//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#pragma warning (disable:4786)
//=========== (C) Copyright 1999 Valve, L.L.C. All rights reserved. ===========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Valve, L.L.C.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Valve, L.L.C., or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose: Implementation of the TFStatsApplication class.
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $Log: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "TFStatsApplication.h"
#include "TFStatsReport.h"
#include "LogEvent.h"
#include "ScoreBoard.h"
#include "WhoKilledWho.h"
#include "memdbg.h"
#include "awards.h"
#include "MatchResults.h"
#include "DialogueReadout.h"
#include "cvars.h"
#include "html.h"
#include "TextFile.h"
#include "CustomAward.h"
#include "PlayerSpecifics.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "AllPlayersStats.h"
#include <errno.h>
CTFStatsApplication* g_pApp; //global!
// Function: CTFStatsApplication::printUsage
// Purpose: Prints out how to use the program
void CTFStatsApplication::printUsage() { printf("TFStats version %li.%li\n",majorVer,minorVer); printf("\nUSAGE:\n"); #ifdef WIN32
printf("TFstatsRT.exe <log file name> <optional switches>\n"); #else
printf("TFstats_l <log file name> <optional switches>\n"); #endif
printf("the available switches are detailed in the documentation. (TFStats.htm): \n"); printf("---\n"); printf("After TFStats is done, several new HTML files will be in the current directory,\n"); printf("point your browser to the index.html in this directory and it will do the rest.\n"); #ifdef WIN32
printf("(you should just be able to do \"start index.html\")\n"); #endif
printf("TFStats uses Regex++:\nRegex++ � 1998-9 Dr John Maddock.\n"); }
#include "CustomAwardList.h"
// Function: CTFStatsApplication::DoAwards
// Purpose: This reports all of the awards
// Input: MatchResultsPage - the page on which to write the awards' HTML
void CTFStatsApplication::DoAwards(CHTMLFile& MatchResultsPage) { int chresult=os->chdir(g_pApp->outputDirectory.c_str());
MatchResultsPage.p(); MatchResultsPage.write("<img src=\"%s/awards.gif\">\n",g_pApp->supportHTTPPath.c_str()); MatchResultsPage.div("awards"); //do custom awards first, they're usually the important ones for the match
CCustomAwardList* pCust; os->chdir(ruleDirectory.c_str()); pCust=CCustomAwardList::readCustomAwards(g_pMatchInfo->mapName()); os->chdir(outputDirectory.c_str()); if(pCust) { CCustomAwardIterator it; for (it=pCust->begin();it!=pCust->end();++it) { (*it)->report(MatchResultsPage); } delete pCust; MatchResultsPage.hr(450,true); } os->chdir(outputDirectory.c_str()); //do scout award here.
CSurvivalistAward csrva; csrva.report(MatchResultsPage);
//sniper award
CSharpshooterAward cssa; cssa.report(MatchResultsPage); //soldier award
CRocketryAward cra; cra.report(MatchResultsPage); //demoman awards
CGrenadierAward cga; cga.report(MatchResultsPage); CDemolitionsAward cda; cda.report(MatchResultsPage); //medic awards
CCureAward cca;cca.report(MatchResultsPage); CBiologicalWarfareAward cbwa; cbwa.report(MatchResultsPage); //HW award
CAssaultCannonAward caca;caca.report(MatchResultsPage); //pyro award
CFlamethrowerAward cfa;cfa.report(MatchResultsPage); //spy award
CKnifeAward cka;cka.report(MatchResultsPage);
//engineer awards
CBestSentryAward cbsa; cbsa.report(MatchResultsPage); CSentryRebuildAward cba2;cba2.report(MatchResultsPage); MatchResultsPage.hr(450,true); //non class specific
CKamikazeAward ckami;ckami.report(MatchResultsPage); CTalkativeAward cta;cta.report(MatchResultsPage); CTeamKillAward ctka; ctka.report(MatchResultsPage);
MatchResultsPage.enddiv(); }
// Function: CTFStatsApplication::DoMatchResults
// Purpose: This creates the MatchResults page of the report (the main page)
void CTFStatsApplication::DoMatchResults() { int chresult=os->chdir(g_pApp->outputDirectory.c_str()); CHTMLFile MatchResultsPage("MatchResults.html","results"); CMatchResults cmr; cmr.report(MatchResultsPage); DoAwards(MatchResultsPage); CScoreboard cs; cs.report(MatchResultsPage);
CWhoKilledWho cwkw; cwkw.report(MatchResultsPage);
// Function: CTFStatsApplication::parseCmdLineArg
// Purpose: This parses variables and values out of passed in commandline args
// Input: in - the full command line argument
// var - the output buffer in which to place the name of the variable
// val - the output buffer in which to place the value of the variable
void CTFStatsApplication::parseCmdLineArg(const char* in, char* var, char* val) { char* pEq=strchr(in,'='); if (!pEq || pEq==in) { var[0]=val[0]=0; } else { *pEq=0; strcpy(var,in); strcpy(val,pEq+1); Util::str2lowercase(var,var); Util::str2lowercase(val,val); *pEq='='; }
// Function: CTFStatsApplication::ParseCommandLine
// Purpose: this parses the commandline into the cmdLineSwitches map. Also
// recognizes certain switches and sets variables and creates directories
// accordingly to their values
// Input: argc - count of arguments from commandline
// argv[] - the arguments
void CTFStatsApplication::ParseCommandLine(int argc,const char* argv[]) { char var[100]; char val[100]; //first find if we want to display startup info
bool displayStartupInfo=false; for(int i=2;i<argc;i++) { parseCmdLineArg(argv[i],var,val); if (!var[0]) fatalError("Malformed switch, required format is <variable>=<value> with no spaces"); cmdLineSwitches[var]=val; if (stricmp(var,"displaystartupinfo")==0) if (stricmp(val,"yes")==0) { displayStartupInfo=true; break; } }
if (displayStartupInfo) { printf("%21s %-21s\n","Command line","Switches"); printf("-------------------------------------------\n"); } for(i=2;i<argc;i++) { parseCmdLineArg(argv[i],var,val); if (!var[0]) fatalError("Malformed switch, required format is <variable>=<value> with no spaces"); if (displayStartupInfo) printf("%20s = %-20s\n",var,val); cmdLineSwitches[var]=val; }
outputDirectory=os->removeDirSlash(cmdLineSwitches["outputdir"]); makeAndSaveDirectory(outputDirectory); ruleDirectory=os->removeDirSlash(cmdLineSwitches["ruledir"]); makeAndSaveDirectory(ruleDirectory); if (cmdLineSwitches["eliminateoldplayers"]=="yes") { eliminateOldPlayers=true; elimDays=atoi(cmdLineSwitches["oldplayercutoff"].c_str()); } else { eliminateOldPlayers=false; elimDays=0; }
if (cmdLineSwitches["usesupportdir"]=="yes") { supportDirectory=os->removeDirSlash(cmdLineSwitches["supportdir"]); supportHTTPPath=os->removeDirSlash(cmdLineSwitches["supporthttppath"]); } else { supportDirectory=g_pApp->outputDirectory+g_pApp->os->pathSeperator(); supportDirectory+="support"; supportHTTPPath="support"; } makeAndSaveDirectory(supportDirectory); if (cmdLineSwitches["persistplayerstats"]=="yes") { playerDirectory=os->removeDirSlash(cmdLineSwitches["playerdir"]); playerHTTPPath=os->removeDirSlash(cmdLineSwitches["playerhttppath"]); } else { playerDirectory=g_pApp->outputDirectory+g_pApp->os->pathSeperator(); playerDirectory+="players"; playerHTTPPath="players"; } makeAndSaveDirectory(playerDirectory); makeDirectory(playerDirectory+"support"); }
// Function: CTFStatsApplication::main
// Purpose: The REAL main of the program
// Input: argc - count of arguments from commandline
// argv[] - the arguments
void CTFStatsApplication::main(int argc,const char* argv[]) { if (argc<=1){printUsage();return;} g_pApp=this; //TODO: move this into OS interface
TFStats_setNewHandler(); inputDirectory="."; makeAndSaveDirectory(inputDirectory); //this call also sets up various directories to be used
ParseCommandLine(argc,argv); Util::initFriendlyWeaponNameTable();
//LogFile is read in here.
//MUST do this before we chdir to the output directory
os->chdir(inputDirectory.c_str()); CEventList* plogfile=NULL; plogfile=CEventList::readEventList(argv[1]); if (!plogfile) fatalError("No valid data found in logfile %s\n",argv[1]); os->chdir(outputDirectory.c_str()); //make match information object
g_pMatchInfo= new CMatchInfo(plogfile); CTFStatsReport matchreport; matchreport.genImages(); matchreport.genJavaScript(); matchreport.genStyleSheet(); if (cmdLineSwitches["persistplayerstats"]=="yes") matchreport.genAllPlayersStyleSheet();
matchreport.genIndex(); os->chdir(outputDirectory.c_str()); matchreport.genTopFrame(); matchreport.genNavFrame(); DoMatchResults();
CCVarList ccvl; ccvl.makeHTMLPage("cvars.html","Server Settings"); CDialogueReadout cdr; cdr.makeHTMLPage("dialogue.html","Dialogue");
CPlayerSpecifics cps; cps.makeHTMLPage("players.html","Players");
if (cmdLineSwitches["persistplayerstats"]=="yes") { if(!g_pMatchInfo->isLanGame()) { g_pApp->os->chdir(g_pApp->playerDirectory.c_str()); CAllPlayersStats caps; caps.makeHTMLPage("allplayers.html","All Players"); } else { g_pApp->warning("Lan Game detected, player stats will not be saved"); } } printf("TFStats completed successfully\n\n\n"); }
// Function: CTFStatsApplication::makeAndSaveDirectory
// Purpose: Creates a directory and writes the full directory path back into the
// passed in string. In effect, this turns a potentially relative path into an
// absolute path, and ensures the directory exists.
// Input: dir - the string that contains the pathname, and upon return will contain
// the absolute pathname
void CTFStatsApplication::makeAndSaveDirectory(string& dir) { char startpath[500]; char fullpath[500]; os->getcwd(startpath,500); if (!os->makeHier(dir)) { fatalError("Failed to make directory \"%s\", aborting. (Reason: %s)",dir.c_str(),strerror(errno)); } os->chdir(dir.c_str()); os->getcwd(fullpath,500); dir=fullpath; os->addDirSlash(dir); os->chdir(startpath); }
// Function: CTFStatsApplication::makeDirectory
// Purpose: Creates a directory.
// Input: dir - the directory to create
void CTFStatsApplication::makeDirectory(string& dir) { char startpath[500]; os->getcwd(startpath,500); if (!os->makeHier(dir)) { fatalError("Failed to make directory \"%s\". (Reason: %s)",dir.c_str(),strerror(errno)); } os->chdir(startpath); }
// Function: CTFStatsApplication::fatalError
// Purpose: prints an error message and exits
// Input: fmt - the format string
// ... - optional arguments
void CTFStatsApplication::fatalError(char* fmt,...) { va_list v; va_start(v,fmt); fprintf(stderr,"Fatal Error: "); vfprintf(stderr,fmt,v); fprintf(stderr,"\n***Aborting. \n"); exit(-1); }
// Function: CTFStatsApplication::warning
// Purpose: prints a warning message and returns. (program doesn't exit)
// Input: fmt - format string
// ... - optional arguments
void CTFStatsApplication::warning(char* fmt,...) { va_list v; va_start(v,fmt); fprintf(stderr,"Warning: "); vfprintf(stderr,fmt,v); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); }
// Function: CTFStatsApplication::getCutoffSeconds
// Purpose: Turns the number of cutoff days into seconds. Cutoff days are how
// many days players can be absent from the server and still have their stats
// reported in the all-player stats
// Output: time_t the number of cutoff seconds
time_t CTFStatsApplication::getCutoffSeconds() { return 60*60*24*elimDays; }