//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "hl1_basecombatweapon_shared.h"
#include "hl1_player_shared.h"
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( basehl1combatweapon, CBaseHL1CombatWeapon );
void CBaseHL1CombatWeapon::Spawn( void ) { Precache();
SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX ); m_flNextEmptySoundTime = 0.0f;
// Weapons won't show up in trace calls if they are being carried...
m_iState = WEAPON_NOT_CARRIED; // Assume
m_nViewModelIndex = 0;
// If I use clips, set my clips to the default
if ( UsesClipsForAmmo1() ) { m_iClip1 = GetDefaultClip1(); } else { SetPrimaryAmmoCount( GetDefaultClip1() ); m_iClip1 = WEAPON_NOCLIP; } if ( UsesClipsForAmmo2() ) { m_iClip2 = GetDefaultClip2(); } else { SetSecondaryAmmoCount( GetDefaultClip2() ); m_iClip2 = WEAPON_NOCLIP; }
SetModel( GetWorldModel() );
#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
FallInit(); SetCollisionGroup( COLLISION_GROUP_WEAPON );
m_takedamage = DAMAGE_EVENTS_ONLY;
SetBlocksLOS( false );
// Default to non-removeable, because we don't want the
// game_weapon_manager entity to remove weapons that have
// been hand-placed by level designers. We only want to remove
// weapons that have been dropped by NPC's.
SetRemoveable( false ); #endif
//Make weapons easier to pick up in MP.
if ( g_pGameRules->IsMultiplayer() ) { CollisionProp()->UseTriggerBounds( true, 36 ); } else { CollisionProp()->UseTriggerBounds( true, 24 ); }
// Use more efficient bbox culling on the client. Otherwise, it'll setup bones for most
// characters even when they're not in the frustum.
#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
#define HL1_BOB_CYCLE_MIN 1.0f
#define HL1_BOB_CYCLE_MAX 0.45f
#define HL1_BOB 0.002f
#define HL1_BOB_UP 0.5f
float g_lateralBob; float g_verticalBob;
static ConVar cl_bobcycle( "cl_bobcycle","0.8" ); static ConVar cl_bob( "cl_bob","0.002" ); static ConVar cl_bobup( "cl_bobup","0.5" );
// Register these cvars if needed for easy tweaking
static ConVar v_iyaw_cycle( "v_iyaw_cycle", "2"/*, FCVAR_UNREGISTERED*/ ); static ConVar v_iroll_cycle( "v_iroll_cycle", "0.5"/*, FCVAR_UNREGISTERED*/ ); static ConVar v_ipitch_cycle( "v_ipitch_cycle", "1"/*, FCVAR_UNREGISTERED*/ ); static ConVar v_iyaw_level( "v_iyaw_level", "0.3"/*, FCVAR_UNREGISTERED*/ ); static ConVar v_iroll_level( "v_iroll_level", "0.1"/*, FCVAR_UNREGISTERED*/ ); static ConVar v_ipitch_level( "v_ipitch_level", "0.3"/*, FCVAR_UNREGISTERED*/ );
// Purpose:
// Output : float
float CBaseHL1CombatWeapon::CalcViewmodelBob( void ) { static float bobtime; static float lastbobtime; float cycle; CBasePlayer *player = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() ); //Assert( player );
//NOTENOTE: For now, let this cycle continue when in the air, because it snaps badly without it
if ( ( !gpGlobals->frametime ) || ( player == NULL ) ) { //NOTENOTE: We don't use this return value in our case (need to restructure the calculation function setup!)
return 0.0f;// just use old value
//Find the speed of the player
float speed = player->GetLocalVelocity().Length2D();
//FIXME: This maximum speed value must come from the server.
// MaxSpeed() is not sufficient for dealing with sprinting - jdw
speed = clamp( speed, -320, 320 );
float bob_offset = RemapVal( speed, 0, 320, 0.0f, 1.0f ); bobtime += ( gpGlobals->curtime - lastbobtime ) * bob_offset; lastbobtime = gpGlobals->curtime;
//Calculate the vertical bob
cycle = bobtime - (int)(bobtime/HL1_BOB_CYCLE_MAX)*HL1_BOB_CYCLE_MAX; cycle /= HL1_BOB_CYCLE_MAX;
if ( cycle < HL1_BOB_UP ) { cycle = M_PI * cycle / HL1_BOB_UP; } else { cycle = M_PI + M_PI*(cycle-HL1_BOB_UP)/(1.0 - HL1_BOB_UP); } g_verticalBob = speed*0.005f; g_verticalBob = g_verticalBob*0.3 + g_verticalBob*0.7*sin(cycle);
g_verticalBob = clamp( g_verticalBob, -7.0f, 4.0f );
//Calculate the lateral bob
cycle = bobtime - (int)(bobtime/HL1_BOB_CYCLE_MAX*2)*HL1_BOB_CYCLE_MAX*2; cycle /= HL1_BOB_CYCLE_MAX*2;
if ( cycle < HL1_BOB_UP ) { cycle = M_PI * cycle / HL1_BOB_UP; } else { cycle = M_PI + M_PI*(cycle-HL1_BOB_UP)/(1.0 - HL1_BOB_UP); }
g_lateralBob = speed*0.005f; g_lateralBob = g_lateralBob*0.3 + g_lateralBob*0.7*sin(cycle); g_lateralBob = clamp( g_lateralBob, -7.0f, 4.0f ); //NOTENOTE: We don't use this return value in our case (need to restructure the calculation function setup!)
return 0.0f; }
// Purpose:
// Input : &origin -
// &angles -
// viewmodelindex -
void CBaseHL1CombatWeapon::AddViewmodelBob( CBaseViewModel *viewmodel, Vector &origin, QAngle &angles ) { Vector forward, right; AngleVectors( angles, &forward, &right, NULL );
// Apply bob, but scaled down to 40%
VectorMA( origin, g_verticalBob * 0.1f, forward, origin ); // Z bob a bit more
origin[2] += g_verticalBob * 0.1f; // bob the angles
angles[ ROLL ] += g_verticalBob * 0.5f; angles[ PITCH ] -= g_verticalBob * 0.4f;
angles[ YAW ] -= g_lateralBob * 0.3f;
VectorMA( origin, g_lateralBob * 0.8f, right, origin ); }
Vector CBaseHL1CombatWeapon::GetSoundEmissionOrigin() const { if ( gpGlobals->maxClients == 1 || !GetOwner() ) return CBaseCombatWeapon::GetSoundEmissionOrigin();
// Vector vecOwner = GetOwner()->GetSoundEmissionOrigin();
// Vector vecThis = WorldSpaceCenter();
// DevMsg("SoundEmissionOrigin: Owner: %4.1f,%4.1f,%4.1f Default:%4.1f,%4.1f,%4.1f\n",
// vecOwner.x, vecOwner.y, vecOwner.z,
// vecThis.x, vecThis.y, vecThis.z );
// TEMP fix for HL1MP... sounds are sometimes beeing emitted underneath the ground
return GetOwner()->GetSoundEmissionOrigin(); }