//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "weapon_ifmsteadycam.h"
#include "in_buttons.h"
#include "usercmd.h"
#include "dt_shared.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Controls.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "vgui/IScheme.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "vgui/VGUI.h"
#include "tier1/KeyValues.h"
#include "toolframework/itoolframework.h"
// CWeaponIFMSteadyCam tables.
IMPLEMENT_NETWORKCLASS_ALIASED( WeaponIFMSteadyCam, DT_WeaponIFMSteadyCam ) LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( weapon_ifm_steadycam, CWeaponIFMSteadyCam ); #if !( defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL ) || defined( TF_DLL ) )
PRECACHE_WEAPON_REGISTER( weapon_ifm_steadycam ); #endif
#ifdef GAME_DLL
// CWeaponIFMSteadyCam implementation.
CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::CWeaponIFMSteadyCam() { #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
m_bIsLocked = false; m_bInDirectMode = false; m_bInSpringMode = true; m_vec2DVelocity.Init(); m_vecActualViewOffset.Init(); m_vecViewOffset.Init(); m_flFOVOffsetY = 0.0f; m_vecOffset.Init(); m_hFont = vgui::INVALID_FONT; m_nTextureId = -1; #endif
CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::~CWeaponIFMSteadyCam() { #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
if ( vgui::surface() && m_nTextureId != -1 ) { vgui::surface()->DestroyTextureID( m_nTextureId ); m_nTextureId = -1; } #endif
// Specific methods on the client
// Computes a matrix given a forward direction
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::MatrixFromForwardDirection( const Vector &vecForward, matrix3x4_t &mat ) { // Convert desired to quaternion
Vector vecLeft( -vecForward.y, vecForward.x, 0.0f ); if ( VectorNormalize( vecLeft ) < 1e-3 ) { vecLeft.Init( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); }
Vector vecUp; CrossProduct( vecForward, vecLeft, vecUp ); MatrixInitialize( mat, m_vecRelativePosition, vecForward, vecLeft, vecUp ); }
// Updates the relative orientation of the camera, spring mode
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::ComputeMouseRay( const VMatrix &steadyCamToPlayer, Vector &vecForward ) { // Create a ray in steadycam space
float flMaxD = 1.0f / tan( M_PI * m_flFOV / 360.0f );
// Remap offsets into normalized space
int w, h; GetViewportSize( w, h );
float flViewX = ( w != 0 ) ? m_vecViewOffset.x / ( w / 2 ) : 0.0f; float flViewY = ( h != 0 ) ? m_vecViewOffset.y / ( h / 2 ) : 0.0f;
flViewX *= flMaxD; flViewY *= flMaxD; Vector vecSelectionDir( 1.0f, -flViewX, -flViewY ); VectorNormalize( vecSelectionDir );
// Rotate the ray into player coordinates
Vector3DMultiply( steadyCamToPlayer, vecSelectionDir, vecForward ); }
// Updates the relative orientation of the camera, spring mode
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::UpdateDirectRelativeOrientation() { // Compute a player to steadycam matrix
VMatrix steadyCamToPlayer; MatrixFromAngles( m_angRelativeAngles, steadyCamToPlayer ); MatrixSetColumn( steadyCamToPlayer, 3, m_vecRelativePosition );
// Compute a forward direction
Vector vecCurrentForward; MatrixGetColumn( steadyCamToPlayer, 0, &vecCurrentForward );
// Before any updating occurs, sample the current
// world-space direction of the mouse
Vector vecDesiredDirection; ComputeMouseRay( steadyCamToPlayer, vecDesiredDirection );
// rebuild a roll-less orientation based on that direction vector
matrix3x4_t mat; MatrixFromForwardDirection( vecDesiredDirection, mat ); MatrixAngles( mat, m_angRelativeAngles ); Assert( m_angRelativeAngles.IsValid() );
m_vecActualViewOffset -= m_vecViewOffset; m_vecViewOffset.Init(); }
// Updates the relative orientation of the camera when locked
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::UpdateLockedRelativeOrientation() { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetPlayerOwner(); if ( !pPlayer ) return; Vector vecDesiredDirection = m_vecOffset; CBaseEntity *pLock = m_hLockTarget.Get(); if ( pLock ) { vecDesiredDirection += pLock->GetAbsOrigin(); }
Vector vecAbsOrigin; QAngle angAbsRotation; ComputeAbsCameraTransform( vecAbsOrigin, angAbsRotation ); vecDesiredDirection -= vecAbsOrigin; VectorNormalize( vecDesiredDirection );
matrix3x4_t mat; MatrixFromForwardDirection( vecDesiredDirection, mat ); MatrixAngles( mat, m_angRelativeAngles ); }
// Updates the relative orientation of the camera
static ConVar ifm_steadycam_rotaterate( "ifm_steadycam_rotaterate", "60", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); static ConVar ifm_steadycam_zoomspeed( "ifm_steadycam_zoomspeed", "1.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); static ConVar ifm_steadycam_zoomdamp( "ifm_steadycam_zoomdamp", "0.95", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); static ConVar ifm_steadycam_armspeed( "ifm_steadycam_armspeed", "0.5", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); static ConVar ifm_steadycam_rotatedamp( "ifm_steadycam_rotatedamp", "0.95", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); static ConVar ifm_steadycam_mousefactor( "ifm_steadycam_mousefactor", "1.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); static ConVar ifm_steadycam_mousepower( "ifm_steadycam_mousepower", "1.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::UpdateRelativeOrientation() { if ( m_bIsLocked ) return;
if ( m_bInDirectMode ) { UpdateDirectRelativeOrientation(); return; }
if ( ( m_vecViewOffset.x == 0.0f ) && ( m_vecViewOffset.y == 0.0f ) ) return;
// Compute a player to steadycam matrix
VMatrix steadyCamToPlayer; MatrixFromAngles( m_angRelativeAngles, steadyCamToPlayer ); MatrixSetColumn( steadyCamToPlayer, 3, m_vecRelativePosition );
Vector vecCurrentForward; MatrixGetColumn( steadyCamToPlayer, 0, &vecCurrentForward );
// Create a ray in steadycam space
float flMaxD = 1.0f / tan( M_PI * m_flFOV / 360.0f );
// Remap offsets into normalized space
float flViewX = m_vecViewOffset.x / ( 384 / 2 ); float flViewY = m_vecViewOffset.y / ( 288 / 2 );
flViewX *= flMaxD * ifm_steadycam_mousefactor.GetFloat(); flViewY *= flMaxD * ifm_steadycam_mousefactor.GetFloat(); Vector vecSelectionDir( 1.0f, -flViewX, -flViewY ); VectorNormalize( vecSelectionDir );
// Rotate the ray into player coordinates
Vector vecDesiredDirection; Vector3DMultiply( steadyCamToPlayer, vecSelectionDir, vecDesiredDirection );
float flDot = DotProduct( vecDesiredDirection, vecCurrentForward ); flDot = clamp( flDot, -1.0f, 1.0f ); float flAngle = 180.0f * acos( flDot ) / M_PI; if ( flAngle < 1e-3 ) { matrix3x4_t mat; MatrixFromForwardDirection( vecDesiredDirection, mat ); MatrixAngles( mat, m_angRelativeAngles ); return; }
Vector vecAxis; CrossProduct( vecCurrentForward, vecDesiredDirection, vecAxis ); VectorNormalize( vecAxis ); float flRotateRate = ifm_steadycam_rotaterate.GetFloat(); if ( flRotateRate < 1.0f ) { flRotateRate = 1.0f; }
float flRateFactor = flAngle / flRotateRate; flRateFactor *= flRateFactor * flRateFactor; float flRate = flRateFactor * 30.0f; float flMaxAngle = gpGlobals->frametime * flRate; flAngle = clamp( flAngle, 0.0f, flMaxAngle );
Vector vecNewForard; VMatrix rotation; MatrixBuildRotationAboutAxis( rotation, vecAxis, flAngle ); Vector3DMultiply( rotation, vecCurrentForward, vecNewForard );
matrix3x4_t mat; MatrixFromForwardDirection( vecNewForard, mat ); MatrixAngles( mat, m_angRelativeAngles );
Assert( m_angRelativeAngles.IsValid() ); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Toggles to springy camera
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::ToggleDirectMode() { m_vecViewOffset.Init(); m_vecActualViewOffset.Init(); m_vec2DVelocity.Init(); m_bInDirectMode = !m_bInDirectMode; }
// Targets the camera to always look at a point
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::LockCamera() { m_vecViewOffset.Init(); m_vecActualViewOffset.Init(); m_vec2DVelocity.Init();
m_bIsLocked = !m_bIsLocked; if ( !m_bIsLocked ) { UpdateLockedRelativeOrientation(); return; }
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetPlayerOwner(); if ( !pPlayer ) return; Vector vTraceStart, vTraceEnd, vTraceDir; QAngle angles; BaseClass::ComputeAbsCameraTransform( vTraceStart, angles ); AngleVectors( angles, &vTraceDir ); VectorMA( vTraceStart, 10000.0f, vTraceDir, vTraceEnd);
trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceLine( vTraceStart, vTraceEnd, MASK_ALL, GetPlayerOwner(), COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); if ( tr.fraction == 1.0f ) { m_bIsLocked = false; UpdateLockedRelativeOrientation(); return; }
m_hLockTarget = tr.m_pEnt; m_vecOffset = tr.endpos; if ( tr.m_pEnt ) { m_vecOffset -= tr.m_pEnt->GetAbsOrigin(); } }
// Gets the abs orientation of the camera
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::ComputeAbsCameraTransform( Vector &vecAbsOrigin, QAngle &angAbsRotation ) { CBaseEntity *pLock = m_bIsLocked ? m_hLockTarget.Get() : NULL; CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetPlayerOwner(); if ( !pLock || !pPlayer ) { BaseClass::ComputeAbsCameraTransform( vecAbsOrigin, angAbsRotation ); return; } Vector vecDesiredDirection = m_vecOffset; if ( pLock ) { vecDesiredDirection += pLock->GetAbsOrigin(); }
BaseClass::ComputeAbsCameraTransform( vecAbsOrigin, angAbsRotation ); vecDesiredDirection -= vecAbsOrigin; VectorNormalize( vecDesiredDirection );
matrix3x4_t mat; MatrixFromForwardDirection( vecDesiredDirection, mat ); MatrixAngles( mat, angAbsRotation ); }
// Computes the view offset from the actual view offset
static ConVar ifm_steadycam_2dspringconstant( "ifm_steadycam_2dspringconstant", "33.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); static ConVar ifm_steadycam_2ddragconstant( "ifm_steadycam_2ddragconstant", "11.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::ComputeViewOffset() { // Update 2D spring
if ( !m_bInSpringMode ) { m_vecViewOffset = m_vecActualViewOffset; return; }
Vector2D dir; Vector2DSubtract( m_vecViewOffset.AsVector2D(), m_vecActualViewOffset.AsVector2D(), dir ); float flDist = Vector2DNormalize( dir );
Vector2D vecForce; Vector2DMultiply( dir, -flDist * ifm_steadycam_2dspringconstant.GetFloat(), vecForce ); Vector2DMA( vecForce, -ifm_steadycam_2ddragconstant.GetFloat(), m_vec2DVelocity.AsVector2D(), vecForce );
Vector2DMA( m_vecViewOffset.AsVector2D(), gpGlobals->frametime, m_vec2DVelocity.AsVector2D(), m_vecViewOffset.AsVector2D() ); Vector2DMA( m_vec2DVelocity.AsVector2D(), gpGlobals->frametime, vecForce, m_vec2DVelocity.AsVector2D() ); }
// Camera control
static ConVar ifm_steadycam_noise( "ifm_steadycam_noise", "0.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_REPLICATED ); static ConVar ifm_steadycam_sensitivity( "ifm_steadycam_sensitivity", "1.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_REPLICATED );
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::ItemPostFrame() { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetPlayerOwner(); if ( !pPlayer ) return; float flSensitivity = ifm_steadycam_sensitivity.GetFloat();
Vector2D vecOldActualViewOffset = m_vecActualViewOffset.AsVector2D(); if ( pPlayer->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK ) { const CUserCmd *pUserCmd = pPlayer->GetCurrentUserCommand(); m_vecActualViewOffset.x += pUserCmd->mousedx * flSensitivity; m_vecActualViewOffset.y += pUserCmd->mousedy * flSensitivity; } else { if ( !m_bIsLocked && !m_bInDirectMode ) { float flDamp = ifm_steadycam_rotatedamp.GetFloat(); m_vecActualViewOffset.x *= flDamp; m_vecActualViewOffset.y *= flDamp; } } // Add noise
if ( !m_bIsLocked ) { float flNoise = ifm_steadycam_noise.GetFloat(); if ( flNoise > 0.0f ) { CUniformRandomStream stream; stream.SetSeed( (int)(gpGlobals->curtime * 100) );
CGaussianRandomStream gauss( &stream ); float dx = gauss.RandomFloat( 0.0f, flNoise ); float dy = gauss.RandomFloat( 0.0f, flNoise );
m_vecActualViewOffset.x += dx; m_vecActualViewOffset.y += dy; } }
if ( pPlayer->m_nButtons & IN_ZOOM ) { const CUserCmd *pUserCmd = pPlayer->GetCurrentUserCommand(); m_flFOVOffsetY += pUserCmd->mousedy * flSensitivity; } else { float flDamp = ifm_steadycam_zoomdamp.GetFloat(); m_flFOVOffsetY *= flDamp; } m_flFOV += m_flFOVOffsetY * ifm_steadycam_zoomspeed.GetFloat() / 1000.0f; m_flFOV = clamp( m_flFOV, 0.5f, 160.0f );
if ( pPlayer->m_nButtons & IN_WALK ) { const CUserCmd *pUserCmd = pPlayer->GetCurrentUserCommand(); m_flArmLength -= ifm_steadycam_armspeed.GetFloat() * pUserCmd->mousedy; }
if ( pPlayer->GetImpulse() == 87 ) { ToggleDirectMode(); }
if ( pPlayer->GetImpulse() == 89 ) { m_bInSpringMode = !m_bInSpringMode; }
if ( pPlayer->m_afButtonPressed & IN_USE ) { LockCamera(); }
if ( pPlayer->m_afButtonPressed & IN_ATTACK2 ) { m_bFullScreen = !m_bFullScreen; }
if ( pPlayer->GetImpulse() == 88 ) { // Make the view angles exactly match the player
m_vecViewOffset.Init(); m_vecActualViewOffset.Init(); m_vecOffset.Init(); m_vec2DVelocity.Init(); m_hLockTarget.Set( NULL ); m_flArmLength = 0.0f; if ( m_bIsLocked ) { LockCamera(); } m_angRelativeAngles = pPlayer->EyeAngles(); m_flFOV = pPlayer->GetFOV(); }
UpdateRelativeOrientation(); TransmitRenderInfo(); }
// Records the state for the IFM
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::GetToolRecordingState( KeyValues *msg ) { BaseClass::GetToolRecordingState( msg );
static CameraRecordingState_t state; state.m_flFOV = m_flFOV; ComputeAbsCameraTransform( state.m_vecEyePosition, state.m_vecEyeAngles ); msg->SetPtr( "camera", &state ); }
// Slams view angles if the mouse is down
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::CreateMove( float flInputSampleTime, CUserCmd *pCmd, const QAngle &vecOldViewAngles ) { BaseClass::CreateMove( flInputSampleTime, pCmd, vecOldViewAngles ); // Block angular movement when IN_ATTACK is pressed
if ( pCmd->buttons & (IN_ATTACK | IN_WALK | IN_ZOOM) ) { VectorCopy( vecOldViewAngles, pCmd->viewangles ); } }
// Purpose: Draw the weapon's crosshair
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::DrawArmLength( int x, int y, int w, int h, Color clr ) { // Draw a readout for the arm length
if ( m_hFont == vgui::INVALID_FONT ) { vgui::HScheme hScheme = vgui::scheme()->GetScheme( "ClientScheme" ); vgui::IScheme *pScheme = vgui::scheme()->GetIScheme( hScheme ); m_hFont = pScheme->GetFont("DefaultVerySmall", false ); Assert( m_hFont != vgui::INVALID_FONT ); } // Create our string
char szString[256]; Q_snprintf( szString, sizeof(szString), "Arm Length: %.2f\n", m_flArmLength );
// Convert it to localize friendly unicode
wchar_t wcString[256]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( szString, wcString, sizeof(wcString) );
int tw, th; vgui::surface()->GetTextSize( m_hFont, wcString, tw, th );
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hFont ); // set the font
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextColor( clr ); // white
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x + w - tw - 10, y + 10 ); // x,y position
vgui::surface()->DrawPrintText( wcString, wcslen(wcString) ); // print text
// Purpose: Draw the FOV
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::DrawFOV( int x, int y, int w, int h, Color clrEdges, Color clrTriangle ) { if ( m_nTextureId == -1 ) { m_nTextureId = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID(); vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( m_nTextureId, "vgui/white", true, false ); }
// This is the fov
int nSize = 30; int fx = x + w - 10 - nSize; int fy = y + h - 10; int fh = nSize * cos( M_PI * m_flFOV / 360.0f ); int fw = nSize * sin( M_PI * m_flFOV / 360.0f ); vgui::Vertex_t v[3]; v[0].m_Position.Init( fx, fy ); v[0].m_TexCoord.Init( 0.0f, 0.0f ); v[1].m_Position.Init( fx-fw, fy-fh ); v[1].m_TexCoord.Init( 0.0f, 0.0f ); v[2].m_Position.Init( fx+fw, fy-fh ); v[2].m_TexCoord.Init( 0.0f, 0.0f );
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_nTextureId ); vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( clrTriangle ); vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 3, v );
vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( clrEdges ); vgui::surface()->DrawLine( fx, fy, fx - fw, fy - fh ); vgui::surface()->DrawLine( fx, fy, fx + fw, fy - fh ); }
// Purpose: Draw the weapon's crosshair
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::DrawCrosshair( void ) { BaseClass::DrawCrosshair();
int x, y, w, h; GetOverlayBounds( x, y, w, h );
// Draw the targeting zone around the crosshair
int r, g, b, a; gHUD.m_clrYellowish.GetColor( r, g, b, a ); Color gray( 255, 255, 255, 192 ); Color light( r, g, b, 255 ); Color dark( r, g, b, 128 ); Color red( 255, 0, 0, 128 ); DrawArmLength( x, y, w, h, light ); DrawFOV( x, y, w, h, light, dark );
int cx, cy; cx = x + ( w / 2 ); cy = y + ( h / 2 );
// This is the crosshair
vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( gray ); vgui::surface()->DrawFilledRect( cx-10, cy-1, cx-3, cy+1 ); vgui::surface()->DrawFilledRect( cx+3, cy-1, cx+10, cy+1 ); vgui::surface()->DrawFilledRect( cx-1, cy-10, cx+1, cy-3 ); vgui::surface()->DrawFilledRect( cx-1, cy+3, cx+1, cy+10 );
// This is the yellow aiming dot
if ( ( m_vecViewOffset.x != 0.0f ) || ( m_vecViewOffset.y != 0.0f ) ) { int ax, ay; ax = cx + m_vecViewOffset.x; ay = cy + m_vecViewOffset.y; vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( light ); vgui::surface()->DrawFilledRect( ax-2, ay-2, ax+2, ay+2 ); }
// This is the red actual dot
if ( ( m_vecActualViewOffset.x != 0.0f ) || ( m_vecActualViewOffset.y != 0.0f ) ) { int ax, ay; ax = cx + m_vecActualViewOffset.x; ay = cy + m_vecActualViewOffset.y; vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( red ); vgui::surface()->DrawFilledRect( ax-2, ay-2, ax+2, ay+2 ); }
// This is the purple fov dot
if ( m_flFOVOffsetY != 0.0f ) { Color purple( 255, 0, 255, 255 ); int vy = cy + m_flFOVOffsetY; vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( purple ); vgui::surface()->DrawFilledRect( cx-2, vy-2, cx+2, vy+2 ); } }
#endif // CLIENT_DLL
// Specific methods on the server
#ifdef GAME_DLL
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::ItemPostFrame() { }
#endif // GAME_DLL