//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Xbox Remote Commands
#include "xbox/xbox_console.h"
#include "xbox/xbox_vxconsole.h"
#include "tier0/tslist.h"
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
CInterlockedInt g_xbx_numProfileCounters; unsigned int g_xbx_profileCounters[XBX_MAX_PROFILE_COUNTERS]; char g_xbx_profileName[32];
// XBX_rSetProfileAttributes
// Expose profile counters attributes to the console.
int CXboxConsole::SetProfileAttributes( const char *pProfileName, int numCounters, const char *names[], unsigned int colors[] ) { char dbgCommand[XBX_MAX_RCMDLENGTH]; int retVal; xrProfile_t* profileList; if ( numCounters > XBX_MAX_PROFILE_COUNTERS ) { numCounters = XBX_MAX_PROFILE_COUNTERS; }
profileList = new xrProfile_t[numCounters]; memset( profileList, 0, numCounters*sizeof( xrProfile_t ) );
for ( int i=0; i<numCounters; i++ ) { strncpy( profileList[i].labelString, names[i], sizeof( profileList[i].labelString ) ); profileList[i].labelString[sizeof( profileList[i].labelString ) - 1] = '\0';
profileList[i].color = colors[i]; }
_snprintf( dbgCommand, sizeof( dbgCommand ), "SetProfile() %s 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x", pProfileName, numCounters, profileList, &retVal ); XBX_SendRemoteCommand( dbgCommand, false );
delete[] profileList;
return ( retVal ); }
// XBX_rSetProfileData
// Expose profile counters to the console. Expected to be called once per game frame.
void CXboxConsole::SetProfileData( const char *pProfileName, int numCounters, unsigned int *pCounters ) { static unsigned int lastTime = 0; unsigned int time;
// not faster than 10Hz
time = GetTickCount(); if ( time - lastTime < 100 ) { return; }
if ( g_xbx_numProfileCounters == 0 ) { _snprintf( g_xbx_profileName, sizeof( g_xbx_profileName ), pProfileName );
if ( numCounters > XBX_MAX_PROFILE_COUNTERS ) { numCounters = XBX_MAX_PROFILE_COUNTERS; } memcpy( g_xbx_profileCounters, pCounters, numCounters * sizeof( unsigned int ) );
// mark for sending
g_xbx_numProfileCounters = numCounters;
lastTime = time; } }
// XBX_rMemDump
// Send signal to remote console to read mempry dump in specified filename.
int CXboxConsole::MemDump( const char *pDumpFileName ) { char dbgCommand[XBX_MAX_RCMDLENGTH];
_snprintf( dbgCommand, sizeof( dbgCommand ), "MemDump() %s", pDumpFileName ); XBX_SendRemoteCommand( dbgCommand, true );
return 0; }
// XBX_rTimeStampLog
// Send time stamp to remote console
int CXboxConsole::TimeStampLog( float time, const char *pString ) { char dbgCommand[XBX_MAX_RCMDLENGTH]; int retVal; xrTimeStamp_t timeStamp; MEMORYSTATUS stat; static int lastMemoryStamp = 0; static float lastTimeStamp = 0;
// get current available memory
GlobalMemoryStatus( &stat );
if ( !lastTimeStamp || time < lastTimeStamp ) { // first entry or restart, reset stamps
lastMemoryStamp = stat.dwAvailPhys; lastTimeStamp = time; }
timeStamp.time = time; timeStamp.deltaTime = time - lastTimeStamp; timeStamp.memory = stat.dwAvailPhys; timeStamp.deltaMemory = stat.dwAvailPhys - lastMemoryStamp;
strncpy( timeStamp.messageString, pString, sizeof( timeStamp.messageString ) ); timeStamp.messageString[sizeof( timeStamp.messageString ) - 1] = '\0';
_snprintf( dbgCommand, sizeof( dbgCommand ), "TimeStampLog() 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x", &timeStamp, &retVal ); XBX_SendRemoteCommand( dbgCommand, false );
lastTimeStamp = time; lastMemoryStamp = stat.dwAvailPhys;
return retVal; }
// XBX_rMaterialList
// Send material list to remote console
int CXboxConsole::MaterialList( int nMaterials, const xMaterialList_t* pXMaterialList ) { char dbgCommand[XBX_MAX_RCMDLENGTH]; int retVal; xrMaterial_t* pRemoteList; pRemoteList = new xrMaterial_t[nMaterials]; memset( pRemoteList, 0, nMaterials*sizeof( xrMaterial_t ) );
for ( int i=0; i<nMaterials; i++ ) { strncpy( pRemoteList[i].nameString, pXMaterialList[i].pName, sizeof( pRemoteList[i].nameString ) ); pRemoteList[i].nameString[sizeof( pRemoteList[i].nameString ) - 1] = '\0';
strncpy( pRemoteList[i].shaderString, pXMaterialList[i].pShaderName, sizeof( pRemoteList[i].shaderString ) ); pRemoteList[i].shaderString[sizeof( pRemoteList[i].shaderString ) - 1] = '\0';
pRemoteList[i].refCount = pXMaterialList[i].refCount; }
_snprintf( dbgCommand, sizeof( dbgCommand ), "MaterialList() 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x", nMaterials, pRemoteList, &retVal ); XBX_SendRemoteCommand( dbgCommand, false );
delete [] pRemoteList;
return retVal; }
// XBX_rTextureList
// Send texture list to remote console
int CXboxConsole::TextureList( int nTextures, const xTextureList_t* pXTextureList ) { char dbgCommand[XBX_MAX_RCMDLENGTH]; int retVal; xrTexture_t* pRemoteList; pRemoteList = new xrTexture_t[nTextures]; memset( pRemoteList, 0, nTextures*sizeof( xrTexture_t ) );
for ( int i=0; i<nTextures; i++ ) { strncpy( pRemoteList[i].nameString, pXTextureList[i].pName, sizeof( pRemoteList[i].nameString ) ); pRemoteList[i].nameString[sizeof( pRemoteList[i].nameString ) - 1] = '\0';
strncpy( pRemoteList[i].groupString, pXTextureList[i].pGroupName, sizeof( pRemoteList[i].groupString ) ); pRemoteList[i].groupString[sizeof( pRemoteList[i].groupString ) - 1] = '\0';
strncpy( pRemoteList[i].formatString, pXTextureList[i].pFormatName, sizeof( pRemoteList[i].formatString ) ); pRemoteList[i].formatString[sizeof( pRemoteList[i].formatString ) - 1] = '\0';
pRemoteList[i].size = pXTextureList[i].size; pRemoteList[i].width = pXTextureList[i].width; pRemoteList[i].height = pXTextureList[i].height; pRemoteList[i].depth = pXTextureList[i].depth; pRemoteList[i].numLevels = pXTextureList[i].numLevels; pRemoteList[i].binds = pXTextureList[i].binds; pRemoteList[i].refCount = pXTextureList[i].refCount; pRemoteList[i].sRGB = pXTextureList[i].sRGB; pRemoteList[i].edram = pXTextureList[i].edram; pRemoteList[i].procedural = pXTextureList[i].procedural; pRemoteList[i].fallback = pXTextureList[i].fallback; pRemoteList[i].final = pXTextureList[i].final; pRemoteList[i].failed = pXTextureList[i].failed; }
_snprintf( dbgCommand, sizeof( dbgCommand ), "TextureList() 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x", nTextures, pRemoteList, &retVal ); XBX_SendRemoteCommand( dbgCommand, false );
delete [] pRemoteList;
return ( retVal ); }
// XBX_rSoundList
// Send sound list to remote console
int CXboxConsole::SoundList( int nSounds, const xSoundList_t* pXSoundList ) { char dbgCommand[XBX_MAX_RCMDLENGTH]; int retVal; xrSound_t* pRemoteList; pRemoteList = new xrSound_t[nSounds]; memset( pRemoteList, 0, nSounds*sizeof( xrSound_t ) );
for ( int i=0; i<nSounds; i++ ) { strncpy( pRemoteList[i].nameString, pXSoundList[i].name, sizeof( pRemoteList[i].nameString ) ); pRemoteList[i].nameString[sizeof( pRemoteList[i].nameString ) - 1] = '\0';
strncpy( pRemoteList[i].formatString, pXSoundList[i].formatName, sizeof( pRemoteList[i].formatString ) ); pRemoteList[i].formatString[sizeof( pRemoteList[i].formatString ) - 1] = '\0';
pRemoteList[i].rate = pXSoundList[i].rate; pRemoteList[i].bits = pXSoundList[i].bits; pRemoteList[i].channels = pXSoundList[i].channels; pRemoteList[i].looped = pXSoundList[i].looped; pRemoteList[i].dataSize = pXSoundList[i].dataSize; pRemoteList[i].numSamples = pXSoundList[i].numSamples; pRemoteList[i].streamed = pXSoundList[i].streamed; }
_snprintf( dbgCommand, sizeof( dbgCommand ), "SoundList() 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x", nSounds, pRemoteList, &retVal ); XBX_SendRemoteCommand( dbgCommand, false );
delete [] pRemoteList;
return ( retVal ); }
// XBX_rMapInfo
// Send signal to remote console with various info
int CXboxConsole::MapInfo( const xMapInfo_t *pXMapInfo ) { char dbgCommand[XBX_MAX_RCMDLENGTH]; int retVal; xrMapInfo_t xrMapInfo;
memcpy( xrMapInfo.position, pXMapInfo->position, 3 * sizeof( float ) ); memcpy( xrMapInfo.angle, pXMapInfo->angle, 3 * sizeof( float ) );
strncpy( xrMapInfo.mapPath, pXMapInfo->mapPath, sizeof( xrMapInfo.mapPath ) ); xrMapInfo.mapPath[sizeof( xrMapInfo.mapPath ) - 1] = '\0';
strncpy( xrMapInfo.savePath, pXMapInfo->savePath, sizeof( xrMapInfo.savePath ) ); xrMapInfo.savePath[sizeof( xrMapInfo.savePath ) - 1] = '\0';
xrMapInfo.build = pXMapInfo->build; xrMapInfo.skill = pXMapInfo->skill;
_snprintf( dbgCommand, sizeof( dbgCommand ), "MapInfo() 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x", &xrMapInfo, &retVal ); XBX_SendRemoteCommand( dbgCommand, false );
return retVal; }
// XBX_rAddCommands
// Expose commands to remote console
int CXboxConsole::AddCommands( int numCommands, const char* commands[], const char* help[] ) { char dbgCommand[XBX_MAX_RCMDLENGTH]; int retVal; xrCommand_t* cmdList; cmdList = new xrCommand_t[numCommands]; memset( cmdList, 0, numCommands*sizeof( xrCommand_t ) );
for ( int i=0; i<numCommands; i++ ) { strncpy( cmdList[i].nameString, commands[i], sizeof( cmdList[i].nameString ) ); cmdList[i].nameString[sizeof( cmdList[i].nameString ) - 1] = '\0';
strncpy( cmdList[i].helpString, help[i], sizeof( cmdList[i].helpString ) ); cmdList[i].helpString[sizeof( cmdList[i].helpString ) - 1] = '\0'; }
_snprintf( dbgCommand, sizeof( dbgCommand ), "AddCommands() 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x", numCommands, cmdList, &retVal ); XBX_SendRemoteCommand( dbgCommand, false );
delete [] cmdList;
return ( retVal ); }