//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Special handling for hl2 usable ladders
#include "cbase.h"
#include "hl_gamemovement.h"
#include "in_buttons.h"
#include "utlrbtree.h"
#include "hl2_shareddefs.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
static ConVar sv_autoladderdismount( "sv_autoladderdismount", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Automatically dismount from ladders when you reach the end (don't have to +USE)." ); static ConVar sv_ladderautomountdot( "sv_ladderautomountdot", "0.4", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "When auto-mounting a ladder by looking up its axis, this is the tolerance for looking now directly along the ladder axis." );
static ConVar sv_ladder_useonly( "sv_ladder_useonly", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "If set, ladders can only be mounted by pressing +USE" );
// Purpose:
CHL2GameMovement::CHL2GameMovement() { }
// Purpose:
// Input : type -
// Output : int
int CHL2GameMovement::GetCheckInterval( IntervalType_t type ) { // HL2 ladders need to check every frame!!!
if ( type == LADDER ) return 1;
return BaseClass::GetCheckInterval( type ); }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CHL2GameMovement::IsForceMoveActive() { LadderMove_t *lm = GetLadderMove(); return lm->m_bForceLadderMove; }
// Purpose: Debounce the USE button
void CHL2GameMovement::SwallowUseKey() { mv->m_nOldButtons |= IN_USE; player->m_afButtonPressed &= ~IN_USE;
GetHL2Player()->m_bPlayUseDenySound = false; }
#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
// This is a simple helper class to reserver a player sized hull at a spot, owned by the current player so that nothing
// can move into this spot and cause us to get stuck when we get there
class CReservePlayerSpot : public CBaseEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CReservePlayerSpot, CBaseEntity ) public: static CReservePlayerSpot *ReserveSpot( CBasePlayer *owner, const Vector& org, const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs, bool& validspot );
virtual void Spawn(); };
CReservePlayerSpot *CReservePlayerSpot::ReserveSpot( CBasePlayer *owner, const Vector& org, const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs, bool& validspot ) { CReservePlayerSpot *spot = ( CReservePlayerSpot * )CreateEntityByName( "reserved_spot" ); Assert( spot );
spot->SetAbsOrigin( org ); UTIL_SetSize( spot, mins, maxs ); spot->SetOwnerEntity( owner ); spot->Spawn();
// See if spot is valid
trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceHull( org, org, mins, maxs, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, owner, COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT, &tr );
validspot = !tr.startsolid;
if ( !validspot ) { Vector org2 = org + Vector( 0, 0, 1 );
// See if spot is valid
trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceHull( org2, org2, mins, maxs, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, owner, COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT, &tr ); validspot = !tr.startsolid; }
return spot; }
// Purpose:
void CReservePlayerSpot::Spawn() { BaseClass::Spawn();
SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX ); SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE ); // Make entity invisible
AddEffects( EF_NODRAW ); }
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( reserved_spot, CReservePlayerSpot );
// Purpose:
// Input : mounting -
// transit_speed -
// goalpos -
// *ladder -
void CHL2GameMovement::StartForcedMove( bool mounting, float transit_speed, const Vector& goalpos, CFuncLadder *ladder ) { LadderMove_t* lm = GetLadderMove(); Assert( lm ); // Already active, just ignore
if ( lm->m_bForceLadderMove ) { return; }
#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
if ( ladder ) { ladder->PlayerGotOn( GetHL2Player() );
// If the Ladder only wants to be there for automount checking, abort now
if ( ladder->DontGetOnLadder() ) return; } // Reserve goal slot here
bool valid = false; lm->m_hReservedSpot = CReservePlayerSpot::ReserveSpot( player, goalpos, GetPlayerMins( ( player->GetFlags() & FL_DUCKING ) ? true : false ), GetPlayerMaxs( ( player->GetFlags() & FL_DUCKING ) ? true : false ), valid ); if ( !valid ) { // FIXME: Play a deny sound?
if ( lm->m_hReservedSpot ) { UTIL_Remove( lm->m_hReservedSpot ); lm->m_hReservedSpot = NULL; } return; } #endif
// Use current player origin as start and new origin as dest
lm->m_vecGoalPosition = goalpos; lm->m_vecStartPosition = mv->GetAbsOrigin();
// Figure out how long it will take to make the gap based on transit_speed
Vector delta = lm->m_vecGoalPosition - lm->m_vecStartPosition;
float distance = delta.Length(); Assert( transit_speed > 0.001f );
// Compute time required to move that distance
float transit_time = distance / transit_speed; if ( transit_time < 0.001f ) { transit_time = 0.001f; }
lm->m_bForceLadderMove = true; lm->m_bForceMount = mounting;
lm->m_flStartTime = gpGlobals->curtime; lm->m_flArrivalTime = lm->m_flStartTime + transit_time;
lm->m_hForceLadder = ladder;
// Don't get stuck during this traversal since we'll just be slamming the player origin
player->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE ); player->SetMoveCollide( MOVECOLLIDE_DEFAULT ); player->SetSolid( SOLID_NONE ); SetLadder( ladder );
// Debounce the use key
SwallowUseKey(); }
// Purpose: Returns false when finished
bool CHL2GameMovement::ContinueForcedMove() { LadderMove_t* lm = GetLadderMove(); Assert( lm ); Assert( lm->m_bForceLadderMove );
// Suppress regular motion
mv->m_flForwardMove = 0.0f; mv->m_flSideMove = 0.0f; mv->m_flUpMove = 0.0f;
// How far along are we
float frac = ( gpGlobals->curtime - lm->m_flStartTime ) / ( lm->m_flArrivalTime - lm->m_flStartTime ); if ( frac > 1.0f ) { lm->m_bForceLadderMove = false; #if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
// Remove "reservation entity"
if ( lm->m_hReservedSpot ) { UTIL_Remove( lm->m_hReservedSpot ); lm->m_hReservedSpot = NULL; } #endif
frac = clamp( frac, 0.0f, 1.0f );
// Move origin part of the way
Vector delta = lm->m_vecGoalPosition - lm->m_vecStartPosition;
// Compute interpolated position
Vector org; VectorMA( lm->m_vecStartPosition, frac, delta, org ); mv->SetAbsOrigin( org );
// If finished moving, reset player to correct movetype (or put them on the ladder)
if ( !lm->m_bForceLadderMove ) { player->SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX ); player->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_WALK );
if ( lm->m_bForceMount && lm->m_hForceLadder != NULL ) { player->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_LADDER ); SetLadder( lm->m_hForceLadder ); }
// Zero out any velocity
mv->m_vecVelocity.Init(); }
// Stil active
return lm->m_bForceLadderMove; }
// Purpose: Returns true if the player is on a ladder
// Input : &trace - ignored
bool CHL2GameMovement::OnLadder( trace_t &trace ) { return ( GetLadder() != NULL ) ? true : false; }
// Purpose:
// Input : ladders -
// maxdist -
// **ppLadder -
// ladderOrigin -
void CHL2GameMovement::Findladder( float maxdist, CFuncLadder **ppLadder, Vector& ladderOrigin, const CFuncLadder *skipLadder ) { CFuncLadder *bestLadder = NULL; float bestDist = MAX_COORD_INTEGER; Vector bestOrigin;
float maxdistSqr = maxdist * maxdist;
int c = CFuncLadder::GetLadderCount(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < c; i++ ) { CFuncLadder *ladder = CFuncLadder::GetLadder( i );
if ( !ladder->IsEnabled() ) continue;
if ( skipLadder && ladder == skipLadder ) continue;
Vector topPosition; Vector bottomPosition;
ladder->GetTopPosition( topPosition ); ladder->GetBottomPosition( bottomPosition );
Vector closest; CalcClosestPointOnLineSegment( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), bottomPosition, topPosition, closest, NULL );
float distSqr = ( closest - mv->GetAbsOrigin() ).LengthSqr();
// Too far away
if ( distSqr > maxdistSqr ) { continue; }
// Need to trace to see if it's clear
trace_t tr;
UTIL_TraceLine( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), closest, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, player, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
if ( tr.fraction != 1.0f && tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt != ladder ) { // Try a trace stepped up from the ground a bit, in case there's something at ground level blocking us.
float sizez = GetPlayerMaxs().z - GetPlayerMins().z;
UTIL_TraceLine( mv->GetAbsOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, sizez * 0.5f ), closest, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, player, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
if ( tr.fraction != 1.0f && tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt != ladder && !tr.m_pEnt->IsSolidFlagSet( FSOLID_TRIGGER ) ) { continue; } }
// See if this is the best one so far
if ( distSqr < bestDist ) { bestDist = distSqr; bestLadder = ladder; bestOrigin = closest; } }
// Return best ladder spot
*ppLadder = bestLadder; ladderOrigin = bestOrigin;
static bool NearbyDismountLessFunc( const NearbyDismount_t& lhs, const NearbyDismount_t& rhs ) { return lhs.distSqr < rhs.distSqr; }
void CHL2GameMovement::GetSortedDismountNodeList( const Vector &org, float radius, CFuncLadder *ladder, CUtlRBTree< NearbyDismount_t, int >& list ) { float radiusSqr = radius * radius;
int i; int c = ladder->GetDismountCount(); for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { CInfoLadderDismount *spot = ladder->GetDismount( i ); if ( !spot ) continue;
float distSqr = ( spot->GetAbsOrigin() - org ).LengthSqr(); if ( distSqr > radiusSqr ) continue;
NearbyDismount_t nd; nd.dismount = spot; nd.distSqr = distSqr;
list.Insert( nd ); } }
// Purpose:
// *ladder -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CHL2GameMovement::ExitLadderViaDismountNode( CFuncLadder *ladder, bool strict, bool useAlternate ) { // Find the best ladder exit node
float bestDot = -99999.0f; float bestDistance = 99999.0f; Vector bestDest; bool found = false;
// For 'alternate' dismount
bool foundAlternate = false; Vector alternateDest; float alternateDist = 99999.0f;
CUtlRBTree< NearbyDismount_t, int > nearbyDismounts( 0, 0, NearbyDismountLessFunc );
GetSortedDismountNodeList( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), 100.0f, ladder, nearbyDismounts );
int i;
for ( i = nearbyDismounts.FirstInorder(); i != nearbyDismounts.InvalidIndex() ; i = nearbyDismounts.NextInorder( i ) ) { CInfoLadderDismount *spot = nearbyDismounts[ i ].dismount; if ( !spot ) { Assert( !"What happened to the spot!!!" ); continue; }
// See if it's valid to put the player there...
Vector org = spot->GetAbsOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, 1 );
trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceHull( org, org, GetPlayerMins( ( player->GetFlags() & FL_DUCKING ) ? true : false ), GetPlayerMaxs( ( player->GetFlags() & FL_DUCKING ) ? true : false ), MASK_PLAYERSOLID, player, COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT, &tr );
// Nope...
if ( tr.startsolid ) { continue; }
// Find the best dot product
Vector vecToSpot = org - ( mv->GetAbsOrigin() + player->GetViewOffset() ); vecToSpot.z = 0.0f; float d = VectorNormalize( vecToSpot );
float dot = vecToSpot.Dot( m_vecForward );
// We're not facing at it...ignore
if ( dot < 0.5f ) { if( useAlternate && d < alternateDist ) { alternateDest = org; alternateDist = d; foundAlternate = true; }
continue; }
if ( dot > bestDot ) { bestDest = org; bestDistance = d; bestDot = dot; found = true; } }
if ( found ) { // Require a more specific
if ( strict && ( ( bestDot < 0.7f ) || ( bestDistance > 40.0f ) ) ) { return false; }
StartForcedMove( false, player->MaxSpeed(), bestDest, NULL ); return true; }
if( useAlternate ) { // Desperate. Don't refuse to let a person off of a ladder if it can be helped. Use the
// alternate dismount if there is one.
if( foundAlternate && alternateDist <= 60.0f ) { StartForcedMove( false, player->MaxSpeed(), alternateDest, NULL ); return true; } }
return false; }
// Purpose:
// Input : bOnLadder -
void CHL2GameMovement::FullLadderMove() { #if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
CFuncLadder *ladder = GetLadder(); Assert( ladder ); if ( !ladder ) { return; }
// Was jump button pressed? If so, don't do anything here
if ( mv->m_nButtons & IN_JUMP ) { CheckJumpButton(); return; } else { mv->m_nOldButtons &= ~IN_JUMP; }
player->SetGroundEntity( NULL );
// Remember old positions in case we cancel this movement
Vector oldVelocity = mv->m_vecVelocity; Vector oldOrigin = mv->GetAbsOrigin();
Vector topPosition; Vector bottomPosition;
ladder->GetTopPosition( topPosition ); ladder->GetBottomPosition( bottomPosition );
// Compute parametric distance along ladder vector...
float oldt; CalcDistanceSqrToLine( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), topPosition, bottomPosition, &oldt ); // Perform the move accounting for any base velocity.
VectorAdd (mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity); TryPlayerMove(); VectorSubtract (mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity);
// Pressed buttons are "changed(xor)" and'ed with the mask of currently held buttons
int buttonsChanged = ( mv->m_nOldButtons ^ mv->m_nButtons ); // These buttons have changed this frame
int buttonsPressed = buttonsChanged & mv->m_nButtons; bool pressed_use = ( buttonsPressed & IN_USE ) ? true : false; bool pressing_forward_or_side = mv->m_flForwardMove != 0.0f || mv->m_flSideMove != 0.0f;
Vector ladderVec = topPosition - bottomPosition; float LadderLength = VectorNormalize( ladderVec ); // This test is not perfect by any means, but should help a bit
bool moving_along_ladder = false; if ( pressing_forward_or_side ) { float fwdDot = m_vecForward.Dot( ladderVec ); if ( fabs( fwdDot ) > 0.9f ) { moving_along_ladder = true; } }
// Compute parametric distance along ladder vector...
float newt; CalcDistanceSqrToLine( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), topPosition, bottomPosition, &newt );
// Fudge of 2 units
float tolerance = 1.0f / LadderLength;
bool wouldleaveladder = false; // Moving pPast top or bottom?
if ( newt < -tolerance ) { wouldleaveladder = newt < oldt; } else if ( newt > ( 1.0f + tolerance ) ) { wouldleaveladder = newt > oldt; }
// See if we are near the top or bottom but not moving
float dist1sqr, dist2sqr;
dist1sqr = ( topPosition - mv->GetAbsOrigin() ).LengthSqr(); dist2sqr = ( bottomPosition - mv->GetAbsOrigin() ).LengthSqr();
float dist = MIN( dist1sqr, dist2sqr ); bool neardismountnode = ( dist < 16.0f * 16.0f ) ? true : false; float ladderUnitsPerTick = ( MAX_CLIMB_SPEED * gpGlobals->interval_per_tick ); bool neardismountnode2 = ( dist < ladderUnitsPerTick * ladderUnitsPerTick ) ? true : false;
// Really close to node, cvar is set, and pressing a key, then simulate a +USE
bool auto_dismount_use = ( neardismountnode2 && sv_autoladderdismount.GetBool() && pressing_forward_or_side && !moving_along_ladder );
bool fully_underwater = ( player->GetWaterLevel() == WL_Eyes ) ? true : false;
// If the user manually pressed use or we're simulating it, then use_dismount will occur
bool use_dismount = pressed_use || auto_dismount_use;
if ( fully_underwater && !use_dismount ) { // If fully underwater, we require looking directly at a dismount node
/// to "float off" a ladder mid way...
if ( ExitLadderViaDismountNode( ladder, true ) ) { // See if they +used a dismount point mid-span..
return; } }
// If the movement would leave the ladder and they're not automated or pressing use, disallow the movement
if ( !use_dismount ) { if ( wouldleaveladder ) { // Don't let them leave the ladder if they were on it
mv->m_vecVelocity = oldVelocity; mv->SetAbsOrigin( oldOrigin ); } return; }
// If the move would not leave the ladder and we're near close to the end, then just accept the move
if ( !wouldleaveladder && !neardismountnode ) { // Otherwise, if the move would leave the ladder, disallow it.
if ( pressed_use ) { if ( ExitLadderViaDismountNode( ladder, false, IsX360() ) ) { // See if they +used a dismount point mid-span..
return; }
player->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_WALK ); player->SetMoveCollide( MOVECOLLIDE_DEFAULT ); SetLadder( NULL ); GetHL2Player()->m_bPlayUseDenySound = false;
// Dismount with a bit of velocity in facing direction
VectorScale( m_vecForward, USE_DISMOUNT_SPEED, mv->m_vecVelocity ); mv->m_vecVelocity.z = 50; } return; }
// Debounce the use key
if ( pressed_use ) { SwallowUseKey(); }
// Try auto exit, if possible
if ( ExitLadderViaDismountNode( ladder, false, pressed_use ) ) { return; }
if ( wouldleaveladder ) { // Otherwise, if the move would leave the ladder, disallow it.
if ( pressed_use ) { player->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_WALK ); player->SetMoveCollide( MOVECOLLIDE_DEFAULT ); SetLadder( NULL );
// Dismount with a bit of velocity in facing direction
VectorScale( m_vecForward, USE_DISMOUNT_SPEED, mv->m_vecVelocity ); mv->m_vecVelocity.z = 50; } else { mv->m_vecVelocity = oldVelocity; mv->SetAbsOrigin( oldOrigin ); } } #endif
bool CHL2GameMovement::CheckLadderAutoMountEndPoint( CFuncLadder *ladder, const Vector& bestOrigin ) { // See if we're really near an endpoint
if ( !ladder ) return false;
Vector top, bottom; ladder->GetTopPosition( top ); ladder->GetBottomPosition( bottom );
float d1, d2;
d1 = ( top - mv->GetAbsOrigin() ).LengthSqr(); d2 = ( bottom - mv->GetAbsOrigin() ).LengthSqr();
if ( d1 > 16 * 16 && d2 > 16 * 16 ) return false;
Vector ladderAxis;
if ( d1 < 16 * 16 ) { // Close to top
ladderAxis = bottom - top; } else { ladderAxis = top - bottom; }
VectorNormalize( ladderAxis );
if ( ladderAxis.Dot( m_vecForward ) > sv_ladderautomountdot.GetFloat() ) { StartForcedMove( true, player->MaxSpeed(), bestOrigin, ladder ); return true; }
return false; }
bool CHL2GameMovement::CheckLadderAutoMountCone( CFuncLadder *ladder, const Vector& bestOrigin, float maxAngleDelta, float maxDistToLadder ) { // Never 'back' onto ladders or stafe onto ladders
if ( ladder != NULL && ( mv->m_flForwardMove > 0.0f ) ) { Vector top, bottom; ladder->GetTopPosition( top ); ladder->GetBottomPosition( bottom );
Vector ladderAxis = top - bottom; VectorNormalize( ladderAxis );
Vector probe = mv->GetAbsOrigin();
Vector closest; CalcClosestPointOnLineSegment( probe, bottom, top, closest, NULL );
Vector vecToLadder = closest - probe;
float dist = VectorNormalize( vecToLadder );
Vector flatLadder = vecToLadder; flatLadder.z = 0.0f; Vector flatForward = m_vecForward; flatForward.z = 0.0f;
VectorNormalize( flatLadder ); VectorNormalize( flatForward );
float facingDot = flatForward.Dot( flatLadder ); float angle = acos( facingDot ) * 180 / M_PI;
bool closetoladder = ( dist != 0.0f && dist < maxDistToLadder ) ? true : false; bool reallyclosetoladder = ( dist != 0.0f && dist < 4.0f ) ? true : false;
bool facingladderaxis = ( angle < maxAngleDelta ) ? true : false; bool facingalongaxis = ( (float)fabs( ladderAxis.Dot( m_vecForward ) ) > sv_ladderautomountdot.GetFloat() ) ? true : false; #if 0
Msg( "close %i length %.3f maxdist %.3f facing %.3f dot %.3f ang %.3f\n", closetoladder ? 1 : 0, dist, maxDistToLadder, (float)fabs( ladderAxis.Dot( m_vecForward ) ), facingDot, angle); #endif
// Tracker 21776: Don't mount ladders this way if strafing
bool strafing = ( fabs( mv->m_flSideMove ) < 1.0f ) ? false : true;
if ( ( ( facingDot > 0.0f && !strafing ) || facingalongaxis ) && ( facingladderaxis || reallyclosetoladder ) && closetoladder ) { StartForcedMove( true, player->MaxSpeed(), bestOrigin, ladder ); return true; } }
return false; }
// Purpose: Must be facing toward ladder
// Input : *ladder -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CHL2GameMovement::LookingAtLadder( CFuncLadder *ladder ) { if ( !ladder ) { return false; }
// Get ladder end points
Vector top, bottom; ladder->GetTopPosition( top ); ladder->GetBottomPosition( bottom );
// Find closest point on ladder to player (could be an endpoint)
Vector closest; CalcClosestPointOnLineSegment( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), bottom, top, closest, NULL );
// Flatten our view direction to 2D
Vector flatForward = m_vecForward; flatForward.z = 0.0f;
// Because the ladder itself is not a solid, the player's origin may actually be
// permitted to pass it, and that will screw up our dot product.
// So back up the player's origin a bit to do the facing calculation.
Vector vecAdjustedOrigin = mv->GetAbsOrigin() - 8.0f * flatForward;
// Figure out vector from player to closest point on ladder
Vector vecToLadder = closest - vecAdjustedOrigin;
// Flatten it to 2D
Vector flatLadder = vecToLadder; flatLadder.z = 0.0f;
// Normalize the vectors (unnecessary)
VectorNormalize( flatLadder ); VectorNormalize( flatForward );
// Compute dot product to see if forward is in same direction as vec to ladder
float facingDot = flatForward.Dot( flatLadder );
float requiredDot = ( sv_ladder_useonly.GetBool() ) ? -0.99 : 0.0;
// Facing same direction if dot > = requiredDot...
bool facingladder = ( facingDot >= requiredDot );
return facingladder; }
// Purpose:
// Input : &trace -
bool CHL2GameMovement::CheckLadderAutoMount( CFuncLadder *ladder, const Vector& bestOrigin ) { #if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
if ( ladder != NULL ) { StartForcedMove( true, player->MaxSpeed(), bestOrigin, ladder ); return true; }
return false; }
// Purpose:
bool CHL2GameMovement::LadderMove( void ) {
if ( player->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP ) { SetLadder( NULL ); return false; }
// If being forced to mount/dismount continue to act like we are on the ladder
if ( IsForceMoveActive() && ContinueForcedMove() ) { return true; }
CFuncLadder *bestLadder = NULL; Vector bestOrigin( 0, 0, 0 );
CFuncLadder *ladder = GetLadder();
// Something 1) deactivated the ladder... or 2) something external applied
// a force to us. In either case make the player fall, etc.
if ( ladder && ( !ladder->IsEnabled() || ( player->GetBaseVelocity().LengthSqr() > 1.0f ) ) ) { GetHL2Player()->ExitLadder(); ladder = NULL; }
if ( !ladder ) { Findladder( 64.0f, &bestLadder, bestOrigin, NULL ); }
#if !defined (CLIENT_DLL)
if( !ladder && bestLadder && sv_ladder_useonly.GetBool() ) { GetHL2Player()->DisplayLadderHudHint(); } #endif
int buttonsChanged = ( mv->m_nOldButtons ^ mv->m_nButtons ); // These buttons have changed this frame
int buttonsPressed = buttonsChanged & mv->m_nButtons; bool pressed_use = ( buttonsPressed & IN_USE ) ? true : false;
// If I'm already moving on a ladder, use the previous ladder direction
if ( !ladder && !pressed_use ) { // If flying through air, allow mounting ladders if we are facing < 15 degress from the ladder and we are close
if ( !ladder && !sv_ladder_useonly.GetBool() ) { // Tracker 6625: Don't need to be leaping to auto mount using this method...
// But if we are on the ground, then we must not be backing into the ladder (Tracker 12961)
bool onground = player->GetGroundEntity() ? true : false; if ( !onground || ( mv->m_flForwardMove > 0.0f ) ) { if ( CheckLadderAutoMountCone( bestLadder, bestOrigin, 15.0f, 32.0f ) ) { return true; } } // Pressing forward while looking at ladder and standing (or floating) near a mounting point
if ( mv->m_flForwardMove > 0.0f ) { if ( CheckLadderAutoMountEndPoint( bestLadder, bestOrigin ) ) { return true; } } }
return false; }
if ( !ladder && LookingAtLadder( bestLadder ) && CheckLadderAutoMount( bestLadder, bestOrigin ) ) { return true; }
// Reassign the ladder
ladder = GetLadder(); if ( !ladder ) { return false; }
// Don't play the deny sound
if ( pressed_use ) { GetHL2Player()->m_bPlayUseDenySound = false; }
// Make sure we are on the ladder
player->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_LADDER ); player->SetMoveCollide( MOVECOLLIDE_DEFAULT );
player->SetGravity( 0.0f ); float forwardSpeed = 0.0f; float rightSpeed = 0.0f;
float speed = player->MaxSpeed();
if ( mv->m_nButtons & IN_BACK ) { forwardSpeed -= speed; } if ( mv->m_nButtons & IN_FORWARD ) { forwardSpeed += speed; } if ( mv->m_nButtons & IN_MOVELEFT ) { rightSpeed -= speed; } if ( mv->m_nButtons & IN_MOVERIGHT ) { rightSpeed += speed; } if ( mv->m_nButtons & IN_JUMP ) { player->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_WALK ); // Remove from ladder
SetLadder( NULL );
// Jump in view direction
Vector jumpDir = m_vecForward;
// unless pressing backward or something like that
if ( mv->m_flForwardMove < 0.0f ) { jumpDir = -jumpDir; }
VectorNormalize( jumpDir );
VectorScale( jumpDir, MAX_CLIMB_SPEED, mv->m_vecVelocity ); // Tracker 13558: Don't add any extra z velocity if facing downward at all
if ( m_vecForward.z >= 0.0f ) { mv->m_vecVelocity.z = mv->m_vecVelocity.z + 50; } return false; }
if ( forwardSpeed != 0 || rightSpeed != 0 ) { // See if the player is looking toward the top or the bottom
Vector velocity;
VectorScale( m_vecForward, forwardSpeed, velocity ); VectorMA( velocity, rightSpeed, m_vecRight, velocity );
VectorNormalize( velocity );
Vector ladderUp; ladder->ComputeLadderDir( ladderUp ); VectorNormalize( ladderUp );
Vector topPosition; Vector bottomPosition;
ladder->GetTopPosition( topPosition ); ladder->GetBottomPosition( bottomPosition );
// Check to see if we've mounted the ladder in a bogus spot and, if so, just fall off the ladder...
float dummyt = 0.0f; float distFromLadderSqr = CalcDistanceSqrToLine( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), topPosition, bottomPosition, &dummyt ); if ( distFromLadderSqr > 36.0f ) { // Uh oh, we fell off zee ladder...
player->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_WALK ); // Remove from ladder
SetLadder( NULL ); return false; }
bool ishorizontal = fabs( topPosition.z - bottomPosition.z ) < 64.0f ? true : false;
float changeover = ishorizontal ? 0.0f : 0.3f;
float factor = 1.0f; if ( velocity.z >= 0 ) { float dotTop = ladderUp.Dot( velocity ); if ( dotTop < -changeover ) { // Aimed at bottom
factor = -1.0f; } } else { float dotBottom = -ladderUp.Dot( velocity ); if ( dotBottom > changeover ) { factor = -1.0f; } }
#ifdef _XBOX
if( sv_ladders_useonly.GetBool() ) { // Stick up climbs up, stick down climbs down. No matter which way you're looking.
if ( mv->m_nButtons & IN_FORWARD ) { factor = 1.0f; } else if( mv->m_nButtons & IN_BACK ) { factor = -1.0f; } } #endif//_XBOX
mv->m_vecVelocity = MAX_CLIMB_SPEED * factor * ladderUp; } else { mv->m_vecVelocity.Init(); }
return true; }
void CHL2GameMovement::SetGroundEntity( trace_t *pm ) { CBaseEntity *newGround = pm ? pm->m_pEnt : NULL;
//Adrian: Special case for combine balls.
if ( newGround && newGround->GetCollisionGroup() == HL2COLLISION_GROUP_COMBINE_BALL_NPC ) { return; }
BaseClass::SetGroundEntity( pm ); }
bool CHL2GameMovement::CanAccelerate() { #ifdef HL2MP
if ( player->IsObserver() ) { return true; } #endif
return true; }
#ifndef PORTAL // Portal inherits from this but needs to declare it's own global interface
// Expose our interface.
static CHL2GameMovement g_GameMovement; IGameMovement *g_pGameMovement = ( IGameMovement * )&g_GameMovement;