Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef SPRITE_H
#define SPRITE_H
#pragma once
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
class CTexture; class CMaterial; class IMaterialVar; class CRender; class CRender3D;
// must match definition in modelgen.h
enum synctype_t { ST_SYNC=0, ST_RAND };
#define SPR_ORIENTED 3
#define SPR_NORMAL 0
#define SPR_ADDITIVE 1
// From engine\GL_MODEL.H:
class CSpriteModel { public:
CSpriteModel(void); ~CSpriteModel(void); bool LoadSprite(const char *pszSpritePath);
int GetFrameCount(void); int GetWidth() const; int GetHeight() const; int GetType() const;
void Bind( CRender* pRender, int frame ); void GetRect( float& left, float& up, float& right, float& down ) const; void SetRenderMode( const int mode );
void SetMaterialPrimitiveType( const MaterialPrimitiveType_t type ); void SetOrigin( const Vector &v ); void GetOrigin( Vector &v ); void SetAngles( const QAngle& pfAngles ); void SetScale( const float fScale ); void SetInvert( const bool b ); inline void SetTextureExtent( Vector2D TexUL, Vector2D TexLR ) { m_TexUL = TexUL; m_TexLR = TexLR; } inline void SetExtent( Vector2D UL, Vector2D LR ) { m_UL = UL; m_LR = LR; } void DrawSprite3D( CRender3D *pRender, unsigned char color[3] );
protected: void GetSpriteAxes(QAngle& Angles, int type, Vector& forward, Vector& right, Vector& up, Vector& ViewUp, Vector& ViewRight, Vector& ViewForward);
Vector m_Origin; QAngle m_Angles; float m_fScale; MaterialPrimitiveType_t m_MaterialPrimitiveType;
CMaterial* m_pMaterial; IMaterialVar* m_pFrameVar; IMaterialVar* m_pRenderModeVar; int m_NumFrames; int m_Type; int m_Width; int m_Height; bool m_bInvert;
Vector2D m_TexUL, m_TexLR; Vector2D m_UL, m_LR; };
// inline methods
inline int CSpriteModel::GetWidth() const { return m_Width; }
inline int CSpriteModel::GetHeight() const { return m_Height; }
inline int CSpriteModel::GetType() const { return m_Type; }
inline void CSpriteModel::GetRect( float& left, float& up, float& right, float& down ) const { left = m_UL.x; right = m_LR.x; up = m_UL.y; down = m_LR.y; }
// Sprite cache
struct SpriteCache_t { CSpriteModel *pSprite; char *pszPath; int nRefCount; };
// Purpose:
#define SPRITE_CACHE_SIZE 1024
class CSpriteCache { public:
static CSpriteModel *CreateSprite(const char *pszSpritePath); static void AddRef(CSpriteModel *pSprite); static void Release(CSpriteModel *pSprite);
static bool AddSprite(CSpriteModel *pSprite, const char *pszSpritePath); static void RemoveSprite(CSpriteModel *pSprite);
static SpriteCache_t m_Cache[SPRITE_CACHE_SIZE]; static int m_nItems; };
#endif // SPRITE_H