//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <stdio.h>
#include "BanPanel.h"
#include "PlayerContextMenu.h"
#include "DialogAddBan.h"
#include <vgui/Cursor.h>
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Label.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Button.h>
#include <vgui_controls/QueryBox.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ListPanel.h>
#include <vgui_controls/FileOpenDialog.h>
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "DialogCvarChange.h"
#include "tokenline.h"
using namespace vgui;
// Purpose: Constructor
CBanPanel::CBanPanel(vgui::Panel *parent, const char *name) : PropertyPage(parent, name) { m_pBanListPanel = new ListPanel(this, "BanList"); m_pBanListPanel->AddColumnHeader(0, "type", "#Ban_List_Type", 150 ); m_pBanListPanel->AddColumnHeader(1, "id", "#Ban_List_ID", 200 ); m_pBanListPanel->AddColumnHeader(2, "time", "#Ban_List_Time", 200 ); m_pBanListPanel->SetSortColumn(2); m_pBanListPanel->SetEmptyListText("#Ban_List_Empty");
m_pAddButton = new Button(this, "Add", "#Ban_List_Add"); m_pRemoveButton = new Button(this, "Remove", "#Ban_List_Remove"); m_pChangeButton = new Button(this, "Change", "#Ban_List_Edit"); m_pImportButton = new Button(this, "Import", "#Ban_List_Import");
m_pAddButton->SetCommand(new KeyValues("addban")); m_pRemoveButton->SetCommand(new KeyValues("removeban")); m_pChangeButton->SetCommand(new KeyValues("changeban")); m_pImportButton->SetCommand(new KeyValues("importban"));
m_pBanContextMenu = new CBanContextMenu(this); m_pBanContextMenu->SetVisible(false);
m_flUpdateTime = 0.0f; m_bPageViewed = false;
LoadControlSettings("Admin/BanPanel.res", "PLATFORM"); }
// Purpose: Destructor
CBanPanel::~CBanPanel() { }
// Purpose: Activates the page
void CBanPanel::OnPageShow() { BaseClass::OnPageShow(); OnItemSelected(); if (!m_bPageViewed) { m_bPageViewed = true; // force update on first page view
m_flUpdateTime = 0.0f; } }
// Purpose: Requests new data set from server
void CBanPanel::OnResetData() { RemoteServer().RequestValue(this, "banlist"); // update once every 5 minutes
m_flUpdateTime = (float)system()->GetFrameTime() + (60 * 5.0f); }
// Purpose: Checks to see if the page data should be refreshed
void CBanPanel::OnThink() { if (m_flUpdateTime < system()->GetFrameTime()) { OnResetData(); } }
// Purpose: Wrap g_pVGuiLocalize->Find() and not return NULL
static const wchar_t * LocalizeFind( const char *identifier, const wchar_t *defaultText ) { const wchar_t *str = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find(identifier); if ( !str ) str = defaultText; return str; }
// Purpose: Received response from server containing data
void CBanPanel::OnServerDataResponse(const char *value, const char *response) { // build the list
if (!stricmp(value, "banlist")) { // clear current list
// scan through response for all items
int item = 0; float banTime = 0.0f; char id[64] = { 0 }; while (3 == sscanf(response, "%i %s : %f min\n", &item, id, &banTime)) { KeyValues *ban = new KeyValues("ban");
// determine type
if (IsIPAddress(id)) { // ip address
ban->SetWString("type", LocalizeFind("#Ban_IP", L"IP Address")); } else { // must be a userID
ban->SetWString("type", LocalizeFind("#Ban_Auth_ID", L"AuthID")); } ban->SetString("id", id);
if (banTime > 0.0f) { ban->SetFloat("time", banTime); } else { ban->SetWString("time", LocalizeFind("#Ban_Permanent", L"permanent")); } // add to list
m_pBanListPanel->AddItem(ban, 0, false, false);
// move to the next item
response = (const char *)strchr(response, '\n'); if (!response) break; response++; } } }
// Purpose: Refreshes the list on the user hitting F5
void CBanPanel::OnKeyCodeTyped(vgui::KeyCode code) { if (code == KEY_F5) { OnResetData(); } else { BaseClass::OnKeyCodeTyped(code); } }
// Purpose: opens context menu (user right clicked on a server)
if (m_pBanListPanel->IsVisible() && m_pBanListPanel->IsCursorOver() && m_pBanListPanel->GetNumSelectedRows()) // show the ban changing menu IF its the visible panel and the cursor is
// over it
{ unsigned int banID =m_pBanListPanel->GetSelectedRow(0); // activate context menu
m_pBanContextMenu->ShowMenu(this, banID); } else { m_pBanContextMenu->ShowMenu(this, -1); } */ }
// Purpose: Manually adds a new ban
void CBanPanel::AddBan() { CDialogAddBan *box = new CDialogAddBan(this); box->AddActionSignalTarget(this); box->Activate("addban", "", ""); }
// Purpose: prompts the user to remove an existing ban
void CBanPanel::RemoveBan() { int itemID = m_pBanListPanel->GetSelectedItem(0); if ( itemID == -1 ) return;
// ask the user whether or not they want to remove the ban
KeyValues *kv = m_pBanListPanel->GetItem(itemID); if (kv != NULL) { // build the message
wchar_t id[256]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(kv->GetString("id"), id, sizeof(id)); wchar_t message[256]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString(message, sizeof(message), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#Ban_Remove_Msg"), 1, id);
// activate the confirmation dialog
QueryBox *box = new QueryBox(g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#Ban_Title_Remove"), message); box->SetOKCommand(new KeyValues("removebanbyid", "id", kv->GetString("id"))); box->AddActionSignalTarget(this); box->DoModal(); } }
// Purpose: change the time length of a ban
void CBanPanel::ChangeBan() { int itemID = m_pBanListPanel->GetSelectedItem(0); if (itemID == -1) return;
KeyValues *kv = m_pBanListPanel->GetItem(itemID); if (kv != NULL) { char timeText[20]; float time = kv->GetFloat("time"); _snprintf(timeText, sizeof(timeText), "%0.2f", time);
// open a dialog asking them what time to change the ban lenght to
CDialogCvarChange *box = new CDialogCvarChange(this); box->AddActionSignalTarget(this); box->SetTitle("#Ban_Title_Change", true); box->Activate(kv->GetString("id"), timeText, "changeban", "#Ban_Change_Time"); } }
// Purpose: Removes the specified ban
void CBanPanel::RemoveBanByID(const char *id) { Assert(id && *id); if (!id || !*id) return;
// send down the command
char cmd[512]; _snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd) -1, "%s %s\n", IsIPAddress(id) ? "removeip" : "removeid", id); RemoteServer().SendCommand(cmd);
// force the file to be written
if (IsIPAddress(id)) { RemoteServer().SendCommand("writeip"); } else { RemoteServer().SendCommand("writeid"); }
// refresh
OnResetData(); }
// Purpose: Changes a ban
void CBanPanel::ChangeBanTimeByID(const char *id, const char *newtime) { Assert(id && *id); if (!id || !*id) return;
// if the newtime string is not valid, then set it to 0 (permanent ban)
if (!newtime || atof(newtime) < 0.001) { newtime = "0"; }
// send down the command
char cmd[512]; _snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd) -1, "%s %s %s\n", IsIPAddress(id) ? "addip" : "banid", newtime, id); RemoteServer().SendCommand(cmd); if (IsIPAddress(id)) { RemoteServer().SendCommand("writeip"); } else { RemoteServer().SendCommand("writeid"); }
// refresh
OnResetData(); }
// Purpose: Changes a ban
void CBanPanel::OnCvarChangeValue( KeyValues *kv ) { const char *idText = kv->GetString( "player", "" ); const char *durationText = kv->GetString( "value", "0" );
ChangeBanTimeByID( idText, durationText ); }
// Purpose: called when a row on the list panel is selected.
void CBanPanel::OnItemSelected() { int itemID = m_pBanListPanel->GetSelectedItem(0); if (itemID == -1) { m_pRemoveButton->SetEnabled(false); m_pChangeButton->SetEnabled(false); } else { m_pRemoveButton->SetEnabled(true); m_pChangeButton->SetEnabled(true); } }
// Purpose: Asks the user for the ban file to import
void CBanPanel::ImportBanList() { // Pop up the dialog
FileOpenDialog *pFileDialog = new FileOpenDialog(this, "#Ban_Find_Ban_File", true); pFileDialog->AddFilter( "*.cfg", "#Config_files", true ); pFileDialog->AddFilter( "*.*", "#All_files", false ); pFileDialog->DoModal(true); pFileDialog->Activate(); }
// Purpose: When a file is selected print out its full path in the debugger
void CBanPanel::OnFileSelected(const char *fullpath) { char line[255]; TokenLine tok;
// this can take a while, put up a waiting cursor
// we don't use filesystem() here becuase we want to let the user pick
// a file from anywhere on their filesystem... so we use stdio
FILE *f = fopen(fullpath,"rb"); while (!feof(f) && fgets(line, 255, f)) { // parse each line of the config file adding the ban
tok.SetLine(line); if (tok.CountToken() == 3) { // add the ban
const char *id = tok.GetToken(2); ChangeBanTimeByID(id, "0"); } }
// change the cursor back to normal and shutdown file
surface()->SetCursor(dc_user); if (f) { fclose(f); } }
// Purpose: returns true if the id string is an IP address, false if it's a WON or STEAM ID
bool CBanPanel::IsIPAddress(const char *id) { int s1, s2, s3, s4; return (4 == sscanf(id, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &s1, &s2, &s3, &s4)); }