//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Rendering and mouse handling in the 2D view.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MapView2DBase.h"
#include "hammer.h"
#include "MapEntity.h"
#include "MapFace.h"
#include "MapSolid.h"
#include "MapWorld.h"
#include "MapDoc.h"
#include "MapView2D.h"
#include "MapViewLogical.h"
#include "MapView3D.h"
#include "tooldefs.h"
#include "StockSolids.h"
#include "statusbarids.h"
#include "ObjectProperties.h"
#include "Options.h"
#include "History.h"
#include "GlobalFunctions.h"
#include "MapDefs.h" // dvs: For COORD_NOTINIT
#include "Render2D.h"
#include "TitleWnd.h"
#include "ToolManager.h"
#include "ToolMorph.h" // FIXME: remove
#include "ToolInterface.h"
#include "MapPlayerHullHandle.h"
#include "vgui_controls/EditablePanel.h"
#include "camera.h"
#include "material.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
#define SnapToGrid(line,grid) (line - (line % grid))
#define ZOOM_MIN_DEFAULT 0.02125
#define ZOOM_MAX 256.0
static float s_fDragRestX, s_fDragRestY;
class CMapView2DBasePanel : public vgui::EditablePanel { public: CMapView2DBasePanel( CMapView2DBase *pMapView, const char *panelName ) : vgui::EditablePanel( NULL, panelName ) { m_pMapView = pMapView; }
virtual void OnSizeChanged(int newWide, int newTall) { // call Panel and not EditablePanel OnSizeChanged.
Panel::OnSizeChanged(newWide, newTall); }
virtual void Paint() { m_pMapView->Render(); }
CMapView2DBase *m_pMapView; };
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMapView2DBase, CView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CMapView2DBase)
// Purpose: Constructor. Initializes data members.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMapView2DBase::CMapView2DBase(void) { //
// Must initialize the title window pointer before calling SetDrawType!
m_pwndTitle = NULL;
m_fZoom = -1; // make sure setzoom performs
m_vViewOrigin.Init(); m_ViewMin.Init(); m_ViewMax.Init();
m_xScroll = m_yScroll = 0; m_bActive = false; m_bMouseDrag = false; m_pCamera = new CCamera();
m_pCamera->SetOrthographic( 0.25f, -99999, 99999 );
m_pRender = new CRender2D();
m_pRender->SetView( this );
m_pRender->SetDefaultRenderMode( RENDER_MODE_FLAT_NOZ ); }
// Purpose: Destructor. Frees dynamically allocated resources.
CMapView2DBase::~CMapView2DBase(void) { if (m_pwndTitle != NULL) { delete m_pwndTitle; }
if ( m_pCamera ) { delete m_pCamera; }
if ( m_pRender ) { delete m_pRender; } }
// Purpose:
void CMapView2DBase::UpdateTitleWindowPos(void) { if (m_pwndTitle != NULL) { if (!::IsWindow(m_pwndTitle->m_hWnd)) { return; }
m_pwndTitle->SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER); m_pwndTitle->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); } }
// Create a title window.
void CMapView2DBase::CreateTitleWindow(void) { m_pwndTitle = CTitleWnd::CreateTitleWnd(this, ID_2DTITLEWND); Assert(m_pwndTitle != NULL); UpdateTitleWindowPos(); }
// Purpose: First-time initialization of this view.
void CMapView2DBase::OnInitialUpdate(void) { // CMainFrame::LoadWindowStates calls InitialUpdateFrame which causes us to get two
// OnInitialUpdate messages! Check for a NULL renderer to avoid processing twice.
if ( GetMainPanel() != NULL ) return;
CMapDoc *pDoc = GetMapDoc(); m_pToolManager = pDoc->GetTools();
CenterView(); SetColorMode(Options.view2d.bWhiteOnBlack);
ShowScrollBar(SB_HORZ, Options.view2d.bScrollbars); ShowScrollBar(SB_VERT, Options.view2d.bScrollbars);
vgui::EditablePanel *pMainPanel = new CMapView2DBasePanel( this, "MapView2DPanel" );
SetParentWindow( this ); SetMainPanel( pMainPanel ); }
// Purpose: Called by the tools to scroll the 2D view so that a point is visible.
// Sets a timer to do the scroll so that we don't much with the view state
// while the tool is handling a mouse message.
// Input : point - Point in client coordinates to make visible.
void CMapView2DBase::ToolScrollToPoint(const Vector2D &ptClient) { int nScrollSpeed = 10 / m_fZoom;
if ((GetCapture() == this) && ( ptClient.x < 0 || ptClient.y < 0 || ptClient.x >= m_ClientWidth || ptClient.y >= m_ClientHeight ) ) { // reset these
m_xScroll = m_yScroll = 0; if (ptClient.x < 0) { // scroll left
m_xScroll = -nScrollSpeed; } else if (ptClient.x >= m_ClientWidth) { // scroll right
m_xScroll = nScrollSpeed; } if (ptClient.y < 0) { // scroll up
m_yScroll = nScrollSpeed; } else if (ptClient.y >= m_ClientHeight) { // scroll down
m_yScroll = -nScrollSpeed; } SetTimer( TIMER_SCROLLVIEW, 10, NULL); } else { m_xScroll = m_yScroll = 0; KillTimer( TIMER_SCROLLVIEW ); } }
// Purpose: Adjusts a color's intensity - will not overbrighten.
// Input : ulColor - Color to adjust.
// nIntensity - Percentage of original color intensity to keep (0 - 100).
// bReverse - True ramps toward black, false ramps toward the given color.
// Output : Returns the adjusted color.
void CMapView2DBase::AdjustColorIntensity(Color &color, int nIntensity) { if (!Options.view2d.bWhiteOnBlack) { nIntensity = 100 - nIntensity; }
nIntensity = clamp(nIntensity, 0, 100); //
// Adjust each component's intensity.
color.SetColor( min( (color.r() * nIntensity) / 100, 255 ), min( (color.g() * nIntensity) / 100, 255 ), min( (color.b() * nIntensity) / 100, 255 ), color.a() ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : bWhiteOnBlack -
void CMapView2DBase::SetColorMode(bool bWhiteOnBlack) { // Grid color.
COLORREF clr = Options.colors.clrGrid; m_clrGrid.SetColor( GetRValue(clr), GetGValue(clr), GetBValue(clr), 255 ); if (Options.colors.bScaleGridColor) { AdjustColorIntensity(m_clrGrid, Options.view2d.iGridIntensity); }
// Grid highlight color.
clr = Options.colors.clrGrid10; m_clrGridCustom.SetColor( GetRValue(clr), GetGValue(clr), GetBValue(clr), 255 ); if (Options.colors.bScaleGrid10Color) { AdjustColorIntensity(m_clrGridCustom, 1.5 * Options.view2d.iGridIntensity); }
// Grid 1024 highlight color.
clr = Options.colors.clrGrid1024; m_clrGrid1024.SetColor( GetRValue(clr), GetGValue(clr), GetBValue(clr), 255 ); if (Options.colors.bScaleGrid1024Color) { AdjustColorIntensity(m_clrGrid1024, Options.view2d.iGridIntensity); } // Dotted grid color. No need to create a pen since all we do is SetPixel with it.
clr = Options.colors.clrGridDot; m_clrGridDot.SetColor( GetRValue(clr), GetGValue(clr), GetBValue(clr), 255 ); if (Options.colors.bScaleGridDotColor) { AdjustColorIntensity(m_clrGridDot, Options.view2d.iGridIntensity + 20); }
// Axis color.
clr = Options.colors.clrAxis; m_clrAxis.SetColor( GetRValue(clr), GetGValue(clr), GetBValue(clr), 255 ); if (Options.colors.bScaleAxisColor) { AdjustColorIntensity(m_clrAxis, Options.view2d.iGridIntensity); }
clr = Options.colors.clrBackground; m_ClearColor.SetColor( GetRValue(clr), GetGValue(clr), GetBValue(clr), 255 ); m_bClearZBuffer = false; }
// quick & dirty:
static bool s_bGridDots; static int s_iCustomGridSpacing;
bool CMapView2DBase::HighlightGridLine( CRender2D *pRender, int nGridLine ) { if (nGridLine == 0) { pRender->SetDrawColor( m_clrAxis ); return true; } //
// Optionally highlight every 1024.
if (Options.view2d.bGridHigh1024 && (!(nGridLine % 1024))) { pRender->SetDrawColor( m_clrGrid1024 ); return true; } //
// Optionally highlight every 64.
else if (Options.view2d.bGridHigh64 && (!(nGridLine % 64))) { if (!s_bGridDots) { pRender->SetDrawColor( m_clrGridCustom ); return true; } } //
// Optionally highlight every nth grid line.
if (Options.view2d.bGridHigh10 && (!(nGridLine % s_iCustomGridSpacing))) { if (!s_bGridDots) { pRender->SetDrawColor( m_clrGridCustom ); return true; } }
return false;
// Purpose: Draws the grid, using dots or lines depending on the user setting.
// Input : pDC - Device context to draw in.
void CMapView2DBase::DrawGrid(CRender2D *pRender, int xAxis, int yAxis, float depth, bool bNoSmallGrid ) { CMapDoc *pDoc = GetMapDoc();
if (pDoc == NULL) return; // Check for too small grid.
int nGridSpacing = pDoc->GetGridSpacing();
// never allow a grid spacing samller then 2 pixel
while ( ((float)nGridSpacing * m_fZoom) < 2.0f ) { nGridSpacing*=2; }
if ((((float)nGridSpacing * m_fZoom) < 4.0f) && Options.view2d.bHideSmallGrid) { bNoSmallGrid = true; }
// No dots if too close together.
s_bGridDots = Options.view2d.bGridDots; s_iCustomGridSpacing = nGridSpacing * Options.view2d.iGridHighSpec;
int xMin = SnapToGrid( (int)max( g_MIN_MAP_COORD, m_ViewMin[xAxis]-nGridSpacing ), nGridSpacing ); int xMax = SnapToGrid( (int)min( g_MAX_MAP_COORD, m_ViewMax[xAxis]+nGridSpacing ), nGridSpacing ); int yMin = SnapToGrid( (int)max( g_MIN_MAP_COORD, m_ViewMin[yAxis]-nGridSpacing ), nGridSpacing ); int yMax = SnapToGrid( (int)min( g_MAX_MAP_COORD, m_ViewMax[yAxis]+nGridSpacing ), nGridSpacing ); Assert( xMin < xMax ); Assert( yMin < yMax );
// Draw the vertical grid lines.
Vector vPointMin(depth,depth,depth); Vector vPointMax(depth,depth,depth);
vPointMin[xAxis] = xMin; vPointMax[xAxis] = xMax;
// draw dots first, for the shake of speed do really ugly things
if (s_bGridDots && !bNoSmallGrid) { pRender->BeginClientSpace();
CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( MaterialSystemInterface() ); IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh();
for (int y = yMin; y <= yMax; y += nGridSpacing ) { Vector vPoint(depth,depth,depth); vPoint[yAxis] = y; vPoint[xAxis] = xMin; Vector2D v2D; WorldToClient( v2D, vPoint ); v2D.y = (int)(v2D.y+0.5); // dot drawing isn't precise enough in world space
// so we still do it in client space
int nNumPoints = 1+abs(xMax-xMin)/nGridSpacing;
meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_LINES, nNumPoints );
float fOffset = nGridSpacing * m_fZoom;
while( nNumPoints > 0) { float roundfx = (int)(v2D.x+0.5); v2D.x += fOffset;
meshBuilder.Position3f( roundfx, v2D.y, 0 ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( (byte*)&m_clrGridDot ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Position3f( roundfx+1, v2D.y+1, 0 ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( (byte*)&m_clrGridDot ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex();
nNumPoints--; }
meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); }
pRender->EndClientSpace(); }
for (int y = yMin; y <= yMax; y += nGridSpacing ) { pRender->SetDrawColor( m_clrGrid );
int bHighligh = HighlightGridLine( pRender, y ); // Don't draw the base grid if it is too small.
if (!bHighligh && bNoSmallGrid) continue;
// Always draw lines for the axes and map boundaries.
if ((!s_bGridDots) || (bHighligh) || (y == g_MAX_MAP_COORD) || (y == g_MIN_MAP_COORD)) { vPointMin[yAxis] = vPointMax[yAxis] = y; pRender->DrawLine( vPointMin, vPointMax ); } }
vPointMin[yAxis] = yMin; vPointMax[yAxis] = yMax;
for (int x = xMin; x <= xMax; x += nGridSpacing ) { pRender->SetDrawColor( m_clrGrid );
int bHighligh = HighlightGridLine( pRender, x );
// Don't draw the base grid if it is too small.
if ( !bHighligh && bNoSmallGrid ) continue;
// Always draw lines for the axes and map boundaries.
if ((!s_bGridDots) || (bHighligh) || (x == g_MAX_MAP_COORD) || (x == g_MIN_MAP_COORD)) { vPointMin[xAxis] = vPointMax[xAxis] = x; pRender->DrawLine( vPointMin, vPointMax ); } } }
void CMapView2DBase::DrawGridLogical( CRender2D *pRender ) { CMapDoc *pDoc = GetMapDoc();
if (pDoc == NULL) return; // Grid in logical view is always 1024
int nGridSpacing = 1024;
s_iCustomGridSpacing = nGridSpacing; s_bGridDots = false;
int xAxis = 0; int yAxis = 1; int xMin = SnapToGrid( (int)max( g_MIN_MAP_COORD, m_ViewMin[xAxis]-nGridSpacing ), nGridSpacing ); int xMax = SnapToGrid( (int)min( g_MAX_MAP_COORD, m_ViewMax[xAxis]+nGridSpacing ), nGridSpacing ); int yMin = SnapToGrid( (int)max( g_MIN_MAP_COORD, m_ViewMin[yAxis]-nGridSpacing ), nGridSpacing ); int yMax = SnapToGrid( (int)min( g_MAX_MAP_COORD, m_ViewMax[yAxis]+nGridSpacing ), nGridSpacing ); Assert( xMin < xMax ); Assert( yMin < yMax );
// Draw the vertical grid lines.
float depth = 0.0f; Vector vPointMin(depth,depth,depth); Vector vPointMax(depth,depth,depth);
vPointMin[xAxis] = xMin; vPointMax[xAxis] = xMax;
for (int y = yMin; y <= yMax; y += nGridSpacing ) { pRender->SetDrawColor( m_clrGrid );
HighlightGridLine( pRender, y );
vPointMin[yAxis] = vPointMax[yAxis] = y; pRender->DrawLine( vPointMin, vPointMax ); }
vPointMin[yAxis] = yMin; vPointMax[yAxis] = yMax;
for (int x = xMin; x <= xMax; x += nGridSpacing ) { pRender->SetDrawColor( m_clrGrid );
HighlightGridLine( pRender, x );
vPointMin[xAxis] = vPointMax[xAxis] = x; pRender->DrawLine( vPointMin, vPointMax ); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : pointCheck -
// pointRef -
// nDist -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CMapView2DBase::CheckDistance(const Vector2D &vecCheck, const Vector2D &vecRef, int nDist) { if ((fabs(vecRef.x - vecCheck.x) <= nDist) && (fabs(vecRef.y - vecCheck.y) <= nDist)) { return true; }
return false; }
// Purpose: Gets the center point of the view in world coordinates.
// Input : pt - Receives the center point. Only dimensions initialized with
// COORD_NOTINIT will be filled out.
void CMapView2DBase::GetCenterPoint(Vector &pt) { Vector2D ptCenter( m_ClientWidth/2, m_ClientHeight/2); Vector vCenter;
ClientToWorld(vCenter, ptCenter );
if (pt[axHorz] == COORD_NOTINIT) { pt[axHorz] = vCenter[axHorz]; }
if (pt[axVert] == COORD_NOTINIT) { pt[axVert] = vCenter[axVert]; } }
void CMapView2DBase::SetViewOrigin( float fHorz, float fVert, bool bRelative ) { Vector vCurPos;
m_pCamera->GetViewPoint( vCurPos );
if ( bRelative ) { if ( fHorz == 0 && fVert == 0 ) return;
vCurPos[axHorz] += fHorz; vCurPos[axVert] += fVert; } else { if ( fHorz == vCurPos[axHorz] && fVert == vCurPos[axVert] ) return;
vCurPos[axHorz] = fHorz; vCurPos[axVert] = fVert; }
if ( axThird == 1 ) { vCurPos[axThird] = g_MIN_MAP_COORD; } else { vCurPos[axThird] = g_MAX_MAP_COORD; }
m_pCamera->SetViewPoint( vCurPos );
// Msg("SetViewOrigin: (%i,%i) %s (%i,%i) \n", x, y, bRelative?"rel":"abs", m_ptViewOrigin.x, m_ptViewOrigin.y );
UpdateClientView(); }
// Purpose: Calculates all viewport related variables
void CMapView2DBase::UpdateClientView(void) { if (!::IsWindow(m_hWnd)) return;
m_fZoom = m_pCamera->GetZoom(); m_pCamera->GetViewPoint( m_vViewOrigin );
CRect rectClient; GetClientRect( &rectClient );
m_ClientWidth = rectClient.Width(); m_ClientHeight = rectClient.Height();
float viewWidth = (float)m_ClientWidth / m_fZoom; float viewHeight = (float)m_ClientHeight / m_fZoom;
m_fClientWidthHalf = (float)m_ClientWidth / 2; m_fClientHeightHalf = (float)m_ClientHeight / 2;
float flMaxExtents = fabs(g_MIN_MAP_COORD) + fabs(g_MAX_MAP_COORD); m_flMinZoom = min(m_ClientWidth / flMaxExtents, m_ClientHeight / flMaxExtents);
if ( Options.view2d.bScrollbars ) { SCROLLINFO si; si.cbSize = sizeof(si); si.fMask = SIF_PAGE | SIF_RANGE | SIF_POS;
si.nMin = g_MIN_MAP_COORD - m_fClientWidthHalf; si.nMax = g_MAX_MAP_COORD + m_fClientWidthHalf; si.nPage = viewWidth; si.nPos = m_vViewOrigin[axHorz];
if ( bInvertHorz ) si.nPos = -si.nPos;
SetScrollInfo(SB_HORZ, &si);
si.nMin = g_MIN_MAP_COORD-m_fClientHeightHalf; si.nMax = g_MAX_MAP_COORD+m_fClientHeightHalf; si.nPage = viewHeight; si.nPos = m_vViewOrigin[axVert];
if ( bInvertVert ) si.nPos = -si.nPos;
SetScrollInfo(SB_VERT, &si); } else { ShowScrollBar(SB_HORZ, FALSE); ShowScrollBar(SB_VERT, FALSE); }
// calc view axis
m_vViewAxis.Init(); m_vViewAxis[axThird] = 1;
if ( bInvertHorz && bInvertVert ) m_vViewAxis = -m_vViewAxis;
m_pCamera->SetViewPort( m_ClientWidth, m_ClientHeight ); m_pCamera->SetYaw( 0 ); m_pCamera->SetPitch( 0 ); m_pCamera->SetRoll( 0 );
switch ( axThird ) { case 0 : m_pCamera->SetYaw( -90 ); break;
case 1 : m_pCamera->SetRoll( 0 ); break;
case 2 : m_pCamera->SetPitch( 90 ); break; }
// update 3D world bounding box for 2D client view
int xmin = 0; int xmax = m_ClientWidth; int ymin = 0; int ymax = m_ClientHeight;
Vector2D ptViewMin(xmin, ymin); Vector2D ptViewMax(xmax, ymax);
ClientToWorld( m_ViewMin, ptViewMin ); ClientToWorld( m_ViewMax, ptViewMax );
m_ViewMin[axThird] = g_MIN_MAP_COORD; m_ViewMax[axThird] = g_MAX_MAP_COORD;
NormalizeBox( m_ViewMin, m_ViewMax );
Assert( m_ViewMin.x <= m_ViewMax.x ); Assert( m_ViewMin.y <= m_ViewMax.y ); Assert( m_ViewMin.z <= m_ViewMax.z );
OnRenderListDirty(); m_bUpdateView = true;
UpdateStatusBar(); }
// Purpose:
void CMapView2DBase::UpdateStatusBar() { if(!IsWindow(m_hWnd)) return;
char szBuf[128]; sprintf(szBuf, " Zoom: %.2f ", m_fZoom); SetStatusText(SBI_GRIDZOOM, szBuf); }
// Purpose:
// Input : fNewZoom -
void CMapView2DBase::SetZoom(float fNewZoom) { float fOldZoom = m_pCamera->GetZoom();
fNewZoom = clamp( fNewZoom, m_flMinZoom, ZOOM_MAX );
if (fOldZoom == fNewZoom) { return; }
if (IsWindow(m_hWnd)) { // zoom in on cursor position
POINT ptClient; GetCursorPos(&ptClient); ScreenToClient(&ptClient);
Vector2D newOrigin,vecClient(ptClient.x,ptClient.y);
if (!PointInClientRect(vecClient)) { // cursor is not in window; zoom on center instead
vecClient.x = m_fClientWidthHalf; vecClient.y = m_fClientHeightHalf; }
Vector vecWorld; ClientToWorld( vecWorld, vecClient ); vecClient.x -= m_fClientWidthHalf; vecClient.y -= m_fClientHeightHalf; vecClient.x /= fNewZoom; vecClient.y /= fNewZoom;
if (bInvertVert) { vecClient.y = -vecClient.y; }
if (bInvertHorz) { vecClient.x = -vecClient.x; }
newOrigin.x = vecWorld[axHorz] - vecClient.x; newOrigin.y = vecWorld[axVert] - vecClient.y; m_pCamera->SetZoom( fNewZoom );
SetViewOrigin( newOrigin.x, newOrigin.y );
UpdateClientView(); }
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CMapView2DBase::AssertValid() const { CView::AssertValid(); }
void CMapView2DBase::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CView::Dump(dc); } #endif //_DEBUG
// Purpose:
// Input : cs -
// Output : Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL CMapView2DBase::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { static CString className; if(className.IsEmpty()) { className = AfxRegisterWndClass(CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT | CS_DBLCLKS, AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_ARROW), HBRUSH(NULL)); }
cs.lpszClass = className; return CView::PreCreateWindow(cs); }
// Purpose:
// Input : nChar -
// nRepCnt -
// nFlags -
void CMapView2DBase::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { CMapDoc *pDoc = GetMapDoc();
if ( !pDoc || !m_pToolManager ) return;
if (nChar == VK_SPACE) { // Switch the cursor to the hand. We'll start panning the view
// on the left button down event.
if ( m_bMouseDrag ) SetCursor("Resource/ifm_grab.cur"); else SetCursor("Resource/ifm_move.cur");
return; }
// Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool) { if ( IsLogical() ) { if ( pTool->OnKeyDownLogical( static_cast<CMapViewLogical*>( this ), nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags ) ) return; } else { if ( pTool->OnKeyDown2D( static_cast<CMapView2D*>( this ), nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags ) ) return; } }
// The tool didn't handle the key. Perform default handling for this view.
// bool bShift = nFlags & MK_SHIFT;
bool bCtrl = nFlags & MK_CONTROL;
switch (nChar) { //
// Zoom in.
case '+': case VK_ADD: { ZoomIn(bCtrl); break; }
// Zoom out.
case '-': case VK_SUBTRACT: { ZoomOut(bCtrl); break; }
case VK_UP: { // scroll up
OnVScroll(SB_LINEUP, 0, NULL); break; }
case VK_DOWN: { // scroll down
OnVScroll(SB_LINEDOWN, 0, NULL); break; }
case VK_LEFT: { // scroll up
OnHScroll(SB_LINELEFT, 0, NULL); break; }
case VK_RIGHT: { // scroll up
OnHScroll(SB_LINERIGHT, 0, NULL); break; }
// 1-9 +0 shortcuts to various zoom levels.
case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '0': { int iZoom = nChar - '1'; if (nChar == '0') { iZoom = 9; } SetZoom(m_flMinZoom * (1 << iZoom)); break; } }
CView::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); }
// Purpose:
// Input : Per CWnd::OnKeyUp.
void CMapView2DBase::OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { if ( !m_pToolManager ) return;
if (nChar == VK_SPACE) { //
// Releasing the space bar stops panning the view.
SetCursor( vgui::dc_arrow ); } else { //
// Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool) { if ( IsLogical() ) { if ( pTool->OnKeyUpLogical( static_cast<CMapViewLogical*>( this ), nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags ) ) return; } else { if ( pTool->OnKeyUp2D( static_cast<CMapView2D*>( this ), nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags ) ) return; } } }
CView::OnKeyUp(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); }
// Purpose:
void CMapView2DBase::OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { if ( !m_pToolManager ) return;
// Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if ( pTool ) { if ( IsLogical() ) { if ( pTool->OnCharLogical( static_cast<CMapViewLogical*>( this ), nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags ) ) return; } else { if ( pTool->OnChar2D( static_cast<CMapView2D*>( this ), nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags ) ) return; } }
CView::OnChar( nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags ); }
// Hit test
bool CMapView2DBase::HitTest( const Vector2D &vPoint, const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs) { Vector2D vecMinClient,vecMaxClient;
WorldToClient(vecMinClient, mins); WorldToClient(vecMaxClient, maxs);
CRect rect(vecMinClient.x, vecMinClient.y, vecMaxClient.x, vecMaxClient.y); rect.NormalizeRect();
return rect.PtInRect( CPoint( vPoint.x, vPoint.y) ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : point - Point in client coordinates.
// bMakeFirst -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
int CMapView2DBase::ObjectsAt( const Vector2D &vPoint, HitInfo_t *pHitData, int nMaxObjects, unsigned int nFlags ) { CMapDoc *pDoc = GetMapDoc(); CMapWorld *pWorld = pDoc->GetMapWorld();
return ObjectsAt( pWorld, vPoint, pHitData, nMaxObjects, nFlags ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : point - Point in client coordinates.
// bMakeFirst -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
int CMapView2DBase::ObjectsAt( CMapWorld *pWorld, const Vector2D &vPoint, HitInfo_t *pHitData, int nMaxObjects, unsigned int nFlags ) { int nIndex = 0;
const CMapObjectList *pChildren = pWorld->GetChildren(); FOR_EACH_OBJ( *pChildren, pos ) { CMapClass *pChild = pChildren->Element(pos); CMapWorld *pWorldChild = dynamic_cast< CMapWorld * >( pChild );
if ( pWorldChild ) { nIndex += ObjectsAt( pWorldChild, vPoint, &pHitData[ nIndex ], nMaxObjects - nIndex ); } else if ( IsLogical() ) { if ( pChild->HitTestLogical( static_cast<CMapViewLogical*>(this), vPoint, pHitData[nIndex] ) ) { nIndex++; } } else { if ( pChild->HitTest2D( static_cast<CMapView2D*>(this), vPoint, pHitData[nIndex] ) ) { nIndex++; } } }
return nIndex; }
// Purpose:
// Input : nFlags -
// point -
void CMapView2DBase::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if ( !m_pToolManager ) return;
// Check for view-specific keyboard overrides.
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE) & 0x8000) { //
// Space bar + mouse move scrolls the view.
m_bMouseDrag = true; m_ptLDownClient = point; s_fDragRestX = s_fDragRestY = 0;
SetCapture(); SetCursor( "Resource/ifm_grab.cur" ); return; }
// Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool) { if ( IsLogical() ) { if ( pTool->OnLMouseDownLogical( static_cast<CMapViewLogical*>( this ), nFlags, Vector2D( point.x, point.y ) ) ) return; } else { if ( pTool->OnLMouseDown2D( static_cast<CMapView2D*>( this ), nFlags, Vector2D( point.x, point.y ) ) ) return; } }
m_ptLDownClient = point;
CView::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); }
// Purpose:
// Input : nFlags -
// point -
void CMapView2DBase::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { //
// Make sure we are the active view.
CMapDoc *pDoc = GetMapDoc();
if ( !pDoc || !m_pToolManager ) return;
if ( !IsActive() ) { pDoc->SetActiveView(this); }
// If we are the active application, make sure this view has the input focus.
if (APP()->IsActiveApp() && !IsRunningInEngine() ) { if (GetFocus() != this) { SetFocus(); } }
// Panning the view with the mouse, just exit.
if ( m_bMouseDrag ) { if ( point == m_ptLDownClient ) return;
float fdx = point.x - m_ptLDownClient.x; float fdy = point.y - m_ptLDownClient.y;
fdx /= m_fZoom; fdy /= m_fZoom;
if ( bInvertHorz ) fdy = -fdy;
if ( bInvertVert ) fdx = -fdx;
fdx += s_fDragRestX; fdy += s_fDragRestY;
int idx = fdx; int idy = fdy;
if ( idy == 0 && idx == 0 ) return;
s_fDragRestX = fdx - idx; s_fDragRestY = fdy - idy;
SetViewOrigin( idx, idy, true );
SetCursor( "Resource/ifm_grab.cur" );
// reset mouse pos
m_ptLDownClient = point; return; }
// Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool) { Vector2D vPoint( point.x, point.y ); if ( IsLogical() ) { if ( pTool->OnMouseMoveLogical( static_cast<CMapViewLogical*>( this ), nFlags, vPoint ) ) return; } else { if ( pTool->OnMouseMove2D( static_cast<CMapView2D*>( this ), nFlags, vPoint ) ) return; } }
// The tool didn't handle the message. Make sure the cursor is set.
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE) & 0x8000) { SetCursor( "Resource/ifm_move.cur" ); } else { SetCursor( vgui::dc_arrow ); }
CView::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); }
// Purpose: Handles mouse wheel events. The mouse wheel is used to zoom the 2D
// view in and out.
// Input : Per CWnd::OnMouseWheel.
BOOL CMapView2DBase::OnMouseWheel(UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint point) { if ( !m_pToolManager ) return TRUE;
// Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool) { if ( IsLogical() ) { if ( pTool->OnMouseWheelLogical( static_cast<CMapViewLogical*>( this ), nFlags, zDelta, Vector2D(point.x,point.y) ) ) return TRUE; } else { if ( pTool->OnMouseWheel2D( static_cast<CMapView2D*>( this ), nFlags, zDelta, Vector2D(point.x,point.y) ) ) return TRUE; } }
if (zDelta < 0) { ZoomOut(nFlags & MK_CONTROL); } else { ZoomIn(nFlags & MK_CONTROL); }
return(TRUE); }
// Purpose: Scrolls the view to make sure that the position in world space is visible.
// Input : vecPos -
void CMapView2DBase::EnsureVisible(Vector &vecPos, float flMargin) { Vector2D pt; WorldToClient(pt, vecPos);
// check to see if it's in the client
if (pt.x < 0) { pt.x = -pt.x + flMargin; } else if (pt.x > m_ClientWidth ) { pt.x = m_ClientWidth - pt.x - flMargin; } else { pt.x = 0; }
if (pt.y < 0) { pt.y = -pt.y + flMargin; } else if (pt.y > m_ClientHeight) { pt.y = m_ClientHeight - pt.y - flMargin; } else { pt.y = 0; }
// if it's not in the client, scroll
if (pt.x || pt.y) { SetViewOrigin( pt.x, pt.y, true ); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : nFlags -
// point -
void CMapView2DBase::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CMapDoc *pDoc = GetMapDoc();
if ( !pDoc || !m_pToolManager ) return;
if ( m_bMouseDrag ) { m_bMouseDrag = false; // KillTimer(TIMER_MOUSEDRAG);
OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); return; }
// Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool) { if ( IsLogical() ) { if ( pTool->OnLMouseUpLogical( static_cast<CMapViewLogical*>( this ), nFlags, Vector2D(point.x,point.y) ) ) return; } else { if ( pTool->OnLMouseUp2D( static_cast<CMapView2D*>( this ), nFlags, Vector2D(point.x,point.y) ) ) return; } } // we might have removed some stuff that was relevant:
pDoc->UpdateStatusbar(); CView::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point); }
// Purpose: Handles the left mouse button double click event.
void CMapView2DBase::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { //
// Don't forward message if we are controlling the camera.
if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE) & 0x8000) != 0) return;
if ( !m_pToolManager ) return;
// Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool != NULL) { Vector2D vPoint( point.x, point.y ); if ( IsLogical() ) { pTool->OnLMouseDblClkLogical( static_cast<CMapViewLogical*>( this ), nFlags, vPoint ); pTool->OnLMouseDownLogical( static_cast<CMapViewLogical*>( this ), nFlags, vPoint ); } else { pTool->OnLMouseDblClk2D( static_cast<CMapView2D*>( this ), nFlags, vPoint ); pTool->OnLMouseDown2D( static_cast<CMapView2D*>( this ), nFlags, vPoint ); } } }
// Purpose:
// Input : bActivate -
// pActivateView -
// pDeactiveView -
void CMapView2DBase::ActivateView(bool bActivate) { CMapView::ActivateView( bActivate );
if ( bActivate ) { CMapDoc *pDoc = GetMapDoc(); CMapDoc::SetActiveMapDoc( pDoc );
pDoc->UpdateTitle( this ); UpdateStatusBar(); } else { m_xScroll = m_yScroll = 0; } }
// Purpose:
void CMapView2DBase::UpdateView( int nFlags ) { if ( nFlags & MAPVIEW_UPDATE_ONLY_3D ) return;
if ( IsLogical() ) { if ( nFlags & MAPVIEW_UPDATE_ONLY_2D ) return; } else { if ( nFlags & MAPVIEW_UPDATE_ONLY_LOGICAL ) return; }
if(nFlags & MAPVIEW_OPTIONS_CHANGED) { ShowScrollBar(SB_HORZ, Options.view2d.bScrollbars); ShowScrollBar(SB_VERT, Options.view2d.bScrollbars); SetColorMode(Options.view2d.bWhiteOnBlack); UpdateClientView(); }
// Render the world if the flag is specified.
if ( nFlags & (MAPVIEW_UPDATE_OBJECTS|MAPVIEW_UPDATE_VISGROUP_STATE|MAPVIEW_UPDATE_VISGROUP_ALL) ) { // rebuild render list since objects or visiblity was changed
OnRenderListDirty(); }
if ( m_pwndTitle != NULL ) { m_pwndTitle->Invalidate(false); } CMapView::UpdateView( nFlags ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : pt3 -
void CMapView2DBase::CenterView(Vector *pCenter) { CMapWorld *pWorld = GetMapDoc()->GetMapWorld();
float fPointX, fPointY;
if( pCenter ) { // use provided point
fPointX = (*pCenter)[axHorz]; fPointY = (*pCenter)[axVert]; } else { //
// Use center of map.
Vector vecMins; Vector vecMaxs; pWorld->GetRender2DBox(vecMins, vecMaxs);
fPointX = (vecMaxs[axHorz] + vecMins[axHorz]) / 2; fPointY = (vecMaxs[axVert] + vecMins[axVert]) / 2; }
SetViewOrigin( fPointX, fPointY ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : nSBCode -
// nPos -
// pScrollBar -
void CMapView2DBase::OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar *pScrollBar) { int iPos = int(nPos);
float viewWidth = (float)m_ClientWidth / m_fZoom; switch (nSBCode) { case SB_LINELEFT: { iPos = -int(viewWidth / 4); break; } case SB_LINERIGHT: { iPos = int(viewWidth / 4); break; } case SB_PAGELEFT: { iPos = -int(viewWidth / 2); break; } case SB_PAGERIGHT: { iPos = int(viewWidth / 2); break; } case SB_THUMBTRACK: case SB_THUMBPOSITION: { if ( bInvertHorz ) iPos = -iPos;
SetViewOrigin( iPos, m_vViewOrigin[axVert] ); return; } }
if ( bInvertHorz ) iPos = -iPos;
SetViewOrigin( iPos, 0, true ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : nSBCode -
// nPos -
// pScrollBar -
void CMapView2DBase::OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar *pScrollBar) { int iPos = int(nPos);
float viewHeight = (float)m_ClientHeight / m_fZoom;
switch (nSBCode) { case SB_LINEUP: { iPos = -int(viewHeight / 4); break; } case SB_LINEDOWN: { iPos = int(viewHeight / 4); break; } case SB_PAGEUP: { iPos = -int(viewHeight / 2); break; } case SB_PAGEDOWN: { iPos = int(viewHeight / 2); break; } case SB_THUMBTRACK: case SB_THUMBPOSITION: { if ( bInvertVert ) iPos = -iPos;
SetViewOrigin( m_vViewOrigin[axHorz], iPos ); return; } }
if ( bInvertVert ) iPos = -iPos;
SetViewOrigin( 0, iPos, true ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : nFlags -
// point -
void CMapView2DBase::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // Pass the message to the active tool.
if ( !m_pToolManager ) return; CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool) { if ( IsLogical() ) { if ( pTool->OnRMouseDownLogical( static_cast<CMapViewLogical*>( this ), nFlags, Vector2D(point.x,point.y) ) ) return; } else { if ( pTool->OnRMouseDown2D( static_cast<CMapView2D*>( this ), nFlags, Vector2D(point.x,point.y) ) ) return; } }
CView::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point); }
// Purpose:
// Input : nIDEvent -
void CMapView2DBase::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { if ( nIDEvent == TIMER_SCROLLVIEW ) { KillTimer( TIMER_SCROLLVIEW );
if (m_xScroll || m_yScroll) { SetViewOrigin(m_xScroll, m_yScroll, true); // force mousemove event
CPoint pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); ScreenToClient(&pt); OnMouseMove(0, pt); } }
CView::OnTimer(nIDEvent); }
// Purpose:
// Input : pWnd -
// point -
void CMapView2DBase::OnContextMenu(UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint) { if ( m_bMouseDrag || !m_pToolManager ) { return; }
// Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool) { if ( IsLogical() ) { if ( pTool->OnContextMenuLogical( static_cast<CMapViewLogical*>( this ), nFlags, vPoint ) ) return; } else { if ( pTool->OnContextMenu2D( static_cast<CMapView2D*>( this ), nFlags, vPoint ) ) return; } }
static CMenu menu, menuDefault; static bool bInit = false;
if(!bInit) { bInit = true; menu.LoadMenu(IDR_POPUPS); menuDefault.Attach(::GetSubMenu(menu.m_hMenu, 2)); }
if(!PointInClientRect( vPoint ) ) return;
CPoint ptScreen( vPoint.x, vPoint.y ); ClientToScreen( &ptScreen ); menuDefault.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON | TPM_LEFTALIGN, ptScreen.x, ptScreen.y, this); }
// Purpose: Called whenever the view is resized.
// Input : nType -
// cx -
// cy -
void CMapView2DBase::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
UpdateClientView(); }
// Purpose:
void CMapView2DBase::OnEditProperties() { // kludge for trackpopupmenu()
GetMainWnd()->pObjectProperties->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); }
// Purpose:
// Input : nFlags -
// point -
void CMapView2DBase::OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if ( !m_pToolManager ) return;
// Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool) { if ( IsLogical() ) { pTool->OnRMouseUpLogical( static_cast<CMapViewLogical*>( this ), nFlags, Vector2D(point.x,point.y) ); } else { pTool->OnRMouseUp2D( static_cast<CMapView2D*>( this ), nFlags, Vector2D(point.x,point.y) ); } }
OnContextMenu( nFlags, Vector2D(point.x,point.y) );
CView::OnRButtonUp(nFlags, point); }
// Purpose:
// Input : pCmdUI -
void CMapView2DBase::OnUpdateEditFunction(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable((m_pToolManager->GetActiveToolID() != TOOL_FACEEDIT_MATERIAL) && !GetMainWnd()->IsShellSessionActive()); }
// Purpose:
// Input : pDC -
// Output : Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL CMapView2DBase::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) { return TRUE; }
void CMapView2DBase::WorldToClient(Vector2D &ptClient, const Vector &vecWorld) { Assert(!bInvertHorz); Assert(bInvertVert);
ptClient.x = (m_fZoom * ( vecWorld[axHorz] - m_vViewOrigin[axHorz] )) + m_fClientWidthHalf; ptClient.y = (m_fZoom * ( m_vViewOrigin[axVert] - vecWorld[axVert] )) + m_fClientHeightHalf;
/* if (bInvertHorz)
{ ptClient.x = -ptClient.x; }
if ( bInvertVert ) { ptClient.y = -ptClient.y; }
// Also valid:
Vector2D vClient;
m_pCamera->WorldToView( vecWorld, vClient );
ptClient.x = vClient.x; ptClient.y = vClient.y; */ }
// Purpose: Converts a 2D client coordinate into 3D world coordinates.
// Input : vecWorld -
// ptClient -
void CMapView2DBase::ClientToWorld(Vector &vecWorld, const Vector2D &ptClient) { vecWorld[axHorz] = ptClient.x - m_fClientWidthHalf; vecWorld[axVert] = ptClient.y - m_fClientHeightHalf; vecWorld[axThird] = 0;
vecWorld[axHorz] /= m_fZoom; vecWorld[axVert] /= m_fZoom;
if (bInvertHorz) { vecWorld[axHorz] = -vecWorld[axHorz]; }
if (bInvertVert) { vecWorld[axVert] = -vecWorld[axVert]; }
vecWorld += m_vViewOrigin; }
void CMapView2DBase::BuildRay( const Vector2D &ptClient, Vector& vStart, Vector& vEnd ) { ClientToWorld( vStart, ptClient ); vEnd = vStart; vStart[axThird] = -99999; vEnd[axThird] = 99999; }
void CMapView2DBase::GetBestTransformPlane( Vector &horzAxis, Vector &vertAxis, Vector &thirdAxis) { horzAxis.Init(); horzAxis[axHorz] = 1; vertAxis.Init(); vertAxis[axVert] = 1; thirdAxis.Init(); thirdAxis[axThird] = 1; }
// Purpose: Zooms the 2D view in.
// Input : bAllViews - Whether to set all 2D views to this zoom level.
void CMapView2DBase::ZoomIn(BOOL bAllViews) { float newZoom = m_fZoom * 1.2; SetZoom( newZoom );
// Set all doc 2d view zooms to this zoom level.
if (bAllViews) { VIEW2DINFO vi; vi.wFlags = VI_ZOOM; vi.fZoom = newZoom;
CMapDoc *pDoc = GetMapDoc(); if (pDoc != NULL) { pDoc->SetView2dInfo(vi); } } }
// Purpose: Zooms the 2D view out.
// Input : bAllViews - Whether to set all 2D views to this zoom level.
void CMapView2DBase::ZoomOut(BOOL bAllViews) { SetZoom(m_fZoom / 1.2);
// Set all doc 2d view zooms to this zoom level.
if (bAllViews) { VIEW2DINFO vi; vi.wFlags = VI_ZOOM; vi.fZoom = m_fZoom;
CMapDoc *pDoc = GetMapDoc(); if (pDoc != NULL) { pDoc->SetView2dInfo(vi); } } }
// Purpose: Returns true if the entire 3D box is visible in this 2D view.
bool CMapView2DBase::IsBoxFullyVisible(const Vector &minsWorld, const Vector &maxsWorld) { Vector2D minsClient; Vector2D maxsClient; WorldToClient(minsClient, minsWorld); WorldToClient(maxsClient, maxsWorld);
return (PointInClientRect( minsClient ) && PointInClientRect( maxsClient ) ); }
// Purpose: Returns true if the entire 3D box is visible in this 2D view.
bool CMapView2DBase::CanBoxFitInView(const Vector &minsWorld, const Vector &maxsWorld) { Vector2D minsClient; Vector2D maxsClient; WorldToClient(minsClient, minsWorld); WorldToClient(maxsClient, maxsWorld);
return ((m_ClientWidth > maxsClient.x - minsClient.x) && (m_ClientHeight > maxsClient.y - minsClient.y)); }
void CMapView2DBase::RenderView() { DrawVGuiPanel(); m_bUpdateView = false; }
LRESULT CMapView2DBase::WindowProc( UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch ( message ) { case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: case WM_SYSCHAR: case WM_CHAR: case WM_KEYUP: case WM_SYSKEYUP: { // don't invalidate window on these events, too much
return CView::WindowProc( message, wParam, lParam ) ; } case WM_PAINT: { CWnd *focusWnd = GetForegroundWindow();
if ( focusWnd && focusWnd->ContinueModal() ) { // render the view now since were not running the main loop
RenderView(); } else { // just flag view to be update with next main loop
m_bUpdateView = true; } return CView::WindowProc( message, wParam, lParam ) ; } }
if ( !WindowProcVGui( message, wParam, lParam ) ) { return CView::WindowProc( message, wParam, lParam ) ; }
return 1; }
bool CMapView2DBase::IsInClientView( const Vector &vecMin, const Vector &vecMax ) { // check render view bounds in world space, dont translate every object
if ( (vecMin.x > m_ViewMax.x) || (vecMax.x < m_ViewMin.x) ) return false;
if ( (vecMin.y > m_ViewMax.y) || (vecMax.y < m_ViewMin.y) ) return false;
if ( (vecMin.z > m_ViewMax.z) || (vecMax.z < m_ViewMin.z) ) return false;
return true; }
bool CMapView2DBase::IsInClientView( const Vector2D &vecMin, const Vector2D &vecMax ) { // check render view bounds in world space, dont translate every object
if ( (vecMin.x > m_ViewMax.x) || (vecMax.x < m_ViewMin.x) ) return false;
if ( (vecMin.y > m_ViewMax.y) || (vecMax.y < m_ViewMin.y) ) return false;
return true; }
const Vector& CMapView2DBase::GetViewAxis() { return m_vViewAxis; }