//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: VCR mode records a client's game and allows you to
// play it back and reproduce it exactly. When playing it back, nothing
// is simulated on the server, but all server packets are recorded.
// Most of the VCR mode functionality is accomplished through hooks
// called at various points in the engine.
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "xbox/xbox_platform.h"
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "tier0/vcrmode.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#define VCR_RuntimeAssert(x) VCR_RuntimeAssertFn(x, #x)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Internal functions.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
static void VCR_Error( const char *pFormat, ... ) { }
static void VCR_RuntimeAssertFn(int bAssert, char const *pStr) { }
static void VCR_Read(void *pDest, int size) { }
template<class T> static void VCR_ReadVal(T &val) { VCR_Read(&val, sizeof(val)); }
static void VCR_Write(void const *pSrc, int size) { }
template<class T> static void VCR_WriteVal(T &val) { }
// Hook from ExtendedTrace.cpp
bool g_bTraceRead = false; void OutputDebugStringFormat( const char *pMsg, ... ) { }
static VCREvent VCR_ReadEvent() { return (VCREvent)-1; }
static void VCR_WriteEvent(VCREvent event) { }
static void VCR_IncrementEvent() { }
static void VCR_Event(VCREvent type) { }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// VCR trace interface.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
class CVCRTrace : public IVCRTrace { public: virtual VCREvent ReadEvent() { return VCR_ReadEvent(); }
virtual void Read( void *pDest, int size ) { VCR_Read( pDest, size ); } };
static CVCRTrace g_VCRTrace;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// VCR interface.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
static int VCR_Start( char const *pFilename, bool bRecord, IVCRHelpers *pHelpers ) { return 0; }
static void VCR_End() { }
static IVCRTrace* VCR_GetVCRTraceInterface() { return 0; }
static VCRMode VCR_GetMode() { return VCR_Disabled; }
static void VCR_SetEnabled(int bEnabled) { }
static void VCR_SyncToken(char const *pToken) { }
static double VCR_Hook_Sys_FloatTime(double time) { return 0; }
static int VCR_Hook_PeekMessage( struct tagMSG *msg, void *hWnd, unsigned int wMsgFilterMin, unsigned int wMsgFilterMax, unsigned int wRemoveMsg ) { return 0; }
void VCR_Hook_RecordGameMsg( unsigned int uMsg, unsigned int wParam, long lParam ) { }
void VCR_Hook_RecordEndGameMsg() { }
bool VCR_Hook_PlaybackGameMsg( unsigned int &uMsg, unsigned int &wParam, long &lParam ) { return 0; }
static void VCR_Hook_GetCursorPos(struct tagPOINT *pt) { }
static void VCR_Hook_ScreenToClient(void *hWnd, struct tagPOINT *pt) { }
static int VCR_Hook_recvfrom(int s, char *buf, int len, int flags, struct sockaddr *from, int *fromlen) { return 0; }
static int VCR_Hook_recv(int s, char *buf, int len, int flags) { return 0; }
static int VCR_Hook_send(int s, const char *buf, int len, int flags) { return 0; }
static void VCR_Hook_Cmd_Exec(char **f) { }
static char* VCR_Hook_GetCommandLine() { return GetCommandLine(); }
static long VCR_Hook_RegOpenKeyEx( void *hKey, const char *lpSubKey, unsigned long ulOptions, unsigned long samDesired, void *pHKey ) { return 0; }
static long VCR_Hook_RegSetValueEx(void *hKey, char const *lpValueName, unsigned long Reserved, unsigned long dwType, unsigned char const *lpData, unsigned long cbData) { return 0; }
static long VCR_Hook_RegQueryValueEx(void *hKey, char const *lpValueName, unsigned long *lpReserved, unsigned long *lpType, unsigned char *lpData, unsigned long *lpcbData) { return 0; }
static long VCR_Hook_RegCreateKeyEx(void *hKey, char const *lpSubKey, unsigned long Reserved, char *lpClass, unsigned long dwOptions, unsigned long samDesired, void *lpSecurityAttributes, void *phkResult, unsigned long *lpdwDisposition) { return 0; }
static void VCR_Hook_RegCloseKey(void *hKey) { }
int VCR_Hook_GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents( void *hInput, unsigned long *pNumEvents ) { return 0; }
int VCR_Hook_ReadConsoleInput( void *hInput, void *pRecs, int nMaxRecs, unsigned long *pNumRead ) { return 0; }
void VCR_Hook_LocalTime( struct tm *today ) { }
short VCR_Hook_GetKeyState( int nVirtKey ) { return 0; }
void VCR_GenericRecord( const char *pEventName, const void *pData, int len ) { }
int VCR_GenericPlayback( const char *pEventName, void *pOutData, int maxLen, bool bForceSameLen ) { return 0; }
void VCR_GenericValue( const char *pEventName, void *pData, int maxLen ) { }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// The global VCR interface.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
VCR_t g_VCR = { VCR_Start, VCR_End, VCR_GetVCRTraceInterface, VCR_GetMode, VCR_SetEnabled, VCR_SyncToken, VCR_Hook_Sys_FloatTime, VCR_Hook_PeekMessage, VCR_Hook_RecordGameMsg, VCR_Hook_RecordEndGameMsg, VCR_Hook_PlaybackGameMsg, VCR_Hook_recvfrom, VCR_Hook_GetCursorPos, VCR_Hook_ScreenToClient, VCR_Hook_Cmd_Exec, VCR_Hook_GetCommandLine, VCR_Hook_RegOpenKeyEx, VCR_Hook_RegSetValueEx, VCR_Hook_RegQueryValueEx, VCR_Hook_RegCreateKeyEx, VCR_Hook_RegCloseKey, VCR_Hook_GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents, VCR_Hook_ReadConsoleInput, VCR_Hook_LocalTime, VCR_Hook_GetKeyState, VCR_Hook_recv, VCR_Hook_send, VCR_GenericRecord, VCR_GenericPlayback, VCR_GenericValue };
VCR_t *g_pVCR = &g_VCR;