//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Implements the 3D view message handling. This class is responsible
// for 3D camera control, activating tools in the 3D view, calling
// into the renderer when necessary, and synchronizing the 2D camera
// information with the 3D camera.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <oleauto.h>
#include <oaidl.h>
#if _MSC_VER < 1300
#include <afxpriv.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include "Camera.h"
#include "GlobalFunctions.h"
#include "Gizmo.h"
#include "History.h"
#include "Keyboard.h"
#include "MainFrm.h"
#include "MapDoc.h"
#include "MapDecal.h"
#include "MapEntity.h"
#include "MapSolid.h"
#include "MapStudioModel.h"
#include "MapWorld.h"
#include "MapView3D.h"
#include "MapView2D.h"
#include "ObjectBar.h"
#include "Options.h"
#include "StatusBarIDs.h"
#include "TitleWnd.h"
#include "ToolManager.h"
#include "hammer.h"
#include "mathlib/vector.h"
#include "MapOverlay.h"
#include "engine_launcher_api.h"
#include "vgui/Cursor.h"
#include "ToolCamera.h"
#include "HammerVGui.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
#pragma warning(disable:4244 4305)
typedef struct { CMapObjectList *pList; POINT pt; CMapWorld *pWorld; } SELECT3DINFO;
int g_nClipPoints = 0; Vector g_ClipPoints[4];
// Defines the logical keys.
#define LOGICAL_KEY_UP 4
// Rotation speeds, in degrees per second.
#define YAW_SPEED 180
#define PITCH_SPEED 180
#define ROLL_SPEED 180
// Purpose: Constructor. Initializes data members to default values.
CMapView3D::CMapView3D(void) { m_eDrawType = VIEW3D_WIREFRAME; m_pRender = NULL; m_pCamera = NULL;
m_dwTimeLastInputSample = 0;
m_fForwardSpeed = 0; m_fStrafeSpeed = 0; m_fVerticalSpeed = 0;
m_pwndTitle = NULL; m_bLightingPreview = false;
m_bMouseLook = false; m_bStrafing = false; m_bRotating = false;
m_ptLastMouseMovement.x = 0; m_ptLastMouseMovement.y = 0;
m_nLastRaytracedBitmapRenderTimeStamp = -1;
m_bCameraPosChanged = false; m_bClippingChanged = false; }
// Purpose: Destructor. Releases dynamically allocated resources.
CMapView3D::~CMapView3D(void) { if (m_pCamera != NULL) { delete m_pCamera; }
if (m_pRender != NULL) { m_pRender->ShutDown(); delete m_pRender; }
if (m_pwndTitle != NULL) { delete m_pwndTitle; } }
// Purpose:
// Input : cs -
// Output : Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL CMapView3D::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { static CString className; if(className.IsEmpty()) { //
// We need the CS_OWNDC bit so that we don't need to call GetDC every time we render. That fixes the flicker under Win98.
cs.lpszClass = className;
return CView::PreCreateWindow(cs); }
// Purpose: Disables mouselook when the view loses focus. This ensures that the
// cursor is shown and not locked in the center of the 3D view.
// Input : pNewWnd - The window getting focus.
void CMapView3D::OnKillFocus(CWnd *pNewWnd) { EnableMouseLook(false); EnableRotating(false); EnableStrafing(false); }
// Purpose:
// Input : nDrawType -
void CMapView3D::SetDrawType(DrawType_t eDrawType) { EditorRenderMode_t eRenderMode;
// Turn off the dialog.
if ( m_eDrawType == VIEW3D_SMOOTHING_GROUP ) { CMainFrame *pMainFrame = GetMainWnd(); if ( pMainFrame ) { CFaceSmoothingVisualDlg *pSmoothDlg = pMainFrame->GetSmoothingGroupDialog(); pSmoothDlg->ShowWindow( SW_HIDE ); } }
if (m_pwndTitle != NULL) { m_pwndTitle->SetTitle("camera"); }
m_bLightingPreview = false; switch (eDrawType) { case VIEW3D_WIREFRAME: { eRenderMode = RENDER_MODE_WIREFRAME; break; }
case VIEW3D_POLYGON: { eRenderMode = RENDER_MODE_FLAT; break; }
case VIEW3D_TEXTURED: { eRenderMode = RENDER_MODE_TEXTURED; break; }
case VIEW3D_SMOOTHING_GROUP: { CMainFrame *pMainFrame = GetMainWnd(); if ( pMainFrame ) { CFaceSmoothingVisualDlg *pSmoothDlg = pMainFrame->GetSmoothingGroupDialog(); pSmoothDlg->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); }
// Always set the initial group to visualize (zero).
CMapDoc *pDoc = GetMapDoc(); pDoc->SetSmoothingGroupVisual( 0 );
// if ( IsRunningInEngine() )
// {
// CMapDoc *pMapDoc = CMapDoc::GetActiveMapDoc();
// if ( pMapDoc )
// {
// const char *pFullPathName = pMapDoc->GetPathName();
// if ( pFullPathName && pFullPathName[0] )
// {
// char buf[MAX_PATH];
// Q_FileBase( pFullPathName, buf, MAX_PATH );
// // Don't do it if we're untitled
// //if ( !Q_stristr( buf, "untitled" ) )
// {
// g_pEngineAPI->SetEngineWindow( m_hWnd );
// //g_pEngineAPI->SetMap( buf );
// g_pEngineAPI->ActivateSimulation( true );
// }
// }
// }
// }
// if (m_pwndTitle != NULL)
// {
// m_pwndTitle->SetTitle("engine");
// }
// break;
default: { Assert(FALSE); eDrawType = VIEW3D_WIREFRAME; eRenderMode = RENDER_MODE_WIREFRAME; break; } }
m_eDrawType = eDrawType;
// Set renderer to use the new rendering mode.
if (m_pRender != NULL) { m_pRender->SetDefaultRenderMode(eRenderMode); m_pRender->SetInLightingPreview( m_bLightingPreview );
// Somehow, this drop down box screws up MFC's notion
// of what we're supposed to be updating. This is a workaround.
m_pRender->ResetFocus(); } }
// Purpose: Sets the position and direction of the camera for this view.
void CMapView3D::SetCamera(const Vector &vecPos, const Vector &vecLookAt) { m_pCamera->SetViewPoint(vecPos); m_pCamera->SetViewTarget(vecLookAt); }
// Purpose: Prepares to print.
// Input : Per CView::OnPreparePrinting.
// Output : Returns nonzero to begin printing, zero to cancel printing.
BOOL CMapView3D::OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo* pInfo) { return(DoPreparePrinting(pInfo)); }
// Purpose: Debugging functions.
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CMapView3D::AssertValid() const { CView::AssertValid(); }
void CMapView3D::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CView::Dump(dc); } #endif //_DEBUG
// Purpose:
// Input : nIDEvent -
void CMapView3D::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { static bool s_bPicking = false; // picking mutex
switch (nIDEvent) { case MVTIMER_PICKNEXT: { if ( !s_bPicking ) { s_bPicking = true; // set current document hit
GetMapDoc()->GetSelection()->SetCurrentHit(hitNext); s_bPicking = false; } break; } }
CView::OnTimer(nIDEvent); }
// Purpose: Called just before we are destroyed.
BOOL CMapView3D::DestroyWindow() { KillTimer(MVTIMER_PICKNEXT); return CView::DestroyWindow(); }
// Purpose:
void CMapView3D::UpdateStatusBar(void) { if (!IsWindow(m_hWnd)) { return; }
SetStatusText(SBI_GRIDZOOM, ""); SetStatusText(SBI_COORDS, ""); }
// Purpose: Sets up key bindings for the 3D view.
void CMapView3D::InitializeKeyMap(void) { m_Keyboard.RemoveAllKeyMaps();
if (!Options.view2d.bNudge) { m_Keyboard.AddKeyMap(VK_LEFT, 0, LOGICAL_KEY_YAW_LEFT); m_Keyboard.AddKeyMap(VK_RIGHT, 0, LOGICAL_KEY_YAW_RIGHT); m_Keyboard.AddKeyMap(VK_DOWN, 0, LOGICAL_KEY_PITCH_DOWN); m_Keyboard.AddKeyMap(VK_UP, 0, LOGICAL_KEY_PITCH_UP);
if (Options.view3d.bUseMouseLook) { m_Keyboard.AddKeyMap('W', 0, LOGICAL_KEY_FORWARD); m_Keyboard.AddKeyMap('A', 0, LOGICAL_KEY_LEFT); m_Keyboard.AddKeyMap('D', 0, LOGICAL_KEY_RIGHT); m_Keyboard.AddKeyMap('S', 0, LOGICAL_KEY_BACK); } else { m_Keyboard.AddKeyMap('D', 0, LOGICAL_KEY_FORWARD); m_Keyboard.AddKeyMap('C', 0, LOGICAL_KEY_BACK); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : pWnd -
// point -
void CMapView3D::OnContextMenu(CWnd *pWnd, CPoint point) { // Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool) { if ( pTool->OnContextMenu3D(this, 0, Vector2D(point.x, point.y) ) ) { return; } } }
// Purpose: Handles the key down event.
// Input : Per CWnd::OnKeyDown.
void CMapView3D::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { CMapDoc *pDoc = GetMapDoc(); if (pDoc == NULL) { return; }
// 'z' toggles mouselook.
if (((char)tolower(nChar) == 'z') && !(nFlags & 0x4000) && (Options.view3d.bUseMouseLook)) { if (pDoc != NULL) { EnableMouseLook(!m_bMouseLook);
// If we just stopped mouse looking, update the camera variables.
if (!m_bMouseLook) { UpdateCameraVariables(); } } return; }
// Got to check for m_pToolManager here because otherwise it can crash on startup if they have keys pressed.
if ( m_pToolManager ) { //
// Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool) { if (pTool->OnKeyDown3D(this, nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags)) { return; } } }
m_Keyboard.OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);
switch (nChar) { case VK_DELETE: { pDoc->OnCmdMsg(ID_EDIT_DELETE, CN_COMMAND, NULL, NULL); break; }
case VK_NEXT: { pDoc->OnCmdMsg(ID_EDIT_SELNEXT, CN_COMMAND, NULL, NULL); break; }
case VK_PRIOR: { pDoc->OnCmdMsg(ID_EDIT_SELPREV, CN_COMMAND, NULL, NULL); break; }
// Move the back clipping plane closer in.
case '1': { float fBack = m_pCamera->GetFarClip(); if (fBack >= 2000) { m_pCamera->SetFarClip(fBack - 1000); Options.view3d.iBackPlane = fBack; } else if (fBack > 500) { m_pCamera->SetFarClip(fBack - 250); Options.view3d.iBackPlane = fBack; } m_bUpdateView = true; m_bClippingChanged = true; break; }
// Move the back clipping plane farther away.
case '2': { float fBack = m_pCamera->GetFarClip(); if ((fBack <= 9000) && (fBack > 1000)) { m_pCamera->SetFarClip(fBack + 1000); Options.view3d.iBackPlane = fBack; } else if (fBack < 10000) { m_pCamera->SetFarClip(fBack + 250); Options.view3d.iBackPlane = fBack; } m_bUpdateView = true; m_bClippingChanged = true; break; }
case 'O': case 'o': { m_pRender->DebugHook1(); break; }
case 'I': case 'i': { m_pRender->DebugHook2(); break; }
case 'P': case 'p': { pDoc->OnToggle3DGrid(); break; }
default: { break; } }
CView::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); }
// Purpose: Handles key release events.
// Input : Per CWnd::OnKeyup
void CMapView3D::OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { // Got to check for m_pToolManager here because otherwise it can crash on startup if they have keys pressed.
if ( m_pToolManager ) { // Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool) { if (pTool->OnKeyUp3D(this, nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags)) { return; } }
m_Keyboard.OnKeyUp(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);
UpdateCameraVariables(); } CView::OnKeyUp(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); }
// Purpose: Called when the view is resized.
// Input : nType -
// cx -
// cy -
void CMapView3D::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { if ( m_pCamera ) { m_pCamera->SetViewPort( cx, cy ); }
CView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); }
// Purpose: Finds the axis that is most closely aligned with the given vector.
// Input : Vector - Vector to find closest axis to.
// Output : Returns an axis index as follows:
// 0 - Positive X axis.
// 1 - Positive Y axis.
// 2 - Positive Z axis.
// 3 - Negative X axis.
// 4 - Negative Y axis.
// 5 - Negative Z axis.
const Vector&ClosestAxis(const Vector& v) { static Vector vBestAxis; float fBestDot = -1; Vector vNormal = v;
VectorNormalize( vNormal ); vBestAxis.Init(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Vector vTestAxis(0,0,0);
vTestAxis[i%3] = (i>=3)?-1:1;
float fTestDot = DotProduct(v, vTestAxis); if (fTestDot > fBestDot) { fBestDot = fTestDot; vBestAxis = vTestAxis; } }
return vBestAxis; }
void CMapView3D::GetBestTransformPlane( Vector &horzAxis, Vector &vertAxis, Vector &thirdAxis) { Vector vAxis;
m_pCamera->GetViewRight( vAxis ); horzAxis = ClosestAxis( vAxis ); m_pCamera->GetViewUp( vAxis ); vertAxis = ClosestAxis( vAxis );
m_pCamera->GetViewForward( vAxis ); thirdAxis = ClosestAxis( vAxis ); }
// Purpose: Synchronizes the 2D camera information with the 3D view.
void CMapView3D::UpdateCameraVariables(void) { Camera3D *pCamTool = dynamic_cast<Camera3D*>(m_pToolManager->GetToolForID( TOOL_CAMERA ));
if (!m_pCamera || !pCamTool ) return; Vector viewPoint,viewForward; m_pCamera->GetViewPoint(viewPoint); m_pCamera->GetViewForward(viewForward);
// tell camera tool to update active camera
pCamTool->UpdateActiveCamera( viewPoint, viewForward ); }
// Purpose: Handles the left mouse button double click event.
void CMapView3D::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { //
// Don't forward message if we are controlling the camera.
if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE) & 0x8000) != 0) { return; }
// Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool != NULL) { Vector2D vPoint( point.x,point.y); if (pTool->OnLMouseDblClk3D( this, nFlags, vPoint )) { return; } } }
// Purpose: Handles the left mouse button down event.
void CMapView3D::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE) & 0x8000) != 0) { EnableRotating(true); return; }
// Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool != NULL) { Vector2D vPoint( point.x,point.y); if (pTool->OnLMouseDown3D(this, nFlags, vPoint)) { return; } }
CView::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); }
// Purpose: Called by the selection tool to begin timed selection by depth.
void CMapView3D::BeginPick(void) { SetTimer(MVTIMER_PICKNEXT, 500, NULL); }
// Purpose: Called by the selection tool to end timed selection by depth.
void CMapView3D::EndPick(void) { //
// Kill pick timer.
// Purpose:
// Input : nFlags -
// point -
void CMapView3D::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if (m_bRotating) { EnableRotating(false); UpdateCameraVariables(); return; }
// Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool != NULL) { Vector2D vPoint( point.x,point.y); if (pTool->OnLMouseUp3D(this, nFlags, vPoint)) { return; } }
CView::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point); }
// Purpose: Creates the renderer and the camera and initializes them.
void CMapView3D::OnInitialUpdate(void) { InitializeKeyMap();
// Create a title window.
m_pwndTitle = CTitleWnd::CreateTitleWnd(this, ID_2DTITLEWND); Assert(m_pwndTitle != NULL); if (m_pwndTitle != NULL) { m_pwndTitle->SetTitle("camera"); }
// CMainFrame::LoadWindowStates calls InitialUpdateFrame which causes us to get two
// OnInitialUpdate messages! Check for a NULL renderer to avoid processing twice.
if (m_pRender != NULL) { return; }
// Create and initialize the renderer.
m_pRender = new CRender3D(); CMapDoc *pDoc = GetMapDoc(); if (pDoc == NULL) { Assert(pDoc != NULL); return; }
m_pRender->SetView( this );
m_pToolManager = pDoc->GetTools();
// Create and initialize the camera.
m_pCamera = new CCamera(); Assert(m_pCamera != NULL); if (m_pCamera == NULL) { return; }
CRect rect; GetClientRect( rect ); m_pCamera->SetViewPort( rect.Width(), rect.Height() );
m_fForwardSpeedMax = Options.view3d.nForwardSpeedMax; m_fStrafeSpeedMax = Options.view3d.nForwardSpeedMax * 0.75f; m_fVerticalSpeedMax = Options.view3d.nForwardSpeedMax * 0.5f;
// Calculate the acceleration based on max speed and the time to max speed.
if (Options.view3d.nTimeToMaxSpeed != 0) { m_fForwardAcceleration = m_fForwardSpeedMax / (Options.view3d.nTimeToMaxSpeed / 1000.0f); m_fStrafeAcceleration = m_fStrafeSpeedMax / (Options.view3d.nTimeToMaxSpeed / 1000.0f); m_fVerticalAcceleration = m_fVerticalSpeedMax / (Options.view3d.nTimeToMaxSpeed / 1000.0f); } else { m_fForwardAcceleration = 0; m_fStrafeAcceleration = 0; m_fVerticalAcceleration = 0; }
// Set up the frustum. We set the vertical FOV to zero because the renderer
// only uses the horizontal FOV.
if ( Options.general.bRadiusCulling ) { // Hack! Don't use frustum culling when doing radial distance culling (slam the distance to 10K)
m_pCamera->SetPerspective( Options.view3d.fFOV, CAMERA_FRONT_PLANE_DISTANCE, 10000); } else { m_pCamera->SetPerspective( Options.view3d.fFOV, CAMERA_FRONT_PLANE_DISTANCE, Options.view3d.iBackPlane); }
// Set the distance at which studio models become bounding boxes.
CMapStudioModel::SetRenderDistance(Options.view3d.nModelDistance); CMapStudioModel::EnableAnimation(Options.view3d.bAnimateModels);
// Enable or disable reverse selection.
m_pRender->RenderEnable(RENDER_REVERSE_SELECTION, (Options.view3d.bReverseSelection == TRUE));
// Enable or disable the 3D grid.
m_pRender->RenderEnable(RENDER_GRID, pDoc->Is3DGridEnabled());
// Enable or disable texture filtering.
m_pRender->RenderEnable(RENDER_FILTER_TEXTURES, (Options.view3d.bFilterTextures == TRUE));
// Get the initial viewpoint and view direction from the default camera in the document.
Camera3D *pCamTool = dynamic_cast<Camera3D*>(m_pToolManager->GetToolForID( TOOL_CAMERA )); if ( pCamTool ) { Vector vecPos,vecLookAt; pCamTool->GetCameraPos( vecPos,vecLookAt ); SetCamera(vecPos, vecLookAt); }
CView::OnInitialUpdate(); }
// Purpose: Turns on wireframe mode from the floating "Camera" menu.
void CMapView3D::OnView3dWireframe(void) { SetDrawType(VIEW3D_WIREFRAME); }
// Purpose: Turns on flat shaded mode from the floating "Camera" menu.
void CMapView3D::OnView3dPolygon(void) { SetDrawType(VIEW3D_POLYGON); }
// Purpose: Turns on textured mode from the floating "Camera" menu.
void CMapView3D::OnView3dTextured(void) { SetDrawType(VIEW3D_TEXTURED); }
// Purpose: Turns on lightmap grid mode from the floating "Camera" menu.
void CMapView3D::OnView3dLightmapGrid(void) { SetDrawType(VIEW3D_LIGHTMAP_GRID); }
// Purpose: Turns on lighting preview mode from the floating "Camera" menu.
void CMapView3D::OnView3dLightingPreview(void) { SetDrawType(VIEW3D_LIGHTING_PREVIEW2); }
void CMapView3D::OnView3dLightingPreviewRayTraced(void) { SetDrawType(VIEW3D_LIGHTING_PREVIEW_RAYTRACED); }
// Purpose: Turns on engine mode from the floating "Camera" menu.
//void CMapView3D::OnView3dEngine(void)
// SetDrawType(VIEW3D_ENGINE);
// Purpose:
// Input : bActivate -
// pActivateView -
// pDeactiveView -
void CMapView3D::ActivateView(bool bActivate) { CMapView::ActivateView(bActivate);
if (bActivate) { CMapDoc *pDoc = GetMapDoc(); CMapDoc::SetActiveMapDoc(pDoc); UpdateStatusBar();
// tell doc to update title
// Reset the last input sample time.
m_dwTimeLastInputSample = 0; } }
void CMapView3D::OnDraw(CDC *pDC) { CWnd *focusWnd = GetForegroundWindow();
if ( focusWnd && focusWnd->ContinueModal() ) { // render the view now since were not running the main loop
RenderView(); } else { // just flag view to be update with next main loop
m_bUpdateView = true; } }
void CMapView3D::RenderView() { Render(); m_bUpdateView = false; }
bool CMapView3D::ShouldRender() { if ( m_eDrawType == VIEW3D_LIGHTING_PREVIEW_RAYTRACED ) { // check if we have new results from lpreview thread
// if ( m_nLastRaytracedBitmapRenderTimeStamp !=
// return true;
} else { // don't animate ray traced displays
if ( Options.view3d.bAnimateModels ) { DWORD dwTimeElapsed = timeGetTime() - m_dwTimeLastRender; if ( (dwTimeElapsed/1000.0f) > 1.0f/20.0f) { m_bUpdateView = true; } } } return CMapView::ShouldRender(); }
// Purpose:
// Input : pDC -
void CMapView3D::OnSetFocus(CWnd *pOldWnd) { // Make sure the whole window region is marked as invalid
m_bUpdateView = true; }
// Purpose: Called to paint the non client area of the window.
void CMapView3D::OnNcPaint(void) { // Make sure the whole window region is marked as invalid
m_bUpdateView = true; }
// Purpose:
// Input : pSender -
// lHint -
// pHint -
void CMapView3D::UpdateView(int nFlags) { if ( !m_pRender ) return;
// One of the options in the 3D options page is changing.
if (nFlags & MAPVIEW_OPTIONS_CHANGED) { InitializeKeyMap();
CMapStudioModel::SetRenderDistance(Options.view3d.nModelDistance); CMapStudioModel::EnableAnimation(Options.view3d.bAnimateModels);
m_pRender->RenderEnable(RENDER_REVERSE_SELECTION, (Options.view3d.bReverseSelection == TRUE));
m_fForwardSpeedMax = Options.view3d.nForwardSpeedMax; m_fStrafeSpeedMax = Options.view3d.nForwardSpeedMax * 0.75f; m_fVerticalSpeedMax = Options.view3d.nForwardSpeedMax * 0.5f;
// Calculate the acceleration based on max speed and the time to max speed.
if (Options.view3d.nTimeToMaxSpeed != 0) { m_fForwardAcceleration = m_fForwardSpeedMax / (Options.view3d.nTimeToMaxSpeed / 1000.0f); m_fStrafeAcceleration = m_fStrafeSpeedMax / (Options.view3d.nTimeToMaxSpeed / 1000.0f); m_fVerticalAcceleration = m_fVerticalSpeedMax / (Options.view3d.nTimeToMaxSpeed / 1000.0f); } else { m_fForwardAcceleration = 0; m_fStrafeAcceleration = 0; m_fVerticalAcceleration = 0; }
m_pCamera->SetPerspective( Options.view3d.fFOV, CAMERA_FRONT_PLANE_DISTANCE, Options.view3d.iBackPlane); CMapDoc *pDoc = GetMapDoc(); if ((pDoc != NULL) && (m_pRender != NULL)) { m_pRender->RenderEnable(RENDER_GRID, pDoc->Is3DGridEnabled()); m_pRender->RenderEnable(RENDER_FILTER_TEXTURES, (Options.view3d.bFilterTextures == TRUE)); } }
if (nFlags & MAPVIEW_UPDATE_OBJECTS) { // dvs: could use this hint to update the octree
CMapView::UpdateView( nFlags ); }
// Purpose: Determines the object at the point (point.x, point.y) in the 3D view.
// Input : point - Point to use for hit test.
// ulFace - Index of face in object that was hit.
// Output : Returns a pointer to the CMapClass object at the coordinates, NULL if none.
CMapClass *CMapView3D::NearestObjectAt( const Vector2D &vPoint, ULONG &ulFace, unsigned int nFlags, VMatrix *pLocalMatrix ) { ulFace = 0; if (m_pRender == NULL) { return(NULL); }
HitInfo_t Hits;
if (m_pRender->ObjectsAt( vPoint.x, vPoint.y, 1, 1, &Hits, 1, nFlags ) != 0) { //
// If they clicked on a solid, the index of the face they clicked on is stored
// in array index [1].
CMapAtom *pObject = (CMapAtom *)Hits.pObject; CMapSolid *pSolid = dynamic_cast<CMapSolid *>(pObject); if ( pLocalMatrix != NULL ) { *pLocalMatrix = Hits.m_LocalMatrix; } if (pSolid != NULL) { ulFace = Hits.uData; return(pSolid); }
return((CMapClass *)pObject); }
return(NULL); }
// Purpose: Casts a ray from the viewpoint through the given plane and determines
// the point of intersection of the ray on the plane.
// Input : point - Point in client screen coordinates.
// plane - Plane being 'clicked' on.
// pos - Returns the point on the plane that projects to the given point.
void CMapView3D::GetHitPos(const Vector2D &point, PLANE &plane, Vector &pos) { //
// Find the point they clicked on in world coordinates. It lies on the near
// clipping plane.
Vector ClickPoint;
ClientToWorld( ClickPoint, point ); //
// Build a ray from the viewpoint through the point on the near clipping plane.
Vector ViewPoint; Vector Ray; m_pCamera->GetViewPoint(ViewPoint); VectorSubtract(ClickPoint, ViewPoint, Ray);
// Find the point of intersection of the ray with the given plane.
float t = DotProduct(plane.normal, ViewPoint) - plane.dist; t = t / -DotProduct(plane.normal, Ray); pos = ViewPoint + t * Ray; }
bool CMapView3D::HitTest( const Vector2D &vPoint, const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs) { Vector vStart, vEnd; int nFace; BuildRay( vPoint, vStart, vEnd ); return IntersectionLineAABBox( mins, maxs, vStart, vEnd, nFace ) >= 0.0f; }
// Purpose: Finds all objects under the given rectangular region in the view.
// Input : x - Client x coordinate.
// y - Client y coordinate.
// fWidth - Width of region in client pixels.
// fHeight - Height of region in client pixels.
// pObjects - Receives objects in the given region.
// nMaxObjects - Size of the array pointed to by pObjects.
// Output : Returns the number of objects in the given region.
int CMapView3D::ObjectsAt( const Vector2D &vPoint, HitInfo_t *pObjects, int nMaxObjects, unsigned int nFlags ) { if (m_pRender != NULL) { return m_pRender->ObjectsAt( vPoint.x, vPoint.y, 1, 1, pObjects, nMaxObjects, nFlags ); }
return 0; }
// Purpose: Makes sure that this view has focus if the mouse moves over it.
void CMapView3D::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { //
// Make sure we are the active view.
if (!IsActive()) { CMapDoc *pDoc = GetMapDoc(); pDoc->SetActiveView(this); }
// If we are the active application, make sure this view has the input focus.
if (APP()->IsActiveApp()) { if (GetFocus() != this) { SetFocus(); } }
CView::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); }
// Purpose:
void CMapView3D::ProcessInput(void) { if (m_dwTimeLastInputSample == 0) { m_dwTimeLastInputSample = timeGetTime(); }
DWORD dwTimeNow = timeGetTime();
float fElapsedTime = (float)(dwTimeNow - m_dwTimeLastInputSample) / 1000.0f;
m_dwTimeLastInputSample = dwTimeNow;
// Clamp (can get really big when we cache textures in )
if (fElapsedTime > 0.3f) { fElapsedTime = 0.3f; } else if ( fElapsedTime <=0 ) { return; // dont process input
ProcessKeys( fElapsedTime );
if ( Options.general.bRadiusCulling ) { ProcessCulling(); } }
// Purpose: Applies an acceleration to a velocity, allowing instantaneous direction
// change and zeroing the velocity in the absence of acceleration.
// Input : fVelocity - Current velocity.
// fAccel - Amount of acceleration to apply.
// fTimeScale - The time for which the acceleration should be applied.
// fMaxVelocity - The maximum velocity to allow.
// Output : Returns the new velocity.
static float Accelerate(float fVelocity, float fAccel, float fAccelScale, float fTimeScale, float fVelocityMax) { //
// If we have a finite acceleration in this direction, apply it to the velocity.
if ((fAccel != 0) && (fAccelScale != 0)) { //
// Check for direction reversal - zero velocity when reversing.
if (fAccelScale > 0) { if (fVelocity < 0) { fVelocity = 0; } } else if (fAccelScale < 0) { if (fVelocity > 0) { fVelocity = 0; } }
// Apply the acceleration.
fVelocity += fAccel * fAccelScale * fTimeScale; if (fVelocity > fVelocityMax) { fVelocity = fVelocityMax; } else if (fVelocity < -fVelocityMax) { fVelocity = -fVelocityMax; }
} //
// If we have infinite acceleration, go straight to maximum velocity.
else if (fAccelScale != 0) { fVelocity = fVelocityMax * fAccelScale; } //
// Else no velocity in this direction at all.
else { fVelocity = 0; }
return(fVelocity); }
// Purpose: Moves the camera based on the keyboard state.
void CMapView3D::ProcessMovementKeys(float fElapsedTime) { //
// Read the state of the camera movement keys.
float fBack = m_Keyboard.GetKeyScale(LOGICAL_KEY_BACK); float fMoveForward = m_Keyboard.GetKeyScale(LOGICAL_KEY_FORWARD) - fBack;
float fLeft = m_Keyboard.GetKeyScale(LOGICAL_KEY_LEFT); float fMoveRight = m_Keyboard.GetKeyScale(LOGICAL_KEY_RIGHT) - fLeft;
float fDown = m_Keyboard.GetKeyScale(LOGICAL_KEY_DOWN); float fMoveUp = m_Keyboard.GetKeyScale(LOGICAL_KEY_UP) - fDown;
float fPitchUp = m_Keyboard.GetKeyScale(LOGICAL_KEY_PITCH_UP); float fPitchDown = m_Keyboard.GetKeyScale(LOGICAL_KEY_PITCH_DOWN);
float fYawLeft = m_Keyboard.GetKeyScale(LOGICAL_KEY_YAW_LEFT); float fYawRight = m_Keyboard.GetKeyScale(LOGICAL_KEY_YAW_RIGHT);
// Apply pitch and yaw if they are nonzero.
if ((fPitchDown - fPitchUp) != 0) { m_pCamera->Pitch((fPitchDown - fPitchUp) * fElapsedTime * PITCH_SPEED); m_bUpdateView = true; }
if ((fYawRight - fYawLeft) != 0) { m_pCamera->Yaw((fYawRight - fYawLeft) * fElapsedTime * YAW_SPEED); m_bUpdateView = true; }
// Apply the accelerations to the forward, strafe, and vertical speeds. They are actually
// velocities because they are signed values.
m_fForwardSpeed = Accelerate(m_fForwardSpeed, m_fForwardAcceleration, fMoveForward, fElapsedTime, m_fForwardSpeedMax); m_fStrafeSpeed = Accelerate(m_fStrafeSpeed, m_fStrafeAcceleration, fMoveRight, fElapsedTime, m_fStrafeSpeedMax); m_fVerticalSpeed = Accelerate(m_fVerticalSpeed, m_fVerticalAcceleration, fMoveUp, fElapsedTime, m_fVerticalSpeedMax);
// Move the camera if any of the speeds are nonzero.
if (m_fForwardSpeed != 0) { m_pCamera->MoveForward(m_fForwardSpeed * fElapsedTime); m_bUpdateView = true; m_bCameraPosChanged = true; }
if (m_fStrafeSpeed != 0) { m_pCamera->MoveRight(m_fStrafeSpeed * fElapsedTime); m_bUpdateView = true; m_bCameraPosChanged = true; }
if (m_fVerticalSpeed != 0) { m_pCamera->MoveUp(m_fVerticalSpeed * fElapsedTime); m_bUpdateView = true; m_bCameraPosChanged = true; } }
// Purpose:
void CMapView3D::ProcessKeys(float fElapsedTime) { ProcessMovementKeys(fElapsedTime);
m_Keyboard.ClearImpulseFlags(); }
// Purpose:
void CMapView3D::ProcessCulling( void ) { if ( m_bCameraPosChanged || m_bClippingChanged ) { CMapDoc *pDoc = GetMapDoc(); pDoc->UpdateVisibilityAll();
m_bClippingChanged = false; m_bCameraPosChanged = false; } }
// Purpose:
bool CMapView3D::ControlCamera(const CPoint &point) { if (!m_bStrafing && !m_bRotating && !m_bMouseLook) { return false; }
bool bShift = ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) != 0);
CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); // get mouse distance to client window center
CPoint WindowCenter = rect.CenterPoint(); CSize MouseLookDelta = point - WindowCenter;
// camera look is on, but no mouse changes
if ( MouseLookDelta.cx == 0 && MouseLookDelta.cy == 0 ) true; //
// If strafing, left-right movement moves the camera from side to side.
// Up-down movement either moves the camera forward and back if the SHIFT
// key is held down, or up and down if the SHIFT key is not held down.
// If rotating and strafing simultaneously, the behavior is as if SHIFT is
// held down.
if (m_bStrafing) { if (bShift || m_bRotating) { MoveForward(-MouseLookDelta.cy * 2); } else { MoveUp(-MouseLookDelta.cy * 2); }
MoveRight(MouseLookDelta.cx * 2);
m_bCameraPosChanged = true; } //
// If mouse looking, left-right movement controls yaw, and up-down
// movement controls pitch.
else { //
// Up-down mouse movement changes the camera pitch.
if (MouseLookDelta.cy) { float fTheta = MouseLookDelta.cy * 0.4; if (Options.view3d.bReverseY) { fTheta = -fTheta; }
Pitch(fTheta); } //
// Left-right mouse movement changes the camera yaw.
if (MouseLookDelta.cx) { float fTheta = MouseLookDelta.cx * 0.4; Yaw(fTheta); } }
// move mouse back to center
CWnd::ClientToScreen(&WindowCenter); SetCursorPos(WindowCenter.x, WindowCenter.y); m_bUpdateView = true;
return true; }
// Purpose: Called by RunFrame to tell this view to process mouse input. This
// function samples the cursor position and takes the appropriate
// action based on the current mode (camera, morphing).
void CMapView3D::ProcessMouse(void) { //
// Get the cursor position in client coordinates.
CPoint point; GetCursorPos(&point); ScreenToClient(&point);
if ( point == m_ptLastMouseMovement ) return;
m_ptLastMouseMovement = point;
if ( ControlCamera( point ) ) { return; }
// If not in mouselook mode, only process mouse messages if there
// is an active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool != NULL) { //
// Pass the message to the tool.
int nFlags = 0;
if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) != 0) { nFlags |= MK_CONTROL; }
if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) != 0) { nFlags |= MK_SHIFT; }
Vector2D vPoint( point.x,point.y); pTool->OnMouseMove3D(this, nFlags, vPoint); } }
// Purpose: Handles mouse wheel events. The mouse wheel is used in camera mode
// to dolly the camera forward and back.
// Input : Per CWnd::OnMouseWheel.
BOOL CMapView3D::OnMouseWheel(UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint point) { //
// Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool != NULL) { Vector2D vPoint( point.x,point.y); if (pTool->OnMouseWheel3D(this, nFlags, zDelta, vPoint)) { return(TRUE); } }
m_pCamera->MoveForward(zDelta / 2); //
// Render now to avoid an ugly lag between the 2D views and the 3D view
// when "center 2D views on camera" is enabled.
m_bUpdateView = true; m_bCameraPosChanged = true;
return CView::OnMouseWheel(nFlags, zDelta, point); }
// Purpose: Handles right mouse button down events.
// Input : Per CWnd::OnRButtonDown.
void CMapView3D::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE) & 0x8000) != 0) { EnableStrafing(true); return; }
// Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool != NULL) { Vector2D vPoint( point.x,point.y); if (pTool->OnRMouseDown3D( this, nFlags, vPoint )) { return; } }
CView::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point); }
// Purpose: Handles right mouse button up events.
// Input : Per CWnd::OnRButtonUp.
void CMapView3D::OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if (m_bStrafing) { //
// Turn off strafing and update the 2D views.
EnableStrafing(false); UpdateCameraVariables(); return; }
// Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool != NULL) { Vector2D vPoint( point.x,point.y); if (pTool->OnRMouseUp3D( this, nFlags, vPoint )) { return; } }
CView::OnRButtonUp(nFlags, point); }
// Purpose: Handles character events.
// Input : Per CWnd::OnChar.
void CMapView3D::OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { // Got to check for m_pToolManager here because otherwise it can crash on startup if they have keys pressed.
if ( m_pToolManager ) { //
// Pass the message to the active tool.
CBaseTool *pTool = m_pToolManager->GetActiveTool(); if (pTool != NULL) { if (pTool->OnChar3D(this, nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags)) { return; } } }
CView::OnChar(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); }
// Purpose: Called when mouselook is enabled. The cursor is moved to the center
// of the screen and hidden.
// Input : bEnable - true to lock and hide the cursor, false to unlock and show it.
void CMapView3D::EnableCrosshair(bool bEnable) { CRect Rect; CPoint Point;
GetClientRect(&Rect); CWnd::ClientToScreen(&Rect); Point = Rect.CenterPoint(); SetCursorPos(Point.x, Point.y);
if (bEnable) { ClipCursor(&Rect); } else { ClipCursor(NULL); }
ShowCursor(bEnable ? FALSE : TRUE); m_pRender->RenderEnable(RENDER_CENTER_CROSSHAIR, bEnable); }
// Purpose: Enables or disables mouselook. When mouselooking, the cursor is hidden
// and a crosshair is rendered in the center of the view.
// Input : bEnable - TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable mouselook.
//void CMapView3D::EnableMouseLook(bool bEnable)
// if (m_bMouseLook != bEnable)
// {
// CMapDoc *pDoc = GetDocument();
// if (pDoc != NULL)
// {
// EnableCrosshair(bEnable);
// m_bMouseLook = bEnable;
// }
// }
// Purpose: Enables or disables mouselook. When mouselooking, the cursor is hidden
// and a crosshair is rendered in the center of the view.
void CMapView3D::EnableMouseLook(bool bEnable) { if (m_bMouseLook != bEnable) { if (!(m_bStrafing || m_bRotating)) { EnableCrosshair(bEnable); }
m_bMouseLook = bEnable; } }
// Purpose: Enables or disables camera rotating. When rotating, the cursor is hidden
// and a crosshair is rendered in the center of the view.
void CMapView3D::EnableRotating(bool bEnable) { if (m_bRotating != bEnable) { if (!(m_bStrafing || m_bMouseLook)) { EnableCrosshair(bEnable); }
m_bRotating = bEnable; } }
// Purpose: Enables or disables camera strafing. When strafing, the cursor is hidden
// and a crosshair is rendered in the center of the view.
void CMapView3D::EnableStrafing(bool bEnable) { if (m_bStrafing != bEnable) { if (!(m_bMouseLook || m_bRotating)) { EnableCrosshair(bEnable); }
m_bStrafing = bEnable; } }
// Purpose: Actually renders the 3D view. Called from the frame loop and from
// some mouse messages when timely updating is important.
void CMapView3D::Render(void) { if ( m_pRender != NULL ) { m_pRender->Render(); }
if (m_pwndTitle != NULL) { m_pwndTitle->BringWindowToTop(); m_pwndTitle->Invalidate(); m_pwndTitle->UpdateWindow(); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pObject -
void CMapView3D::RenderPreloadObject(CMapAtom *pObject) { if ((pObject != NULL) && (m_pRender != NULL)) { pObject->RenderPreload(m_pRender, false); } }
// Release all video memory.
void CMapView3D::ReleaseVideoMemory(void) { m_pRender->UncacheAllTextures(); }
// Purpose: Moves the camera forward by flDistance units. Negative units move back.
void CMapView3D::MoveForward(float flDistance) { if (m_pCamera != NULL) { m_pCamera->MoveForward(flDistance); } }
// Purpose: Moves the camera up by flDistance units. Negative units move down.
void CMapView3D::MoveUp(float flDistance) { if (m_pCamera != NULL) { m_pCamera->MoveUp(flDistance); } }
// Purpose: Moves the camera right by flDistance units. Negative units move left.
void CMapView3D::MoveRight(float flDistance) { if (m_pCamera != NULL) { m_pCamera->MoveRight(flDistance); } }
// Purpose: Pitches the camera forward by flDegrees degrees. Negative units pitch back.
void CMapView3D::Pitch(float flDegrees) { if (m_pCamera != NULL) { m_pCamera->Pitch(flDegrees); } }
// Purpose: Yaws the camera left by flDegrees degrees. Negative units yaw right.
void CMapView3D::Yaw(float flDegrees) { if (m_pCamera != NULL) { m_pCamera->Yaw(flDegrees); } }
void CMapView3D::WorldToClient(Vector2D &vClient, const Vector &vWorld) { m_pCamera->WorldToView( vWorld, vClient ); }
void CMapView3D::ClientToWorld(Vector &vWorld, const Vector2D &vClient) { m_pCamera->ViewToWorld( vClient, vWorld ); }
void CMapView3D::SetCursor( vgui::HCursor hCursor ) { // translate VGUI -> GDI cursors
switch( hCursor ) { case vgui::dc_arrow : ::SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_ARROW)); break; case vgui::dc_sizenwse : ::SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_SIZENWSE)); break; case vgui::dc_sizenesw : ::SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_SIZENESW)); break; case vgui::dc_sizewe : ::SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_SIZEWE)); break; case vgui::dc_sizens : ::SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_SIZENS)); break; case vgui::dc_sizeall : ::SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_SIZEALL)); break; case vgui::dc_crosshair : ::SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_CROSS)); break; default : ::SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_ARROW)); break; } }
LRESULT CMapView3D::WindowProc( UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch ( message ) { case WM_KILLFOCUS: m_Keyboard.ClearKeyStates(); // Msg( mwStatus, "debug: lost focus, clearing key states\n");
break; }
return CView::WindowProc( message, wParam, lParam ) ; }