//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "pch_tier0.h"
#include "tier0/minidump.h"
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
#include "tier0/valve_off.h"
#define WIN_32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
#include <windows.h> // Currently needed for IsBadReadPtr and IsBadWritePtr
#pragma comment(lib,"user32.lib") // For MessageBox
#include <assert.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Color.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "tier0/threadtools.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include <math.h>
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_console.h"
#include "tier0/etwprof.h"
#ifndef STEAM
#define PvRealloc realloc
#define PvAlloc malloc
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// internal structures
enum { MAX_GROUP_NAME_LENGTH = 48 };
struct SpewGroup_t { tchar m_GroupName[MAX_GROUP_NAME_LENGTH]; int m_Level; };
// Skip forward past the directory
static const char *SkipToFname( const tchar* pFile ) { if ( pFile == NULL ) return "unknown"; const tchar* pSlash = _tcsrchr( pFile, '\\' ); const tchar* pSlash2 = _tcsrchr( pFile, '/' ); if (pSlash < pSlash2) pSlash = pSlash2; return pSlash ? pSlash + 1: pFile; }
DBG_INTERFACE SpewRetval_t DefaultSpewFunc( SpewType_t type, const tchar *pMsg ) { #ifdef _X360
if ( XBX_IsConsoleConnected() ) { // send to console
XBX_DebugString( XMAKECOLOR( 0,0,0 ), pMsg ); } else #endif
{ _tprintf( _T("%s"), pMsg ); #ifdef _WIN32
Plat_DebugString( pMsg ); #endif
} if ( type == SPEW_ASSERT ) { #ifndef WIN32
// Non-win32
bool bRaiseOnAssert = getenv( "RAISE_ON_ASSERT" ) || !!CommandLine()->FindParm( "-raiseonassert" ); #elif defined( _DEBUG )
// Win32 debug
bool bRaiseOnAssert = true; #else
// Win32 release
bool bRaiseOnAssert = !!CommandLine()->FindParm( "-raiseonassert" ); #endif
return bRaiseOnAssert ? SPEW_DEBUGGER : SPEW_CONTINUE; } else if ( type == SPEW_ERROR ) return SPEW_ABORT; else return SPEW_CONTINUE; }
DBG_INTERFACE SpewRetval_t DefaultSpewFuncAbortOnAsserts( SpewType_t type, const tchar *pMsg ) { SpewRetval_t r = DefaultSpewFunc( type, pMsg ); if ( type == SPEW_ASSERT ) r = SPEW_ABORT; return r; }
// Globals
static SpewOutputFunc_t s_SpewOutputFunc = DefaultSpewFunc;
static AssertFailedNotifyFunc_t s_AssertFailedNotifyFunc = NULL;
static const tchar* s_pFileName; static int s_Line; static SpewType_t s_SpewType;
static SpewGroup_t* s_pSpewGroups = 0; static int s_GroupCount = 0; static int s_DefaultLevel = 0; #if !defined( _X360 )
static Color s_DefaultOutputColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); #else
static Color s_DefaultOutputColor( 0, 0, 0, 255 ); #endif
// Only useable from within a spew function
struct SpewInfo_t { const Color* m_pSpewOutputColor; const tchar* m_pSpewOutputGroup; int m_nSpewOutputLevel; };
CThreadLocalPtr<SpewInfo_t> g_pSpewInfo;
// Standard groups
static const tchar* s_pDeveloper = _T("developer"); static const tchar* s_pConsole = _T("console"); static const tchar* s_pNetwork = _T("network");
static int s_pGroupIndices[GROUP_COUNT] = { -1, -1, -1 }; static const char *s_pGroupNames[GROUP_COUNT] = { s_pDeveloper, s_pConsole, s_pNetwork };
// Spew output management.
void SpewOutputFunc( SpewOutputFunc_t func ) { s_SpewOutputFunc = func ? func : DefaultSpewFunc; }
SpewOutputFunc_t GetSpewOutputFunc( void ) { if( s_SpewOutputFunc ) return s_SpewOutputFunc; return DefaultSpewFunc; }
void _ExitOnFatalAssert( const tchar* pFile, int line ) { _SpewMessage( _T("Fatal assert failed: %s, line %d. Application exiting.\n"), pFile, line );
// only write out minidumps if we're not in the debugger
if ( !Plat_IsInDebugSession() ) { char rgchSuffix[512]; _snprintf( rgchSuffix, sizeof(rgchSuffix), "fatalassert_%s_%d", SkipToFname( pFile ), line ); WriteMiniDump( rgchSuffix ); }
DevMsg( 1, _T("_ExitOnFatalAssert\n") ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
// Templates to assist in validating pointers:
DBG_INTERFACE void _AssertValidReadPtr( void* ptr, int count/* = 1*/ ) { Assert( !count || ptr ); }
DBG_INTERFACE void _AssertValidWritePtr( void* ptr, int count/* = 1*/ ) { Assert( !count || ptr ); }
DBG_INTERFACE void _AssertValidReadWritePtr( void* ptr, int count/* = 1*/ ) { Assert( !count || ptr ); }
#undef AssertValidStringPtr
DBG_INTERFACE void AssertValidStringPtr( const tchar* ptr, int maxchar/* = 0xFFFFFF */ ) { Assert( ptr ); }
// Should be called only inside a SpewOutputFunc_t, returns groupname, level, color
const tchar* GetSpewOutputGroup( void ) { SpewInfo_t *pSpewInfo = g_pSpewInfo; assert( pSpewInfo ); if ( pSpewInfo ) return pSpewInfo->m_pSpewOutputGroup; return NULL; }
int GetSpewOutputLevel( void ) { SpewInfo_t *pSpewInfo = g_pSpewInfo; assert( pSpewInfo ); if ( pSpewInfo ) return pSpewInfo->m_nSpewOutputLevel; return -1; }
const Color* GetSpewOutputColor( void ) { SpewInfo_t *pSpewInfo = g_pSpewInfo; assert( pSpewInfo ); if ( pSpewInfo ) return pSpewInfo->m_pSpewOutputColor; return &s_DefaultOutputColor; }
// Spew functions
DBG_INTERFACE void _SpewInfo( SpewType_t type, const tchar* pFile, int line ) { // Only grab the file name. Ignore the path.
s_pFileName = SkipToFname( pFile ); s_Line = line; s_SpewType = type; }
static SpewRetval_t _SpewMessage( SpewType_t spewType, const char *pGroupName, int nLevel, const Color *pColor, const tchar* pMsgFormat, va_list args ) { tchar pTempBuffer[5020];
assert( _tcslen( pMsgFormat ) < sizeof( pTempBuffer) ); // check that we won't artifically truncate the string
/* Printf the file and line for warning + assert only... */ int len = 0; if ( spewType == SPEW_ASSERT ) { len = _sntprintf( pTempBuffer, sizeof( pTempBuffer ) - 1, _T("%s (%d) : "), s_pFileName, s_Line ); }
if ( len == -1 ) return SPEW_ABORT; /* Create the message.... */ int val= _vsntprintf( &pTempBuffer[len], sizeof( pTempBuffer ) - len - 1, pMsgFormat, args ); if ( val == -1 ) return SPEW_ABORT;
len += val; assert( len * sizeof(*pMsgFormat) < sizeof(pTempBuffer) ); /* use normal assert here; to avoid recursion. */
// Add \n for warning and assert
if ( spewType == SPEW_ASSERT ) { len += _stprintf( &pTempBuffer[len], _T("\n") ); } assert( len < sizeof(pTempBuffer)/sizeof(pTempBuffer[0]) - 1 ); /* use normal assert here; to avoid recursion. */ assert( s_SpewOutputFunc ); /* direct it to the appropriate target(s) */ SpewRetval_t ret; assert( g_pSpewInfo == NULL ); SpewInfo_t spewInfo = { pColor, pGroupName, nLevel };
g_pSpewInfo = &spewInfo; ret = s_SpewOutputFunc( spewType, pTempBuffer ); g_pSpewInfo = (int)NULL;
switch (ret) { // Asserts put the break into the macro so it occurs in the right place
case SPEW_DEBUGGER: if ( spewType != SPEW_ASSERT ) { DebuggerBreak(); } break; case SPEW_ABORT: { // MessageBox(NULL,"Error in _SpewMessage","Error",MB_OK);
// ConMsg( _T("Exiting on SPEW_ABORT\n") );
exit(1); } }
return ret; }
#include "tier0/valve_off.h"
FORCEINLINE SpewRetval_t _SpewMessage( SpewType_t spewType, const tchar* pMsgFormat, va_list args ) { return _SpewMessage( spewType, "", 0, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); }
// Find a group, return true if found, false if not. Return in ind the
// index of the found group, or the index of the group right before where the
// group should be inserted into the list to maintain sorted order.
bool FindSpewGroup( const tchar* pGroupName, int* pInd ) { int s = 0; if (s_GroupCount) { int e = (int)(s_GroupCount - 1); while ( s <= e ) { int m = (s+e) >> 1; int cmp = _tcsicmp( pGroupName, s_pSpewGroups[m].m_GroupName ); if ( !cmp ) { *pInd = m; return true; } if ( cmp < 0 ) e = m - 1; else s = m + 1; } } *pInd = s; return false; }
// True if -hushasserts was passed on command line.
bool HushAsserts() { #ifdef DBGFLAG_ASSERT
static bool s_bHushAsserts = !!CommandLine()->FindParm( "-hushasserts" ); return s_bHushAsserts; #else
return true; #endif
// Tests to see if a particular spew is active
bool IsSpewActive( const tchar* pGroupName, int level ) { // If we don't find the spew group, use the default level.
int ind; if ( FindSpewGroup( pGroupName, &ind ) ) return s_pSpewGroups[ind].m_Level >= level; else return s_DefaultLevel >= level; }
inline bool IsSpewActive( StandardSpewGroup_t group, int level ) { // If we don't find the spew group, use the default level.
if ( s_pGroupIndices[group] >= 0 ) return s_pSpewGroups[ s_pGroupIndices[group] ].m_Level >= level; return s_DefaultLevel >= level; }
SpewRetval_t _SpewMessage( const tchar* pMsgFormat, ... ) { va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); SpewRetval_t ret = _SpewMessage( s_SpewType, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); return ret; }
SpewRetval_t _DSpewMessage( const tchar *pGroupName, int level, const tchar* pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( pGroupName, level ) ) return SPEW_CONTINUE;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); SpewRetval_t ret = _SpewMessage( s_SpewType, pGroupName, level, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); return ret; }
DBG_INTERFACE SpewRetval_t ColorSpewMessage( SpewType_t type, const Color *pColor, const tchar* pMsgFormat, ... ) { va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); SpewRetval_t ret = _SpewMessage( type, "", 0, pColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); return ret; }
void Msg( const tchar* pMsgFormat, ... ) { va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_MESSAGE, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void DMsg( const tchar *pGroupName, int level, const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( pGroupName, level ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_MESSAGE, pGroupName, level, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void MsgV( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const tchar *pMsg, va_list arglist ) { _SpewMessage( SPEW_MESSAGE, pMsg, arglist ); }
void Warning( const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_WARNING, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void DWarning( const tchar *pGroupName, int level, const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( pGroupName, level ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_WARNING, pGroupName, level, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void WarningV( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const tchar *pMsg, va_list arglist ) { _SpewMessage( SPEW_WARNING, pMsg, arglist ); }
void Log( const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_LOG, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void DLog( const tchar *pGroupName, int level, const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( pGroupName, level ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_LOG, pGroupName, level, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void LogV( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const tchar *pMsg, va_list arglist ) { _SpewMessage( SPEW_LOG, pMsg, arglist ); }
void Error( const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_ERROR, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void ErrorV( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const tchar *pMsg, va_list arglist ) { _SpewMessage( SPEW_ERROR, pMsg, arglist ); }
// A couple of super-common dynamic spew messages, here for convenience
// These looked at the "developer" group, print if it's level 1 or higher
void DevMsg( int level, const tchar* pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_DEVELOPER, level ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_MESSAGE, s_pDeveloper, level, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void DevWarning( int level, const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_DEVELOPER, level ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_WARNING, s_pDeveloper, level, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void DevLog( int level, const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_DEVELOPER, level ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_LOG, s_pDeveloper, level, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void DevMsg( const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_DEVELOPER, 1 ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_MESSAGE, s_pDeveloper, 1, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void DevWarning( const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_DEVELOPER, 1 ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_WARNING, s_pDeveloper, 1, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void DevLog( const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_DEVELOPER, 1 ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_LOG, s_pDeveloper, 1, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
// A couple of super-common dynamic spew messages, here for convenience
// These looked at the "console" group, print if it's level 1 or higher
void ConColorMsg( int level, const Color& clr, const tchar* pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_CONSOLE, level ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_MESSAGE, s_pConsole, level, &clr, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void ConMsg( int level, const tchar* pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_CONSOLE, level ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_MESSAGE, s_pConsole, level, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void ConWarning( int level, const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_CONSOLE, level ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_WARNING, s_pConsole, level, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void ConLog( int level, const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_CONSOLE, level ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_LOG, s_pConsole, level, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void ConColorMsg( const Color& clr, const tchar* pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_CONSOLE, 1 ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_MESSAGE, s_pConsole, 1, &clr, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void ConMsg( const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_CONSOLE, 1 ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_MESSAGE, s_pConsole, 1, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void ConWarning( const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_CONSOLE, 1 ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_WARNING, s_pConsole, 1, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void ConLog( const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_CONSOLE, 1 ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_LOG, s_pConsole, 1, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void ConDColorMsg( const Color& clr, const tchar* pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_CONSOLE, 2 ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_MESSAGE, s_pConsole, 2, &clr, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void ConDMsg( const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_CONSOLE, 2 ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_MESSAGE, s_pConsole, 2, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void ConDWarning( const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_CONSOLE, 2 ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_WARNING, s_pConsole, 2, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void ConDLog( const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_CONSOLE, 2 ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_LOG, s_pConsole, 2, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
// A couple of super-common dynamic spew messages, here for convenience
// These looked at the "network" group, print if it's level 1 or higher
void NetMsg( int level, const tchar* pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_NETWORK, level ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_MESSAGE, s_pNetwork, level, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void NetWarning( int level, const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_NETWORK, level ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_WARNING, s_pNetwork, level, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
void NetLog( int level, const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... ) { if( !IsSpewActive( GROUP_NETWORK, level ) ) return;
va_list args; va_start( args, pMsgFormat ); _SpewMessage( SPEW_LOG, s_pNetwork, level, &s_DefaultOutputColor, pMsgFormat, args ); va_end(args); }
#include "tier0/valve_on.h"
// Sets the priority level for a spew group
void SpewActivate( const tchar* pGroupName, int level ) { Assert( pGroupName ); // check for the default group first...
if ((pGroupName[0] == '*') && (pGroupName[1] == '\0')) { s_DefaultLevel = level; return; } // Normal case, search in group list using binary search.
// If not found, grow the list of groups and insert it into the
// right place to maintain sorted order. Then set the level.
int ind; if ( !FindSpewGroup( pGroupName, &ind ) ) { // not defined yet, insert an entry.
++s_GroupCount; if ( s_pSpewGroups ) { s_pSpewGroups = (SpewGroup_t*)PvRealloc( s_pSpewGroups, s_GroupCount * sizeof(SpewGroup_t) ); // shift elements down to preserve order
int numToMove = s_GroupCount - ind - 1; memmove( &s_pSpewGroups[ind+1], &s_pSpewGroups[ind], numToMove * sizeof(SpewGroup_t) );
// Update standard groups
for ( int i = 0; i < GROUP_COUNT; ++i ) { if ( ( ind <= s_pGroupIndices[i] ) && ( s_pGroupIndices[i] >= 0 ) ) { ++s_pGroupIndices[i]; } } } else { s_pSpewGroups = (SpewGroup_t*)PvAlloc( s_GroupCount * sizeof(SpewGroup_t) ); } Assert( _tcslen( pGroupName ) < MAX_GROUP_NAME_LENGTH ); _tcscpy( s_pSpewGroups[ind].m_GroupName, pGroupName );
// Update standard groups
for ( int i = 0; i < GROUP_COUNT; ++i ) { if ( ( s_pGroupIndices[i] < 0 ) && !_tcsicmp( s_pGroupNames[i], pGroupName ) ) { s_pGroupIndices[i] = ind; break; } } } s_pSpewGroups[ind].m_Level = level; }
// If we don't have a function from math.h, then it doesn't link certain floating-point
// functions in and printfs with %f cause runtime errors in the C libraries.
DBG_INTERFACE float CrackSmokingCompiler( float a ) { return (float)fabs( a ); }
void* Plat_SimpleLog( const tchar* file, int line ) { FILE* f = _tfopen( _T("simple.log"), _T("at+") ); _ftprintf( f, _T("%s:%i\n"), file, line ); fclose( f );
return NULL; }
void ValidateSpew( CValidator &validator ) { validator.Push( _T("Spew globals"), NULL, _T("Global") );
validator.ClaimMemory( s_pSpewGroups );
validator.Pop( ); } #endif // DBGFLAG_VALIDATE
// Purpose: For debugging startup times, etc.
// Input : *fmt -
// ... -
void COM_TimestampedLog( char const *fmt, ... ) { static float s_LastStamp = 0.0; static bool s_bShouldLog = false; static bool s_bShouldLogToETW = false; static bool s_bChecked = false; static bool s_bFirstWrite = false;
if ( !s_bChecked ) { s_bShouldLog = ( IsX360() || CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-profile" ) ) ? true : false; s_bShouldLogToETW = ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-etwprofile" ) ) ? true : false; if ( s_bShouldLogToETW ) { s_bShouldLog = true; } s_bChecked = true; } if ( !s_bShouldLog ) { return; }
char string[1024]; va_list argptr; va_start( argptr, fmt ); _vsnprintf( string, sizeof( string ), fmt, argptr ); va_end( argptr );
float curStamp = Plat_FloatTime();
#if defined( _X360 )
XBX_rTimeStampLog( curStamp, string ); #endif
if ( IsPC() ) { // If ETW profiling is enabled then do it only.
if ( s_bShouldLogToETW ) { ETWMark( string ); } else { if ( !s_bFirstWrite ) { unlink( "timestamped.log" ); s_bFirstWrite = true; }
FILE* fp = fopen( "timestamped.log", "at+" ); fprintf( fp, "%8.4f / %8.4f: %s\n", curStamp, curStamp - s_LastStamp, string ); fclose( fp ); } }
s_LastStamp = curStamp; }
// Sets an assert failed notify handler
void SetAssertFailedNotifyFunc( AssertFailedNotifyFunc_t func ) { s_AssertFailedNotifyFunc = func; }
// Calls the assert failed notify handler if one has been set
void CallAssertFailedNotifyFunc( const char *pchFile, int nLine, const char *pchMessage ) { if ( s_AssertFailedNotifyFunc ) s_AssertFailedNotifyFunc( pchFile, nLine, pchMessage ); }