//=========== Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ===============//
// Purpose:
#ifndef CAROUSEL_H
#define CAROUSEL_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#include "mathlib/beziercurve.h"
#include "panel2d.h"
#include "panorama/controls/label.h"
#include "panorama/controls/mousescroll.h"
namespace panorama {
DECLARE_PANORAMA_EVENT0( ResetCarouselMouseWheelCounts ); DECLARE_PANORAMA_EVENT1( SetCarouselSelectedChild, CPanelPtr<CPanel2D> );
// Purpose: Button
class CCarousel : public CPanel2D { DECLARE_PANEL2D( CCarousel, CPanel2D );
public: CCarousel( CPanel2D *parent, const char * pchPanelID ); virtual ~CCarousel();
enum EFocusType { k_EFocusTypeLeft, k_EFocusTypeEdge, k_EFocusTypeCenter };
void SetTitleText( const char *pchTitle ); void SetTitleVisible( bool bVisible ); void SetWrap( bool bWrap ); void SetFocusType( EFocusType eType ); void SetOffset( CUILength len ); void DrawFocusFrame( bool bDraw ); void DeleteChildren(); bool SetFocusToIndex( int iFocus ); int GetFocusIndex() const { return GetChildIndex( m_pFocusedChild.Get() ); } CPanel2D *GetFocusChild() const { return m_pFocusedChild.Get(); }
// Sets the child that will get focus when the carousel has focus. Remembered between focus calls
void SetSelectedChild( CPanel2D *pPanel );
// Sets the panel for which focus state is checked when applying focus offset.
void SetFocusOffsetPanel( CPanel2D *pPanel ) { m_ptrPanelFocusOffset = pPanel; }
virtual bool BSetProperty( CPanoramaSymbol symName, const char *pchValue ) OVERRIDE; virtual void GetDebugPropertyInfo( CUtlVector< DebugPropertyOutput_t *> *pvecProperties ); virtual void OnLayoutTraverse( float flFinalWidth, float flFinalHeight ); virtual void Paint();
virtual bool OnMoveRight( int nRepeats ); virtual bool OnMoveLeft( int nRepeats ); virtual bool OnTabForward( int nRepeats ) { return OnMoveRight( nRepeats ); } virtual bool OnTabBackward( int nRepeats ) { return OnMoveLeft( nRepeats ); } virtual bool OnMouseWheel( const panorama::MouseData_t &code ); virtual void OnStylesChanged();
virtual void OnUIScaleFactorChanged( float flScaleFactor ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool BRequiresContentClipLayer() OVERRIDE { return true; }
virtual void OnInitializedFromLayout();
virtual void SetupJavascriptObjectTemplate() OVERRIDE;
virtual void ValidateClientPanel( CValidator &validator, const tchar *pchName ); #endif
virtual bool OnSetFocusToNextPanel( int nRepeats, EFocusMoveDirection moveType, bool bAllowWrap, float flTabIndexCurrent, float flXPosCurrent, float flYPosCurrent, float flXStart, float fYStart ) OVERRIDE { if ( m_bWrap ) { switch( moveType ) { case k_ENextInTabOrder: case k_ENextByXPosition: return OnMoveRight( nRepeats ); case k_EPrevInTabOrder: case k_EPrevByXPosition: return OnMoveLeft( nRepeats ); default: break; } } else { int iFocusChild = GetChildIndex( m_pFocusedChild.Get() ); switch( moveType ) { case k_ENextInTabOrder: case k_ENextByXPosition: if ( iFocusChild < GetChildCount() - 1 ) { return OnMoveRight( nRepeats ); } break; case k_EPrevInTabOrder: case k_EPrevByXPosition: if ( iFocusChild > 0 ) { return OnMoveLeft( nRepeats ); } break; default: break; } }
return false; }
// child management
virtual void OnBeforeChildrenChanged(); virtual void OnCallBeforeStyleAndLayout() { UpdateFocusAndDirtyChildStyles(); }
private: enum EFocusEdge { k_EFocusEdgeLeft, k_EFocusEdgeRight };
// event handlers
bool EventInputFocusSet( const CPanelPtr< IUIPanel > &ptrPanel ); bool EventInputFocusLost( const CPanelPtr< IUIPanel > &ptrPanel ); bool OnResetMouseWheelCounts(); bool EventCarouselMouseScroll( const CPanelPtr< IUIPanel > &ptrPanel, int cRepeat ); bool EventWindowCursorShown( IUIWindow *pWindow ); bool EventWindowCursorHidden( IUIWindow *pWindow );
// owned panels
CLabel *CreateTitleLabel();
// focus
bool BSetFocusToChild( CPanel2D *pPanel ); void MarkFocusDirty(); bool UpdateFocusAndDirtyChildStyles();
// helpers
int GetPreviousWrapPanel( int i ); int GetNextWrapPanel( int i ); float GetFinalChildWidth( CPanel2D *pChild, float flContainerHeight ); void GetFinalChildDimensions( float *pflWidth, float *pflHeight, CPanel2D *pChild, float flContainerHeight ); int CalcIndexDistanceBetweenPanels( int iLHS, int iRHS ); int GetNextPanelInLayout( int iStart ); int GetPreviousPanelInLayout( int iStart ); void AddCarouselStyle( CPanel2D *pChild, int iChild, int iCurrentFocus ); void RemoveCarouselStyle( CPanel2D *pChild, int iChild, int iCurrentFocus ); void RegisterForCursorChanges(); void UnregisterForCursorChanges();
// configured offets
void GetPanelOffsets( CUILength *plenX, CUILength *plenY, CUILength *plenZ, int nDistanceFromFocus, float flWidth, float flHeight ); CUILength GetPanelOffset( int nDistanceFromFocus, bool bUseFocus, const CUtlVector< CUILength > &vecOffsets, const CUtlVector< CUILength > &vecFocusOffsets );
// layout related
void GetLayoutStart( int iFocusChild, float *pflOffset, float flLeft, float flCarouselOffset, const float flContainerWidth, const float flContainerHeight ); void LayoutChildPanels( int iFocusChild, float flOffset, float flLeft, float flRight, const float flContainerWidth, const float flContainerHeight, const CUtlVector< CPanel2D* > &vecNewChildren ); bool BPositionPanelRight( int iPanel, int nDistanceFromFocus, float *pflOffset, float flLeft, float flContainerWidth, float flContainerHeight, bool bCheckFits, const CUtlVector< CPanel2D* > &vecNewChildren ); bool BPositionPanelLeft( int iPanel, int nDistanceFromFocus, float *pflOffset, float flLeft, float flContainerWidth, float flContainerHeight, bool bCheckFits, const CUtlVector< CPanel2D* > &vecNewChildren ); void LayoutMouseScrollRegions( float flFinalWidth, float flFinalHeight ); struct DirtyChildStyles_t { int m_iOriginalFocus; CUtlVector< CPanel2D* > m_vecPanels; }; DirtyChildStyles_t *m_pDirtyChildStyles;
CLabel *m_pTitleLabel; CMouseScrollRegion *m_pLeftMouseScrollRegion; CMouseScrollRegion *m_pRightMouseScrollRegion; CPanelPtr< CPanel2D > m_pFocusedChild;
EFocusType m_eFocusType; bool m_bWrap; CUILength m_lenOffset; bool m_bIncludeScale2d;
// for edge focus
EFocusEdge m_eLastFocusEdge; int m_iFocusLastEdge;
struct ChildOffsets_t { CUtlVector< CUILength > x; CUtlVector< CUILength > y; CUtlVector< CUILength > z; }; ChildOffsets_t m_childOffsets; ChildOffsets_t m_childOffsetsFocus; bool m_bFlowingLayout; bool m_bHadFocus;
double m_flLastMouseWheel; uint32 m_unMouseWheelCount;
double m_flLastMove; bool m_bDelayedMovePosted; bool m_bRegisteredForCursorChanges; bool m_bShuffleIntoView;
int32 m_nPanelsVisible;
CPanelPtr< CPanel2D > m_ptrPanelFocusOffset; };
} // namespace panorama
#endif // CAROUSEL_H