//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "pch_tier0.h"
#include "tier0/valve_off.h"
#ifdef _X360
#include "xbox/xbox_console.h"
#include "xbox/xbox_vxconsole.h"
#elif defined( _WIN32 )
#include <windows.h>
#elif defined( POSIX )
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "tier0/valve_on.h"
#include "tier0/threadtools.h"
#if defined( POSIX )
#include <dlfcn.h>
#if defined( LINUX ) || defined( USE_SDL )
// We lazily load the SDL shared object, and only reference functions if it's
// available, so this can be included on the dedicated server too.
#include "SDL.h"
typedef int ( SDLCALL FUNC_SDL_ShowMessageBox )( const SDL_MessageBoxData *messageboxdata, int *buttonid ); #endif
class CDialogInitInfo { public: const tchar *m_pFilename; int m_iLine; const tchar *m_pExpression; };
class CAssertDisable { public: tchar m_Filename[512]; // If these are not -1, then this CAssertDisable only disables asserts on lines between
// these values (inclusive).
int m_LineMin; int m_LineMax; // Decremented each time we hit this assert and ignore it, until it's 0.
// Then the CAssertDisable is removed.
// If this is -1, then we always ignore this assert.
int m_nIgnoreTimes;
CAssertDisable *m_pNext; };
#ifdef _WIN32
static HINSTANCE g_hTier0Instance = 0; #endif
static bool g_bAssertsEnabled = true;
static CAssertDisable *g_pAssertDisables = NULL;
#if ( defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 ) )
static int g_iLastLineRange = 5; static int g_nLastIgnoreNumTimes = 1; #endif
#if defined( _X360 )
static int g_VXConsoleAssertReturnValue = -1; #endif
// Set to true if they want to break in the debugger.
static bool g_bBreak = false;
static CDialogInitInfo g_Info;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Internal functions.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(STATIC_TIER0)
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY MemDbgDllMain( HMODULE hDll, DWORD dwReason, PVOID pvReserved );
BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hinstDLL, // handle to the DLL module
DWORD fdwReason, // reason for calling function
LPVOID lpvReserved // reserved
) { g_hTier0Instance = hinstDLL; #ifdef DEBUG
MemDbgDllMain( hinstDLL, fdwReason, lpvReserved ); #endif
return true; } #endif
static bool IsDebugBreakEnabled() { static bool bResult = ( _tcsstr( Plat_GetCommandLine(), _T("-debugbreak") ) != NULL ) || \ ( _tcsstr( Plat_GetCommandLine(), _T("-raiseonassert") ) != NULL ) || \ getenv( "RAISE_ON_ASSERT" ); return bResult; }
static bool AreAssertsDisabled() { static bool bResult = ( _tcsstr( Plat_GetCommandLine(), _T("-noassert") ) != NULL ); return bResult; }
static bool AreAssertsEnabledInFileLine( const tchar *pFilename, int iLine ) { CAssertDisable **pPrev = &g_pAssertDisables; CAssertDisable *pNext; for ( CAssertDisable *pCur=g_pAssertDisables; pCur; pCur=pNext ) { pNext = pCur->m_pNext;
if ( _tcsicmp( pFilename, pCur->m_Filename ) == 0 ) { // Are asserts disabled in the whole file?
bool bAssertsEnabled = true; if ( pCur->m_LineMin == -1 && pCur->m_LineMax == -1 ) bAssertsEnabled = false; // Are asserts disabled on the specified line?
if ( iLine >= pCur->m_LineMin && iLine <= pCur->m_LineMax ) bAssertsEnabled = false;
if ( !bAssertsEnabled ) { // If this assert is only disabled for the next N times, then countdown..
if ( pCur->m_nIgnoreTimes > 0 ) { --pCur->m_nIgnoreTimes; if ( pCur->m_nIgnoreTimes == 0 ) { // Remove this one from the list.
*pPrev = pNext; delete pCur; continue; } } return false; } }
pPrev = &pCur->m_pNext; }
return true; }
CAssertDisable* CreateNewAssertDisable( const tchar *pFilename ) { CAssertDisable *pDisable = new CAssertDisable; pDisable->m_pNext = g_pAssertDisables; g_pAssertDisables = pDisable;
pDisable->m_LineMin = pDisable->m_LineMax = -1; pDisable->m_nIgnoreTimes = -1; _tcsncpy( pDisable->m_Filename, g_Info.m_pFilename, sizeof( pDisable->m_Filename ) - 1 ); pDisable->m_Filename[ sizeof( pDisable->m_Filename ) - 1 ] = 0; return pDisable; }
void IgnoreAssertsInCurrentFile() { CreateNewAssertDisable( g_Info.m_pFilename ); }
CAssertDisable* IgnoreAssertsNearby( int nRange ) { CAssertDisable *pDisable = CreateNewAssertDisable( g_Info.m_pFilename ); pDisable->m_LineMin = g_Info.m_iLine - nRange; pDisable->m_LineMax = g_Info.m_iLine - nRange; return pDisable; }
#if ( defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 ) )
INT_PTR CALLBACK AssertDialogProc( HWND hDlg, // handle to dialog box
UINT uMsg, // message
WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter
LPARAM lParam // second message parameter
) { switch( uMsg ) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { #ifdef TCHAR_IS_WCHAR
SetDlgItemTextW( hDlg, IDC_ASSERT_MSG_CTRL, g_Info.m_pExpression ); SetDlgItemTextW( hDlg, IDC_FILENAME_CONTROL, g_Info.m_pFilename ); #else
SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_ASSERT_MSG_CTRL, g_Info.m_pExpression ); SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_FILENAME_CONTROL, g_Info.m_pFilename ); #endif
SetDlgItemInt( hDlg, IDC_LINE_CONTROL, g_Info.m_iLine, false ); SetDlgItemInt( hDlg, IDC_IGNORE_NUMLINES, g_iLastLineRange, false ); SetDlgItemInt( hDlg, IDC_IGNORE_NUMTIMES, g_nLastIgnoreNumTimes, false ); // Center the dialog.
RECT rcDlg, rcDesktop; GetWindowRect( hDlg, &rcDlg ); GetWindowRect( GetDesktopWindow(), &rcDesktop ); SetWindowPos( hDlg, HWND_TOP, ((rcDesktop.right-rcDesktop.left) - (rcDlg.right-rcDlg.left)) / 2, ((rcDesktop.bottom-rcDesktop.top) - (rcDlg.bottom-rcDlg.top)) / 2, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE ); } return true;
case WM_COMMAND: { switch( LOWORD( wParam ) ) { case IDC_IGNORE_FILE: { IgnoreAssertsInCurrentFile(); EndDialog( hDlg, 0 ); return true; }
// Ignore this assert N times.
case IDC_IGNORE_THIS: { BOOL bTranslated = false; UINT value = GetDlgItemInt( hDlg, IDC_IGNORE_NUMTIMES, &bTranslated, false ); if ( bTranslated && value > 1 ) { CAssertDisable *pDisable = IgnoreAssertsNearby( 0 ); pDisable->m_nIgnoreTimes = value - 1; g_nLastIgnoreNumTimes = value; }
EndDialog( hDlg, 0 ); return true; }
// Always ignore this assert.
case IDC_IGNORE_ALWAYS: { IgnoreAssertsNearby( 0 ); EndDialog( hDlg, 0 ); return true; } case IDC_IGNORE_NEARBY: { BOOL bTranslated = false; UINT value = GetDlgItemInt( hDlg, IDC_IGNORE_NUMLINES, &bTranslated, false ); if ( !bTranslated || value < 1 ) return true;
IgnoreAssertsNearby( value ); EndDialog( hDlg, 0 ); return true; }
case IDC_IGNORE_ALL: { g_bAssertsEnabled = false; EndDialog( hDlg, 0 ); return true; }
case IDC_BREAK: { g_bBreak = true; EndDialog( hDlg, 0 ); return true; } }
case WM_KEYDOWN: { // Escape?
if ( wParam == 2 ) { // Ignore this assert.
EndDialog( hDlg, 0 ); return true; } } } return true; }
return FALSE; }
static HWND g_hBestParentWindow;
static BOOL CALLBACK ParentWindowEnumProc( HWND hWnd, // handle to parent window
LPARAM lParam // application-defined value
) { if ( IsWindowVisible( hWnd ) ) { DWORD procID; GetWindowThreadProcessId( hWnd, &procID ); if ( procID == (DWORD)lParam ) { g_hBestParentWindow = hWnd; return FALSE; // don't iterate any more.
} } return TRUE; }
static HWND FindLikelyParentWindow() { // Enumerate top-level windows and take the first visible one with our processID.
g_hBestParentWindow = NULL; EnumWindows( ParentWindowEnumProc, GetCurrentProcessId() ); return g_hBestParentWindow; } #endif // ( defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 ) )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Interface functions.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// provides access to the global that turns asserts on and off
DBG_INTERFACE bool AreAllAssertsDisabled() { return !g_bAssertsEnabled; }
DBG_INTERFACE void SetAllAssertsDisabled( bool bAssertsDisabled ) { g_bAssertsEnabled = !bAssertsDisabled; }
#if defined( LINUX ) || defined( USE_SDL )
SDL_Window *g_SDLWindow = NULL;
DBG_INTERFACE void SetAssertDialogParent( struct SDL_Window *window ) { g_SDLWindow = window; }
DBG_INTERFACE struct SDL_Window * GetAssertDialogParent() { return g_SDLWindow; } #endif
DBG_INTERFACE bool ShouldUseNewAssertDialog() { static bool bMPIWorker = ( _tcsstr( Plat_GetCommandLine(), _T("-mpi_worker") ) != NULL ); if ( bMPIWorker ) { return false; }
return true; // always show an assert dialog
return Plat_IsInDebugSession(); // only show an assert dialog if the process is being debugged
#if defined( POSIX )
#include <execinfo.h>
static void SpewBacktrace() { void *buffer[ 16 ]; int nptrs = backtrace( buffer, ARRAYSIZE( buffer ) ); if ( nptrs ) { char **strings = backtrace_symbols(buffer, nptrs); if ( strings ) { for ( int i = 0; i < nptrs; i++) { const char *module = strrchr( strings[ i ], '/' ); module = module ? ( module + 1 ) : strings[ i ];
printf(" %s\n", module ); }
free( strings ); } } }
DBG_INTERFACE bool DoNewAssertDialog( const tchar *pFilename, int line, const tchar *pExpression ) { LOCAL_THREAD_LOCK();
if ( AreAssertsDisabled() ) return false;
// Have ALL Asserts been disabled?
if ( !g_bAssertsEnabled ) return false;
// Has this specific Assert been disabled?
if ( !AreAssertsEnabledInFileLine( pFilename, line ) ) return false;
// Assert not suppressed. Spew it, and optionally a backtrace.
#if defined( POSIX )
if( isatty( STDERR_FILENO ) ) { #define COLOR_YELLOW "\033[1;33m"
#define COLOR_GREEN "\033[1;32m"
#define COLOR_RED "\033[1;31m"
#define COLOR_END "\033[0m"
fprintf(stderr, COLOR_YELLOW "ASSERT:" COLOR_END " " COLOR_RED "%s" COLOR_GREEN ":%i:" COLOR_END " " COLOR_RED "%s" COLOR_END "\n", pFilename, line, pExpression); if ( getenv( "POSIX_ASSERT_BACKTRACE" ) ) { SpewBacktrace(); } } else #endif
{ fprintf(stderr, "ASSERT: %s:%i: %s\n", pFilename, line, pExpression); }
// If they have the old mode enabled (always break immediately), then just break right into
// the debugger like we used to do.
if ( IsDebugBreakEnabled() ) return true;
// Now create the dialog. Just return true for old-style debug break upon failure.
g_Info.m_pFilename = pFilename; g_Info.m_iLine = line; g_Info.m_pExpression = pExpression;
g_bBreak = false;
#if defined( _X360 )
char cmdString[XBX_MAX_RCMDLENGTH];
// Before calling VXConsole, init the global variable that receives the result
g_VXConsoleAssertReturnValue = -1;
// Message VXConsole to pop up a PC-side Assert dialog
_snprintf( cmdString, sizeof(cmdString), "Assert() 0x%.8x File: %s\tLine: %d\t%s", &g_VXConsoleAssertReturnValue, pFilename, line, pExpression ); XBX_SendRemoteCommand( cmdString, false );
// We sent a synchronous message, so g_xbx_dbgVXConsoleAssertReturnValue should have been overwritten by now
if ( g_VXConsoleAssertReturnValue == -1 ) { // VXConsole isn't connected/running - default to the old behaviour (break)
g_bBreak = true; } else { // Respond to what the user selected
switch( g_VXConsoleAssertReturnValue ) { case ASSERT_ACTION_IGNORE_FILE: IgnoreAssertsInCurrentFile(); break; case ASSERT_ACTION_IGNORE_THIS: // Ignore this Assert once
break; case ASSERT_ACTION_BREAK: // Break on this Assert
g_bBreak = true; break; case ASSERT_ACTION_IGNORE_ALL: // Ignore all Asserts from now on
g_bAssertsEnabled = false; break; case ASSERT_ACTION_IGNORE_ALWAYS: // Ignore this Assert from now on
IgnoreAssertsNearby( 0 ); break; case ASSERT_ACTION_OTHER: default: // Error... just break
XBX_Error( "DoNewAssertDialog: invalid Assert response returned from VXConsole - breaking to debugger" ); g_bBreak = true; break; } }
#elif defined( _WIN32 )
if ( !ThreadInMainThread() ) { int result = MessageBox( NULL, pExpression, "Assertion Failed", MB_SYSTEMMODAL | MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE );
if ( result == IDCANCEL ) { IgnoreAssertsNearby( 0 ); } else if ( result == IDCONTINUE ) { g_bBreak = true; } } else { HWND hParentWindow = FindLikelyParentWindow();
DialogBox( g_hTier0Instance, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDD_ASSERT_DIALOG ), hParentWindow, AssertDialogProc ); }
#elif defined( POSIX )
static FUNC_SDL_ShowMessageBox *pfnSDLShowMessageBox = NULL; if( !pfnSDLShowMessageBox ) { #ifdef OSX
void *ret = dlopen( "libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib", RTLD_LAZY ); #else
void *ret = dlopen( "libSDL2-2.0.so.0", RTLD_LAZY ); #endif
if ( ret ) { pfnSDLShowMessageBox = ( FUNC_SDL_ShowMessageBox * )dlsym( ret, "SDL_ShowMessageBox" ); } }
if( pfnSDLShowMessageBox ) { int buttonid; char text[ 4096 ]; SDL_MessageBoxData messageboxdata = { 0 }; const char *DefaultAction = Plat_IsInDebugSession() ? "Break" : "Corefile"; SDL_MessageBoxButtonData buttondata[] = { { SDL_MESSAGEBOX_BUTTON_RETURNKEY_DEFAULT, IDC_BREAK, DefaultAction }, { SDL_MESSAGEBOX_BUTTON_ESCAPEKEY_DEFAULT, IDC_IGNORE_THIS, "Ignore" }, { 0, IDC_IGNORE_FILE, "Ignore This File" }, { 0, IDC_IGNORE_ALWAYS, "Always Ignore" }, { 0, IDC_IGNORE_ALL, "Ignore All Asserts" }, };
_snprintf( text, sizeof( text ), "File: %s\nLine: %i\nExpr: %s\n", pFilename, line, pExpression ); text[ sizeof( text ) - 1 ] = 0;
messageboxdata.window = g_SDLWindow; messageboxdata.title = "Assertion Failed"; messageboxdata.message = text; messageboxdata.numbuttons = ARRAYSIZE( buttondata ); messageboxdata.buttons = buttondata;
int Ret = ( *pfnSDLShowMessageBox )( &messageboxdata, &buttonid ); if( Ret == -1 ) { buttonid = IDC_BREAK; }
switch( buttonid ) { default: case IDC_BREAK: // Break on this Assert
g_bBreak = true; break; case IDC_IGNORE_THIS: // Ignore this Assert once
break; case IDC_IGNORE_FILE: IgnoreAssertsInCurrentFile(); break; case IDC_IGNORE_ALWAYS: // Ignore this Assert from now on
IgnoreAssertsNearby( 0 ); break; case IDC_IGNORE_ALL: // Ignore all Asserts from now on
g_bAssertsEnabled = false; break; } } else { // Couldn't SDL it up
g_bBreak = true; }
// No dialog mode on this platform
g_bBreak = true; #endif
return g_bBreak; }