//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
*****************************************************************************/ #include "..\toollib\toollib.h"
typedef struct section_s { int size; char* name; section_s* nextPtr; } section_t;
typedef struct obj_s { char* filename; section_t* sectionPtr; obj_s* nextPtr; } obj_t;
obj_t* g_obj_head; char g_sectionName[128]; bool g_bVerbose;
typedef struct { char* filename; int size; } entry_t;
***********************************************************/ int _SortCallback(const void *a, const void *b) { entry_t* aPtr; entry_t* bPtr;
aPtr = (entry_t*)a; bPtr = (entry_t*)b;
return (aPtr->size-bPtr->size); }
***********************************************************/ void FreeInfo() { obj_t* objPtr; obj_t* nextObjPtr; section_t* sectionPtr; section_t* nextSectionPtr;
objPtr = g_obj_head; while (objPtr) { nextObjPtr = objPtr->nextPtr; sectionPtr = objPtr->sectionPtr; while (sectionPtr) { nextSectionPtr = sectionPtr->nextPtr; TL_Free(sectionPtr->name); TL_Free(sectionPtr);
sectionPtr = nextSectionPtr; }
TL_Free(objPtr->filename); TL_Free(objPtr);
objPtr = nextObjPtr; } }
***********************************************************/ void AnalyzeData() { obj_t* objPtr; section_t* sectionPtr; char* sections[128]; int totals[128]; int numSections; int i; int index; int numEntries; entry_t* entries; int total;
memset(totals, 0, sizeof(totals));
// determine unique sections
numSections = 0; objPtr = g_obj_head; while (objPtr) { sectionPtr = objPtr->sectionPtr; while (sectionPtr) { for (i=0; i<numSections; i++) { if (!stricmp(sections[i],sectionPtr->name)) break; } if (i >= numSections) { // add it
sections[numSections] = sectionPtr->name; numSections++; assert(numSections < 128); index = numSections-1; } else index = i;
totals[index] += sectionPtr->size;
sectionPtr = sectionPtr->nextPtr; } objPtr = objPtr->nextPtr; }
if (g_sectionName[0]) { // dump only matching section
printf("Section: %s\n", g_sectionName); printf("-------------------------\n");
// tally entries
numEntries = 0; objPtr = g_obj_head; while (objPtr) { sectionPtr = objPtr->sectionPtr; while (sectionPtr) { if (!stricmp(g_sectionName, sectionPtr->name)) numEntries++; sectionPtr = sectionPtr->nextPtr; } objPtr = objPtr->nextPtr; }
// fill entries
if (numEntries) { entries = (entry_t*)TL_Malloc(numEntries*sizeof(entry_t)); numEntries = 0; objPtr = g_obj_head; while (objPtr) { sectionPtr = objPtr->sectionPtr; while (sectionPtr) { if (!stricmp(g_sectionName, sectionPtr->name)) { entries[numEntries].size = sectionPtr->size; entries[numEntries].filename = objPtr->filename; numEntries++; } sectionPtr = sectionPtr->nextPtr; } objPtr = objPtr->nextPtr; }
// sort
qsort(entries, numEntries, sizeof(entry_t), _SortCallback);
// display results
int total = 0; for (i=0; i<numEntries; i++) { printf("%8d %s\n", entries[i].size, entries[i].filename); total += entries[i].size; } printf("-------------------------\n"); printf("%8d Total\n", total);
TL_Free(entries); } } else { // dump all sections
printf("Sections:\n"); printf("---------\n"); total = 0; for (i=0; i<numSections; i++) { printf("%8d %s\n", totals[i], sections[i]); total += totals[i]; } printf("---------\n"); printf("%8d\n", total); } }
***********************************************************/ int LocalExec(const char* batfilename, const char* arg1) { intptr_t pid; int errcode; const char* args[8];
args[0] = batfilename; args[1] = arg1; args[2] = NULL; pid = _spawnvp(P_NOWAIT, batfilename, args); _cwait(&errcode, pid, 0);
return (errcode); }
*****************************************************************************/ void GetInfo(char* objFilename, char* batFilename, char* logFilename) { char buff[TL_MAXPATH]; int size; char name[128]; char* ptr; int errcode; char* token; obj_t* objPtr; section_t* sectionPtr;
if (g_bVerbose) printf("%s\n", objFilename);
ptr = objFilename; if (!strnicmp(objFilename,".\\",2)) { ptr += 2;
getcwd(buff, sizeof(buff)); TL_AddSeperatorToPath(buff, buff);
strcat(buff, ptr); } else strcpy(buff, objFilename);
// exec the batch file with the obj file
errcode = LocalExec(batFilename, buff); if (errcode) { printf("Failed on %s\n", buff); return; }
// add new object node
objPtr = (obj_t*)TL_Malloc(sizeof(obj_t)); objPtr->filename = (char*)TL_Malloc((int)strlen(objFilename)+1); strcpy(objPtr->filename, objFilename);
// link it in
objPtr->nextPtr = g_obj_head; g_obj_head = objPtr; // read the results
while (1) { token = TL_GetToken(true); if (!token || !token[0]) break;
if (!stricmp(token, "summary")) break; else TL_SkipRestOfLine(); }
while (1) { token = TL_GetToken(true); if (!token || !token[0]) break; sscanf(token, "%x", &size); token = TL_GetToken(true); if (!token || !token[0]) break; strcpy(name, token);
// add new section node
sectionPtr = (section_t*)TL_Malloc(sizeof(section_t)); sectionPtr->name = (char*)TL_Malloc((int)strlen(name)+1); strcpy(sectionPtr->name, name); sectionPtr->size = size;
// link it in
sectionPtr->nextPtr = objPtr->sectionPtr; objPtr->sectionPtr = sectionPtr; }
TL_FreeScriptFile(); }
*****************************************************************************/ void Usage(void) { printf("usage: dumpobj <*.obj> [-s section] [-r] [-v]\n"); exit(-1); }
*****************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { tlfile_t** filelist; int filecount; int i; int recurse; int section; FILE* fp; char* vcvarsPath; char batFilename[TL_MAXPATH]; char txtFilename[TL_MAXPATH];
batFilename[0] = '\0'; txtFilename[0] = '\0';
// find critical path to vcvars32.bat
vcvarsPath = "c:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2003\\Vc7\\bin\\vcvars32.bat"; if (!TL_Exists(vcvarsPath)) TL_Error("Cannot find: %s\n", vcvarsPath);
if (argc < 2) Usage();
recurse = TL_CheckParm("r"); filecount = TL_FindFiles2(argv[1], recurse != 0, &filelist);
g_bVerbose = TL_CheckParm("v") != 0;
section = TL_CheckParm("s"); if (section && section+1 < argc) strcpy(g_sectionName, argv[section+1]); else g_sectionName[0] = '\0';
strcpy(batFilename,"c:\\"); TL_TempFilename(batFilename); TL_ReplaceDosExtension(batFilename, ".bat"); strcpy(txtFilename,"c:\\"); TL_TempFilename(txtFilename); TL_ReplaceDosExtension(txtFilename, ".txt");
if (filecount) { // create bat file
fp = fopen(batFilename, "wt+"); if (!fp) TL_Error("Could not open bat file '%s'", batFilename);
fprintf(fp, "@echo off\n"); fprintf(fp, "@call \"%s\" > nul: \n", vcvarsPath); fprintf(fp, "@dumpbin %%1 > %s\n", txtFilename); fclose(fp); }
for (i=0; i<filecount; i++) GetInfo(filelist[i]->filename, batFilename, txtFilename);
if (filecount) AnalyzeData();
if (filecount) { FreeInfo(); unlink(batFilename); unlink(txtFilename); }
return (0); }