//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "ModWizard_Intro.h"
#include "ModWizard_TemplateOptions.h"
#include "ModWizard_CopyFiles.h"
#include "ModWizard_Finished.h"
#include "CreateModWizard.h"
#include "configs.h"
#include "filesystem_tools.h"
#include "sdklauncher_main.h"
#include "SDKLauncherDialog.h"
#include <vgui_controls/WizardPanel.h>
#include <vgui/ivgui.h>
#include "SourceAppInfo.h"
using namespace vgui;
extern bool IsGameSubscribed( int nSteamAppId ); extern char g_engineDir[50];
class CTempDirectory { public: char m_FullName[MAX_PATH]; char m_FullOutName[MAX_PATH]; };
CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles::CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles( Panel *parent, const char *panelName ) : BaseClass( parent, panelName ) { m_pLabel = new Label( this, "MessageLabel", "" ); m_pFinishedLabel = new Label( this, "FinishedLabel", "" ); m_pProgressBar = new ProgressBar( this, "CopyProgressBar" ); m_pProgressBar->SetProgress( 0 );
LoadControlSettings( "ModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles.res"); }
void CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles::OnDisplayAsNext() { GetWizardPanel()->SetTitle( "#ModWizard_CopyFiles_Title", true );
m_iCurCopyFile = -1;
// All buttons are disabled until we're done.
GetWizardPanel()->SetCancelButtonEnabled( false ); GetWizardPanel()->SetFinishButtonEnabled( false ); GetWizardPanel()->SetPrevButtonEnabled( false ); GetWizardPanel()->SetNextButtonEnabled( false );
ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel() ); }
WizardSubPanel *CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles::GetNextSubPanel() { return dynamic_cast<WizardSubPanel *>(GetWizardPanel()->FindChildByName("CModWizardSubPanel_Finished")); }
void CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles::GetReady( const char *pOutputDirName, const char *pOutputModGamedirName, const char *modName ) { Q_strncpy( m_OutputDirName, pOutputDirName, sizeof( m_OutputDirName ) ); Q_strncpy( m_OutModGamedirName, pOutputModGamedirName, sizeof( m_OutModGamedirName ) ); Q_strncpy( m_ModName, modName, sizeof( m_ModName ) ); }
// Creates the directory structure and builds a list of files to copy.
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles::BuildCopyFiles_R( const char *pSourceDir, const char *pMask, const char *pOutputDirName ) { char mask[512]; Q_snprintf( mask, sizeof( mask ), "%s%c%s", pSourceDir, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, pMask );
// Steam only allows 5 Find handles open at one time, and
// we actually will hit the limit if we recurse into directories while looping through the files.
CUtlVector<CTempDirectory> directories;
FileFindHandle_t findHandle; const char *pFilename = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirstEx( mask, 0, &findHandle ); while ( pFilename ) { // Skip the "." and ".." directories.
if ( pFilename[0] != '.' ) { char fullName[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( fullName, sizeof( fullName ), "%s%c%s", pSourceDir, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, pFilename );
char fullOutName[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( fullOutName, sizeof( fullOutName ), "%s%c%s", pOutputDirName, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, pFilename ); // We were doing this for Linux but disabled it.
//Q_strlower( fullOutName );
// Recurse into other directories.
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FindIsDirectory( findHandle ) ) { CTempDirectory *pBlah = &directories[directories.AddToTail()]; Q_strncpy( pBlah->m_FullName, fullName, sizeof( pBlah->m_FullName ) ); Q_strncpy( pBlah->m_FullOutName, fullOutName, sizeof( pBlah->m_FullOutName ) ); } else { // Don't copy .dsp files.
const char *pIgnoreExtension = ".dsp";
char ext[512]; Q_StrRight( pFilename, strlen(pIgnoreExtension), ext, sizeof( ext ) ); if ( Q_stricmp( ext, pIgnoreExtension ) != 0 ) { CFileCopyInfo info( fullName, fullOutName ); m_FileCopyInfos.AddToTail( info ); } } }
pFilename = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( findHandle ); } g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( findHandle );
// See the definition of directories for why we do this.
for ( int i=0; i < directories.Count(); i++ ) { // Make sure the directory exists.
CTempDirectory *pDir = &directories[i]; if ( !CreateFullDirectory( pDir->m_FullOutName ) ) { VGUIMessageBox( this, "Error", "Can't create directory: %s", pDir->m_FullOutName ); return false; }
if ( !BuildCopyFiles_R( pDir->m_FullName, pMask, pDir->m_FullOutName ) ) return false; }
return true; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles::BuildCopyFilesForMappings( char **pMappings, int nMappings ) { for ( int iDir=0; iDir < nMappings; iDir+=3 ) { if ( !BuildCopyFiles_R( pMappings[iDir+0], pMappings[iDir+1], pMappings[iDir+2] ) ) { vgui::ivgui()->RemoveTickSignal( GetVPanel() ); GetWizardPanel()->SetCancelButtonEnabled( true ); return false; } } return true; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2006::BuildCopyFilesForMod_HL2() { bool retVal = false; char outputSrcDirName[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( outputSrcDirName, sizeof( outputSrcDirName ), "%s%s", m_OutputDirName, "src" );
char outputUIDir[MAX_PATH], outputResourceDir[MAX_PATH], outputScriptsDir[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( outputUIDir, sizeof( outputUIDir ), "%sResource%cUI", m_OutModGamedirName, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR ); Q_snprintf( outputResourceDir, sizeof( outputResourceDir ), "%sresource", m_OutModGamedirName ); Q_snprintf( outputScriptsDir, sizeof( outputScriptsDir ), "%sscripts", m_OutModGamedirName );
// Also, create the mapsrc/modelsrc/materialsrc directories now because they may not be there yet.
CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "modelsrc" ); CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "materialsrc" ); CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "mapsrc" );
// These go in c:\mymod
char *sources_mappings[] = { "src_mod\\ep1", "*.*", outputSrcDirName };
char outputGamedirNameNoSlash[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( outputGamedirNameNoSlash, m_OutModGamedirName, sizeof( outputGamedirNameNoSlash ) ); if ( strlen( outputGamedirNameNoSlash ) > 0 ) outputGamedirNameNoSlash[strlen(outputGamedirNameNoSlash)-1] = 0; // These go in c:\steam\steamapps\sourcemods\modname
char *content_mappings[] = { "game_content\\half-life 2\\hl2","lights.rad", outputGamedirNameNoSlash, "game_content\\half-life 2\\hl2","detail.vbsp", outputGamedirNameNoSlash, "hl2\\scripts", "*.*", outputScriptsDir, "hl2\\resource\\ui","*.*", outputUIDir, "hl2\\resource", "clientscheme.res", outputResourceDir, "hl2\\resource", "combinepanelscheme.res", outputResourceDir, "hl2\\resource", "gameevents.res", outputResourceDir, "hl2\\resource", "gamemenu.res", outputResourceDir, "hl2\\resource", "hl2_*.txt", outputResourceDir, "hl2\\resource", "serverevents.res", outputResourceDir, "hl2\\resource", "sourcescheme.res", outputResourceDir, };
// Copy gameinfo.txt
const char *replacements[] = { "%modname%", m_ModName }; retVal = CopyWithReplacements("CreateModFiles\\hl2\\gameinfo_ep1.txt", replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s%s", m_OutModGamedirName, "gameinfo.txt" ); if ( retVal && BuildCopyFilesForMappings( sources_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( sources_mappings ) ) && BuildCopyFilesForMappings( content_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( content_mappings ) ) ) { retVal = true; } else { retVal = false; } return retVal; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2009::BuildCopyFilesForMod_HL2() { bool retVal = false; char outputSrcDirName[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( outputSrcDirName, sizeof( outputSrcDirName ), "%s%s", m_OutputDirName, "src" );
char outputUIDir[MAX_PATH], outputResourceDir[MAX_PATH], outputScriptsDir[MAX_PATH], outputCFGDir[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( outputUIDir, sizeof( outputUIDir ), "%sResource%cUI", m_OutModGamedirName, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR ); Q_snprintf( outputResourceDir, sizeof( outputResourceDir ), "%sresource", m_OutModGamedirName ); Q_snprintf( outputScriptsDir, sizeof( outputScriptsDir ), "%sscripts", m_OutModGamedirName ); Q_snprintf( outputCFGDir, sizeof( outputCFGDir ), "%scfg", m_OutModGamedirName );
// Also, create the mapsrc/modelsrc/materialsrc directories now because they may not be there yet.
CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "modelsrc" ); CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "materialsrc" ); CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "mapsrc" );
// These go in c:\mymod
char *sources_mappings[] = { "src_mod\\source2009", "*.*", outputSrcDirName };
char outputGamedirNameNoSlash[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( outputGamedirNameNoSlash, m_OutModGamedirName, sizeof( outputGamedirNameNoSlash ) ); if ( strlen( outputGamedirNameNoSlash ) > 0 ) outputGamedirNameNoSlash[strlen(outputGamedirNameNoSlash)-1] = 0;
// These go in c:\steam\steamapps\sourcemods\modname
char *content_mappings[] = { "game_content\\half-life 2\\hl2","lights.rad", outputGamedirNameNoSlash, "game_content\\half-life 2\\hl2","detail.vbsp", outputGamedirNameNoSlash, "CreateModFiles\\source2009\\singleplayer\\scripts", "*.*", outputScriptsDir, "CreateModFiles\\source2009\\singleplayer\\cfg", "*.*", outputCFGDir, "CreateModFiles\\source2009\\singleplayer\\resource", "clientscheme.res", outputResourceDir, "CreateModFiles\\source2009\\singleplayer\\resource", "HL2EP2.ttf", outputResourceDir, };
// Copy gameinfo.txt
const char *replacements[] = { "%modname%", m_ModName };
retVal = CopyWithReplacements("CreateModFiles\\source2009\\gameinfo_sp.txt", replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s%s", m_OutModGamedirName, "gameinfo.txt" );
if ( retVal && BuildCopyFilesForMappings( sources_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( sources_mappings ) ) && BuildCopyFilesForMappings( content_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( content_mappings ) ) ) { retVal = true; } else { retVal = false; }
return retVal; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2007::BuildCopyFilesForMod_HL2() { bool retVal = false; char outputSrcDirName[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( outputSrcDirName, sizeof( outputSrcDirName ), "%s%s", m_OutputDirName, "src" );
char outputUIDir[MAX_PATH], outputResourceDir[MAX_PATH], outputScriptsDir[MAX_PATH], outputCFGDir[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( outputUIDir, sizeof( outputUIDir ), "%sResource%cUI", m_OutModGamedirName, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR ); Q_snprintf( outputResourceDir, sizeof( outputResourceDir ), "%sresource", m_OutModGamedirName ); Q_snprintf( outputScriptsDir, sizeof( outputScriptsDir ), "%sscripts", m_OutModGamedirName ); Q_snprintf( outputCFGDir, sizeof( outputCFGDir ), "%scfg", m_OutModGamedirName );
// Also, create the mapsrc/modelsrc/materialsrc directories now because they may not be there yet.
CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "modelsrc" ); CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "materialsrc" ); CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "mapsrc" );
// These go in c:\mymod
char *sources_mappings[] = { "src_mod\\orangebox", "*.*", outputSrcDirName };
char outputGamedirNameNoSlash[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( outputGamedirNameNoSlash, m_OutModGamedirName, sizeof( outputGamedirNameNoSlash ) ); if ( strlen( outputGamedirNameNoSlash ) > 0 ) outputGamedirNameNoSlash[strlen(outputGamedirNameNoSlash)-1] = 0;
// These go in c:\steam\steamapps\sourcemods\modname
char *content_mappings[] = { "game_content\\half-life 2\\hl2","lights.rad", outputGamedirNameNoSlash, "game_content\\half-life 2\\hl2","detail.vbsp", outputGamedirNameNoSlash, "CreateModFiles\\orangebox\\singleplayer\\scripts", "*.*", outputScriptsDir, "CreateModFiles\\orangebox\\singleplayer\\cfg", "*.*", outputCFGDir, "CreateModFiles\\orangebox\\singleplayer\\resource", "clientscheme.res", outputResourceDir, "CreateModFiles\\orangebox\\singleplayer\\resource", "HL2EP2.ttf", outputResourceDir, };
// Copy gameinfo.txt
const char *replacements[] = { "%modname%", m_ModName };
retVal = CopyWithReplacements("CreateModFiles\\orangebox\\gameinfo_sp.txt", replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s%s", m_OutModGamedirName, "gameinfo.txt" );
if ( retVal && BuildCopyFilesForMappings( sources_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( sources_mappings ) ) && BuildCopyFilesForMappings( content_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( content_mappings ) ) ) { retVal = true; } else { retVal = false; }
return retVal; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2006::BuildCopyFilesForMod_FromScratch() { bool retVal = false; char outputSrcDirName[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( outputSrcDirName, sizeof( outputSrcDirName ), "%s%s", m_OutputDirName, "src" );
// These go into c:\mymod
char *sources_mappings[] = { "src_mod\\ep1", "*.*", outputSrcDirName, "sampleapp_sources", "*.*", m_OutputDirName };
// Also, create the mapsrc/modelsrc/materialsrc directories now because they may not be there yet.
CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "modelsrc" ); CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "materialsrc" ); CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "mapsrc" ); char *content_mappings[] = { "sampleapp", "*.*", m_OutModGamedirName, };
// Copy gameinfo.txt
const char *replacements[] = { "%modname%", m_ModName }; retVal = CopyWithReplacements( "CreateModFiles\\base\\gameinfo_ep1.txt", replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s%s", m_OutModGamedirName, "gameinfo.txt" ); if ( retVal && BuildCopyFilesForMappings( sources_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( sources_mappings ) ) && BuildCopyFilesForMappings( content_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( content_mappings ) ) ) { retVal = true; } else { retVal = false; } return retVal; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2009::BuildCopyFilesForMod_FromScratch() { bool retVal = false; char outputSrcDirName[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( outputSrcDirName, sizeof( outputSrcDirName ), "%s%s", m_OutputDirName, "src" );
// These go into c:\mymod
char *sources_mappings[] = { "src_mod\\source2009", "*.*", outputSrcDirName, "sampleapp_sources", "*.*", m_OutputDirName };
// Also, create the mapsrc/modelsrc/materialsrc directories now because they may not be there yet.
CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "modelsrc" ); CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "materialsrc" ); CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "mapsrc" );
char *content_mappings[] = { "CreateModFiles\\source2009\\template", "*.*", m_OutModGamedirName, };
// Copy gameinfo.txt
const char *replacements[] = { "%modname%", m_ModName };
retVal = CopyWithReplacements( "CreateModFiles\\source2009\\gameinfo_template.txt", replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s%s", m_OutModGamedirName, "gameinfo.txt" );
if ( retVal && BuildCopyFilesForMappings( sources_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( sources_mappings ) ) && BuildCopyFilesForMappings( content_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( content_mappings ) ) ) { retVal = true; } else { retVal = false; }
return retVal; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2007::BuildCopyFilesForMod_FromScratch() { bool retVal = false; char outputSrcDirName[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( outputSrcDirName, sizeof( outputSrcDirName ), "%s%s", m_OutputDirName, "src" );
// These go into c:\mymod
char *sources_mappings[] = { "src_mod\\orangebox", "*.*", outputSrcDirName, "sampleapp_sources", "*.*", m_OutputDirName };
// Also, create the mapsrc/modelsrc/materialsrc directories now because they may not be there yet.
CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "modelsrc" ); CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "materialsrc" ); CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "mapsrc" );
char *content_mappings[] = { "CreateModFiles\\orangebox\\template", "*.*", m_OutModGamedirName, };
// Copy gameinfo.txt
const char *replacements[] = { "%modname%", m_ModName };
retVal = CopyWithReplacements( "CreateModFiles\\orangebox\\gameinfo_template.txt", replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s%s", m_OutModGamedirName, "gameinfo.txt" );
if ( retVal && BuildCopyFilesForMappings( sources_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( sources_mappings ) ) && BuildCopyFilesForMappings( content_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( content_mappings ) ) ) { retVal = true; } else { retVal = false; }
return retVal; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2006::BuildCopyFilesForMod_HL2MP() { bool retVal = false; char outputSrcDirName[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( outputSrcDirName, sizeof( outputSrcDirName ), "%s%s", m_OutputDirName, "src" );
char outputUIDir[MAX_PATH], outputResourceDir[MAX_PATH], outputScriptsDir[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( outputUIDir, sizeof( outputUIDir ), "%sResource%cUI", m_OutModGamedirName, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR ); Q_snprintf( outputResourceDir, sizeof( outputResourceDir ), "%sresource", m_OutModGamedirName ); Q_snprintf( outputScriptsDir, sizeof( outputScriptsDir ), "%sscripts", m_OutModGamedirName );
// Also, create the mapsrc/modelsrc/materialsrc directories now because they may not be there yet.
CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "modelsrc" ); CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "materialsrc" ); CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "mapsrc" );
// These go in c:\mymod
char *sources_mappings[] = { "src_mod\\ep1", "*.*", outputSrcDirName };
char outputGamedirNameNoSlash[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( outputGamedirNameNoSlash, m_OutModGamedirName, sizeof( outputGamedirNameNoSlash ) ); if ( strlen( outputGamedirNameNoSlash ) > 0 ) outputGamedirNameNoSlash[strlen(outputGamedirNameNoSlash)-1] = 0;
// These go in c:\steam\steamapps\sourcemods\modname
char *content_mappings[] = { "game_content\\half-life 2 deathmatch\\hl2mp", "lights.rad", outputGamedirNameNoSlash, "game_content\\half-life 2 deathmatch\\hl2mp", "detail.vbsp", outputGamedirNameNoSlash, "CreateModFiles\\hl2mp\\scripts", "*.*", outputScriptsDir, "CreateModFiles\\hl2mp\\resource", "*.*", outputResourceDir, "CreateModFiles\\hl2mp\\resource\\ui", "*.*", outputUIDir };
// Copy gameinfo.txt
const char *replacements[] = { "%modname%", m_ModName };
retVal = CopyWithReplacements( "CreateModFiles\\hl2mp\\gameinfo_ep1.txt", replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s%s", m_OutModGamedirName, "gameinfo.txt" );
if ( retVal && BuildCopyFilesForMappings( sources_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( sources_mappings ) ) && BuildCopyFilesForMappings( content_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( content_mappings ) ) ) { retVal = true; } else { retVal = false; }
return retVal; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2009::BuildCopyFilesForMod_HL2MP() { bool retVal = false; char outputSrcDirName[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( outputSrcDirName, sizeof( outputSrcDirName ), "%s%s", m_OutputDirName, "src" );
char outputUIDir[MAX_PATH], outputResourceDir[MAX_PATH], outputScriptsDir[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( outputUIDir, sizeof( outputUIDir ), "%sResource%cUI", m_OutModGamedirName, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR ); Q_snprintf( outputResourceDir, sizeof( outputResourceDir ), "%sresource", m_OutModGamedirName ); Q_snprintf( outputScriptsDir, sizeof( outputScriptsDir ), "%sscripts", m_OutModGamedirName );
// Also, create the mapsrc/modelsrc/materialsrc directories now because they may not be there yet.
CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "modelsrc" ); CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "materialsrc" ); CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "mapsrc" );
// These go in c:\mymod
char *sources_mappings[] = { "src_mod\\source2009", "*.*", outputSrcDirName };
char outputGamedirNameNoSlash[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( outputGamedirNameNoSlash, m_OutModGamedirName, sizeof( outputGamedirNameNoSlash ) ); if ( strlen( outputGamedirNameNoSlash ) > 0 ) outputGamedirNameNoSlash[strlen(outputGamedirNameNoSlash)-1] = 0;
// These go in c:\steam\steamapps\sourcemods\modname
char *content_mappings[] = { "game_content\\half-life 2 deathmatch\\hl2mp", "lights.rad", outputGamedirNameNoSlash, "game_content\\half-life 2 deathmatch\\hl2mp", "detail.vbsp", outputGamedirNameNoSlash, "CreateModFiles\\source2009\\multiplayer", "*.*", m_OutModGamedirName, };
// Copy gameinfo.txt
const char *replacements[] = { "%modname%", m_ModName };
retVal = CopyWithReplacements( "CreateModFiles\\source2009\\gameinfo_mp.txt", replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s%s", m_OutModGamedirName, "gameinfo.txt" );
if ( retVal && BuildCopyFilesForMappings( sources_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( sources_mappings ) ) && BuildCopyFilesForMappings( content_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( content_mappings ) ) ) { retVal = true; } else { retVal = false; }
return retVal; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2007::BuildCopyFilesForMod_HL2MP() { bool retVal = false; char outputSrcDirName[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( outputSrcDirName, sizeof( outputSrcDirName ), "%s%s", m_OutputDirName, "src" );
char outputUIDir[MAX_PATH], outputResourceDir[MAX_PATH], outputScriptsDir[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( outputUIDir, sizeof( outputUIDir ), "%sResource%cUI", m_OutModGamedirName, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR ); Q_snprintf( outputResourceDir, sizeof( outputResourceDir ), "%sresource", m_OutModGamedirName ); Q_snprintf( outputScriptsDir, sizeof( outputScriptsDir ), "%sscripts", m_OutModGamedirName );
// Also, create the mapsrc/modelsrc/materialsrc directories now because they may not be there yet.
CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "modelsrc" ); CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "materialsrc" ); CreateSubdirectory( m_OutputDirName, "mapsrc" );
// These go in c:\mymod
char *sources_mappings[] = { "src_mod\\orangebox", "*.*", outputSrcDirName };
char outputGamedirNameNoSlash[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( outputGamedirNameNoSlash, m_OutModGamedirName, sizeof( outputGamedirNameNoSlash ) ); if ( strlen( outputGamedirNameNoSlash ) > 0 ) outputGamedirNameNoSlash[strlen(outputGamedirNameNoSlash)-1] = 0; // These go in c:\steam\steamapps\sourcemods\modname
char *content_mappings[] = { "game_content\\half-life 2 deathmatch\\hl2mp", "lights.rad", outputGamedirNameNoSlash, "game_content\\half-life 2 deathmatch\\hl2mp", "detail.vbsp", outputGamedirNameNoSlash, "CreateModFiles\\orangebox\\multiplayer", "*.*", m_OutModGamedirName, };
// Copy gameinfo.txt
const char *replacements[] = { "%modname%", m_ModName }; retVal = CopyWithReplacements( "CreateModFiles\\orangebox\\gameinfo_mp.txt", replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s%s", m_OutModGamedirName, "gameinfo.txt" ); if ( retVal && BuildCopyFilesForMappings( sources_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( sources_mappings ) ) && BuildCopyFilesForMappings( content_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( content_mappings ) ) ) { retVal = true; } else { retVal = false; } return retVal; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2006::BuildCopyFilesForMod_SourceCodeOnly() { char outputSrcDirName[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( outputSrcDirName, sizeof( outputSrcDirName ), "%s", m_OutputDirName ); int len = strlen( outputSrcDirName ); if ( len > 0 && PATHSEPARATOR( outputSrcDirName[len-1] ) ) outputSrcDirName[len-1] = 0;
char *sources_mappings[] = { "src_mod\\ep1", "*.*", outputSrcDirName };
return BuildCopyFilesForMappings( sources_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( sources_mappings ) ); }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2009::BuildCopyFilesForMod_SourceCodeOnly() { char outputSrcDirName[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( outputSrcDirName, sizeof( outputSrcDirName ), "%s", m_OutputDirName ); int len = strlen( outputSrcDirName ); if ( len > 0 && PATHSEPARATOR( outputSrcDirName[len-1] ) ) outputSrcDirName[len-1] = 0;
char *sources_mappings[] = { "src_mod\\source2009", "*.*", outputSrcDirName };
return BuildCopyFilesForMappings( sources_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( sources_mappings ) ); }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2007::BuildCopyFilesForMod_SourceCodeOnly() { char outputSrcDirName[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( outputSrcDirName, sizeof( outputSrcDirName ), "%s", m_OutputDirName ); int len = strlen( outputSrcDirName ); if ( len > 0 && PATHSEPARATOR( outputSrcDirName[len-1] ) ) outputSrcDirName[len-1] = 0;
char *sources_mappings[] = { "src_mod\\orangebox", "*.*", outputSrcDirName };
return BuildCopyFilesForMappings( sources_mappings, ARRAYSIZE( sources_mappings ) ); }
void CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles::OnTick() { if ( m_iCurCopyFile == -1 ) { // Figure out if we're an hl2 mod or not.
m_ModType = ModType_HL2; CModWizardSubPanel_Intro *pIntro = dynamic_cast<CModWizardSubPanel_Intro*>(GetWizardPanel()->FindChildByName("CModWizardSubPanel_Intro")); if ( pIntro ) m_ModType = pIntro->GetModType();
if ( m_ModType == ModType_HL2 ) { if ( !BuildCopyFilesForMod_HL2() ) return; } else if ( m_ModType == ModType_HL2_Multiplayer ) { if ( !BuildCopyFilesForMod_HL2MP() ) return; } else if ( m_ModType == ModType_SourceCodeOnly ) { if ( !BuildCopyFilesForMod_SourceCodeOnly() ) return; } else { if ( !BuildCopyFilesForMod_FromScratch() ) return; }
// Prepare the lists of files to copy.
m_iCurCopyFile = 0;
// Get the output dir name sans the slash at the end.
if ( m_ModType != ModType_SourceCodeOnly ) { char outModGamedirNameNoSlash[MAX_PATH]; Assert( m_OutModGamedirName[strlen(m_OutModGamedirName)-1] == CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR ); Q_StrSlice( m_OutModGamedirName, 0, -1, outModGamedirNameNoSlash, sizeof( outModGamedirNameNoSlash ) );
// Figure out the steam directory. Starting with gamedir, which is
char steamdir[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( steamdir, gamedir, sizeof( steamdir ) ); // c:\valve\steam\steamapps\name\sourcesdk\launcher
Q_StripLastDir( steamdir, sizeof( steamdir ) ); // c:\valve\steam\steamapps\name\sourcesdk
Q_StripLastDir( steamdir, sizeof( steamdir ) ); // c:\valve\steam\steamapps\name
Q_StripLastDir( steamdir, sizeof( steamdir ) ); // c:\valve\steam\steamapps
Q_StripLastDir( steamdir, sizeof( steamdir ) ); // c:\valve\steam
Q_AppendSlash( steamdir, sizeof( steamdir ) );
// Setup the path to their hl2 game folder.
char hl2dir[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( hl2dir, gamedir, sizeof( hl2dir ) ); // c:\valve\steam\steamapps\name\sourcesdk\launcher
Q_StripLastDir( hl2dir, sizeof( hl2dir ) ); // c:\valve\steam\steamapps\name\sourcesdk
Q_StripLastDir( hl2dir, sizeof( hl2dir ) ); // c:\valve\steam\steamapps\name
Q_AppendSlash( hl2dir, sizeof( hl2dir ) ); V_strncat( hl2dir, "source sdk base", sizeof( hl2dir ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
// If the engine version is 'orange box' then use the new 'source sdk base 2009' to launch the mods
if ( !V_strcmp( g_engineDir, "orangebox" ) ) { V_strncat( hl2dir, " 2009", sizeof( hl2dir ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); } // If the engine version isn't 'source2007' then use the new 'source sdk base 2007' to launch the mods
else if ( !V_strcmp( g_engineDir, "source2007" ) ) { V_strncat( hl2dir, " 2007", sizeof( hl2dir ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); }
char szAppID[10];
// DoD only people need to run their mod via DoD
if ( IsGameSubscribed( GetAppSteamAppId( k_App_DODS ) ) && !IsGameSubscribed( GetAppSteamAppId( k_App_HL2 ) ) && !IsGameSubscribed( GetAppSteamAppId( k_App_HL2MP ) ) ) { _itoa_s(GetAppSteamAppId( k_App_DODS ), szAppID, sizeof(szAppID), 10); } else { // Otherwise use Source SDK Base
_itoa_s(GetAppSteamAppId( k_App_SDK_BASE ), szAppID, sizeof(szAppID), 10); }
// Copy the batch files.
const char *replacements[] = { "%steamdir%", steamdir, "%appid%", szAppID, "%hl2dir%", hl2dir, "%moddir%", outModGamedirNameNoSlash, "%bindir%", GetSDKToolsBinDirectory() }; const char *filenames[] = { "run_mod.bat", "run_hlmv.bat", "run_studiomdl.bat", "run_hammer.bat" }; for ( int iFilename=0; iFilename < ARRAYSIZE( filenames ); iFilename++ ) { char srcFilename[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( srcFilename, sizeof( srcFilename ), "CreateModFiles\\%s", filenames[iFilename] ); if ( !CopyWithReplacements( srcFilename, replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s%s", m_OutputDirName, filenames[iFilename] ) ) { vgui::ivgui()->RemoveTickSignal( GetVPanel() ); GetWizardPanel()->SetCancelButtonEnabled( true ); return; } } } } else { bool bFinished = false;
// File copying has begun. Copy N more files and update our label.
int nCopied = 0; while ( nCopied < 10 ) { if ( m_iCurCopyFile >= m_FileCopyInfos.Count() ) { // Also, add a game configuration.
char modGamedirNoSlash[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( modGamedirNoSlash, m_OutModGamedirName, sizeof( modGamedirNoSlash ) ); if ( strlen( modGamedirNoSlash ) > 0 ) { if ( modGamedirNoSlash[strlen(modGamedirNoSlash)-1] == '/' || modGamedirNoSlash[strlen(modGamedirNoSlash)-1] == '\\' ) modGamedirNoSlash[strlen(modGamedirNoSlash)-1] = 0; }
if ( m_ModType != ModType_SourceCodeOnly ) AddConfig( m_ModName, modGamedirNoSlash, m_ModType );
// Setup the next panel.
CModWizardSubPanel_Finished *pNextPanel = dynamic_cast<CModWizardSubPanel_Finished*>(GetWizardPanel()->FindChildByName("CModWizardSubPanel_Finished")); if ( !pNextPanel ) { VGUIMessageBox( this, "Error", "Can't find CModWizardSubPanel_Finished panel." ); GetWizardPanel()->SetCancelButtonEnabled( true ); return; }
pNextPanel->GetReady( m_OutputDirName ); // Direct them out..
GetWizardPanel()->SetNextButtonEnabled( true );
m_pFinishedLabel->SetVisible( true ); m_pProgressBar->SetProgress( 1 ); bFinished = true;
vgui::ivgui()->RemoveTickSignal( GetVPanel() ); break; }
// Copy another file.
bool bRet= false; CFileCopyInfo *pInfo = &m_FileCopyInfos[m_iCurCopyFile++];
if ( !HandleSpecialFileCopy( pInfo, bRet ) ) { bRet = DoCopyFile( pInfo->m_InFilename, pInfo->m_OutFilename ); }
if ( !bRet ) { vgui::ivgui()->RemoveTickSignal( GetVPanel() ); GetWizardPanel()->SetCancelButtonEnabled( true ); break; } ++nCopied; }
// Update our label.
if ( !bFinished ) { unsigned int iNum = min( m_iCurCopyFile, m_FileCopyInfos.Count()-1 ); if ( iNum < (unsigned int)m_FileCopyInfos.Count() ) { char msg[512]; Q_snprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), "%s", m_FileCopyInfos[iNum].m_InFilename ); m_pLabel->SetText( msg );
m_pProgressBar->SetProgress( (float)iNum / m_FileCopyInfos.Count() ); } } } BaseClass::OnTick(); }
bool IsVCProjFile( const char *pFilename ) { char ext[512]; Q_StrRight( pFilename, 7, ext, sizeof( ext ) ); return ( Q_stricmp( ext, ".vcproj" ) == 0 ); }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2009::HandleReplacements_GameProjectFiles( CFileCopyInfo *pInfo, bool &bErrorStatus ) { // Speed up the copy process a bit, if it's not a vcproj, get out.
if ( !IsVCProjFile( pInfo->m_InFilename ) ) return false;
char replaceWith[MAX_PATH] = {0}; const char *replacements[] = { "..\\..\\game\\template\\", replaceWith, "..\\..\\game\\sdksample\\", replaceWith, "..\\..\\game\\hl2\\", replaceWith, "..\\..\\game\\hl2mp\\", replaceWith, "..\\game\\bin", "..\\bin" };
// No 'dx8' shaders in orange box, at least any time soon, just keeping it cleaned up.
if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\source2009\\materialsystem\\stdshaders\\stdshader_dx9-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 ) { bErrorStatus = true; Q_snprintf( replaceWith, sizeof( replaceWith ), "%s", m_OutModGamedirName ); bErrorStatus = CopyWithReplacements( pInfo->m_InFilename, replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s", pInfo->m_OutFilename );
return true; } else if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\source2009\\game\\client\\client_scratch-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\source2009\\game\\server\\server_scratch-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 ) { bErrorStatus = true; if ( m_ModType == ModType_FromScratch ) { Q_snprintf( replaceWith, sizeof( replaceWith ), "%s", m_OutModGamedirName );
bErrorStatus = CopyWithReplacements( pInfo->m_InFilename, replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s", pInfo->m_OutFilename ); }
return true; } // removed 'hl2' projects as they're not needed in orange box anymore.
else if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\source2009\\game\\client\\client_episodic-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\source2009\\game\\server\\server_episodic-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 ) { bErrorStatus = true; if ( m_ModType == ModType_HL2 || m_ModType == ModType_SourceCodeOnly ) { Q_snprintf( replaceWith, sizeof( replaceWith ), "%s", m_OutModGamedirName );
bErrorStatus = CopyWithReplacements( pInfo->m_InFilename, replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s", pInfo->m_OutFilename ); }
return true; } else if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\source2009\\game\\client\\client_hl2mp-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\source2009\\game\\server\\server_hl2mp-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 ) { bErrorStatus = true; if ( m_ModType == ModType_HL2_Multiplayer ) { Q_snprintf( replaceWith, sizeof( replaceWith ), "%s", m_OutModGamedirName );
bErrorStatus = CopyWithReplacements( pInfo->m_InFilename, replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s", pInfo->m_OutFilename ); }
return true; }
return false; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2007::HandleReplacements_GameProjectFiles( CFileCopyInfo *pInfo, bool &bErrorStatus ) { // Speed up the copy process a bit, if it's not a vcproj, get out.
if ( !IsVCProjFile( pInfo->m_InFilename ) ) return false;
char replaceWith[MAX_PATH] = {0}; const char *replacements[] = { "..\\..\\game\\template\\", replaceWith, "..\\..\\game\\sdksample\\", replaceWith, "..\\..\\game\\hl2\\", replaceWith, "..\\..\\game\\hl2mp\\", replaceWith, "..\\game\\bin", "..\\bin" };
// No 'dx8' shaders in orange box, at least any time soon, just keeping it cleaned up.
if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\orangebox\\materialsystem\\stdshaders\\stdshader_dx9-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 ) { bErrorStatus = true; Q_snprintf( replaceWith, sizeof( replaceWith ), "%s", m_OutModGamedirName ); bErrorStatus = CopyWithReplacements( pInfo->m_InFilename, replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s", pInfo->m_OutFilename );
return true; } else if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\orangebox\\game\\client\\client_scratch-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\orangebox\\game\\server\\server_scratch-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 ) { bErrorStatus = true; if ( m_ModType == ModType_FromScratch ) { Q_snprintf( replaceWith, sizeof( replaceWith ), "%s", m_OutModGamedirName );
bErrorStatus = CopyWithReplacements( pInfo->m_InFilename, replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s", pInfo->m_OutFilename ); }
return true; } // removed 'hl2' projects as they're not needed in orange box anymore.
else if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\orangebox\\game\\client\\client_episodic-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\orangebox\\game\\server\\server_episodic-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 ) { bErrorStatus = true; if ( m_ModType == ModType_HL2 || m_ModType == ModType_SourceCodeOnly ) { Q_snprintf( replaceWith, sizeof( replaceWith ), "%s", m_OutModGamedirName );
bErrorStatus = CopyWithReplacements( pInfo->m_InFilename, replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s", pInfo->m_OutFilename ); }
return true; } else if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\orangebox\\game\\client\\client_hl2mp-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\orangebox\\game\\server\\server_hl2mp-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 ) { bErrorStatus = true; if ( m_ModType == ModType_HL2_Multiplayer ) { Q_snprintf( replaceWith, sizeof( replaceWith ), "%s", m_OutModGamedirName );
bErrorStatus = CopyWithReplacements( pInfo->m_InFilename, replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s", pInfo->m_OutFilename ); }
return true; }
return false; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2006::HandleReplacements_GameProjectFiles( CFileCopyInfo *pInfo, bool &bErrorStatus ) { // Speed up the copy process a bit, if it's not a vcproj, get out.
if ( !IsVCProjFile( pInfo->m_InFilename ) ) return false;
char replaceWith[MAX_PATH] = {0}; const char *replacements[] = { "..\\..\\game\\sdksample\\", replaceWith, "..\\..\\game\\hl2\\", replaceWith, "..\\..\\game\\hl2mp\\", replaceWith, "..\\game\\bin", "..\\bin" };
if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\materialsystem\\stdshaders\\stdshader_dx8-2003.vcproj" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\materialsystem\\stdshaders\\stdshader_dx8-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\materialsystem\\stdshaders\\stdshader_dx9-2003.vcproj" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\materialsystem\\stdshaders\\stdshader_dx9-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 ) { bErrorStatus = true; Q_snprintf( replaceWith, sizeof( replaceWith ), "%s", m_OutModGamedirName ); bErrorStatus = CopyWithReplacements( pInfo->m_InFilename, replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s", pInfo->m_OutFilename );
return true; } else if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\cl_dll\\client_scratch-2003.vcproj" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\cl_dll\\client_scratch-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\dlls\\server_scratch-2003.vcproj" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\dlls\\server_scratch-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 ) { bErrorStatus = true; if ( m_ModType == ModType_FromScratch ) { Q_snprintf( replaceWith, sizeof( replaceWith ), "%s", m_OutModGamedirName ); bErrorStatus = CopyWithReplacements( pInfo->m_InFilename, replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s", pInfo->m_OutFilename ); }
return true; } else if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\cl_dll\\client_hl2-2003.vcproj" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\cl_dll\\client_hl2-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\dlls\\server_hl2-2003.vcproj" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\dlls\\server_hl2-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 ) { bErrorStatus = true; if ( m_ModType == ModType_HL2 || m_ModType == ModType_SourceCodeOnly ) { Q_snprintf( replaceWith, sizeof( replaceWith ), "%s", m_OutModGamedirName );
bErrorStatus = CopyWithReplacements( pInfo->m_InFilename, replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s", pInfo->m_OutFilename ); } return true; } else if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\cl_dll\\client_hl2mp-2003.vcproj" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\cl_dll\\client_hl2mp-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\dlls\\server_hl2mp-2003.vcproj" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\dlls\\server_hl2mp-2005.vcproj" ) == 0 ) { bErrorStatus = true; if ( m_ModType == ModType_HL2_Multiplayer ) { Q_snprintf( replaceWith, sizeof( replaceWith ), "%s", m_OutModGamedirName );
bErrorStatus = CopyWithReplacements( pInfo->m_InFilename, replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s", pInfo->m_OutFilename ); } return true; }
return false; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles::HandleReplacements_GenericVCProj( CFileCopyInfo *pInfo, bool &bErrorStatus ) { if ( IsVCProjFile( pInfo->m_InFilename ) ) { // This code is for all the tools. Internally, Valve uses <base dir>\game\bin, and externally,
// they're using <game dir>\bin to store tools.
const char *vcprojReplacements[] = { "..\\game\\bin", "..\\bin" };
bErrorStatus = CopyWithReplacements( pInfo->m_InFilename, vcprojReplacements, ARRAYSIZE( vcprojReplacements ), "%s", pInfo->m_OutFilename ); return true; }
return false; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2006::HandleReplacements_Solution( CFileCopyInfo *pInfo, bool &bErrorStatus ) { if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\game_scratch-2003.sln" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\game_scratch-2005.sln" ) == 0) { bErrorStatus = true; if ( m_ModType == ModType_FromScratch ) bErrorStatus = DoCopyFile( pInfo->m_InFilename, pInfo->m_OutFilename );
return true; } else if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\game_hl2-2003.sln" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\game_hl2-2005.sln" ) == 0) { bErrorStatus = true; if ( m_ModType == ModType_HL2 || m_ModType == ModType_SourceCodeOnly ) { bErrorStatus = DoCopyFile( pInfo->m_InFilename, pInfo->m_OutFilename ); } return true; } else if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\game_hl2mp-2003.sln" ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\ep1\\game_hl2mp-2005.sln" ) == 0) { bErrorStatus = true; if ( m_ModType == ModType_HL2_Multiplayer ) { bErrorStatus = DoCopyFile( pInfo->m_InFilename, pInfo->m_OutFilename ); } return true; }
return false; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2009::HandleReplacements_Solution( CFileCopyInfo *pInfo, bool &bErrorStatus ) { if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\source2009\\game_scratch-2005.sln" ) == 0) { bErrorStatus = true; if ( m_ModType == ModType_FromScratch ) bErrorStatus = DoCopyFile( pInfo->m_InFilename, pInfo->m_OutFilename );
return true; } // Episodic now, not 'hl2'!!
else if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\source2009\\game_episodic-2005.sln" ) == 0) { bErrorStatus = true; if ( m_ModType == ModType_HL2 || m_ModType == ModType_SourceCodeOnly ) { bErrorStatus = DoCopyFile( pInfo->m_InFilename, pInfo->m_OutFilename ); }
return true; } else if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\source2009\\game_hl2mp-2005.sln" ) == 0) { bErrorStatus = true; if ( m_ModType == ModType_HL2_Multiplayer ) { bErrorStatus = DoCopyFile( pInfo->m_InFilename, pInfo->m_OutFilename ); }
return true; }
return false; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2007::HandleReplacements_Solution( CFileCopyInfo *pInfo, bool &bErrorStatus ) { if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\orangebox\\game_scratch-2005.sln" ) == 0) { bErrorStatus = true; if ( m_ModType == ModType_FromScratch ) bErrorStatus = DoCopyFile( pInfo->m_InFilename, pInfo->m_OutFilename );
return true; } // Episodic now, not 'hl2'!!
else if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\orangebox\\game_episodic-2005.sln" ) == 0) { bErrorStatus = true; if ( m_ModType == ModType_HL2 || m_ModType == ModType_SourceCodeOnly ) { bErrorStatus = DoCopyFile( pInfo->m_InFilename, pInfo->m_OutFilename ); }
return true; } else if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\orangebox\\game_hl2mp-2005.sln" ) == 0) { bErrorStatus = true; if ( m_ModType == ModType_HL2_Multiplayer ) { bErrorStatus = DoCopyFile( pInfo->m_InFilename, pInfo->m_OutFilename ); }
return true; }
return false; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2009::HandleReplacements_TemplateOptions( CFileCopyInfo *pInfo, bool &bErrorStatus ) { // Copy over the sdk_shareddefs.h with replacements for the defines.
if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\source2009\\game\\shared\\sdk\\sdk_shareddefs.h" ) == 0 ) { // If the panel can't be found, get out.
CModWizardSubPanel_TemplateOptions *pTemplate = dynamic_cast<CModWizardSubPanel_TemplateOptions*>(GetWizardPanel()->FindChildByName("CModWizardSubPanel_TemplateOptions")); if ( !pTemplate ) return false;
const char *replacements[] = { "%TemplateOptionTeams%", pTemplate->GetOption(TPOPTION_TEAMS), "%TemplateOptionClasses%", pTemplate->GetOption(TPOPTION_CLASSES), "%TemplateOptionStamina%", pTemplate->GetOption(TPOPTION_STAMINA), "%TemplateOptionSprinting%", pTemplate->GetOption(TPOPTION_SPRINTING), "%TemplateOptionProne%", pTemplate->GetOption(TPOPTION_PRONE), "%TemplateOptionShootWhileSprinting%", pTemplate->GetOption(TPOPTION_SHOOTSPRINTING), "%TemplateOptionShootOnLadders%", pTemplate->GetOption(TPOPTION_SHOOTLADDERS), "%TemplateOptionShootWhileJumping%", pTemplate->GetOption(TPOPTION_SHOOTJUMPING) };
bErrorStatus = true; bErrorStatus = CopyWithReplacements( pInfo->m_InFilename, replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s", pInfo->m_OutFilename );
return true; }
return false; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2007::HandleReplacements_TemplateOptions( CFileCopyInfo *pInfo, bool &bErrorStatus ) { // Copy over the sdk_shareddefs.h with replacements for the defines.
if ( Q_stricmp( pInfo->m_InFilename, "src_mod\\orangebox\\game\\shared\\sdk\\sdk_shareddefs.h" ) == 0 ) { // If the panel can't be found, get out.
CModWizardSubPanel_TemplateOptions *pTemplate = dynamic_cast<CModWizardSubPanel_TemplateOptions*>(GetWizardPanel()->FindChildByName("CModWizardSubPanel_TemplateOptions")); if ( !pTemplate ) return false;
const char *replacements[] = { "%TemplateOptionTeams%", pTemplate->GetOption(TPOPTION_TEAMS), "%TemplateOptionClasses%", pTemplate->GetOption(TPOPTION_CLASSES), "%TemplateOptionStamina%", pTemplate->GetOption(TPOPTION_STAMINA), "%TemplateOptionSprinting%", pTemplate->GetOption(TPOPTION_SPRINTING), "%TemplateOptionProne%", pTemplate->GetOption(TPOPTION_PRONE), "%TemplateOptionShootWhileSprinting%", pTemplate->GetOption(TPOPTION_SHOOTSPRINTING), "%TemplateOptionShootOnLadders%", pTemplate->GetOption(TPOPTION_SHOOTLADDERS), "%TemplateOptionShootWhileJumping%", pTemplate->GetOption(TPOPTION_SHOOTJUMPING) };
bErrorStatus = true; bErrorStatus = CopyWithReplacements( pInfo->m_InFilename, replacements, ARRAYSIZE( replacements ), "%s", pInfo->m_OutFilename );
return true; }
return false; }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles::HandleSpecialFileCopy( CFileCopyInfo *pInfo, bool &bErrorStatus ) { if ( HandleReplacements_TemplateOptions( pInfo, bErrorStatus ) ) return true;
if ( HandleReplacements_GameProjectFiles( pInfo, bErrorStatus ) ) return true;
if ( HandleReplacements_GenericVCProj( pInfo, bErrorStatus ) ) return true;
if ( HandleReplacements_Solution( pInfo, bErrorStatus ) ) return true;
return false; }
CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2006::CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2006( Panel *parent, const char *panelName ) : CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles( parent, panelName ) { }
CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2007::CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2007( Panel *parent, const char *panelName ) : CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles( parent, panelName ) { }
CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2009::CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles_Source2009( Panel *parent, const char *panelName ) : CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles( parent, panelName ) { }