//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include <windows.h>
#include "vmpi.h"
#include "vmpi_distribute_work.h"
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "utllinkedlist.h"
#include "vmpi_dispatch.h"
#include "pacifier.h"
#include "vstdlib/random.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#include "threadhelpers.h"
#include "threads.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "tier1/utlmap.h"
#include "tier1/smartptr.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "vmpi_distribute_tracker.h"
#include "vmpi_distribute_work_internal.h"
// To catch some bugs with 32-bit vs 64-bit and etc.
#pragma warning( default : 4244 )
#pragma warning( default : 4305 )
#pragma warning( default : 4267 )
#pragma warning( default : 4311 )
#pragma warning( default : 4312 )
const int MAX_DW_CALLS = 255; extern bool g_bSetThreadPriorities;
// Subpacket IDs owned by DistributeWork.
#define DW_SUBPACKETID_WU_STARTED 6 // A worker telling the master it has started processing a work unit.
// NOTE VMPI_DISTRIBUTE_WORK_EXTRA_SUBPACKET_BASE is where the IWorkUnitDistributorX classes start their subpackets.
IWorkUnitDistributorCallbacks *g_pDistributeWorkCallbacks = NULL;
static CDSInfo g_DSInfo; static unsigned short g_iCurDSInfo = (unsigned short)-1; // This is incremented each time DistributeWork is called.
static int g_iMasterFinishedDistributeWorkCall = -1; // The worker stores this to know which DistributeWork() calls the master has finished.
static int g_iMasterReadyForDistributeWorkCall = -1;
// This is only valid if we're a worker and if the worker currently has threads chewing on work units.
static CDSInfo *g_pCurWorkerThreadsInfo = NULL;
static CUtlVector<uint64> g_wuCountByProcess; static uint64 g_totalWUCountByProcess[512];
static uint64 g_nWUs; // How many work units there were this time around.
static uint64 g_nCompletedWUs; // How many work units completed.
static uint64 g_nDuplicatedWUs; // How many times a worker sent results for a work unit that was already completed.
// Set to true if Error() is called and we want to exit early. vrad and vvis check for this in their
// thread functions, so the workers quit early when the master is done rather than finishing up
// potentially time-consuming work units they're working on.
bool g_bVMPIEarlyExit = false;
static bool g_bMasterDistributingWork = false;
static IWorkUnitDistributorWorker *g_pCurDistributorWorker = NULL; static IWorkUnitDistributorMaster *g_pCurDistributorMaster = NULL;
// For the stats database.
WUIndexType g_ThreadWUs[4] = { ~0ull, ~0ull, ~0ull, ~0ull };
class CMasterWorkUnitCompletedList { public: CUtlVector<WUIndexType> m_CompletedWUs; }; static CCriticalSectionData<CMasterWorkUnitCompletedList> g_MasterWorkUnitCompletedList;
int SortByWUCount( const void *elem1, const void *elem2 ) { uint64 a = g_wuCountByProcess[ *((const int*)elem1) ]; uint64 b = g_wuCountByProcess[ *((const int*)elem2) ]; if ( a < b ) return 1; else if ( a == b ) return 0; else return -1; }
void PrepareDistributeWorkHeader( MessageBuffer *pBuf, unsigned char cSubpacketID ) { char cPacketID[2] = { g_DSInfo.m_cPacketID, cSubpacketID }; pBuf->write( cPacketID, 2 ); pBuf->write( &g_iCurDSInfo, sizeof( g_iCurDSInfo ) ); }
void ShowMPIStats( double flTimeSpent, unsigned long nBytesSent, unsigned long nBytesReceived, unsigned long nMessagesSent, unsigned long nMessagesReceived ) { double flKSent = (nBytesSent + 511) / 1024; double flKRecv = (nBytesReceived + 511) / 1024;
bool bShowOutput = VMPI_IsParamUsed( mpi_ShowDistributeWorkStats );
bool bOldSuppress = g_bSuppressPrintfOutput; g_bSuppressPrintfOutput = !bShowOutput;
Msg( "\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n"); Msg( "Total Time : %.2f\n", flTimeSpent ); Msg( "Total Bytes Sent : %dk (%.2fk/sec, %d messages)\n", (int)flKSent, flKSent / flTimeSpent, nMessagesSent ); Msg( "Total Bytes Recv : %dk (%.2fk/sec, %d messages)\n", (int)flKRecv, flKRecv / flTimeSpent, nMessagesReceived ); if ( g_bMPIMaster ) { Msg( "Duplicated WUs : %I64u (%.1f%%)\n", g_nDuplicatedWUs, (float)g_nDuplicatedWUs * 100.0f / g_nWUs );
Msg( "\nWU count by proc:\n" );
int nProcs = VMPI_GetCurrentNumberOfConnections(); CUtlVector<int> sortedProcs; sortedProcs.SetSize( nProcs ); for ( int i=0; i < nProcs; i++ ) sortedProcs[i] = i;
qsort( sortedProcs.Base(), nProcs, sizeof( int ), SortByWUCount );
for ( int i=0; i < nProcs; i++ ) { const char *pMachineName = VMPI_GetMachineName( sortedProcs[i] ); Msg( "%s", pMachineName ); char formatStr[512]; Q_snprintf( formatStr, sizeof( formatStr ), "%%%ds %I64u\n", 30 - strlen( pMachineName ), g_wuCountByProcess[ sortedProcs[i] ] ); Msg( formatStr, ":" ); } } Msg( "--------------------------------------------------------------\n\n ");
g_bSuppressPrintfOutput = bOldSuppress; }
void VMPI_DistributeWork_DisconnectHandler( int procID, const char *pReason ) { if ( g_bMasterDistributingWork ) { // Show the disconnect in the database but not on the screen.
bool bOldSuppress = g_bSuppressPrintfOutput; g_bSuppressPrintfOutput = true; Msg( "VMPI_DistributeWork_DisconnectHandler( %d )\n", procID ); g_bSuppressPrintfOutput = bOldSuppress; // Redistribute the WUs from this guy's partition to another worker.
g_pCurDistributorMaster->DisconnectHandler( procID ); } }
uint64 VMPI_GetNumWorkUnitsCompleted( int iProc ) { Assert( iProc >= 0 && iProc <= ARRAYSIZE( g_totalWUCountByProcess ) ); return g_totalWUCountByProcess[iProc]; }
void HandleWorkUnitCompleted( CDSInfo *pInfo, int iSource, WUIndexType iWorkUnit, MessageBuffer *pBuf ) { VMPITracker_WorkUnitCompleted( ( int ) iWorkUnit, iSource ); if ( g_pCurDistributorMaster->HandleWorkUnitResults( iWorkUnit ) ) { if ( g_iVMPIVerboseLevel >= 1 ) Msg( "-" );
++ g_nCompletedWUs; ++ g_wuCountByProcess[iSource]; ++ g_totalWUCountByProcess[iSource];
// Let the master process the incoming WU data.
if ( pBuf ) { pInfo->m_MasterInfo.m_ReceiveFn( iWorkUnit, pBuf, iSource ); }
UpdatePacifier( float( g_nCompletedWUs ) / pInfo->m_nWorkUnits ); } else { // Ignore it if we already got the results for this work unit.
++ g_nDuplicatedWUs; if ( g_iVMPIVerboseLevel >= 1 ) Msg( "*" ); } }
bool DistributeWorkDispatch( MessageBuffer *pBuf, int iSource, int iPacketID ) { unsigned short iCurDistributeWorkCall = *((unsigned short*)&pBuf->data[2]); if ( iCurDistributeWorkCall >= MAX_DW_CALLS ) Error( "Got an invalid DistributeWork packet (id: %d, sub: %d) (iCurDW: %d).", pBuf->data[0], pBuf->data[1], iCurDistributeWorkCall );
CDSInfo *pInfo = &g_DSInfo; pBuf->setOffset( 4 ); switch ( pBuf->data[1] ) { case DW_SUBPACKETID_MASTER_READY: { g_iMasterReadyForDistributeWorkCall = iCurDistributeWorkCall; return true; }
case DW_SUBPACKETID_WORKER_READY: { if ( iCurDistributeWorkCall > g_iCurDSInfo || !g_bMPIMaster ) Error( "State incorrect on master for DW_SUBPACKETID_WORKER_READY packet from %s.", VMPI_GetMachineName( iSource ) );
if ( iCurDistributeWorkCall == g_iCurDSInfo ) { // Ok, give this guy some WUs.
if ( g_pCurDistributorMaster ) g_pCurDistributorMaster->OnWorkerReady( iSource ); }
return true; }
case DW_SUBPACKETID_MASTER_FINISHED: { g_iMasterFinishedDistributeWorkCall = iCurDistributeWorkCall; return true; } // Worker sends this to tell the master it has started on a work unit.
case DW_SUBPACKETID_WU_STARTED: { if ( iCurDistributeWorkCall != g_iCurDSInfo ) return true;
WUIndexType iWU; pBuf->read( &iWU, sizeof( iWU ) ); VMPITracker_WorkUnitStarted( ( int ) iWU, iSource ); return true; }
case DW_SUBPACKETID_WU_RESULTS: { // We only care about work results for the iteration we're in.
if ( iCurDistributeWorkCall != g_iCurDSInfo ) return true;
WUIndexType iWorkUnit; pBuf->read( &iWorkUnit, sizeof( iWorkUnit ) ); if ( iWorkUnit >= pInfo->m_nWorkUnits ) { Error( "DistributeWork: got an invalid work unit index (%I64u for WU count of %I64u).", iWorkUnit, pInfo->m_nWorkUnits ); }
HandleWorkUnitCompleted( pInfo, iSource, iWorkUnit, pBuf ); return true; }
default: { if ( g_pCurDistributorMaster ) return g_pCurDistributorMaster->HandlePacket( pBuf, iSource, iCurDistributeWorkCall != g_iCurDSInfo ); else if ( g_pCurDistributorWorker ) return g_pCurDistributorWorker->HandlePacket( pBuf, iSource, iCurDistributeWorkCall != g_iCurDSInfo ); else return false; } } }
EWorkUnitDistributor VMPI_GetActiveWorkUnitDistributor() { if ( VMPI_IsParamUsed( mpi_UseSDKDistributor ) ) { Msg( "Found %s.\n", VMPI_GetParamString( mpi_UseSDKDistributor ) ); return k_eWorkUnitDistributor_SDK; } else if ( VMPI_IsParamUsed( mpi_UseDefaultDistributor ) ) { Msg( "Found %s.\n", VMPI_GetParamString( mpi_UseDefaultDistributor ) ); return k_eWorkUnitDistributor_Default; } else { if ( VMPI_IsSDKMode() ) return k_eWorkUnitDistributor_SDK; else return k_eWorkUnitDistributor_Default; } }
void PreDistributeWorkSync( CDSInfo *pInfo ) { if ( g_bMPIMaster ) { // Send a message telling all the workers we're ready to go on this DistributeWork call.
MessageBuffer mb; PrepareDistributeWorkHeader( &mb, DW_SUBPACKETID_MASTER_READY ); VMPI_SendData( mb.data, mb.getLen(), VMPI_PERSISTENT ); } else { if ( g_iVMPIVerboseLevel >= 1 ) Msg( "PreDistributeWorkSync: waiting for master\n" );
// Wait for the master's message saying it's ready to go.
while ( g_iMasterReadyForDistributeWorkCall < g_iCurDSInfo ) { VMPI_DispatchNextMessage(); }
if ( g_iVMPIVerboseLevel >= 1 ) Msg( "PreDistributeWorkSync: master ready\n" );
// Now tell the master we're ready.
MessageBuffer mb; PrepareDistributeWorkHeader( &mb, DW_SUBPACKETID_WORKER_READY ); VMPI_SendData( mb.data, mb.getLen(), VMPI_MASTER_ID ); } }
void DistributeWork_Master( CDSInfo *pInfo, ProcessWorkUnitFn processFn, ReceiveWorkUnitFn receiveFn ) { pInfo->m_WorkerInfo.m_pProcessFn = processFn; pInfo->m_MasterInfo.m_ReceiveFn = receiveFn;
VMPITracker_Start( (int) pInfo->m_nWorkUnits );
g_bMasterDistributingWork = true; g_pCurDistributorMaster->DistributeWork_Master( pInfo ); g_bMasterDistributingWork = false;
VMPITracker_End(); // Tell all workers to move on.
MessageBuffer mb; PrepareDistributeWorkHeader( &mb, DW_SUBPACKETID_MASTER_FINISHED ); VMPI_SendData( mb.data, mb.getLen(), VMPI_PERSISTENT );
// Clear the master's local completed work unit list.
CMasterWorkUnitCompletedList *pList = g_MasterWorkUnitCompletedList.Lock(); pList->m_CompletedWUs.RemoveAll(); g_MasterWorkUnitCompletedList.Unlock(); }
void NotifyLocalMasterCompletedWorkUnit( WUIndexType iWorkUnit ) { CMasterWorkUnitCompletedList *pList = g_MasterWorkUnitCompletedList.Lock(); pList->m_CompletedWUs.AddToTail( iWorkUnit ); g_MasterWorkUnitCompletedList.Unlock(); }
void CheckLocalMasterCompletedWorkUnits() { CMasterWorkUnitCompletedList *pList = g_MasterWorkUnitCompletedList.Lock(); for ( int i=0; i < pList->m_CompletedWUs.Count(); i++ ) { HandleWorkUnitCompleted( &g_DSInfo, 0, pList->m_CompletedWUs[i], NULL ); } pList->m_CompletedWUs.RemoveAll(); g_MasterWorkUnitCompletedList.Unlock(); }
void TellMasterThatWorkerStartedAWorkUnit( MessageBuffer &mb, CDSInfo *pInfo, WUIndexType iWU ) { mb.setLen( 0 ); PrepareDistributeWorkHeader( &mb, DW_SUBPACKETID_WU_STARTED ); mb.write( &iWU, sizeof( iWU ) ); VMPI_SendData( mb.data, mb.getLen(), VMPI_MASTER_ID, k_eVMPISendFlags_GroupPackets ); }
void VMPI_WorkerThread( int iThread, void *pUserData ) { CDSInfo *pInfo = (CDSInfo*)pUserData; CWorkerInfo *pWorkerInfo = &pInfo->m_WorkerInfo;
// Get our index for running work units
uint64 idxRunningWorkUnit = (uint64) iThread; { CCriticalSectionLock csLock( &pWorkerInfo->m_WorkUnitsRunningCS ); csLock.Lock(); pWorkerInfo->m_WorkUnitsRunning.ExpandWindow( idxRunningWorkUnit, ~0ull ); csLock.Unlock(); }
MessageBuffer mb; PrepareDistributeWorkHeader( &mb, DW_SUBPACKETID_WU_RESULTS );
MessageBuffer mbStartedWorkUnit; // Special messagebuffer used to tell the master when we started a work unit.
while ( g_iMasterFinishedDistributeWorkCall < g_iCurDSInfo && !g_bVMPIEarlyExit ) { WUIndexType iWU;
// Quit out when there are no more work units.
if ( !g_pCurDistributorWorker->GetNextWorkUnit( &iWU ) ) { // Wait until there are some WUs to do. This should probably use event handles.
VMPI_Sleep( 10 ); continue; } CCriticalSectionLock csLock( &pWorkerInfo->m_WorkUnitsRunningCS ); csLock.Lock();
// Check if this WU is not running
WUIndexType const *pBegin = &pWorkerInfo->m_WorkUnitsRunning.Get( 0ull ), *pEnd = pBegin + pWorkerInfo->m_WorkUnitsRunning.PastVisibleIndex(); WUIndexType const *pRunningWu = GenericFind( pBegin, pEnd, iWU ); if ( pRunningWu != pEnd ) continue;
// We are running it
pWorkerInfo->m_WorkUnitsRunning.Get( idxRunningWorkUnit ) = iWU; csLock.Unlock();
// Process this WU and send the results to the master.
mb.setLen( 4 ); mb.write( &iWU, sizeof( iWU ) );
// Set the current WU for the stats database.
if ( iThread >= 0 && iThread < 4 ) { g_ThreadWUs[iThread] = iWU; }
// Tell the master we're starting on this WU.
TellMasterThatWorkerStartedAWorkUnit( mbStartedWorkUnit, pInfo, iWU );
pWorkerInfo->m_pProcessFn( iThread, iWU, &mb ); g_pCurDistributorWorker->NoteLocalWorkUnitCompleted( iWU ); VMPI_SendData( mb.data, mb.getLen(), VMPI_MASTER_ID, /*k_eVMPISendFlags_GroupPackets*/0 );
// Flush grouped packets every once in a while.
//VMPI_FlushGroupedPackets( 1000 );
if ( g_iVMPIVerboseLevel >= 1 ) Msg( "Worker thread exiting.\n" ); }
void DistributeWork_Worker( CDSInfo *pInfo, ProcessWorkUnitFn processFn ) { if ( g_iVMPIVerboseLevel >= 1 ) Msg( "VMPI_DistributeWork call %d started.\n", g_iCurDSInfo+1 );
CWorkerInfo *pWorkerInfo = &pInfo->m_WorkerInfo; pWorkerInfo->m_pProcessFn = processFn;
g_pCurWorkerThreadsInfo = pInfo; g_pCurDistributorWorker->Init( pInfo );
// Start a couple threads to do the work.
RunThreads_Start( VMPI_WorkerThread, pInfo, g_bSetThreadPriorities ? k_eRunThreadsPriority_Idle : k_eRunThreadsPriority_UseGlobalState ); if ( g_iVMPIVerboseLevel >= 1 ) Msg( "RunThreads_Start finished successfully.\n" );
if ( VMPI_IsSDKMode() ) { Msg( "\n" ); while ( g_iMasterFinishedDistributeWorkCall < g_iCurDSInfo ) { VMPI_DispatchNextMessage( 300 ); Msg( "\rThreads status: " ); for ( int i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_ThreadWUs ); i++ ) { if ( g_ThreadWUs[i] != ~0ull ) Msg( "%d: WU %5d ", i, (int)g_ThreadWUs[i] ); }
VMPI_FlushGroupedPackets(); } Msg( "\n" ); } else { while ( g_iMasterFinishedDistributeWorkCall < g_iCurDSInfo ) { VMPI_DispatchNextMessage(); } }
// Close the threads.
g_pCurWorkerThreadsInfo = NULL; RunThreads_End();
if ( g_iVMPIVerboseLevel >= 1 ) Msg( "VMPI_DistributeWork call %d finished.\n", g_iCurDSInfo+1 ); }
// This is called by VMPI_Finalize in case it's shutting down due to an Error() call.
// In this case, it's important that the worker threads here are shut down before VMPI shuts
// down its sockets.
void DistributeWork_Cancel() { if ( g_pCurWorkerThreadsInfo ) { Msg( "\nDistributeWork_Cancel saves the day!\n" ); g_pCurWorkerThreadsInfo->m_bMasterFinished = true; g_bVMPIEarlyExit = true; RunThreads_End(); } }
// Returns time it took to finish the work.
double DistributeWork( uint64 nWorkUnits, // how many work units to dole out
char cPacketID, ProcessWorkUnitFn processFn, // workers implement this to process a work unit and send results back
ReceiveWorkUnitFn receiveFn // the master implements this to receive a work unit
) { ++g_iCurDSInfo;
if ( g_iCurDSInfo == 0 ) { // Register our disconnect handler so we can deal with it if clients bail out.
if ( g_bMPIMaster ) { VMPI_AddDisconnectHandler( VMPI_DistributeWork_DisconnectHandler ); } } else if ( g_iCurDSInfo >= MAX_DW_CALLS ) { Error( "DistributeWork: called more than %d times.\n", MAX_DW_CALLS ); }
CDSInfo *pInfo = &g_DSInfo; pInfo->m_cPacketID = cPacketID; pInfo->m_nWorkUnits = nWorkUnits;
// Make all the workers wait until the master is ready.
PreDistributeWorkSync( pInfo );
g_nWUs = nWorkUnits; g_nCompletedWUs = 0ull; g_nDuplicatedWUs = 0ull;
// Setup stats info.
double flMPIStartTime = Plat_FloatTime(); g_wuCountByProcess.SetCount( 512 ); memset( g_wuCountByProcess.Base(), 0, sizeof( int ) * g_wuCountByProcess.Count() ); unsigned long nBytesSentStart = g_nBytesSent; unsigned long nBytesReceivedStart = g_nBytesReceived; unsigned long nMessagesSentStart = g_nMessagesSent; unsigned long nMessagesReceivedStart = g_nMessagesReceived;
EWorkUnitDistributor eWorkUnitDistributor = VMPI_GetActiveWorkUnitDistributor(); if ( g_bMPIMaster ) { Assert( !g_pCurDistributorMaster ); g_pCurDistributorMaster = ( eWorkUnitDistributor == k_eWorkUnitDistributor_SDK ? CreateWUDistributor_SDKMaster() : CreateWUDistributor_DefaultMaster() ); DistributeWork_Master( pInfo, processFn, receiveFn ); g_pCurDistributorMaster->Release(); g_pCurDistributorMaster = NULL; } else { Assert( !g_pCurDistributorWorker ); g_pCurDistributorWorker = ( eWorkUnitDistributor == k_eWorkUnitDistributor_SDK ? CreateWUDistributor_SDKWorker() : CreateWUDistributor_DefaultWorker() );
DistributeWork_Worker( pInfo, processFn ); g_pCurDistributorWorker->Release(); g_pCurDistributorWorker = NULL; }
double flTimeSpent = Plat_FloatTime() - flMPIStartTime; ShowMPIStats( flTimeSpent, g_nBytesSent - nBytesSentStart, g_nBytesReceived - nBytesReceivedStart, g_nMessagesSent - nMessagesSentStart, g_nMessagesReceived - nMessagesReceivedStart );
// Mark that the threads aren't working on anything at the moment.
for ( int i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_ThreadWUs ); i++ ) g_ThreadWUs[i] = ~0ull; return flTimeSpent; }