//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "hammer.h"
#include "SoundBrowser.h"
#include "mmsystem.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
static LPCTSTR s_pszSection = "SoundBrowser"; CStringArray CSoundBrowser::m_FilterHistory; int CSoundBrowser::m_nFilterHistory;
// CSoundBrowser dialog
CSoundBrowser::CSoundBrowser( const char *pCurrentSoundName, CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/ ) : CDialog(CSoundBrowser::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CSoundBrowser)
m_Autoplay = FALSE; m_SoundFile = _T(""); m_SoundSource = _T(""); //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
m_SoundNameSelected = pCurrentSoundName; m_SoundType = AfxGetApp()->GetProfileInt(s_pszSection, "Sound Type", 0); m_Autoplay = AfxGetApp()->GetProfileInt(s_pszSection, "Sound Autoplay", 0); Q_strncpy(m_szFilter, (LPCSTR)(AfxGetApp()->GetProfileString(s_pszSection, "Sound Filter", "")), 256 ); m_nSelectedSoundIndex = -1;
// m_bSoundPlayed = false;
void CSoundBrowser::SaveValues() { AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileInt(s_pszSection, "Sound Type", m_SoundType); AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileInt(s_pszSection, "Sound Autoplay", m_Autoplay); AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileString(s_pszSection, "Sound Filter", m_szFilter); }
void CSoundBrowser::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CSoundBrowser)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SOUND_LIST, m_SoundList); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_SOUNDNAME_SELECTED, m_SoundNameSelected); DDX_CBIndex(pDX, IDC_SOUND_TYPE, m_SoundType); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_AUTOPLAY, m_Autoplay); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_SOUND_FILE, m_SoundFile); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_SOUND_SOURCE_FILE, m_SoundSource); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSoundBrowser, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CSoundBrowser)
// CSoundBrowser message handlers
BOOL CSoundBrowser::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog();
m_cFilter.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_SOUND_FILTER, this); for ( int i = 0; i < m_nFilterHistory; ++i ) { m_cFilter.AddString( m_FilterHistory[i] ); }
CString temp = m_szFilter; OnFilterChanged( temp );
// Select an entry in the list that has the same name as the one passed in
int nIndex = m_SoundList.FindString( -1, m_SoundNameSelected ); if ( nIndex != LB_ERR) { m_SoundList.SetCurSel( nIndex ); m_nSelectedSoundIndex = nIndex; int nSoundIndex = m_SoundList.GetItemData(nIndex); m_SoundFile = g_Sounds.SoundFile( GetSoundType(), nSoundIndex ); m_SoundSource = g_Sounds.SoundSourceFile( GetSoundType(), nSoundIndex ); UpdateData( FALSE ); }
SetTimer(1, 500, NULL);
return TRUE; }
void CSoundBrowser::OnClose(void) { Shutdown(); CDialog::OnClose(); }
// Shutdown
void CSoundBrowser::Shutdown() { SaveValues(); PlaySound( NULL, NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_NODEFAULT);
// save current filter string
int i; for (i = 0; i < m_nFilterHistory; i++) { if (!m_FilterHistory[i].CompareNoCase(m_szFilter)) break; }
if(i != m_nFilterHistory) // delete first
{ m_FilterHistory.RemoveAt(i); --m_nFilterHistory; } if ( m_szFilter[0] ) { m_FilterHistory.InsertAt(0, m_szFilter); ++m_nFilterHistory; } }
// Clears, fills sound list
void CSoundBrowser::ClearSoundList() { m_SoundList.ResetContent(); }
// Sound filter
bool CSoundBrowser::ShowSoundInList( const char *pSoundName ) { for (int i = 0; i < m_nFilters; i++) { if ( Q_stristr(pSoundName, m_Filters[i]) == NULL ) return false; }
return true; }
void CSoundBrowser::PopulateSoundList() { m_SoundList.SetRedraw( FALSE );
SoundType_t type = GetSoundType(); for ( int i = g_Sounds.SoundCount( type ); --i >= 0; ) { const char *pSoundName = g_Sounds.SoundName( type, i ); if ( ShowSoundInList( pSoundName ) ) { CString str; str.Format( _T(pSoundName) ); int nIndex = m_SoundList.AddString( str ); m_SoundList.SetItemDataPtr( nIndex, (PVOID)i ); } }
m_SoundList.SetRedraw( TRUE ); }
// Sound type
SoundType_t CSoundBrowser::GetSoundType() const { if ( m_SoundType == 0 ) return SOUND_TYPE_GAMESOUND; else if ( m_SoundType == 1 ) return SOUND_TYPE_RAW; else return SOUND_TYPE_SCENE; }
// Sound name
void CSoundBrowser::CopySoundNameToSelected() { UpdateData( TRUE );
int nIndex = m_SoundList.GetCurSel(); if ( nIndex != LB_ERR ) { int nSoundIndex = m_SoundList.GetItemData(nIndex); m_SoundNameSelected = g_Sounds.SoundName( GetSoundType(), nSoundIndex ); m_SoundFile = g_Sounds.SoundFile( GetSoundType(), nSoundIndex ); m_SoundSource = g_Sounds.SoundSourceFile( GetSoundType(), nSoundIndex ); m_nSelectedSoundIndex = nSoundIndex; UpdateData( FALSE ); } }
// Update the filter:
void CSoundBrowser::OnFilterChanged( const char *pFilter ) { Q_strncpy( m_szFilter, pFilter, 256 ); m_nFilters = 0; char *p = strtok(m_szFilter, " ,;"); while (p != NULL) { m_Filters[m_nFilters++] = p; p = strtok(NULL, " ,;"); } PopulateSoundList(); }
// Purpose: Timer used to control updates when the filter terms change.
// Input : nIDEvent -
void CSoundBrowser::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { if (!m_bFilterChanged) return;
if ((time(NULL) - m_uLastFilterChange) > 0) { KillTimer(nIDEvent); m_bFilterChanged = FALSE;
CString str; m_cFilter.GetWindowText(str); OnFilterChanged( str );
SetTimer(nIDEvent, 500, NULL); }
CDialog::OnTimer(nIDEvent); }
// Purpose: Called when either the filter combo or the keywords combo text changes.
void CSoundBrowser::OnChangeFilter() { // Start a timer to repaint the texture window using the new filters.
m_uLastFilterChange = time(NULL); m_bFilterChanged = true; }
// Purpose:
void CSoundBrowser::OnUpdateFilterNOW() { m_uLastFilterChange = time(NULL); m_bFilterChanged = FALSE;
CString str; int iSel = m_cFilter.GetCurSel(); m_cFilter.GetLBText(iSel, str); OnFilterChanged( str ); }
// Sound type changed
void CSoundBrowser::OnSelchangeSoundType() { UpdateData( TRUE ); PopulateSoundList(); }
// Selected sound
const char *CSoundBrowser::GetSelectedSound() { return m_SoundNameSelected; }
void CSoundBrowser::OnSelchangeSoundList() { CopySoundNameToSelected(); if ( m_Autoplay ) { OnPreview(); } }
void CSoundBrowser::OnDblclkSoundList() { CopySoundNameToSelected(); OnOK(); }
void CSoundBrowser::OnPreview() { if ( m_nSelectedSoundIndex >= 0 ) { g_Sounds.Play( GetSoundType(), m_nSelectedSoundIndex ); } }
void CSoundBrowser::OnAutoplay() { UpdateData( TRUE ); }
void CSoundBrowser::OnRefreshSounds() { // Set the title to "refreshing sounds..."
CString oldTitle, newTitle; newTitle.LoadString( IDS_REFRESHING_SOUNDS ); GetWindowText( oldTitle ); SetWindowText( newTitle ); g_Sounds.Initialize(); PopulateSoundList(); // Restore the title.
SetWindowText( oldTitle ); }
int CSoundBrowser::DoModal() { int nRet = CDialog::DoModal(); Shutdown(); return nRet; }
void CSoundBrowser::OnOpenSource() { if ( m_nSelectedSoundIndex >= 0 ) { g_Sounds.OpenSource( GetSoundType(), m_nSelectedSoundIndex ); } }
void CSoundBrowser::OnBnClickedStopsound() { g_Sounds.StopSound(); }