//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "MapCycleEditDialog.h"
#include <vgui/KeyCode.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Button.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ListPanel.h>
#include "RemoteServer.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
using namespace vgui;
// Purpose: Constructor
CMapCycleEditDialog::CMapCycleEditDialog(vgui::Panel *parent, const char *name) : BaseClass(parent, name) { SetSize(480, 320); SetSizeable(false);
m_pAvailableMapList = new ListPanel(this, "AvailableMapList"); m_pAvailableMapList->AddColumnHeader(0, "Map", "#Available_Maps", 128); m_pAvailableMapList->SetColumnSortable(0, false);
m_pMapCycleList = new ListPanel(this, "MapCycleList"); m_pMapCycleList->AddColumnHeader(0, "Map", "#Map_Cycle", 128); m_pMapCycleList->SetColumnSortable(0, false);
m_RightArrow = new Button(this, "RightButton", ""); m_LeftArrow = new Button(this, "LeftButton", ""); m_UpArrow = new Button(this, "UpButton", ""); m_DownArrow = new Button(this, "DownButton", "");
LoadControlSettings("Admin/MapCycleEditDialog.res", "PLATFORM"); }
// Purpose: Destructor
CMapCycleEditDialog::~CMapCycleEditDialog() { }
// Purpose: Shows the dialog, building the lists from the params
void CMapCycleEditDialog::Activate(vgui::Panel *updateTarget, CUtlVector<CUtlSymbol> &availableMaps, CUtlVector<CUtlSymbol> &mapCycle) { // set the action signal target
// clear lists
m_pAvailableMapList->DeleteAllItems(); m_pMapCycleList->DeleteAllItems();
// build lists
for (int i = 0; i < availableMaps.Count(); i++) { // only add to the available maps list if it's not in mapCycle
bool inMapCycle = false; for (int j = 0; j < mapCycle.Count(); j++) { if (!stricmp(mapCycle[j].String(), availableMaps[i].String())) { inMapCycle = true; break; } }
if (!inMapCycle) { m_pAvailableMapList->AddItem(new KeyValues("MapItem", "Map", availableMaps[i].String()), 0, false, false); } } for (int i = 0; i < mapCycle.Count(); i++) { m_pMapCycleList->AddItem(new KeyValues("MapItem", "Map", mapCycle[i].String()), 0, false, false); }
// show window
SetTitle("Change Map Cycle", false); MoveToCenterOfScreen(); BaseClass::Activate(); }
// Purpose: Sets up button state
void CMapCycleEditDialog::PerformLayout() { m_LeftArrow->SetEnabled(false); m_RightArrow->SetEnabled(false); m_UpArrow->SetEnabled(false); m_DownArrow->SetEnabled(false);
if (m_pMapCycleList->GetSelectedItemsCount() > 0) { m_LeftArrow->SetEnabled(true); m_LeftArrow->SetAsDefaultButton(true);
if (m_pMapCycleList->GetSelectedItemsCount() == 1) { int row = m_pMapCycleList->GetSelectedItem(0); if (row > 0) { m_UpArrow->SetEnabled(true); } if (row + 1 < m_pMapCycleList->GetItemCount()) { m_DownArrow->SetEnabled(true); } } } else if (m_pAvailableMapList->GetSelectedItemsCount() > 0) { m_RightArrow->SetEnabled(true); m_RightArrow->SetAsDefaultButton(true); }
BaseClass::PerformLayout(); }
// Purpose: Updates UI based on which listpanel got selection
void CMapCycleEditDialog::OnItemSelected(vgui::Panel *panel) { if (panel == m_pAvailableMapList && m_pAvailableMapList->GetSelectedItemsCount() > 0) { m_pMapCycleList->ClearSelectedItems(); } else if (panel == m_pMapCycleList && m_pMapCycleList->GetSelectedItemsCount() > 0) { m_pAvailableMapList->ClearSelectedItems(); } InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose: Button command handler
void CMapCycleEditDialog::OnCommand(const char *command) { if (!stricmp(command, "ArrowLeft")) { // move map from mapcycle to available list
while (m_pMapCycleList->GetSelectedItemsCount() > 0) { int itemID = m_pMapCycleList->GetSelectedItem(0); KeyValues *data = m_pMapCycleList->GetItem(itemID); if (!data) return;
const char *map = data->GetString("Map"); m_pAvailableMapList->AddItem(new KeyValues("MapItem", "Map", map), 0, true, false); m_pMapCycleList->RemoveItem(itemID); } } else if (!stricmp(command, "ArrowRight")) { // move map from available list to mapcycle
while (m_pAvailableMapList->GetSelectedItemsCount() > 0) { int itemID = m_pAvailableMapList->GetSelectedItem(0); KeyValues *data = m_pAvailableMapList->GetItem(itemID); if (!data) return;
const char *map = data->GetString("Map"); m_pMapCycleList->AddItem(new KeyValues("MapItem", "Map", map), 0, true, false); m_pAvailableMapList->RemoveItem(itemID); } } else if (!stricmp(command, "ArrowUp")) { int itemID = m_pMapCycleList->GetSelectedItem(0); int row = m_pMapCycleList->GetItemCurrentRow(itemID); int prevRow = row - 1; if (prevRow < 0) return;
int prevItemID = m_pMapCycleList->GetItemIDFromRow(prevRow);
// get the data
KeyValues *d1 = m_pMapCycleList->GetItem(itemID); KeyValues *d2 = m_pMapCycleList->GetItem(prevItemID);
// swap the strings
CUtlSymbol tempString = d1->GetString("Map"); d1->SetString("Map", d2->GetString("Map")); d2->SetString("Map", tempString.String());
// update the list
m_pMapCycleList->ApplyItemChanges(itemID); m_pMapCycleList->ApplyItemChanges(prevItemID); PostMessage(m_pMapCycleList, new KeyValues("KeyCodePressed", "code", KEY_UP)); } else if (!stricmp(command, "ArrowDown")) { int itemID = m_pMapCycleList->GetSelectedItem(0); int row = m_pMapCycleList->GetItemCurrentRow(itemID); int nextRow = row + 1; if (nextRow + 1 > m_pMapCycleList->GetItemCount()) return;
int nextItemID = m_pMapCycleList->GetItemIDFromRow(nextRow);
// get the data
KeyValues *d1 = m_pMapCycleList->GetItem(itemID); KeyValues *d2 = m_pMapCycleList->GetItem(nextItemID);
// swap the strings
CUtlSymbol tempString = d1->GetString("Map"); d1->SetString("Map", d2->GetString("Map")); d2->SetString("Map", tempString.String());
// update the list
m_pMapCycleList->ApplyItemChanges(itemID); m_pMapCycleList->ApplyItemChanges(nextItemID); PostMessage(m_pMapCycleList, new KeyValues("KeyCodePressed", "code", KEY_DOWN)); } else if (!stricmp(command, "Cancel")) { Close(); } else if (!stricmp(command, "OK")) { // write out the data
CUtlBuffer msg(0, 1024, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER);
for (int i = 0; i < m_pMapCycleList->GetItemCount(); i++) { int itemID = m_pMapCycleList->GetItemIDFromRow(i); KeyValues *kv = m_pMapCycleList->GetItem(itemID); if ( kv ) { msg.PutString(kv->GetString("Map")); msg.PutChar('\n'); } }
msg.PutChar(0); RemoteServer().SetValue("mapcycle", (const char *)msg.Base());
// post message to tell varlist update
PostActionSignal(new KeyValues("VarChanged", "var", "mapcycle"));
// close
Close(); } else { BaseClass::OnCommand(command); } }