//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "base_playeranimstate.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "animation.h"
#include "studio.h"
#include "apparent_velocity_helper.h"
#include "utldict.h"
#include "sdk_playeranimstate.h"
#include "weapon_sdkbase.h"
#include "weapon_basesdkgrenade.h"
#include "c_sdk_player.h"
#include "bone_setup.h"
#include "interpolatedvar.h"
#include "sdk_player.h"
#define DEFAULT_IDLE_NAME "idle_upper_"
#define DEFAULT_CROUCH_IDLE_NAME "crouch_idle_upper_"
#define DEFAULT_CROUCH_WALK_NAME "crouch_walk_upper_"
#define DEFAULT_WALK_NAME "walk_upper_"
#define DEFAULT_RUN_NAME "run_upper_"
#define DEFAULT_FIRE_IDLE_NAME "idle_shoot_"
#define DEFAULT_FIRE_CROUCH_NAME "crouch_idle_shoot_"
#define DEFAULT_FIRE_CROUCH_WALK_NAME "crouch_walk_shoot_"
#define DEFAULT_FIRE_WALK_NAME "walk_shoot_"
#define DEFAULT_FIRE_RUN_NAME "run_shoot_"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// CSDKPlayerAnimState declaration.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
class CSDKPlayerAnimState : public CBasePlayerAnimState, public ISDKPlayerAnimState { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CSDKPlayerAnimState, CBasePlayerAnimState ); friend ISDKPlayerAnimState* CreatePlayerAnimState( CBaseAnimatingOverlay *pEntity, ISDKPlayerAnimStateHelpers *pHelpers, LegAnimType_t legAnimType, bool bUseAimSequences );
virtual void DoAnimationEvent( PlayerAnimEvent_t event, int nData ); virtual bool IsThrowingGrenade(); virtual int CalcAimLayerSequence( float *flCycle, float *flAimSequenceWeight, bool bForceIdle ); virtual void ClearAnimationState(); virtual bool CanThePlayerMove(); virtual float GetCurrentMaxGroundSpeed(); virtual Activity CalcMainActivity(); virtual void DebugShowAnimState( int iStartLine ); virtual void ComputeSequences( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr ); virtual void ClearAnimationLayers();
void InitSDK( CBaseAnimatingOverlay *pPlayer, ISDKPlayerAnimStateHelpers *pHelpers, LegAnimType_t legAnimType, bool bUseAimSequences ); protected:
int CalcFireLayerSequence(PlayerAnimEvent_t event); void ComputeFireSequence(CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr);
void ComputeReloadSequence(CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr); int CalcReloadLayerSequence();
bool IsOuterGrenadePrimed(); void ComputeGrenadeSequence( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr ); int CalcGrenadePrimeSequence(); int CalcGrenadeThrowSequence(); int GetOuterGrenadeThrowCounter();
const char* GetWeaponSuffix(); bool HandleJumping();
void UpdateLayerSequenceGeneric( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr, int iLayer, bool &bEnabled, float &flCurCycle, int &iSequence, bool bWaitAtEnd );
// Current state variables.
bool m_bJumping; // Set on a jump event.
float m_flJumpStartTime; bool m_bFirstJumpFrame;
// Aim sequence plays reload while this is on.
bool m_bReloading; float m_flReloadCycle; int m_iReloadSequence; // This is set to true if ANY animation is being played in the fire layer.
bool m_bFiring; // If this is on, then it'll continue the fire animation in the fire layer
// until it completes.
int m_iFireSequence; // (For any sequences in the fire layer, including grenade throw).
float m_flFireCycle;
// These control grenade animations.
bool m_bThrowingGrenade; bool m_bPrimingGrenade; float m_flGrenadeCycle; int m_iGrenadeSequence; int m_iLastThrowGrenadeCounter; // used to detect when the guy threw the grenade.
ISDKPlayerAnimStateHelpers *m_pHelpers; };
ISDKPlayerAnimState* CreatePlayerAnimState( CBaseAnimatingOverlay *pEntity, ISDKPlayerAnimStateHelpers *pHelpers, LegAnimType_t legAnimType, bool bUseAimSequences ) { CSDKPlayerAnimState *pRet = new CSDKPlayerAnimState; pRet->InitSDK( pEntity, pHelpers, legAnimType, bUseAimSequences ); return pRet; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// CSDKPlayerAnimState implementation.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
CSDKPlayerAnimState::CSDKPlayerAnimState() { m_pOuter = NULL; m_bReloading = false; }
void CSDKPlayerAnimState::InitSDK( CBaseAnimatingOverlay *pEntity, ISDKPlayerAnimStateHelpers *pHelpers, LegAnimType_t legAnimType, bool bUseAimSequences ) { CModAnimConfig config; config.m_flMaxBodyYawDegrees = 90; config.m_LegAnimType = legAnimType; config.m_bUseAimSequences = bUseAimSequences;
m_pHelpers = pHelpers;
BaseClass::Init( pEntity, config ); }
void CSDKPlayerAnimState::ClearAnimationState() { m_bJumping = false; m_bFiring = false; m_bReloading = false; m_bThrowingGrenade = m_bPrimingGrenade = false; m_iLastThrowGrenadeCounter = GetOuterGrenadeThrowCounter(); BaseClass::ClearAnimationState(); }
void CSDKPlayerAnimState::DoAnimationEvent( PlayerAnimEvent_t event, int nData ) { Assert( event != PLAYERANIMEVENT_THROW_GRENADE );
if ( event == PLAYERANIMEVENT_FIRE_GUN_PRIMARY || event == PLAYERANIMEVENT_FIRE_GUN_SECONDARY ) { // Regardless of what we're doing in the fire layer, restart it.
m_flFireCycle = 0; m_iFireSequence = CalcFireLayerSequence( event ); m_bFiring = m_iFireSequence != -1; } else if ( event == PLAYERANIMEVENT_JUMP ) { // Play the jump animation.
m_bJumping = true; m_bFirstJumpFrame = true; m_flJumpStartTime = gpGlobals->curtime; } else if ( event == PLAYERANIMEVENT_RELOAD ) { m_iReloadSequence = CalcReloadLayerSequence(); if ( m_iReloadSequence != -1 ) { m_bReloading = true; m_flReloadCycle = 0; } } else { Assert( !"CSDKPlayerAnimState::DoAnimationEvent" ); } }
float g_flThrowGrenadeFraction = 0.25; bool CSDKPlayerAnimState::IsThrowingGrenade() { if ( m_bThrowingGrenade ) { // An animation event would be more appropriate here.
return m_flGrenadeCycle < g_flThrowGrenadeFraction; } else { bool bThrowPending = (m_iLastThrowGrenadeCounter != GetOuterGrenadeThrowCounter()); return bThrowPending || IsOuterGrenadePrimed(); } }
int CSDKPlayerAnimState::CalcReloadLayerSequence() { const char *pSuffix = GetWeaponSuffix(); if ( !pSuffix ) return -1;
CWeaponSDKBase *pWeapon = m_pHelpers->SDKAnim_GetActiveWeapon(); if ( !pWeapon ) return -1;
// First, look for reload_<weapon name>.
char szName[512]; Q_snprintf( szName, sizeof( szName ), "reload_%s", pSuffix ); int iReloadSequence = m_pOuter->LookupSequence( szName ); if ( iReloadSequence != -1 ) return iReloadSequence;
// Ok, look for generic categories.. pistol, shotgun, rifle, etc.
if ( pWeapon->GetSDKWpnData().m_WeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_PISTOL ) { Q_snprintf( szName, sizeof( szName ), "reload_pistol" ); iReloadSequence = m_pOuter->LookupSequence( szName ); if ( iReloadSequence != -1 ) return iReloadSequence; } */ // Fall back to reload_m4.
iReloadSequence = CalcSequenceIndex( "reload_m4" ); if ( iReloadSequence > 0 ) return iReloadSequence;
return -1; }
void CSDKPlayerAnimState::UpdateLayerSequenceGeneric( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr, int iLayer, bool &bEnabled, float &flCurCycle, int &iSequence, bool bWaitAtEnd ) { if ( !bEnabled ) return;
// Increment the fire sequence's cycle.
flCurCycle += m_pOuter->GetSequenceCycleRate( pStudioHdr, iSequence ) * gpGlobals->frametime; if ( flCurCycle > 1 ) { if ( bWaitAtEnd ) { flCurCycle = 1; } else { // Not firing anymore.
bEnabled = false; iSequence = 0; return; } }
// Now dump the state into its animation layer.
C_AnimationLayer *pLayer = m_pOuter->GetAnimOverlay( iLayer );
pLayer->m_flCycle = flCurCycle; pLayer->m_nSequence = iSequence;
pLayer->m_flPlaybackRate = 1.0; pLayer->m_flWeight = 1.0f; pLayer->m_nOrder = iLayer; } #endif
bool CSDKPlayerAnimState::IsOuterGrenadePrimed() { CBaseCombatCharacter *pChar = m_pOuter->MyCombatCharacterPointer(); if ( pChar ) { CBaseSDKGrenade *pGren = dynamic_cast<CBaseSDKGrenade*>( pChar->GetActiveWeapon() ); return pGren && pGren->IsPinPulled(); } else { return NULL; } }
void CSDKPlayerAnimState::ComputeGrenadeSequence( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr ) { #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
if ( m_bThrowingGrenade ) { UpdateLayerSequenceGeneric( pStudioHdr, GRENADESEQUENCE_LAYER, m_bThrowingGrenade, m_flGrenadeCycle, m_iGrenadeSequence, false ); } else { // Priming the grenade isn't an event.. we just watch the player for it.
// Also play the prime animation first if he wants to throw the grenade.
bool bThrowPending = (m_iLastThrowGrenadeCounter != GetOuterGrenadeThrowCounter()); if ( IsOuterGrenadePrimed() || bThrowPending ) { if ( !m_bPrimingGrenade ) { // If this guy just popped into our PVS, and he's got his grenade primed, then
// let's assume that it's all the way primed rather than playing the prime
// animation from the start.
if ( TimeSinceLastAnimationStateClear() < 0.4f ) m_flGrenadeCycle = 1; else m_flGrenadeCycle = 0; m_iGrenadeSequence = CalcGrenadePrimeSequence(); }
m_bPrimingGrenade = true; UpdateLayerSequenceGeneric( pStudioHdr, GRENADESEQUENCE_LAYER, m_bPrimingGrenade, m_flGrenadeCycle, m_iGrenadeSequence, true ); // If we're waiting to throw and we're done playing the prime animation...
if ( bThrowPending && m_flGrenadeCycle == 1 ) { m_iLastThrowGrenadeCounter = GetOuterGrenadeThrowCounter();
// Now play the throw animation.
m_iGrenadeSequence = CalcGrenadeThrowSequence(); if ( m_iGrenadeSequence != -1 ) { // Configure to start playing
m_bThrowingGrenade = true; m_bPrimingGrenade = false; m_flGrenadeCycle = 0; } } } else { m_bPrimingGrenade = false; } } #endif
int CSDKPlayerAnimState::CalcGrenadePrimeSequence() { return CalcSequenceIndex( "idle_shoot_gren1" ); }
int CSDKPlayerAnimState::CalcGrenadeThrowSequence() { return CalcSequenceIndex( "idle_shoot_gren2" ); }
int CSDKPlayerAnimState::GetOuterGrenadeThrowCounter() { CSDKPlayer *pPlayer = dynamic_cast<CSDKPlayer*>( m_pOuter ); if ( pPlayer ) return pPlayer->m_iThrowGrenadeCounter; else return 0; }
void CSDKPlayerAnimState::ComputeReloadSequence( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr ) { #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
UpdateLayerSequenceGeneric( pStudioHdr, RELOADSEQUENCE_LAYER, m_bReloading, m_flReloadCycle, m_iReloadSequence, false ); #else
// Server doesn't bother with different fire sequences.
int CSDKPlayerAnimState::CalcAimLayerSequence( float *flCycle, float *flAimSequenceWeight, bool bForceIdle ) { const char *pSuffix = GetWeaponSuffix(); if ( !pSuffix ) return 0;
if ( bForceIdle ) { switch ( GetCurrentMainSequenceActivity() ) { case ACT_CROUCHIDLE: return CalcSequenceIndex( "%s%s", DEFAULT_CROUCH_IDLE_NAME, pSuffix );
default: return CalcSequenceIndex( "%s%s", DEFAULT_IDLE_NAME, pSuffix ); } } else { switch ( GetCurrentMainSequenceActivity() ) { case ACT_RUN: return CalcSequenceIndex( "%s%s", DEFAULT_RUN_NAME, pSuffix );
case ACT_WALK: case ACT_RUNTOIDLE: case ACT_IDLETORUN: return CalcSequenceIndex( "%s%s", DEFAULT_WALK_NAME, pSuffix );
case ACT_CROUCHIDLE: return CalcSequenceIndex( "%s%s", DEFAULT_CROUCH_IDLE_NAME, pSuffix );
case ACT_RUN_CROUCH: return CalcSequenceIndex( "%s%s", DEFAULT_CROUCH_WALK_NAME, pSuffix );
case ACT_IDLE: default: return CalcSequenceIndex( "%s%s", DEFAULT_IDLE_NAME, pSuffix ); } } }
const char* CSDKPlayerAnimState::GetWeaponSuffix() { // Figure out the weapon suffix.
CWeaponSDKBase *pWeapon = m_pHelpers->SDKAnim_GetActiveWeapon(); if ( !pWeapon ) return "Pistol";
const char *pSuffix = pWeapon->GetSDKWpnData().m_szAnimExtension;
return pSuffix; }
int CSDKPlayerAnimState::CalcFireLayerSequence(PlayerAnimEvent_t event) { // Figure out the weapon suffix.
CWeaponSDKBase *pWeapon = m_pHelpers->SDKAnim_GetActiveWeapon(); if ( !pWeapon ) return 0;
const char *pSuffix = GetWeaponSuffix(); if ( !pSuffix ) return 0; // Don't rely on their weapon here because the player has usually switched to their
// pistol or rifle by the time the PLAYERANIMEVENT_THROW_GRENADE message gets to the client.
if ( event == PLAYERANIMEVENT_THROW_GRENADE ) { pSuffix = "Gren"; }
switch ( GetCurrentMainSequenceActivity() ) { case ACT_PLAYER_RUN_FIRE: case ACT_RUN: return CalcSequenceIndex( "%s%s", DEFAULT_FIRE_RUN_NAME, pSuffix );
case ACT_PLAYER_WALK_FIRE: case ACT_WALK: return CalcSequenceIndex( "%s%s", DEFAULT_FIRE_WALK_NAME, pSuffix );
case ACT_PLAYER_CROUCH_FIRE: case ACT_CROUCHIDLE: return CalcSequenceIndex( "%s%s", DEFAULT_FIRE_CROUCH_NAME, pSuffix );
case ACT_PLAYER_CROUCH_WALK_FIRE: case ACT_RUN_CROUCH: return CalcSequenceIndex( "%s%s", DEFAULT_FIRE_CROUCH_WALK_NAME, pSuffix );
default: case ACT_PLAYER_IDLE_FIRE: return CalcSequenceIndex( "%s%s", DEFAULT_FIRE_IDLE_NAME, pSuffix ); } }
bool CSDKPlayerAnimState::CanThePlayerMove() { return m_pHelpers->SDKAnim_CanMove(); }
float CSDKPlayerAnimState::GetCurrentMaxGroundSpeed() { Activity currentActivity = m_pOuter->GetSequenceActivity( m_pOuter->GetSequence() ); if ( currentActivity == ACT_WALK || currentActivity == ACT_IDLE ) return ANIM_TOPSPEED_WALK; else if ( currentActivity == ACT_RUN ) return ANIM_TOPSPEED_RUN; else if ( currentActivity == ACT_RUN_CROUCH ) return ANIM_TOPSPEED_RUN_CROUCH; else return 0; }
bool CSDKPlayerAnimState::HandleJumping() { if ( m_bJumping ) { if ( m_bFirstJumpFrame ) { m_bFirstJumpFrame = false; RestartMainSequence(); // Reset the animation.
// Don't check if he's on the ground for a sec.. sometimes the client still has the
// on-ground flag set right when the message comes in.
if ( gpGlobals->curtime - m_flJumpStartTime > 0.2f ) { if ( m_pOuter->GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND ) { m_bJumping = false; RestartMainSequence(); // Reset the animation.
} } }
// Are we still jumping? If so, keep playing the jump animation.
return m_bJumping; }
Activity CSDKPlayerAnimState::CalcMainActivity() { float flOuterSpeed = GetOuterXYSpeed();
if ( HandleJumping() ) { return ACT_HOP; } else { Activity idealActivity = ACT_IDLE;
if ( m_pOuter->GetFlags() & FL_DUCKING ) { if ( flOuterSpeed > MOVING_MINIMUM_SPEED ) idealActivity = ACT_RUN_CROUCH; else idealActivity = ACT_CROUCHIDLE; } else { if ( flOuterSpeed > MOVING_MINIMUM_SPEED ) { if ( flOuterSpeed > ARBITRARY_RUN_SPEED ) idealActivity = ACT_RUN; else idealActivity = ACT_WALK; } else { idealActivity = ACT_IDLE; } }
return idealActivity; } }
void CSDKPlayerAnimState::DebugShowAnimState( int iStartLine ) { #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
engine->Con_NPrintf( iStartLine++, "fire : %s, cycle: %.2f\n", m_bFiring ? GetSequenceName( m_pOuter->GetModelPtr(), m_iFireSequence ) : "[not firing]", m_flFireCycle ); engine->Con_NPrintf( iStartLine++, "reload: %s, cycle: %.2f\n", m_bReloading ? GetSequenceName( m_pOuter->GetModelPtr(), m_iReloadSequence ) : "[not reloading]", m_flReloadCycle ); BaseClass::DebugShowAnimState( iStartLine ); #endif
void CSDKPlayerAnimState::ComputeSequences( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr ) { BaseClass::ComputeSequences( pStudioHdr );
ComputeFireSequence( pStudioHdr ); ComputeReloadSequence( pStudioHdr ); ComputeGrenadeSequence( pStudioHdr ); }
void CSDKPlayerAnimState::ClearAnimationLayers() { if ( !m_pOuter ) return;
m_pOuter->SetNumAnimOverlays( NUM_LAYERS_WANTED ); for ( int i=0; i < m_pOuter->GetNumAnimOverlays(); i++ ) { m_pOuter->GetAnimOverlay( i )->SetOrder( CBaseAnimatingOverlay::MAX_OVERLAYS ); } }
void CSDKPlayerAnimState::ComputeFireSequence( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr ) { #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
UpdateLayerSequenceGeneric( pStudioHdr, FIRESEQUENCE_LAYER, m_bFiring, m_flFireCycle, m_iFireSequence, false ); #else
// Server doesn't bother with different fire sequences.