//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "stdafx.h"
#ifdef WIN32
#include "typeinfo.h"
#include <typeinfo>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
namespace GCSDK { //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: EJobPauseReason descriptions
static const char * const k_prgchJobPauseReason[] = { "active", "not started", "netmsg", "sleep for time", "waiting for lock", "yielding", "SQL", "work item", };
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( k_prgchJobPauseReason ) == k_EJobPauseReasonCount );
CJob *g_pJobCur = NULL;
// Purpose: Delete a Job
// Input: pJob - The Job to delete
void CJob::DeleteJob( CJob *pJob ) { // we can't delete the if we still have a pending work item
pJob->WaitForThreadFuncWorkItemBlocking(); delete pJob; }
// Purpose: Constructor
// Input: pServerParent - The server we belong to
CJob::CJob( CJobMgr &jobMgr, const char *pchJobName ) : m_JobMgr( jobMgr ), m_pchJobName( pchJobName ) { m_ePauseReason = k_EJobPauseReasonNotStarted;
m_JobID = jobMgr.GetNewJobID(); m_pJobType = NULL; m_bWorkItemCanceled = false; m_hCoroutine = Coroutine_Create( &BRunProxy, this ); m_pvStartParam = NULL; m_bRunFromMsg = false; m_pJobPrev = NULL; m_pWaitingOnLock = NULL; m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease = NULL; m_pWaitingOnWorkItem = NULL; m_STimeStarted.SetToJobTime(); m_STimeSwitched.SetToJobTime(); m_STimeNextHeartbeat.SetFromJobTime( k_cMicroSecJobHeartbeat ); m_bIsLongRunning = false; m_cLocksAttempted = 0; m_cLocksWaitedFor = 0; m_flags.m_uFlags = 0; m_cyclecountTotal = 0; m_unWaitMsgType = 0;
GetJobMgr().InsertJob( *this ); }
// Purpose: Destructor
CJob::~CJob() { // don't want SendMsgToConnection to call back into us, we *know*
// we are replying to these other jobs now
g_pJobCur = NULL;
// reset the job pointer
g_pJobCur = m_pJobPrev;
// remove from the job tracking list
GetJobMgr().RemoveJob( *this );
// Forcefully release any locks
// free any network messages we've allocated
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecNetPackets, i ) { m_vecNetPackets[i]->Release(); } m_vecNetPackets.RemoveAll();
AssertMsg2( 0 == GetDoNotYieldDepth(), "Job ending with %d open Do Not Yields. Are we missing a END_DO_NOT_YIELD()? Innermost delared at %s", GetDoNotYieldDepth(), m_stackDoNotYieldGuards[m_stackDoNotYieldGuards.Head()] ); }
// Purpose: if necessary wait for the pending work item to finish
void CJob::WaitForThreadFuncWorkItemBlocking() { if ( m_pWaitingOnWorkItem ) { switch ( GetPauseReason() ) { case k_EJobPauseReasonWorkItem: // force the workitem to be canceled in case it's still in the in-queue
// we can't shutdown the job while it's work item is currently running
// alot of work items refernce back into the job object
while ( m_pWaitingOnWorkItem->BIsRunning() ) ThreadSleep( 25 );
m_pWaitingOnWorkItem = NULL; break;
#if 0 // not used in gcsdk
case k_EJobPauseReasonGeneric: AssertMsg1( ( !m_pWaitingForGeneric || ( m_pWaitingForGeneric == ( void * ) 1 ) ), "CJob::WaitForThreadFuncWorkItemBlocking job %s will leak generic heap object", GetName() ); // Let another assert fire later, don't null-out: m_pWaitingForGeneric = NULL;
break; #endif
default: AssertMsg1( false, "CJob::WaitForThreadFuncWorkItemBlocking job %s has unexpected work item state", GetName() ); } } }
// Purpose: returns the name of the job
const char *CJob::GetName() const { if ( m_pchJobName ) return m_pchJobName; else if ( m_pJobType ) return m_pJobType->m_pchName; else return ""; }
// Purpose: string description of why we're paused
const char *CJob::GetPauseReasonDescription() const { static char srgchPauseReason[k_cSmallBuff]; if ( GetPauseReason() < Q_ARRAYSIZE( k_prgchJobPauseReason ) ) { switch( GetPauseReason() ) { case k_EJobPauseReasonWaitingForLock: { Q_snprintf( srgchPauseReason, k_cSmallBuff, "WOL: 0x%x (%s)", (unsigned int)m_pWaitingOnLock, m_pWaitingOnLock ? m_pWaitingOnLock->GetName() : "null" ); return srgchPauseReason; }
case k_EJobPauseReasonNetworkMsg: { const char *pchMsgType; if( g_theMessageList.GetMessage( m_unWaitMsgType, &pchMsgType, 0xFF ) ) { Q_snprintf( srgchPauseReason, k_cSmallBuff, "NetMsg: %s", pchMsgType ); return srgchPauseReason; } else { Q_snprintf( srgchPauseReason, k_cSmallBuff, "NetMsg: Unknown %d", m_unWaitMsgType ); return srgchPauseReason; } }
default: return k_prgchJobPauseReason[ GetPauseReason() ]; } }
return "undefined"; }
// Purpose: accessor to get access to the JobMgr from the server we belong to
CJobMgr &CJob::GetJobMgr() { return m_JobMgr; }
// Purpose: Starts the job, based on the current network msg
// Input : hConnection - Connection that the message was received form
// pubPkt - The raw message packet
// cubPkt - The size of the message packet
void CJob::StartJobFromNetworkMsg( IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket, const JobID_t &gidJobIDSrc ) { // hang on to the packet with the message that started this job
AddPacketToList( pNetPacket, gidJobIDSrc ); SetFromFromMsg( true ); // start running this job
InitCoroutine(); //and start executing the job
Continue(); }
// Purpose: Starts the job
void CJob::StartJob( void * pvStartParam ) { // job must not be started
AssertMsg1( m_ePauseReason == k_EJobPauseReasonNotStarted, "CJob::StartJob() called twice on job %s\n", GetName() ); // save the start params for this job
SetStartParam( pvStartParam ); m_JobMgr.CheckThreadID();
// start running this job
InitCoroutine(); Continue(); }
// Purpose: Starts the job in a suspended state
void CJob::StartJobDelayed( void * pvStartParam ) { // job must not be started
AssertMsg1( m_ePauseReason == k_EJobPauseReasonNotStarted, "CJob::StartJob() called twice on job %s\n", GetName() ); // save the start params for this job
SetStartParam( pvStartParam ); m_JobMgr.CheckThreadID();
//init the job, but don't start it
//set our job as suspended (a yield)
m_ePauseReason = k_EJobPauseReasonYield; m_JobMgr.AddDelayedJobToYieldList( *this ); }
// Purpose: setup the debug memory and job name before running a job the first time
void CJob::InitCoroutine() { // make sure we have an appropriate chunk of memory to store
// our debug alloc info
if( MemAlloc_GetDebugInfoSize() ) { m_memAllocStack.EnsureCapacity( MemAlloc_GetDebugInfoSize() );
// Set the job name as the root
MemAlloc_InitDebugInfo( m_memAllocStack.Base(), GetName(), 0 ); }
// Set the job name
if ( !m_pJobType && !m_pchJobName ) { #ifdef _WIN32
m_pchJobName = typeid( *this ).raw_name(); if ( m_pchJobName[0] == '.' && m_pchJobName[1] == '?' && m_pchJobName[2] == 'A') m_pchJobName += 4; if ( m_pchJobName[0] == '?' && m_pchJobName[1] == '$' ) m_pchJobName += 2; #else
m_pchJobName = typeid( *this ).name(); #endif
} }
// Purpose: proxy function for starting the job in the coroutine
void CJob::BRunProxy( void *pvThis ) { CJob *pJob = (CJob *)pvThis;
// run the job
bool bJobReturn = false; if ( pJob->m_bRunFromMsg ) { Assert( pJob->m_vecNetPackets.Count() > 0 ); bJobReturn = pJob->BYieldingRunJobFromMsg( pJob->m_vecNetPackets.Head() ); } else { bJobReturn = pJob->BYieldingRunJob( pJob->m_pvStartParam ); }
pJob->m_flags.m_bits.m_bJobFailed = ( true != bJobReturn );
// kill it
DeleteJob( pJob ); }
// Purpose: Adds this packet to the linked list of packets for this job
void CJob::AddPacketToList( IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket, const GID_t gidJobIDSrc ) { Assert( pNetPacket ); pNetPacket->AddRef();
m_vecNetPackets.AddToTail( pNetPacket ); }
// Purpose: marks a net packet as being finished with, releases the packet and frees the memory
void CJob::ReleaseNetPacket( IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket ) { int iVec = m_vecNetPackets.Find( pNetPacket ); if ( iVec != m_vecNetPackets.InvalidIndex() ) { pNetPacket->Release(); m_vecNetPackets.Remove( iVec ); } else { AssertMsg( false, "Job failed trying to release a IMsgNetPacket it doesn't own" ); } }
// Purpose: continues the current job
void CJob::Continue() { AssertNotRunningThisJob();
m_pJobPrev = g_pJobCur; g_pJobCur = this;
// Record frame we're starting in and start a timer to track how long we work for within the frame
// Also, add in how much time has passed since we were last paused to track heartbeat requirements
// Check if we need to heartbeat
if ( BJobNeedsToHeartbeat() ) { Heartbeat(); }
m_ePauseReason = k_EJobPauseReasonNone; #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(COROUTINE_TRACE)
const char *pchRawName = typeid( *this ).raw_name(); if ( pchRawName[0] == '.' && pchRawName[1] == '?' && pchRawName[2] == 'A') pchRawName += 4; if ( pchRawName[0] == '?' && pchRawName[1] == '$' ) pchRawName += 2; #else
const char *pchRawName = ""; #endif
// Save debug credit "call stack"
void *pvSaveDebugInfo = GetJobMgr().GetMainMemoryDebugInfo(); MemAlloc_SaveDebugInfo( pvSaveDebugInfo ); MemAlloc_RestoreDebugInfo( m_memAllocStack.Base() );
// continue the coroutine, with the profiling if necessary
bool bJobStillActive; #if defined( VPROF_ENABLED )
if ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.IsEnabled() ) { VPROF_BUDGET( GetName(), VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_JOBS_COROUTINES ); bJobStillActive = Coroutine_Continue( m_hCoroutine, pchRawName ); } else #endif
{ bJobStillActive = Coroutine_Continue( m_hCoroutine, pchRawName ); }
// Restore debug credit call stack
if( bJobStillActive ) { // only save off debug info for jobs that are still running
MemAlloc_SaveDebugInfo( m_memAllocStack.Base() ); } MemAlloc_RestoreDebugInfo( pvSaveDebugInfo );
void CJob::Debug() { AssertNotRunningThisJob();
// This function will 'load' this coroutine then immediately
// break into the debugger. When execution is continued, it
// will pop back out to this context
// So, we don't set m_pJobPrev or g_pJobCur because nobody
// would ever have the chance to see them anyway.
Coroutine_DebugBreak( m_hCoroutine ); }
// Purpose: pauses the current job
void CJob::Pause( EJobPauseReason eReason ) { AssertRunningThisJob(); AssertMsg1( 0 == m_stackDoNotYieldGuards.Count(), "Yielding while in a BEGIN_DO_NOT_YIELD() block declared at %s", m_stackDoNotYieldGuards[m_stackDoNotYieldGuards.Head()] );
g_pJobCur = m_pJobPrev;
// End our timer so we know how much time we've spent
m_FastTimerDelta.End(); m_cyclecountTotal += m_FastTimerDelta.GetDuration();
if ( m_FastTimerDelta.GetDuration().GetMicroseconds() > k_cMicroSecTaskGranularity * 10 ) { m_flags.m_bits.m_bLongInterYield = true; } // pause this job, remembering which frame and why
m_ePauseReason = eReason; // We shouldn't have to set the frame -- it should be the same one
Assert( m_STimeSwitched.LTime() == CJobTime::LJobTimeCur() ); Coroutine_YieldToMain(); }
void CJob::GenerateAssert( const char *pchMsg ) { // Default message if they didn't provide a custom one
if ( !pchMsg ) { pchMsg = "Forced assert failure"; }
// Just for grins, allow this function to be called whether
// we are the current job or not
if ( this == g_pJobCur ) { AssertMsg1( !"Job assertion requested", "%s", pchMsg ); } else { Coroutine_DebugAssert( m_hCoroutine, pchMsg ); } }
// Purpose: pauses the job until a network msg for the job arrives
bool CJob::BYieldingWaitForMsg( IMsgNetPacket **ppNetPacket ) { AssertRunningThisJob(); *ppNetPacket = NULL;
// await and retrieve the network message
if ( GetJobMgr().BYieldingWaitForMsg( *this ) ) { Assert( m_vecNetPackets.Count() > 0 ); *ppNetPacket = m_vecNetPackets.Tail(); return true; }
return false; }
// Purpose: pauses the job until a network msg for the job arrives
bool CJob::BYieldingWaitForMsg( CGCMsgBase *pMsg, MsgType_t eMsg ) { IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket = NULL;
// Check if we already waited for a message of this type
// but timed out. If so, then we currently don't have a way
// to tell if the message we might receive is the reply
// to the old mesage, of the one we're about to send.
// So let's just disallow this entirely.
if ( BHasFailedToReceivedMsgType( eMsg ) ) { AssertMsg2( false, "Job %s cannot wait for msg %u, it has already failed to wait for that msg type.", GetName(), eMsg ); return false; }
m_unWaitMsgType = eMsg; if ( !BYieldingWaitForMsg( &pNetPacket) ) { // Remember this event, so we can at least detect if a reply comes late, we don't get confused.
MarkFailedToReceivedMsgType( eMsg ); return false; }
pMsg->SetPacket( pNetPacket );
if ( pMsg->Hdr().m_eMsg != eMsg ) { // Remember this event, so we can at least detect if a reply comes late, we don't get confused.
MarkFailedToReceivedMsgType( eMsg );
AssertMsg2( false, "CJob::BYieldingWaitForMsg expected msg %u but received %u", eMsg, pMsg->Hdr().m_eMsg ); return false; }
return true; }
bool CJob::BHasFailedToReceivedMsgType( MsgType_t m ) const { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecMsgTypesFailedToReceive, i ) { if ( m_vecMsgTypesFailedToReceive[i] == m ) return true; } return false; }
void CJob::MarkFailedToReceivedMsgType( MsgType_t m ) { if ( !BHasFailedToReceivedMsgType( m ) ) { m_vecMsgTypesFailedToReceive.AddToTail( m ); } }
void CJob::ClearFailedToReceivedMsgType( MsgType_t m ) { m_vecMsgTypesFailedToReceive.FindAndFastRemove( m ); }
// Purpose: pauses the job until a network msg for the job arrives
bool CJob::BYieldingWaitForMsg( CProtoBufMsgBase *pMsg, MsgType_t eMsg ) { IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket = NULL;
// Check if we already waited for a message of this type
// but timed out. If so, then we currently don't have a way
// to tell if the message we might receive is the reply
// to the old mesage, of the one we're about to send.
// So let's just disallow this entirely.
if ( BHasFailedToReceivedMsgType( eMsg ) ) { AssertMsg2( false, "Job %s cannot wait for msg %u, it has already failed to wait for that msg type.", GetName(), eMsg ); return false; }
m_unWaitMsgType = eMsg; if ( !BYieldingWaitForMsg( &pNetPacket) ) { // Remember this event, so we can at least detect if a reply comes late, we don't get confused.
MarkFailedToReceivedMsgType( eMsg ); return false; }
pMsg->InitFromPacket( pNetPacket );
if ( pMsg->GetEMsg() != eMsg ) { // Remember this event, so we can at least detect if a reply comes late, we don't get confused.
MarkFailedToReceivedMsgType( eMsg );
EmitError( SPEW_GC, "CJob::BYieldingWaitForMsg expected msg %u but received %u", eMsg, pMsg->GetEMsg() ); return false; }
return true; }
#ifdef GC
bool CJob::BYieldingWaitForMsg( CGCMsgBase *pMsg, MsgType_t eMsg, const CSteamID &expectedID ) { if( !BYieldingWaitForMsg( pMsg, eMsg ) ) return false;
if( pMsg->Hdr().m_ulSteamID != expectedID.ConvertToUint64() ) { EmitError( SPEW_GC, "CJob::BYieldingWaitForMsg expected reply from steam ID %s, but instead got a response from %s for message %d\n", expectedID.Render(), CSteamID( pMsg->Hdr().m_ulSteamID ).Render(), eMsg ); return false; }
return true; }
bool CJob::BYieldingWaitForMsg( CProtoBufMsgBase *pMsg, MsgType_t eMsg, const CSteamID &expectedID ) { if( !BYieldingWaitForMsg( pMsg, eMsg ) ) return false;
if( pMsg->GetClientSteamID() != expectedID ) { EmitError( SPEW_GC, "CJob::BYieldingWaitForMsg expected reply from steam ID %s, but instead got a response from %s for message %d\n", expectedID.Render(), pMsg->GetClientSteamID().Render(), eMsg ); return false; }
return true; }
// Purpose: pauses the job until a network msg for the job arrives
bool CJob::BYieldingRunQuery( CGCSQLQueryGroup *pQueryGroup, ESchemaCatalog eSchemaCatalog ) { AssertRunningThisJob();
// await and retrieve the network message
return GetJobMgr().BYieldingRunQuery( *this, pQueryGroup, eSchemaCatalog ); } #endif
// Purpose: pauses the job until a work item callback occurs
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CJob::BYieldingWaitForWorkItem( const char *pszWorkItemName ) { AssertRunningThisJob();
// await the work item completion
return GetJobMgr().BYieldingWaitForWorkItem( *this, pszWorkItemName ); }
// Purpose: CWorkItem for processing functions in CJob-derived classes on another thread
class CJobThreadFuncWorkItem : public CWorkItem { public: DECLARE_WORK_ITEM( CJobThreadFuncWorkItem ); CJobThreadFuncWorkItem( CJob *pJob, JobThreadFunc_t jobThreadFunc, CFunctor *pFunctor ) : CWorkItem( pJob->GetJobID() ), m_pJob( pJob ), m_pJobThreadFunc( jobThreadFunc ), m_pFunctor( pFunctor ) { }
virtual bool ThreadProcess( CWorkThread *pThread ) { if ( m_pJobThreadFunc ) (m_pJob->*m_pJobThreadFunc)(); if ( m_pFunctor ) (*m_pFunctor)(); return true; }
private: CJob *m_pJob; JobThreadFunc_t m_pJobThreadFunc; CFunctor *m_pFunctor; };
// Purpose: pauses the job until a work item callback occurs
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CJob::BYieldingWaitForThreadFuncWorkItem( CWorkItem *pItem ) { AssertRunningThisJob(); Assert( m_pWaitingOnWorkItem == NULL ); Assert( pItem->GetJobID() == GetJobID() );
m_pWaitingOnWorkItem = pItem;
// add it to a central thread pool
GetJobMgr().AddThreadedJobWorkItem( pItem );
// await the work item completion
bool bSuccess = GetJobMgr().BYieldingWaitForWorkItem( *this );
m_pWaitingOnWorkItem = NULL;
return bSuccess; }
// Purpose: pauses the job until a work item callback occurs
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CJob::BYieldingWaitForThreadFunc( CFunctor *jobFunctor ) { // store off which function to launch when we're done
CJobThreadFuncWorkItem *pJobThreadFuncWorkItem = new CJobThreadFuncWorkItem( this, NULL, jobFunctor );
bool bSuccess = BYieldingWaitForThreadFuncWorkItem( pJobThreadFuncWorkItem );
// free the thread func
SafeRelease( jobFunctor ); SAFE_RELEASE( pJobThreadFuncWorkItem );
return bSuccess; }
// Purpose: Allows a job that was paused for a specific reason to resume
void CJob::EndPause( EJobPauseReason eExpectedState ) { Assert( m_ePauseReason == eExpectedState ); if( m_ePauseReason == eExpectedState ) { m_ePauseReason = k_EJobPauseReasonYield; } }
// Purpose: Returns the number of heartbeats to wait before timing out this job
uint32 CJob::CHeartbeatsBeforeTimeout() { return k_cJobHeartbeatsBeforeTimeoutDefault; }
// Purpose: Send heartbeat messages to our listeners during long operations
// to let them know we're still alive and avoid timeouts
// This should be called by the CJobMgr
void CJob::Heartbeat() { // Reset our counter
m_STimeNextHeartbeat.SetFromJobTime( k_cMicroSecJobHeartbeat ); }
// Purpose: waits for specified time and checks for timeout. Useful when you
// need to repeatedly sleep while waiting for something to happen.
// This function uses STime (server "pseudo" time) to determine
// timeout conditions.
// Input: cMicrosecondsToSleep - duration to sleep this call
// stimeStarted - the time to calculate timeout from. (Typically,
// the time you start calling this in a loop, passing the same
// start time each time you call this method.)
// nMicroSecLimit - duration from stimeStarted to consider timed out
// Output : Returns true if not timed out yet, false if timed out
bool CJob::BYieldingWaitTimeWithLimit( uint32 cMicrosecondsToSleep, CJobTime &stimeStarted, int64 nMicroSecLimit ) { if ( stimeStarted.CServerMicroSecsPassed() > nMicroSecLimit ) return false;
return BYieldingWaitTime( cMicrosecondsToSleep ); }
// Purpose: waits for specified time and checks for timeout. Useful when you
// need to repeatedly sleep while waiting for something to happen.
// This function uses RTime (wall-clock "real" time) to determine
// timeout conditions.
// Input: cMicrosecondsToSleep - duration to sleep this call
// nSecLimit - duration from stimeStarted to consider timed out
// Output : Returns true if not timed out yet, false if timed out
bool CJob::BYieldingWaitTimeWithLimitRealTime( uint32 cMicrosecondsToSleep, int nSecondsLimit ) { return BYieldingWaitTime( cMicrosecondsToSleep ); }
// Purpose: pauses the job for the specified amount of time
// Input : m_cMicrosecondsToSleep - microseconds to wait for
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CJob::BYieldingWaitTime( uint32 cMicrosecondsToSleep ) { AssertRunningThisJob(); return GetJobMgr().BYieldingWaitTime( *this, cMicrosecondsToSleep ); }
// Purpose: pauses the job until the next time the JobMgr Run() is called
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CJob::BYield() { AssertRunningThisJob(); return GetJobMgr().BYield( *this ); }
// Purpose: Pauses the job ONLY IF JobMgr decides it needs to based on time run and priority
// If pausing, pauses until the next time the JobMgr Run() is called
// Input: pbYielded - Set to true if we did yield
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CJob::BYieldIfNeeded( bool *pbYielded ) { AssertRunningThisJob();
if ( pbYielded ) *pbYielded = false;
// Assume only low priority jobs need to yield
// Automatically bail out here if the job is not low priority
return GetJobMgr().BYieldIfNeeded( *this, pbYielded ); }
// Purpose: Pauses the job for a single frame
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CJob::BYieldingWaitOneFrame() { return BYieldingWaitTime( 1 ); }
// Purpose: Blocks until we acquire the lock on the specified object
// Input : *pLock - object to lock
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CJob::_BYieldingAcquireLock( CLock *pLock, const char *filename, int line ) { AssertRunningThisJob();
// Skip the path info from the filename. It just maks the debug messages excessively long.
filename = V_GetFileName( filename );
// Is the lock locked by this job? If so, inc the ref count.
if ( pLock->GetJobLocking() == this ) { pLock->IncrementReference(); return true; }
// jobs can have multiple locks as long as they are in priority order
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecLocks, i ) { if( m_vecLocks[i]->GetLockType() == pLock->GetLockType() ) { if( m_vecLocks[i]->GetLockSubType() <= pLock->GetLockSubType() ) { AssertMsg7( false, "Job %s Locking %s at %s:(%d) with yielding; holds lock %s from %s(%d)\n", GetName(), pLock->GetName(), filename, line, m_vecLocks[i]->GetName(), m_vecLocks[i]->m_pFilename, m_vecLocks[i]->m_line ); return false; } } else if ( m_vecLocks[i]->GetLockType() < pLock->GetLockType() ) { AssertMsg7( false, "Job %s Locking %s at %s:(%d) with yielding; holds lock %s from %s(%d)\n", GetName(), pLock->GetName(), filename, line, m_vecLocks[i]->GetName(), m_vecLocks[i]->m_pFilename, m_vecLocks[i]->m_line ); return false; } }
if( m_pWaitingOnLock != NULL ) { AssertMsg7( false, "Job (%s) locking %s at %s(%d); already waiting on %s at %s(%d).\n", GetName(), pLock->GetName(), filename, line, m_pWaitingOnLock->GetName(), m_pWaitingOnLock->m_pFilename, m_pWaitingOnLock->m_line ); return false; }
m_cLocksAttempted++; if ( pLock->BIsLocked() ) { // tell the job we want the lock next
// But walking the entire linked list is slow so
// skip to the tail pointer
pLock->AddToWaitingQueue( this );
// We should be the tail of the list
Assert( NULL == m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease );
// yield until we get the lock
m_pWaitingOnLock = pLock; m_pWaitingOnLockFilename = filename; m_waitingOnLockLine = line; m_cLocksWaitedFor++; Pause( k_EJobPauseReasonWaitingForLock ); m_pWaitingOnLock = NULL;
// make sure we actually got it, instead of timing out
int index = m_vecLocks.Find( pLock ); if ( index != m_vecLocks.InvalidIndex() && this == pLock->GetJobLocking() ) { pLock->IncrementReference(); return true; } else { m_flags.m_bits.m_bLocksFailed = true; EmitWarning( SPEW_JOB, LOG_ALWAYS, "Failed to get lock %s at %s(%d) after waiting in %s\n", pLock->GetName(), filename, line, GetName() ); if ( m_vecLocks.Count() == 0 ) { EmitWarning( SPEW_JOB, LOG_ALWAYS, "m_vecLocks.Count(): %d, this: 0x%p, pLock->GetJobLocking(): %s (0x%p)\n", m_vecLocks.Count(), this, pLock->GetJobLocking() ? pLock->GetJobLocking()->GetName() : "(null)", pLock->GetJobLocking() ); } else { EmitWarning( SPEW_JOB, LOG_ALWAYS, "m_vecLocks.Count(): %d this: 0x%p, pLock: 0x%p pLock->GetJobLocking(): %s (0x%p)\n", m_vecLocks.Count(), this, pLock, pLock->GetJobLocking() ? pLock->GetJobLocking()->GetName() : "(null)", pLock->GetJobLocking() ); FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecLocks, i ) { EmitWarning( SPEW_JOB, LOG_ALWAYS, "m_vecLocks[%d]: %s (0x%p) %s(%d)\n", i, m_vecLocks[i] ? m_vecLocks[i]->GetName() : "(null)", m_vecLocks[i], m_vecLocks[i]->m_pFilename, m_vecLocks[i]->m_line ); } } return false; } } else { // unused, take it for ourself
pLock->IncrementReference(); _SetLock( pLock, filename, line ); return true; } }
// Purpose: Either locks on the specified object immediately or returns failure
// Input : *pLock - object to lock
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CJob::_BAcquireLockImmediate( CLock *pLock, const char *filename, int line ) { AssertRunningThisJob();
AssertMsg5( m_pWaitingOnLock == NULL, "Job (%s) at %s(%d) trying to take a lock while it was already waiting for the first one at %s(%d)", GetName(), filename, line, m_pWaitingOnLockFilename, m_waitingOnLockLine );
// Is the lock locked by this job? If so, inc the ref count.
if ( pLock->GetJobLocking() == this ) { pLock->IncrementReference(); return true; }
if ( !pLock->BIsLocked() ) { // unused, take it for ourself
pLock->IncrementReference(); _SetLock( pLock, filename, line ); return true; }
return false; }
// Purpose: Releases the specified lock, passing it on to the next job if necessary
void CJob::_ReleaseLock( CLock *pLock, bool bForce, const char *filename, int line ) { Assert( pLock ); if ( !pLock ) return;
Assert( m_vecLocks.HasElement( pLock ) ); if ( !m_vecLocks.HasElement( pLock ) ) { EmitError( SPEW_JOB, "Job %s trying to release lock %s at %s(%d) it's not holding\n", GetName(), pLock->GetName(), filename, line ); return; }
if ( pLock->GetJobLocking() != this ) { EmitError( SPEW_JOB, "Job %s trying to release lock %s at %s(%d) though the lock is held by %s\n", GetName(), pLock->GetName(), filename, line, pLock->GetJobLocking()->GetName() ); return; }
if ( bForce ) { // Force clear reference count
pLock->ClearReference(); } else { // Dec the reference count. If it is not yet zero, don't fully unlock
if ( pLock->DecrementReference() > 0 ) { return; } }
if ( pLock->m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease ) { // post a message to the main system to wakeup the next lock
PassLockToJob( pLock->m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease, pLock ); m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease = NULL;
Assert( this != pLock->m_pJobWaitingQueueTail ); } else { // just release
UnsetLock( pLock ); Assert( NULL == pLock->m_pJobWaitingQueueTail || this == pLock->m_pJobWaitingQueueTail ); pLock->m_pJobWaitingQueueTail = NULL; } }
// Purpose: Release all locks this job holds. This is only to be used by long lived
// jobs that don't destruct.
void CJob::ReleaseLocks() { // release any locks - do this in reverse order because they're being removed from the vector in the loop
FOR_EACH_VEC_BACK( m_vecLocks, nLock ) { _ReleaseLock( m_vecLocks[nLock], true, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } m_vecLocks.RemoveAll(); }
// Purpose: Assert that we don't hold any locks, and if we hold them, release them
void CJob::ShouldNotHoldAnyLocks() { if ( m_vecLocks.Count() == 0 ) return;
CUtlString sErrMsg; sErrMsg.Format( "Job %s detected and cleaned up leak of %d lock(s):\n", GetName(), m_vecLocks.Count() ); FOR_EACH_VEC_BACK( m_vecLocks, nLock ) { CLock *pLock = m_vecLocks[nLock]; sErrMsg.Append( CFmtStr( " Lock %s, acquired %s(%d)\n", pLock->GetName(), pLock->m_pFilename, pLock->m_line ).Access() ); }
AssertMsg1( false, "%s", sErrMsg.String() );
// Now release them
ReleaseLocks(); }
// Purpose: sets up the job to notify when we've release our locks
void CJob::AddJobToNotifyOnLockRelease( CJob *pJob ) { // if we already are going to be notifying someone, then have them notify the new requester
if ( m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease ) { AssertMsg( false, "AddJobToNotifyOnLockRelease attempting to walk the linked list. We've optimized this out." ); m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease->AddJobToNotifyOnLockRelease( pJob ); } else { m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease = pJob; } }
// Purpose: Sets the lock
void CJob::_SetLock( CLock *pLock, const char *filename, int line ) { Assert( !m_vecLocks.HasElement( pLock ) ); Assert( !pLock->BIsLocked() );
pLock->m_pJob = this; pLock->m_sTimeAcquired.SetToJobTime(); pLock->m_pFilename = filename; pLock->m_line = line; m_vecLocks.AddToTail( pLock ); }
// Purpose: Removes the lock
void CJob::UnsetLock( CLock *pLock ) { Assert( pLock->GetJobLocking() == this );
pLock->m_pJob = NULL; // if we've held the lock for more than a few seconds, make noise.
if ( /*!BIsTest() &&*/ pLock->m_sTimeAcquired.CServerMicroSecsPassed() >= 10 * k_nMillion ) { m_flags.m_bits.m_bLocksLongHeld = true; if ( pLock->m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease ) { pLock->m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease->m_flags.m_bits.m_bLocksLongWait = true; EmitWarning( SPEW_JOB, 4, "Job of type %s held lock for %.2f seconds while job of type %s was waiting\n", GetName(), (double) pLock->m_sTimeAcquired.CServerMicroSecsPassed() / k_nMillion, pLock->m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease->GetName() ); } else EmitWarning( SPEW_JOB, 4, "Job of type %s held lock for %.2f seconds\n", GetName(), (double) pLock->m_sTimeAcquired.CServerMicroSecsPassed() / k_nMillion ); } m_vecLocks.FindAndRemove( pLock ); }
// Purpose: Releases the lock from the old job, and immediately passes it on to the waiting job
void CJob::PassLockToJob( CJob *pNewJob, CLock *pLock ) { Assert( pNewJob->GetPauseReason() == k_EJobPauseReasonWaitingForLock ); Assert( pNewJob->m_pWaitingOnLock == pLock );
pLock->m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease = pNewJob->m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease; if ( NULL == pLock->m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease ) { pLock->m_pJobWaitingQueueTail = NULL; }
pNewJob->m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease = NULL; Assert( pLock->m_nWaitingCount > 0 ); pLock->m_nWaitingCount--;
// release the lock
UnsetLock( pLock ); // If the other job isn't waiting on a lock, then we certainly don't
// want to call SetLock() on it
if ( pNewJob->GetPauseReason() == k_EJobPauseReasonWaitingForLock && pNewJob->m_pWaitingOnLock == pLock ) { // give the job the lock
pNewJob->_SetLock( pLock, pNewJob->m_pWaitingOnLockFilename, m_waitingOnLockLine );
// set the job with the newly acquired lock to wakeup
pNewJob->GetJobMgr().WakeupLockedJob( *pNewJob ); } else { EmitError( SPEW_JOB, "Job passed lock it wasn't waiting for. Job: %s, Lock: %s %s(%d), Paused for %s, Waiting on %s\n", pNewJob->GetName(), pLock->GetName(), pLock->m_pFilename, pLock->m_line, pNewJob->GetPauseReasonDescription(), m_pWaitingOnLock ? m_pWaitingOnLock->GetName() : "none" ); } }
// Purpose: a lock is letting us know it's been deleted
// fail all jobs trying to get the lock
void CJob::OnLockDeleted( CLock *pLock ) { //EmitWarning( SPEW_JOB, SPEW_ALWAYS, "Deleting lock %s\n", GetName() );
Assert( pLock->BIsLocked() ); Assert( pLock->m_pJob == this );
// fail all the jobs waiting on the lock
CJob *pJob = pLock->m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease; while ( pJob ) { // insert the job into the sleep list with 0 time, so it wakes up immediately
// it will see it doesn't have the desired lock and suicide
pJob->GetJobMgr().WakeupLockedJob( *pJob );
// move to the next job
CJob *pJobT = pJob; pJob = pJob->m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease; pJobT->m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease = NULL; }
m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease = NULL; pLock->m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease = NULL; pLock->m_pJobWaitingQueueTail = NULL;
// remove the lock
UnsetLock( pLock ); }
// Purpose: Reports how many Do Not Yield guards the job currently has
int32 CJob::GetDoNotYieldDepth() const { return m_stackDoNotYieldGuards.Count(); }
// Purpose: Adds a Do Not Yield guard to the job
void CJob::PushDoNotYield( const char *pchFileAndLine ) { m_stackDoNotYieldGuards.AddToHead( pchFileAndLine ); }
// Purpose: Removes the last-added Do Not Yield guard from the job
void CJob::PopDoNotYield() { AssertMsg( m_stackDoNotYieldGuards.Count() > 0, "Could not pop a Do Not Yield guard when the job's stack is empty" ); if ( m_stackDoNotYieldGuards.Count() > 0 ) { m_stackDoNotYieldGuards.Remove( m_stackDoNotYieldGuards.Head() ); } }
// Purpose: Implementation of the stack-scope Do Not Yield guard
CDoNotYieldScope::CDoNotYieldScope( const char *pchFileAndLine ) { AssertRunningJob();
GJobCur().PushDoNotYield( pchFileAndLine ); }
CDoNotYieldScope::~CDoNotYieldScope() { AssertRunningJob();
GJobCur().PopDoNotYield(); }
// Purpose: Run a global validation pass on all of our data structures and memory
// allocations.
// Input: validator - Our global validator object
// pchName - Our name (typically a member var in our container)
void CJob::Validate( CValidator &validator, const char *pchName ) { VALIDATE_SCOPE();
ValidateObj( m_stackDoNotYieldGuards ); }
// Purpose: Run a global validation pass on all of our static data structures and memory
// allocations.
// Input: validator - Our global validator object
// pchName - Our name (typically a member var in our container)
void CJob::ValidateStatics( CValidator &validator, const char *pchName ) { VALIDATE_SCOPE_STATIC( "CJob class statics" ); } #endif // DBGFLAG_VALIDATE
CLock::CLock( ) : m_pJob( NULL ), m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease( NULL ), m_pJobWaitingQueueTail( NULL ), m_nWaitingCount(0), m_nsLockType(0), m_nsNameType( k_ENameTypeNone ), m_ulID( 0 ), m_pchConstStr( NULL ), m_unLockSubType ( 0 ), m_nRefCount( 0 ), m_pFilename( "unknown" ), m_line( 0 ) { }
CLock::~CLock() { if ( m_pJob ) { m_pJob->OnLockDeleted( this ); } }
void CLock::AddToWaitingQueue( CJob *pJob ) { if ( m_pJobWaitingQueueTail ) { Assert( NULL == m_pJobWaitingQueueTail->m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease ); m_pJobWaitingQueueTail->AddJobToNotifyOnLockRelease( pJob ); } else { Assert( NULL == m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease ); m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease = pJob; } m_pJobWaitingQueueTail = pJob; m_nWaitingCount++; }
void CLock::SetName( const char *pchName ) { m_nsNameType = k_ENameTypeConstStr; m_pchConstStr = pchName; }
void CLock::SetName( const char *pchPrefix, uint64 ulID ) { m_nsNameType = k_ENameTypeConcat; m_pchConstStr = pchPrefix; m_ulID = ulID; }
void CLock::SetName( const CSteamID &steamID ) { m_nsNameType = k_ENameTypeSteamID; m_ulID = steamID.ConvertToUint64(); }
const char *CLock::GetName() const { switch ( m_nsNameType ) { case k_ENameTypeNone: return "None"; case k_ENameTypeSteamID: return CSteamID::Render( m_ulID ); case k_ENameTypeConstStr: return m_pchConstStr; case k_ENameTypeConcat: if ( !m_strName.Length() ) m_strName.Format( "%s %llu", m_pchConstStr, m_ulID ); return m_strName.Get(); default: AssertMsg1( false, "Invalid lock name type %d", m_nsNameType ); return "(Unknown)"; } }
#define REF_COUNT_ASSERT 1000
void CLock::IncrementReference() { m_nRefCount++; Assert( m_nRefCount != REF_COUNT_ASSERT ); }
int CLock::DecrementReference() { Assert( m_nRefCount > 0 ); if ( m_nRefCount > 0 ) { m_nRefCount--; } return m_nRefCount; }
void CLock::Dump( const char *pszPrefix, int nPrintMax, bool bPrintWaiting ) const { if ( m_pJob != NULL ) { EmitInfo( SPEW_JOB, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%s%s: Lock owner: %s, Type: %d, %d Waiting\n", pszPrefix, GetName(), CFmtStr( "%s (%llu), Reason: %s", m_pJob->GetName(), m_pJob->GetJobID(), m_pJob->GetPauseReasonDescription() ).Access(), (int32)m_nsLockType, m_nWaitingCount ); EmitInfo( SPEW_JOB, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%sLock acquired: %s:%d\n", pszPrefix, m_pFilename, m_line ); } else { EmitInfo( SPEW_JOB, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%s%s: Lock owner: None, Type: %d, %d Waiting\n", pszPrefix, GetName(), (int32)m_nsLockType, m_nWaitingCount ); }
CJob *pCurrWaiting = m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease; int nPrinted = 0; int nTotal = 0; while( pCurrWaiting != NULL && nPrinted < nPrintMax ) { bool bPrint = false; if ( nPrinted < nPrintMax ) { bPrint = true; } if ( pCurrWaiting->GetPauseReason() == k_EJobPauseReasonWaitingForLock && pCurrWaiting->m_pWaitingOnLock == this ) { bPrint = true; }
if ( bPrint && bPrintWaiting ) { EmitInfo( SPEW_JOB, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%s\tOther jobs waiting for this lock: %s (%llu)\n", pszPrefix, pCurrWaiting->GetName(), pCurrWaiting->GetJobID() ); if ( pCurrWaiting->GetPauseReason() == k_EJobPauseReasonWaitingForLock && pCurrWaiting->m_pWaitingOnLock == this ) { EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, 3, "%s\tAt: %s:%d\n", pszPrefix, pCurrWaiting->m_pWaitingOnLockFilename, pCurrWaiting->m_waitingOnLockLine ); } nPrinted++; } pCurrWaiting = pCurrWaiting->m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease; nTotal++; } if ( bPrintWaiting || nTotal != 0 ) { EmitInfo( SPEW_JOB, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%s%d out of %d waiting jobs printed.\n", pszPrefix, nPrinted, nTotal ); } }
} // namespace GCSDK