
CDODGameRules(); virtual ~CDODGameRules();
virtual void LevelShutdown( void ); void UploadLevelStats( void );
virtual bool ClientCommand( CBaseEntity *pEdict, const CCommand &args ); virtual void RadiusDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius, int iClassIgnore, CBaseEntity *pEntityIgnore ); virtual void RadiusDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const Vector &vecSrcIn, float flRadius, int iClassIgnore, CBaseEntity *pEntityIgnore, bool bIgnoreWorld = false ); void RadiusStun( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius ); virtual void Think(); virtual void PlayerKilled( CBasePlayer *pVictim, const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); virtual void ClientDisconnected( edict_t *pClient ); virtual float FlPlayerFallDamage( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
virtual const char *GetGameDescription( void ) { return "Day of Defeat: Source"; }
void CreateStandardEntities( void );
virtual const char *GetChatPrefix( bool bTeamOnly, CBasePlayer *pPlayer ); CBaseEntity *GetPlayerSpawnSpot( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ); bool IsSpawnPointValid( CBaseEntity *pSpot, CBasePlayer *pPlayer ); virtual void PlayerSpawn( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
int DODPointsForKill( CBasePlayer *pVictim, const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
//Round state machine
void State_Transition( DODRoundState newState ); void State_Enter( DODRoundState newState ); // Initialize the new state.
void State_Leave(); // Cleanup the previous state.
void State_Think(); // Update the current state.
CDODRoundStateInfo *m_pCurStateInfo; //Fn ptrs for the current state
float m_flStateTransitionTime; //Timer for round states
// Find the state info for the specified state.
static CDODRoundStateInfo* State_LookupInfo( DODRoundState state );
//State Functions
void State_Enter_INIT( void ); void State_Think_INIT( void );
void State_Enter_PREGAME( void ); void State_Think_PREGAME( void );
void State_Enter_STARTGAME( void ); void State_Think_STARTGAME( void );
void State_Enter_PREROUND( void ); void State_Think_PREROUND( void );
void State_Enter_RND_RUNNING( void ); void State_Think_RND_RUNNING( void );
void State_Enter_ALLIES_WIN( void ); void State_Think_ALLIES_WIN( void );
void State_Enter_AXIS_WIN( void ); void State_Think_AXIS_WIN( void );
void State_Enter_RESTART( void ); void State_Think_RESTART( void );
void SetInWarmup( bool bWarmup ); void CheckWarmup( void ); void CheckRestartRound( void ); void CheckRespawnWaves( void );
void InitTeams( void );
void RoundRespawn( void ); void CleanUpMap( void ); void ResetScores( void );
// Respawn everyone regardless of state - round reset
inline void RespawnAllPlayers( void ) { RespawnPlayers( true ); }
// Respawn only one team, players that are ready to spawn - wave reset
inline void RespawnTeam( int iTeam ) { RespawnPlayers( false, true, iTeam ); }
void RespawnPlayers( bool bForceRespawn, bool bTeam = false, int iTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED );
void FailSafeSpawnPlayersOnTeam( int iTeam );
bool IsPlayerClassOnTeam( int cls, int team ); bool CanPlayerJoinClass( CDODPlayer *pPlayer, int cls ); void ChooseRandomClass( CDODPlayer *pPlayer ); bool ReachedClassLimit( int team, int cls ); int CountPlayerClass( int team, int cls ); int GetClassLimit( int team, int cls );
int CountActivePlayers( void ); //How many players have chosen a team?
void SetWinningTeam( int team ); void PlayWinSong( int team ); void PlayStartRoundVoice( void ); void BroadcastSound( const char *sound ); void PlaySpawnSoundToTeam( const char *sound, int team );
int SelectDefaultTeam( void );
void CopyGamePlayLogic( const CDODGamePlayRules otherGamePlay );
void DeathNotice( CBasePlayer *pVictim, const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
virtual bool CanHavePlayerItem( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon );
bool TeamFull( int team_id ); bool TeamStacked( int iNewTeam, int iCurTeam );
const char *GetPlayerClassName( int cls, int team );
virtual void ClientSettingsChanged( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
void CheckChatForReadySignal( CDODPlayer *pPlayer, const char *chatmsg ); bool AreAlliesReady( void ) { return m_bHeardAlliesReady; } bool AreAxisReady( void ) { return m_bHeardAxisReady; }
void CreateOrJoinRespawnWave( CDODPlayer *pPlayer ); virtual bool InRoundRestart( void );
void SendTeamScoresEvent( void );
void WriteStatsFile( const char *pszLogName );
void AddTimerSeconds( int iSecondsToAdd ); int GetTimerSeconds( void );
void CapEvent( int event, int team ); int m_iLastAlliesCapEvent; int m_iLastAxisCapEvent;
// Set the time at which the map was reset to 'now'
// and send an event with the time remaining until map change
void ResetMapTime( void );
virtual CBaseCombatWeapon *GetNextBestWeapon( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPlayer, CBaseCombatWeapon *pCurrentWeapon );
virtual bool CanEntityBeUsePushed( CBaseEntity *pEnt );
virtual void CalcDominationAndRevenge( CDODPlayer *pAttacker, CDODPlayer *pVictim, int *piDeathFlags );
float m_flNextFailSafeWaveCheckTime;
CUtlVector<EHANDLE> *GetSpawnPointListForTeam( int iTeam );
virtual void GetTaggedConVarList( KeyValues *pCvarTagList );
protected: virtual void GoToIntermission( void ); virtual bool UseSuicidePenalty() { return false; }
void CheckPlayerPositions( void );
private: bool CheckTimeLimit( void ); bool CheckWinLimit( void );
void RadiusDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const Vector &vecSrcIn, float flRadius, int iClassIgnore, bool bIgnoreWorld ); float GetExplosionDamageAdjustment(Vector & vecSrc, Vector & vecEnd, CBaseEntity *pTarget, CBaseEntity *pEntityToIgnore); // returns multiplier between 0.0 and 1.0 that is the percentage of any damage done from vecSrc to vecEnd that actually makes it.
float GetAmountOfEntityVisible(Vector & src, CBaseEntity *pTarget, CBaseEntity *pEntityToIgnore); // returns a value from 0 to 1 that is the percentage of player visible from src.
void CheckLevelInitialized( void ); bool m_bLevelInitialized;
int m_iSpawnPointCount_Allies; //number of allies spawns on the map
int m_iSpawnPointCount_Axis; //number of axis spawns on the map
// restart and warmup variables
float m_flWarmupTimeEnds; float m_flNextPeriodicThink;
Vector2D m_vecPlayerPositions[MAX_PLAYERS];
int m_iNumAlliesAlive; //the number of players alive on each team
int m_iNumAxisAlive; int m_iNumAlliesOnTeam; //the number of players on each team
int m_iNumAxisOnTeam;
bool m_bClanMatch; bool m_bClanMatchActive;
float GetMaxWaveTime( int iTeam ); float GetWaveTime( int iTeam ); void AddWaveTime( int team, float flTime ); void PopWaveTime( int team );
void DetectGameRules( void );
bool m_bHeardAlliesReady; bool m_bHeardAxisReady;
bool m_bUsingTimer; int m_iTimerWinTeam; CHandle< CDODRoundTimer > m_pRoundTimer;
bool m_bPlayTimerWarning_1Minute; bool m_bPlayTimerWarning_2Minute;
bool m_bInitialSpawn; // first time activating? longer wait time for people to join
bool m_bChangeLevelOnRoundEnd;
#endif //CLIENT_DLL
CNetworkVarEmbedded( CDODGamePlayRules, m_GamePlayRules );
CNetworkVar( DODRoundState, m_iRoundState );
CNetworkArray( float, m_AlliesRespawnQueue, DOD_RESPAWN_QUEUE_SIZE ); CNetworkArray( float, m_AxisRespawnQueue, DOD_RESPAWN_QUEUE_SIZE );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iAlliesRespawnHead ); CNetworkVar( int, m_iAlliesRespawnTail );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iAxisRespawnHead ); CNetworkVar( int, m_iAxisRespawnTail );
int m_iNumAlliesRespawnWaves; int m_iNumAxisRespawnWaves;
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bInWarmup ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bAwaitingReadyRestart ); CNetworkVar( float, m_flRestartRoundTime ); CNetworkVar( float, m_flMapResetTime ); // time that the map was reset
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bAlliesAreBombing ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bAxisAreBombing );
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
public: // Stats
void Stats_PlayerKill( int team, int cls ); void Stats_PlayerCap( int team, int cls ); void Stats_PlayerDefended( int team, int cls ); void Stats_WeaponFired( int weaponID ); void Stats_WeaponHit( int weaponID, float flDist ); int Stats_WeaponDistanceToBucket( int weaponID, float flDist );
float m_flSecondsPlayedPerClass_Allies[7]; float m_flSecondsPlayedPerClass_Axis[7];
int m_iStatsKillsPerClass_Allies[6]; int m_iStatsKillsPerClass_Axis[6];
int m_iStatsSpawnsPerClass_Allies[6]; int m_iStatsSpawnsPerClass_Axis[6];
int m_iStatsCapsPerClass_Allies[6]; int m_iStatsCapsPerClass_Axis[6];
int m_iStatsDefensesPerClass_Allies[6]; int m_iStatsDefensesPerClass_Axis[6];
int m_iWeaponShotsFired[WEAPON_MAX]; int m_iWeaponShotsHit[WEAPON_MAX]; int m_iWeaponDistanceBuckets[WEAPON_MAX][DOD_NUM_WEAPON_DISTANCE_BUCKETS]; // distances of buckets are defined per-weapon
// List of spawn points
CUtlVector<EHANDLE> m_AlliesSpawnPoints; CUtlVector<EHANDLE> m_AxisSpawnPoints;
bool m_bWinterHolidayActive;
#endif // ndef CLIENTDLL
// Gets us at the team fortress game rules
inline CDODGameRules* DODGameRules() { return static_cast<CDODGameRules*>(g_pGameRules); }
bool EntityPlacementTest( CBaseEntity *pMainEnt, const Vector &vOrigin, Vector &outPos, bool bDropToGround ); #endif //CLIENT_DLL