//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Memory allocation!
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "pch_tier0.h"
#if !defined(STEAM) && !defined(NO_MALLOC_OVERRIDE)
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "tier0/memalloc.h"
#include "mem_helpers.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <crtdbg.h>
#ifdef OSX
#include <malloc/malloc.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <limits.h>
#include "tier0/threadtools.h"
#ifdef _X360
#include "xbox/xbox_console.h"
#if ( !defined(_DEBUG) && defined(USE_MEM_DEBUG) )
#pragma message ("USE_MEM_DEBUG is enabled in a release build. Don't check this in!")
#if (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(USE_MEM_DEBUG))
#if defined(_WIN32) && ( !defined(_X360) && !defined(_WIN64) )
// #define USE_STACK_WALK
// or:
#ifndef _X360
#define DebugAlloc malloc
#define DebugFree free
#define DebugAlloc DmAllocatePool
#define DebugFree DmFreePool
#ifdef WIN32
int g_DefaultHeapFlags = _CrtSetDbgFlag( _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG) | _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF ); #endif
#if defined( _MEMTEST )
static char s_szStatsMapName[32]; static char s_szStatsComment[256]; #endif
#if defined( USE_STACK_WALK ) || defined( USE_STACK_WALK_DETAILED )
#include <dbghelp.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "Dbghelp.lib" )
#pragma auto_inline(off)
__declspec(naked) DWORD GetEIP() { __asm { mov eax, [ebp + 4] ret } }
int WalkStack( void **ppAddresses, int nMaxAddresses, int nSkip = 0 ) { HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread();
memset(&frame, 0, sizeof(frame)); DWORD valEsp, valEbp; __asm { mov [valEsp], esp; mov [valEbp], ebp } frame.AddrPC.Offset = GetEIP(); frame.AddrStack.Offset = valEsp; frame.AddrFrame.Offset = valEbp; frame.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat; frame.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat; frame.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
// Walk the stack.
int nWalked = 0; nSkip++; while ( nMaxAddresses - nWalked > 0 ) { if ( !StackWalk64(IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386, hProcess, hThread, &frame, NULL, NULL, SymFunctionTableAccess64, SymGetModuleBase64, NULL ) ) { break; }
if ( nSkip == 0 ) { if (frame.AddrFrame.Offset == 0) { // End of stack.
break; }
*ppAddresses++ = (void *)frame.AddrPC.Offset; nWalked++; if (frame.AddrPC.Offset == frame.AddrReturn.Offset) { // Catching a stack loop
break; } } else { nSkip--; } }
if ( nMaxAddresses ) { memset( ppAddresses, 0, ( nMaxAddresses - nWalked ) * sizeof(*ppAddresses) ); }
return nWalked; }
bool GetModuleFromAddress( void *address, char *pResult ) { IMAGEHLP_MODULE moduleInfo;
moduleInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(moduleInfo);
if ( SymGetModuleInfo( GetCurrentProcess(), (DWORD)address, &moduleInfo ) ) { strcpy( pResult, moduleInfo.ModuleName ); return true; }
return false; }
bool GetCallerModule( char *pDest ) { static bool bInit; if ( !bInit ) { PSTR psUserSearchPath = NULL; psUserSearchPath = "u:\\data\\game\\bin\\;u:\\data\\game\\episodic\\bin\\;u:\\data\\game\\hl2\\bin\\;\\\\perforce\\symbols"; SymInitialize( GetCurrentProcess(), psUserSearchPath, true ); bInit = true; } void *pCaller; WalkStack( &pCaller, 1, 2 );
return ( pCaller != 0 && GetModuleFromAddress( pCaller, pDest ) ); }
// Note: StackDescribe function is non-reentrant:
// Reason: Stack description is stored in a static buffer.
// Solution: Passing caller-allocated buffers would allow the
// function to become reentrant, however the current only client (FindOrCreateFilename)
// is synchronized with a heap mutex, after retrieving stack description the
// heap memory will be allocated to copy the text.
char * StackDescribe( void **ppAddresses, int nMaxAddresses ) { static char s_chStackDescription[ 32 * 1024 ]; static char s_chSymbolBuffer[ sizeof( IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64 ) + 1024 ]; IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64 &hlpSymbol = * ( IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64 * ) s_chSymbolBuffer; hlpSymbol.SizeOfStruct = sizeof( IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64 ); hlpSymbol.MaxNameLength = 1024; DWORD64 hlpSymbolOffset = 0;
IMAGEHLP_LINE64 hlpLine; hlpLine.SizeOfStruct = sizeof( IMAGEHLP_LINE64 ); DWORD hlpLineOffset = 0;
s_chStackDescription[ 0 ] = 0; char *pchBuffer = s_chStackDescription;
for ( int k = 0; k < nMaxAddresses; ++ k ) { if ( !ppAddresses[k] ) break;
pchBuffer += strlen( pchBuffer ); if ( SymGetLineFromAddr64( GetCurrentProcess(), ( DWORD64 ) ppAddresses[k], &hlpLineOffset, &hlpLine ) ) { char const *pchFileName = hlpLine.FileName ? hlpLine.FileName + strlen( hlpLine.FileName ) : NULL; for ( size_t numSlashesAllowed = 2; pchFileName > hlpLine.FileName; -- pchFileName ) { if ( *pchFileName == '\\' ) { if ( numSlashesAllowed -- ) continue; else break; } } sprintf( pchBuffer, hlpLineOffset ? "%s:%d+0x%I32X" : "%s:%d", pchFileName, hlpLine.LineNumber, hlpLineOffset ); } else if ( SymGetSymFromAddr64( GetCurrentProcess(), ( DWORD64 ) ppAddresses[k], &hlpSymbolOffset, &hlpSymbol ) ) { sprintf( pchBuffer, ( hlpSymbolOffset > 0 && !( hlpSymbolOffset >> 63 ) ) ? "%s+0x%I64X" : "%s", hlpSymbol.Name, hlpSymbolOffset ); } else { sprintf( pchBuffer, "#0x%08p", ppAddresses[k] ); }
pchBuffer += strlen( pchBuffer ); sprintf( pchBuffer, "<--" ); } *pchBuffer = 0;
return s_chStackDescription; }
#endif // #if defined( USE_STACK_WALK_DETAILED )
inline int WalkStack( void **ppAddresses, int nMaxAddresses, int nSkip = 0 ) { memset( ppAddresses, 0, nMaxAddresses * sizeof(*ppAddresses) ); return 0; } #define GetModuleFromAddress( address, pResult ) ( ( *pResult = 0 ), 0)
#define GetCallerModule( pDest ) false
// NOTE: This exactly mirrors the dbg header in the MSDEV crt
// eventually when we write our own allocator, we can kill this
struct CrtDbgMemHeader_t { unsigned char m_Reserved[8]; const char *m_pFileName; int m_nLineNumber; unsigned char m_Reserved2[16]; };
struct DbgMemHeader_t #if !defined( _DEBUG ) || defined( POSIX )
: CrtDbgMemHeader_t #endif
{ unsigned nLogicalSize; byte reserved[12]; // MS allocator always returns mem aligned on 16 bytes, which some of our code depends on
#if defined( _DEBUG ) && !defined( POSIX )
#define GetCrtDbgMemHeader( pMem ) ((CrtDbgMemHeader_t*)((DbgMemHeader_t*)pMem - 1) - 1)
#elif defined( OSX )
DbgMemHeader_t *GetCrtDbgMemHeader( void *pMem ); #else
#define GetCrtDbgMemHeader( pMem ) ((DbgMemHeader_t*)pMem - 1)
#ifdef OSX
DbgMemHeader_t *GetCrtDbgMemHeader( void *pMem ) { size_t msize = malloc_size( pMem ); return (DbgMemHeader_t *)( (char *)pMem + msize - sizeof(DbgMemHeader_t) ); } #endif
inline void *InternalMalloc( size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { #ifdef OSX
void *pAllocedMem = malloc_zone_malloc( malloc_default_zone(), nSize + sizeof(DbgMemHeader_t) ); if (!pAllocedMem) { return NULL; } DbgMemHeader_t *pInternalMem = GetCrtDbgMemHeader( pAllocedMem );
pInternalMem->m_pFileName = pFileName; pInternalMem->m_nLineNumber = nLine; pInternalMem->nLogicalSize = nSize; *((int*)pInternalMem->m_Reserved) = 0xf00df00d;
return pAllocedMem; #else // LINUX || WIN32
DbgMemHeader_t *pInternalMem; #if defined( POSIX ) || !defined( _DEBUG )
pInternalMem = (DbgMemHeader_t *)malloc( nSize + sizeof(DbgMemHeader_t) ); if (!pInternalMem) { return NULL; } pInternalMem->m_pFileName = pFileName; pInternalMem->m_nLineNumber = nLine; *((int*)pInternalMem->m_Reserved) = 0xf00df00d; #else
pInternalMem = (DbgMemHeader_t *)_malloc_dbg( nSize + sizeof(DbgMemHeader_t), _NORMAL_BLOCK, pFileName, nLine ); #endif // defined( POSIX ) || !defined( _DEBUG )
pInternalMem->nLogicalSize = nSize; return pInternalMem + 1; #endif // LINUX || WIN32
inline void *InternalRealloc( void *pMem, size_t nNewSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { if ( !pMem ) return InternalMalloc( nNewSize, pFileName, nLine );
#ifdef OSX
void *pNewAllocedMem = NULL;
pNewAllocedMem = (void *)malloc_zone_realloc( malloc_default_zone(), pMem, nNewSize + sizeof(DbgMemHeader_t) ); DbgMemHeader_t *pInternalMem = GetCrtDbgMemHeader( pNewAllocedMem );
pInternalMem->m_pFileName = pFileName; pInternalMem->m_nLineNumber = nLine; pInternalMem->nLogicalSize = static_cast<unsigned int>( nNewSize ); *((int*)pInternalMem->m_Reserved) = 0xf00df00d;
return pNewAllocedMem; #else // LINUX || WIN32
DbgMemHeader_t *pInternalMem = (DbgMemHeader_t *)pMem - 1; #if defined( POSIX ) || !defined( _DEBUG )
pInternalMem = (DbgMemHeader_t *)realloc( pInternalMem, nNewSize + sizeof(DbgMemHeader_t) ); pInternalMem->m_pFileName = pFileName; pInternalMem->m_nLineNumber = nLine; #else
pInternalMem = (DbgMemHeader_t *)_realloc_dbg( pInternalMem, nNewSize + sizeof(DbgMemHeader_t), _NORMAL_BLOCK, pFileName, nLine ); #endif
pInternalMem->nLogicalSize = nNewSize; return pInternalMem + 1; #endif // LINUX || WIN32
inline void InternalFree( void *pMem ) { if ( !pMem ) return;
DbgMemHeader_t *pInternalMem = (DbgMemHeader_t *)pMem - 1; #if !defined( _DEBUG ) || defined( POSIX )
#ifdef OSX
malloc_zone_free( malloc_default_zone(), pMem ); #elif LINUX
free( pInternalMem ); #else
free( pInternalMem ); #endif
_free_dbg( pInternalMem, _NORMAL_BLOCK ); #endif
inline size_t InternalMSize( void *pMem ) { //$ TODO. For Linux, we could use 'int size = malloc_usable_size( pMem )'...
#if defined(POSIX)
DbgMemHeader_t *pInternalMem = GetCrtDbgMemHeader( pMem ); return pInternalMem->nLogicalSize; #elif !defined(_DEBUG)
DbgMemHeader_t *pInternalMem = GetCrtDbgMemHeader( pMem ); return _msize( pInternalMem ) - sizeof(DbgMemHeader_t); #else
DbgMemHeader_t *pInternalMem = (DbgMemHeader_t *)pMem - 1; return _msize_dbg( pInternalMem, _NORMAL_BLOCK ) - sizeof(DbgMemHeader_t); #endif
inline size_t InternalLogicalSize( void *pMem ) { #if defined(POSIX)
DbgMemHeader_t *pInternalMem = GetCrtDbgMemHeader( pMem ); #elif !defined(_DEBUG)
DbgMemHeader_t *pInternalMem = (DbgMemHeader_t *)pMem - 1; #else
DbgMemHeader_t *pInternalMem = (DbgMemHeader_t *)pMem - 1; #endif
return pInternalMem->nLogicalSize; }
#ifndef _DEBUG
#define _CrtDbgReport( nRptType, szFile, nLine, szModule, pMsg ) 0
// Custom allocator protects this module from recursing on operator new
template <class T> class CNoRecurseAllocator { public: // type definitions
typedef T value_type; typedef T* pointer; typedef const T* const_pointer; typedef T& reference; typedef const T& const_reference; typedef std::size_t size_type; typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
CNoRecurseAllocator() {} CNoRecurseAllocator(const CNoRecurseAllocator&) {} template <class U> CNoRecurseAllocator(const CNoRecurseAllocator<U>&) {} ~CNoRecurseAllocator(){}
// rebind allocator to type U
template <class U > struct rebind { typedef CNoRecurseAllocator<U> other; };
// return address of values
pointer address (reference value) const { return &value; }
const_pointer address (const_reference value) const { return &value;} size_type max_size() const { return INT_MAX; }
pointer allocate(size_type num, const void* = 0) { return (pointer)DebugAlloc(num * sizeof(T)); } void deallocate (pointer p, size_type num) { DebugFree(p); } void construct(pointer p, const T& value) { new((void*)p)T(value); } void destroy (pointer p) { p->~T(); } };
template <class T1, class T2> bool operator==(const CNoRecurseAllocator<T1>&, const CNoRecurseAllocator<T2>&) { return true; }
template <class T1, class T2> bool operator!=(const CNoRecurseAllocator<T1>&, const CNoRecurseAllocator<T2>&) { return false; }
class CStringLess { public: bool operator()(const char *pszLeft, const char *pszRight ) const { return ( stricmp( pszLeft, pszRight ) < 0 ); } };
#pragma warning( disable:4074 ) // warning C4074: initializers put in compiler reserved initialization area
#pragma init_seg( compiler )
// NOTE! This should never be called directly from leaf code
// Just use new,delete,malloc,free etc. They will call into this eventually
class CDbgMemAlloc : public IMemAlloc { public: CDbgMemAlloc(); virtual ~CDbgMemAlloc();
// Release versions
virtual void *Alloc( size_t nSize ); virtual void *Realloc( void *pMem, size_t nSize ); virtual void Free( void *pMem ); virtual void *Expand_NoLongerSupported( void *pMem, size_t nSize );
// Debug versions
virtual void *Alloc( size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine ); virtual void *Realloc( void *pMem, size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine ); virtual void Free( void *pMem, const char *pFileName, int nLine ); virtual void *Expand_NoLongerSupported( void *pMem, size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine );
// Returns size of a particular allocation
virtual size_t GetSize( void *pMem );
// Force file + line information for an allocation
virtual void PushAllocDbgInfo( const char *pFileName, int nLine ); virtual void PopAllocDbgInfo();
virtual long CrtSetBreakAlloc( long lNewBreakAlloc ); virtual int CrtSetReportMode( int nReportType, int nReportMode ); virtual int CrtIsValidHeapPointer( const void *pMem ); virtual int CrtIsValidPointer( const void *pMem, unsigned int size, int access ); virtual int CrtCheckMemory( void ); virtual int CrtSetDbgFlag( int nNewFlag ); virtual void CrtMemCheckpoint( _CrtMemState *pState );
// handles storing allocation info for coroutines
virtual uint32 GetDebugInfoSize(); virtual void SaveDebugInfo( void *pvDebugInfo ); virtual void RestoreDebugInfo( const void *pvDebugInfo ); virtual void InitDebugInfo( void *pvDebugInfo, const char *pchRootFileName, int nLine );
// FIXME: Remove when we have our own allocator
virtual void* CrtSetReportFile( int nRptType, void* hFile ); virtual void* CrtSetReportHook( void* pfnNewHook ); virtual int CrtDbgReport( int nRptType, const char * szFile, int nLine, const char * szModule, const char * szFormat );
virtual int heapchk();
virtual bool IsDebugHeap() { return true; }
virtual int GetVersion() { return MEMALLOC_VERSION; }
virtual void CompactHeap() { #if defined( _X360 ) && defined( _DEBUG )
HeapCompact( GetProcessHeap(), 0 ); #endif
virtual MemAllocFailHandler_t SetAllocFailHandler( MemAllocFailHandler_t pfnMemAllocFailHandler ) { return NULL; } // debug heap doesn't attempt retries
#if defined( _MEMTEST )
void SetStatsExtraInfo( const char *pMapName, const char *pComment ) { strncpy( s_szStatsMapName, pMapName, sizeof( s_szStatsMapName ) ); s_szStatsMapName[sizeof( s_szStatsMapName ) - 1] = '\0';
strncpy( s_szStatsComment, pComment, sizeof( s_szStatsComment ) ); s_szStatsComment[sizeof( s_szStatsComment ) - 1] = '\0'; } #endif
virtual size_t MemoryAllocFailed(); void SetCRTAllocFailed( size_t nMemSize );
void Shutdown();
private: struct MemInfo_t { MemInfo_t() { memset( this, 0, sizeof(*this) ); }
// Size in bytes
size_t m_nCurrentSize; size_t m_nPeakSize; size_t m_nTotalSize; size_t m_nOverheadSize; size_t m_nPeakOverheadSize;
// Count in terms of # of allocations
size_t m_nCurrentCount; size_t m_nPeakCount; size_t m_nTotalCount;
// Count in terms of # of allocations of a particular size
size_t m_pCount[NUM_BYTE_COUNT_BUCKETS];
// Time spent allocating + deallocating (microseconds)
int64 m_nTime; };
struct MemInfoKey_t { MemInfoKey_t( const char *pFileName, int line ) : m_pFileName(pFileName), m_nLine(line) {} bool operator<( const MemInfoKey_t &key ) const { int iret = stricmp( m_pFileName, key.m_pFileName ); if ( iret < 0 ) return true;
if ( iret > 0 ) return false;
return m_nLine < key.m_nLine; }
const char *m_pFileName; int m_nLine; };
// NOTE: Deliberately using STL here because the UTL stuff
// is a client of this library; want to avoid circular dependency
// Maps file name to info
typedef std::map< MemInfoKey_t, MemInfo_t, std::less<MemInfoKey_t>, CNoRecurseAllocator<std::pair<const MemInfoKey_t, MemInfo_t> > > StatMap_t; typedef StatMap_t::iterator StatMapIter_t; typedef StatMap_t::value_type StatMapEntry_t;
typedef std::set<const char *, CStringLess, CNoRecurseAllocator<const char *> > Filenames_t;
// Heap reporting method
typedef void (*HeapReportFunc_t)( char const *pFormat, ... );
private: // Returns the actual debug info
void GetActualDbgInfo( const char *&pFileName, int &nLine );
void Initialize();
// Finds the file in our map
MemInfo_t &FindOrCreateEntry( const char *pFileName, int line ); const char *FindOrCreateFilename( const char *pFileName );
// Updates stats
void RegisterAllocation( const char *pFileName, int nLine, int nLogicalSize, int nActualSize, unsigned nTime ); void RegisterDeallocation( const char *pFileName, int nLine, int nLogicalSize, int nActualSize, unsigned nTime );
void RegisterAllocation( MemInfo_t &info, int nLogicalSize, int nActualSize, unsigned nTime ); void RegisterDeallocation( MemInfo_t &info, int nLogicalSize, int nActualSize, unsigned nTime );
// Gets the allocation file name
const char *GetAllocatonFileName( void *pMem ); int GetAllocatonLineNumber( void *pMem );
// FIXME: specify a spew output func for dumping stats
// Stat output
void DumpMemInfo( const char *pAllocationName, int line, const MemInfo_t &info ); void DumpFileStats(); void DumpStats(); void DumpStatsFileBase( char const *pchFileBase ); void DumpBlockStats( void *p ); virtual void GlobalMemoryStatus( size_t *pUsedMemory, size_t *pFreeMemory );
private: StatMap_t *m_pStatMap; MemInfo_t m_GlobalInfo; CFastTimer m_Timer; bool m_bInitialized; Filenames_t *m_pFilenames;
HeapReportFunc_t m_OutputFunc;
static int s_pCountSizes[NUM_BYTE_COUNT_BUCKETS]; static const char *s_pCountHeader[NUM_BYTE_COUNT_BUCKETS];
size_t m_sMemoryAllocFailed; };
static char const *g_pszUnknown = "unknown";
const int DBG_INFO_STACK_DEPTH = 32;
struct DbgInfoStack_t { const char *m_pFileName; int m_nLine; };
CThreadLocalPtr<DbgInfoStack_t> g_DbgInfoStack CONSTRUCT_EARLY; CThreadLocalInt<> g_nDbgInfoStackDepth CONSTRUCT_EARLY;
// Singleton...
static CDbgMemAlloc s_DbgMemAlloc CONSTRUCT_EARLY;
IMemAlloc *g_pMemAlloc = &s_DbgMemAlloc; #else
IMemAlloc *g_pActualAlloc = &s_DbgMemAlloc; #endif
CThreadMutex g_DbgMemMutex CONSTRUCT_EARLY;
#define HEAP_LOCK() AUTO_LOCK( g_DbgMemMutex )
// Byte count buckets
int CDbgMemAlloc::s_pCountSizes[CDbgMemAlloc::NUM_BYTE_COUNT_BUCKETS] = { 16, 32, 128, 1024, INT_MAX };
const char *CDbgMemAlloc::s_pCountHeader[CDbgMemAlloc::NUM_BYTE_COUNT_BUCKETS] = { "<=16 byte allocations", "17-32 byte allocations", "33-128 byte allocations", "129-1024 byte allocations", ">1024 byte allocations" };
// Standard output
static FILE* s_DbgFile;
static void DefaultHeapReportFunc( char const *pFormat, ... ) { va_list args; va_start( args, pFormat ); vfprintf( s_DbgFile, pFormat, args ); va_end( args ); }
// Constructor
CDbgMemAlloc::CDbgMemAlloc() : m_sMemoryAllocFailed( (size_t)0 ) { // Make sure that we return 64-bit addresses in 64-bit builds.
m_OutputFunc = DefaultHeapReportFunc; m_bInitialized = false;
if ( !IsDebug() && !IsX360() ) { Plat_DebugString( "USE_MEM_DEBUG is enabled in a release build. Don't check this in!\n" ); } }
CDbgMemAlloc::~CDbgMemAlloc() { Shutdown(); }
void CDbgMemAlloc::Initialize() { if ( !m_bInitialized ) { m_pFilenames = new Filenames_t; m_pStatMap= new StatMap_t; m_bInitialized = true; } }
// Release versions
void CDbgMemAlloc::Shutdown() { if ( m_bInitialized ) { Filenames_t::const_iterator iter = m_pFilenames->begin(); while ( iter != m_pFilenames->end() ) { char *pFileName = (char*)(*iter); free( pFileName ); iter++; } m_pFilenames->clear();
m_bInitialized = false;
delete m_pFilenames; m_pFilenames = nullptr;
delete m_pStatMap; m_pStatMap = nullptr; }
m_bInitialized = false; }
#ifdef WIN32
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY MemDbgDllMain( HMODULE hDll, DWORD dwReason, PVOID pvReserved ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( pvReserved );
// Check if we are shutting down
if ( dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH ) { // CDbgMemAlloc is a global object and destructs after the _Lockit object in the CRT runtime,
// so we can't actually operate on the STL object in a normal destructor here as its support libraries have been turned off already
s_DbgMemAlloc.Shutdown(); }
return TRUE; } #endif
// Release versions
void *CDbgMemAlloc::Alloc( size_t nSize ) { /*
// NOTE: Uncomment this to find unknown allocations
const char *pFileName = g_pszUnknown; int nLine; GetActualDbgInfo( pFileName, nLine ); if (pFileName == g_pszUnknown) { int x = 3; } */ char szModule[MAX_PATH]; if ( GetCallerModule( szModule ) ) { return Alloc( nSize, szModule, 0 ); } else { return Alloc( nSize, g_pszUnknown, 0 ); } // return malloc( nSize );
void *CDbgMemAlloc::Realloc( void *pMem, size_t nSize ) { /*
// NOTE: Uncomment this to find unknown allocations
const char *pFileName = g_pszUnknown; int nLine; GetActualDbgInfo( pFileName, nLine ); if (pFileName == g_pszUnknown) { int x = 3; } */ // FIXME: Should these gather stats?
char szModule[MAX_PATH]; if ( GetCallerModule( szModule ) ) { return Realloc( pMem, nSize, szModule, 0 ); } else { return Realloc( pMem, nSize, g_pszUnknown, 0 ); } // return realloc( pMem, nSize );
void CDbgMemAlloc::Free( void *pMem ) { // FIXME: Should these gather stats?
Free( pMem, g_pszUnknown, 0 ); // free( pMem );
void *CDbgMemAlloc::Expand_NoLongerSupported( void *pMem, size_t nSize ) { return NULL; }
// Force file + line information for an allocation
void CDbgMemAlloc::PushAllocDbgInfo( const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { if ( g_DbgInfoStack == NULL ) { g_DbgInfoStack = (DbgInfoStack_t *)DebugAlloc( sizeof(DbgInfoStack_t) * DBG_INFO_STACK_DEPTH ); g_nDbgInfoStackDepth = -1; }
++g_nDbgInfoStackDepth; Assert( g_nDbgInfoStackDepth < DBG_INFO_STACK_DEPTH ); g_DbgInfoStack[g_nDbgInfoStackDepth].m_pFileName = FindOrCreateFilename( pFileName ); g_DbgInfoStack[g_nDbgInfoStackDepth].m_nLine = nLine; }
void CDbgMemAlloc::PopAllocDbgInfo() { if ( g_DbgInfoStack == NULL ) { g_DbgInfoStack = (DbgInfoStack_t *)DebugAlloc( sizeof(DbgInfoStack_t) * DBG_INFO_STACK_DEPTH ); g_nDbgInfoStackDepth = -1; }
--g_nDbgInfoStackDepth; Assert( g_nDbgInfoStackDepth >= -1 ); }
// handles storing allocation info for coroutines
uint32 CDbgMemAlloc::GetDebugInfoSize() { return sizeof( DbgInfoStack_t ) * DBG_INFO_STACK_DEPTH + sizeof( int32 ); }
void CDbgMemAlloc::SaveDebugInfo( void *pvDebugInfo ) { if ( g_DbgInfoStack == NULL ) { g_DbgInfoStack = (DbgInfoStack_t *)DebugAlloc( sizeof(DbgInfoStack_t) * DBG_INFO_STACK_DEPTH ); g_nDbgInfoStackDepth = -1; }
int32 *pnStackDepth = (int32*) pvDebugInfo; *pnStackDepth = g_nDbgInfoStackDepth; memcpy( pnStackDepth+1, &g_DbgInfoStack[0], sizeof( DbgInfoStack_t ) * DBG_INFO_STACK_DEPTH ); }
void CDbgMemAlloc::RestoreDebugInfo( const void *pvDebugInfo ) { if ( g_DbgInfoStack == NULL ) { g_DbgInfoStack = (DbgInfoStack_t *)DebugAlloc( sizeof(DbgInfoStack_t) * DBG_INFO_STACK_DEPTH ); g_nDbgInfoStackDepth = -1; }
const int32 *pnStackDepth = (const int32*) pvDebugInfo; g_nDbgInfoStackDepth = *pnStackDepth; memcpy( &g_DbgInfoStack[0], pnStackDepth+1, sizeof( DbgInfoStack_t ) * DBG_INFO_STACK_DEPTH );
void CDbgMemAlloc::InitDebugInfo( void *pvDebugInfo, const char *pchRootFileName, int nLine ) { int32 *pnStackDepth = (int32*) pvDebugInfo;
if( pchRootFileName ) { *pnStackDepth = 0;
DbgInfoStack_t *pStackRoot = (DbgInfoStack_t *)(pnStackDepth + 1); pStackRoot->m_pFileName = FindOrCreateFilename( pchRootFileName ); pStackRoot->m_nLine = nLine; } else { *pnStackDepth = -1; }
// Returns the actual debug info
void CDbgMemAlloc::GetActualDbgInfo( const char *&pFileName, int &nLine ) { #if defined( USE_STACK_WALK_DETAILED )
return; #endif
if ( g_DbgInfoStack == NULL ) { g_DbgInfoStack = (DbgInfoStack_t *)DebugAlloc( sizeof(DbgInfoStack_t) * DBG_INFO_STACK_DEPTH ); g_nDbgInfoStackDepth = -1; }
if ( g_nDbgInfoStackDepth >= 0 && g_DbgInfoStack[0].m_pFileName) { pFileName = g_DbgInfoStack[0].m_pFileName; nLine = g_DbgInfoStack[0].m_nLine; } }
const char *CDbgMemAlloc::FindOrCreateFilename( const char *pFileName ) { Initialize();
// If we created it for the first time, actually *allocate* the filename memory
HEAP_LOCK(); // This is necessary for shutdown conditions: the file name is stored
// in some piece of memory in a DLL; if that DLL becomes unloaded,
// we'll have a pointer to crap memory
if ( !pFileName ) { pFileName = g_pszUnknown; }
// Walk the stack to determine what's causing the allocation
void *arrStackAddresses[ 10 ] = { 0 }; int numStackAddrRetrieved = WalkStack( arrStackAddresses, 10, 0 ); char *szStack = StackDescribe( arrStackAddresses, numStackAddrRetrieved ); if ( szStack && *szStack ) { pFileName = szStack; // Use the stack description for the allocation
} #endif // #if defined( USE_STACK_WALK_DETAILED )
char *pszFilenameCopy; Filenames_t::const_iterator iter = m_pFilenames->find( pFileName ); if ( iter == m_pFilenames->end() ) { int nLen = strlen(pFileName) + 1; pszFilenameCopy = (char *)DebugAlloc( nLen ); memcpy( pszFilenameCopy, pFileName, nLen ); m_pFilenames->insert( pszFilenameCopy ); } else { pszFilenameCopy = (char *)(*iter); }
return pszFilenameCopy; }
// Finds the file in our map
CDbgMemAlloc::MemInfo_t &CDbgMemAlloc::FindOrCreateEntry( const char *pFileName, int line ) { Initialize(); // Oh how I love crazy STL. retval.first == the StatMapIter_t in the std::pair
// retval.first->second == the MemInfo_t that's part of the StatMapIter_t
std::pair<StatMapIter_t, bool> retval; if ( m_pStatMap ) { retval = m_pStatMap->insert( StatMapEntry_t( MemInfoKey_t( pFileName, line ), MemInfo_t() ) ); } return retval.first->second; }
// Updates stats
void CDbgMemAlloc::RegisterAllocation( const char *pFileName, int nLine, int nLogicalSize, int nActualSize, unsigned nTime ) { HEAP_LOCK(); RegisterAllocation( m_GlobalInfo, nLogicalSize, nActualSize, nTime ); RegisterAllocation( FindOrCreateEntry( pFileName, nLine ), nLogicalSize, nActualSize, nTime ); }
void CDbgMemAlloc::RegisterDeallocation( const char *pFileName, int nLine, int nLogicalSize, int nActualSize, unsigned nTime ) { HEAP_LOCK(); RegisterDeallocation( m_GlobalInfo, nLogicalSize, nActualSize, nTime ); RegisterDeallocation( FindOrCreateEntry( pFileName, nLine ), nLogicalSize, nActualSize, nTime ); }
void CDbgMemAlloc::RegisterAllocation( MemInfo_t &info, int nLogicalSize, int nActualSize, unsigned nTime ) { ++info.m_nCurrentCount; ++info.m_nTotalCount; if (info.m_nCurrentCount > info.m_nPeakCount) { info.m_nPeakCount = info.m_nCurrentCount; }
info.m_nCurrentSize += nLogicalSize; info.m_nTotalSize += nLogicalSize; if (info.m_nCurrentSize > info.m_nPeakSize) { info.m_nPeakSize = info.m_nCurrentSize; }
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BYTE_COUNT_BUCKETS; ++i) { if (nLogicalSize <= s_pCountSizes[i]) { ++info.m_pCount[i]; break; } }
Assert( info.m_nPeakCount >= info.m_nCurrentCount ); Assert( info.m_nPeakSize >= info.m_nCurrentSize );
info.m_nOverheadSize += (nActualSize - nLogicalSize); if (info.m_nOverheadSize > info.m_nPeakOverheadSize) { info.m_nPeakOverheadSize = info.m_nOverheadSize; }
info.m_nTime += nTime; }
void CDbgMemAlloc::RegisterDeallocation( MemInfo_t &info, int nLogicalSize, int nActualSize, unsigned nTime ) { // Check for decrementing these counters below zero. The checks
// must be done here because these unsigned counters will wrap-around and
// still be positive.
Assert( info.m_nCurrentCount != 0 );
// It is technically legal for code to request allocations of zero bytes, and there are a number of places in our code
// that do. So only assert that nLogicalSize >= 0. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1087042/c-new-int0-will-it-allocate-memory
Assert( nLogicalSize >= 0 ); Assert( info.m_nCurrentSize >= (size_t)nLogicalSize ); --info.m_nCurrentCount; info.m_nCurrentSize -= nLogicalSize;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BYTE_COUNT_BUCKETS; ++i) { if (nLogicalSize <= s_pCountSizes[i]) { --info.m_pCount[i]; break; } }
Assert( info.m_nPeakCount >= info.m_nCurrentCount ); Assert( info.m_nPeakSize >= info.m_nCurrentSize );
info.m_nOverheadSize -= (nActualSize - nLogicalSize);
info.m_nTime += nTime; }
// Gets the allocation file name
const char *CDbgMemAlloc::GetAllocatonFileName( void *pMem ) { if (!pMem) return "";
CrtDbgMemHeader_t *pHeader = GetCrtDbgMemHeader( pMem ); if ( pHeader->m_pFileName ) return pHeader->m_pFileName; else return g_pszUnknown; }
// Gets the allocation file name
int CDbgMemAlloc::GetAllocatonLineNumber( void *pMem ) { if ( !pMem ) return 0;
CrtDbgMemHeader_t *pHeader = GetCrtDbgMemHeader( pMem ); return pHeader->m_nLineNumber; }
// Debug versions of the main allocation methods
void *CDbgMemAlloc::Alloc( size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { HEAP_LOCK();
if ( !m_bInitialized ) return InternalMalloc( nSize, pFileName, nLine );
if ( pFileName != g_pszUnknown ) pFileName = FindOrCreateFilename( pFileName );
GetActualDbgInfo( pFileName, nLine );
if ( strcmp( pFileName, "class CUtlVector<int,class CUtlMemory<int> >" ) == 0) { GetActualDbgInfo( pFileName, nLine ); } */
m_Timer.Start(); void *pMem = InternalMalloc( nSize, pFileName, nLine ); m_Timer.End();
ApplyMemoryInitializations( pMem, nSize );
if ( pMem ) { RegisterAllocation( GetAllocatonFileName( pMem ), GetAllocatonLineNumber( pMem ), InternalLogicalSize( pMem ), InternalMSize( pMem ), m_Timer.GetDuration().GetMicroseconds() ); } else { SetCRTAllocFailed( nSize ); } return pMem; }
void *CDbgMemAlloc::Realloc( void *pMem, size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { HEAP_LOCK();
pFileName = FindOrCreateFilename( pFileName );
if ( !m_bInitialized ) return InternalRealloc( pMem, nSize, pFileName, nLine );
if ( pMem != 0 ) { RegisterDeallocation( GetAllocatonFileName( pMem ), GetAllocatonLineNumber( pMem ), InternalLogicalSize( pMem), InternalMSize( pMem ), 0 ); }
GetActualDbgInfo( pFileName, nLine );
m_Timer.Start(); pMem = InternalRealloc( pMem, nSize, pFileName, nLine ); m_Timer.End();
if ( pMem ) { RegisterAllocation( GetAllocatonFileName( pMem ), GetAllocatonLineNumber( pMem ), InternalLogicalSize( pMem), InternalMSize( pMem ), m_Timer.GetDuration().GetMicroseconds() ); } else { SetCRTAllocFailed( nSize ); } return pMem; }
void CDbgMemAlloc::Free( void *pMem, const char * /*pFileName*/, int nLine ) { if ( !pMem ) return;
if ( !m_bInitialized ) { InternalFree( pMem ); return; }
int nOldLogicalSize = InternalLogicalSize( pMem ); int nOldSize = InternalMSize( pMem ); const char *pOldFileName = GetAllocatonFileName( pMem ); int oldLine = GetAllocatonLineNumber( pMem );
m_Timer.Start(); InternalFree( pMem ); m_Timer.End();
RegisterDeallocation( pOldFileName, oldLine, nOldLogicalSize, nOldSize, m_Timer.GetDuration().GetMicroseconds() ); }
void *CDbgMemAlloc::Expand_NoLongerSupported( void *pMem, size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { return NULL; }
// Returns size of a particular allocation
size_t CDbgMemAlloc::GetSize( void *pMem ) { HEAP_LOCK();
if ( !pMem ) return CalcHeapUsed();
return InternalMSize( pMem ); }
// FIXME: Remove when we make our own heap! Crt stuff we're currently using
long CDbgMemAlloc::CrtSetBreakAlloc( long lNewBreakAlloc ) { #ifdef POSIX
return 0; #else
return _CrtSetBreakAlloc( lNewBreakAlloc ); #endif
int CDbgMemAlloc::CrtSetReportMode( int nReportType, int nReportMode ) { #ifdef POSIX
return 0; #else
return _CrtSetReportMode( nReportType, nReportMode ); #endif
int CDbgMemAlloc::CrtIsValidHeapPointer( const void *pMem ) { #ifdef POSIX
return 0; #else
return _CrtIsValidHeapPointer( pMem ); #endif
int CDbgMemAlloc::CrtIsValidPointer( const void *pMem, unsigned int size, int access ) { #ifdef POSIX
return 0; #else
return _CrtIsValidPointer( pMem, size, access ); #endif
int CDbgMemAlloc::CrtCheckMemory( void ) { #if !defined( DBGMEM_CHECKMEMORY ) || defined( POSIX )
return 1; #else
if ( !_CrtCheckMemory()) { Msg( "Memory check failed!\n" ); return 0; } return 1; #endif
int CDbgMemAlloc::CrtSetDbgFlag( int nNewFlag ) { #ifdef POSIX
return 0; #else
return _CrtSetDbgFlag( nNewFlag ); #endif
void CDbgMemAlloc::CrtMemCheckpoint( _CrtMemState *pState ) { #ifndef POSIX
_CrtMemCheckpoint( pState ); #endif
// FIXME: Remove when we have our own allocator
void* CDbgMemAlloc::CrtSetReportFile( int nRptType, void* hFile ) { #ifdef POSIX
return 0; #else
return (void*)_CrtSetReportFile( nRptType, (_HFILE)hFile ); #endif
void* CDbgMemAlloc::CrtSetReportHook( void* pfnNewHook ) { #ifdef POSIX
return 0; #else
return (void*)_CrtSetReportHook( (_CRT_REPORT_HOOK)pfnNewHook ); #endif
int CDbgMemAlloc::CrtDbgReport( int nRptType, const char * szFile, int nLine, const char * szModule, const char * pMsg ) { #ifdef POSIX
return 0; #else
return _CrtDbgReport( nRptType, szFile, nLine, szModule, pMsg ); #endif
int CDbgMemAlloc::heapchk() { #ifdef POSIX
return 0; #else
return _HEAPOK; #endif
void CDbgMemAlloc::DumpBlockStats( void *p ) { DbgMemHeader_t *pBlock = (DbgMemHeader_t *)p - 1; if ( !CrtIsValidHeapPointer( pBlock ) ) { Msg( "0x%p is not valid heap pointer\n", p ); return; }
const char *pFileName = GetAllocatonFileName( p ); int line = GetAllocatonLineNumber( p );
Msg( "0x%p allocated by %s line %d, %llu bytes\n", p, pFileName, line, (uint64)GetSize( p ) ); }
// Stat output
void CDbgMemAlloc::DumpMemInfo( const char *pAllocationName, int line, const MemInfo_t &info ) { m_OutputFunc("%s, line %i\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d", pAllocationName, line, info.m_nCurrentSize / 1024.0f, info.m_nPeakSize / 1024.0f, info.m_nTotalSize / 1024.0f, info.m_nOverheadSize / 1024.0f, info.m_nPeakOverheadSize / 1024.0f, (int)(info.m_nTime / 1000), info.m_nCurrentCount, info.m_nPeakCount, info.m_nTotalCount );
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BYTE_COUNT_BUCKETS; ++i) { m_OutputFunc( "\t%d", info.m_pCount[i] ); }
m_OutputFunc("\n"); }
// Stat output
void CDbgMemAlloc::DumpFileStats() { if ( !m_pStatMap ) return;
StatMapIter_t iter = m_pStatMap->begin(); while ( iter != m_pStatMap->end() ) { DumpMemInfo( iter->first.m_pFileName, iter->first.m_nLine, iter->second ); iter++; } }
void CDbgMemAlloc::DumpStatsFileBase( char const *pchFileBase ) { HEAP_LOCK();
char szFileName[MAX_PATH]; static int s_FileCount = 0; if (m_OutputFunc == DefaultHeapReportFunc) { char *pPath = ""; if ( IsX360() ) { pPath = "D:\\"; }
#if defined( _MEMTEST ) && defined( _X360 )
char szXboxName[32]; strcpy( szXboxName, "xbox" ); DWORD numChars = sizeof( szXboxName ); DmGetXboxName( szXboxName, &numChars ); char *pXboxName = strstr( szXboxName, "_360" ); if ( pXboxName ) { *pXboxName = '\0'; }
SYSTEMTIME systemTime; GetLocalTime( &systemTime ); _snprintf( szFileName, sizeof( szFileName ), "%s%s_%2.2d%2.2d_%2.2d%2.2d%2.2d_%d.txt", pPath, s_szStatsMapName, systemTime.wMonth, systemTime.wDay, systemTime.wHour, systemTime.wMinute, systemTime.wSecond, s_FileCount ); #else
_snprintf( szFileName, sizeof( szFileName ), "%s%s%d.txt", pPath, pchFileBase, s_FileCount ); #endif
szFileName[ ARRAYSIZE(szFileName) - 1 ] = 0;
s_DbgFile = fopen(szFileName, "wt"); if (!s_DbgFile) return; }
m_OutputFunc("Allocation type\tCurrent Size(k)\tPeak Size(k)\tTotal Allocations(k)\tOverhead Size(k)\tPeak Overhead Size(k)\tTime(ms)\tCurrent Count\tPeak Count\tTotal Count");
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BYTE_COUNT_BUCKETS; ++i) { m_OutputFunc( "\t%s", s_pCountHeader[i] ); }
DumpMemInfo( "Totals", 0, m_GlobalInfo );
#ifdef WIN32
if ( IsX360() ) { // add a line that has free memory
size_t usedMemory, freeMemory; GlobalMemoryStatus( &usedMemory, &freeMemory ); MemInfo_t info; // OS takes 32 MB, report our internal allocations only
info.m_nCurrentSize = usedMemory; DumpMemInfo( "Used Memory", 0, info ); } #endif
if (m_OutputFunc == DefaultHeapReportFunc) { fclose(s_DbgFile);
#if defined( _X360 ) && !defined( _RETAIL )
XBX_rMemDump( szFileName ); #endif
} }
void CDbgMemAlloc::GlobalMemoryStatus( size_t *pUsedMemory, size_t *pFreeMemory ) { if ( !pUsedMemory || !pFreeMemory ) return;
#if defined ( _X360 )
// GlobalMemoryStatus tells us how much physical memory is free
MEMORYSTATUS stat; ::GlobalMemoryStatus( &stat ); *pFreeMemory = stat.dwAvailPhys;
// Used is total minus free (discount the 32MB system reservation)
*pUsedMemory = ( stat.dwTotalPhys - 32*1024*1024 ) - *pFreeMemory;
// no data
*pFreeMemory = 0; *pUsedMemory = 0;
// Stat output
void CDbgMemAlloc::DumpStats() { DumpStatsFileBase( "memstats" ); }
void CDbgMemAlloc::SetCRTAllocFailed( size_t nSize ) { m_sMemoryAllocFailed = nSize;
MemAllocOOMError( nSize ); }
size_t CDbgMemAlloc::MemoryAllocFailed() { return m_sMemoryAllocFailed; }
#if defined( LINUX ) && !defined( NO_HOOK_MALLOC )
// Under linux we can ask GLIBC to override malloc for us
// Base on code from Ryan, http://hg.icculus.org/icculus/mallocmonitor/file/29c4b0d049f7/monitor_client/malloc_hook_glibc.c
static void *glibc_malloc_hook = NULL; static void *glibc_realloc_hook = NULL; static void *glibc_memalign_hook = NULL; static void *glibc_free_hook = NULL;
/* convenience functions for setting the hooks... */ static inline void save_glibc_hooks(void); static inline void set_glibc_hooks(void); static inline void set_override_hooks(void);
CThreadMutex g_HookMutex; /*
* Our overriding hooks...they call through to the original C runtime * implementations and report to the monitoring daemon. */
static void *override_malloc_hook(size_t s, const void *caller) { void *retval; AUTO_LOCK( g_HookMutex ); set_glibc_hooks(); /* put glibc back in control. */ retval = InternalMalloc( s, NULL, 0 ); save_glibc_hooks(); /* update in case glibc changed them. */
set_override_hooks(); /* only restore hooks if daemon is listening */
return(retval); } /* override_malloc_hook */
static void *override_realloc_hook(void *ptr, size_t s, const void *caller) { void *retval; AUTO_LOCK( g_HookMutex );
set_glibc_hooks(); /* put glibc back in control. */ retval = InternalRealloc(ptr, s, NULL, 0); /* call glibc version. */ save_glibc_hooks(); /* update in case glibc changed them. */
set_override_hooks(); /* only restore hooks if daemon is listening */
return(retval); } /* override_realloc_hook */
static void *override_memalign_hook(size_t a, size_t s, const void *caller) { void *retval; AUTO_LOCK( g_HookMutex );
set_glibc_hooks(); /* put glibc back in control. */ retval = memalign(a, s); /* call glibc version. */ save_glibc_hooks(); /* update in case glibc changed them. */
set_override_hooks(); /* only restore hooks if daemon is listening */
return(retval); } /* override_memalign_hook */
static void override_free_hook(void *ptr, const void *caller) { AUTO_LOCK( g_HookMutex );
set_glibc_hooks(); /* put glibc back in control. */ InternalFree(ptr); /* call glibc version. */ save_glibc_hooks(); /* update in case glibc changed them. */
set_override_hooks(); /* only restore hooks if daemon is listening */ } /* override_free_hook */
* Convenience functions for swapping the hooks around... */
* Save a copy of the original allocation hooks, so we can call into them * from our overriding functions. It's possible that glibc might change * these hooks under various conditions (so the manual's examples seem * to suggest), so we update them whenever we finish calling into the * the originals. */ static inline void save_glibc_hooks(void) { glibc_malloc_hook = (void *)__malloc_hook; glibc_realloc_hook = (void *)__realloc_hook; glibc_memalign_hook = (void *)__memalign_hook; glibc_free_hook = (void *)__free_hook; } /* save_glibc_hooks */
* Restore the hooks to the glibc versions. This is needed since, say, * their realloc() might call malloc() or free() under the hood, etc, so * it's safer to let them have complete control over the subsystem, which * also makes our logging saner, too. */ static inline void set_glibc_hooks(void) { __malloc_hook = (void* (*)(size_t, const void*))glibc_malloc_hook; __realloc_hook = (void* (*)(void*, size_t, const void*))glibc_realloc_hook; __memalign_hook = (void* (*)(size_t, size_t, const void*))glibc_memalign_hook; __free_hook = (void (*)(void*, const void*))glibc_free_hook; } /* set_glibc_hooks */
* Put our hooks back in place. This should be done after the original * glibc version has been called and we've finished any logging (which * may call glibc functions, too). This sets us up for the next calls from * the application. */ static inline void set_override_hooks(void) { __malloc_hook = override_malloc_hook; __realloc_hook = override_realloc_hook; __memalign_hook = override_memalign_hook; __free_hook = override_free_hook; } /* set_override_hooks */
* The Hook Of All Hooks...how we get in there in the first place. */
* glibc will call this when the malloc subsystem is initializing, giving * us a chance to install hooks that override the functions. */ static void __attribute__((constructor)) override_init_hook(void) { AUTO_LOCK( g_HookMutex );
/* install our hooks. Will connect to daemon on first malloc, etc. */ save_glibc_hooks(); set_override_hooks(); } /* override_init_hook */
* __malloc_initialize_hook is apparently a "weak variable", so you can * define and assign it here even though it's in glibc, too. This lets * us hook into malloc as soon as the runtime initializes, and before * main() is called. Basically, this whole trick depends on this. */ void (*__MALLOC_HOOK_VOLATILE __malloc_initialize_hook)(void) __attribute__((visibility("default")))= override_init_hook;
#endif // LINUX
#if defined( OSX ) && !defined( NO_HOOK_MALLOC )
// pointers to the osx versions of these functions
static void *osx_malloc_hook = NULL; static void *osx_realloc_hook = NULL; static void *osx_free_hook = NULL;
// convenience functions for setting the hooks...
static inline void save_osx_hooks(void); static inline void set_osx_hooks(void); static inline void set_override_hooks(void);
CThreadMutex g_HookMutex; //
// Our overriding hooks...they call through to the original C runtime
// implementations and report to the monitoring daemon.
static void *override_malloc_hook(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t s) { void *retval; set_osx_hooks(); retval = InternalMalloc( s, NULL, 0 ); set_override_hooks(); return(retval); }
static void *override_realloc_hook(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, void *ptr, size_t s) { void *retval; set_osx_hooks(); retval = InternalRealloc(ptr, s, NULL, 0); set_override_hooks(); return(retval); }
static void override_free_hook(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, void *ptr) { // sometime they pass in a null pointer from higher level calls, just ignore it
if ( !ptr ) return; set_osx_hooks(); DbgMemHeader_t *pInternalMem = GetCrtDbgMemHeader( ptr ); if ( *((int*)pInternalMem->m_Reserved) == 0xf00df00d ) { InternalFree( ptr ); } set_override_hooks(); }
These are func's we could optionally override right now on OSX but don't need to static size_t override_size_hook(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, const void *ptr) { set_osx_hooks(); DbgMemHeader_t *pInternalMem = GetCrtDbgMemHeader( (void *)ptr ); set_override_hooks(); if ( *((int*)pInternalMem->m_Reserved) == 0xf00df00d ) { return pInternalMem->nLogicalSize; } return 0; } static void *override_calloc_hook(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t num_items, size_t size ) { void *ans = override_malloc_hook( zone, num_items*size ); if ( !ans ) return 0; memset( ans, 0x0, num_items*size ); return ans; } static void *override_valloc_hook(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t size ) { return override_calloc_hook( zone, 1, size ); } static void override_destroy_hook(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone) { } */
static inline void unprotect_malloc_zone( malloc_zone_t *malloc_zone ) { // Starting in OS X 10.7 the default zone defaults to read-only, version 8.
// The version check may not be necessary, but we know it was RW before that.
if ( malloc_zone->version >= 8 ) { vm_protect( mach_task_self(), (uintptr_t)malloc_zone, sizeof( malloc_zone_t ), 0, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE ); } }
static inline void protect_malloc_zone( malloc_zone_t *malloc_zone ) { if ( malloc_zone->version >= 8 ) { vm_protect( mach_task_self(), (uintptr_t)malloc_zone, sizeof( malloc_zone_t ), 0, VM_PROT_READ ); } }
// Save a copy of the original allocation hooks, so we can call into them
// from our overriding functions. It's possible that osx might change
// these hooks under various conditions (so the manual's examples seem
// to suggest), so we update them whenever we finish calling into the
// the originals.
static inline void save_osx_hooks(void) { malloc_zone_t *malloc_zone = malloc_default_zone();
osx_malloc_hook = (void *)malloc_zone->malloc; osx_realloc_hook = (void *)malloc_zone->realloc; osx_free_hook = (void *)malloc_zone->free;
// These are func's we could optionally override right now on OSX but don't need to
// osx_size_hook = (void *)malloc_zone->size;
// osx_calloc_hook = (void *)malloc_zone->calloc;
// osx_valloc_hook = (void *)malloc_zone->valloc;
// osx_destroy_hook = (void *)malloc_zone->destroy;
// Restore the hooks to the osx versions. This is needed since, say,
// their realloc() might call malloc() or free() under the hood, etc, so
// it's safer to let them have complete control over the subsystem, which
// also makes our logging saner, too.
static inline void set_osx_hooks(void) { malloc_zone_t *malloc_zone = malloc_default_zone();
unprotect_malloc_zone( malloc_zone ); malloc_zone->malloc = (void* (*)(_malloc_zone_t*, size_t))osx_malloc_hook; malloc_zone->realloc = (void* (*)(_malloc_zone_t*, void*, size_t))osx_realloc_hook; malloc_zone->free = (void (*)(_malloc_zone_t*, void*))osx_free_hook; protect_malloc_zone( malloc_zone );
// These are func's we could optionally override right now on OSX but don't need to
//malloc_zone->size = (size_t (*)(_malloc_zone_t*, const void *))osx_size_hook;
//malloc_zone->calloc = (void* (*)(_malloc_zone_t*, size_t, size_t))osx_calloc_hook;
//malloc_zone->valloc = (void* (*)(_malloc_zone_t*, size_t))osx_valloc_hook;
//malloc_zone->destroy = (void (*)(_malloc_zone_t*))osx_destroy_hook;
* Put our hooks back in place. This should be done after the original * osx version has been called and we've finished any logging (which * may call osx functions, too). This sets us up for the next calls from * the application. */ static inline void set_override_hooks(void) { malloc_zone_t *malloc_zone = malloc_default_zone(); AssertMsg( malloc_zone, "No malloc zone returned by malloc_default_zone" );
unprotect_malloc_zone( malloc_zone ); malloc_zone->malloc = override_malloc_hook; malloc_zone->realloc = override_realloc_hook; malloc_zone->free = override_free_hook; protect_malloc_zone( malloc_zone );
// These are func's we could optionally override right now on OSX but don't need to
//malloc_zone->size = override_size_hook;
//malloc_zone->calloc = override_calloc_hook;
// malloc_zone->valloc = override_valloc_hook;
//malloc_zone->destroy = override_destroy_hook;
// The Hook Of All Hooks...how we get in there in the first place.
// osx will call this when the malloc subsystem is initializing, giving
// us a chance to install hooks that override the functions.
void __attribute__ ((constructor)) mem_init(void) { AUTO_LOCK( g_HookMutex ); save_osx_hooks(); set_override_hooks(); }
void *operator new( size_t nSize, int nBlockUse, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { set_osx_hooks(); void *pMem = g_pMemAlloc->Alloc(nSize, pFileName, nLine); set_override_hooks(); return pMem; }
void *operator new[] ( size_t nSize, int nBlockUse, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { set_osx_hooks(); void *pMem = g_pMemAlloc->Alloc(nSize, pFileName, nLine); set_override_hooks(); return pMem; }
#endif // defined( OSX ) && !defined( NO_HOOK_MALLOC )
#endif // (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(USE_MEM_DEBUG))