//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Multi-purpose menu for matchmaking dialogs, navigable with the xbox controller.
#include "engine/imatchmaking.h"
#include "GameUI_Interface.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Label.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ImagePanel.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"
#include "dialogmenu.h"
#include "BasePanel.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ImagePanel.h"
#include "iachievementmgr.h" // for iachievement abstract class in CAchievementItem
#include "achievementsdialog.h" // for helper functions used by both pc and xbox achievements
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Base class representing a generic menu item. Supports two text labels,
// where the first label is the "action" text and the second is an optional
// description of the action.
CMenuItem::CMenuItem( CDialogMenu *pParent, const char *pTitle, const char *pDescription ) : BaseClass( pParent, "MenuItem" ) { // Quiet "parent not sized yet" spew
SetSize( 10, 10 );
m_pParent = pParent;
m_bEnabled = true; m_nDisabledAlpha = 30;
m_pTitle = new vgui::Label( this, "MenuItemText", pTitle ); m_pDescription = NULL; if ( pDescription ) { m_pDescription = new vgui::Label( this, "MenuItemDesc", pDescription ); } }
CMenuItem::~CMenuItem() { delete m_pTitle; delete m_pDescription; }
// Update colors according to enabled/disabled state
void CMenuItem::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout(); }
// Setup margins and calculate the total menu item size
void CMenuItem::ApplySettings( KeyValues *pSettings ) { BaseClass::ApplySettings( pSettings );
m_nBottomMargin = pSettings->GetInt( "bottommargin", 0 ); m_nRightMargin = pSettings->GetInt( "rightmargin", 0 );
int x, y; m_pTitle->GetPos( x, y ); m_pTitle->SizeToContents();
int bgTall = y + m_pTitle->GetTall() + m_nBottomMargin; int textWide = m_pTitle->GetWide();
if ( m_pDescription ) { m_pDescription->SizeToContents(); m_pDescription->GetPos( x, y ); bgTall = y + m_pDescription->GetTall() + m_nBottomMargin; textWide = max( textWide, m_pDescription->GetWide() ); }
int bgWide = x + textWide + m_nRightMargin;
SetSize( bgWide, bgTall ); }
// Setup colors and fonts
void CMenuItem::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
SetPaintBackgroundType( 2 );
m_BgColor = pScheme->GetColor( "MatchmakingMenuItemBackground", Color( 46, 43, 42, 255 ) ); m_BgColorActive = pScheme->GetColor( "MatchmakingMenuItemBackgroundActive", Color( 150, 71, 0, 255 ) );
m_pTitle->SetFgColor( pScheme->GetColor( "MatchmakingMenuItemTitleColor", Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) );
if ( m_pDescription ) { m_pDescription->SetFgColor( pScheme->GetColor( "MatchmakingMenuItemDescriptionColor", Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) ); }
KeyValues *pKeys = BasePanel()->GetConsoleControlSettings()->FindKey( "MenuItem.res" ); ApplySettings( pKeys ); }
// Set an item as having input focus
void CMenuItem::SetFocus( const bool bActive ) { if ( bActive ) { SetBgColor( m_BgColorActive ); } else { SetBgColor( m_BgColor ); } }
// Set an item as having input focus
void CMenuItem::SetEnabled( bool bEnabled ) { if ( bEnabled ) { SetAlpha( 255 ); } else { SetAlpha( m_nDisabledAlpha ); } m_bEnabled = bEnabled; }
// Set a column as having focus
void CMenuItem::SetActiveColumn( int col ) { // do nothing
// Set an item as having input focus
bool CMenuItem::IsEnabled() { return m_bEnabled; }
// Perform any special actions when an item is "clicked"
void CMenuItem::OnClick() { // do nothing - derived classes implement this
// CCommandItem
// Menu item that issues a command when clicked.
CCommandItem::CCommandItem( CDialogMenu *pParent, const char *pTitleLabel, const char *pDescLabel, const char *pCommand ) : BaseClass( pParent, pTitleLabel, pDescLabel ) { Q_strncpy( m_szCommand, pCommand, MAX_COMMAND_LEN ); }
CCommandItem::~CCommandItem() { // do nothing
void CCommandItem::OnClick() { GetParent()->OnCommand( m_szCommand );
vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "UI/buttonclick.wav" ); }
void CCommandItem::SetFocus(const bool bActive ) { BaseClass::SetFocus( bActive );
if ( bActive == true && m_bHasFocus == false ) { vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "UI/buttonclickrelease.wav" ); }
m_bHasFocus = bActive; }
// CPlayerItem
// Menu item to display a player in the lobby.
CPlayerItem::CPlayerItem( CDialogMenu *pParent, const char *pTitleLabel, int64 nId, byte bVoice, bool bReady ) : BaseClass( pParent, pTitleLabel, NULL, "ShowGamerCard" ) { m_pVoiceIcon = new vgui::Label( this, "voiceicon", "" ); m_pReadyIcon = new vgui::Label( this, "readyicon", "" );
m_nId = nId; m_bVoice = bVoice; m_bReady = bReady; }
CPlayerItem::~CPlayerItem() { delete m_pVoiceIcon; delete m_pReadyIcon; }
void CPlayerItem::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout();
const char *pVoice = "";
if ( m_bVoice == 2 ) { pVoice = "#TF_Icon_Voice"; } else if ( m_bVoice == 1 ) { pVoice = "#TF_Icon_Voice_Idle"; }
m_pVoiceIcon->SetText( pVoice ); m_pReadyIcon->SetText( m_bReady ? "#TF_Icon_Ready" : "#TF_Icon_NotReady" );
int x, y; m_pReadyIcon->GetPos( x, y ); m_pReadyIcon->SetPos( GetWide() - m_pReadyIcon->GetWide() - m_nRightMargin, y ); }
void CPlayerItem::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
KeyValues *pKeys = BasePanel()->GetConsoleControlSettings()->FindKey( "PlayerItem.res" ); ApplySettings( pKeys ); }
void CPlayerItem::OnClick() { BaseClass::OnClick(); }
// CBrowserItem
// Menu item used to display session search results.
CBrowserItem::CBrowserItem( CDialogMenu *pParent, const char *pHost, const char *pPlayers, const char *pScenario, const char *pPing ) : BaseClass( pParent, pHost, NULL, "SelectSession" ) { m_pPlayers = new vgui::Label( this, "players", pPlayers ); m_pScenario = new vgui::Label( this, "scenario", pScenario ); m_pPing = new vgui::Label( this, "ping", pPing ); }
CBrowserItem::~CBrowserItem() { delete m_pPlayers; delete m_pScenario; delete m_pPing; }
void CBrowserItem::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout();
int x, y, wide, tall; m_pPing->GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall );
m_pScenario->SizeToContents(); int sx, sy; m_pScenario->GetPos( sx, sy ); m_pScenario->SetPos( x - m_pScenario->GetWide() - m_nRightMargin, sy );
SetSize( x + wide, GetTall() ); }
void CBrowserItem::ApplySettings( KeyValues *pSettings ) { BaseClass::ApplySettings( pSettings ); }
void CBrowserItem::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
Color fgcolor = pScheme->GetColor( "MatchmakingMenuItemDescriptionColor", Color( 64, 64, 64, 255 ) ); m_pPlayers->SetFgColor( fgcolor ); m_pScenario->SetFgColor( fgcolor );
m_pPing->SetContentAlignment( vgui::Label::a_center );
KeyValues *pKeys = BasePanel()->GetConsoleControlSettings()->FindKey( "BrowserItem.res" ); ApplySettings( pKeys );
SetFocus( false ); }
// COptionsItem
// Menu item used to present a list of options for the player to select
// from, such as "choose a map" or "number of rounds".
COptionsItem::COptionsItem( CDialogMenu *pParent, const char *pLabel ) : BaseClass( pParent, pLabel, NULL ) { m_nActiveOption = m_Options.InvalidIndex(); m_nOptionsXPos = 0; m_nMaxOptionWidth = 0;
m_szOptionsFont[0] = '\0'; m_hOptionsFont = vgui::INVALID_FONT;
m_pLeftArrow = new vgui::Label( this, "LeftArrow", "" ); m_pRightArrow = new vgui::Label( this, "RightArrow", "" ); }
COptionsItem::~COptionsItem() { m_OptionLabels.PurgeAndDeleteElements();
delete m_pLeftArrow; delete m_pRightArrow; }
void COptionsItem::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout();
int optionWide = max( m_nOptionsMinWide, GetWide() - m_nOptionsXPos - m_pRightArrow->GetWide() - m_nOptionsLeftMargin ); int optionTall = GetTall();
for ( int i = 0; i < m_OptionLabels.Count(); ++i ) { vgui::Label *pOption = m_OptionLabels[i];
pOption->SetBounds( m_nOptionsXPos, 0, optionWide, optionTall ); }
int lx, ly; m_pLeftArrow->GetPos( lx, ly ); m_pLeftArrow->SetPos( m_nOptionsXPos - m_nArrowGap - m_pLeftArrow->GetWide(), ly );
int rx, ry; m_pRightArrow->GetPos( rx, ry ); m_pRightArrow->SetPos( m_nOptionsXPos + optionWide + m_nArrowGap, ry );
m_pLeftArrow->SetAlpha( 255 ); m_pRightArrow->SetAlpha( 255 );
if ( m_nActiveOption == 0 ) { m_pLeftArrow->SetAlpha( 32 ); } else if ( m_nActiveOption == m_OptionLabels.Count() - 1 ) { m_pRightArrow->SetAlpha( 32 ); } }
void COptionsItem::ApplySettings( KeyValues *pSettings ) { BaseClass::ApplySettings( pSettings );
m_nOptionsXPos = pSettings->GetInt( "optionsxpos", 0 ); m_nOptionsMinWide = pSettings->GetInt( "optionsminwide", 0 ); m_nOptionsLeftMargin = pSettings->GetInt( "optionsleftmargin", 0 ); m_nArrowGap = pSettings->GetInt( "arrowgap", 0 );
Q_strncpy( m_szOptionsFont, pSettings->GetString( "optionsfont", "Default" ), sizeof( m_szOptionsFont ) ); }
void COptionsItem::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false );
m_pTitle->SetFgColor( pScheme->GetColor( "MatchmakingMenuItemTitleColor", Color( 200, 184, 151, 255 ) ) );
KeyValues *pKeys = BasePanel()->GetConsoleControlSettings()->FindKey( "OptionsItem.res" ); ApplySettings( pKeys );
m_hOptionsFont = pScheme->GetFont( m_szOptionsFont ); }
void COptionsItem::SetFocus( const bool bActive ) { if ( bActive ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_OptionLabels.Count(); ++i ) { m_OptionLabels[i]->SetBgColor( m_BgColorActive ); } } else { for ( int i = 0; i < m_OptionLabels.Count(); ++i ) { m_OptionLabels[i]->SetBgColor( m_BgColor ); } } }
void COptionsItem::AddOption( const char *pLabelText, const sessionProperty_t& option ) { // Add a new option to this item's list of options
m_Options.AddToTail( option );
int idx = m_OptionLabels.AddToTail( new vgui::Label( this, "Option Value", pLabelText ) ); vgui::Label *pOption = m_OptionLabels[idx];
// Check for a format string
if ( Q_stristr( pLabelText, "Fmt" ) ) { wchar_t wszString[64]; wchar_t wzNumber[8]; wchar_t *wzFmt = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pLabelText ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( option.szValue, wzNumber, sizeof( wzNumber ) ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszString, sizeof( wszString ), wzFmt, 1, wzNumber ); pOption->SetText( wszString ); }
SETUP_PANEL( pOption ); pOption->SetPaintBackgroundType( 2 );
pOption->SetFont( m_hOptionsFont ); pOption->SetBgColor( Color( 46, 43, 42, 255 ) ); pOption->SetFgColor( m_pTitle ? m_pTitle->GetFgColor() : Color( 200, 184, 151, 255 ) ); pOption->SetTextInset( m_nOptionsLeftMargin, 0 ); pOption->SetContentAlignment( vgui::Label::a_southwest ); pOption->SizeToContents();
int wide = max( m_nOptionsMinWide, pOption->GetWide() ); pOption->SetBounds( m_nOptionsXPos, 0, wide, GetTall() ); m_nMaxOptionWidth = max( wide, m_nMaxOptionWidth );
SetWide( m_nOptionsXPos + m_nMaxOptionWidth + m_nOptionsLeftMargin * 2 + m_nArrowGap * 2 + m_pRightArrow->GetWide() ); }
// Return the session property associated with the current active option
const sessionProperty_t &COptionsItem::GetActiveOption() { return m_Options[m_nActiveOption]; }
// Return the index of the current active option
int COptionsItem::GetActiveOptionIndex() { return m_nActiveOption; }
// Sets which option currently has focus
void COptionsItem::SetOptionFocus( unsigned int idx ) { unsigned int itemCt = (unsigned int)m_OptionLabels.Count(); if ( idx > itemCt ) return;
m_nActiveOption = idx;
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < itemCt; ++i ) { vgui::Label *pLabel = m_OptionLabels[i];
const bool bVisible = ( i == idx ); pLabel->SetVisible( bVisible ); }
InvalidateLayout(); }
// Move focus to the next option - does not wrap
void COptionsItem::SetOptionFocusNext() { if ( m_nActiveOption + 1 < m_OptionLabels.Count() ) { SetOptionFocus( m_nActiveOption + 1 ); } else { vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "player/suit_denydevice.wav" ); } }
// Move focus to the previous option - does not wrap
void COptionsItem::SetOptionFocusPrev() { if ( m_nActiveOption > 0 ) { SetOptionFocus( m_nActiveOption - 1 ); } else { vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "player/suit_denydevice.wav" ); } }
// CAchievementItem
// Menu item used to present an achievement - including image, title,
// description, points and unlock date. Clicking the item opens another
// dialog with additional information about the achievement.
CAchievementItem::CAchievementItem( CDialogMenu *pParent, const wchar_t *pName, const wchar_t *pDesc, uint points, bool bUnlocked, IAchievement* pSourceAchievement ) : BaseClass( pParent, "", "" ) { // Title and description were returned as results of a system query,
// and are therefore already localized.
m_pTitle->SetText( pName );
if ( IsX360() ) { wchar_t buf[120];
// Get the screen size
int wide, tall; vgui::surface()->GetScreenSize(wide, tall);
unsigned int iWrapLen;
if ( tall <= 480 ) { iWrapLen = 50; } else { iWrapLen = 65; }
// let's do some wrapping on this label
wcsncpy( buf, pDesc, sizeof(buf) / sizeof( wchar_t ) );
if ( wcslen(buf) > iWrapLen ) { int iPos = iWrapLen;
while ( iPos > 0 && buf[iPos] != L' ' ) { iPos--; }
if ( iPos > 0 && buf[iPos] == L' ' ) { buf[iPos] = L'\n'; } }
m_pDescription->SetText( buf ); } else { m_pDescription->SetText( pDesc ); }
m_pSourceAchievement = pSourceAchievement;
m_pPercentageBarBackground = SETUP_PANEL( new vgui::ImagePanel( this, "PercentageBarBackground" ) ); m_pPercentageBar = SETUP_PANEL( new vgui::ImagePanel( this, "PercentageBar" ) ); m_pPercentageText = SETUP_PANEL( new vgui::Label( this, "PercentageText", "" ) );
// Set the status icons
m_pLockedIcon = SETUP_PANEL( new vgui::ImagePanel( this, "lockedicon" ) ); m_pUnlockedIcon = SETUP_PANEL( new vgui::ImagePanel( this, "unlockedicon" ) );
// Gamerscore number
if ( IsX360() ) { wchar_t *wzFormat = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#GameUI_Achievement_Points" ); // "%s1G"
wchar_t wzPoints[10]; V_snwprintf( wzPoints, ARRAYSIZE( wzPoints ), L"%d", points ); wchar_t wzPointsLayout[10]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wzPointsLayout, sizeof( wzPointsLayout ), wzFormat, 1, wzPoints ); m_pPoints = new vgui::Label( this, "Points", wzPointsLayout ); }
// Achievement image
m_pImage = new vgui::ImagePanel( this, "icon" ); }
CAchievementItem::~CAchievementItem() { delete m_pImage; delete m_pPoints; delete m_pLockedIcon; delete m_pUnlockedIcon; delete m_pPercentageBarBackground; delete m_pPercentageBar; delete m_pPercentageText; }
void CAchievementItem::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout();
int x, y;
m_pPoints->SizeToContents(); m_pPoints->GetPos( x, y ); x = GetWide() - m_pPoints->GetWide() - m_nRightMargin; m_pPoints->SetPos( x, y );
void CAchievementItem::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
KeyValues*pKeys = BasePanel()->GetConsoleControlSettings()->FindKey( "AchievementItem.res" ); ApplySettings( pKeys );
m_pImage->SetBgColor( Color( 32, 32, 32, 255 ) ); m_pImage->SetFgColor( Color( 32, 32, 32, 255 ) ); m_pImage->SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true );
m_pPoints->SetFgColor( pScheme->GetColor( "MatchmakingMenuItemDescriptionColor", Color( 64, 64, 64, 255 ) ) );
// Set icon image
LoadAchievementIcon( m_pImage, m_pSourceAchievement );
// Percentage completion bar (for progressive achievements)
UpdateProgressBar( this, m_pSourceAchievement, m_clrProgressBar );
if ( m_pSourceAchievement && m_pSourceAchievement->IsAchieved() ) { m_pLockedIcon->SetVisible( false ); m_pUnlockedIcon->SetVisible ( true ); m_pImage->SetVisible( true ); } else { m_pLockedIcon->SetVisible( true ); m_pUnlockedIcon->SetVisible( false ); m_pImage->SetVisible( false ); } }
// CSectionedItem
// Menu item used to display some number of data entries, which are arranged
// into columns. Supports scrolling through columns horizontally with the
// ability to "lock" columns so they don't scroll
CSectionedItem::CSectionedItem( CDialogMenu *pParent, const char **ppEntries, int ct ) : BaseClass( pParent, "", NULL, "SelectSession" ) { m_bHeader = false; for ( int i = 0; i < ct; ++i ) { AddSection( ppEntries[i], m_pParent->GetColumnAlignment( i ) ); } }
CSectionedItem::~CSectionedItem() { ClearSections(); }
void CSectionedItem::ClearSections() { for ( int i = 0; i < m_Sections.Count(); ++i ) { section_s &sec = m_Sections[i]; delete sec.pLabel; } }
void CSectionedItem::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout();
int tall = GetTall(); for ( int i = 0; i < m_Sections.Count(); ++i ) { vgui::Label *pLabel = m_Sections[i].pLabel; if ( !m_bHeader ) { pLabel->SetFont( m_pParent->GetColumnFont(i) ); pLabel->SetFgColor( m_pParent->GetColumnColor(i) ); } pLabel->SetBounds( m_pParent->GetColumnXPos(i), 0, m_pParent->GetColumnWide(i), tall ); pLabel->SetTextInset( 10, m_bHeader ? 5 : m_pParent->GetColumnYPos(i) ); // only use ypos for the y-inset if we're not a header
} }
void CSectionedItem::ApplySettings( KeyValues *pResourceData ) { BaseClass::ApplySettings( pResourceData ); }
void CSectionedItem::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
KeyValues *pKeys = BasePanel()->GetConsoleControlSettings()->FindKey( "SectionedItem.res" ); ApplySettings( pKeys );
int iLast = m_Sections.Count() -1; SetWide( m_pParent->GetColumnXPos(iLast) + m_pParent->GetColumnWide(iLast) ); }
void CSectionedItem::AddSection( const char *pText, int align ) { section_s sec; sec.pLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "Section", pText ); SETUP_PANEL( sec.pLabel ); sec.pLabel->SetContentAlignment( (vgui::Label::Alignment)align ); sec.pLabel->SetTextInset( 10, 0 ); sec.pLabel->SetBgColor( Color( 209, 112, 52, 128 ) ); m_Sections.AddToTail( sec ); }
void CSectionedItem::SetActiveColumn( int col ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_Sections.Count(); ++i ) { m_Sections[i].pLabel->SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( i == col ); } }
// Generic menu for Xbox 360 matchmaking dialogs. Contains a list of CMenuItems arranged
// vertically. The user can navigate the list using the controller and click on any
// item. A clicked item may send a command to the dialog and the dialog responds accordingly.
CDialogMenu::CDialogMenu() : BaseClass( NULL, "DialogMenu" ) { // Quiet "parent not sized yet" spew
SetSize( 100, 100 );
m_pParent = NULL; m_pHeader = NULL; m_bUseFilter = false; m_bHasHeader = false; m_nItemSpacing = 0; m_nMinWide = 0; m_nActive = -1; m_nActiveColumn = -1; m_nBaseRowIdx = 0; m_nBaseColumnIdx = 0; m_iUnlocked = 0; m_nMaxVisibleItems = 1000; // arbitrarily large
m_nMaxVisibleColumns = 1000;// arbitrarily large
CDialogMenu::~CDialogMenu() { m_MenuItems.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); delete m_pHeader; }
void CDialogMenu::SetParent( CBaseDialog *pParent ) { BaseClass::SetParent( pParent ); m_pParent = pParent; }
// Set a filter to use when reading in menu item keyvalues
void CDialogMenu::SetFilter( const char *pFilter ) { if ( pFilter ) { Q_strncpy( m_szFilter, pFilter, sizeof( m_szFilter ) ); m_bUseFilter = true; } else { m_bUseFilter = false; } }
// Add a new menu item to the item array
CMenuItem *CDialogMenu::AddItemInternal( CMenuItem *pItem ) { int idx = m_MenuItems.AddToTail( pItem );
return m_MenuItems[idx]; }
// Add a new menu item of some type that derives from CMenuItem
CCommandItem *CDialogMenu::AddCommandItem( const char *pTitleLabel, const char *pDescLabel, const char *pCommand ) { return (CCommandItem*)AddItemInternal( new CCommandItem( this, pTitleLabel, pDescLabel, pCommand ) ); }
CBrowserItem *CDialogMenu::AddBrowserItem( const char *pHost, const char *pPlayers, const char *pScenario, const char *pPing ) { // Results are added to the menu at runtime, so the layout needs to be updated after each addition.
CBrowserItem *pItem = (CBrowserItem*)AddItemInternal( new CBrowserItem( this, pHost, pPlayers, pScenario, pPing ) ); PerformLayout(); return pItem; }
COptionsItem *CDialogMenu::AddOptionsItem( const char *pLabel ) { return (COptionsItem*)AddItemInternal( new COptionsItem( this, pLabel ) ); }
CAchievementItem *CDialogMenu::AddAchievementItem( const wchar_t *pName, const wchar_t *pDesc, uint points, bool bUnlocked, IAchievement* pSourceAchievement ) { return (CAchievementItem*)AddItemInternal( new CAchievementItem( this, pName, pDesc, points, bUnlocked, pSourceAchievement ) ); }
CSectionedItem *CDialogMenu::AddSectionedItem( const char **ppEntries, int ct ) { CSectionedItem *pItem = (CSectionedItem*)AddItemInternal( new CSectionedItem( this, ppEntries, ct ) ); PerformLayout(); return pItem; }
CPlayerItem *CDialogMenu::AddPlayerItem( const char *pTitleLabel, int64 nId, byte bVoice, bool bReady ) { // Players are added to the lobby at runtime, so the layout needs to be updated after each addition.
CPlayerItem *pItem = (CPlayerItem*)AddItemInternal( new CPlayerItem( this, pTitleLabel, nId, bVoice, bReady ) ); PerformLayout(); return pItem; }
void CDialogMenu::RemovePlayerItem( int idx ) { delete m_MenuItems[idx]; m_MenuItems.Remove( idx ); PerformLayout(); }
void CDialogMenu::ClearItems() { m_MenuItems.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); InvalidateLayout(); }
// Set the size an position of all the menu items
void CDialogMenu::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout();
// Position the menu items and set their width
int yPos = 0; int wide = GetWide();
if ( m_bHasHeader ) { yPos = 40; m_pHeader->SetPos( 0, 0 ); m_pHeader->SetWide( wide ); m_pHeader->PerformLayout(); }
for ( int i = 0; i < m_MenuItems.Count(); ++i ) { CMenuItem *pItem = m_MenuItems[i];
pItem->SetPos( 0, yPos ); pItem->SetWide( wide ); pItem->SetActiveColumn( m_nActiveColumn ); pItem->PerformLayout();
if ( i < m_nBaseRowIdx || i > m_nBaseRowIdx + m_nMaxVisibleItems - 1 ) { pItem->SetVisible( false ); } else { pItem->SetVisible( true ); yPos += pItem->GetTall() + m_nItemSpacing; } } // Reset the focus to update background colors of all menu items
SetFocus( m_nActive );
SetTall( yPos ); }
// Parse the res file for menu items to build out the dialog menu.
void CDialogMenu::ApplySettings( KeyValues *pResourceData ) { BaseClass::ApplySettings( pResourceData );
m_nItemSpacing = pResourceData->GetInt( "itemspacing", 2 ); m_nMinWide = pResourceData->GetInt( "minwide", 0 ); m_nActiveColumn = pResourceData->GetInt( "activecolumn", -1 ); m_nMaxVisibleItems = pResourceData->GetInt( "maxvisibleitems", 1000 ); // arbitrarily large
m_nMaxVisibleColumns = pResourceData->GetInt( "maxvisiblecolumns", 1000 ); // arbitrarily large
KeyValues *pColumnData = pResourceData->FindKey( "Columns" ); if ( pColumnData ) { int xPos = 0; int idx = 0; const char *ppHeader[MAX_COLUMNS]; for ( KeyValues *pColumn = pColumnData->GetFirstSubKey(); pColumn != NULL; pColumn = pColumn->GetNextKey() ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( pColumn->GetName(), "Column" ) ) { columninfo_s col; col.bSortDown = true; col.xpos = pColumn->GetInt( "xpos", xPos ); col.ypos = pColumn->GetInt( "ypos", 0 ); col.wide = pColumn->GetInt( "wide", 0 ); col.align = pColumn->GetInt( "align", 3 ); // west by default
col.bLocked = pColumn->GetInt( "locked", 0 ); col.hFont = m_pScheme->GetFont( pColumn->GetString( "font", "default" ) ); col.color = m_pScheme->GetColor( pColumn->GetString( "fgcolor" ), Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ); ppHeader[idx++] = pColumn->GetString( "header", "" );
xPos = col.xpos + col.wide; m_Columns.AddToTail( col );
if ( col.bLocked ) { m_nBaseColumnIdx = idx; m_iUnlocked = idx; } } } m_bHasHeader = true; m_pHeader = new CSectionedItem( this, ppHeader, idx ); m_pHeader->m_bHeader = true; SETUP_PANEL( m_pHeader );
m_pHeader->SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false ); vgui::HFont headerFont = m_pScheme->GetFont( pColumnData->GetString( "headerfont", "default" ) ); Color headerColor = m_pScheme->GetColor( pColumnData->GetString( "headerfgcolor" ), Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < idx; ++i ) { vgui::Label *pLabel = m_pHeader->m_Sections[i].pLabel; pLabel->SetFont( headerFont ); pLabel->SetFgColor( headerColor ); pLabel->SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false ); } }
for ( KeyValues *pMenuData = pResourceData->GetFirstSubKey(); pMenuData != NULL; pMenuData = pMenuData->GetNextKey() ) { // See if we should skip over this block
if ( m_bUseFilter ) { if ( pMenuData->GetInt( m_szFilter, 0 ) == 0 ) continue; }
// Give our parent a chance to change the properties of this item
m_pParent->OverrideMenuItem( pMenuData );
if ( !Q_stricmp( pMenuData->GetName(), "CommandItem" ) ) { // New Command Item
const char *label = pMenuData->GetString( "label", "<unknown>" ); const char *description = pMenuData->GetString( "description", NULL ); const char *command = pMenuData->GetString( "command", "<unknown>" );
AddCommandItem( label, description, command ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( pMenuData->GetName(), "OptionsItem" ) ) { // New Options Item
COptionsItem *pItem = AddOptionsItem( pMenuData->GetString( "label", "<unknown>" ) ); // ID and ValueType and the same for all option values
const char *pID = pMenuData->GetString( "id", "NULL" ); const char *pValueType = pMenuData->GetString( "valuetype", NULL );
// Add all the options
for ( KeyValues *pValue = pMenuData->GetFirstSubKey(); pValue != NULL; pValue = pValue->GetNextKey() ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( pValue->GetName(), "Option" ) ) { sessionProperty_t prop; prop.nType = SESSION_CONTEXT; Q_strncpy( prop.szID, pID, sizeof( prop.szID ) ); Q_strncpy( prop.szValue, pValue->GetString( "value", "NULL" ), sizeof( prop.szValue ) );
if ( pValueType ) { // Only session properties have a type
prop.nType = SESSION_PROPERTY; Q_strncpy( prop.szValueType, pValueType, sizeof( prop.szValueType ) ); }
const char *pLabel = pValue->GetString( "label", "<unknown>" ); pItem->AddOption( pLabel, prop ); } }
// Add range items after the specified items
if ( pMenuData->GetInt( "userange" ) ) { // Options are an implicit range of integers
int nStart = pMenuData->GetInt( "rangelow" ); int nEnd = pMenuData->GetInt( "rangehigh" ); int nInterval = pMenuData->GetInt( "interval", 1 );
// Prevent total destruction from a bad resource file
if ( nEnd < nStart ) { nEnd = nStart; }
for ( int i = nStart; i <= nEnd; i += nInterval ) { sessionProperty_t prop; prop.nType = SESSION_PROPERTY; Q_strncpy( prop.szID, pID, sizeof( prop.szID ) ); Q_strncpy( prop.szValueType, pValueType, sizeof( prop.szValueType ) ); Q_snprintf( prop.szValue, sizeof(prop.szValue), "%d", i );
pItem->AddOption( prop.szValue, prop ); } } // Set the default active option
int active = pMenuData->GetInt( "activeoption", 0 ); pItem->SetOptionFocus( active );
// Notify our parent that each option has been set to its current setting
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "MenuItemChanged", "item", GetItemCount() - 1 ); PostActionSignal( kv ); } }
// Calculate the final menu size according to the widest menu item
int wide = m_nMinWide; for ( int i = 0; i < m_MenuItems.Count(); ++i ) { wide = max( wide, m_MenuItems[i]->GetWide() ); } SetWide( wide ); }
// Cache off the scheme
void CDialogMenu::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
m_pScheme = pScheme; }
// Give focus (highlights) a particular menu item by index
void CDialogMenu::SetFocus( int idx ) { int itemCt = (unsigned int)m_MenuItems.Count(); if ( idx >= itemCt ) return;
for ( int i = 0; i < itemCt; ++i ) { m_MenuItems[i]->SetFocus( i == idx ); } m_nActive = idx;
if ( m_nActive >= 0 && m_nActive < m_nBaseRowIdx ) { m_nBaseRowIdx = m_nActive; } else if ( m_nActive > m_nBaseRowIdx + m_nMaxVisibleItems - 1 ) { m_nBaseRowIdx = m_nActive - ( m_nMaxVisibleItems - 1 ); } }
// Sort the menu items according to the selected column
void CDialogMenu::SortMenuItems() { if ( !m_bHasHeader ) return;
// Simple bubble sort
char szBufferOne[32]; char szBufferTwo[32]; bool bSortDown = GetColumnSortType( m_nActiveColumn ); for ( int i = 1; i <= m_MenuItems.Count(); ++i ) { for ( int j = 0; j < m_MenuItems.Count() - i; ++j ) { ((CSectionedItem*)m_MenuItems[j])->m_Sections[m_nActiveColumn].pLabel->GetText( szBufferOne, sizeof( szBufferOne ) ); ((CSectionedItem*)m_MenuItems[j+1])->m_Sections[m_nActiveColumn].pLabel->GetText( szBufferTwo, sizeof( szBufferTwo ) );
int diff = Q_stricmp( szBufferOne, szBufferTwo ); bool bSwap = bSortDown ? diff > 0 : diff < 0; if ( bSwap ) { CMenuItem *pTemp = m_MenuItems[j+1]; m_MenuItems[j+1] = m_MenuItems[j]; m_MenuItems[j] = pTemp;
m_pParent->SwapMenuItems( j, j+1 ); } } } InvalidateLayout(); }
// Move item focus to the next item in the menu - supports wrapping
void CDialogMenu::SetFocusNext() { if ( m_MenuItems.Count() ) { int iNewIndex = ( m_nActive + 1 ) % m_MenuItems.Count();
int i = 0; bool bSet = false; while ( i < m_MenuItems.Count() ) { if ( m_MenuItems[iNewIndex]->IsEnabled() ) { SetFocus( iNewIndex ); bSet = true; break; }
iNewIndex = ( iNewIndex + 1 ) % m_MenuItems.Count(); i++; }
InvalidateLayout(); } }
// Move item focus to the previous item in the menu - supports wrapping
void CDialogMenu::SetFocusPrev() { if ( m_MenuItems.Count() ) { int iNewIndex = m_nActive - 1; if ( iNewIndex < 0 ) iNewIndex = m_MenuItems.Count() - 1;
int i = 0; bool bSet = false; while ( i < m_MenuItems.Count() ) { if ( m_MenuItems[iNewIndex]->IsEnabled() ) { SetFocus( iNewIndex ); bSet = true; break; }
if ( --iNewIndex < 0 ) iNewIndex = m_MenuItems.Count() - 1;
i++; }
InvalidateLayout(); } }
// For OptionsItems: Move focus to the next option in the menu item - does not wrap
void CDialogMenu::SetOptionFocusNext() { COptionsItem *pItem = dynamic_cast< COptionsItem* >( GetItem( m_nActive ) ); if ( pItem ) { pItem->SetOptionFocusNext();
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "MenuItemChanged", "item", m_nActive ); PostActionSignal( kv ); } }
// For OptionsItems: Move focus to the previous option in the menu item - does not wrap
void CDialogMenu::SetOptionFocusPrev() { COptionsItem *pItem = dynamic_cast< COptionsItem* >( GetItem( m_nActive ) ); if ( pItem ) { pItem->SetOptionFocusPrev();
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "MenuItemChanged", "item", m_nActive ); PostActionSignal( kv ); } }
// For OptionsItems: Update the base index for the columns
void CDialogMenu::UpdateBaseColumnIndex() { if ( m_iUnlocked + m_nActiveColumn - m_nBaseColumnIdx >= m_nMaxVisibleColumns ) { m_nBaseColumnIdx = m_iUnlocked + m_nActiveColumn - m_nMaxVisibleColumns + 1; } else if ( m_nActiveColumn - m_nBaseColumnIdx < 0 ) { m_nBaseColumnIdx = m_nActiveColumn; } }
// For menus with sectioned columns - move focus to the next column
void CDialogMenu::SetColumnFocusNext() { if ( m_nActiveColumn == -1 ) return;
if ( m_Columns.Count() ) { int iNewColumn = m_nActiveColumn + 1; if ( iNewColumn >= m_Columns.Count() ) return;
m_nActiveColumn = iNewColumn; UpdateBaseColumnIndex(); InvalidateLayout(); } }
// For menus with sectioned columns - move focus to the next column
void CDialogMenu::SetColumnFocusPrev() { if ( m_nActiveColumn == -1 ) return;
if ( m_Columns.Count() ) { int iNewColumn = m_nActiveColumn - 1; if ( iNewColumn < 0 || m_Columns[iNewColumn].bLocked ) return;
m_nActiveColumn = iNewColumn; UpdateBaseColumnIndex(); InvalidateLayout(); } }
// For OptionsItems: Lets the dialog find out which option is currently selected
int CDialogMenu::GetActiveOptionIndex( int nMenuItemIdx ) { int retval = -1; COptionsItem *pItem = dynamic_cast< COptionsItem* >( GetItem( nMenuItemIdx ) ); if ( pItem ) { retval = pItem->GetActiveOptionIndex(); } return retval; }
// Return the index of the current active menu item
int CDialogMenu::GetActiveItemIndex() { return m_nActive; }
// Return the index of the current active menu column
int CDialogMenu::GetActiveColumnIndex() { return m_nActiveColumn; }
// Return the number of menu items
int CDialogMenu::GetItemCount() { return m_MenuItems.Count(); }
// Return the number of visible menu items
int CDialogMenu::GetVisibleItemCount() { return min( GetItemCount(), m_nMaxVisibleItems ); }
// Return the number of visible menu columns
int CDialogMenu::GetVisibleColumnCount() { return m_nMaxVisibleColumns; }
// Return the index of the first unlocked column
int CDialogMenu::GetFirstUnlockedColumnIndex() { return m_iUnlocked; }
// Return the first visible index in the menu
int CDialogMenu::GetBaseRowIndex() { return m_nBaseRowIdx; }
// Set the first visible index in the menu
void CDialogMenu::SetBaseRowIndex( int idx ) { m_nBaseRowIdx = idx; }
// Return the specified menu item
CMenuItem *CDialogMenu::GetItem( int idx ) { if ( m_MenuItems.IsValidIndex( idx ) ) { return m_MenuItems[idx]; } return NULL; }
// Return the specified column xpos
int CDialogMenu::GetColumnXPos( int idx ) { // Compensate for scrolling offsets
columninfo_s &col = m_Columns[idx]; int xpos; if ( col.bLocked ) { xpos = m_Columns[idx].xpos; } else { int trueIdx = m_iUnlocked + idx - m_nBaseColumnIdx; if ( trueIdx < m_iUnlocked ) { // Put it offscreen
xpos = -100 - col.wide; } else { xpos = m_Columns[trueIdx].xpos; } } return xpos; }
// Return the specified column ypos
int CDialogMenu::GetColumnYPos( int idx ) { return m_Columns[idx].ypos; }
// Return the specified column width
int CDialogMenu::GetColumnWide( int idx ) { return m_Columns[idx].wide; }
// Return the specified column alignment
int CDialogMenu::GetColumnAlignment( int idx ) { return m_Columns[idx].align; }
// Return the specified column font
HFont CDialogMenu::GetColumnFont( int idx ) { return m_Columns[idx].hFont; }
// Return the specified column fgcolor
Color CDialogMenu::GetColumnColor( int idx ) { return m_Columns[idx].color; }
// Return the specified column fgcolor
bool CDialogMenu::GetColumnSortType( int idx ) { bool bSortDown = m_Columns[idx].bSortDown; m_Columns[idx].bSortDown = !bSortDown; return bSortDown; }
// Receive the command from a clicked menu item and forwards it to the parent dialog
void CDialogMenu::OnCommand( const char *pCommand ) { GetParent()->OnCommand( pCommand ); }
// Update the menu state according to controller input.
// Returns whether or not the keycode was handled by the menu.
bool CDialogMenu::HandleKeyCode( vgui::KeyCode code ) { switch( code ) { case KEY_XBUTTON_DOWN: case KEY_XSTICK1_DOWN: case STEAMCONTROLLER_DPAD_DOWN: SetFocusNext(); break;
case KEY_XBUTTON_UP: case KEY_XSTICK1_UP: case STEAMCONTROLLER_DPAD_UP: SetFocusPrev(); break;
case KEY_XBUTTON_LEFT: case KEY_XSTICK1_LEFT: case STEAMCONTROLLER_DPAD_LEFT: SetOptionFocusPrev(); SetColumnFocusPrev(); break;
case KEY_XBUTTON_RIGHT: case KEY_XSTICK1_RIGHT: case STEAMCONTROLLER_DPAD_RIGHT: SetOptionFocusNext(); SetColumnFocusNext(); break;
case KEY_XBUTTON_A: case STEAMCONTROLLER_A: if ( m_MenuItems.Count() && m_nActive >= 0 ) { m_MenuItems[m_nActive]->OnClick(); } break;
case KEY_XBUTTON_Y: case STEAMCONTROLLER_Y: SortMenuItems(); break;
default: // Not handled
return false; }
return true; }