//====== Copyright , Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose: Provides names for GC message types
#include "stdafx.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
namespace GCSDK {
// Purpose: allow global initializers for a list of message infos. The message
// list will assemble them all into a single list when it initializes.
class CMessageListRegistration { public: CMessageListRegistration( MsgInfo_t *pMsgInfo, int cMsgInfo, void *pExtra = NULL );
static CMessageListRegistration *sm_pFirst; CMessageListRegistration *m_pNext; MsgInfo_t *m_pMsgInfo; int m_cMsgInfo; };
DECLARE_GC_EMIT_GROUP( g_EGMessages, messages );
//function called when a message is tallied but not registered properly. Used to help consolidate behavior for untracked messages
static void HandleUntrackedMsg( const char* pszMsgOperation, uint32 nMsgID ) { //for now output this as verbose so that we can clean up the initial spam. Then promote this to warnings in the future
EG_VERBOSE( g_EGMessages, "Found %s message with ID %d that was not properly registered. Unable to tally information\n", pszMsgOperation, nMsgID ); }
CMessageListRegistration::CMessageListRegistration( MsgInfo_t *pMsgInfo, int cMsgInfo, void *pExtra ) : m_pMsgInfo( pMsgInfo ), m_cMsgInfo( cMsgInfo ) { m_pNext = sm_pFirst; sm_pFirst = this; }
CMessageListRegistration *CMessageListRegistration::sm_pFirst = NULL;
// Purpose: Returns the name of a message type
const char *PchMsgNameFromEMsg( MsgType_t eMsg ) { const char *pchMsgName = k_rgchUnknown; g_theMessageList.GetMessage( eMsg, &pchMsgName, MT_GC ); return pchMsgName; }
void MsgRegistrationFromEnumDescriptor( const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor *pEnumDescriptor, int nTypeMask ) { // build the struct list for messages
MsgInfo_t *pMsgInfos = new MsgInfo_t[ pEnumDescriptor->value_count() ]; memset( pMsgInfos, 0, sizeof( MsgInfo_t ) * pEnumDescriptor->value_count() );
for ( int i = 0; i < pEnumDescriptor->value_count(); ++i ) { const ::google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor *pEnumValueDescriptor = pEnumDescriptor->value(i); pMsgInfos[ i ].eMsg = pEnumValueDescriptor->number(); pMsgInfos[ i ].pchMsgName = pEnumValueDescriptor->name().c_str(); pMsgInfos[ i ].nFlags = nTypeMask; }
new CMessageListRegistration( pMsgInfos, pEnumDescriptor->value_count() ); }
CMessageList g_theMessageList;
// CMessageList
// builds a hash of the MsgInfo_t table so that information about messages
// can be found without searching.
CMessageList::CMessageList( ) : m_bProfiling( false ), m_ulProfileMicrosecs( 0 ) { }
// CMessageList
// builds a hash of the MsgInfo_t table so that information about messages
// can be found without searching.
bool CMessageList::BInit( ) { m_bProfiling = false; m_ulProfileMicrosecs = 0;
// figure out our message count
int cMessageInfos = 0; for( CMessageListRegistration *pReg = CMessageListRegistration::sm_pFirst; pReg != NULL; pReg = pReg->m_pNext) { cMessageInfos += pReg->m_cMsgInfo; }
// message indexes should fit in a short
Assert( cMessageInfos < SHRT_MAX );
m_vecMsgInfo.EnsureCapacity( cMessageInfos ); m_vecMsgInfo.RemoveAll(); m_vecMessageInfoBuckets.RemoveAll();
int nIndex = 0; for( CMessageListRegistration *pReg = CMessageListRegistration::sm_pFirst; pReg != NULL; pReg = pReg->m_pNext) { for ( int nRegIndex = 0; nRegIndex < pReg->m_cMsgInfo; nRegIndex++ ) { nIndex = m_vecMsgInfo.AddToTail( pReg->m_pMsgInfo[nRegIndex] );
int nSlot; int nBucket = HashMessage( pReg->m_pMsgInfo[nRegIndex].eMsg, nSlot );
AssureBucket( nBucket ); if ( m_vecMessageInfoBuckets[nBucket][nSlot] != -1 ) { int otherIndex = m_vecMessageInfoBuckets[nBucket][nSlot]; MsgInfo_t &otherMsg = m_vecMsgInfo[ otherIndex ]; AssertFatalMsg2( false, "Message collision: %s redefined as %s", otherMsg.pchMsgName, pReg->m_pMsgInfo[nRegIndex].pchMsgName); } else { m_vecMessageInfoBuckets[nBucket][nSlot] = (short) nIndex; } } }
//start our window
ResetWindow(); //and start our global timer
m_sCollectTime[ MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupGlobal ].SetToJobTime();
return true; }
// Tally the sending of a message
void CMessageList::TallySendMessage( MsgType_t eMsgType, uint32 unMsgSize, uint32 nSourceMask ) { short nIndex = GetMessageIndex( eMsgType ); if ( nIndex == - 1 ) { HandleUntrackedMsg( "send", eMsgType ); return; }
TallyMessageInternal( m_vecMsgInfo[nIndex],MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsTypeSent, unMsgSize, nSourceMask ); }
// Tally the receiving of a message
void CMessageList::TallyReceiveMessage( MsgType_t eMsgType, uint32 unMsgSize, uint32 nSourceMask ) { short nIndex = GetMessageIndex( eMsgType ); if ( nIndex == - 1 ) { HandleUntrackedMsg( "receive", eMsgType ); return; }
TallyMessageInternal( m_vecMsgInfo[nIndex], MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsTypeReceived, unMsgSize, nSourceMask ); }
// Tally the receiving of a message
void CMessageList::TallyMultiplexedMessage( MsgType_t eMsgType, uint32 uSent, uint32 cRecipients, uint32 uMsgSize, uint32 nSourceMask ) { short nIndex = GetMessageIndex( eMsgType ); if ( nIndex == - 1 ) { HandleUntrackedMsg( "multiplex", eMsgType ); return; }
MsgInfo_t &msgInfo = m_vecMsgInfo[nIndex]; TallyMessageInternal( msgInfo, MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsTypeMultiplexedSends, uSent, nSourceMask, 1 ); TallyMessageInternal( msgInfo, MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsTypeMultiplexedSendsRaw, uMsgSize * cRecipients, nSourceMask, cRecipients ); }
// Tally the receiving of a message
void CMessageList::TallyMessageInternal( MsgInfo_t &msgInfo, MsgInfo_t::EStatsType eBucket, uint32 unMsgSize, uint32 nSourceMask, uint32 cMessages ) { //log this for global stats
msgInfo.stats[ MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupGlobal ][ eBucket ].nCount += cMessages; msgInfo.stats[ MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupGlobal ][ eBucket ].uBytes += unMsgSize; msgInfo.stats[ MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupGlobal ][ eBucket ].nSourceMask |= nSourceMask;
//track this in our current timing window
msgInfo.stats[ MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupWindow ][ eBucket ].nCount += cMessages; msgInfo.stats[ MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupWindow ][ eBucket ].uBytes += unMsgSize; msgInfo.stats[ MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupWindow ][ eBucket ].nSourceMask |= nSourceMask;
//track our window totals as well
m_WindowTotals[ eBucket ].nCount += cMessages; m_WindowTotals[ eBucket ].uBytes += unMsgSize; m_WindowTotals[ eBucket ].nSourceMask |= nSourceMask;
//and if we are profiling, track the data into our profiling window
if ( m_bProfiling ) { msgInfo.stats[ MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupProfile ][ eBucket ].nCount += cMessages; msgInfo.stats[ MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupProfile ][ eBucket ].uBytes += unMsgSize; msgInfo.stats[ MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupProfile ][ eBucket ].nSourceMask |= nSourceMask; } }
//called to obtain the totals for the timing window
const MsgInfo_t::Stats_t& CMessageList::GetWindowTotal( MsgInfo_t::EStatsType eType ) const { return m_WindowTotals[ eType ]; }
//called to reset the window timings
void CMessageList::ResetWindow() { //reset when our window started
m_sCollectTime[ MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupWindow ].SetToJobTime();
// starting a new window... clear everything
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecMsgInfo, nIndex ) { for( uint32 nType = 0; nType < MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsType_Count; nType++ ) { m_vecMsgInfo[ nIndex ].stats[ MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupWindow ][ nType ].nCount = 0; m_vecMsgInfo[ nIndex ].stats[ MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupWindow ][ nType ].uBytes = 0; m_vecMsgInfo[ nIndex ].stats[ MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupWindow ][ nType ].nSourceMask = 0; } }
//and clear our totals
for( uint32 nType = 0; nType < MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsType_Count; nType++ ) { m_WindowTotals[ nType ].nCount = 0; m_WindowTotals[ nType ].uBytes = 0; } }
// Turns snapshot profiling on and off
void CMessageList::EnableProfiling( bool bEnableProfiling ) { m_bProfiling = bEnableProfiling; if ( m_bProfiling ) { m_sCollectTime[ MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupProfile ].SetToJobTime();
// starting a new profile... clear everything
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecMsgInfo, nIndex ) { for( uint32 nType = 0; nType < MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsType_Count; nType++ ) { m_vecMsgInfo[ nIndex ].stats[ MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupProfile ][ nType ].nCount = 0; m_vecMsgInfo[ nIndex ].stats[ MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupProfile ][ nType ].uBytes = 0; m_vecMsgInfo[ nIndex ].stats[ MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupProfile ][ nType ].nSourceMask = 0; } } } else { m_ulProfileMicrosecs = m_sCollectTime[ MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupProfile ].CServerMicroSecsPassed(); } }
uint64 CMessageList::GetGroupDuration( MsgInfo_t::EStatsGroup eGroup ) const { //handle the special case of it being a profile, where if we are no longer profiling, we want to use our cached value
if( ( eGroup == MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsGroupProfile ) && !m_bProfiling ) { return m_ulProfileMicrosecs; }
//otherwise we can just use the timer directly
return m_sCollectTime[ eGroup ].CServerMicroSecsPassed(); }
// print statistics bout each message we handle
void CMessageList::PrintStats( bool bShowAll, bool bSortByFrequency, MsgInfo_t::EStatsGroup eGroup, MsgInfo_t::EStatsType eType, uint32 nSourceMask ) const { // Figure out which time value we should use for rate calcs
uint64 ulMicroseconds = GetGroupDuration( eGroup );
// work out a sorted list
CUtlMap<uint64, uint32> mapValueToMsg( DefLessFunc( uint64 ) ); uint64 unTotalBytes = 0; uint32 unTotalMessages = 0;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecMsgInfo, n ) { //see if we are looking for a particular source, and if so, if this has that source set
if( nSourceMask && ( ( m_vecMsgInfo[n].stats[ eGroup ][ eType ].nSourceMask & nSourceMask ) == 0 ) ) continue;
uint32 nCount = m_vecMsgInfo[n].stats[ eGroup ][ eType ].nCount; uint64 uBytes = m_vecMsgInfo[n].stats[ eGroup ][ eType ].uBytes;
unTotalMessages += nCount; unTotalBytes += uBytes;
if ( nCount == 0 && !bShowAll ) continue;
mapValueToMsg.Insert( bSortByFrequency ? (uint64)nCount : uBytes, n ); }
double fSeconds = ulMicroseconds / ( 1000.0 * 1000.0 ); // 5, 46, 10, 6, 14, 6, 10, 10
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%s", "EMsg MessageName Count % Bytes % MsgPS Avg/Msg KBPS\n" ); EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%s", "----- ---------------------------------------------- ---------- ------ -------------- ------ --------- ---------- ----------\n" );
for ( uint16 iValue = mapValueToMsg.LastInorder(); iValue != mapValueToMsg.InvalidIndex(); iValue = mapValueToMsg.PrevInorder( iValue ) ) { uint32 n = mapValueToMsg[iValue];
//see if we are looking for a particular source, and if so, if this has that source set
if( nSourceMask && ( ( m_vecMsgInfo[n].stats[ eGroup ][ eType ].nSourceMask & nSourceMask ) == 0 ) ) continue;
uint32 nCount = m_vecMsgInfo[n].stats[ eGroup ][ eType].nCount; uint64 uBytes = m_vecMsgInfo[n].stats[ eGroup ][ eType].uBytes;
uint32 uAvgMsg = 0; if ( nCount > 0 ) uAvgMsg = uBytes / nCount;
float flCountPerc = 0; if ( unTotalMessages > 0 ) flCountPerc = nCount * 100.0f / unTotalMessages; float flBytesPerc = 0; if ( unTotalBytes > 0 ) flBytesPerc = uBytes * 100.0f / unTotalBytes; double fMsgPS = 0.0; if ( ulMicroseconds > 0 ) fMsgPS = nCount / fSeconds; double fKBPS = 0.0f; if ( ulMicroseconds > 0 ) fKBPS = uBytes / ( fSeconds * 1000.0 );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%5u %-46s %10u %5.1f%% %14llu %5.1f%% %9.1f %10u %10.2f\n", m_vecMsgInfo[n].eMsg, m_vecMsgInfo[n].pchMsgName, nCount, flCountPerc, uBytes, flBytesPerc, fMsgPS, uAvgMsg, fKBPS ); }
uint32 uAvgMsgTotal = 0; if ( unTotalMessages > 0 ) uAvgMsgTotal = unTotalBytes / unTotalMessages; double fMsgPS = 0.0; if ( ulMicroseconds > 0 ) fMsgPS = unTotalMessages / fSeconds; double fKBPSTotal = 0.0; if ( ulMicroseconds > 0 ) fKBPSTotal = unTotalBytes / ( fSeconds * 1000.0 );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "----- ---------------------------------------------- ---------- ------ -------------- ------ --------- ---------- ----------\n" ); EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "Totals %10u 100.0%% %14llu 100.0%% %9.1f %10u %10.2f\n", unTotalMessages, unTotalBytes, fMsgPS, uAvgMsgTotal, fKBPSTotal ); }
// print statistics bout each message we handle
void CMessageList::PrintMultiplexStats( MsgInfo_t::EStatsGroup eGroup, bool bSortByFrequency, uint32 nSourceMask ) const { // Figure out which time value we should use for rate calcs
uint64 ulMicroseconds = GetGroupDuration( eGroup );
MsgInfo_t::Stats_t rgTotals[MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsType_Count];
const MsgInfo_t::EStatsType eMultiType = MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsTypeMultiplexedSends; const MsgInfo_t::EStatsType eRawType = MsgInfo_t::k_EStatsTypeMultiplexedSendsRaw;
// work out a sorted list
CUtlMap<uint64, uint32> mapValueToMsg( DefLessFunc( uint64 ) ); FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecMsgInfo, n ) { const MsgInfo_t &msgInfo = m_vecMsgInfo[n];
//see if we are looking for a particular source, and if so, if this has that source set
if( nSourceMask && ( msgInfo.stats[ eGroup ][ eMultiType ].nSourceMask & nSourceMask ) == 0 ) continue;
rgTotals[eMultiType].nCount += msgInfo.stats[ eGroup ][ eMultiType ].nCount; rgTotals[eMultiType].uBytes += msgInfo.stats[ eGroup ][ eMultiType ].uBytes; rgTotals[eRawType].nCount += msgInfo.stats[ eGroup ][ eRawType ].nCount; rgTotals[eRawType].uBytes += msgInfo.stats[ eGroup ][ eRawType ].uBytes;
if ( msgInfo.stats[ eGroup ][ eMultiType ].nCount == 0 ) continue;
uint32 nCount = msgInfo.stats[ eGroup ][ eMultiType ].nCount; uint64 uBytes = msgInfo.stats[ eGroup ][ eMultiType ].uBytes; mapValueToMsg.Insert( bSortByFrequency ? (uint64)nCount : uBytes, n ); }
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%s", "EMsg MessageName Count % KB % Avg/Msg KBPS Msg Saved % KB Saved %\n" ); EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%s", "----- ---------------------------------------------- ---------- ------ -------------- ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ -------------- ------\n" );
uint32 unTotalMessages = 0; uint64 unTotalBytes = 0;
for ( uint16 iValue = mapValueToMsg.LastInorder(); iValue != mapValueToMsg.InvalidIndex(); iValue = mapValueToMsg.PrevInorder( iValue ) ) { const MsgInfo_t &msgInfo = m_vecMsgInfo[ mapValueToMsg[iValue] ];
//see if we are looking for a particular source, and if so, if this has that source set
if( nSourceMask && ( msgInfo.stats[ eGroup ][ eMultiType ].nSourceMask & nSourceMask ) == 0 ) continue;
uint32 nCount = msgInfo.stats[ eGroup ][ eMultiType ].nCount; uint64 uBytes = msgInfo.stats[ eGroup ][ eMultiType ].uBytes;
unTotalMessages += nCount; unTotalBytes += uBytes;
int32 nMessagesSaved = msgInfo.stats[ eGroup ][ eRawType ].nCount - msgInfo.stats[ eGroup ][ eMultiType ].nCount; int64 uBytesSaved = msgInfo.stats[ eGroup ][ eRawType ].uBytes - msgInfo.stats[ eGroup ][ eMultiType ].uBytes;
uint32 nMessagesIfNotMultiplex = msgInfo.stats[ eGroup ][ eRawType ].nCount; uint64 uBytesIfNotMultiplex = msgInfo.stats[ eGroup ][ eRawType ].uBytes;
uint32 uAvgMsg = 0; if ( nCount > 0 ) uAvgMsg = uBytes / nCount;
float flCountPerc = 0; if ( rgTotals[eMultiType].nCount > 0 ) flCountPerc = nCount * 100.0f / rgTotals[eMultiType].nCount; float flBytesPerc = 0; if ( rgTotals[eMultiType].uBytes > 0 ) flBytesPerc = uBytes * 100.0f / rgTotals[eMultiType].uBytes; float fKBPS = 0.0f; if ( ulMicroseconds > 0 ) fKBPS = uBytes * 1000.0f / ulMicroseconds;
float flMessagesSavedPerc = 0.0f; if ( nMessagesIfNotMultiplex > 0 ) flMessagesSavedPerc = nMessagesSaved * 100.0f / nMessagesIfNotMultiplex; float flBytesSavedPerc = 0.0f; if ( uBytesIfNotMultiplex > 0 ) flBytesSavedPerc = uBytesSaved * 100.0f / uBytesIfNotMultiplex;
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%5u %-46s %10u %5.1f%% %14llu %5.1f%% %10u %10.2f %10d %5.1f%% %14lld %5.1f%%\n", msgInfo.eMsg, msgInfo.pchMsgName, nCount, flCountPerc, uBytes / 1024, flBytesPerc, uAvgMsg, fKBPS, nMessagesSaved, flMessagesSavedPerc, uBytesSaved / 1024, flBytesSavedPerc ); }
uint32 uAvgMsgTotal = 0; if ( unTotalMessages > 0 ) uAvgMsgTotal = unTotalBytes / unTotalMessages;
float fKBPSTotal = 0.0f; if ( ulMicroseconds > 0 ) fKBPSTotal = unTotalBytes * 1000.0f / ulMicroseconds;
float flTotalMessagesPct = 0.0f; if ( rgTotals[eMultiType].nCount > 0 ) flTotalMessagesPct = unTotalMessages * 100.0f / rgTotals[eMultiType].nCount;
float flTotalBytesPct = 0.0f; if ( rgTotals[eMultiType].uBytes > 0 ) flTotalBytesPct = unTotalBytes * 100.0f / rgTotals[eMultiType].uBytes;
int32 nTotalMessagesSaved = rgTotals[eRawType].nCount - rgTotals[eMultiType].nCount; int64 nTotalBytesSaved = rgTotals[eRawType].uBytes - rgTotals[eMultiType].uBytes; int32 nTotalMessagesIfNotMultiplex = unTotalMessages - rgTotals[eMultiType].nCount + rgTotals[eRawType].nCount; int64 uTotalBytesIfNotMultiplex = unTotalBytes - rgTotals[eMultiType].uBytes + rgTotals[eRawType].uBytes;
float flTotalMessagesSavedPct = 0.0f; if ( nTotalMessagesIfNotMultiplex > 0 ) flTotalMessagesSavedPct = nTotalMessagesSaved * 100.0f / nTotalMessagesIfNotMultiplex;
float flTotalBytesSavedPct = 0.0f; if ( uTotalBytesIfNotMultiplex > 0 ) flTotalBytesSavedPct = nTotalBytesSaved * 100.0f / uTotalBytesIfNotMultiplex; EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "----- ---------------------------------------------- ---------- ------ -------------- ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ -------------- ------\n" ); EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "Totals %10u %5.1f%% %14llu %5.1f%% %10u %10.2f %10d %5.1f%% %14lld %5.1f%%\n", unTotalMessages, flTotalMessagesPct, unTotalBytes / 1024, flTotalBytesPct, uAvgMsgTotal, fKBPSTotal, nTotalMessagesSaved, flTotalMessagesSavedPct, nTotalBytesSaved / 1024, flTotalBytesSavedPct ); }
// Destroys a message list by deallocating everything it's got
CMessageList::~CMessageList() { int nUsedBuckets = 0; for ( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < m_vecMessageInfoBuckets.Count(); nIndex++ ) { if ( m_vecMessageInfoBuckets[nIndex] != NULL ) { FreePv( m_vecMessageInfoBuckets[nIndex] ); m_vecMessageInfoBuckets[nIndex] = NULL; nUsedBuckets++; } }
m_vecMessageInfoBuckets.RemoveAll(); }
// assure that we've got the slots in the given bucket allocated
void CMessageList::AssureBucket( int nBucket ) { // if this bucket is bigger then the array, extend the array
if ( nBucket >= m_vecMessageInfoBuckets.Count() ) { int nOldCount = m_vecMessageInfoBuckets.Count(); // message ID "clumps" are usually 100 apart, so we'll try
// to grow by 100 each time. Divide 100 by the bucket size and add
// one for truncation to figure out our grow-by.
int nNewCount = nBucket + (1 + (100 / m_kcBucketSize));
// get that count
m_vecMessageInfoBuckets.EnsureCount( nNewCount );
// initialize the new ones to NULL
for ( int nIndex = nOldCount; nIndex < nNewCount; nIndex++ ) { m_vecMessageInfoBuckets[nIndex] = NULL; } }
// is the bucket we want allocated?
if ( m_vecMessageInfoBuckets[nBucket] == NULL ) { // nope; get one and initialize it
m_vecMessageInfoBuckets[nBucket] = (short*) PvAlloc( sizeof(short) * m_kcBucketSize ); for ( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < m_kcBucketSize; nIndex++) m_vecMessageInfoBuckets[nBucket][nIndex] = -1; }
return; }
// Purpose: Hash an MsgType_t and return the index into m_vecMsgInfo where it can be found
// returns -1 if the MsgType_t is unknown
short CMessageList::GetMessageIndex( MsgType_t eMsg ) { // find the slot and bucket for this message in our hash
int nSlot; int nBucket = HashMessage( eMsg, nSlot );
// taller than the hash?
if ( nBucket >= m_vecMessageInfoBuckets.Count() ) return -1;
// not a bucket?
if ( m_vecMessageInfoBuckets[nBucket] == NULL ) return -1;
// get the index back to the global array
short nIndex = m_vecMessageInfoBuckets[nBucket][nSlot]; return nIndex; }
// Tests to see if a message is valid; if so, return a pointer to its name.
// A message must match at least one of the nTypeMask flags to be considered
// valid. If provided, ppMsgName is set to k_rgchUnknown if no match,
// or the message name if matched.
bool CMessageList::GetMessage( MsgType_t eMsg, const char **ppMsgName, int nTypeMask ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "GetMessage", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_JOBS_COROUTINES );
// if an out variable for the name is provided,
// initialize it with a pointer to "unknown" string
if ( ppMsgName != NULL ) *ppMsgName = k_rgchUnknown;
short nIndex = GetMessageIndex( eMsg );
// good index?
if ( nIndex == -1 ) { if ( ppMsgName != NULL ) { *ppMsgName = "Unknown MsgType - Not Found"; } return false; }
const MsgInfo_t &msgInfo = m_vecMsgInfo[nIndex];
// get the string out
if ( ppMsgName != NULL ) *ppMsgName = msgInfo.pchMsgName;
// it's good if it matches the flags
return ( 0 != ( msgInfo.nFlags & nTypeMask ) ); }
} // namespace GCSDK