//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "sv_sessionblockpublisher.h"
#include "sv_replaycontext.h"
#include "demofile/demoformat.h"
#include "sv_recordingsession.h"
#include "sv_recordingsessionblock.h"
#include "sv_sessioninfopublisher.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
CSessionBlockPublisher::CSessionBlockPublisher( CServerRecordingSession *pSession, CSessionInfoPublisher *pSessionInfoPublisher ) : m_pSession( pSession ), m_pSessionInfoPublisher( pSessionInfoPublisher ) { // Cache the dump interval so it can't be modified during a round - doing so would require
// an update on all clients.
extern ConVar replay_block_dump_interval; m_nDumpInterval = MAX( MIN_SERVER_DUMP_INTERVAL, replay_block_dump_interval.GetInt() );
// Write the first block 15 or so seconds from now
m_flLastBlockWriteTime = g_pEngine->GetHostTime(); }
CSessionBlockPublisher::~CSessionBlockPublisher() { }
void CSessionBlockPublisher::PublishAllSynchronous() { while ( !IsDone() ) { Think(); } }
void CSessionBlockPublisher::AbortPublish() { FOR_EACH_LL( m_lstPublishingBlocks, it ) { CServerRecordingSessionBlock *pCurBlock = m_lstPublishingBlocks[ it ]; IFilePublisher *&pPublisher = pCurBlock->m_pPublisher; // Shorthand
if ( !pPublisher ) continue;
// Already done?
if ( pPublisher->IsDone() ) continue;
pPublisher->AbortAndCleanup(); }
// Remove all blocks
m_lstPublishingBlocks.RemoveAll(); }
void CSessionBlockPublisher::OnStartRecording() { }
void CSessionBlockPublisher::OnStopRecord( bool bAborting ) { if ( !bAborting ) { // Write one final session block.
WriteAndPublishSessionBlock(); } }
ReplayHandle_t CSessionBlockPublisher::GetSessionHandle() const { return m_pSession->GetHandle(); }
void CSessionBlockPublisher::WriteAndPublishSessionBlock() { // Make sure there is data to write
uint8 *pSessionBuffer; int nSessionBufferSize; g_pEngine->GetSessionRecordBuffer( &pSessionBuffer, &nSessionBufferSize ); // This will get called the last client disconnects from the server - but in waiting for players state we won't have a demo buffer
if ( !pSessionBuffer || nSessionBufferSize == 0 ) return;
// Create a new block
CServerRecordingSessionBlock *pNewBlock = SV_CastBlock( SV_GetRecordingSessionBlockManager()->CreateAndGenerateHandle() ); if ( !pNewBlock ) { Warning( "Failed to create replay \"%s\"\n", pNewBlock->m_szFullFilename ); delete pNewBlock; return; } if ( m_pSession->m_nServerStartRecordTick < 0 ) { Warning( "Error: Current recording start tick was not properly setup. Aborting block write.\n" ); delete pNewBlock; return; }
// Figure out what the current block is
const int iCurrentSessionBlock = m_pSession->GetNumBlocks();
// Add an entry to the server index with the "writing" status set
const char *pFullFilename = Replay_va( "%s%s_part_%u.%s", SV_GetTmpDir(), SV_GetRecordingSessionManager()->GetCurrentSessionName(), iCurrentSessionBlock, BLOCK_FILE_EXTENSION ); V_strcpy( pNewBlock->m_szFullFilename, pFullFilename ); pNewBlock->m_nWriteStatus = CServerRecordingSessionBlock::WRITESTATUS_INVALID; // Must be set here to trigger write
pNewBlock->m_nRemoteStatus = CBaseRecordingSessionBlock::STATUS_WRITING; pNewBlock->m_iReconstruction = iCurrentSessionBlock; pNewBlock->m_hSession = m_pSession->GetHandle();
// Match the session's lock - the block will be unlocked once recording has stopped and all publishing is complete.
pNewBlock->SetLocked( true );
// Commit the replay to the history manager's list
SV_GetRecordingSessionBlockManager()->Add( pNewBlock );
// Also store a pointer to the block in the session - NOTE: session will not attempt to free this pointer
m_pSession->AddBlock( pNewBlock, false );
// Cache the block temporarily while the binary block itself writes to disk - NOTE: will not attempt to free
m_lstPublishingBlocks.AddToTail( pNewBlock );
// Write the block now
PublishBlock( pNewBlock ); // pNewBlock->m_nWriteStatus modified here
IF_REPLAY_DBG( Warning( "%f: (%i) Publishing new block, %s\n", g_pEngine->GetHostTime(), iCurrentSessionBlock, pNewBlock->GetFilename() ) ); }
void CSessionBlockPublisher::GatherBlockData( uint8 *pSessionBuffer, int nSessionBufferSize, CServerRecordingSessionBlock *pBlock, unsigned char **ppSafeBlockData, int *pBlockSize ) { const int nHeaderSize = sizeof( demoheader_t );
int nBlockOffset = 0; const int nBlockSize = nSessionBufferSize; int nTotalSize = nBlockSize;
demoheader_t *pHeader = NULL;
// If this is the first block, pass in a header to be written. Otherwise, just write the block.
if ( !pBlock->m_iReconstruction ) { // Setup start tick in the header
pHeader = g_pEngine->GetReplayDemoHeader();
// Add header size
nBlockOffset = nHeaderSize; nTotalSize += nHeaderSize; }
// Make a copy of the block
unsigned char *pBuffer = new unsigned char[ nTotalSize ]; unsigned char *pBlockCopy = pBuffer + nBlockOffset;
// Only write the header if necessary
if ( pHeader ) { demoheader_t littleEndianHeader = *pHeader; littleEndianHeader.playback_time = FLT_MAX; littleEndianHeader.playback_ticks = INT_MAX; littleEndianHeader.playback_frames = INT_MAX;
// Byteswap
ByteSwap_demoheader_t( littleEndianHeader );
// Write header
V_memcpy( pBuffer, &littleEndianHeader, sizeof( littleEndianHeader ) ); }
// Note that pBlockCopy is based on pBuffer, which was allocated with nBlockSize PLUS
// header size - this will not overflow.
V_memcpy( pBlockCopy, pSessionBuffer, nBlockSize );
// Copy to "out" parameters
*pBlockSize = nTotalSize; *ppSafeBlockData = pBuffer; }
void CSessionBlockPublisher::PublishBlock( CServerRecordingSessionBlock *pBlock ) { uint8 *pSessionBuffer; int nSessionBufferSize; if ( !g_pEngine->GetSessionRecordBuffer( &pSessionBuffer, &nSessionBufferSize ) ) { Warning( "Block publish failed!\n" ); return; }
unsigned char *pSafeBlockData; int nBlockSize; GatherBlockData( pSessionBuffer, nSessionBufferSize, pBlock, &pSafeBlockData, &nBlockSize );
// We've got what we need and can reset the put ptr
AssertMsg( !pBlock->m_pPublisher, "No publisher should exist for this block yet!" );
// Set status to working
pBlock->m_nWriteStatus = CServerRecordingSessionBlock::WRITESTATUS_WORKING;
// Get the number of bytes written
pBlock->m_uFileSize = nBlockSize;
// Make sure the main thread doesn't unload the block while it's being published
pBlock->SetLocked( true );
// Asynchronously publish to fileserver
PublishFileParams_t params; params.m_pOutFilename = pBlock->m_szFullFilename; params.m_pSrcData = pSafeBlockData; params.m_nSrcSize = nBlockSize; params.m_pCallbackHandler = this; params.m_nCompressorType = COMPRESSORTYPE_BZ2; params.m_bHash = true; params.m_bFreeSrcData = true; params.m_bDeleteFile = false; params.m_pUserData = pBlock; pBlock->m_pPublisher = SV_PublishFile( params ); }
void CSessionBlockPublisher::OnPublishComplete( const IFilePublisher *pPublisher, void *pUserData ) { CServerRecordingSessionBlock *pBlock = (CServerRecordingSessionBlock *)pUserData; Assert( pBlock );
// Set block status
if ( pPublisher->GetStatus() == IFilePublisher::PUBLISHSTATUS_OK ) { pBlock->m_nWriteStatus = CServerRecordingSessionBlock::WRITESTATUS_SUCCESS; } else { pBlock->m_nWriteStatus = CServerRecordingSessionBlock::WRITESTATUS_FAILED;
// Publish failed - handle as needed
g_pServerReplayContext->OnPublishFailed(); }
// Did the block compress OK?
if ( pPublisher->Compressed() ) { // Cache compressor type
pBlock->m_nCompressorType = pPublisher->GetCompressorType();
const int nCompressedSize = pPublisher->GetCompressedSize(); const float flRatio = (float)pBlock->m_uFileSize / nCompressedSize; IF_REPLAY_DBG( Warning( "Block compression ratio: %.3f:1\n", flRatio ) );
// Update size
pBlock->m_uUncompressedSize = pBlock->m_uFileSize; pBlock->m_uFileSize = nCompressedSize; }
// Get the MD5
if ( pPublisher->Hashed() ) { pPublisher->GetHash( pBlock->m_aHash ); }
// Now that m_nWriteStatus has been set in the block, the session info will be updated
// accordingly the next time PublishThink() is run.
// Mark the block as dirty since it was modified
Assert( pBlock->m_nWriteStatus != CServerRecordingSessionBlock::WRITESTATUS_INVALID ); SV_GetRecordingSessionBlockManager()->FlagForFlush( pBlock, false );
IF_REPLAY_DBG( Warning( "Publish complete for block %s\n", pBlock->GetDebugName() ) ); }
void CSessionBlockPublisher::OnPublishAborted( const IFilePublisher *pPublisher ) { CServerRecordingSessionBlock *pBlock = FindBlockFromPublisher( pPublisher );
// Update the block's status
if ( pBlock ) { pBlock->m_nWriteStatus = CServerRecordingSessionBlock::WRITESTATUS_FAILED; }
g_pServerReplayContext->OnPublishFailed(); }
CServerRecordingSessionBlock *CSessionBlockPublisher::FindBlockFromPublisher( const IFilePublisher *pPublisher ) { FOR_EACH_LL( m_lstPublishingBlocks, i ) { CServerRecordingSessionBlock *pCurBlock = m_lstPublishingBlocks[ i ]; if ( pCurBlock->m_pPublisher == pPublisher ) { return pCurBlock; } }
AssertMsg( 0, "Could not find block with the given publisher!" ); return NULL; }
void CSessionBlockPublisher::Think() { // NOTE: This member function gets called even if replay is disabled. This is intentional.
PublishThink(); }
void CSessionBlockPublisher::PublishThink() { AssertMsg( m_pSession->IsLocked(), "The session isn't locked, which means blocks can be being deleted and will probably cause a crash." );
// Go through all currently publishing blocks and free/think
FOR_EACH_LL( m_lstPublishingBlocks, it ) { CServerRecordingSessionBlock *pCurBlock = m_lstPublishingBlocks[ it ]; IFilePublisher *&pPublisher = pCurBlock->m_pPublisher; // Shorthand
if ( !pPublisher ) continue;
// If the publisher's done, free it
if ( pPublisher->IsDone() ) { delete pPublisher; pPublisher = NULL; } else { // Let the publisher think
pPublisher->Think(); } }
// Write a new session block out right now?
float flHostTime = g_pEngine->GetHostTime(); if ( m_flLastBlockWriteTime != 0.0f && flHostTime - m_flLastBlockWriteTime >= m_nDumpInterval && m_pSession->m_bRecording ) { Assert( m_nDumpInterval > 0 );
// Write it
// Update the time
m_flLastBlockWriteTime = flHostTime; }
// Check status of any replays that are being written
bool bUpdateSessionInfo = false; for( int it = m_lstPublishingBlocks.Head(); it != m_lstPublishingBlocks.InvalidIndex(); ) { CServerRecordingSessionBlock *pCurBlock = m_lstPublishingBlocks[ it ];
// Updated when write status is set to success or failure
int nPendingRequestStatus = CBaseRecordingSessionBlock::STATUS_INVALID;
// If set to anything besides InvalidIndex(), it will be removed from the list
int itRemove = m_lstPublishingBlocks.InvalidIndex(); bool bWriteBlockInfoToDisk = false;
switch ( pCurBlock->m_nWriteStatus ) { case CServerRecordingSessionBlock::WRITESTATUS_INVALID: AssertMsg( 0, "Why is m_nWriteStatus WRITESTATUS_INVALID here?" ); break;
case CServerRecordingSessionBlock::WRITESTATUS_WORKING: // Do nothing if still writing
case CServerRecordingSessionBlock::WRITESTATUS_SUCCESS: IF_REPLAY_DBG2( Warning( " Block %i marked as succeeded.\n", pCurBlock->m_iReconstruction ) ); pCurBlock->m_nRemoteStatus = CBaseRecordingSessionBlock::STATUS_READYFORDOWNLOAD; nPendingRequestStatus = pCurBlock->m_nRemoteStatus; bWriteBlockInfoToDisk = true; itRemove = it; break;
case CServerRecordingSessionBlock::WRITESTATUS_FAILED: default: // Error?
IF_REPLAY_DBG2( Warning( " Block %i marked as failed.\n", pCurBlock->m_iReconstruction ) ); pCurBlock->m_nRemoteStatus = CBaseRecordingSessionBlock::STATUS_ERROR; pCurBlock->m_nHttpError = CBaseRecordingSessionBlock::ERROR_WRITEFAILED; nPendingRequestStatus = pCurBlock->m_nRemoteStatus; bWriteBlockInfoToDisk = true; itRemove = it;
// TODO: Retry
if ( bWriteBlockInfoToDisk ) { // Save the master index file
Assert( pCurBlock->m_nWriteStatus != CServerRecordingSessionBlock::WRITESTATUS_INVALID ); SV_GetRecordingSessionBlockManager()->FlagForFlush( pCurBlock, false ); }
// Find the owning session
Assert( pCurBlock->m_hSession == m_pSession->GetHandle() );
// Refresh session info file
if ( nPendingRequestStatus != CBaseRecordingSessionBlock::STATUS_INVALID ) { // Update it after this loop
bUpdateSessionInfo = true; }
// Update iterator
it = m_lstPublishingBlocks.Next( it );
// Remove?
if ( itRemove != m_lstPublishingBlocks.InvalidIndex() ) { IF_REPLAY_DBG( Warning( "Removing block %i from publisher\n", pCurBlock->m_iReconstruction ) ); // Free/clear publisher
delete pCurBlock->m_pPublisher; pCurBlock->m_pPublisher = NULL;
// Removes from the list but doesn't free, since any pointer here points to a block somewhere
m_lstPublishingBlocks.Unlink( itRemove ); } }
// Publish session info file now if it isn't already publishing
if ( bUpdateSessionInfo ) { m_pSessionInfoPublisher->Publish(); } }
bool CSessionBlockPublisher::IsDone() const { return m_lstPublishingBlocks.Count() == 0; }
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CSessionBlockPublisher::Validate() { FOR_EACH_LL( m_lstPublishingBlocks, i ) { CServerRecordingSessionBlock *pCurBlock = m_lstPublishingBlocks[ i ]; Assert( pCurBlock->m_nRemoteStatus == CBaseRecordingSessionBlock::STATUS_READYFORDOWNLOAD ); } } #endif