Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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  1. //========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
  2. //
  3. // Purpose:
  4. //
  5. // $NoKeywords: $
  6. //=============================================================================//
  7. #include "cbase.h"
  10. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_scores_per_round, 5, "Number of scores it takes to win a round. Similar to tf_flag_caps_per_round." );
  11. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_ball_damping_scale, 0.01f, "" );
  12. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_ball_drag_coefficient, 0.01f, "" );
  13. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_ball_inertia_scale, 1.0f, "" );
  14. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_ball_mass, 1.0f, "" );
  15. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_ball_model, models/passtime/ball/passtime_ball.mdl, "Needs a model with collision info. Map change required." ); // TODO allow override in map
  16. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_ball_sphere_collision, 1, "Boolean value. If nonzero, override mdl collision with a perfect sphere collider." );
  17. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_ball_sphere_radius, 7.2f, "" );
  18. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_ball_reset_time, 15, "How long the ball can be neutral before being automatically reset" );
  19. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_ball_rotdamping_scale, 1.0f, "Higher values will prevent the ball from rolling on the ground." );
  20. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_ball_seek_range, 128, "How close players have to be for the ball to be drawn to them." );
  21. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_ball_seek_speed_factor, 3f, "How fast the ball will move toward nearby players as a ratio of that player's max speed." );
  22. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_ball_takedamage, 1, "Enables shooting the ball" );
  23. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_ball_takedamage_force, 800.0f, "Controls how much the ball responds to being shot" );
  24. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_flinch_boost, 0, "Intensity of flinch on taking damage while carrying the ball. 0 to use TF defaults." );
  25. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_mode_homing_lock_sec, 1.5f, "Number of seconds the ball carrier will stay locked on to a teammate after line of sight is broken." );
  26. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_mode_homing_speed, 1000.0f, "How fast the ball moves during a pass." );
  27. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_overtime_idle_sec, 5, "How many seconds the ball can be idle in overtime before the round ends.");
  28. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_player_reticles_enemies, 1, "Controls HUD reticles for enemies. 0 = never, 1 = when carrying ball, 2 = always." );
  29. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_player_reticles_friends, 2, "Controls HUD reticles for teammates. 0 = never, 1 = when carrying ball, 2 = always." );
  30. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_score_crit_sec, 5.0f, "How long a scoring team's crits last." );
  31. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_speedboost_on_get_ball_time, 2.0f, "How many seconds of speed boost players get when they get the ball." );
  32. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_steal_on_melee, 1, "Enables melee stealing." );
  33. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_teammate_steal_time, 45, "How many seconds a player can hold the ball before teammates can steal it." );
  34. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_throwarc_scout, 0.1f, "" );
  35. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_throwarc_soldier, 0.1f, "" );
  36. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_throwarc_pyro, 0.1f, "" );
  37. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_throwarc_demoman, 0.15f, "" );
  38. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_throwarc_heavy, 0.175f, "" );
  39. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_throwarc_engineer, 0.2f, "" );
  40. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_throwarc_medic, 0.0f, "" );
  41. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_throwarc_sniper, 0.0f, "" );
  42. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_throwarc_spy, 0.0f, "" );
  43. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_throwspeed_scout, 700.0f, "" );
  44. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_throwspeed_soldier, 800.0f, "" );
  45. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_throwspeed_pyro, 750.0f, "" );
  46. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_throwspeed_demoman, 850.0f, "" );
  47. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_throwspeed_heavy, 850.0f, "" );
  48. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_throwspeed_engineer, 850.0f, "" );
  49. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_throwspeed_medic, 900.0f, "" );
  50. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_throwspeed_sniper, 900.0f, "" );
  51. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_throwspeed_spy, 900.0f, "" );
  52. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_throwspeed_velocity_scale, 0.33f, "How much player velocity to add when tossing (0=none 1=100%)" );
  53. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_save_stats, 0, "" );
  54. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_experiment_telepass, 0, "None,\
  55. TeleportToCatcher,\
  56. SwapWithCatcher,\
  57. TeleportToCatcherMaintainPossession,");
  58. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_experiment_instapass_charge, 0, "" );
  59. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_experiment_autopass, 0, "" );
  60. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_experiment_instapass, 0, "" );
  61. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_powerball_decayamount, 1, "How many points are removed are removed per decay. (must be integer)" );
  62. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_powerball_decaysec, 4.5f, "How many seconds per decay when the ball is held." );
  63. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_powerball_decaysec_neutral, 1.5f, "How many seconds per decay when the ball is neutral." );
  64. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_powerball_passpoints, 25, "How many ball meter points are awarded for a complete pass." );
  65. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_powerball_threshold, 80, "How many ball meter points it takes to unlock bonus goals." );
  66. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_powerball_airtimebonus, 40, "Ball meter points added per second of time a pass is in the air." );
  67. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_powerball_maxairtimebonus, 100, "Cap on extra points added by tf_passtime_powerball_airtimebonus." );
  68. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_powerball_decay_delay, 10, "Number of seconds between ball reaching full charge and decay beginning." );
  69. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_pack_range, 512, "How close players must be to the ball carrier to be included in the pack." );
  70. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_pack_speed, 1, "When set to 1, all players near the ball carrier will move the same speed." );
  71. PASSTIME_CONVAR( tf_passtime_pack_hp_per_sec, 2.0f, "How many HP per second pack members are healed." );