//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// Useful macros
#define EXPORT_THIS __declspec(dllexport)
#define DEFAULT_EXT _T("smd")
#define FStrEq(sz1, sz2) (strcmp((sz1), (sz2)) == 0)
// Class that implements the scene-export.
class SmdExportClass : public SceneExport { friend BOOL CALLBACK ExportOptionsDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); friend class DumpModelTEP; friend class DumpDeformsTEP;
public: CONSTRUCTOR SmdExportClass (void); DESTRUCTOR ~SmdExportClass (void);
// Required by classes derived from SceneExport
virtual int ExtCount (void) { return 1; } virtual const TCHAR* Ext (int i) { return DEFAULT_EXT; } virtual const TCHAR* LongDesc (void) { return _T("Valve Skeletal Model Exporter for 3D Studio Max"); } virtual const TCHAR* ShortDesc (void) { return _T("Valve SMD"); } virtual const TCHAR* AuthorName (void) { return _T("Valve, LLC"); } virtual const TCHAR* CopyrightMessage(void) { return _T("Copyright (c) 1998, Valve LLC"); } virtual const TCHAR* OtherMessage1 (void) { return _T(""); } virtual const TCHAR* OtherMessage2 (void) { return _T(""); } virtual unsigned int Version (void) { return 201; } virtual void ShowAbout (HWND hWnd) { return; } // virtual int DoExport (const TCHAR *name, ExpInterface *ei, Interface *i);
virtual int DoExport(const TCHAR *name,ExpInterface *ei,Interface *i, BOOL suppressPrompts=FALSE,DWORD options=0); // Export file
// Integer constants for this class
// For keeping info about each (non-ignored) 3dsMax node in the tree
typedef struct { char szNodeName[MAX_NAME_CHARS]; // usefull for lookups
Matrix3 mat3NodeTM; // node's transformation matrix (at time zero)
Matrix3 mat3ObjectTM; // object-offset transformation matrix (at time zero)
int imaxnodeParent; // cached index of parent node
float xRotFirstFrame; // 1st frame's X rotation
float yRotFirstFrame; // 1st frame's Y rotation
float zRotFirstFrame; // 1st frame's Z rotation
bool isMirrored; } MaxNode; MaxNode *m_rgmaxnode; // array of nodes
long m_imaxnodeMac; // # of nodes
// Animation metrics (gleaned from 3dsMax and cached for convenience)
Interval m_intervalOfAnimation; TimeValue m_tvStart; TimeValue m_tvEnd; int m_tpf; // ticks-per-frame
private: BOOL CollectNodes (ExpInterface *expiface); BOOL DumpBones (FILE *pFile, ExpInterface *pexpiface); BOOL DumpRotations (FILE *pFile, ExpInterface *pexpiface); BOOL DumpModel (FILE *pFile, ExpInterface *pexpiface); BOOL DumpDeforms (FILE *pFile, ExpInterface *pexpiface);
// Is this MAX file just the reference frame, or an animation?
// If TRUE, the "bones" and "mesh" files will be created.
// If FALSE, the "rots" file will be created.
BOOL m_fReferenceFrame; };
// Basically just a ClassFactory for communicating with 3DSMAX.
class SmdExportClassDesc : public ClassDesc { public: int IsPublic (void) { return TRUE; } void * Create (BOOL loading=FALSE) { return new SmdExportClass; } const TCHAR * ClassName (void) { return _T("SmdExport"); } SClass_ID SuperClassID (void) { return SCENE_EXPORT_CLASS_ID; } Class_ID ClassID (void) { return Class_ID(0x774a43fd, 0x794d2210); } const TCHAR * Category (void) { return _T(""); } };
// Tree Enumeration Callback
// Just counts the nodes in the node tree
class CountNodesTEP : public ITreeEnumProc { public: virtual int callback(INode *node); int m_cNodes; // running count of nodes
// Tree Enumeration Callback
// Collects the nodes in the tree into the global array
class CollectNodesTEP : public ITreeEnumProc { public: virtual int callback(INode *node); SmdExportClass *m_phec; };
// Tree Enumeration Callback
// Dumps the bone offsets to a file.
class DumpNodesTEP : public ITreeEnumProc { public: virtual int callback(INode *node); FILE *m_pfile; // write to this file
SmdExportClass *m_phec; };
// Tree Enumeration Callback
// Dumps the per-frame bone rotations to a file.
class DumpFrameRotationsTEP : public ITreeEnumProc { public: virtual int callback(INode *node); void cleanup(void); FILE *m_pfile; // write to this file
TimeValue m_tvToDump; // dump snapshot at this frame time
SmdExportClass *m_phec; };
// Tree Enumeration Callback
// Dumps the triangle meshes to a file.
class DumpModelTEP : public ITreeEnumProc { public: virtual int callback(INode *node); void cleanup(void); FILE *m_pfile; // write to this file
TimeValue m_tvToDump; // dump snapshot at this frame time
SmdExportClass *m_phec; IPhyContextExport *m_mcExport; IPhysiqueExport *m_phyExport; Modifier *m_phyMod; Modifier *m_bonesProMod; BonesPro_WeightArray *m_wa; private: Point3 Pt3GetRVertexNormal(RVertex *prvertex, DWORD smGroupFace); void DumpWeights( int iVertex ); };