//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Weapon data file parsing, shared by game & client dlls.
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <tier0/mem.h>
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "utldict.h"
#include "ammodef.h"
#include "playerclass_info_parse.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
static CUtlDict< FilePlayerClassInfo_t*, unsigned short > m_PlayerClassInfoDatabase;
#ifdef _DEBUG
// used to track whether or not two player classes have been mistakenly assigned the same slot
bool g_bUsedPlayerClassSlots[MAX_PLAYERCLASSES] = { 0 };
#ifdef DEBUG
void CC_ReloadPlayerClasses_f (void) { //ResetFilePlayerClassInfoDatabase();
static ConCommand dod_reloadplayerclasses("dod_reloadplayerclasses", CC_ReloadPlayerClasses_f, "Reset player class info cache" );
// Purpose:
// Input : *name -
// Output : FilePlayerClassInfo_t
static PLAYERCLASS_FILE_INFO_HANDLE FindPlayerClassInfoSlot( const char *name ) { // Complain about duplicately defined metaclass names...
unsigned short lookup = m_PlayerClassInfoDatabase.Find( name ); if ( lookup != m_PlayerClassInfoDatabase.InvalidIndex() ) { return lookup; }
FilePlayerClassInfo_t *insert = CreatePlayerClassInfo();
lookup = m_PlayerClassInfoDatabase.Insert( name, insert ); Assert( lookup != m_PlayerClassInfoDatabase.InvalidIndex() ); return lookup; }
// Find a class slot, assuming the weapon's data has already been loaded.
PLAYERCLASS_FILE_INFO_HANDLE LookupPlayerClassInfoSlot( const char *name ) { return m_PlayerClassInfoDatabase.Find( name ); }
// FIXME, handle differently?
static FilePlayerClassInfo_t gNullPlayerClassInfo;
// Purpose:
// Input : handle -
// Output : FilePlayerClassInfo_t
FilePlayerClassInfo_t *GetFilePlayerClassInfoFromHandle( PLAYERCLASS_FILE_INFO_HANDLE handle ) { if ( handle == GetInvalidPlayerClassInfoHandle() ) { Assert( !"bad index into playerclass info UtlDict" ); return &gNullPlayerClassInfo; }
return m_PlayerClassInfoDatabase[ handle ]; }
// Purpose:
PLAYERCLASS_FILE_INFO_HANDLE GetInvalidPlayerClassInfoHandle( void ) { return (PLAYERCLASS_FILE_INFO_HANDLE)m_PlayerClassInfoDatabase.InvalidIndex(); }
void ResetFilePlayerClassInfoDatabase( void ) { m_PlayerClassInfoDatabase.PurgeAndDeleteElements();
#ifdef _DEBUG
memset(g_bUsedPlayerClassSlots, 0, sizeof(g_bUsedPlayerClassSlots)); #endif
#ifndef _XBOX
KeyValues* ReadEncryptedKVPlayerClassFile( IFileSystem *pFilesystem, const char *szFilenameWithoutExtension, const unsigned char *pICEKey ) { Assert( strchr( szFilenameWithoutExtension, '.' ) == NULL ); char szFullName[512];
// Open the weapon data file, and abort if we can't
KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "PlayerClassDatafile" );
Q_snprintf(szFullName,sizeof(szFullName), "%s.txt", szFilenameWithoutExtension);
if ( !pKV->LoadFromFile( pFilesystem, szFullName, "GAME" ) ) // try to load the normal .txt file first
{ if ( pICEKey ) { Q_snprintf(szFullName,sizeof(szFullName), "%s.ctx", szFilenameWithoutExtension); // fall back to the .ctx file
FileHandle_t f = pFilesystem->Open( szFullName, "rb", "GAME");
if (!f) { pKV->deleteThis(); return NULL; } // load file into a null-terminated buffer
int fileSize = pFilesystem->Size(f); char *buffer = (char*)MemAllocScratch(fileSize + 1); Assert(buffer); pFilesystem->Read(buffer, fileSize, f); // read into local buffer
buffer[fileSize] = 0; // null terminate file as EOF
pFilesystem->Close( f ); // close file after reading
UTIL_DecodeICE( (unsigned char*)buffer, fileSize, pICEKey );
bool retOK = pKV->LoadFromBuffer( szFullName, buffer, pFilesystem );
if ( !retOK ) { pKV->deleteThis(); return NULL; } } else { pKV->deleteThis(); return NULL; } }
return pKV; } #endif
// Purpose: Read data on weapon from script file
// Output: true - if data2 successfully read
// false - if data load fails
bool ReadPlayerClassDataFromFileForSlot( IFileSystem* pFilesystem, const char *szPlayerClassName, PLAYERCLASS_FILE_INFO_HANDLE *phandle, const unsigned char *pICEKey ) { if ( !phandle ) { Assert( 0 ); return false; }
*phandle = FindPlayerClassInfoSlot( szPlayerClassName ); FilePlayerClassInfo_t *pFileInfo = GetFilePlayerClassInfoFromHandle( *phandle ); Assert( pFileInfo );
if ( pFileInfo->m_bParsedScript ) return true;
char sz[128]; Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "scripts/playerclass_%s", szPlayerClassName ); KeyValues *pKV = ReadEncryptedKVFile( pFilesystem, sz, pICEKey ); if ( !pKV ) return false;
pFileInfo->Parse( pKV, szPlayerClassName );
return true; }
// FilePlayerClassInfo_t implementation.
FilePlayerClassInfo_t::FilePlayerClassInfo_t() { m_bParsedScript = false;
m_szPlayerClassName[0] = 0; m_szPrintName[0] = 0; m_szPlayerModel[0] = 0; m_szSelectCmd[0] = 0; }
void FilePlayerClassInfo_t::Parse( KeyValues *pKeyValuesData, const char *szPlayerClassName ) { // Okay, we tried at least once to look this up...
m_bParsedScript = true;
// Classname
Q_strncpy( m_szPlayerClassName, szPlayerClassName, MAX_WEAPON_STRING );
// Printable name
Q_strncpy( m_szPrintName, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "printname", "!! Missing printname on Player Class" ), MAX_PLAYERCLASS_NAME_LENGTH );
// Player Model
Q_strncpy( m_szPlayerModel, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "playermodel", "!! Missing playermodel on Player Class" ), MAX_PLAYERCLASS_NAME_LENGTH );
// Select command
Q_strncpy( m_szSelectCmd, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "selectcmd", "!! Missing selectcmd on Player Class" ), 32 );
#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(HL2_CLIENT_DLL)
// Use this for class select keys
// make sure two weapons aren't in the same slot & position
if (g_bUsedPlayerClassSlots[iSlot]) { Msg( "Weapon slot info: %s (%d, %d)\n", szPrintName, iSlot, iPosition ); Warning( "Duplicately assigned weapon to slots in selection hud\n" ); } g_bUsedPlayerClassSlots[iSlot][iPosition] = true; */ #endif