//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "PlayerListDialog.h"
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ListPanel.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Label.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Button.h>
#include <vgui_controls/MessageBox.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ComboBox.h>
#include "EngineInterface.h"
#include "game/client/IGameClientExports.h"
#include "GameUI_Interface.h"
#include "steam/steam_api.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace vgui;
// Purpose: Constructor
CPlayerListDialog::CPlayerListDialog(vgui::Panel *parent) : BaseClass(parent, "PlayerListDialog") { SetSize(320, 240); SetTitle("#GameUI_CurrentPlayers", true);
m_pMuteButton = new Button(this, "MuteButton", "");
m_pPlayerList = new ListPanel(this, "PlayerList"); m_pPlayerList->AddColumnHeader(0, "Name", "#GameUI_PlayerName", 180); m_pPlayerList->AddColumnHeader(1, "Properties", "#GameUI_Properties", 80);
LoadControlSettings("Resource/PlayerListDialog.res"); }
// Purpose: Destructor
CPlayerListDialog::~CPlayerListDialog() { }
// Purpose:
void CPlayerListDialog::Activate() { BaseClass::Activate();
// refresh player list
m_pPlayerList->DeleteAllItems(); int maxClients = engine->GetMaxClients(); for (int i = 1; i <= maxClients; i++) { // get the player info from the engine
player_info_t pi;
if ( !engine->GetPlayerInfo(i, &pi) ) continue;
char szPlayerIndex[32]; Q_snprintf(szPlayerIndex, sizeof( szPlayerIndex ), "%d", i);
// collate user data then add it to the table
KeyValues *data = new KeyValues(szPlayerIndex); data->SetString("Name", pi.name ); data->SetInt("index", i);
// add to the list
m_pPlayerList->AddItem(data, 0, false, false); }
// refresh player properties info
// select the first item by default
m_pPlayerList->SetSingleSelectedItem( m_pPlayerList->GetItemIDFromRow(0) );
// toggle button states
OnItemSelected(); }
// Purpose: walks the players and sets their info display in the list
void CPlayerListDialog::RefreshPlayerProperties() { for (int i = 0; i <= m_pPlayerList->GetItemCount(); i++) { KeyValues *data = m_pPlayerList->GetItem(i); if (!data) continue;
// assemble properties
int playerIndex = data->GetInt("index"); player_info_t pi;
if ( !engine->GetPlayerInfo( playerIndex, &pi) ) { // disconnected
data->SetString("properties", "Disconnected"); continue; }
data->SetString( "name", pi.name );
bool muted = false, friends = false, bot = false; if ( GameClientExports() && GameClientExports()->IsPlayerGameVoiceMuted(playerIndex) ) { muted = true; } if ( pi.fakeplayer ) { bot = true; }
if (bot) { data->SetString("properties", "CPU Player"); } else if (muted && friends) { data->SetString("properties", "Friend; Muted"); } else if (muted) { data->SetString("properties", "Muted"); } else if (friends) { data->SetString("properties", "Friend"); } else { data->SetString("properties", ""); } } m_pPlayerList->RereadAllItems(); }
// Purpose: Handles the AddFriend command
void CPlayerListDialog::OnCommand(const char *command) { if (!stricmp(command, "Mute")) { ToggleMuteStateOfSelectedUser(); } else { BaseClass::OnCommand(command); } }
// Purpose: toggles whether a user is muted or not
void CPlayerListDialog::ToggleMuteStateOfSelectedUser() { if (!GameClientExports()) return;
for ( int iSelectedItem = 0; iSelectedItem < m_pPlayerList->GetSelectedItemsCount(); iSelectedItem++ ) { KeyValues *data = m_pPlayerList->GetItem( m_pPlayerList->GetSelectedItem( iSelectedItem ) ); if (!data) return; int playerIndex = data->GetInt("index"); Assert(playerIndex);
if (GameClientExports()->IsPlayerGameVoiceMuted(playerIndex)) { GameClientExports()->UnmutePlayerGameVoice(playerIndex); } else { GameClientExports()->MutePlayerGameVoice(playerIndex); } }
RefreshPlayerProperties(); OnItemSelected(); }
// Purpose:
void CPlayerListDialog::OnItemSelected() { // make sure the data is up-to-date
// set the button state based on the selected item
bool bMuteButtonEnabled = false; if (m_pPlayerList->GetSelectedItemsCount() > 0) { KeyValues *data = m_pPlayerList->GetItem(m_pPlayerList->GetSelectedItem(0));
player_info_t pi;
int iLocalPlayer = engine->GetLocalPlayer();
int iPlayerIndex = data->GetInt("index"); bool isValidPlayer = engine->GetPlayerInfo( iPlayerIndex, &pi );
// make sure the player is not a bot, or the user
// Matt - changed this check to see if player indeces match, instead of using friends ID
if ( pi.fakeplayer || iPlayerIndex == iLocalPlayer ) // || pi.friendsID == g_pFriendsUser->GetFriendsID() )
{ // invalid player,
isValidPlayer = false; }
if (data && isValidPlayer && GameClientExports() && GameClientExports()->IsPlayerGameVoiceMuted(data->GetInt("index"))) { m_pMuteButton->SetText("#GameUI_UnmuteIngameVoice"); } else { m_pMuteButton->SetText("#GameUI_MuteIngameVoice"); }
if (GameClientExports() && isValidPlayer) { bMuteButtonEnabled = true; } } else { m_pMuteButton->SetText("#GameUI_MuteIngameVoice"); }
m_pMuteButton->SetEnabled( bMuteButtonEnabled ); }